One thing we can always count on is what an amazing performer Tony Geary is. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I started watching GH as a child because my Grandmother watched it when we would visit her. Back in that time Luke and Laura were the legendary romance. Luke is an iconic character for any daytime drama. I think I am having the hardest time processing this twist in the storyline because Luke has always been lovable Luke to me. Yes, he did do some things (okay a lot of things) from time to time that didn't always sit just right with me. But Luke is a legendary character. I never disliked his character. You could never stay mad at Luke for long. Sonny may have dimples but no one can charm you like Luke Spencer can. When he is on the whole show lights up. We have been watching him for over 30 years now. To us he has become family. I love to watch him even now. But today was extremely hard for me to watch. Luke was never advertised as a stand up citizen but rather the rule breaker we all fell in love with. Today his rule breaking had catastrophic repercussions that has shocked the whole city and us the fans too.
If anyone else had been the guilty party of those seven suspects, everyone would be forming a lynch mob to go after them. No one could excuse running down a helpless 3 year old child, EXCEPT maybe the most lovable, legendary and adored character of them all, Luke. Maybe that is why they made Luke the guilty party. Because instead of anger, we feel sadness. Sadness consumed today's episode. We all secretly wanted it to be Theo or even Lisa. We aren't loyal to those characters. We haven't invested over 30 years of faithful viewing time in them. We don't consider them party of our soap families. Besides Theo and Lisa are evil or at least posses evil qualities so we wanted them to be guilty because that would be nice and neat. The whole town could hate them and we would support it. But can you hate Luke?
The answer to that question is pretty clear, you can't. Today I felt so much sadness I could hardly watch. That is how Tony Geary moves you. That is why Tony Geary is a legend. That is why Luke will weather this latest blow to his character with that same amazing luster he has weathered all the other storms. Several weeks ago I watched an interview with Laura Wright about this story line and she said 'It will rock one of our major characters to his core.' I thought she was talking about Jason but now I know, she was talking about Luke. While this story line obviously is very emotional for Jason's character, I think the person it will be hardest on will be Luke. How will he live with himself know what he has done? How can you make it right? You can't is the short answer. But I think we will see the struggles Luke will go through. There is no actor that could take us on a journey like this other then Tony Geary. So while this whole story line has made my typical one hour of TV viewing a day far more depressing, it will be incredible to see how Tony makes this story come to life.
Another performer that should not be forgotten for today was also Johnathan Jackson. I had my doubts when he came back as Lucky but those were quickly squashed by his incredible talent. I am so grateful that we get to watch the amazing performances of these outstanding performers play out. Not many other TV series have a 1/10th of the talent GH has.
Today when Lucky went to talk to Jason and Sam answered the door, I loved the silent discussion these two had. While this is not the Lucky that was with Sam, I love that the writers still want to make sure we remember their connection. Lucky knows Sam well enough to know when she is stone walling him and when she is being completely honest. After Lucky told Sam who hit Jake she said she didn't know where Jason was. But the look she gave Lucky spoke volumes. Lucky caught it. He knew she was saying while she didn't know where Jason was, he might want to head over to the Haunted Star before something else happens. I really hope tomorrow Jason goes home to the PH and Sam is still there. I hope they spend some time together but I am not getting my hopes up. I get Sam is keeping her distance because Jason has given her that signal but I just hope things soon change. I hope he lets Sam comfort him and they start having honest conversations about this loss and family.
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Monday, March 28, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Time is the answer
Life as they knew it will never go back to "normal" again for so many in Port Charles. It is a constant struggle for everyone to adjust to this new sense of normal.
For the Webber family this new sense of normal starts with learning to breath in and out all day long. Learning how to be okay again. No one will ever fill this hole. But it was most sad seeing Cam ask when Jake got back from heaven can he ride the pony. That was truly heart breaking. Adjusting to this new sense of normal will take the longest time for them.
This situation is a very weighted and uncomfortable situation for Sam. She's not afraid of Jason but she doesn't want to push or force anything right now while he is grieving. Yes, Sam has lost a child and can empathize with that horrible feeling. But right now Sam is an outsider. Jason didn't go home to her last night but instead he took off on his bike to deal with this on his own. Sam was so hurt but tried not to show it when Jason arrived back home. She tried to give him space. When he told her he thought about leaving and never coming back, that cut pretty deep. But then he said something that made it hurt so much less She is trying to respect that he is pushing her away right now and trying not to be hurt by anything he says or does right now. Even though she loves Jason more than anything and knows he loves her, she isn't sure what to do right now. This is just an awkward position for her to be in. Sam is not Jake's mother. She has never forgiven herself for the role she played in Jake's kidnapping and Jake was a constant reminder of what went wrong between in their relationship. She is also afraid that Jake's death will bring up old feelings of angry Jason felt towards Sam. She isn't sure how to act when it comes to this. If it had been anyone else she would know exactly what Jason needed and be there. But this was his son that he hardly knew. Jason is grieving not only because his only child died but because he never knew his child. Now he will never have a chance to ever know him either. The whole situation is so heart breaking. Unfortunately that is Jason new sense of normal is to know that for the rest of his life he never will know his son.
In the next coming weeks, try not to judge Sam too harshly. Try to remember she is doing what she can to be supportive but not overbearing.
For the Webber family this new sense of normal starts with learning to breath in and out all day long. Learning how to be okay again. No one will ever fill this hole. But it was most sad seeing Cam ask when Jake got back from heaven can he ride the pony. That was truly heart breaking. Adjusting to this new sense of normal will take the longest time for them.
This situation is a very weighted and uncomfortable situation for Sam. She's not afraid of Jason but she doesn't want to push or force anything right now while he is grieving. Yes, Sam has lost a child and can empathize with that horrible feeling. But right now Sam is an outsider. Jason didn't go home to her last night but instead he took off on his bike to deal with this on his own. Sam was so hurt but tried not to show it when Jason arrived back home. She tried to give him space. When he told her he thought about leaving and never coming back, that cut pretty deep. But then he said something that made it hurt so much less She is trying to respect that he is pushing her away right now and trying not to be hurt by anything he says or does right now. Even though she loves Jason more than anything and knows he loves her, she isn't sure what to do right now. This is just an awkward position for her to be in. Sam is not Jake's mother. She has never forgiven herself for the role she played in Jake's kidnapping and Jake was a constant reminder of what went wrong between in their relationship. She is also afraid that Jake's death will bring up old feelings of angry Jason felt towards Sam. She isn't sure how to act when it comes to this. If it had been anyone else she would know exactly what Jason needed and be there. But this was his son that he hardly knew. Jason is grieving not only because his only child died but because he never knew his child. Now he will never have a chance to ever know him either. The whole situation is so heart breaking. Unfortunately that is Jason new sense of normal is to know that for the rest of his life he never will know his son.
In the next coming weeks, try not to judge Sam too harshly. Try to remember she is doing what she can to be supportive but not overbearing.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
It's Not a Perfect World
In a perfect world babies don't get sick, kids do not die, people don't lie to one another, parents stay with their children and loving relationships last forever. But we don't live in a perfect world and today's episode reminded us of that. I know the current story lines going on with GH are extremely hard to watch for most of us. But the show has been really incredible at showing us how the characters are handling living in an imperfect world.
No one is perfect even Patrick Drake. He is probably having the hardest time at accepting this. Patrick's consider himself "salvation" in the OR. But today he was reminded that no matter how brilliant of a surgeon he is sometimes you can't change the inevitable. Jake was too badly hurt and no matter how hard Patrick and Robin tried, there was no saving him. It is not fair or right it is just how things are some times. In a perfect world Patrick would have saved Jake and he would be running around the hospital in a matter of hours. Patrick and Robin realized that no one is perfect even themselves. This horrible tragedy was at least allowed to have purpose for them. It allowed them to really look at their situation and decide Lisa or no Lisa they want to be together as a family and work on their issues. So in someway, Jake helped save them.
No one grieves more over the loss of a child then the child's parents. This child was so lucky because he didn't only have two parents he had 3 who loved him more then anything. Elizabeth and Lucky may have been Jake's "parents" by raising him but Jason was just as grief stricken or possibly even more because he had loved Jake so much he gave him up. I think that is what made the Elizabeth and Jason scene so hard to watch. When Elizabeth slapped Jason and told him he was selfish I watched in shock and disbelief. She said he was selfish for walking away from Jake and her. I understand she is grieving and if I were in her shoes the topic of organ donation would be rather raw and tough to take. However, let's not forget Elizabeth begged Jason to give up Jake even before he was born and let her and Lucky raise him in a safe environment. Even after all that went down between Elizabeth and Jason after Jake was born, she supported his decision to not be a part of Jake's life to keep him safe. Elizabeth is feeling abandoned right now and did just lose one of her kids, but her comments to Jason were completely uncalled for. Jake was Jason's son too. Lucky was so kind to point out that Jason's choice to give up Jake gave Lucky a child and chance to be a father. Lucky's life is more complete because Jason chose to not be Jake's father. Lucky was so grateful to Jason for that opportunity. Jason gave Lucky a gift that Lucky will never forget. I was so relieved Jason was able to talk to Lucky about the transplant. Jake's fathers both decided to make Jake's life mean something and matter to so many people by letting organ donation be considered. Lucky has always been the one person who can make Elizabeth listen to reason. It was too late to save Jake's life but they could save the lives of many other children with organ donation. I was glad Elizabeth didn't attack Carly because all Carly was trying to do was to save her child. Carly wasn't trying to discount the fact they had just lost their child but she was trying to save her child's because Josslynn still had a chance to be saved. That's what you have to do in an imperfect world. You have to save the ones you can and grieve for the ones that can not be saved.
