Though Jason and Sam were absent from the canvass today and there was a bit too much Brenda for my liking, the Spencer Intervention has great potential. I didn't watch the show live today because I was worried it would be more of Luke held up at the Star singing a pitty song but I was happily surprised.
Luke has decided he is going to leave town because he can not live with the fact he killed his son's kid. At least he has moved away from trying to provoke Jason into killing him. Probably a much better approach to just get out of dodge leaving his family behind then provoking a very provok-able hitman. The Spencers are banding together to help Luke which might I say - it is about time! The only one not onboard is of course Lulu. She never wants to see the truth about people. But this is very true to Lulu's character. She's a bit of a Pollyanna. She has blinders on about most people - how else do you explain being in love with Dante and not seeing him for the total ASS he really is. Lulu is Daddy's little girl and for the most part has been very sheltered from the Spencer way of life so it is natural she was not able to face the fact that Luke is an alcoholic. I am glad we are getting progress and hopefully tomorrow will be great even without Jason and Sam.
Some incredible lines today:
Luke to Siobhan: "A cynic is just a romantic that has seen the world, my dear."
Luke to Ethan: "You'll always be a tribute to the dark side of the Spencer clan."
Ethan to Lucky: "I haven't read the manual, but is this how an intervention is supposed to start?"
Lucky to Ethan: "A Spencer Intervention"
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Spencers Are Crazy!
Today was a good day! If I had to look at one theme that shined through today more then anything else it would be that those Spencers are ALL crazy.
Doubt that we may that Michael takes after his adoptive father, Sonny, one thing is certain. Michael does have a flare for the drama and that is 100% from his mother's side. Those Spencers are all crazy! Michael's need for always being in trouble does not come from his father side (either one of them Sonny or AJ) it comes from the Spencer side. Michael doesn't need to join the mob to get himself sent back to prison, oh no, he is doing a fine job at that on his own. I mean I have never seen someone so determined to get into trouble....OR have I? Oh why yes, yes, I have and who would that person be??? Why it would be Dear Ol' Uncle Luke. Luke has always gotten into trouble. Hell who do you think helped bring organize crime to Port Charles in the first place? Uncle Luke! So really there is all this talk that Michael wants to be part of the mob and live a life of organized crime and they argue it was Sonny and Jason's fault. Hell no! It was Luke's. And believe you me, Luke would completely agree it is his fault. Of course, right now Luke is taking the fault for everything gone wrong in Port Charles so it's probably a good time to get in line if you have anything you want to take out on anyone.
Lucky may play the sane Spencer but really is marrying a woman you hardly know really considered sane? I love watching Lucky and Maxie together. They are so fun. I really wish we would get a Mucky romance started some days. She makes him smile and there is no denying that chemistry! I think Siobhan was good for Lucky to bounce back but I think her time is drawing close to the end. The writers need to either spice up LuSh or move on. What I also like is Liz and Lucky are finally able to be friends again. I like they are rebuilding them finally. I don't know maybe it is just me, but I am starting to like Liz again. Don't get me wrong I don't love her but at least she is less bitchy lately. Maybe Jake dying made her seem like so much less of a bitch. She was actually trying to do the right thing today for Lucky. She wants him to be happy. I also am liking the scenes between Maxie and Elizabeth. They are funny together. You can tell KS and RH like to work together.
I was worried that today Jason would dash all of Sam's hopes and make her regret ever talking about the procedure. I was worried but glad of today's outcome. Jason did not completely crush Sam's hope for a family. Rather he just made it clear he doesn't think he is worthy of being a father to anyone's child. But instead of doing what Elizabeth did years ago when she was pregnant with Jake by tearing Jason down even more, Sam helped Jason see there is no one on earth she wants to have a child with except him. If he doesn't want a child then she will still love him just the same. Now that is devotion, absolute and complete love if I have ever seen it. I love that Sam didn't get hurt or defensive when Jason looked at her with that face of doubt. Instead she reassured him and pointed out that the few good quality Michael has that he learned those from Jason. Michael's few redeeming qualities (and there are only a few most of the time) are because Jason taught him to be loyal and true. Jason is loyal to a fault and true to his word not Carly and sure the hell not Sonny. Jason said the only thing that mattered to them most. He told Sam he wanted a family with her.
Of course Luke was on a rampage and derailed Sam and Jason's time together. I had wished for more family talk between Jason and Sam but we saw again and again why Micheal takes after the Spencer side. Jason rushed to take care of Michael and Sam got stuck having to deal with yet another crazy Spencer - Luke. Luke's rampage didn't spark the reaction from Sam he had hoped. Instead of Sam calling Jason about the horrible things Luke went off about, she went to Sonny and told him Luke needed a friend. Luke has also forgotten about the strong bond Sam and Lucky still share. Lucky went to Sam a month ago begging her for her help with Luke and she promised to try do what she could. I love that they are still friends and she called him to tell what Luke did. I am also most pleased Sam didn't call Jason. He has enough to deal with right now. Of course the final icing on that Spencers are all crazy cake today was when Michael confessed to Brandon's murder. There are a lot of stupid things he could have done in that situation but really he did the stupidest thing of all!!! Wow! Jason didn't teach him that! Again another Spencer trait.
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Doubt that we may that Michael takes after his adoptive father, Sonny, one thing is certain. Michael does have a flare for the drama and that is 100% from his mother's side. Those Spencers are all crazy! Michael's need for always being in trouble does not come from his father side (either one of them Sonny or AJ) it comes from the Spencer side. Michael doesn't need to join the mob to get himself sent back to prison, oh no, he is doing a fine job at that on his own. I mean I have never seen someone so determined to get into trouble....OR have I? Oh why yes, yes, I have and who would that person be??? Why it would be Dear Ol' Uncle Luke. Luke has always gotten into trouble. Hell who do you think helped bring organize crime to Port Charles in the first place? Uncle Luke! So really there is all this talk that Michael wants to be part of the mob and live a life of organized crime and they argue it was Sonny and Jason's fault. Hell no! It was Luke's. And believe you me, Luke would completely agree it is his fault. Of course, right now Luke is taking the fault for everything gone wrong in Port Charles so it's probably a good time to get in line if you have anything you want to take out on anyone.
Lucky may play the sane Spencer but really is marrying a woman you hardly know really considered sane? I love watching Lucky and Maxie together. They are so fun. I really wish we would get a Mucky romance started some days. She makes him smile and there is no denying that chemistry! I think Siobhan was good for Lucky to bounce back but I think her time is drawing close to the end. The writers need to either spice up LuSh or move on. What I also like is Liz and Lucky are finally able to be friends again. I like they are rebuilding them finally. I don't know maybe it is just me, but I am starting to like Liz again. Don't get me wrong I don't love her but at least she is less bitchy lately. Maybe Jake dying made her seem like so much less of a bitch. She was actually trying to do the right thing today for Lucky. She wants him to be happy. I also am liking the scenes between Maxie and Elizabeth. They are funny together. You can tell KS and RH like to work together.
I was worried that today Jason would dash all of Sam's hopes and make her regret ever talking about the procedure. I was worried but glad of today's outcome. Jason did not completely crush Sam's hope for a family. Rather he just made it clear he doesn't think he is worthy of being a father to anyone's child. But instead of doing what Elizabeth did years ago when she was pregnant with Jake by tearing Jason down even more, Sam helped Jason see there is no one on earth she wants to have a child with except him. If he doesn't want a child then she will still love him just the same. Now that is devotion, absolute and complete love if I have ever seen it. I love that Sam didn't get hurt or defensive when Jason looked at her with that face of doubt. Instead she reassured him and pointed out that the few good quality Michael has that he learned those from Jason. Michael's few redeeming qualities (and there are only a few most of the time) are because Jason taught him to be loyal and true. Jason is loyal to a fault and true to his word not Carly and sure the hell not Sonny. Jason said the only thing that mattered to them most. He told Sam he wanted a family with her.
Of course Luke was on a rampage and derailed Sam and Jason's time together. I had wished for more family talk between Jason and Sam but we saw again and again why Micheal takes after the Spencer side. Jason rushed to take care of Michael and Sam got stuck having to deal with yet another crazy Spencer - Luke. Luke's rampage didn't spark the reaction from Sam he had hoped. Instead of Sam calling Jason about the horrible things Luke went off about, she went to Sonny and told him Luke needed a friend. Luke has also forgotten about the strong bond Sam and Lucky still share. Lucky went to Sam a month ago begging her for her help with Luke and she promised to try do what she could. I love that they are still friends and she called him to tell what Luke did. I am also most pleased Sam didn't call Jason. He has enough to deal with right now. Of course the final icing on that Spencers are all crazy cake today was when Michael confessed to Brandon's murder. There are a lot of stupid things he could have done in that situation but really he did the stupidest thing of all!!! Wow! Jason didn't teach him that! Again another Spencer trait.
