Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Monday, February 28, 2011

A Force of Nature

Today's show was so powerful it arrived like a force of nature.  It was a very powerful Monday to say the least.  I was on the edge of my seat.  What ever has motivated the writers at General Hospital to improve their writing I hope it keeps up because today was amazing.  I have watched the entire episode about 3 times already.  Today's show was so amazing but I wanted to highlight my favorite parts.

Carly a.k.a Florance Nightingale really can see Shawn is not a bad person but clearly has gotten himself into a situation that will endanger his life.  I love Carly isn't even afraid of Shawn or at least show fear. I know not everyone loves Carly but she is a force to reckoned  with and I love that about her.   Sonny will do anything to get information about Brenda.  Carly might be the absolute only person to talk Sonny down from killing Shawn in her living room.  Carly is the one person that has always been able to mange Sonny and right now she is Shawn's only hope.

To say Jason was terrified when he saw Sam would an understatement of great portion.  At that instance the only thing on his mind was Sam.  I was almost sure he was going to assault the paramedic that told him 'family only'  but he didn't.  See if Jason would just propose to Sam they would be able to publicly define their love for one another formally then he would have been allowed in the ambulance.  Steve, Robin and Patrick all knew better then to tell him family only though once Sam arrived at the ER.  I loved how Edward kept saying Sam was the best thing that ever happened to Jason.  I love that even Edward sees that Jason's life has purpose with Sam in it. Jason was so lost and worried as he sat in the waiting room. Every second Jason wanted to be in that room holding Sam's hand.  With every breath Jason took he kept praying and hoping Sam would pull through.  He couldn't let himself think of if she didn't make it.  Michael said it best when he told Jason, Sam is like a force of nature. Sam is the only one tough enough in Port Charles to survive an explosion. She once told Jason she had 9 lives.  She really does.  She's as tough as they come.  I was thankful Alexis didn't scream violently at Jason telling him this was all his fault that Sam was in the explosion at the ER.  This wasn't Jason's fault and I am glad Alexis saw that. It was almost comforting to see Jason and Alexis have accepted one another in Sam's life enough to not fight over who can sit by her or fight over her treatment like they did when she was shot in 06.  Jason didn't really have time to care or even listen to much that Franco said because Sam was the only thing on his mind.  Since the second Jason saw Sam on the stretcher until Sam woke up Jason could not breathe.  His whole world had stopped in mid-orbit.  I loved how she squeezed Jason's hand and he left out a sigh of relief.  Sam is Jason's whole world and it could begin spinning again now that she was waking up.  In that instant he could finally breath again.  He was so relieved he didn't notice that Sam was clearly confused and something was not right for her.  I am not very good at lip reading so I am not sure what Jason told her when he saw what she was seeing but I am sure it was I love you.  Hopefully tomorrow Jason will realize she can't hear but never stop telling her he loves her.

Call the Comment line tell them how great the show was today.  

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