Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Friday, September 30, 2011

A Safe Haven

A Safe Haven by definition is  a place of protection or refuge.  While we go through life this place may change from an actually place to a feel, everyone needs a place they feel completely safe.  Once you find that place, you want to do what you can to keep it safe and protected.  That is how Jason feels with Sam.  Sam in the one person in his life that has always made him feel completely safe.  Jason wanted to build a cabin for Sam that was completely their own and some place where he felt safe.  The fact Jason built this cabin speaks volumes to the many sides of Jason we don't get to see all the time.  But also spoke volumes about the depth of his love for Sam. 

Jason has completely given himself to Sam in every way.  Yesterday we saw a very rare moment in the Jason and Sam love. Not only did we see Jason be incredibly sweet and beyond romantic by taking Sam to the cabin and telling her about it, but then we also witnessed their love making.   I will admit I was actually blushing during their very passionate shirtless love scene.  I felt almost like I was intruding on their intimacy.  We knew the scene was coming soon because both Kelly and Steve mentioned they were filming a shirtless love scene but even then it felt too hot to almost watch without blushing.

Today their time at the cabin continued.  Jason and Sam sat cuddling in front of the fire just enjoying their happiness and love.   Jason confessed to Sam many of the times he would leave their bed and go out for a drive that he would come to this place to think.  This has been Jason's safe place for many years and he never shared it with anyone like he has shared it now with Sam.  They are completely in love. 
Jason: "I realize being here with you, something was missing.  One thing I have always wanted. One thing I have found with you that I have never found with any body else."
Sam: "What is that?"
Jason: "Home."

Queue all of our hearts just swooned and we got weak in the knees. Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton have a way of making their characters and their character's love just absolutely come alive on the screen. 

We have waited 7 years for Jason to call Sam his wife and sweep her off her feet and show her exactly how much he loves her.  We have waited so long for the past few weeks, it is almost unbelievable for many of us we actual got to see them get engaged and then married.  We actually got to see this all play out.  Finally as fans we feel so lucky and just absolutely over joyed.  We have been on complete cloud 9 since July and I had been enjoying this great JaSam buzz personally.   That is why the next scene was a bit of a buzz kill and a little strange and unsettling to me in particular. 

Sam walked over to Jason after they had gotten dressed telling him she was so grateful she hadn't lost him in that accident, Jason hugged her tightly then something happened when he looked in the mirror.  He saw himself but something wasn't off.  It was like he was watching a stranger in the mirror.  So who was it? Was it Jason Q looking back at him?  Was it someone else entirely?  Whoever it was, I didn't like it at all.  Just let our couple be happy!!!!  Our couple has been through everything to get where they are now, I can only keep the faith and stay positive.  We know Jason has lost his memory before and he still feel in love with Sam again.  We know something happens to Sam on the honeymoon that involves Franco.  We can only hope no matter what happens, that our couple will face their upcoming challenges together and come out even stronger when those challenges are defeated!

Keep the faith! Celebrate in JaSam!!!  Call, email, FB, tweet.  Do it all to keep GH on the air.  Keep GH alive and strong.  Also remember to watch Dirty Soap this Sunday night at 10pm ET on E!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Written in the Stars

Sorry I haven't posted recently.  I have been out due to some medical reasons and just haven't been able to.  However, I have been watching GH trying to do what I can to keep ratings up. Please keep watching, even if you aren't crazy about some of the storylines!

I am so glad GW is pulling the show back to where it should  be with infusing GH history in every storyline.   Today we watched Jason and Sam gaze at the stars on their wedding night.  Of course, we all recall the stars have a very special meaning for these two.  It was the stars Sam found comfort in when baby Lila died.  It was a shooting star they say that night while searching for Michael and Sam made a wish to be married to Jason some day.  It was a star necklace Jason gave Sam as a token of love.  It was the stars the would looked up and watched that Halloween night in 2006 when they reconciled.  The stars are so important to our couple, no wonder they would gaze up at them on their wedding night.