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Friday, April 22, 2011
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
In honor of Earth Day, as I watched GH today I felt like some of the scripts and storylines have been recycled from storylines in the past. Sometimes when you recycle something into something else it turns out to have some beautiful new qualities....and sometimes it just ends up recycled toilet paper..
Some of the storylines recycled into toilet paper I think we can safely say are the one of Michael wanting to join the mob and being arrested yet again by Detective Dumbass Domestico. I mean really how many more times are we going to have to listen to Micheal wants to be part of the mob. Then quickly followed by Michael was hauled down to PCPD for questioning blah blah crime. It is getting old. A nice change would be Michael did his homework and wants to go to school or become an auto mechanic or a door to door shoes sales man. Any of those options would be by far more refreshing then watching the same recycled story with a little different twist on it when it concerns Michael.
Another contender for the recycled toilet paper of scripts is the Sonny/Jax/Brenda arguments. These are really getting old. Does Jax serve any other purpose on GH anymore? I love the actor who plays Jax (Ingo Rademacher) but even he has to be incredibly frustrated about how limited his character's scope has become. Sonny's no saint and he is a TERRIBLE father we all know that. I am tired of them constantly showing us that. It's boring and old news. Also Brenda getting all huffy over this or that is old news too. It's boring and I am ready to move on.
Krissy chasing after a married man - recycled toilet paper. Honestly I hate these two together even if he wasn't married. Krissy has a tendency to be the whiniest person in town who needs to grow up and go off to Yale and leave our ears from bleeding.
The beauty of recycling had some finer points today: Lulu and Johnny, Jason and Sam/Carly, Carly and Jax, Abby putting Dante in his place and yes, Anthony Zaccarra.
Lulu and Johnny talking was quite refreshing. I love that these two are having more scenes together. Could they be leading to some type of JoLu reunion? Ooh now that is some recycling I could handle!
I miss Carly and Jax being together. I loved them talking at Kelly's. He stopped being an ass for a few minutes and was the man Carly fell in love with. I miss those two together.
Abby telling Dante the truth was sweet poetic justice. I loved how Abby told Dante he doesn't know what he is talking about armed with crap he read in a pamphlet and draw conclusions about her. I loved it. I like Abby most of the time but today I LOVED HER! It was classic how she pointed out to Dante he was supposed to be protecting Michael and ever since they kid got out of prison he has done NOTHING to protect Michael. I serious thought she was going to drop kick Dante out the door when he then revealed he was there looking at her as a suspect.
Anthony Zaccarra, you are a funny man with his plant he named Claudia. It's the saddest looking plant I have ever seen but it was hysterical how he told Sonny he named it Claudia. Later in the show when Johnny walks in and Anthony is trying to help his plants I loved these two interacting. Ooh this could be good!
Another storyline that is being recycled is the topic of family for Jason and Sam. Now this one isn't going the same way as it did last time and it is being reformed into something quiet beautiful so far. Carly pushing the issue of parenthood on our couple is nothing new. She tried that in 06 and 07. But this time, Sam doesn't hate Carly for suggesting it. Sam actually thanked Carly for forcing the issue with Jason because it allowed Sam to come to terms with it. I loved these two talking at Kelly's. Sam telling Carly the good news and telling her she could almost hug her and Carly saying well let's not get carried away. I love these two being friends. It has what has been needed for so long. I am so happy Sam is able to be happy at least until she got back to the PH to see Jason. It's been such a long time since she has smiled and lit up like she did when she was talking about a child with Jason. What was sad was to know that look on Jason's face when Sam told him she can have a baby. It was also recycled!!! I really hope Jason doesn't stop her and tell her he had decided he doesn't want to go through with having a child again like he did in 06 and 07. I really hope Monday he takes her by the hand and tells her his fears but also tells her he knows he loves her enough that they can get through anything and a child is something he wants with Sam. I really hope he isn't looking like that to try to talk her out of having a family together again. We shall see on Monday or next week I suppose.
Until next week, Happy Earth Day everyone. Hopefully you found my rant a little entertaining today and it helped remind you to go out and do something responsible for the earth today. Recycle, walk instead of drive but do something after all without our beautiful planet there would be no television or soaps. So preserve our amazing planet - do what you can!
Some of the storylines recycled into toilet paper I think we can safely say are the one of Michael wanting to join the mob and being arrested yet again by Detective Dumbass Domestico. I mean really how many more times are we going to have to listen to Micheal wants to be part of the mob. Then quickly followed by Michael was hauled down to PCPD for questioning blah blah crime. It is getting old. A nice change would be Michael did his homework and wants to go to school or become an auto mechanic or a door to door shoes sales man. Any of those options would be by far more refreshing then watching the same recycled story with a little different twist on it when it concerns Michael.
Another contender for the recycled toilet paper of scripts is the Sonny/Jax/Brenda arguments. These are really getting old. Does Jax serve any other purpose on GH anymore? I love the actor who plays Jax (Ingo Rademacher) but even he has to be incredibly frustrated about how limited his character's scope has become. Sonny's no saint and he is a TERRIBLE father we all know that. I am tired of them constantly showing us that. It's boring and old news. Also Brenda getting all huffy over this or that is old news too. It's boring and I am ready to move on.
Krissy chasing after a married man - recycled toilet paper. Honestly I hate these two together even if he wasn't married. Krissy has a tendency to be the whiniest person in town who needs to grow up and go off to Yale and leave our ears from bleeding.
The beauty of recycling had some finer points today: Lulu and Johnny, Jason and Sam/Carly, Carly and Jax, Abby putting Dante in his place and yes, Anthony Zaccarra.
Lulu and Johnny talking was quite refreshing. I love that these two are having more scenes together. Could they be leading to some type of JoLu reunion? Ooh now that is some recycling I could handle!
I miss Carly and Jax being together. I loved them talking at Kelly's. He stopped being an ass for a few minutes and was the man Carly fell in love with. I miss those two together.
Abby telling Dante the truth was sweet poetic justice. I loved how Abby told Dante he doesn't know what he is talking about armed with crap he read in a pamphlet and draw conclusions about her. I loved it. I like Abby most of the time but today I LOVED HER! It was classic how she pointed out to Dante he was supposed to be protecting Michael and ever since they kid got out of prison he has done NOTHING to protect Michael. I serious thought she was going to drop kick Dante out the door when he then revealed he was there looking at her as a suspect.
Anthony Zaccarra, you are a funny man with his plant he named Claudia. It's the saddest looking plant I have ever seen but it was hysterical how he told Sonny he named it Claudia. Later in the show when Johnny walks in and Anthony is trying to help his plants I loved these two interacting. Ooh this could be good!
Another storyline that is being recycled is the topic of family for Jason and Sam. Now this one isn't going the same way as it did last time and it is being reformed into something quiet beautiful so far. Carly pushing the issue of parenthood on our couple is nothing new. She tried that in 06 and 07. But this time, Sam doesn't hate Carly for suggesting it. Sam actually thanked Carly for forcing the issue with Jason because it allowed Sam to come to terms with it. I loved these two talking at Kelly's. Sam telling Carly the good news and telling her she could almost hug her and Carly saying well let's not get carried away. I love these two being friends. It has what has been needed for so long. I am so happy Sam is able to be happy at least until she got back to the PH to see Jason. It's been such a long time since she has smiled and lit up like she did when she was talking about a child with Jason. What was sad was to know that look on Jason's face when Sam told him she can have a baby. It was also recycled!!! I really hope Jason doesn't stop her and tell her he had decided he doesn't want to go through with having a child again like he did in 06 and 07. I really hope Monday he takes her by the hand and tells her his fears but also tells her he knows he loves her enough that they can get through anything and a child is something he wants with Sam. I really hope he isn't looking like that to try to talk her out of having a family together again. We shall see on Monday or next week I suppose.
Until next week, Happy Earth Day everyone. Hopefully you found my rant a little entertaining today and it helped remind you to go out and do something responsible for the earth today. Recycle, walk instead of drive but do something after all without our beautiful planet there would be no television or soaps. So preserve our amazing planet - do what you can!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Don't let fear rule your life
I am running short on time so I have to just jump right into the good part today. I watched the whole episode most of it was boring but lets talk about the important stuff - Jason and Sam, of course!
