Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

End of the Wizard of Oz or Just Rebuilding?

At first glance I could not decide what theme to focus on with today's show.  It was hard to tell.  On the surface it seemed just like another Tuesday episode.  The sweeps are over and in some ways it feels like (as Sam put it in 08) 'like the end of the Wizard of Oz'.  Everything is just supposed to go back to the way it was before.   But another theme that was also very present on the show today was about the rebuilding (some  times slowing) of relationships of some characters and  focusing on the strength of other relationships.

Poor Carly can't win with Michael when it comes to Abby. She is now embracing this relationship only to find that that is also upsetting Michael.  But Carly was able to at least smooth the waters with Sonny.  Carly has really been a true friend to Sonny over this whole experience.  Carly really has grown up over the years when it comes to Sonny.  There was a time she would have moved heaven and earth to keep Brenda and Sonny apart.   But today she showed up at Sonny's office just to be a friend.  The whole time she tried to stop the wedding this time around was because she was trying to be a true friend to him.  I love that Sonny and Carly are still friends despite all that happened between them and their many failed marriage attempts.  I won't lie, sometimes  I really miss Carly and Sonny being married and in love.  Sonny and Brenda were always more of a fairytale romance but Carly and Sonny were real.  They fought, they lied but at the end of the day they made up and they were in love, most of the time.  They were like a real marriage to some degree. Granted most of our real marriages are more about who is going to pick up the kids after soccer practice and not who the latest mob threat is, but they still had a real marriage more or less.  Laura Wright has brought a lot to the depth of Carly's character since she took on the role and I would love to see a CarSon reunion now.

Elizabeth is really getting her reality checked isn't she?  Elizabeth always has treated the men in her life less then exceptional.  She's never really been the ideal mate because she has always treated the guy she has been with like they were never good enough.  But now she has really ran out of men that will put up with her and it is starting to hit her hard.  First, she tells Nikolas Brooklyn was mean to her just to try to get him to change his opinion of Brook.  Let's not forget Nikolas was chasing after Liz  for months pledging his devotion, only to have her throw it back in his face,  but now that she sees Lucky moving on she is more then willing to try Nikolas as a long term future.  However, I LOVE that Nikolas is on to her game and is no ones fool.  He was happy to point out to Liz that Brooklyn is in his life because he wants her there.  When Liz was seeing she wasn't getting anywhere with Nikolas, she decided it was time to start trying to work her hooks back into Lucky.  She was less then thrilled to hear Lucky plans on marrying Siobhan.  But Lucky was right he can not win in Elizabeth's eyes no matter what.  They had years together and still could never make it work, so why shouldn't he try something new with Siobhan.  I know many of you like LuSh together and occasionally I think they are cute.  Her stock is slightly increasing in my eyes since she isn't working for the Balkan anymore.  But I really hope someday down the road there will be a Liz and Lucky reunion once they both get past all of the problems they had.  I know, I know how could I think that given Liz is so evil now.  But I remember a time when Liz and Lucky were incredible together.  I remember when I used to actually like Elizabeth's character.  I remember a time when the chemistry between these two actors was something worth remembering.  I hope now that RH is staying that the writers try to remember those days too. 

 I also wish the writers would remember what a wonderful actor Tyler Christopher was and what he has brought to the Nikolas character.  I loved Nikolas with Emily and when she died so did more then part of him.  Nikolas spent ages being lost and finally he recovered only to hop into the bed with his ex-sister-in-law.  My opinion of  Nikolas plummeted last year during those times.  But then something changed, Nikolas got his brain back.  He started to see Liz for who she has become and stopped being led around like a puppy dog.  I like him with Brooklyn.  I think they need to explore this couple more. Today, no one can ever accuse Brooklyn of not saying what is on her mind.  I think that is why I like these two together.  Brooklyn is so different from Emily but yet the both are perfect matches for Nikolas.  Brooklyn never holds her tongue or tries to smooth an uncomfortable situation.  But she is still so good for him in so many ways.  I hope Tyler Christopher stays with General Hospital so he can help rebuild the Nikolas character back to where he should be.

Now two characters that have so much depth and are portrayed by exceptional actors are, of course, Jason and Sam.  The writers really have got it right with these two.  When I watch these two I get sucked into another world.  They take all the troubles of my reality away and make me just want to watch them.  how sweet was it today that Jason could not stay away from Sam's hospital room.  She is his other half absolutely and he is lost without her by his side.  Their love really does transcends all and make them both so complete.  Today he tried to began to explain to her what "the worst" really was by seeing her on that gurney. The horror of that moment started to watch over him but he decided to not look back but to focus on the present and that was she is okay.  It still worried Jason that Sam might experience some severe headaches as an aftermath of the blast but you could tell he was trying to stay in the moment and not worry more then necessary.   Now I know some of us read a spoiler or two out there floating around that today they were supposed to put her hospital bed to full use today.  But remember, these two do not do love scenes so when I read that spoiler I just thought they would take a nap together at most.  I never let my imagination run away with itself too much when it comes to spoilers along those lines.  However, I for one, thought today was perfectly romantic.  Jason and Sam lying in her bed watching a romantic movie was the sweetest thing I have seen in a very long time.  It was so cute and romantic.  I think the movie was Gone with the Wind.  So cute and  it reminded me of them talking about when they watched Gone with the Wind together when she was pregnant.  (If you want to see them talk about it go watch this clip on Youtube  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUV_2PJovk )  It was a very cute tribute to their history together.  I love that the writers give those little tidbits to show us their amazing history together.

Well so it appears the Sneak Peeks were just a February Sweeps but gosh I am sad to see them go.
They actually made me want to watch the next show more.  I think they should keep the sneak peeks for good.  I requested this via the comment line and I hope you can join me too in asking.

Another something to note, today is International Women's Day.  Show those strong women in your life how much they mean to you.  GH has always done an exceptional job at letting strong women shine on their show.  Laura Wright, Nancy Lee Grahn, Kelly Monaco and Kristen Storm are just a few of the amazing cast of strong women on GH that makes all of us honored to be women today! Keep up the great work ladies. 

Until tomorrow!


  1. Why don't they do love scenes?

  2. Oh who knows! There are so many theories but none are proven. But if the writers want to stay with Classic JaSam they never had a love scene the whole time they were together in 04-07 so no one should expect one now.

  3. Well, Karen, the "love scenes" I can think of were beautiful, and I loved them. What was wrong with Mexico, their reunion, and their night after the spixie wedding? Does everyone want skin, or it isn't a love scene? These two can relate more emotion and feeling with a look, or without one word....I for one am happy with them just as they are, and I know you are as well...too bad all the fans are not.
    Looking forward for what's coming. The sweeps this time have been great. Thanks for your input. Hope everyone reads it.
