Jason & Samantha

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's Not a Perfect World

In a perfect world babies don't get sick, kids do not die, people don't lie to one another, parents stay with their children and loving relationships last forever.  But we don't live in a perfect world and today's episode reminded us of that.  I know the current story lines going on with GH are extremely hard to watch for most of us.  But the show has been really incredible at showing us how the characters are handling living in an imperfect world.

No one is perfect even Patrick Drake.  He is probably having the hardest time at accepting this. Patrick's consider himself "salvation" in the OR.  But today he was reminded that no matter how brilliant of a surgeon he is sometimes you can't change the inevitable.  Jake was too badly hurt and no matter how hard Patrick and Robin tried, there was no saving him.  It is not fair or right it is just how things are some times.  In a perfect world Patrick would have saved Jake and he would be running around the hospital in a matter of hours.  Patrick and Robin realized that no one is perfect even themselves.  This horrible tragedy was at least allowed to have purpose for them.  It allowed them to really look at their situation and decide Lisa or no Lisa they want to be together as a family and work on their issues.  So in someway, Jake helped save them. 

No one grieves more over the loss of a child then the child's parents.  This child was so lucky because he didn't only have two parents he had 3 who loved him more then anything.  Elizabeth and Lucky may have been Jake's "parents" by raising him but Jason was just as grief stricken or possibly even more because he had loved Jake so much he gave him up.  I think that is what made the Elizabeth and Jason scene so hard to watch.  When Elizabeth slapped Jason and told him he was selfish I watched in shock and disbelief. She said he was selfish for walking away from Jake and her.  I understand she is grieving and if I were in her shoes the topic of organ donation would be rather raw and tough to take.  However, let's not forget Elizabeth begged Jason to give up Jake even before he was born and let her and Lucky raise him in a safe environment.  Even after all that went down between Elizabeth and Jason after Jake was born, she supported his decision to not be a part of Jake's life to keep him safe.  Elizabeth is feeling abandoned right now and did just lose one of her kids, but her comments to Jason were completely uncalled for.  Jake was Jason's son too.  Lucky was so kind to point out that Jason's choice to give up Jake gave Lucky a child and chance to be a father.  Lucky's life is more complete because Jason chose to not be Jake's father. Lucky was so grateful to Jason for that opportunity.  Jason gave Lucky a gift that Lucky will never forget.  I was so relieved Jason was able to talk to Lucky about the transplant.  Jake's fathers both decided to make Jake's life mean something and matter to so many people by letting organ donation be considered.  Lucky has always been the one person who can make Elizabeth listen to reason.  It was too late to save Jake's life but they could save the lives of many other children with organ donation.  I was glad Elizabeth didn't attack Carly because all Carly was trying to do was to save her child.  Carly wasn't trying to discount the fact they had just lost their child but she was trying to save her child's because Josslynn still had a chance to be saved.  That's what you have to do in an imperfect world.  You have to save the ones you can and grieve for the ones that can not be saved.

Sam kept her distance from all of this.  Sam knew Jason needed to some space.  She also didn't want to be there with Elizabeth.  Seeing their pain would only remind everyone of what happened so many years ago and also Sam knows what it is like to lose a child.  She knows nothing anyone can say or do will  bring back that child or fill the loss they are all feeling.  Instead of standing by Jason's side, she did what she could to find out who hit Jake.  When she realized she was one of the seven drivers she froze.  Her whole world came crashing down but instead of telling Jason she stayed to find out if she was the guilty party.  Some are upset that Sam wasn't by Jason's side the whole time holding his hand and giving him strength.  But there will be plenty of time for that.  Sam knows Jason will want the person who hit Jake to pay so she did what she thought he would want her to do.  Sam is trying to be objective and allow Elizabeth, Lucky and Jason to deal with this whole situation without causing any painful flashbacks for all four of them.  Let's not forget Sam probably had more contact with Jake then Jason ever has when she was with Lucky for over a year.  There is a lot of painful memories for the four of them and I think she is just trying to make sure she doesn't add to the pain.  Sam will be by Jason's side when she can tell he is ready to be comforted and supported.  Right now, Jason just needs to absorb what happened. 

Now I have seen a lot of talk about people worried that Guza is going to try to break Jason and Sam up to put Sam with Dante.  Oh please, don't buy into this.  Sam and Jason are solid and more in love then ever.  Sam has fought far too hard to be with Jason again to ever ever ever let anyone break them apart again.  Jason loves Sam with his whole heart and will never ever ever ever do anything stupid again to let anything happen to their life together.  Ratings would also plummet because Dante doesn't have that many fans and Jason and Sam are a super couple. Not to mention, Dante is a shaggy dog and Sam is far too good for him.  She would kick his short lying ass to the door faster then anyone could blink.  Don't listen to the negativity out there.  Remain positive and celebrate that Jason and Sam are together.

Call the comment line and remind them how awesome Jason and Sam are! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks,Karen. ITA with all you have said, and hope some of the complainers and naysayers read this and learn. Everyone has a right to their opinion,but there has been too much negativity and gloom to enjoy posting much anymore. I feel as you do that Jasam are strong and will become stronger,and see no split coming. ( And, if it ever should, I'll be the first one gone!) Don't like giving Jizzers material to whine about, so hope that all that stops soon. Keep writing...really look forward to it.