Sam kept her distance from all of this. Sam knew Jason needed to some space. She also didn't want to be there with Elizabeth. Seeing their pain would only remind everyone of what happened so many years ago and also Sam knows what it is like to lose a child. She knows nothing anyone can say or do will bring back that child or fill the loss they are all feeling. Instead of standing by Jason's side, she did what she could to find out who hit Jake. When she realized she was one of the seven drivers she froze. Her whole world came crashing down but instead of telling Jason she stayed to find out if she was the guilty party. Some are upset that Sam wasn't by Jason's side the whole time holding his hand and giving him strength. But there will be plenty of time for that. Sam knows Jason will want the person who hit Jake to pay so she did what she thought he would want her to do. Sam is trying to be objective and allow Elizabeth, Lucky and Jason to deal with this whole situation without causing any painful flashbacks for all four of them. Let's not forget Sam probably had more contact with Jake then Jason ever has when she was with Lucky for over a year. There is a lot of painful memories for the four of them and I think she is just trying to make sure she doesn't add to the pain. Sam will be by Jason's side when she can tell he is ready to be comforted and supported. Right now, Jason just needs to absorb what happened.
Now I have seen a lot of talk about people worried that Guza is going to try to break Jason and Sam up to put Sam with Dante. Oh please, don't buy into this. Sam and Jason are solid and more in love then ever. Sam has fought far too hard to be with Jason again to ever ever ever let anyone break them apart again. Jason loves Sam with his whole heart and will never ever ever ever do anything stupid again to let anything happen to their life together. Ratings would also plummet because Dante doesn't have that many fans and Jason and Sam are a super couple. Not to mention, Dante is a shaggy dog and Sam is far too good for him. She would kick his short lying ass to the door faster then anyone could blink. Don't listen to the negativity out there. Remain positive and celebrate that Jason and Sam are together.
Call the comment line and remind them how awesome Jason and Sam are!
No one is perfect even Patrick Drake. He is probably having the hardest time at accepting this. Patrick's consider himself "salvation" in the OR. But today he was reminded that no matter how brilliant of a surgeon he is sometimes you can't change the inevitable. Jake was too badly hurt and no matter how hard Patrick and Robin tried, there was no saving him. It is not fair or right it is just how things are some times. In a perfect world Patrick would have saved Jake and he would be running around the hospital in a matter of hours. Patrick and Robin realized that no one is perfect even themselves. This horrible tragedy was at least allowed to have purpose for them. It allowed them to really look at their situation and decide Lisa or no Lisa they want to be together as a family and work on their issues. So in someway, Jake helped save them.
No one grieves more over the loss of a child then the child's parents. This child was so lucky because he didn't only have two parents he had 3 who loved him more then anything. Elizabeth and Lucky may have been Jake's "parents" by raising him but Jason was just as grief stricken or possibly even more because he had loved Jake so much he gave him up. I think that is what made the Elizabeth and Jason scene so hard to watch. When Elizabeth slapped Jason and told him he was selfish I watched in shock and disbelief. She said he was selfish for walking away from Jake and her. I understand she is grieving and if I were in her shoes the topic of organ donation would be rather raw and tough to take. However, let's not forget Elizabeth begged Jason to give up Jake even before he was born and let her and Lucky raise him in a safe environment. Even after all that went down between Elizabeth and Jason after Jake was born, she supported his decision to not be a part of Jake's life to keep him safe. Elizabeth is feeling abandoned right now and did just lose one of her kids, but her comments to Jason were completely uncalled for. Jake was Jason's son too. Lucky was so kind to point out that Jason's choice to give up Jake gave Lucky a child and chance to be a father. Lucky's life is more complete because Jason chose to not be Jake's father. Lucky was so grateful to Jason for that opportunity. Jason gave Lucky a gift that Lucky will never forget. I was so relieved Jason was able to talk to Lucky about the transplant. Jake's fathers both decided to make Jake's life mean something and matter to so many people by letting organ donation be considered. Lucky has always been the one person who can make Elizabeth listen to reason. It was too late to save Jake's life but they could save the lives of many other children with organ donation. I was glad Elizabeth didn't attack Carly because all Carly was trying to do was to save her child. Carly wasn't trying to discount the fact they had just lost their child but she was trying to save her child's because Josslynn still had a chance to be saved. That's what you have to do in an imperfect world. You have to save the ones you can and grieve for the ones that can not be saved.
Sam kept her distance from all of this. Sam knew Jason needed to some space. She also didn't want to be there with Elizabeth. Seeing their pain would only remind everyone of what happened so many years ago and also Sam knows what it is like to lose a child. She knows nothing anyone can say or do will bring back that child or fill the loss they are all feeling. Instead of standing by Jason's side, she did what she could to find out who hit Jake. When she realized she was one of the seven drivers she froze. Her whole world came crashing down but instead of telling Jason she stayed to find out if she was the guilty party. Some are upset that Sam wasn't by Jason's side the whole time holding his hand and giving him strength. But there will be plenty of time for that. Sam knows Jason will want the person who hit Jake to pay so she did what she thought he would want her to do. Sam is trying to be objective and allow Elizabeth, Lucky and Jason to deal with this whole situation without causing any painful flashbacks for all four of them. Let's not forget Sam probably had more contact with Jake then Jason ever has when she was with Lucky for over a year. There is a lot of painful memories for the four of them and I think she is just trying to make sure she doesn't add to the pain. Sam will be by Jason's side when she can tell he is ready to be comforted and supported. Right now, Jason just needs to absorb what happened.
Now I have seen a lot of talk about people worried that Guza is going to try to break Jason and Sam up to put Sam with Dante. Oh please, don't buy into this. Sam and Jason are solid and more in love then ever. Sam has fought far too hard to be with Jason again to ever ever ever let anyone break them apart again. Jason loves Sam with his whole heart and will never ever ever ever do anything stupid again to let anything happen to their life together. Ratings would also plummet because Dante doesn't have that many fans and Jason and Sam are a super couple. Not to mention, Dante is a shaggy dog and Sam is far too good for him. She would kick his short lying ass to the door faster then anyone could blink. Don't listen to the negativity out there. Remain positive and celebrate that Jason and Sam are together.
Call the comment line and remind them how awesome Jason and Sam are!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Heart Breaking
There really aren't many other words that I can use other then the last two days on GH have just been devastating and heart breaking. The two major story lines going on right now are both focused on children and intertwine. As devastating as these story lines are, the cast really did amazing performances through out.
This type of acting will definitely put GH in the running for outstanding lead actor and actress performances in the emmy's. The story lines make me so sad I am sick but the way the actors portrayed the story lines were amazing.
When Jason came to tell Lucky I was so sad I had to turn it off and walk away for awhile. I had to remind myself this is just a TV show and that my kids that are close to Jake and Aiden's age are sleeping peacefully in their beds for nap time. I think all the parents that watched today's show will probably hug their little ones a little tighter today. It was truly heart breaking watching today's show. I almost didn't even want to write about it because it made me so sad.
Today was a tough day but for once there wasn't everyone's focus on Sonny, Brenda or even Michael. In that sense it was a nice relief. There was no listening to Brenda become even more self absorbed or someone worried about Michael and the mob once again. For once GH focused on two kids that generally don't get a lot of focus.
Besides Josselyn's extremely dramatic entrance into this world, she has been mostly in the background being a baby. She's too cute for words and I think the reason this story line hit hardest first for most of us was we saw that poor little bitty child crying in pain and sleeping in her crib. That broke all of our hearts. To hear she had a very rare form of cancer was even more heart breaking. Carly's reaction was a solid strong mother's reaction. She was upset but much like Carly she instantly starting of thinking of options. She's resourceful even in a crisis. I love how well Laura Wright portrayed these scenes.
Of course the other story line was focused on Jake, who for the most part is rarely on screen. While Jake has often been lumped into his mother's classification of "the boys", we rarely got to actually see Jake. His mother worked hard at used those "boys" as tools in manipulation of their fathers other the years but today we really saw how much she loved him. Jake is such a loaded topic for so many people but that doesn't mean he wasn't an adorable, energetic child who was loved so much by all 3 of his parents.