I AM LOVING THIS STORY LINE!! These two never need words to communicate. Sam was frazzled looking for her keys and Jason could see in an instant that she was worried about the appointment. Sam has so much pressure. She is not only revisiting feelings she hasn't let herself feel for so long but there is so much added pressure now because Jake died. So she not only is worried she might not be a candidate to do this procedure but what if something goes wrong. What if it doesn't happen after all this work? That is an insane amount of pressure she is under. The last thing she wants to do is let Jason down if she finds out she can't have a baby. I am so glad she was completely honest with Jason about her fears and how she is feeling. I am also glad what Jason said to follow that. "No matter what happens, I love you and that's never going to change."
I just wanted to melt at the moment. That was so sweet for him to reassure Sam. Sam needs his support right now and he is starting to see that. This is the scariest thing for her to face in her whole life. This is more terrifying then any serial killer or crazy person holding her hostage could ever be. Sam is absolutely terrified and when she started talking about her fears she started to get even more afraid. But the fact Jason offered to be by her side gave her the strength she needed to face this appointment alone. That is so beautiful and it showed a rarely seen side of their relationship. Sam is by far the stronger one in their relationship so for her to be vulnerable and show Jason this vulnerability spoke volumes to how much she loves him.
Jason is terrified on so many fronts about a possible family and it shows on his face. He just lost his only son. No child can replace one that is lost but it helped him realize he was living his life only to it's half potential. It showed him no matter what you do in life, you need to treat each moment like a gift. He loves Sam more then anything but the thought of a family together is not something either of them have let themselves think about for a very long time. Jason's still in mourning and you can see that on his face. Jason is so afraid for the outcome of this procedure. There are two possible outcomes and both come with their own risks. One outcome is it doesn't work, Sam is devastated and so is he that they will never get their family. He will hate himself even more then he already does that Sam ever got shot and that he is the reason she'll never get to have a child. Then there is the other outcome - what if it works? There is only a 50% chance of Sam being able to carry to term. Sam nearly died the last time she was pregnant and that was a low risk pregnancy. He can't bear the thought of her dying to try to bring their child into the world. He also can't bear the thought of Sam losing another child. It would devastate them both beyond recognition. So yes, Jason's expressions right now are not of relief or excitement because until that hypothetical baby is born and Sam is healthy and okay too, he will not stop worrying. Then once their family is complete - his next fears will be around keeping the baby safe. He has a lot of pressure.
I AM LOVING THIS STORY LINE!! These two never need words to communicate. Sam was frazzled looking for her keys and Jason could see in an instant that she was worried about the appointment. Sam has so much pressure. She is not only revisiting feelings she hasn't let herself feel for so long but there is so much added pressure now because Jake died. So she not only is worried she might not be a candidate to do this procedure but what if something goes wrong. What if it doesn't happen after all this work? That is an insane amount of pressure she is under. The last thing she wants to do is let Jason down if she finds out she can't have a baby. I am so glad she was completely honest with Jason about her fears and how she is feeling. I am also glad what Jason said to follow that. "No matter what happens, I love you and that's never going to change."
I just wanted to melt at the moment. That was so sweet for him to reassure Sam. Sam needs his support right now and he is starting to see that. This is the scariest thing for her to face in her whole life. This is more terrifying then any serial killer or crazy person holding her hostage could ever be. Sam is absolutely terrified and when she started talking about her fears she started to get even more afraid. But the fact Jason offered to be by her side gave her the strength she needed to face this appointment alone. That is so beautiful and it showed a rarely seen side of their relationship. Sam is by far the stronger one in their relationship so for her to be vulnerable and show Jason this vulnerability spoke volumes to how much she loves him.
Jason is terrified on so many fronts about a possible family and it shows on his face. He just lost his only son. No child can replace one that is lost but it helped him realize he was living his life only to it's half potential. It showed him no matter what you do in life, you need to treat each moment like a gift. He loves Sam more then anything but the thought of a family together is not something either of them have let themselves think about for a very long time. Jason's still in mourning and you can see that on his face. Jason is so afraid for the outcome of this procedure. There are two possible outcomes and both come with their own risks. One outcome is it doesn't work, Sam is devastated and so is he that they will never get their family. He will hate himself even more then he already does that Sam ever got shot and that he is the reason she'll never get to have a child. Then there is the other outcome - what if it works? There is only a 50% chance of Sam being able to carry to term. Sam nearly died the last time she was pregnant and that was a low risk pregnancy. He can't bear the thought of her dying to try to bring their child into the world. He also can't bear the thought of Sam losing another child. It would devastate them both beyond recognition. So yes, Jason's expressions right now are not of relief or excitement because until that hypothetical baby is born and Sam is healthy and okay too, he will not stop worrying. Then once their family is complete - his next fears will be around keeping the baby safe. He has a lot of pressure.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Decisions Decisions
Today, the residents of Port Charles were faced with a lot of decisions and their fall out or result.
For Elizabeth she is still haunted by her decision to have a long standing affair with Nikolas and the fall out of that choice. Aiden's paternity is now been cleared up for her but she could not bring herself to tell Nikolas the truth even when it would have been perfect chance to rip off that band-aid and let it all out. I am not sure how much longer Liz will dance around these matters but she should know better then ANYONE secrets have a way of growing and getting out of control. It's never a good time to tell someone they aren't a father to the child they have been raising for the last year. Honestly, if I were her (very thankful I am not BTW), I would ask them both over, put a copy of the results right in front of them and not say a word until they read it. Chicken yes! But then at least she would not have to carry around that envelop for all of Port Charles to stumble across.
Johnny's decisions might just get him on Carly's bad list for the rest of his natural born life. I love when Carly goes into Momma Bear mode. I love her "Not while I am still breathing." line she gets when she thinks someone is trying to harm one of her kids. Say what you may about Carly, she is no saint. But she is a protective mother who loves her kids very much. She's having a hard time in letting Michael grow up. But she backed down about Abby because she saw Abby was good for Michael. Johnny is no way good for Michael. I love Johnny but he is no boy scout. So we know Carly and Jax are pretty much over, are they trying to pair Carly with Shawn or Johnny? Oooh Johnny does have a thing for the older ladies but Carly can't cook. But she does have spice! This could be interesting.
Scrubs decided to go to couples therapy and instead of talking to each other about how it went right away, they went to other people. Patrick and Sam's friendship is something I like to see. I remember when they first met and she could not stand him and he kept hitting on her asking her why she was with Jason. I think it is sweet how they have become friends. They have been friends for a long time though it isn't show too much on screen. I think Patrick appreciates that Sam doesn't judge him for cheating on Robin. She doesn't take Robin's side which is refreshing to Patrick. I was glad that eventually Robin and Patrick actually talked and listened to one another about their session. Patrick's joke about Sam was kind of cute, "I just did a consult for Sam and she is in a committed relationship with a mobster that kills people and she gets more love and comfort from him then you get from me." Patrick's never really though Jason deserved Sam but it was funny how he put it.
Jason and Sam had a discussion about decisions today. Jason wanted Sam so badly not to regret choices he made in the past to effect her decisions about a child. He said it yesterday as clear as day, he chose to give up Jake so Sam chose to give up on the idea of ever having a child of her own. He realizes now he has no right to make a decision for her like that. She has to make this decision - no one else. Today was about him loving Sam enough to want to take a risk if she decided to have the procedure. He first had to get her to admit she wanted to have the procedure at all. I know some of us were expecting long baby talk with them cuddling on the couch thinking of what their child would be like a flashback to May 2005 . We had hoped for some real baby talk but today wasn't about having a child as much as it was about getting Sam to admit to Jason she wants to have to procedure so that they may someday be able to have a child. Remember Sam's odds are only 50/50 even if she has the procedure. I know, I am in the minority by saying this but I actually liked the conversation between Jason and Sam today. While I wanted baby talk, I liked today. I liked that Jason told Sam whatever happens between them will be their decision and no one else. This is just the beginning of a great developing story. I think over the next few weeks we will be very pleased with the outcome. Even with this procedure, I don't see Sam getting pregnant very quickly. But at least she and Jason will both know that, while scared of parenthood, they both want to do this together. That is the most beautiful thing of all of this that they are in this together no matter what!
