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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Story lines Approaching

I was not thrilled with the Jake Hit n Run storyline at first at all for so many reasons but I must say I have a lot of respect for the cast of GH and the writers for their work on the storyline.  Now they are not focusing as much on the loss of a child as they are focusing on the cause of the loss, alcoholism.  When you think of an alcoholic, most people preserve this person as someone who can be harsh, unpleasant and sometimes abusive.  I think the fact Luke is our alcoholic or rather drinker in question here makes it hard to see.  Luke is not mean or abusive nor was he completely intoxicated when he got behind the wheel.  But he had a few drinks under his belt and that may have played a role in his impaired judgment when driving that night.   Of course, it was dark that night and there is no way of knowing what Luke saw when Jake was hit.  The more important key piece to Jake being hit was that he ran out into the road at 8 at night because his mother couldn't lock her door or keep an eye on her child.  But that is neither here nor there, because lets focus right now on the fact GH writers are going to unveil a story about alcoholism.  I look forward to see where they are going to go with this. 

April is looking up when it comes to story lines.  One of the other stories developing right now are the reconciliation of Robin and Patrick.  I am glad these two are reconciling but crazy Lisa is still looming. Looming she is! She's kind of creeping me out!  Crazy as she is, Lisa still might have met her match when it comes to Johnny.  Johnny is very good at managing the crazies.  He is probably the only one. 

Another new story developing is who killed Brandon.  Both Jason and Michael were very motivated to get rid of Brandon but I don't think it was either of them.  Was it Johnny?  He didn't have much time.  He was with Lisa then followed her to Kelly's.  That doesn't give him a lot of time to kill him and put him at in Vauhn's parking lot.  Abby and Michael really should get their stories straight.  What if it was Abby? We know it wasn't Sam we know that at least.  Why would Jason be their lead suspect?  He would never put the body in the parking lot of Vauhn's? When Jason 'takes care' of a situation the person disappears never would he put the body anywhere anyone can find it.  Jason would also not leave the body anywhere it could get Michael as a suspect.  Maybe it was Abby?  I think there is more to her then we have learned so far. 

Over the last few days Jason has been more receptive to allowing Sam to comfort him over his loss.  But Jason really does need to let her in more.  Everyone thinks Sam is the one keeping her distance but if you watch Jason is giving her the message he wants her to keep her distance.  He grieves alone.  That is what he wants.  Sam is doing exactly what he wants.  It was so sweet how she tried to tie his tie for the funeral and how she supported him and listened to him.  Now she is worried he has made a mistake and is being sloppy with Brandon's murder and she will do anything to fix that.  We all know Sam would do anything for Jason and I have to wonder what she was out doing when she left the PH.  I am excited that in April the topic of parenthood will resurface again.  I look forward to what will develop. 

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