Jason's pain was so visible for once, which I think made it even more tragic. Jason and Sam never said a word to one another today but they spoke volumes to one another. No one on this earth knows what Jason needs like Sam does. She knows when to push and when to back off. Today she knew she needed to just back off. I know some felt Sam should have stayed at the hospital to be with Jason no matter what but I actually really admired how she wanted to give Elizabeth her space. Not many would have been so perceptive as to stand back and just give the parents their space but Sam did. I think what will be more heart breaking is to find out who of the 7 actually hit Jake. I really hope it wasn't Sam or Carly. The other 5 we'll have to see. This will undoubtedly be a very dramatic week. I admire the acting and the writing I just hope I can watch each day without being too sad. I hope they start mixing some lighter moments in because today was very intense.
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On another note, I have read Tyler Christopher has been let go at GH. I hope these rumors are untrue. I have always loved TC and his work on GH. Please call the comment line and make sure to mention what a great job he does.
This type of acting will definitely put GH in the running for outstanding lead actor and actress performances in the emmy's. The story lines make me so sad I am sick but the way the actors portrayed the story lines were amazing.
When Jason came to tell Lucky I was so sad I had to turn it off and walk away for awhile. I had to remind myself this is just a TV show and that my kids that are close to Jake and Aiden's age are sleeping peacefully in their beds for nap time. I think all the parents that watched today's show will probably hug their little ones a little tighter today. It was truly heart breaking watching today's show. I almost didn't even want to write about it because it made me so sad.
Today was a tough day but for once there wasn't everyone's focus on Sonny, Brenda or even Michael. In that sense it was a nice relief. There was no listening to Brenda become even more self absorbed or someone worried about Michael and the mob once again. For once GH focused on two kids that generally don't get a lot of focus.
Besides Josselyn's extremely dramatic entrance into this world, she has been mostly in the background being a baby. She's too cute for words and I think the reason this story line hit hardest first for most of us was we saw that poor little bitty child crying in pain and sleeping in her crib. That broke all of our hearts. To hear she had a very rare form of cancer was even more heart breaking. Carly's reaction was a solid strong mother's reaction. She was upset but much like Carly she instantly starting of thinking of options. She's resourceful even in a crisis. I love how well Laura Wright portrayed these scenes.
Of course the other story line was focused on Jake, who for the most part is rarely on screen. While Jake has often been lumped into his mother's classification of "the boys", we rarely got to actually see Jake. His mother worked hard at used those "boys" as tools in manipulation of their fathers other the years but today we really saw how much she loved him. Jake is such a loaded topic for so many people but that doesn't mean he wasn't an adorable, energetic child who was loved so much by all 3 of his parents.
Jason's pain was so visible for once, which I think made it even more tragic. Jason and Sam never said a word to one another today but they spoke volumes to one another. No one on this earth knows what Jason needs like Sam does. She knows when to push and when to back off. Today she knew she needed to just back off. I know some felt Sam should have stayed at the hospital to be with Jason no matter what but I actually really admired how she wanted to give Elizabeth her space. Not many would have been so perceptive as to stand back and just give the parents their space but Sam did. I think what will be more heart breaking is to find out who of the 7 actually hit Jake. I really hope it wasn't Sam or Carly. The other 5 we'll have to see. This will undoubtedly be a very dramatic week. I admire the acting and the writing I just hope I can watch each day without being too sad. I hope they start mixing some lighter moments in because today was very intense.
Call the comment lines!
On another note, I have read Tyler Christopher has been let go at GH. I hope these rumors are untrue. I have always loved TC and his work on GH. Please call the comment line and make sure to mention what a great job he does.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Who's Pulling the Strings?
Oh those crazy Spencers are always good for some entertainment aren't they. Ethan, Luke, Alexis and Carly really should take this routine on the road. I was actually hoping we would see how things really played out in Jax's hotel room but sadly we only can imagine. Alexis being the only attorney in Port Charles lately was quick to resolve the situation with comedy and grace. Alexis really did prove to playing puppet master with all those crazy Spencers antics.
Brenda loves pulling everyone's strings. She feels that everyone should bow down to her. Did Brenda even think to ask how Sam was doing since Sonny told her that Theo substituted Sam in her place? Did she even think to ask how Sam was? Brenda is really the most self centered person on earth. It is perfect that she and Sonny are together. Those two are incredibly selfish people. But the thought of them out of town and going far far away (off screen) for a very long time does sound appealing.
Apparently something is pulling Dante's strings but not sure exactly what? Dante and Lulu really need to work on their issues. Dante asking Lulu's permission to go wish Brenda well was pathetic. What is she now his mommy? He goes from not telling her MAJOR things to now telling her every detail of everything he is doing. There has to be a happy medium here because they are going to go from the most boring couple in all of Port Charles to the most boring and most pathetic pretty quickly. Oh will Dante stop dragging Lulu down. Lulu used to be good until you hit town.
Just when I was sure I hated Lulu she reminded me why occasionally I LOVE her. Finally she pulled some strings that tickled all of us. I about choked on my afternoon pop tart when I heard her tell Liz, "I am sorry. Who are you to accuse Lucky of anything? Were you thinking of Cam and Jake when you were screwing his brother every chance you got?" OH WOW! Lulu, your stock is soaring now. I wish the writers would see how much we love Lulu when she puts people in their place like self-righteous Lizzy Webber. Oh Lizzy, you want to be pulling every man's "strings" around town, but men in Port Charles have wised up to her games.
Jason was very angry with Johnny on his involvement with the Balkan. I was wondering if Jason was going to be smoothing over Johnny's unmarked grave somewhere before the middle of the day. But alas Johnny must have done something to change Jason's mind as he appeared at his place ready to send Robin and Lisa off on their scavenger hunt. Johnny really does take too much delight into his little game. I loved the clues Johnny left all over town. Carly was awesome to Robin. Robin was an absolute freaking witch to Carly during Brenda's take over of Port Charles. Carly has every right to throw Robin out on her judgmental childish backside. Right now Johnny is the master of all puppet masters. He clearly is pulling all the strings for Lisa and Robin and having great delight in it.
For Sam and Jason, Theo is still pulling their strings. They are both in a race to to get information to find Theo but both for different reasons. Jason wants to make Theo pay for nearly killing Sam. Jason knows that his life choices are partly to blame for what happened to Sam. He wants revenge because he thinks if he does that will help ease his feelings of guilt and regret for choosing this life style. Jason realizes Sam has given up so much to be with him (even though she has stated she chose this life with him and didn't give up anything) and he wants nothing else to happen to her. For Sam, she is worried about how this is all effecting Jason. She does not blame Jason for Theo using her as a target or anything else that has ever happened to her since she has been with Jason. She is more concerned that this obsession Jason has developed with making Theo pay will impact Jason. She loves Jason so much and would do anything for him. Sam's solution is to help Jason find Theo before he becomes so obsessed with finding Theo he will ruin all peace agreements with every other organized crime families in the whole eastern seaboard. She's so concerned and self sacrificing that she is trying to ignore the warning signs that she might not be completely recovered from the car explosion.
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By the way, I know a lot of sites and fans are judging Jason pretty harshly right now so I feel like I need to defend him. Now, remember, I am a Sam fan first. I always side with Sam because I think she is usually right and usually justified with anything she does. Some Jizzers and even JaSam fans feel like Jason is the master of empty promises and a dead beat dad but I am here to defend Jason. First off, Jason is not the master of empty promises. Jason does not make empty promises on purpose and Sam knows he tries to keep his promises. He has followed through on the major promises like he promised her he would come back to her when he got out of prison. He promised to never stop loving her and he has kept that promise. He has promised Carly long ago to do what ever he could to protect Michael and he has done everything humanly possible to keep that kid safe. Even when Michael went to prison Jason got himself sent there. Sam understands Jason's life is always surrounded by drama and she knows he feels responsible for a lot of people so she accepts the fact sometimes he can't deliver on some promises. But that is who Jason is and Sam accepts that about him and loves him for it anyway. So for Jason to drop everything for Sam and just devote himself to her 100% of the time would go against his character and she would also feel like he wasn't being true to himself.
Now for the deadbeat dad Jizzer crap going around out there. Jason misses his kid everyday but gave up Jake because Lizzy convinced him that is what he had to do. Liz was pulling some strings back then and convinced Jason he was a bad person. She is to blame for Jason not being present in his child's life. He is trying to respect her wishes by staying out of his life. He gave up Jake to keep him safe. Of course, what Jason didn't know is that this poor kid would have been exposed to an absolutely insane mother with very questionable morals. Jason can not win in this situation. He is far from a dead beat dad.
Brenda loves pulling everyone's strings. She feels that everyone should bow down to her. Did Brenda even think to ask how Sam was doing since Sonny told her that Theo substituted Sam in her place? Did she even think to ask how Sam was? Brenda is really the most self centered person on earth. It is perfect that she and Sonny are together. Those two are incredibly selfish people. But the thought of them out of town and going far far away (off screen) for a very long time does sound appealing.
Apparently something is pulling Dante's strings but not sure exactly what? Dante and Lulu really need to work on their issues. Dante asking Lulu's permission to go wish Brenda well was pathetic. What is she now his mommy? He goes from not telling her MAJOR things to now telling her every detail of everything he is doing. There has to be a happy medium here because they are going to go from the most boring couple in all of Port Charles to the most boring and most pathetic pretty quickly. Oh will Dante stop dragging Lulu down. Lulu used to be good until you hit town.