For Elizabeth she is still haunted by her decision to have a long standing affair with Nikolas and the fall out of that choice. Aiden's paternity is now been cleared up for her but she could not bring herself to tell Nikolas the truth even when it would have been perfect chance to rip off that band-aid and let it all out. I am not sure how much longer Liz will dance around these matters but she should know better then ANYONE secrets have a way of growing and getting out of control. It's never a good time to tell someone they aren't a father to the child they have been raising for the last year. Honestly, if I were her (very thankful I am not BTW), I would ask them both over, put a copy of the results right in front of them and not say a word until they read it. Chicken yes! But then at least she would not have to carry around that envelop for all of Port Charles to stumble across.
Johnny's decisions might just get him on Carly's bad list for the rest of his natural born life. I love when Carly goes into Momma Bear mode. I love her "Not while I am still breathing." line she gets when she thinks someone is trying to harm one of her kids. Say what you may about Carly, she is no saint. But she is a protective mother who loves her kids very much. She's having a hard time in letting Michael grow up. But she backed down about Abby because she saw Abby was good for Michael. Johnny is no way good for Michael. I love Johnny but he is no boy scout. So we know Carly and Jax are pretty much over, are they trying to pair Carly with Shawn or Johnny? Oooh Johnny does have a thing for the older ladies but Carly can't cook. But she does have spice! This could be interesting.
Scrubs decided to go to couples therapy and instead of talking to each other about how it went right away, they went to other people. Patrick and Sam's friendship is something I like to see. I remember when they first met and she could not stand him and he kept hitting on her asking her why she was with Jason. I think it is sweet how they have become friends. They have been friends for a long time though it isn't show too much on screen. I think Patrick appreciates that Sam doesn't judge him for cheating on Robin. She doesn't take Robin's side which is refreshing to Patrick. I was glad that eventually Robin and Patrick actually talked and listened to one another about their session. Patrick's joke about Sam was kind of cute, "I just did a consult for Sam and she is in a committed relationship with a mobster that kills people and she gets more love and comfort from him then you get from me." Patrick's never really though Jason deserved Sam but it was funny how he put it.
Jason and Sam had a discussion about decisions today. Jason wanted Sam so badly not to regret choices he made in the past to effect her decisions about a child. He said it yesterday as clear as day, he chose to give up Jake so Sam chose to give up on the idea of ever having a child of her own. He realizes now he has no right to make a decision for her like that. She has to make this decision - no one else. Today was about him loving Sam enough to want to take a risk if she decided to have the procedure. He first had to get her to admit she wanted to have the procedure at all. I know some of us were expecting long baby talk with them cuddling on the couch thinking of what their child would be like a flashback to May 2005 . We had hoped for some real baby talk but today wasn't about having a child as much as it was about getting Sam to admit to Jason she wants to have to procedure so that they may someday be able to have a child. Remember Sam's odds are only 50/50 even if she has the procedure. I know, I am in the minority by saying this but I actually liked the conversation between Jason and Sam today. While I wanted baby talk, I liked today. I liked that Jason told Sam whatever happens between them will be their decision and no one else. This is just the beginning of a great developing story. I think over the next few weeks we will be very pleased with the outcome. Even with this procedure, I don't see Sam getting pregnant very quickly. But at least she and Jason will both know that, while scared of parenthood, they both want to do this together. That is the most beautiful thing of all of this that they are in this together no matter what!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Rather Insightful
Many of you (as am I) are still in shock and reeling from last week's news of AMC and OLTL getting cancelled. It is hard to get back into the positive swing of things and try to be positive about the future of daytime drama overall. But we need to more then ever to band together and show ABC they don't mess with our shows without a fight. So watch the shows ALL OF THEM. Even if you never have before. Let AMC and OLTL go out with a bang at the very least! Join the fight - visit D&T the campaign page, write letters, go to GHH 'Save our Soaps' page. I know these shows being cancelled is shocking and some of us just want to accept this and move on. But I encourage you -don't! Don't take this laying down. Fight - get your voice out there!
Now that I have done the daily pep talk. Let's focus on GH. Today the residents of Port Charles had a rather insightful day overall for a Monday. I thought today's show flowed well for the most part and I was happy we are getting more fleshing out of storylines.
Sonny is rather insightful every once in a while, now not all the time but every once in a while you remember why you like him. I think he needs to keep digging when it comes to Susanne. We all knew she kidnapped that poor boy "Lucian" and has Brenda's real son off somewhere. Lucian may have been an orphan so maybe she is trying to help the child get a better life. But honestly I think she is up to something. I feel most sorry for Lucian. He has no real parents (or they are desperately out there looking for him) and is being used like a shiny object to distract the too naive Brenda.
Maxie is dealing with some insight she did not want to be privi to. The last thing she ever wanted was to deal with Elizabeth more then she already has to. I have to say I am loving Matt and Maxie these days. I had my doubts about this pairing at first. Matt to me was absolutely too boring and tame to be Maxie's guy. Maxie has always had a thing for bad guys so I thought she would always do well with someone like Johnny. But I think Matt is growing on me. The other day when Maxie told Matt how she supplied Lucky with the drugs when he was a user and faked a pregnancy. Matt's face was classic when she came clean with him. I think he was thinking wow, there is a lot more to Maxie then meets the eye. I loved Maxie's lines today. They had me laughing out loud but the best was when she was telling Matt about the secret.
"Not just some mundane secret either. This is a rip roaring throw a bunch of people's lives on the fire secret."
"Do I keep Elizabeth's secret, and for how long? 2 days? Indefinitely?" And then she gets to "Are you going to break up with me?"
Oh Matt you have your hands full with this one. But I like the chemistry these two have. I had my doubts even though Kristen and Jason had worked together on DOOL that they would be able to be a cute couple on GH. But I like these two together.
I think the most insightful person on today's show was Michael. For the last week I have wanted to bury myself under my coach cushions every time Michael was on because all he could do was talk about himself and wanting to be a member of the mob. Blah! Blah! Blah! It was like listening to Charlie Brown's teacher 'whoa whoa whoa'. It was wearing on my patience as you can see. However, today I was back to loving Michael. I loved how he politely but clearly defended Carly to Brenda. I loved how he told Brenda she had no place to judge Carly. Someone has needed to put Brenda in her place when it comes to Carly for a very long time. Can we borrow Michael to go talk to Robin next about Carly? That kid, while annoying sometimes, can be very useful in other times. Michael, you earned points with me today! Keep it up!
I was so excited to see Jason and Sam on today and not just for 45 seconds like we have been getting for the last month or so. Their conversation was, of course, about Jake but today it had a different tone to it. Today Jason looked into Sam's eyes and had his calmness back. He looked at her and even had a hint of a smile on his face. He let her caressed his hands as they sat on the couch. He didn't pull away and back into his pain. He let her in. When she got ready to go back to work he reached out to hug her first and held her so tight in his arms for longer then normal. She is his rock and he is finally ready for her to comfort him. It's a beautiful thing to watch those two interact. There is so much love and passion and emotion even if talking isn't their strong suit. When Michael came by again today to the PH I was cringing because I had a feeling it would be about the mob again. But Michael surprised me again today. He picked up the brochure about Sam's fertility treatment and actually wanted to hear about something other then his life for a change. Michael did the best thing of all. He let everyone else talk and just listened today. He actually let Jason talk and tell him what he was feeling. Jason actually let Michael in on an aspect of his relationship with Sam. Jason never talks about his relationship with Sam to hardly anyone. But he especially let Michael into a very private and painful part of their relationship. I loved Jason's words to Michael about it.
Jason, "To be honest she {Carly} is just saying what Sam won't let herself say."
"I gave up Jake so Sam gave up the idea of ever having a child and she did that for me. So I wouldn't have to make any painful choices and she never made me feel guilty about that but I know her. Sam at least wants the chance to be a mother."
Jason's insight into what Sam wants even though she isn't telling him was so incredibly sweet and profound. Jason doesn't say much and most of the time he seems so wrapped up in his own stuff to listen to Sam but today it showed he actually listens to her every word. He doesn't only listen to her but he knows her so well he hears her even when she isn't talking. He knows she wants a child so badly but he also knows she would never want to put him in a position where he had to make a painful choice. She loves him so much she would give up having a child just to be with him. It's good he realizes how much she has given up for him. He needs to remember that when he gets wrapped up in something else again. Michael gave Jason some amazing advice about being a parent. He left Jason to think about a lot. I think when Sam walked in and Jason was laying on the couch I think he was thinking about what if he and Sam had a child. Poor Sam, those fertility brochures are chasing her down. She can't get away from them. She has to be tired of them popping up everywhere haunting her. I hope we get more then just that as the end of the discussion between Jason and Sam on the topic of babies tomorrow. I want Jason to tell her he wants a child with her. But I am not holding my breath or reading spoilers. After all, the spoilers were wrong today that I read.
