Oh it took Jason a very long time to realize this but his line today gave me hope for the future of Jason and Sam, "There is nothing worse then people making decisions for you for your own good." I loved the look Sam gave him when he said this to Abby. Finally Jason gets this no matter what and that gives me hope that IF Sam does get pregnant that he will maybe not shut her out of his life once again "for her own good". Of course for Sam and Jason to actually have a child, they need to be alone long enough without all the drama to actually make a baby. The chances of that happening, at least in the foreseeable future, are very slim.
But let's back up and talk about the rest of the show today because this message of people deciding what is best for others seemed to be the theme for the day if you look at it closely. First, lets talk about Lulu. Lulu hasn't kept secrets from Dante and has dove into that relationship with both feet and some serious blinders on. Tracy and others tried to wake her up but oh no she would not listen. She kept defending Dante to everyone who would listen. Dante decided to make a decision for Lulu, possibly for her "own good", to not tell Lulu that first he knew Brenda back in 07 and then that he covered up a murder for Brenda. Finally the truth about that is out but oh Dante is still lying to Lulu about the rest of it. I think this is just what Lulu needed to wake up and see Dante for the lying excuse for a boyfriend he is. I have read that these two work out their issues in the coming weeks but that she won't know about the baby until the wedding. Well that should be interesting to see how she reacts with that bit of news. Will she just finally cut off all ties with him or will she just be accepting of it because she has lost all sense of reality again?
Next, let's talk about Sonny. Sonny has decided that for Mike's own good, he needs to go to rehab. While I don't disagree with Sonny's decision to get Mike the help he needs to overcome his gambling issues, Mike needs to come to terms with it once and for all before anyone can fix him.
Let's talk about Michael now since he was the main focus of today's show. Carly has decided for Michael's own good she will fight tooth and nail to keep him from seeing Abby. Carly knows her mistakes have made Michael's life what it is and her's alone. Sonny had his part but Carly is the one who caused him to not have a safe stable childhood and she feels like she will be paying for this for the rest of her life. Carly attacking Sam was uncalled for but Carly spins out of control when she gets scared. Thankfully Sam didn't leap for Carly's jugular like we all wanted to when she started saying horrible things to Sam, "Here's something you don't know about, Sam. I am a mother." Ooh that was mean Carly, even for you, on a bad day. You could see the pain on Sam's face but she let it go. She knows Carly is just acting out because she is trying to fix something she can't fix. Jason didn't leap to Sam's defense as much as I had wanted him to but he did keep Carly in line as much as he could. Carly is about to spew molten crazy all over the city of Port Charles. Let's just hope she starts channeling this energy in to her original goal of taking down Dante and Brenda.
Jason will blame himself his entire life for every bump in the road Michael hits. Jason is Michael's father in all sense of the word. He will do what ever it takes for that kid and has proven that. Jason blames himself so much for what has happened to Michael but he has really been the most stable person in Michael's life. Sam pointed this out to Jason and hopefully will continue. Jason is so fortunate to have her in his life. I just hope something happens so Jason starts finally seeing it too. I am tired of Jason blaming himself for everything and feeling unworthy. Sam's faith in Jason is so beautiful. I just hope that Jason decides if they do get pregnant that her faith in him is worth more then anything else. The fact she will want him in the child's life will help Jason see he is worthy of being a parent and so is she.
On a sad note, I have learned that Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth) has been let go from her contract with General Hospital. I hope this was a mutual decision and she has chosen she wanted to spend more time with her growing family. I have nothing against Rebecca Herbst as a person or an actress and think everyone should be treated fairly. I actually admired that she worked full time with 3 young children. As a mother of 2 young children I empathized with the challenges and struggles she must have daily with having a career and being a mom. While I did not like the Liz character and didn't want her anywhere near JaSam, I have been hoping for an LL2 reunion. I was under the impression the reason they brought back Johnathan Jackson as Lucky was for a reunion. But now that will not be the case. They were a super couple of the 90's and am saddened we won't get their reunion. How will they leave this story line? Will Elizabeth decide Jason and Lucky should be parents to their children and die of some illness? Or will she just fade off the show with no one noticing like Kate, Monica and so many others have.
Here is the link to the story about Rebecca Herbst http://abc.soapsindepth.com/2011/01/breaking-news-ghs-herbst-is-ou.html