Just when I was sure I hated Lulu she reminded me why occasionally I LOVE her. Finally she pulled some strings that tickled all of us. I about choked on my afternoon pop tart when I heard her tell Liz, "I am sorry. Who are you to accuse Lucky of anything? Were you thinking of Cam and Jake when you were screwing his brother every chance you got?" OH WOW! Lulu, your stock is soaring now. I wish the writers would see how much we love Lulu when she puts people in their place like self-righteous Lizzy Webber. Oh Lizzy, you want to be pulling every man's "strings" around town, but men in Port Charles have wised up to her games.
Jason was very angry with Johnny on his involvement with the Balkan. I was wondering if Jason was going to be smoothing over Johnny's unmarked grave somewhere before the middle of the day. But alas Johnny must have done something to change Jason's mind as he appeared at his place ready to send Robin and Lisa off on their scavenger hunt. Johnny really does take too much delight into his little game. I loved the clues Johnny left all over town. Carly was awesome to Robin. Robin was an absolute freaking witch to Carly during Brenda's take over of Port Charles. Carly has every right to throw Robin out on her judgmental childish backside. Right now Johnny is the master of all puppet masters. He clearly is pulling all the strings for Lisa and Robin and having great delight in it.
For Sam and Jason, Theo is still pulling their strings. They are both in a race to to get information to find Theo but both for different reasons. Jason wants to make Theo pay for nearly killing Sam. Jason knows that his life choices are partly to blame for what happened to Sam. He wants revenge because he thinks if he does that will help ease his feelings of guilt and regret for choosing this life style. Jason realizes Sam has given up so much to be with him (even though she has stated she chose this life with him and didn't give up anything) and he wants nothing else to happen to her. For Sam, she is worried about how this is all effecting Jason. She does not blame Jason for Theo using her as a target or anything else that has ever happened to her since she has been with Jason. She is more concerned that this obsession Jason has developed with making Theo pay will impact Jason. She loves Jason so much and would do anything for him. Sam's solution is to help Jason find Theo before he becomes so obsessed with finding Theo he will ruin all peace agreements with every other organized crime families in the whole eastern seaboard. She's so concerned and self sacrificing that she is trying to ignore the warning signs that she might not be completely recovered from the car explosion.
Call the comment line! Tell them how great GH is always!
By the way, I know a lot of sites and fans are judging Jason pretty harshly right now so I feel like I need to defend him. Now, remember, I am a Sam fan first. I always side with Sam because I think she is usually right and usually justified with anything she does. Some Jizzers and even JaSam fans feel like Jason is the master of empty promises and a dead beat dad but I am here to defend Jason. First off, Jason is not the master of empty promises. Jason does not make empty promises on purpose and Sam knows he tries to keep his promises. He has followed through on the major promises like he promised her he would come back to her when he got out of prison. He promised to never stop loving her and he has kept that promise. He has promised Carly long ago to do what ever he could to protect Michael and he has done everything humanly possible to keep that kid safe. Even when Michael went to prison Jason got himself sent there. Sam understands Jason's life is always surrounded by drama and she knows he feels responsible for a lot of people so she accepts the fact sometimes he can't deliver on some promises. But that is who Jason is and Sam accepts that about him and loves him for it anyway. So for Jason to drop everything for Sam and just devote himself to her 100% of the time would go against his character and she would also feel like he wasn't being true to himself.
Now for the deadbeat dad Jizzer crap going around out there. Jason misses his kid everyday but gave up Jake because Lizzy convinced him that is what he had to do. Liz was pulling some strings back then and convinced Jason he was a bad person. She is to blame for Jason not being present in his child's life. He is trying to respect her wishes by staying out of his life. He gave up Jake to keep him safe. Of course, what Jason didn't know is that this poor kid would have been exposed to an absolutely insane mother with very questionable morals. Jason can not win in this situation. He is far from a dead beat dad.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Getting all the plays Lined Up
You know maybe it is March madness excitement starting or just spring sport starting that has me feeling like everyone is lining up their players and strategies for the rest of the week. Today was a set up day for GH. Set up days are sometimes interesting because if you know it is a set up day you look for little clues besides the obvious ones. The clear ones were pretty spelled out: Liz finding out that her paternity test results will be back on Thursday. Lisa and Robin getting clues to meet Johnny at his place at 5. Jason learning that Johnny was somehow involved with Theo. Michael overhearing Spinelli work with Burney about a shipment that will be coming in. Carly, Ethan and Luke getting ready to set up Jax. Oh all the players are gathering for the rest of the week's show-down.
Clues and questions that weren't so odvious -
Did Spinelli get it right? Is Sam experiencing something undetected by the doctors?
Does Johnny actually care about Lisa or does he just want to save her because he could not save Claudia?
Why did the Trujillo family give up Johnny's name so easily? Do they have more to hide then they are letting on?
Why did Burney call Spinelli about the shipment in the first place instead of having Max or Milo work security for the shipment?
Terell is starting to see Lisa is no saint. Will Terell start doing some digging of his own and find out Lisa is a few cracks away from the nut house being her permanent place of residence?
How long do you think Johnny will live if Jason really does find out he is responsible for the car bomb?
Why is Michael looking for trouble? Doesn't he have enough on his plate?
I think all these questions will soon be answered as the week continues. It is almost as if we have our playbook for the rest of the week now and we have our players.
I am frustrated about one thing though, Michael wanting to get more involved in the mob. How many times have we seen this story start to develop? It's like they keep running the same play but expect different results each time. Why would he ever want to do anything that would potentially put him back in prison? This story to me seems very unbelievable. They have so much potential with Chad Duell - why waste his talent on the very old and very over done story line of Mikey wants to join the mob?? It's like those coaches that have a very talented team but insist on not mixing up the playbook at all. Just running the same plays that never resulted in wins in the first time. Stop, please! We don't want Michael in the mob and we don't want to see this story done over and over and over.
I feel like a hit and run story line is another recycling of the play book as well but we will have to wait and see how that story line turns out before we can judge. Let's just hope they don't recycle the whole "Who's the Daddy" play or "How many women can Sonny knock-up before dinner time" play either.
I do love the plays for Jason and Sam though. I love how intense Jason is right now over getting revenge. He really was really to take out anyone that could have been connected to Theo even if it is Johnny. He loves Sam so much and you can tell every time he talks about her or looks at her. Her headache might be normal but you can tell Jason doesn't want her to do anything but be taken care of right now. Jason wants to fuss over Sam because he knows what life would be like without her. Their relationship is so strong and solid, I love that they don't hide how they feel about each other. I think it is so perfect that Spinelli is right there in the middle of their relationship. He is their child in so many ways but I love how he is part of the relationship. I don't know if we will ever get a JaSam baby or a JaSam wedding but we have a JaSam family none the less with Jason, Sam and Spinelli.
As the week progresses I am sure we will see a few more plays from the good old GH playbook. Let's hope they use some new ones too that give us some great storylines to follow.
Clues and questions that weren't so odvious -
Did Spinelli get it right? Is Sam experiencing something undetected by the doctors?
Does Johnny actually care about Lisa or does he just want to save her because he could not save Claudia?
Why did the Trujillo family give up Johnny's name so easily? Do they have more to hide then they are letting on?
Why did Burney call Spinelli about the shipment in the first place instead of having Max or Milo work security for the shipment?
Terell is starting to see Lisa is no saint. Will Terell start doing some digging of his own and find out Lisa is a few cracks away from the nut house being her permanent place of residence?
How long do you think Johnny will live if Jason really does find out he is responsible for the car bomb?
Why is Michael looking for trouble? Doesn't he have enough on his plate?
I think all these questions will soon be answered as the week continues. It is almost as if we have our playbook for the rest of the week now and we have our players.
I am frustrated about one thing though, Michael wanting to get more involved in the mob. How many times have we seen this story start to develop? It's like they keep running the same play but expect different results each time. Why would he ever want to do anything that would potentially put him back in prison? This story to me seems very unbelievable. They have so much potential with Chad Duell - why waste his talent on the very old and very over done story line of Mikey wants to join the mob?? It's like those coaches that have a very talented team but insist on not mixing up the playbook at all. Just running the same plays that never resulted in wins in the first time. Stop, please! We don't want Michael in the mob and we don't want to see this story done over and over and over.
I feel like a hit and run story line is another recycling of the play book as well but we will have to wait and see how that story line turns out before we can judge. Let's just hope they don't recycle the whole "Who's the Daddy" play or "How many women can Sonny knock-up before dinner time" play either.