Get out and exercise your ability to write this week. Overwhelm ABC with your support for GH (of course first and foremost) but also AMC and OLTL. I know they will probably do what they want but fight. It can't hurt! Fight for the daytime shows. Don't back down. Remain positive! Until tomorrow!
Now that I have done the daily pep talk. Let's focus on GH. Today the residents of Port Charles had a rather insightful day overall for a Monday. I thought today's show flowed well for the most part and I was happy we are getting more fleshing out of storylines.
Sonny is rather insightful every once in a while, now not all the time but every once in a while you remember why you like him. I think he needs to keep digging when it comes to Susanne. We all knew she kidnapped that poor boy "Lucian" and has Brenda's real son off somewhere. Lucian may have been an orphan so maybe she is trying to help the child get a better life. But honestly I think she is up to something. I feel most sorry for Lucian. He has no real parents (or they are desperately out there looking for him) and is being used like a shiny object to distract the too naive Brenda.
Maxie is dealing with some insight she did not want to be privi to. The last thing she ever wanted was to deal with Elizabeth more then she already has to. I have to say I am loving Matt and Maxie these days. I had my doubts about this pairing at first. Matt to me was absolutely too boring and tame to be Maxie's guy. Maxie has always had a thing for bad guys so I thought she would always do well with someone like Johnny. But I think Matt is growing on me. The other day when Maxie told Matt how she supplied Lucky with the drugs when he was a user and faked a pregnancy. Matt's face was classic when she came clean with him. I think he was thinking wow, there is a lot more to Maxie then meets the eye. I loved Maxie's lines today. They had me laughing out loud but the best was when she was telling Matt about the secret.
"Not just some mundane secret either. This is a rip roaring throw a bunch of people's lives on the fire secret."
"Do I keep Elizabeth's secret, and for how long? 2 days? Indefinitely?" And then she gets to "Are you going to break up with me?"
Oh Matt you have your hands full with this one. But I like the chemistry these two have. I had my doubts even though Kristen and Jason had worked together on DOOL that they would be able to be a cute couple on GH. But I like these two together.
I think the most insightful person on today's show was Michael. For the last week I have wanted to bury myself under my coach cushions every time Michael was on because all he could do was talk about himself and wanting to be a member of the mob. Blah! Blah! Blah! It was like listening to Charlie Brown's teacher 'whoa whoa whoa'. It was wearing on my patience as you can see. However, today I was back to loving Michael. I loved how he politely but clearly defended Carly to Brenda. I loved how he told Brenda she had no place to judge Carly. Someone has needed to put Brenda in her place when it comes to Carly for a very long time. Can we borrow Michael to go talk to Robin next about Carly? That kid, while annoying sometimes, can be very useful in other times. Michael, you earned points with me today! Keep it up!
I was so excited to see Jason and Sam on today and not just for 45 seconds like we have been getting for the last month or so. Their conversation was, of course, about Jake but today it had a different tone to it. Today Jason looked into Sam's eyes and had his calmness back. He looked at her and even had a hint of a smile on his face. He let her caressed his hands as they sat on the couch. He didn't pull away and back into his pain. He let her in. When she got ready to go back to work he reached out to hug her first and held her so tight in his arms for longer then normal. She is his rock and he is finally ready for her to comfort him. It's a beautiful thing to watch those two interact. There is so much love and passion and emotion even if talking isn't their strong suit. When Michael came by again today to the PH I was cringing because I had a feeling it would be about the mob again. But Michael surprised me again today. He picked up the brochure about Sam's fertility treatment and actually wanted to hear about something other then his life for a change. Michael did the best thing of all. He let everyone else talk and just listened today. He actually let Jason talk and tell him what he was feeling. Jason actually let Michael in on an aspect of his relationship with Sam. Jason never talks about his relationship with Sam to hardly anyone. But he especially let Michael into a very private and painful part of their relationship. I loved Jason's words to Michael about it.
Jason, "To be honest she {Carly} is just saying what Sam won't let herself say."
"I gave up Jake so Sam gave up the idea of ever having a child and she did that for me. So I wouldn't have to make any painful choices and she never made me feel guilty about that but I know her. Sam at least wants the chance to be a mother."
Jason's insight into what Sam wants even though she isn't telling him was so incredibly sweet and profound. Jason doesn't say much and most of the time he seems so wrapped up in his own stuff to listen to Sam but today it showed he actually listens to her every word. He doesn't only listen to her but he knows her so well he hears her even when she isn't talking. He knows she wants a child so badly but he also knows she would never want to put him in a position where he had to make a painful choice. She loves him so much she would give up having a child just to be with him. It's good he realizes how much she has given up for him. He needs to remember that when he gets wrapped up in something else again. Michael gave Jason some amazing advice about being a parent. He left Jason to think about a lot. I think when Sam walked in and Jason was laying on the couch I think he was thinking about what if he and Sam had a child. Poor Sam, those fertility brochures are chasing her down. She can't get away from them. She has to be tired of them popping up everywhere haunting her. I hope we get more then just that as the end of the discussion between Jason and Sam on the topic of babies tomorrow. I want Jason to tell her he wants a child with her. But I am not holding my breath or reading spoilers. After all, the spoilers were wrong today that I read.
Get out and exercise your ability to write this week. Overwhelm ABC with your support for GH (of course first and foremost) but also AMC and OLTL. I know they will probably do what they want but fight. It can't hurt! Fight for the daytime shows. Don't back down. Remain positive! Until tomorrow!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
'It feel like loosing Grandma all over again'
I never really was a faithful viewer of AMC or OLTL. However, my sister is. I catch AMC while I am at the gym but I am not addicted like I am to GH. My sister and I talk about the show from time to time. When I called her today to tell her the sad news the line went quiet for a few minutes then she said "It feels like we have lost Grandma all over again.". Tears ran down my face and I felt like that too. Grandma loved the soaps. Her favorite was GH but she watched the other 2 faithfully too. My sister and I would often talk about how Grandma would have liked or disliked things on the shows.
I know so many of you out there are feeling the pain of this loss. We have invited AMC and OLTL into our homes for generations. Now they are being canceled and we can't quiet figure out how to process this. We feel like Erica Kane and so many others have been a part of our lives too. It just doesn't seem conceivable that they won't be on our TV screens parading around in designer clothes and providing us an escape anymore. I personally will not watch the shows they have replaced AMC and OLTL with just out of principal.
Now more then ever we need to support GH. I fear ABC will see how much money they are saving by putting on another stupid talk show and see they could save more by getting rid of GH too. DON'T LET THEM TAKE AWAY GH! Show your support.
For Grandmothers everywhere and for the love of soaps. Don't let them take GH too!
I know so many of you out there are feeling the pain of this loss. We have invited AMC and OLTL into our homes for generations. Now they are being canceled and we can't quiet figure out how to process this. We feel like Erica Kane and so many others have been a part of our lives too. It just doesn't seem conceivable that they won't be on our TV screens parading around in designer clothes and providing us an escape anymore. I personally will not watch the shows they have replaced AMC and OLTL with just out of principal.
Now more then ever we need to support GH. I fear ABC will see how much money they are saving by putting on another stupid talk show and see they could save more by getting rid of GH too. DON'T LET THEM TAKE AWAY GH! Show your support.
For Grandmothers everywhere and for the love of soaps. Don't let them take GH too!
Very Sad News
I am sorry to report we are too late to save AMC and OLTL. This news just broke. I wish I had something hopeful and optimistic to say on this front but right now I am just surrounded with sadness.
Here is the link to the story:
Here is the link to the story:
Speak Out!
Most of us have heard the recent rumors that ABC is looking to pair down their 3 hour daytime slot of Soaps with other shows they feel are more popular and they feel would attract different ratings. Daytime drama series are being threatened because ABC feelings they don't want to invest in the historic and captivating soap operas. This is wrong! I want ABC to know that you don't mess with our shows. The feel they want to just put on another talk show that is yet another waste of air time. Talk shows don't have the passionate, loyal fan base a daytime drama series does. We need to speak out about this. I have watched GH for most of my life. I can't think of another show I can ever say that about. Nor can I think of another show that I would EVER write a blog about. While I like many other shows out there, they can't hold a candle to my devotion to GH. We need to do what we can! I am a big believer in using positive energy to try to turn a situation I am not happy about into something I can live with.
