Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I love you for who you are...

The magic of JaSam was in full force in today's episode. Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco delivered another amazing performance today.   Today was classic vintage JaSam the writing we all fell in love with back in 2004/2005.  While we never got that love scene we all had hoped for on Tuesday's show nor did today's show start out with Jason and Sam holding each other in bed afterglow, we did get the sweet tenderness this couple has the ability to portray. 

We started today's episode out with seeing Jason and Sam returning from a hike and realizing that their time together was quickly fleeting.  Just as we were reaching for the kleenex box because as viewers we know we won't get any magical JaSam moments for at least another month, Sam makes BLT's.  This was classically darling JaSam.  I laughed so hard when Jason turns his head to look back at the kitchen to see if there is a trail smoke or flames coming from the door.  It was even more darling when (of course) the sandwiches were terrible.  That might be one of the only times Jason's laughed in the past few months.  Sam can always manage to put a smile on his face.   He even managed to crack a joke in the classic Jason dry humor  "now prison food won't come as such a shock to my system".  I found myself laughing and smiling.  Jason can never be himself around anyone else like he can with Sam.  When those two are alone together we get to see the another side of Jason we rarely see.   The magic between the two was precious in that moment.  Jason and Sam don't have to be in some elaborate love scene for us to see the true chemistry this couple brings to the screen.  

But then we found ourselves reaching for that box of kleenex again when Jason looks across the table deep into Sam's beautiful brown eyes and delivers the best line of the day ( quite possibly the month), "Sam, I love for who you are and standing by me through all of this".... The flood of emotion washed over us the viewers just as much as it washed over Sam and Jason in that moment. When Sam sat on Jason's lap and he gently kisses her shoulder we all felt the pain and sadness those two must have been feeling.  Kelly Monaco was absolutely incredible in allowing us to really see how Sam was feeling.    Sam tried to hold on to their special place  and time as long as she possibly could but their time together was ended.  As the couple got on the bike and Sam wrapped her arms around Jason could hardly keep his composure and start the bike.  He was flooded with the pain and heartbreak more then Sam was.  Sam is Jason's one true love and to have to leave her like this clearly was tearing him to pieces.

Today's final scene at the police station was so touching.  As they gazed into each others eyes their silence spoke volumes.   Sam's face and the gentle tilt of Jason's head to reassure her everything would be alright even though they both know Jason may not survive prison was so tender and loving.

I am not generally a crier; I have said this before.  I don't cry very often especially at movies and TV shows; I am kind of heartless that way.  But today's show managed to even crack my tough exterior and I found myself not only re-watching the show but I also noticed tears rolling down my face in the second half of the show.  It was truly a beautiful episode. 

Please keep calling the comment lines and keep our voices heard.  Keep the magic of JaSam alive. 



  2. anyone who can't see the talent and chemistry between these two is blind, or intentionally dense---they are without doubt the best tv couple on daytime, or anytime. they make you forget it all isn't real, they make it real.
    thanks for the chance to comment. call the hotlines!!everyone!

  3. They are simply amazing, they pull you in and you feel like you are right there with them each and every time. These latest scenes were just another example of that.

  4. I love your posts. I always agree with you. Jasam is indeed the greatest love story ever been told! This scene was amazing, great performance, great chemistry, it was gentle, moving, delicate, deep and respectful. Loved the necklace too! These guys MUST get married and have children SOON! And please, God of Soap Operas, no more Dante/Lulu sex scenes, I can't stand them!
    Love your blog! Thanks for making me feel like I'm not the only JaSam-aholic!
    (Btw, sorry for my English, I'm Italian)