I do love the plays for Jason and Sam though. I love how intense Jason is right now over getting revenge. He really was really to take out anyone that could have been connected to Theo even if it is Johnny. He loves Sam so much and you can tell every time he talks about her or looks at her. Her headache might be normal but you can tell Jason doesn't want her to do anything but be taken care of right now. Jason wants to fuss over Sam because he knows what life would be like without her. Their relationship is so strong and solid, I love that they don't hide how they feel about each other. I think it is so perfect that Spinelli is right there in the middle of their relationship. He is their child in so many ways but I love how he is part of the relationship. I don't know if we will ever get a JaSam baby or a JaSam wedding but we have a JaSam family none the less with Jason, Sam and Spinelli.
As the week progresses I am sure we will see a few more plays from the good old GH playbook. Let's hope they use some new ones too that give us some great storylines to follow.
Friday, March 11, 2011
The Beginning of Somethings Fun
Well another day without Sam. I almost didn't watch but then I noticed there were still some great story lines I wanted to see. Though having Sam today would have made the show perfect. But there are some new story lines they are building that are rather entertaining.
I have been very skeptical of the pairing of Matt and Maxie. I loved her with Spinelli and didn't want to see that end. At first I found these too rather boring. Maxie is too fun and energetic for boring Matt. But Matt and Maxie were actually really cute this week. Today they were funny. Maxie's line: "That Nut makes me look normal." was classic. Maxie at her worst was never as crazy or evil as Lisa. But the fact Maxie recognizes she had a very dark period with her first love, Lucky, only shows she isn't willing to go crazy. I like Maxie left out who her first love was, I am sure Matt would look twice at Lucky if he knew. I like that they are together. Maxie might make Matt's character more fun. Maybe this is the start of something new and maybe quite fun.
Uncle Luke to the rescue. I love the Spencer family time that has been spent lately between Luke and Carly. These two are an entertaining pair. I love that Luke is going to help Carly with getting Jax to back off. This could be the beginning of some beautiful family bonding. Caroline and Luke together could be the Spencer duo that will bring many entertaining times to our screen. I am excited these two are bonding and I am glad Carly has someone to turn to.
Michael and Abby are embarking on something new, being alone together. The two of them were so cutely nervous, I even had butterflies watching them. I am glad we have seen where Abby lives which means there is a chance we'll see her place again. I would love for Andrea Bogart to get a contract with GH because I think she is doing a great job as Abby. I love Abby and I hope she sticks around for a long time to come. Not everyone is tickled pink with Abby and Michael's relationship. What the hell is with Kristina? She is rather evil and mean lately. I thought she was going to therapy. Shouldn't her therapist see that Krissy is pretty close to going insane. What is her therapy doing for her if it isn't teaching her to stop being a whiny, controlling, husband chasing mean girl? She's chasing after a married man and she's out to ruin Abby and Michael's relationship, WHY???? I liked the fact Carly tried to talk Kristina down. But seriously how freaking uncool is that of a sister to go tattle to Michael's mommy he is with his girlfriend. Michael is 19 yrs old, he is an adult. If he wanted to go to the next step with Abby that is his and Abby's business ONLY. I wonder how Carly will react to Krissy. Seeing as how Krissy has been sexually active since she was 16, I don't think she has ANY room to say anything about anyone else's relationships. I mean seriously, Krissy needs a new therapist. This one is missing way too many clues that this chick is just a few steps away from being the next Lisa Niles.
Speaking of Lisa Niles, I wish she would listen to Johnny and just give up on Patrick. But Patrick is a drug for her at this point. She is so focused on getting the old Patrick back that she is missing what is right in front of her. Old Patrick is gone - Johnny has even tried to make that clear but Lisa won't see it. She did notice thought for a slip second that Johnny was nice and stuck up for her. Maybe if Johnny could get crazy Lisa out of PC she might stop being crazy for a minute. But how much is he willing to invest in this? If he saves Lisa will that help him come to peace with his sister's death? Either way, I like that Johnny is playing this game because it brings out the sweeter side of him.
YAY! Brenda has been found so that has to mean the Balkan story line is finally warping up. Why won't Dante just turn a blind eye while Jason takes Theo out? I mean seriously Dante is not that upstanding of a cop so why not just go check on Brenda and let Jason take Theo out? Why not? I mean it isn't just easier for everyone if Theo just disappear. More then anything today I miss Sam. I want Jason to go back to the PH as soon as he and Dante decide Theo has gotten away and spend the rest of his night with Sam.
Hopefully Sam will be on next week. I know she can't be on everyday but I think the reason the ratings improved recently was because she was.
Call the comment line. Ask for more Sam. Have a good weekend!
I have been very skeptical of the pairing of Matt and Maxie. I loved her with Spinelli and didn't want to see that end. At first I found these too rather boring. Maxie is too fun and energetic for boring Matt. But Matt and Maxie were actually really cute this week. Today they were funny. Maxie's line: "That Nut makes me look normal." was classic. Maxie at her worst was never as crazy or evil as Lisa. But the fact Maxie recognizes she had a very dark period with her first love, Lucky, only shows she isn't willing to go crazy. I like Maxie left out who her first love was, I am sure Matt would look twice at Lucky if he knew. I like that they are together. Maxie might make Matt's character more fun. Maybe this is the start of something new and maybe quite fun.
Uncle Luke to the rescue. I love the Spencer family time that has been spent lately between Luke and Carly. These two are an entertaining pair. I love that Luke is going to help Carly with getting Jax to back off. This could be the beginning of some beautiful family bonding. Caroline and Luke together could be the Spencer duo that will bring many entertaining times to our screen. I am excited these two are bonding and I am glad Carly has someone to turn to.
Michael and Abby are embarking on something new, being alone together. The two of them were so cutely nervous, I even had butterflies watching them. I am glad we have seen where Abby lives which means there is a chance we'll see her place again. I would love for Andrea Bogart to get a contract with GH because I think she is doing a great job as Abby. I love Abby and I hope she sticks around for a long time to come. Not everyone is tickled pink with Abby and Michael's relationship. What the hell is with Kristina? She is rather evil and mean lately. I thought she was going to therapy. Shouldn't her therapist see that Krissy is pretty close to going insane. What is her therapy doing for her if it isn't teaching her to stop being a whiny, controlling, husband chasing mean girl? She's chasing after a married man and she's out to ruin Abby and Michael's relationship, WHY???? I liked the fact Carly tried to talk Kristina down. But seriously how freaking uncool is that of a sister to go tattle to Michael's mommy he is with his girlfriend. Michael is 19 yrs old, he is an adult. If he wanted to go to the next step with Abby that is his and Abby's business ONLY. I wonder how Carly will react to Krissy. Seeing as how Krissy has been sexually active since she was 16, I don't think she has ANY room to say anything about anyone else's relationships. I mean seriously, Krissy needs a new therapist. This one is missing way too many clues that this chick is just a few steps away from being the next Lisa Niles.
Speaking of Lisa Niles, I wish she would listen to Johnny and just give up on Patrick. But Patrick is a drug for her at this point. She is so focused on getting the old Patrick back that she is missing what is right in front of her. Old Patrick is gone - Johnny has even tried to make that clear but Lisa won't see it. She did notice thought for a slip second that Johnny was nice and stuck up for her. Maybe if Johnny could get crazy Lisa out of PC she might stop being crazy for a minute. But how much is he willing to invest in this? If he saves Lisa will that help him come to peace with his sister's death? Either way, I like that Johnny is playing this game because it brings out the sweeter side of him.
YAY! Brenda has been found so that has to mean the Balkan story line is finally warping up. Why won't Dante just turn a blind eye while Jason takes Theo out? I mean seriously Dante is not that upstanding of a cop so why not just go check on Brenda and let Jason take Theo out? Why not? I mean it isn't just easier for everyone if Theo just disappear. More then anything today I miss Sam. I want Jason to go back to the PH as soon as he and Dante decide Theo has gotten away and spend the rest of his night with Sam.
Hopefully Sam will be on next week. I know she can't be on everyday but I think the reason the ratings improved recently was because she was.
Call the comment line. Ask for more Sam. Have a good weekend!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
End of the Wizard of Oz or Just Rebuilding?
At first glance I could not decide what theme to focus on with today's show. It was hard to tell. On the surface it seemed just like another Tuesday episode. The sweeps are over and in some ways it feels like (as Sam put it in 08) 'like the end of the Wizard of Oz'. Everything is just supposed to go back to the way it was before. But another theme that was also very present on the show today was about the rebuilding (some times slowing) of relationships of some characters and focusing on the strength of other relationships.
Poor Carly can't win with Michael when it comes to Abby. She is now embracing this relationship only to find that that is also upsetting Michael. But Carly was able to at least smooth the waters with Sonny. Carly has really been a true friend to Sonny over this whole experience. Carly really has grown up over the years when it comes to Sonny. There was a time she would have moved heaven and earth to keep Brenda and Sonny apart. But today she showed up at Sonny's office just to be a friend. The whole time she tried to stop the wedding this time around was because she was trying to be a true friend to him. I love that Sonny and Carly are still friends despite all that happened between them and their many failed marriage attempts. I won't lie, sometimes I really miss Carly and Sonny being married and in love. Sonny and Brenda were always more of a fairytale romance but Carly and Sonny were real. They fought, they lied but at the end of the day they made up and they were in love, most of the time. They were like a real marriage to some degree. Granted most of our real marriages are more about who is going to pick up the kids after soccer practice and not who the latest mob threat is, but they still had a real marriage more or less. Laura Wright has brought a lot to the depth of Carly's character since she took on the role and I would love to see a CarSon reunion now.