Okay so the Becky fans claim they saved Becky's job by speaking out. While I am not sure this was entirely true, support and passion can never hurt a cause. ABC needs to know we do not want them to cancel any of their current daytime drama series line up. You might be thinking that you are not a AMC or OLTL fan (FYI: neither am I) so what does it matter. It matters! If they cancel 1 of the shows they could very well cancel them all. Can you imagine a future with no General Hospital? I can't - just the thought of it brings tears to my eyes. We need to fight for our shows! We need to fight for the reason we look forward to Mondays because there will be another new episode on even if we have to suffer through a crappy work day or droning day of classes. We get to watch another day and be captivated into another world just for an hour we get to forget about the unpleasantness of our lives and just tune in. The future of daytime TV is in our hands. We need to do what we can to let our voices be heard. We need to fight for these shows! I can't promise we will win and they will stop threatening our shows, but what I can promise can say we tried our absolute best!
So Speak out!
Call, write, tweet, post message on all ABC affiliated websites. Remember to remain positive - tell them what a great impact the daytime series have and how as loyal fans you want them to remain airing. Remind them what an extremely large fan base day time TV series have! Also gush about GH. It never hurts to let them know how much we love GH.
Send Letters
Anne Sweeney, Co-Chair
Disney Media Networks Division
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521
Visit D&T site for more ideas on speaking out and the campaign. Don't just let them take our daytime line up without a fight.
Okay so the Becky fans claim they saved Becky's job by speaking out. While I am not sure this was entirely true, support and passion can never hurt a cause. ABC needs to know we do not want them to cancel any of their current daytime drama series line up. You might be thinking that you are not a AMC or OLTL fan (FYI: neither am I) so what does it matter. It matters! If they cancel 1 of the shows they could very well cancel them all. Can you imagine a future with no General Hospital? I can't - just the thought of it brings tears to my eyes. We need to fight for our shows! We need to fight for the reason we look forward to Mondays because there will be another new episode on even if we have to suffer through a crappy work day or droning day of classes. We get to watch another day and be captivated into another world just for an hour we get to forget about the unpleasantness of our lives and just tune in. The future of daytime TV is in our hands. We need to do what we can to let our voices be heard. We need to fight for these shows! I can't promise we will win and they will stop threatening our shows, but what I can promise can say we tried our absolute best!
So Speak out!
Call, write, tweet, post message on all ABC affiliated websites. Remember to remain positive - tell them what a great impact the daytime series have and how as loyal fans you want them to remain airing. Remind them what an extremely large fan base day time TV series have! Also gush about GH. It never hurts to let them know how much we love GH.
Send Letters
Anne Sweeney, Co-Chair
Disney Media Networks Division
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521
Visit D&T site for more ideas on speaking out and the campaign. Don't just let them take our daytime line up without a fight.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Family that binds us
In the past when you would watch GH you would see a theme of the day they were trying to express. I feel since the Jake story line it's been hard to really see the underlying themes. Today I think the underlying them was family. More specifically how families will pull together when there is a crisis.
Clearly the Spencer family is forefront when it comes to crisis, especially lately. I have a hard time watching Luke with his struggles recently. I never liked this Jake Hit and Run story from the start, but I just was sick inside when they made Luke the guilty party. Don't get me wrong, Tony Geary is doing an amazing job in this story but I still don't like it. Luke is no choir boy we know that for sure, but I hate how they are making him an alcoholic and self destructive. How long has he been drinking in the Haunted Star trying to tear the place down in one way or another? I just love how his kids and other well meaning people keep stopping in to watch him farther self destruct. I think it is almost comical that just about all of the residents of Port Charles have been by just charting the progress he is making in all of this. I mean honestly, the Haunted Star hasn't had this much foot traffic since Tracy kicked Luke out of there and started running the place herself. If they could start charging admission they might have no money problems what so ever for the Star. Who is next to stop in? I mean really the only person who hasn't been there is Edward and I am sure eventually he'll even stop by to see how things are going.
On other fronts family is still the theme just more subtle then others. For Scrubs they are starting to focus on their own family and rebuilding what was broken. Of course they both keep running into Johnny and Lisa so much it makes you wonder why they leave their house. Honestly if some crazy stalker always happened to run into you at Kelly's wouldn't you stop going there? I don't get why Patrick and Robin keep going there if they know Lisa and Johnny are there all the time. Classic example of enabling the situation. Why are they allowing this situation to keep happening over and over and over again. It's boring and exhausting to watch. They should really find another place to get coffee. I know there has to be another coffee shop in all of Port Charles. Or here's a great idea, buy a coffee pot and make your own coffee at home!
Michael seemed a bit self absorbed today when it came to Ronnie taking Abby in for questioning and honestly how could he not. Michael's whole life everyone in his life has done everything for him. He has always been treated like a prince. Michael never has ever had to get his hands dirty or even sneeze without someone right there to hover. All he wants is to be treated like an adult and make his own decisions yet today he didn't demonstrate an attitude that said this is an adult who is in control of their life. He was playing right into Ronnie's hands and worst of all he didn't take one minute to realize that maybe there was more to this then his little world. He didn't stop to think that maybe Ronnie was trying to get to Jason through Michael. Michael needs to start thinking like an adult and instead of freaking out over Abby being questioned, he needs to play it cool. Once Jason finally pointed this out for a second Michael started behaving like an adult. Of course, we all know Franco killed Brandon and hired his lawyer and I think Dante and Jason might get to that conclusion quickly enough.
Family was at the top of Carly's focus today as she proposed the idea of a possible family for Jason and Sam. I don't think Sam was ready for this discussion especially with Carly. You could see how physically painful it still is for Sam to talk about having a child. You never recover from the loss of a child and even six years later, you could see that. Sam was in so much pain talking to Carly about having another child. Sam's odds are not good. If I were given a 50% change of success I probably would not take it. Carly's offer to have Jason's baby would just complicate this whole situation. Sam's had enough of other women in Jason's life giving him the one gift she can't but she handled this discussion with grace. I really hope Jason and Sam get some time to talk about this. Sam will keep fighting her desire to have a child until Jason admits he wants one too. Sam loves Jason more then anything and I hope Jason will soon stop being so wrapped up in his own grief that he remembers how much he loves her. Honestly, I would hope Jason would bring up the topic of a family with Sam. Most importantly, I think we should all try to remain positive, I know not the always the easiest thing in the world. We need these types of discussions and I hate to say this but Jake dying is probably the biggest nudge Jason could get to get him ready to want a family with Sam. This also might be what Sam needs to decide if she can take the risk herself. See Jason is only half the struggle here. Sam lost her child and the thought of losing another child is just too much for Sam to bear. I think Jason needs to help her overcome these fears. I hope he does and also reminds us why this couple just is so incredible.
On the upside of today, while it wasn't the best Monday show ever, at least Brenda and Sonny were not on today.
Clearly the Spencer family is forefront when it comes to crisis, especially lately. I have a hard time watching Luke with his struggles recently. I never liked this Jake Hit and Run story from the start, but I just was sick inside when they made Luke the guilty party. Don't get me wrong, Tony Geary is doing an amazing job in this story but I still don't like it. Luke is no choir boy we know that for sure, but I hate how they are making him an alcoholic and self destructive. How long has he been drinking in the Haunted Star trying to tear the place down in one way or another? I just love how his kids and other well meaning people keep stopping in to watch him farther self destruct. I think it is almost comical that just about all of the residents of Port Charles have been by just charting the progress he is making in all of this. I mean honestly, the Haunted Star hasn't had this much foot traffic since Tracy kicked Luke out of there and started running the place herself. If they could start charging admission they might have no money problems what so ever for the Star. Who is next to stop in? I mean really the only person who hasn't been there is Edward and I am sure eventually he'll even stop by to see how things are going.
On other fronts family is still the theme just more subtle then others. For Scrubs they are starting to focus on their own family and rebuilding what was broken. Of course they both keep running into Johnny and Lisa so much it makes you wonder why they leave their house. Honestly if some crazy stalker always happened to run into you at Kelly's wouldn't you stop going there? I don't get why Patrick and Robin keep going there if they know Lisa and Johnny are there all the time. Classic example of enabling the situation. Why are they allowing this situation to keep happening over and over and over again. It's boring and exhausting to watch. They should really find another place to get coffee. I know there has to be another coffee shop in all of Port Charles. Or here's a great idea, buy a coffee pot and make your own coffee at home!
