Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011


There seemed to be a lot of people lurking today on GH.  Some where lurking in the shadows trying to see that has changed in town recently.  Others were lurking around hospital hallways listening to private conversations.

Of course the most awaiting lurker was Luke.  Oh I am so glad to see Luke back.  How I miss Luke during the summers.  But honestly this summer I didn't mind seeing him go because they had twisted his character so much to make him this raging alcoholic.  Today Luke seemed to be back to the Luke we all know and love. Luke came into the Star to talk to Skye.  She was quick to realize his game and that he had probably been following her at least a while.  Skye herself is a recovered addict so she knows better then most how Luke might be feeling.  She also knows better then most Luke's tactics on how to avoid an unpleasant situation.  But Luke needs to face the unpleasantness that he caused.  He is the reason the Spencer clan has been scattered to the wind.  He is one of the reasons Lucky is such a mess right now.  It all started with him.  He is the reason Lulu is so whiny and annoying.  The only Spencer kid that weathered this storm even half way decently was Ethan because he is a survivor and didn't really ever depend on Luke for much.  During Luke's entire conversation with Skye, notice he walked behind the bar looked at the bottles of booze but never drank anything.  So perhaps he had made peace with his bender drinking and has come out the other side more sober.  We'll just have to wait and see.

The Zacaharras have been on fire lately.  For a while I was wondering what they were going to do with Johnny.  He and Crazy Lisa were a funny match.  But nothing really happened.  Now, he and his dad are classic entertainment.  I really hope they keep up the good writing for these two.  They have amazing scenes together. The two actors are some of the best in the business and you can really tell that when they get together for a scene.  Absolutely amazing.  Johnny knows his dad is up to something.  The fact Dante came knocking on his door today just proved it.      However, instead of Johnny playing into Dante's game, he served up something new for Dante.  Johnny showed Dante 'Your Father is probably crazier then mine right now' .  So true.  AZ might be a bona fide nut case but right now Sonny is cazier then anyone else in town.  Wait until Johnny finds out Maxie is on of his father's hostages.  Oh he is not going to be happy at all.

Sonny was lurking all over the place lately.  He is so crazy.  I am ready for them to lock him up.  I have had enough of his craziness.  I think it is funny Jason asked Shawn to take over being Sonny's keeper. I am sure this is going to work out just lovely.

The best lurker of all today was Sam lurking outside of Jason's hospital room when he was about to be given a sponge bath.  That was so steamy when she told the nurse she was not only qualified but then told Jason to take his clothes off.  I am ready for Jason to get out of the hospital so he and Sam can start planning their wedding.  Jason officially is off duty and can now focus more on his new life with Sam.  The two of them today were so hot.  Not even Sonny coming in learning of their engagement and trying to rain doom and gloom down on them worked.  They are in love and sure this is the next step they want to talk even with everything crashing down  around them, they are holding fast to their love for each other.  It is beautiful how they are finally shutting the rest of the world out.  We can only imagine what is is Jason had in mind for Sam to help him feel better could be. 

I am loving how steamy Jason and Sam are lately.  I can't wait for more.  Watch everyday even if you aren't sure who will be on.  Yesterday was an amazing show even without JaSam! Keep supporting GH.  Keep GH alive on network television.  Call the comment lines, write, email do it all.

Until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. that's good Karen...you really do sound like your old self/Jasam fan! I honestly feel like when all the peeps sound negative that it works against GH and keeping it going. Then I sound preachy to myself, andprobably to you all...sorry! LOL! Just optimistic that only good stuff, with just a bit of "angst" (ugh) is yet to come. Keep the faith!! Thanks for your blogging...love it.