Elizabeth is really getting her reality checked isn't she? Elizabeth always has treated the men in her life less then exceptional. She's never really been the ideal mate because she has always treated the guy she has been with like they were never good enough. But now she has really ran out of men that will put up with her and it is starting to hit her hard. First, she tells Nikolas Brooklyn was mean to her just to try to get him to change his opinion of Brook. Let's not forget Nikolas was chasing after Liz for months pledging his devotion, only to have her throw it back in his face, but now that she sees Lucky moving on she is more then willing to try Nikolas as a long term future. However, I LOVE that Nikolas is on to her game and is no ones fool. He was happy to point out to Liz that Brooklyn is in his life because he wants her there. When Liz was seeing she wasn't getting anywhere with Nikolas, she decided it was time to start trying to work her hooks back into Lucky. She was less then thrilled to hear Lucky plans on marrying Siobhan. But Lucky was right he can not win in Elizabeth's eyes no matter what. They had years together and still could never make it work, so why shouldn't he try something new with Siobhan. I know many of you like LuSh together and occasionally I think they are cute. Her stock is slightly increasing in my eyes since she isn't working for the Balkan anymore. But I really hope someday down the road there will be a Liz and Lucky reunion once they both get past all of the problems they had. I know, I know how could I think that given Liz is so evil now. But I remember a time when Liz and Lucky were incredible together. I remember when I used to actually like Elizabeth's character. I remember a time when the chemistry between these two actors was something worth remembering. I hope now that RH is staying that the writers try to remember those days too.
I also wish the writers would remember what a wonderful actor Tyler Christopher was and what he has brought to the Nikolas character. I loved Nikolas with Emily and when she died so did more then part of him. Nikolas spent ages being lost and finally he recovered only to hop into the bed with his ex-sister-in-law. My opinion of Nikolas plummeted last year during those times. But then something changed, Nikolas got his brain back. He started to see Liz for who she has become and stopped being led around like a puppy dog. I like him with Brooklyn. I think they need to explore this couple more. Today, no one can ever accuse Brooklyn of not saying what is on her mind. I think that is why I like these two together. Brooklyn is so different from Emily but yet the both are perfect matches for Nikolas. Brooklyn never holds her tongue or tries to smooth an uncomfortable situation. But she is still so good for him in so many ways. I hope Tyler Christopher stays with General Hospital so he can help rebuild the Nikolas character back to where he should be.
Now two characters that have so much depth and are portrayed by exceptional actors are, of course, Jason and Sam. The writers really have got it right with these two. When I watch these two I get sucked into another world. They take all the troubles of my reality away and make me just want to watch them. how sweet was it today that Jason could not stay away from Sam's hospital room. She is his other half absolutely and he is lost without her by his side. Their love really does transcends all and make them both so complete. Today he tried to began to explain to her what "the worst" really was by seeing her on that gurney. The horror of that moment started to watch over him but he decided to not look back but to focus on the present and that was she is okay. It still worried Jason that Sam might experience some severe headaches as an aftermath of the blast but you could tell he was trying to stay in the moment and not worry more then necessary. Now I know some of us read a spoiler or two out there floating around that today they were supposed to put her hospital bed to full use today. But remember, these two do not do love scenes so when I read that spoiler I just thought they would take a nap together at most. I never let my imagination run away with itself too much when it comes to spoilers along those lines. However, I for one, thought today was perfectly romantic. Jason and Sam lying in her bed watching a romantic movie was the sweetest thing I have seen in a very long time. It was so cute and romantic. I think the movie was Gone with the Wind. So cute and it reminded me of them talking about when they watched Gone with the Wind together when she was pregnant. (If you want to see them talk about it go watch this clip on Youtube ) It was a very cute tribute to their history together. I love that the writers give those little tidbits to show us their amazing history together.
Well so it appears the Sneak Peeks were just a February Sweeps but gosh I am sad to see them go.
They actually made me want to watch the next show more. I think they should keep the sneak peeks for good. I requested this via the comment line and I hope you can join me too in asking.
Another something to note, today is International Women's Day. Show those strong women in your life how much they mean to you. GH has always done an exceptional job at letting strong women shine on their show. Laura Wright, Nancy Lee Grahn, Kelly Monaco and Kristen Storm are just a few of the amazing cast of strong women on GH that makes all of us honored to be women today! Keep up the great work ladies.
Until tomorrow!
Poor Carly can't win with Michael when it comes to Abby. She is now embracing this relationship only to find that that is also upsetting Michael. But Carly was able to at least smooth the waters with Sonny. Carly has really been a true friend to Sonny over this whole experience. Carly really has grown up over the years when it comes to Sonny. There was a time she would have moved heaven and earth to keep Brenda and Sonny apart. But today she showed up at Sonny's office just to be a friend. The whole time she tried to stop the wedding this time around was because she was trying to be a true friend to him. I love that Sonny and Carly are still friends despite all that happened between them and their many failed marriage attempts. I won't lie, sometimes I really miss Carly and Sonny being married and in love. Sonny and Brenda were always more of a fairytale romance but Carly and Sonny were real. They fought, they lied but at the end of the day they made up and they were in love, most of the time. They were like a real marriage to some degree. Granted most of our real marriages are more about who is going to pick up the kids after soccer practice and not who the latest mob threat is, but they still had a real marriage more or less. Laura Wright has brought a lot to the depth of Carly's character since she took on the role and I would love to see a CarSon reunion now.
Elizabeth is really getting her reality checked isn't she? Elizabeth always has treated the men in her life less then exceptional. She's never really been the ideal mate because she has always treated the guy she has been with like they were never good enough. But now she has really ran out of men that will put up with her and it is starting to hit her hard. First, she tells Nikolas Brooklyn was mean to her just to try to get him to change his opinion of Brook. Let's not forget Nikolas was chasing after Liz for months pledging his devotion, only to have her throw it back in his face, but now that she sees Lucky moving on she is more then willing to try Nikolas as a long term future. However, I LOVE that Nikolas is on to her game and is no ones fool. He was happy to point out to Liz that Brooklyn is in his life because he wants her there. When Liz was seeing she wasn't getting anywhere with Nikolas, she decided it was time to start trying to work her hooks back into Lucky. She was less then thrilled to hear Lucky plans on marrying Siobhan. But Lucky was right he can not win in Elizabeth's eyes no matter what. They had years together and still could never make it work, so why shouldn't he try something new with Siobhan. I know many of you like LuSh together and occasionally I think they are cute. Her stock is slightly increasing in my eyes since she isn't working for the Balkan anymore. But I really hope someday down the road there will be a Liz and Lucky reunion once they both get past all of the problems they had. I know, I know how could I think that given Liz is so evil now. But I remember a time when Liz and Lucky were incredible together. I remember when I used to actually like Elizabeth's character. I remember a time when the chemistry between these two actors was something worth remembering. I hope now that RH is staying that the writers try to remember those days too.
I also wish the writers would remember what a wonderful actor Tyler Christopher was and what he has brought to the Nikolas character. I loved Nikolas with Emily and when she died so did more then part of him. Nikolas spent ages being lost and finally he recovered only to hop into the bed with his ex-sister-in-law. My opinion of Nikolas plummeted last year during those times. But then something changed, Nikolas got his brain back. He started to see Liz for who she has become and stopped being led around like a puppy dog. I like him with Brooklyn. I think they need to explore this couple more. Today, no one can ever accuse Brooklyn of not saying what is on her mind. I think that is why I like these two together. Brooklyn is so different from Emily but yet the both are perfect matches for Nikolas. Brooklyn never holds her tongue or tries to smooth an uncomfortable situation. But she is still so good for him in so many ways. I hope Tyler Christopher stays with General Hospital so he can help rebuild the Nikolas character back to where he should be.
Now two characters that have so much depth and are portrayed by exceptional actors are, of course, Jason and Sam. The writers really have got it right with these two. When I watch these two I get sucked into another world. They take all the troubles of my reality away and make me just want to watch them. how sweet was it today that Jason could not stay away from Sam's hospital room. She is his other half absolutely and he is lost without her by his side. Their love really does transcends all and make them both so complete. Today he tried to began to explain to her what "the worst" really was by seeing her on that gurney. The horror of that moment started to watch over him but he decided to not look back but to focus on the present and that was she is okay. It still worried Jason that Sam might experience some severe headaches as an aftermath of the blast but you could tell he was trying to stay in the moment and not worry more then necessary. Now I know some of us read a spoiler or two out there floating around that today they were supposed to put her hospital bed to full use today. But remember, these two do not do love scenes so when I read that spoiler I just thought they would take a nap together at most. I never let my imagination run away with itself too much when it comes to spoilers along those lines. However, I for one, thought today was perfectly romantic. Jason and Sam lying in her bed watching a romantic movie was the sweetest thing I have seen in a very long time. It was so cute and romantic. I think the movie was Gone with the Wind. So cute and it reminded me of them talking about when they watched Gone with the Wind together when she was pregnant. (If you want to see them talk about it go watch this clip on Youtube ) It was a very cute tribute to their history together. I love that the writers give those little tidbits to show us their amazing history together.