Michael seemed a bit self absorbed today when it came to Ronnie taking Abby in for questioning and honestly how could he not. Michael's whole life everyone in his life has done everything for him. He has always been treated like a prince. Michael never has ever had to get his hands dirty or even sneeze without someone right there to hover. All he wants is to be treated like an adult and make his own decisions yet today he didn't demonstrate an attitude that said this is an adult who is in control of their life. He was playing right into Ronnie's hands and worst of all he didn't take one minute to realize that maybe there was more to this then his little world. He didn't stop to think that maybe Ronnie was trying to get to Jason through Michael. Michael needs to start thinking like an adult and instead of freaking out over Abby being questioned, he needs to play it cool. Once Jason finally pointed this out for a second Michael started behaving like an adult. Of course, we all know Franco killed Brandon and hired his lawyer and I think Dante and Jason might get to that conclusion quickly enough.
Family was at the top of Carly's focus today as she proposed the idea of a possible family for Jason and Sam. I don't think Sam was ready for this discussion especially with Carly. You could see how physically painful it still is for Sam to talk about having a child. You never recover from the loss of a child and even six years later, you could see that. Sam was in so much pain talking to Carly about having another child. Sam's odds are not good. If I were given a 50% change of success I probably would not take it. Carly's offer to have Jason's baby would just complicate this whole situation. Sam's had enough of other women in Jason's life giving him the one gift she can't but she handled this discussion with grace. I really hope Jason and Sam get some time to talk about this. Sam will keep fighting her desire to have a child until Jason admits he wants one too. Sam loves Jason more then anything and I hope Jason will soon stop being so wrapped up in his own grief that he remembers how much he loves her. Honestly, I would hope Jason would bring up the topic of a family with Sam. Most importantly, I think we should all try to remain positive, I know not the always the easiest thing in the world. We need these types of discussions and I hate to say this but Jake dying is probably the biggest nudge Jason could get to get him ready to want a family with Sam. This also might be what Sam needs to decide if she can take the risk herself. See Jason is only half the struggle here. Sam lost her child and the thought of losing another child is just too much for Sam to bear. I think Jason needs to help her overcome these fears. I hope he does and also reminds us why this couple just is so incredible.
On the upside of today, while it wasn't the best Monday show ever, at least Brenda and Sonny were not on today.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Bait and Switch?
The promo that aired on Monday showed Jason and Sam talking about a family. It got our hopes up. While some of us more seasoned fan were skeptical even to us it seemed something would be starting this week. Our hearts and hopes began to soar. Could we really get our JaSam McMorgan baby? We will take a baby boy or girl but I am rooting for a girl personally. Then we watched faithfully every day this week eagerly waiting for some discussion of family or something to come about. Much to our disappointment we got maybe 5 total minutes of JaSam this entire week. Most of their discussions were about Michael and some about Jake. Or rather Jason's guilt for not being a more active father to Jake. All week there wasn't a single kiss or meaningful embrace. Well so much for hoping we'd get some quality JaSam this week. I kind of feel like ABC promo people pulled a bait and switch on us! I have to hope we will get more soon. Maybe soon we will get our JaSam story line. We can not lose hope and believe me I know it is hard to remain positive all the time.
I look back to a month ago, while we had to listen to Sonny go on about catching the Balkan at least we got some quality JaSam time. Jason was leaping over crossing tape to see Sam on a gurney. Jason was reminding Sam how she is his reason for breathing. Jason showed everyone without a doubt how much he loves Sam. Sam showed everyone how incredibly tough she was by surviving a car explosion with just temporary hearing loss. Of course, Sam remained stunning through it all. There is no one prettier on TV then Kelly Monaco and I love GH realizes that. GH, I loved you a month ago.
But alas, a lot can change in a month. Last month GH was blasting to amazing ratings and the stars were tweeting how amazing things were. Fans were tweeting and talking about how incredible GH had been recently. Since then we have heard Tyler Christopher was let go and the story lines have been shook up. I think I wish it was last month sometimes when I watch GH.
Like I said, a lot can change in a month. We forget that I think sometimes but it is true. Not only on a TV show, but a lot can change in a month for anyone. A month ago life was very different probably for most of us. For me personally, a month ago we were still hopeful a family member of ours would be overcoming their illness and be with us for many years to come. But as I mentioned, a lot changes in a month. A week ago I attended that family member's funeral.
So remember this in a month. Remember how we felt robbed and maybe we will have a whole new look on things in a month. Afterall, a lot does change in a month!
Have a wonderful weekend. Kiss your family and call your mothers. Be grateful for every second you have with them. You never know when life will change.
I look back to a month ago, while we had to listen to Sonny go on about catching the Balkan at least we got some quality JaSam time. Jason was leaping over crossing tape to see Sam on a gurney. Jason was reminding Sam how she is his reason for breathing. Jason showed everyone without a doubt how much he loves Sam. Sam showed everyone how incredibly tough she was by surviving a car explosion with just temporary hearing loss. Of course, Sam remained stunning through it all. There is no one prettier on TV then Kelly Monaco and I love GH realizes that. GH, I loved you a month ago.
But alas, a lot can change in a month. Last month GH was blasting to amazing ratings and the stars were tweeting how amazing things were. Fans were tweeting and talking about how incredible GH had been recently. Since then we have heard Tyler Christopher was let go and the story lines have been shook up. I think I wish it was last month sometimes when I watch GH.
Like I said, a lot can change in a month. We forget that I think sometimes but it is true. Not only on a TV show, but a lot can change in a month for anyone. A month ago life was very different probably for most of us. For me personally, a month ago we were still hopeful a family member of ours would be overcoming their illness and be with us for many years to come. But as I mentioned, a lot changes in a month. A week ago I attended that family member's funeral.
So remember this in a month. Remember how we felt robbed and maybe we will have a whole new look on things in a month. Afterall, a lot does change in a month!
Have a wonderful weekend. Kiss your family and call your mothers. Be grateful for every second you have with them. You never know when life will change.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tomorrow's A New Day
When you start the day's show with Brenda and Sonny, they should really encourage her NOT to laugh. I wonder how many people turn off the show when they hear that? I think the only thing worse then Brenda laughing, is her crying. That was just painful to watch. Why is Suzanne having a change of heart? Why would she have kept her grandson hidden for all these years just to give him back to Brenda now? Never doubt Saghag has a hidden agenda and she has one here too.
Do Scrubs have anywhere else to go but Kelly's? I am so glad they are getting back together, working through their issues, but can't they go somewhere other then Kelly's? They could even go to Jake's? What is more interesting is why is Johnny there so often? Johnny is a mobster with access to the best coffee and liquor money can buy, why stop in 8 times in one day for Kelly's coffee? Not to mention, one more round of Lisa is great and the Drakes bashing her is getting old. They need to find a way to show how incredible Robin and Patrick can be together without bashing Lisa. I actually like Crazy Lisa but I think it is time she moves on from the Drakes. Johnny can only defend her so much and she can only be creepy scary so much longer. The writers need to start moving away from the constant round and round with Lisa (or about Lisa). She needs to get out of their relationship once and for all. They really need to stop this constant back and forth. It's like watching a boring tennis match. Scrubs have a great potential, I hope we start seeing more of it and less about the affair with the crazy one.
We have another "Who done it?" storyline developing about Brandon. But maybe the more important question we should be asking instead of 'who done it' is 'why should we care?' I am tired of another storyline that puts Michael center stage in Jason and Sam's relationship. Michael really must have a wish to go back to prison. I mean I have never seen someone try so damn hard to get back to prison. He has done NOTHING since he got out besides get into trouble. Michael is an adult and he so badly wants everyone to treat him like an adult. The first rule about being an adult is you have to own what you do. They need to let Michael own his own actions. If he wants to be in the mob, let him. If he wants to kill someone, he needs to deal with those consequences - not Jason. Jason is not Michael's keeper anymore. I had always wished Michael would go a different route, I wanted him to go be a Quartermaine and work at ELQ. Michael and Abby are sweet and super cute. But I feel like too much of a good thing will begin to sour. I hope the writers realize they need to balance out all the good with the other. I do love Mabby together but I worry Michael isn't mature enough for a relationship sometimes. I am glad Abby FINALLY went to Dante about Michael. She should have started there when Brandon pressured her to drop the charges and we probably would have avoided this whole mess.
