Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Monday, January 10, 2011

"That's not how Brenda operations. She just gets crazier!"

Today was a continuation of Friday's scenes with Abby and Carly and Sonny and Michael.  Sonny did a very good job at explaining to Michael why Carly was going off the rails over this current situation.  I don't think Carly is completely in the wrong either but she does need to ease up and let Michael navigate his life a little bit. I am sure she'll find a way to blame this whole situation on Sam for a very long time. Carly needs to relax but she can't do it.  Abby held her own very nicely against Carly.  Abby did point out some facts to Carly that she should realize.  "No healthy 19 year old kid is going to talk to his mother."  and "Michael is an adult."
I am so glad Michael walked in and saw Carly and Abby at Kelly's. Michael is entitled to his own choices and their consequences.  Carly needed to hear it but I don't think it made enough impact on her.  Carly is a fixates on things and can't let them go.  Carly is not going to let this one go. Michael put it best when he said, "I know you love me Mom but you can not run my life!"  Carly is going up against a force she is not going to win.  Jason even pointed out she will not win this fight.

Many of us have been waiting for today hoping for a miracle when Sam went to the hospital to see Dr. Lee.  But I had to re-watch those scenes a few time to get the full meaning of them. Does this mean Sam already had her complete exam?  It sounded like it based on their dialog.  So that means Sam isn't already pregnant doesn't it?  I was hoping for a miracle McMorgan baby this month.  Sam's reaction wasn't what I expected when Dr. Lee told her she could be a candidate for the procedure but I think that reaction steams from the fact Sam has closed the Mommy door in her life.  To re-open that door for her will be incredibly painful and she isn't sure she wants to go down that road.  If you listen to her words exactly, she hangs on the fact the procedure is experimental which means that she could very well end up not having a baby.  She knows Jason is against the idea of being a father.  I think more then anything Sam was surprised and stunned by the news and decided to not pursue the discussion farther.  Sam has accepted that everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that happened in the past between her and Jason happened and you can not change it.  She has accepted not being able to have children, she has accepted Jason and his lifestyle completely and she accepted they will never be parents.  I don't think she wants to allow herself to hope or go back on her decisions without some serious thought.  This will be interesting to see how this plays out.  What I really hope happens is Dr. Lee calls Sam with her test results and finds out she is already pregnant.  But I am not sure they are going to set this story up that way.  But no matter what happens, keep the faith.  Our couple needs your support.  

Classic line of the day from Jason,
"That's not how Brenda operations.  She just gets crazier!"

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