I loved the dialog between them today.  Sam calling Jason her husband.  They were so happy, which is so wonderful.  These last few months, I have been in JaSam heaven.  It was sweet Sam brought up Danny.  She hasn't talked about him in so long.  Makes you wonder if that conversation about his mother not wanting him is foreshadowing for something to happen in the future to Sam.  There are a lot of speculations out there about Franco raping Sam on their honeymoon.  I personally don't want this to be true.  I know Kelly Monaco would do amazing in the story but I just hope it is not rape.  The story of rape makes me sick and I just hope GW has another twist and turn up ahead for us that doesn't deal with rape.  But whatever happens, you can't deny Jason is madly in love right now.  Makes you wonder what Jason has as a surprise for Sam as they left on the bike...bubble bath?

I have recently noticed that a site many of us visited over the years (Sami's GH Spoiler site) and many of us have enjoyed chatting with each other, is no longer operational.  I did email Sami to ask if I could help get it back up and running but I never received a response.  So if any of you who used to chat over there want to start chatting here on this cbox - please do so.  I miss talking to everyone about our couple and the show.

Keep watching and don't forget to watch Dirty Soap too!  That show is flat out addictive!!! I hope Kelly and Kirsten get more airtime on the next episode and it is less Farah Faith and JP.  Those two are like John and Kate + 8 minus the 8. .

Thursday, September 22, 2011


The blessed day has arrived! Seven years in the making, the day has finally arrived.  The event we wondered if would ever materialize but it has.  No doubt this day didn't come with a lot of expectations.  Much like any wedding day, but we as fans all wanted something that was worth waiting 7 years for.  Did we get it?

Some will say no.  This doesn't make them less JaSam fans them some others.  It is just they had much different expectations for the event then actually played out.  The event could never have been what we all expected because our couple has never done things as expected.  For those fans out there that are angry or feel cheated, I invite you to watch the wedding over and over again.  Listen to what Sam said on her terrace to Jason.  She wanted to marry Jason and he wanted to marry her.  They wanted something simple and Maxie was never going to keep it simple.  Not to mention this wedding was going to be a disaster - no invitations, no flowers, no rings.  The list goes on.  That is not what they wanted.  They wanted to just tell each other they loved each other and wanted to make that commitment to each other...just the two of them.  They kept saying they need to just keep focus on just the two of them.  So in many sense they got what they wanted - simple .  But I think if you feel cheated you have every right to feel this way.  It is fair that you are heard too.  Just try to remember this, our couple is married! We got what we asked for.

Now instead of focusing on what we didn't get, lets focus what we did get.  We got to see Jason's face when Sam turned around in that wedding dress.  She and only she got to see that look and know this is what they both want.  He was almost moved to tears seeing how incredibly beautiful she looked.  We got to see them kiss 3 times with her in her dress.  We also got a dance (all be it short) with her in her dress.  So we did get a few seconds of the dress.  It was beautiful!!! We got to see them together just the two of them laugh for a few seconds.  Since this wedding planning has started I don't think we have see Sam smile much at all.  She has been trying to please everyone and in the process has been making herself miserable.  But today on the terrace and at the restaurant she actually smiled and so did Jason.  They actually looked happy and not ready to kill Maxie for doing something else to screw this up.  We got watch Sam look deep into Jason's eyes as the minister described the pheonix and the dragon symbolism.  We got to see them exchange rings that meant something to each of them.  We got to see them both say "I do" and both look deep into each other eyes and it just be them in a simple ceremony that they both wanted. We got to see Jason brush Sam's hair out of her eyes, look deep into her eyes and passionately kiss her for the first time as his wife.  We also got to see Jason still kissing Sam even when she started talking about the Rain dance night.  She knew then she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Jason and he knew the same.  They may have taken the long road to get here, but they are here.  Jason and Sam are MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr & Mrs. Jason Morgan have arrived everyone!!! Raise a glass and celebrate! 

Just remember the wedding continues tomorrow and I am sure it will be entertaining! Our couple is married! Time to celebrate.  This wasn't ever supposed to be about their wedding ceremony but about the commitment they are making to each other.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


There seemed to be a lot of people lurking today on GH.  Some where lurking in the shadows trying to see that has changed in town recently.  Others were lurking around hospital hallways listening to private conversations.