Well so it appears the Sneak Peeks were just a February Sweeps but gosh I am sad to see them go.
They actually made me want to watch the next show more. I think they should keep the sneak peeks for good. I requested this via the comment line and I hope you can join me too in asking.
Another something to note, today is International Women's Day. Show those strong women in your life how much they mean to you. GH has always done an exceptional job at letting strong women shine on their show. Laura Wright, Nancy Lee Grahn, Kelly Monaco and Kristen Storm are just a few of the amazing cast of strong women on GH that makes all of us honored to be women today! Keep up the great work ladies.
Until tomorrow!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Eventful Week
The last couple of days in Port Charles have been very eventful. While I will admit so far this week, Tuesday was my favorite episode so far, I think Wednesday and Thursday's shows had their highlights and should be given some credit.
Over the last two days we have had some great Davis family girl time. But can they stop interrupting Jason and Sam's time together for a few minutes? I love Alexis but I think she might want to start keeping better tabs on her younger two girls. Yesterday Molly walked in on some guy trying to kill Shawn and today Molly is wondering around town seeing that guy again. Why does Alexis let Molly wonder around town by herself? She is 12 not 22. I have a 12 yr old niece and she isn't allowed to wonder around the streets and hospital hall ways by herself. I know I have said this before but seriously Molly needs to stop wondering around alone. Alexis darling, keep a better eye on your children. I know you are worried about Sam but maybe just make sure you know where Molly is at least half the time.
Speaking of another Davis girl Kristina, she really should never go into the medical profession. She is not very skilled at telling people news about other people. Today when she told Jason that Sam had collapsed just like her friend Ally did she scared poor worried Jason to death at first. Jason tried not to freak out but Kristina really should have phrased that statement differently. The man just nearly lost his reason for breathing, she should have said Sam is okay first before telling him she was worried Sam might be worse then they think. Jason handled Krissy better then most by telling her to be strong for Sam. I am not sure how Krissy is doing in school, but she really does get an A+ in whining lately.
Now for the most important part of the show, Jason and Sam. How amazing was yesterday's show with Sam and Jason waking up next to each other in her hospital room. Reminded me so much of 2005 when Jason was the one in the hospital and Sam stayed devoted by his side the entire time. Now the roles are reversed and Jason won't leave Sam's side. When Jason told Sam what happened with explosion her face fell, she realized why Jason had looked so terrified in those first few moments she woke up. She also realized how incredible it was that she survived. Jason didn't want to leave Sam's side to help Dante and Sonny look for Brenda but it was typical selfless Sam to send Jason to help. Jason probably won't be leaving Sam's side after today for a while unless she asks him to go help Sonny again find Brenda. I was actually annoyed that neither Kristina or Alexis felt they should call Jason when Sam passed out. If she had collapsed and it was just Jason there, he would have had the courtesy to call Alexis and tell her. Luckily, Sam was okay and just fainted but I can't keep wondering if Krissy might not be on to something. I think Sam will begin to have side effects of this explosion surface in the coming months. How incredible was it that the first words Sam heard were Jason telling her how much he loved her. The Jason and Sam scenes we have been getting this week have been extraordinary.
Call the comment line, thank them for the incredible story lines we are getting. Also send some love on GH Facebook page.
Check out tomorrow's sneak peek
Also read about the jump in ratings for General Hospital - go check out the article
My honest opinion isn't that it was all Sonny and Brenda's wedding but it was the fact that TPTB actually gave Jason and Sam an incredible storyline and airtime. I know I have said this before, but when Kelly Monaco is on is when I tune in to GH. On days without Sam, I generally fast forward through scenes with people such as Dante and Brenda and only watch a few good scenes. But when Sam is on it makes the show worth watching. Yet, another reason Kelly Monaco should be nominated and win Best Actress. She draws in the crowd. Right now the story line with Sam and Jason has moved me so much. Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton are doing such an amazing job with this storyline which only proves what we have been saying all along. Kelly Monaco is the best actress in Daytime! Oh a funny side note, if you follow Lisa Locicerogh (Olivia) on twitter she credits to Alexis' blue boob dress for pulling in the ratings by saying "Guess @NancyLeeGrahn needs to wear that blue dress everyday.. Like Jasons T shirt..RT @lldubs: Woo hoo Big ratings jump for GH!!!"
Over the last two days we have had some great Davis family girl time. But can they stop interrupting Jason and Sam's time together for a few minutes? I love Alexis but I think she might want to start keeping better tabs on her younger two girls. Yesterday Molly walked in on some guy trying to kill Shawn and today Molly is wondering around town seeing that guy again. Why does Alexis let Molly wonder around town by herself? She is 12 not 22. I have a 12 yr old niece and she isn't allowed to wonder around the streets and hospital hall ways by herself. I know I have said this before but seriously Molly needs to stop wondering around alone. Alexis darling, keep a better eye on your children. I know you are worried about Sam but maybe just make sure you know where Molly is at least half the time.
Speaking of another Davis girl Kristina, she really should never go into the medical profession. She is not very skilled at telling people news about other people. Today when she told Jason that Sam had collapsed just like her friend Ally did she scared poor worried Jason to death at first. Jason tried not to freak out but Kristina really should have phrased that statement differently. The man just nearly lost his reason for breathing, she should have said Sam is okay first before telling him she was worried Sam might be worse then they think. Jason handled Krissy better then most by telling her to be strong for Sam. I am not sure how Krissy is doing in school, but she really does get an A+ in whining lately.
Now for the most important part of the show, Jason and Sam. How amazing was yesterday's show with Sam and Jason waking up next to each other in her hospital room. Reminded me so much of 2005 when Jason was the one in the hospital and Sam stayed devoted by his side the entire time. Now the roles are reversed and Jason won't leave Sam's side. When Jason told Sam what happened with explosion her face fell, she realized why Jason had looked so terrified in those first few moments she woke up. She also realized how incredible it was that she survived. Jason didn't want to leave Sam's side to help Dante and Sonny look for Brenda but it was typical selfless Sam to send Jason to help. Jason probably won't be leaving Sam's side after today for a while unless she asks him to go help Sonny again find Brenda. I was actually annoyed that neither Kristina or Alexis felt they should call Jason when Sam passed out. If she had collapsed and it was just Jason there, he would have had the courtesy to call Alexis and tell her. Luckily, Sam was okay and just fainted but I can't keep wondering if Krissy might not be on to something. I think Sam will begin to have side effects of this explosion surface in the coming months. How incredible was it that the first words Sam heard were Jason telling her how much he loved her. The Jason and Sam scenes we have been getting this week have been extraordinary.
Call the comment line, thank them for the incredible story lines we are getting. Also send some love on GH Facebook page.
Check out tomorrow's sneak peek
Also read about the jump in ratings for General Hospital - go check out the article
My honest opinion isn't that it was all Sonny and Brenda's wedding but it was the fact that TPTB actually gave Jason and Sam an incredible storyline and airtime. I know I have said this before, but when Kelly Monaco is on is when I tune in to GH. On days without Sam, I generally fast forward through scenes with people such as Dante and Brenda and only watch a few good scenes. But when Sam is on it makes the show worth watching. Yet, another reason Kelly Monaco should be nominated and win Best Actress. She draws in the crowd. Right now the story line with Sam and Jason has moved me so much. Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton are doing such an amazing job with this storyline which only proves what we have been saying all along. Kelly Monaco is the best actress in Daytime! Oh a funny side note, if you follow Lisa Locicerogh (Olivia) on twitter she credits to Alexis' blue boob dress for pulling in the ratings by saying "Guess @NancyLeeGrahn needs to wear that blue dress everyday.. Like Jasons T shirt..RT @lldubs: Woo hoo Big ratings jump for GH!!!"
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Today's show was amazing and it is Tuesday. I am very tired today but the show revived me today. I think my lack of sleep gave me a unique emotional state to view today's show. Today was a mix of amazing moments and some what the F@#% moments all wrapped up in one.
Let's talk about those WTF moments first because I know others had to be asking the same questions too. What happened to sweet, professional Robin? Ever since Brenda's return it's like she has lost all of her maturity. How horrible that she felt relieved that it was Sam on the gurney and not Brenda? What if it had been her? She and Brenda are similar in height and coloring. How would she have felt if she was Theo's sacrifice? I can't believe she told anyone that she felt this way. I really like Robin but recently especially today she has crossed the line. Yes, she is only human. But what a horrible thing to say that she was relieved that it was Sam not Brenda. What if Sam had died?
