Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
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Monday, June 6, 2011

Rock Bottom!

Well I have faithfully been tuning into GH for the past week and half and can't say I have seen much to write about.  Rather it is the painful screeching of Brenda or the nauseating boring story line of Krissy trying to dress herself like a slut so Ethan will look at her.     It has been painful, but with that said, perhaps this means we have hit rock bottom so the only place to go from here is up! 
Perhaps this means that we are now watching the last few weeks that Guza was at the helm of this ship and HOPEFULLY this means, soon (and I hope it is very damn soon) we will start to notice some changes in the storylines.  Maybe we will be getting somewhere with some of these story lines soon.  Maybe someday soon Sam will ACTUALLY be on our screens for more then 15 seconds a week.  Maybe soon Jason will propose (I hope that wasn't only a rumor).  Maybe soon we will get these story lines moving instead of just stalled out.  I am not sure but it feels like all the last week and this week so far were just put in as filler.  I really hope we get some progress soon. 

Don't lose faith in the show and, believe me, I know it is really hard to keep the faith.  Right now just think of the extremely painfully boring storylines going on are hopefully wrapping up shortly and we can FINALLY move on to some much more interesting story lines soon.  Keep the faith.  Call the comment lines.  Keep positive about JaSam. 

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