Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Don't let fear rule your life

I am running short on time so I have to just jump right into the good part today.  I watched the whole episode most of it was boring but lets talk about the important stuff - Jason and Sam, of course!
I AM LOVING THIS STORY LINE!! These two never need words to communicate. Sam was frazzled looking for her keys and Jason could see in an instant that she was worried about the appointment.  Sam has so much pressure.  She is not only revisiting feelings she hasn't let herself feel for so long but there is so much added pressure now because Jake died.  So she not only is worried she might not be a candidate to do this procedure but what if something goes wrong.  What if it doesn't happen after all this work?  That is an insane amount of pressure she is under.  The last thing she wants to do is let Jason down if she finds out she can't have a baby.  I am so glad she was completely honest with Jason about her fears and how she is feeling.  I am also glad what Jason said to follow that.  "No matter what happens, I love you and that's never going to change."
I just wanted to melt at the moment.  That was so sweet for him to reassure Sam.  Sam needs his support right now and he is starting to see that.  This is the scariest thing for her to face in her whole life.  This is more terrifying then any serial killer or crazy person holding her hostage could ever be.  Sam is absolutely terrified and when  she started talking about her fears she started to get even more afraid.  But the fact Jason offered to be by her side gave her the strength she needed to face this appointment alone.  That is so beautiful and it showed a rarely seen side of their relationship.  Sam is by far the stronger one in their relationship so for her to be vulnerable and show Jason this vulnerability spoke volumes to how much she loves him.

Jason is terrified on so many fronts about a possible family and it shows on his face.  He just lost his only son.  No child can replace one that is lost but it helped him realize he was living his life only to it's half potential.  It showed him no matter what you do in life, you need to treat each moment like a gift.  He loves Sam more then anything but the thought of a family together is not something either of them have let themselves think about for a very long time.  Jason's still in mourning and you can see that on his face.  Jason is so afraid for the outcome of this procedure.  There are two possible outcomes and both come with their own risks.  One outcome is it doesn't work, Sam is devastated  and so is he that they will never get their family.  He will hate himself even more then he already does that Sam ever got shot and that he is the reason she'll never get to have a child.  Then there is the other outcome - what if it works?    There is only a 50% chance of Sam being able to carry to term.  Sam nearly died the last time she was pregnant and that was a low risk pregnancy.  He can't bear the thought of her dying to try to bring their child into the world.  He also can't bear the thought of Sam losing another child.  It would devastate them both beyond recognition.   So yes, Jason's expressions right now are not of relief or excitement because until that hypothetical baby is born and Sam is healthy and okay too, he will not stop worrying.  Then once their family is complete - his next fears will be around keeping the baby safe.  He has a lot of pressure.  

1 comment:

  1. So happy to see your blog. I check every day or so..You really have a good take on our couple and the feelings they portray. I completely agree on Jason's approach and wish all fans could see what it all means instead of finding fault every day. Slowly we will get our story, and I am content watching it play out, and think you are too...Thanks Jasam Rule.
