Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Reality Setting In

If you have ever experienced a loss or a tragedy of a large magnitude you often find yourself asking yourself this question, how did this happen? You also hope that this tragedy hasn't happened somehow, that this is a horrible dream and you will wake up soon and it will all be over.  However, slowly and sadly reality sets in.

For Sam today she felt reality set in.  She woke to a cold hospital room and with empty arms for a second time.  To wake up and know you have lost your child once is gut wrenching and horrible but to have to do it twice.  I can't even imagine.  Sam is justified to ask questions and she is justified to be angry - very angry.  Why did this happen again?! How did this even happen?  The baby was alive and then he wasn't.  Why didn't John come back?  Sam is no dummy she knows something delayed John.  She knows John pretty well and he wasn't about to just leave her here why did he just not come back?  Sam is very sharp (do you hear that RC?!?) and she is a PI it is only going to take Sam about a nano second once leaving the hospital to start piece things together.  Jason is the reason John didn't come back.  It is Jason's fault that her baby was switched.  That part is true.  Jason better be smart and tell Sam before someone else does because if he doesn't hell hath no fury Jason Morgan!

Sam and Jason have had a rough road of marriage so far.  They love each other but she lied to Jason to protect him about Robin then about the whole Franco's your brother and the baby's father deal.  But NONE of those lies caused a baby to die.  NONE of those lies resulted in a death (or so Jason knows at least).  Here are the facts Jason has to come to terms with and it is only the facts.
1.  Jason could not forgive himself enough to love Sam's baby
2.  Jason decided to be jealous over John McBain instead of try to work things out with Sam
3.  Jason hired the thugs
4.  Jason's realization that he could love the child because he loves Sam was just a little too late to matter

The truth is, yes Sam has lied a lot since the rape.  But she was raped and trying to make sense of things and protect Jason.  Jason had no reason except pure jealous to have those thugs go after John.  Jason, of course, didn't know Sam had just had her baby and that  he would be the cause for all of this pain.  But Jason did hire those thugs.  Something Sam did back in 2007 and he was completely enraged by her jealousy but yet he did it anyway.  Jealousy and anger make people to crazy things, don't they, Jason?  Welcome to reality Jason.  You now know you are capable of causing the worst kind of pain.  You would not forgive Sam for knowing Jake was kidnapped and hiring thugs, so why should she forgive you when you are the reason her baby "died"?  How's the shoe fit you now that it is on your foot Jason?

Sam is completely justified in being upset with Jason today. I loved how she got angry over Jason bringing up Carly.  Jason was trying to tell her he loved that baby too and that he wanted to be with her and be a part of the family but he didn't get a chance to.  I hope he gets a chance to but Sam has every right to be angry and upset.  I really hope Sam can forgive Jason but I would understand her not being able to - realistically speaking. 

I really hope Sam and Jason come thru this whole mess stronger and more in love then ever.  I hope he believes her when she says she knows her son is still alive.  I hope he has faith in her and fights like hell for their love the way Sam has always fought for Jason. 
Do you hear that RC??? - Jason loves Sam and he needs to fight for her! The true JaSam fight for each other and tell the truth! Stop changing who they are!. 


  1. Love your post and your blog, Karen! I am a Jasam fan and I usually agree with you on everything, but this time I think I see things a bit differently. I guess I'm the only one who thinks so, but I actually believe that RC is working pro JaSam rather than against our supercouple. You know that there are many Sam haters out there and most of them still hate her for what she "did" to Jake. Now, thanks to this storyline, Sam is and looks entirely like the victim, the innocent one, RC managed to get nearly everybody on Sam's side. Not to mention that RC managed to finally show Jason in a more likely way - he is a mob enforcer, after all. We all love Jason and we have this idea that yes, he kills for a living, but he's a very good guy, he is a killer but he has a good heart, right? Well, now we've been reminded that nobody is always good or bad, sometimes we're good and sometimes we're bad. RC even managed to have Liason fans say "If Jason is such a jerk, Liz is better off without him" and as you said, viewers could not forgive Sam for what she had done to Liz and Jake, however now they saw what Jason did to McBain and Sam, right? Oh and one more thing: think about the scenes when Jason finds Sam and then has to tell her that her baby is dead. Doesn't it remind you of the scens when he had to tell her about baby LIla? Even the scene when he held the dead body of their baby was exactly like that scene (that storyline made me truly fall in love with our supercouple), I was actually kind of expecting the same song that played back in 2004, do you remember it? I mean, for years I had wondered: why don't they ever have Jason and Sam talk about baby Lila? Why don't they pay tribute to that part of their life, not even during the second pregnancy, I mean, when I was pregnant with my second child I was always thinking about my first one, making comparisons and all - imagine how Sam must have felt. Yet, they never showed us that until the very end, when she finally mentioned it to McBain. And bear in mind that RC said they love Jasam and they know how many fans they have, they would never break them up, not now that they know soaps are in danger or even doomed (imo). I believe they will show us JaSam reunite and be a lot more interesting as a couple than they were portrayed in the last few years. Sam finally had a storyline on her own, with her as the main character, and we had her interact with many other actors as opposed to only Jason and only sitting on that couch. Hey, we saw her in more different places and with more different characters in the last 2 months than in the past 3 years! And they also gave Kemo a chance to finally prove how great an actress she is! She rocked every single scene of this storyline, I think she truly deserves an Emmy now more than ever. Especially with McBain, I think he brings out the best in her (in terms of acting skills).
    This is to say: keep faith, everything will turn out to be ok.
    On a personal note, just to be honest: I can't believe I would ever say something like this, but after seeing Sam with McBain, the chemistry they have... oh my, I would not be too sad if she could end up with him, but it will never happen, they would never do that to Jasam fans or John/Natalie fans.

    1. Lara,
      Thank you for your insight. You do bring up a lot of good points. I hope there is a reunion too and it is soon. I hope nothing but good things come of this for Jason and Sam.
      Kelly and Mike E have chemistry - they are a super couple of the past on Port Charles and still know how to play it. John is not a bad guy he is just not Jason and I keep expecting him to grow fangs and turn into Caleb from his Port Charles days. I kind of hated him in the end of that show. So all I see when I see him is that.