Of course the most awaiting lurker was Luke.  Oh I am so glad to see Luke back.  How I miss Luke during the summers.  But honestly this summer I didn't mind seeing him go because they had twisted his character so much to make him this raging alcoholic.  Today Luke seemed to be back to the Luke we all know and love. Luke came into the Star to talk to Skye.  She was quick to realize his game and that he had probably been following her at least a while.  Skye herself is a recovered addict so she knows better then most how Luke might be feeling.  She also knows better then most Luke's tactics on how to avoid an unpleasant situation.  But Luke needs to face the unpleasantness that he caused.  He is the reason the Spencer clan has been scattered to the wind.  He is one of the reasons Lucky is such a mess right now.  It all started with him.  He is the reason Lulu is so whiny and annoying.  The only Spencer kid that weathered this storm even half way decently was Ethan because he is a survivor and didn't really ever depend on Luke for much.  During Luke's entire conversation with Skye, notice he walked behind the bar looked at the bottles of booze but never drank anything.  So perhaps he had made peace with his bender drinking and has come out the other side more sober.  We'll just have to wait and see.

The Zacaharras have been on fire lately.  For a while I was wondering what they were going to do with Johnny.  He and Crazy Lisa were a funny match.  But nothing really happened.  Now, he and his dad are classic entertainment.  I really hope they keep up the good writing for these two.  They have amazing scenes together. The two actors are some of the best in the business and you can really tell that when they get together for a scene.  Absolutely amazing.  Johnny knows his dad is up to something.  The fact Dante came knocking on his door today just proved it.      However, instead of Johnny playing into Dante's game, he served up something new for Dante.  Johnny showed Dante 'Your Father is probably crazier then mine right now' .  So true.  AZ might be a bona fide nut case but right now Sonny is cazier then anyone else in town.  Wait until Johnny finds out Maxie is on of his father's hostages.  Oh he is not going to be happy at all.

Sonny was lurking all over the place lately.  He is so crazy.  I am ready for them to lock him up.  I have had enough of his craziness.  I think it is funny Jason asked Shawn to take over being Sonny's keeper. I am sure this is going to work out just lovely.

The best lurker of all today was Sam lurking outside of Jason's hospital room when he was about to be given a sponge bath.  That was so steamy when she told the nurse she was not only qualified but then told Jason to take his clothes off.  I am ready for Jason to get out of the hospital so he and Sam can start planning their wedding.  Jason officially is off duty and can now focus more on his new life with Sam.  The two of them today were so hot.  Not even Sonny coming in learning of their engagement and trying to rain doom and gloom down on them worked.  They are in love and sure this is the next step they want to talk even with everything crashing down  around them, they are holding fast to their love for each other.  It is beautiful how they are finally shutting the rest of the world out.  We can only imagine what is is Jason had in mind for Sam to help him feel better could be. 

I am loving how steamy Jason and Sam are lately.  I can't wait for more.  Watch everyday even if you aren't sure who will be on.  Yesterday was an amazing show even without JaSam! Keep supporting GH.  Keep GH alive on network television.  Call the comment lines, write, email do it all.

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wedding Plans

Anyone who has ever planned a wedding knows that weddings have a way of taking on a life of their own.  You picture a small wedding of family and friends and being able to tell that one person you love more then anything you want to spend the rest of your life with.  But what really happens is you have to invite everyone's brother's cousin, you have to deal with every relatives impression of what they envision,   try to please everyone around and between the flowers, cake and all the other details you get swallowed up whole but the planning.  For most of us, our weddings were one of the most stressful times of our lives.  When it comes to actually recalling the actual wedding, we only recall bits and pieces.  If I had to do it again, I would probably elope to some tropical island and have very few guests if any.

So I can kind of see why we have seen medianet pics of Jason and Sam getting married away from all the craziness.  While I really wanted her to get married in her dress and them to elope to Hawaii, I have faith this wedding will be something special.  We were warned by GW, that their wedding would be anything but traditional, so we should not expect any traditional wedding details.  But I have watched and listened, Sam has asked for a proper wedding with her family present.  So I hope no matter what next week has in store for us, Jason and Sam both get what they want. 

Most importantly, I know we have all waited since 2004 for this wedding so no matter what our expectations are extremely high of the event.  No matter what happens, I am sure we will be happy.  But all of us as fans have our own expectations of the event.  Lets try to remember this isn't our wedding, this is theirs.  If they want to get married at a Chinese restaurant both wearing jeans and in their normal black attire, we just need to be happy this is finally happening.

Let's try to keep the faith and wait to see how this all plays out.  I know, I too have some hefty expectations of the event.  But lets try to be positive and keep the faith.  Our couple if FINALLY GETTING MARRIED.  Let's be happy and not try to pick apart how it is done.   We have waited 7 years for this to happen.