Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Thursday, September 22, 2011


The blessed day has arrived! Seven years in the making, the day has finally arrived.  The event we wondered if would ever materialize but it has.  No doubt this day didn't come with a lot of expectations.  Much like any wedding day, but we as fans all wanted something that was worth waiting 7 years for.  Did we get it?

Some will say no.  This doesn't make them less JaSam fans them some others.  It is just they had much different expectations for the event then actually played out.  The event could never have been what we all expected because our couple has never done things as expected.  For those fans out there that are angry or feel cheated, I invite you to watch the wedding over and over again.  Listen to what Sam said on her terrace to Jason.  She wanted to marry Jason and he wanted to marry her.  They wanted something simple and Maxie was never going to keep it simple.  Not to mention this wedding was going to be a disaster - no invitations, no flowers, no rings.  The list goes on.  That is not what they wanted.  They wanted to just tell each other they loved each other and wanted to make that commitment to each other...just the two of them.  They kept saying they need to just keep focus on just the two of them.  So in many sense they got what they wanted - simple .  But I think if you feel cheated you have every right to feel this way.  It is fair that you are heard too.  Just try to remember this, our couple is married! We got what we asked for.

Now instead of focusing on what we didn't get, lets focus what we did get.  We got to see Jason's face when Sam turned around in that wedding dress.  She and only she got to see that look and know this is what they both want.  He was almost moved to tears seeing how incredibly beautiful she looked.  We got to see them kiss 3 times with her in her dress.  We also got a dance (all be it short) with her in her dress.  So we did get a few seconds of the dress.  It was beautiful!!! We got to see them together just the two of them laugh for a few seconds.  Since this wedding planning has started I don't think we have see Sam smile much at all.  She has been trying to please everyone and in the process has been making herself miserable.  But today on the terrace and at the restaurant she actually smiled and so did Jason.  They actually looked happy and not ready to kill Maxie for doing something else to screw this up.  We got watch Sam look deep into Jason's eyes as the minister described the pheonix and the dragon symbolism.  We got to see them exchange rings that meant something to each of them.  We got to see them both say "I do" and both look deep into each other eyes and it just be them in a simple ceremony that they both wanted. We got to see Jason brush Sam's hair out of her eyes, look deep into her eyes and passionately kiss her for the first time as his wife.  We also got to see Jason still kissing Sam even when she started talking about the Rain dance night.  She knew then she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Jason and he knew the same.  They may have taken the long road to get here, but they are here.  Jason and Sam are MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr & Mrs. Jason Morgan have arrived everyone!!! Raise a glass and celebrate! 

Just remember the wedding continues tomorrow and I am sure it will be entertaining! Our couple is married! Time to celebrate.  This wasn't ever supposed to be about their wedding ceremony but about the commitment they are making to each other.


  1. My 1st time commenting,but I read your Bolg all the time! I just finished watching Sam and Jason get married.!!!!!!!!!! I stood up and Clapped and Smiled and Cried! All I can say is Finally there United as Husband and Wife! Mr and Mrs Jason Morgan! The Q's rings were just the right Touch!
    I am so Happy!

  2. Karen, just now reading this, and want to say how well you summed it all up. You are a true JaSam fan, and really can see the meaning in every scene we got to watch with them. It was so realistic,I again felt like I was watching a real romance playing out, beautifully, I think. I hope you will never be discouraged by those who think they know more, or have better insight to JaSam. We all have our own opinions, and my only hope is that everyone will stay positve, because, as you say, JaSam are married!!

  3. Thanks enjoying reading your insight on the wedding and what it meant for Jason and Sam and I was one the ones wanted the tradtional, but after seeing the chinese wedding and understand what it means, I am overjoyed
