Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

All I Want Is You

Sometimes in the aftermath of the horrific event, the only thing you want is to return to normal.  But that is the hardest part of it all, "normal" no longer exists.  You can't go back to what normal was before the horrific event because that event has changed you and everything else.  You long for something that is unattainable and yet your mind just can't make sense of all it.  Time can move very slowly as this new reality resonates through every second.  Every breath is almost physically painful, you could tell this is how Sam and Jason are feeling as a new day swept across the canvass in Hawaii.

Sam and Jason clearly spent the night out under the stars, though we know it wasn't romantic or even the slightest bit peaceful for them.  We know they both just laid there in each others arms in absolute shock and horror, trying desperately to wrap their minds around what has happened.  Their perfect magical cottage that has always been their own special place, now Sam can not even set foot into the place.  It is so devastating how Franco was able to destroy their safe haven.  Not even creeper then creepy Manny was ever that successful but Franco was.

The only thing Sam wanted from the cottage now was the necklace Jason made her.  To her that was all she needed because to her it reminded her of their happiness.  Everything else has now been tarnished by the evil acts of Franco.  Yet, Sam is holding up relatively well all things considered.  Sam has clearly found her strength in the love she shares with Jason.  She is horrified beyond complete repair but she is still fighting.  She didn't want to be sent alone on a plane back to PC.  She wanted to go with Jason to hunt Franco down.  For the first time with Franco, Sam isn't just going along with Jason to support him.  This time she wants revenge.  She wants him to pay.  True to Sam's character, she is not some shy little violet who is going to break down and let Franco win.  Not Sam!

Jason feels so responsible for what has happened to Sam.  It is evident that even with the start of the new day, Jason still feels completely powerless.  It was so clear when Jason said, "This happened because I didn't finish it." He let Franco live before and because of that he let Franco run free and he was able to hurt someone again except this time Franco went too far.  This time it wasn't Michael who was raped, but Sam.  This time Jason feels so responsible he can't shake it.  Jason just wants to do anything he can to help Sam. But in the midst of all of this angst and tragedy their shining love is still so apparently and tangible.  I felt myself tear up when, Jason vowed to Sam he would not take his eyes off Sam. He meant every word of it.   Jason said it so clear and simple, "I just want to erase it, you know. I just want to give you back the smile you had everyday on our honeymoon.  I don't want Franco to take that away from you." My heart just broken into a thousand pieces when Jason told Sam this.  He wants so badly to just do whatever he can do to help and fix this.  But sadly there is no way to fix this.  There is no way to just erase what has happened.  There is no breakthrough surgery that will mend Sam this time.  There is no miracle surgeon or special antidote that will instantly heal her.  This time it is different for them.  This time they will have to dig deeper then ever before and rely on their love like they have never relied on it before to bring them through this horrible storm.  This time there are going to be some Grand Canyon sized obstacles to overcome, but they will make it.  They will remind everyone (even the haters) why they are the super couple that they are.  They will show Franco he didn't ruin anything, the horror he unleashed on them will only make them stronger.   There will be a silver lining to this horrible tragedy.

Today was also the first time Sam saw with her own eyes, Hulk Jason.  His eye thing seemed there when he looked at the TV and heard Franco's voice but this time Jason didn't just tense up.  This time he took action by leaping at the TV on the wall and ripping it off.  Sam took a step back when Jason ignited in anger for a second.  She saw for those brief moments Jason lose it and did her best to try to calm him.  To remind him, he is not an animal and he should not lose it because that is what Franco wanted. Franco wants Jason to completely lose his mind. But Sam is the reason Jason will not go completely off the edge.  Sam is stronger then most and she can handle every side of Jason, even the sides that would scare most everyone else.  I know this is not the end of Jason's outbursts and explosions.  But through them all, Sam's love for him is what will pull him through.  Jason is going to have the hardest time with coming to terms with what has happened and finally moving past it.  I have a feeling Jason will seem as distant as the moon, wrapped up in his anger and need to do something to fix this.  He will be wrapped up in revenge for while trying to make Franco pay.  But he won't lose it completely, even though it might seem like he will.  Their amazing, complete and pure love will bring him back from the brink of destruction.  Love will always win out.

After watching today's show, I think if anyone ever actually kills Franco it is going to be Sam. Jason lets Franco push his buttons and plays the game.  Sam has never been very inclined to play his games.  We know, based on a medianet pic, that Jason shoots Franco.  But we also know he won't be dead.  Based on GW interviews and hints, we know Franco will be returning sometime next year. If Franco is ever to die at the hands of someone else, I think eventually in the future it will be Sam who blows Franco's head off and I think she is completely justified to do so.  

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