So who did kill Brandon? Jason isn't the only mobster in Port Charles. Why does everyone assume it was him? Dante really needs to look outside of Jason and Sonny as the only people in PC who commits crimes and realize he might want to broaden his scope of suspects a little. Let's see who could it be? Abby? Maybe she has motive and she doesn't have an alibi but she is obvious. Johnny - maybe especially given his conversation with Papa Z on the phone. But again that is kind of obvious. My money is on Franco. He said he was coming back to town. He does his homework, he did say he had a surprise in tow.
My heart went out to Sam when she was trying to point out to Jason that he can't go back to prison. Jason needs to remember he loves Sam more then anything. We saw that when he saw her on that gurney after the car explosion. Jason loves Sam more then anything. She is his rock and the reason he isn't MIA after Jake died. She is what keeps him going. He needs to stop obsessing about Michael. We know he feels responsible for Michael but honestly let him grow up. Stop always trying to put yourself in prison to protect the kid, Jason!
Tomorrow's a new day! Send some love to the comment lines about GH. Don't forget to vote and also let me know what you think by posting on the chat box.
Do Scrubs have anywhere else to go but Kelly's? I am so glad they are getting back together, working through their issues, but can't they go somewhere other then Kelly's? They could even go to Jake's? What is more interesting is why is Johnny there so often? Johnny is a mobster with access to the best coffee and liquor money can buy, why stop in 8 times in one day for Kelly's coffee? Not to mention, one more round of Lisa is great and the Drakes bashing her is getting old. They need to find a way to show how incredible Robin and Patrick can be together without bashing Lisa. I actually like Crazy Lisa but I think it is time she moves on from the Drakes. Johnny can only defend her so much and she can only be creepy scary so much longer. The writers need to start moving away from the constant round and round with Lisa (or about Lisa). She needs to get out of their relationship once and for all. They really need to stop this constant back and forth. It's like watching a boring tennis match. Scrubs have a great potential, I hope we start seeing more of it and less about the affair with the crazy one.
We have another "Who done it?" storyline developing about Brandon. But maybe the more important question we should be asking instead of 'who done it' is 'why should we care?' I am tired of another storyline that puts Michael center stage in Jason and Sam's relationship. Michael really must have a wish to go back to prison. I mean I have never seen someone try so damn hard to get back to prison. He has done NOTHING since he got out besides get into trouble. Michael is an adult and he so badly wants everyone to treat him like an adult. The first rule about being an adult is you have to own what you do. They need to let Michael own his own actions. If he wants to be in the mob, let him. If he wants to kill someone, he needs to deal with those consequences - not Jason. Jason is not Michael's keeper anymore. I had always wished Michael would go a different route, I wanted him to go be a Quartermaine and work at ELQ. Michael and Abby are sweet and super cute. But I feel like too much of a good thing will begin to sour. I hope the writers realize they need to balance out all the good with the other. I do love Mabby together but I worry Michael isn't mature enough for a relationship sometimes. I am glad Abby FINALLY went to Dante about Michael. She should have started there when Brandon pressured her to drop the charges and we probably would have avoided this whole mess.
So who did kill Brandon? Jason isn't the only mobster in Port Charles. Why does everyone assume it was him? Dante really needs to look outside of Jason and Sonny as the only people in PC who commits crimes and realize he might want to broaden his scope of suspects a little. Let's see who could it be? Abby? Maybe she has motive and she doesn't have an alibi but she is obvious. Johnny - maybe especially given his conversation with Papa Z on the phone. But again that is kind of obvious. My money is on Franco. He said he was coming back to town. He does his homework, he did say he had a surprise in tow.
My heart went out to Sam when she was trying to point out to Jason that he can't go back to prison. Jason needs to remember he loves Sam more then anything. We saw that when he saw her on that gurney after the car explosion. Jason loves Sam more then anything. She is his rock and the reason he isn't MIA after Jake died. She is what keeps him going. He needs to stop obsessing about Michael. We know he feels responsible for Michael but honestly let him grow up. Stop always trying to put yourself in prison to protect the kid, Jason!
Tomorrow's a new day! Send some love to the comment lines about GH. Don't forget to vote and also let me know what you think by posting on the chat box.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Story lines Approaching
I was not thrilled with the Jake Hit n Run storyline at first at all for so many reasons but I must say I have a lot of respect for the cast of GH and the writers for their work on the storyline. Now they are not focusing as much on the loss of a child as they are focusing on the cause of the loss, alcoholism. When you think of an alcoholic, most people preserve this person as someone who can be harsh, unpleasant and sometimes abusive. I think the fact Luke is our alcoholic or rather drinker in question here makes it hard to see. Luke is not mean or abusive nor was he completely intoxicated when he got behind the wheel. But he had a few drinks under his belt and that may have played a role in his impaired judgment when driving that night. Of course, it was dark that night and there is no way of knowing what Luke saw when Jake was hit. The more important key piece to Jake being hit was that he ran out into the road at 8 at night because his mother couldn't lock her door or keep an eye on her child. But that is neither here nor there, because lets focus right now on the fact GH writers are going to unveil a story about alcoholism. I look forward to see where they are going to go with this.
April is looking up when it comes to story lines. One of the other stories developing right now are the reconciliation of Robin and Patrick. I am glad these two are reconciling but crazy Lisa is still looming. Looming she is! She's kind of creeping me out! Crazy as she is, Lisa still might have met her match when it comes to Johnny. Johnny is very good at managing the crazies. He is probably the only one.
Another new story developing is who killed Brandon. Both Jason and Michael were very motivated to get rid of Brandon but I don't think it was either of them. Was it Johnny? He didn't have much time. He was with Lisa then followed her to Kelly's. That doesn't give him a lot of time to kill him and put him at in Vauhn's parking lot. Abby and Michael really should get their stories straight. What if it was Abby? We know it wasn't Sam we know that at least. Why would Jason be their lead suspect? He would never put the body in the parking lot of Vauhn's? When Jason 'takes care' of a situation the person disappears never would he put the body anywhere anyone can find it. Jason would also not leave the body anywhere it could get Michael as a suspect. Maybe it was Abby? I think there is more to her then we have learned so far.
Over the last few days Jason has been more receptive to allowing Sam to comfort him over his loss. But Jason really does need to let her in more. Everyone thinks Sam is the one keeping her distance but if you watch Jason is giving her the message he wants her to keep her distance. He grieves alone. That is what he wants. Sam is doing exactly what he wants. It was so sweet how she tried to tie his tie for the funeral and how she supported him and listened to him. Now she is worried he has made a mistake and is being sloppy with Brandon's murder and she will do anything to fix that. We all know Sam would do anything for Jason and I have to wonder what she was out doing when she left the PH. I am excited that in April the topic of parenthood will resurface again. I look forward to what will develop.
Make sure your voice is heard
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April is looking up when it comes to story lines. One of the other stories developing right now are the reconciliation of Robin and Patrick. I am glad these two are reconciling but crazy Lisa is still looming. Looming she is! She's kind of creeping me out! Crazy as she is, Lisa still might have met her match when it comes to Johnny. Johnny is very good at managing the crazies. He is probably the only one.
Another new story developing is who killed Brandon. Both Jason and Michael were very motivated to get rid of Brandon but I don't think it was either of them. Was it Johnny? He didn't have much time. He was with Lisa then followed her to Kelly's. That doesn't give him a lot of time to kill him and put him at in Vauhn's parking lot. Abby and Michael really should get their stories straight. What if it was Abby? We know it wasn't Sam we know that at least. Why would Jason be their lead suspect? He would never put the body in the parking lot of Vauhn's? When Jason 'takes care' of a situation the person disappears never would he put the body anywhere anyone can find it. Jason would also not leave the body anywhere it could get Michael as a suspect. Maybe it was Abby? I think there is more to her then we have learned so far.
Over the last few days Jason has been more receptive to allowing Sam to comfort him over his loss. But Jason really does need to let her in more. Everyone thinks Sam is the one keeping her distance but if you watch Jason is giving her the message he wants her to keep her distance. He grieves alone. That is what he wants. Sam is doing exactly what he wants. It was so sweet how she tried to tie his tie for the funeral and how she supported him and listened to him. Now she is worried he has made a mistake and is being sloppy with Brandon's murder and she will do anything to fix that. We all know Sam would do anything for Jason and I have to wonder what she was out doing when she left the PH. I am excited that in April the topic of parenthood will resurface again. I look forward to what will develop.
Make sure your voice is heard
Keep calling the comment lines 323-671-4583
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