What is up with Krissy? Someone needs to slap some sense into that girl. News Flash Krissy: Ethan is MARRIED and TOO OLD for you! And don't forget your SISTER was in an explosion and is at the hospital. Stop using this situation to put the moves on Ethan. Okay I know Kristina has fans and some of you maybe them, but what the hell is wrong with her today? For all she knows her sister could be dying and her new step Mother is missing and all she can think about is how to make this work for her. I have always thought of Kristina as extremely selfish and childish but today was one of the first times I really wanted to jump through my TV screen and slap the crap out of her.
Who's side is Suzanne on? Is she really working with the Balkan or is she hinting to Jason where Theo was hiding today when she talked to him? Has she had a change of heart? What is her agenda?
I think it is safe to say Sonny has gone of the rails with everything going on. Sonny's not the most level headed guy to start with but then they blow up his car with his wife (or so he thought) in it just to find out she's been kidnapped and his best friend's love was in the car. This is more then any level headed person could handle and we know Sonny isn't level headed. I had figured Carly would be able to talk Sonny down but she couldn't even talk him down from this one. Carly is the ONLY wife of Sonny's who has ever seen him be lethal and still love him. Brenda doesn't have to guts to be a long-term Corinthos because she could never stand up to Sonny the way Carly does. I know Sonny loves Brenda but Carly is the only woman who can handle his life and still love him because she never wanted to change him. Oh I digress. Anyhow I was glad Sonny's kids saw how lethal and evil he was going to be to Shawn. He needed to handle the situation differently and that is what it took. Sonny isn't all bad and I love that yesterday he was so concerned for Sam. He sympathized with Jason but also respected that Jason's place was with Sam.
Carly and Alexis has had such an incredibly rough few years as mothers with their kids. You have to commend them for all they have done as mothers. Granted I think Alexis might want to work on teaching Krissy a few more things about being less selfish. I think overall though these two moms have had incredibly hard years recently. Kids getting shot, sent to prison, physically assaulted, bus crash, and two car bombs just to name a few. These two woman really do have strength to hang in there and keep fighting for their kids. It truly is impressive that neither of them are booking long term stays at Shady Brook. While neither of them do things I always agree with, as mothers I think they are pretty epic forces to be reckoned with.
Now for the most amazing and epic moments of today's show, Sam and Jason. Maybe it was my exhaustion, but today's Jason and Sam scenes had me crying. I am not really a crier, I should also mention. I cry if someone dies but I don't typically cry at movies or TV shows, but today's scenes between Jason and Sam got me. They were so amazing. Poor Sam to wake up and not be able to hear anything. No one has told her exactly why she to in the hospital. She probably knows Theo tried to kill her but not sure she knew she was in the limo when the bomb went off. I am sure someone will get to that. In the meantime, Jason was there to reassure her that everything was going to be okay. Jason was so terrified before she woke up in fear she would never wake up and now that she is awake she can't hear. His new fears are clearly more muted then the ones of her not surviving. He is so grateful she's alive he just wants her to not get scared. She clearly was frustrated and scared in those first moments of being awake not being able to know what was going on. Kelly Monaco did such an amazing performance today portraying exactly how Sam felt, I had to remind myself this is a TV show not real. Jason was so sweet and just held her hand and told her she was going to be okay. These two have always communicated well without saying a word and today it was just beautiful how the communicated with one another. Jason slowly mouthing the words that she was going to be okay and that he loved her. They stared so deeply into each others eyes, it spoke volumes of their love and devotion for one another. Jason was by her side every second and even when Alexis sat with her he didn't go far. He watched Sam sleep just being so thankful that she survived and he still had a reason to be breathing. I almost can't put into words how beautiful those scenes between the two of them. I had to keep brushing away the tears from my face. The last scene when Sam wakes up and Jason is looking at her with so much love. He tries to ask her a question and goes for the notepad to write it down, she smiles and says, "You hardly ever talk. I've gotten good at figure out what you are thinking." That blew Jason away. Finally they had a moment alone and the whole shock of everything that happened today washed over Jason. Jason and Sam are absolutely epic! My eyes are still welling up with tears as I think about that last scene.
Another reason Kelly should win best actress this year at the Daytime Emmys was how well she portrayed this story line today. Kelly did such a great job at making us believe she had lost her hearing the way she talked without knowing the volume of her voice.
Call the comment lines - today was amazing!
Let's talk about those WTF moments first because I know others had to be asking the same questions too. What happened to sweet, professional Robin? Ever since Brenda's return it's like she has lost all of her maturity. How horrible that she felt relieved that it was Sam on the gurney and not Brenda? What if it had been her? She and Brenda are similar in height and coloring. How would she have felt if she was Theo's sacrifice? I can't believe she told anyone that she felt this way. I really like Robin but recently especially today she has crossed the line. Yes, she is only human. But what a horrible thing to say that she was relieved that it was Sam not Brenda. What if Sam had died?
What is up with Krissy? Someone needs to slap some sense into that girl. News Flash Krissy: Ethan is MARRIED and TOO OLD for you! And don't forget your SISTER was in an explosion and is at the hospital. Stop using this situation to put the moves on Ethan. Okay I know Kristina has fans and some of you maybe them, but what the hell is wrong with her today? For all she knows her sister could be dying and her new step Mother is missing and all she can think about is how to make this work for her. I have always thought of Kristina as extremely selfish and childish but today was one of the first times I really wanted to jump through my TV screen and slap the crap out of her.
Who's side is Suzanne on? Is she really working with the Balkan or is she hinting to Jason where Theo was hiding today when she talked to him? Has she had a change of heart? What is her agenda?
I think it is safe to say Sonny has gone of the rails with everything going on. Sonny's not the most level headed guy to start with but then they blow up his car with his wife (or so he thought) in it just to find out she's been kidnapped and his best friend's love was in the car. This is more then any level headed person could handle and we know Sonny isn't level headed. I had figured Carly would be able to talk Sonny down but she couldn't even talk him down from this one. Carly is the ONLY wife of Sonny's who has ever seen him be lethal and still love him. Brenda doesn't have to guts to be a long-term Corinthos because she could never stand up to Sonny the way Carly does. I know Sonny loves Brenda but Carly is the only woman who can handle his life and still love him because she never wanted to change him. Oh I digress. Anyhow I was glad Sonny's kids saw how lethal and evil he was going to be to Shawn. He needed to handle the situation differently and that is what it took. Sonny isn't all bad and I love that yesterday he was so concerned for Sam. He sympathized with Jason but also respected that Jason's place was with Sam.
Carly and Alexis has had such an incredibly rough few years as mothers with their kids. You have to commend them for all they have done as mothers. Granted I think Alexis might want to work on teaching Krissy a few more things about being less selfish. I think overall though these two moms have had incredibly hard years recently. Kids getting shot, sent to prison, physically assaulted, bus crash, and two car bombs just to name a few. These two woman really do have strength to hang in there and keep fighting for their kids. It truly is impressive that neither of them are booking long term stays at Shady Brook. While neither of them do things I always agree with, as mothers I think they are pretty epic forces to be reckoned with.
Now for the most amazing and epic moments of today's show, Sam and Jason. Maybe it was my exhaustion, but today's Jason and Sam scenes had me crying. I am not really a crier, I should also mention. I cry if someone dies but I don't typically cry at movies or TV shows, but today's scenes between Jason and Sam got me. They were so amazing. Poor Sam to wake up and not be able to hear anything. No one has told her exactly why she to in the hospital. She probably knows Theo tried to kill her but not sure she knew she was in the limo when the bomb went off. I am sure someone will get to that. In the meantime, Jason was there to reassure her that everything was going to be okay. Jason was so terrified before she woke up in fear she would never wake up and now that she is awake she can't hear. His new fears are clearly more muted then the ones of her not surviving. He is so grateful she's alive he just wants her to not get scared. She clearly was frustrated and scared in those first moments of being awake not being able to know what was going on. Kelly Monaco did such an amazing performance today portraying exactly how Sam felt, I had to remind myself this is a TV show not real. Jason was so sweet and just held her hand and told her she was going to be okay. These two have always communicated well without saying a word and today it was just beautiful how the communicated with one another. Jason slowly mouthing the words that she was going to be okay and that he loved her. They stared so deeply into each others eyes, it spoke volumes of their love and devotion for one another. Jason was by her side every second and even when Alexis sat with her he didn't go far. He watched Sam sleep just being so thankful that she survived and he still had a reason to be breathing. I almost can't put into words how beautiful those scenes between the two of them. I had to keep brushing away the tears from my face. The last scene when Sam wakes up and Jason is looking at her with so much love. He tries to ask her a question and goes for the notepad to write it down, she smiles and says, "You hardly ever talk. I've gotten good at figure out what you are thinking." That blew Jason away. Finally they had a moment alone and the whole shock of everything that happened today washed over Jason. Jason and Sam are absolutely epic! My eyes are still welling up with tears as I think about that last scene.
Another reason Kelly should win best actress this year at the Daytime Emmys was how well she portrayed this story line today. Kelly did such a great job at making us believe she had lost her hearing the way she talked without knowing the volume of her voice.
Call the comment lines - today was amazing!
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