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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Is GH becoming OLTL 2.0

I almost posted this on another site, but for fear of being scolded I decided to post this on my own site.  So I know I am usually extremely positive and try to find a positive spin on EVERYTHING but between yesterday's article that TPTB still haven't decided the future of GH and now today's announcement that a few of the OLTL characters are moving to PC, I feel the need to express my concern about all of this.
I have been trying to be overly enthusiastic about the new HW at GH.  Trying to think he will bring some new fresh ideas to GH which might help save the show.  But now I have had it!!!! We haven't even seen RC's work and maybe I am just cranky, but seriously I watch GH because it is GH not because I want it to become OLTL.  Honestly, OLTL has never been that awesome, in my opinion.  When it was announced it was being cancelled I wasn't completely shocked.  It has wacky story lines, bizarre characters, split personalities, characters coming back from the dead every week and a flare for giving soaps a bad name with its off the way storylines.  I mean seriously, how many times can someone come back from the dead?  NOW, they are announcing not 1 or 2 OLTL characters are moving to GH but now the whole Manning Family and John McBaine??? Really WTF??!

GH has enough characters as it is.  We have some LIW storyline that is really not that thrilling but has a slew of characters involved.  We have all the mob storylines, the doctors that keep popping up at the hospital, we don't need ANYMORE new characters.  Why not bring back characters from GH's past instead of adding OLTL to GH?  This is so irritating and upsetting.  Why can't anyone see GH has its own history, its own fans and its own flavor of greatness.  Why is RC so focused on making GH OLTL 2.0??  I have to say, while Guza did a lot of things that didn't please us. Even Guza would not have done this to GH.  Guza recognized GH is it's own show with it's own fans.  GW was amazing as HW.  Yes, some of the stories moved slower then expected but GH has been awesome lately and that is because we are still watching GW's work.  He knows GH and it's history.  He would never dream of trying to turn GH into another show.  Yet another reason I am really going to miss GW's work.  GW made GH better.  He married JaSam and he is giving us a JaSam baby so of course we love him.

I know in my heart RC isn't stupid enough to screw with his best couple of JaSam.  He knows the fan base is huge and we would go on strike if he did.  If he even thinks we all want a Port Charles soap reunion he better put down that crack pipe he is smoking and realize GH is it's own show.  We don't need any vampires flying around anymore!!! Kelly Monaco has matured so much as an actress pairing her with Michael Eaton would be an insult to her talent.  It would also be an insult to all of the entire GH fan base who have fought so hard to keep our couple together and get them where they are.    I honestly don't think RC is stupid enough to screw with his best couple, I honestly don't.   I am still just angry they are adding more characters and trying to turn our GH into something it is not. 

 I keep trying to understand why on earth TPTB would think this is a good idea.  I guess they are trying to pull in OLTL fans to watch GH.  But here is the truth, soap fans are extremely loyal and honestly I only watch OLTL occasionally but was never much of a fan.  It was way too wacky for me.  Most of the die hard OLTL fans probably won't start watch GH.  They will probably just turn off their TVs in the afternoons instead and go on with their lives much like AMC die-hard fans have done.  They aren't going to gain much I don't think by screwing with GH's storylines by adding 1/2 of Lanview to the cast.  All they are going to manage to do is to piss off faithful GH fans because no one will have very much airtime. I really hope I am wrong.   Honestly if the shoe was on the other foot, I as a life-long GH fan would not start watching another soap if GH was coming to an end.  I am not invested in any other soap's story lines and I would find it confusing to start watching any other soap.  I would probably just turn off the TV and start vacuuming and doing house work at that time everyday instead.  While my house would be spotless, I am grateful we don't have to deal with this reality yet.  GH is still alive and kicking! Let's keep it that way. 

Maybe this will all work out to be a very good thing for GH and all the fans.  But right now I am just frustrated that RC can't see GH has it's own rich history and past characters that could be brought back instead of trying to make GH something it is not - OLTL.  GH has it's own ratings and they will soon soar too if JaSam were on more!.  OLTL ratings are only so good right now because it is ending and so everyone who once watched it is curious to see how it ends. 

I would have been fine if they had announced Ted King was returning to GH because he was from GH.  That would be interesting to have another Alcazarre wondering around.  But again that is back to GH's own rich history.  

Now more then ever we need to call, tweet, FB email and write letters to GH to let them know we want GH to remain GH NOT OLTL 2.0

Tomorrow I promise I will be more positive and optimistic, I am just not there today.


  1. I love General hospital and One life to live i watch them both every day. I think that it is great that some of the cast from oltl is joining gh. Its not like there trying to change gh into oltl to me i think there trying to give fans what they want. And there doing so by bring some of the fan favorites to gh i think that is a Great idea can't wait till February. I think some people should give it a chance before judging.

  2. Totally agree with you Karen. Of course it's too soon to tell, and we can't "judge" now, but it is perfectly normal that we are worried. They better not mess with Jasam, now that they are finally married and finally pregnant!! I've been waiting for this since 2004!!! It's good that you are trying to stay positive, I instead am always quite pessimistic and anyway I'm sure that GH is being cancelled anyway. But I keep watching and hoping...

  3. Thank you Shuna for giving a different perspective on this big news. And thank you for reminding me to not judge this new situation until it actually airs to see what it is like. It might be good. So thank you for reminding me to be positive.
    Thank you Lara - I too have been waiting for JaSam and they are the reason I watch. I think you see things very realistically. I think we all know that the end is coming at some point for GH given the climate of all daytime TV. But I still try to hold on to hope until that day comes when they announce the end. Of course, if this new regime screws with JaSam, I (and about a few other million viewers) will stop watching for good.
    Thank you to everyone who reads this blog. Thank you for listening to me.
