Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Connecting the Dots

Botox is really absolutely CRAZY.  She is quite insane.  She really needs to go to Shady Brook. She is off her rocker about accusing Carly for everything for the wedding dress to a hang nail.  I was glad Sonny defended Carly to Botox.  It's about freaking time Sonny makes it clear to Botox Carly is the mother of 2 of his children and she holds a special place in his heart Botox can never tough.  Sonny knows Carly well enough to know when she is up to something and this time I love that he told Botox she was off base. For once Sonny was paying attention to the details and figured out Saghag Suzanne was behind all the wedding sabotage. Finally Sonny started connecting the dots to get a clearer picture of who was behind this.  Of course Botox didn't decide to actually apologize to Carly or anything.  Now we get to see the dark side of Saghag.  I knew she was involved with The Balkan. I knew she was the mommy to the guy that Brenda killed and has been playing her all along. I am sorry but the thought of Saghag and Dopey-ear Theo married and together makes my stomach turn on so many levels. They are both CLEARLY past their prime but them kissing was too much for me.  I think we will also learn that Brenda's child did not die in Africa but that Saghag took the baby.  OR another idea is that Suzanne thought the baby was Dante's and she poisoned Brenda to lose the baby but that sounds a bit dark for daytime TV. 

Carly has a whole different plan on how to connect some dots of her own.  Luke and Carly have been bonding a lot recently.  Those two keep the Spencer curse a live and well when it comes to being happily married.  I think the two of them spend more time on the outs with their respective spouses then anyone could even compare to.  But it does leave for plenty of them for Uncle Luke and Niece Caroline to bond.  I love that Luke didn't want to talk Carly out of her bombshell plan, he approved it.  Carly is almost as good of a conartist in her own right as Luke is in his.  Carly is a true Spencer.  While Carly wasn't raised by Bobby or acclimated to the Spencers until adulthood the curse did not escape her.   Sometimes I wonder, why can't Carly and Jax just be happy? Then I remember, she is in fact a Spencer.  They are happiest when they are unhappy. 

Abby finally resurfaced.  I was concerned she had been locked up in her room at the metro court until the end of time.  It was sweet how Michael went with Abby to see Johnny.  Johnny was nice enough to Abby but now is going to try to hold this over Michael's head. That was not cool of Johnny.  He has known the living hell Michael's life has been.  He is spending too much time with crazy Lisa, I think. 

I know Jason and Sam's romantic night got cut short due to Shawn breaking, but weren't they still adorable working together holding him at gun point? I really wanted Jason to fire Theo.  At first I was thinking, Jason played right into his hands.  He really should have let Sam throw him out of the office.  He also should have listened to Sam, Jason just gave Theo a master class in how to manipulate him.  Obviously, Shawn and Theo did their homework so they know just what buttons to push with Jason.   But then Jason played the upper hand and had a plan all along.  Jason and Sam began to connect the dots of all the players that have surfaced with Brenda. I hope this means that this story line of The Balkan will be wrapping up soon so Jason can spend more time with Sam. Speaking of Sam and connecting the dots we need to start thinking about her health.  I think something big is happening with Sam and no one knows it yet.  We know she was dizzy and had nausea which could be anything  but we also know she isn't pregnant (or at least that is what the blood test said). If she is not pregnant, what else could it be?  Are there any other subtle symptoms Sam has mentioned in the past couple of months?  Well if you go back and re-watch since December she's been very tired a  lot, dizzy, nausea, over-stressed those are the symptoms. But it is supposed to snowball at the end of the month, so what else is going on with Sam?  Is she ill?  Does something happen to her at the wedding?  The next few weeks should prove to be interesting if this storyline plays out.

1 comment:

  1. Love your comments on Saggy & Theo-ugh what a pair. So glad our story is underway,but would have liked more romance yesterday..But, again, just glad we have our story. I am mixed about Jake..don't care for a kid dying story, so am hoping he will NOT be Jason's..at least. Just do not want to see any mourning scenes..wish Liz would just go away, sooner the better..Hang on, tomorrow we get more!
