The weekend is upon us. My family and I are in the middle of a very busy weekend but I did manage to squeeze in today's episode. We had a pretty good week in the terms of Port Charles is concerned. This week we finally got to hear Sam and Jason talk about a baby. This week there were so many great moments but the best moments of all were Jason and Sam talking about the reasons they aren't set up to be parents. We all were hearing their points but agreeing they have much more then what it takes to be incredible parents. I love that Spinelli again pointed out today that they have all that it takes to be amazing parents. I also loved that Spinelli was back to his old self and pointed out that no matter what you do in this world nothing can guarantee you children are completely safe. Something both Jason and Sam should consider. I loved the whole conversation that took place at the PH today. However, the pain on Sam face was so undoubtedly clear a great credit to Kelly Monaco AGAIN for absolutely nailing her scenes. Obviously some of that conversation today was to also point out Brenda's private personal pain. But it was kind of nice to see Brenda and Sam actually having a conversation with one another that didn't have to do with Sonny, The Balkan or anything else.
Next week is another week and Monday should be a very promising show. I can't wait to see it! Have a great weekend!
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Just Getting Informed
I really do like Brooklyn now with Nicolas. I think this couple has potential if they tone down her Bensonhurt attitude. But wow Brooklyn has a crazy streak we saw it today with letting the air out of the tires of her car. While I am on Brooklyn's side, I thought that was a bit extreme amusing but extreme. Oh Liz was peeved which was worth enough.
Dante's purpose really escapes me and I kind of hoped Theo would take out a gun and kill him ridding us of Dante once and for all. Lulu is so much better off without Dante. Johnny tried to help her see that today. Johnny and Lulu made me miss the old days. Johnny always wanted what was best for Lulu. He loved her enough to let her go because he knew he could not keep her safe. He set her free but there are days I wish he and Lulu would get back together.
Michael looked like an abandoned puppy today waiting outside for Abby. He was so sad just watching him made my heart almost break. He is so devoted to Abby he watched in hopes just to catch a glimpse but only to see Jason who sent him home. Poor Michael.
We knew today would be a day of mixed emotions for Jason and Sam and for the fans. I debated even watching today because I didn't want to see Sam tell Jason she didn't want a child and Jason to agree all the while we all know both of them do want a child. But my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to turn the TV on after all. From the first scene with Jason and Sam you could tell Sam was reading every micro-burst of expression on Jason's face when she reacted. Both of them looked terrified at first to even enter this topic of baby. Sam was careful to not let those desires of motherhood she has down deep inside bubble up when she told Jason she didn't want to have a baby. Their lives are not set up for kids, neither of them but that doesn't mean they won't ever stop wanting a child. Jason said all the right things today. He made sure Sam understood the decision to enter parenthood has to be her's but he can't live with the fact she is giving up something to be with him. He will support her if she decides this is something she wants but she knows deep down that he would push her away if she had a child for their protection. I am so glad they talked about the reason Sam can't have child. I am glad Jason still carries that guilt with him that he is the reason she can't have kids. Sam reassured him, their life is what she wants. She is happy with Jason and doesn't want anything else. Honestly the odds of 50% are pretty terrifying and I wouldn't be jumping at the chance either if I were her. I wanted their conversation to continue but in true JaSam fashion. Spinelli coming in actually wasn't terrible in some aspects. Spinelli is their biggest advocate for our couple and he is already racing off to pick out wallpaper patterns for the new nursery. I am certain once she tells Spinelli that she is not pregnant she is going to burn that flyer so no one else finds it. The sad thing is we know Sam does want a baby no matter how much she denies it to herself and Jason. We know Jason wants one too but they both feel they aren't set up for kids. I hope they start to warm to the idea. One thing we can't deny is Jason and Sam are incredible and today they showed that once again.
Dante's purpose really escapes me and I kind of hoped Theo would take out a gun and kill him ridding us of Dante once and for all. Lulu is so much better off without Dante. Johnny tried to help her see that today. Johnny and Lulu made me miss the old days. Johnny always wanted what was best for Lulu. He loved her enough to let her go because he knew he could not keep her safe. He set her free but there are days I wish he and Lulu would get back together.
Michael looked like an abandoned puppy today waiting outside for Abby. He was so sad just watching him made my heart almost break. He is so devoted to Abby he watched in hopes just to catch a glimpse but only to see Jason who sent him home. Poor Michael.
We knew today would be a day of mixed emotions for Jason and Sam and for the fans. I debated even watching today because I didn't want to see Sam tell Jason she didn't want a child and Jason to agree all the while we all know both of them do want a child. But my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to turn the TV on after all. From the first scene with Jason and Sam you could tell Sam was reading every micro-burst of expression on Jason's face when she reacted. Both of them looked terrified at first to even enter this topic of baby. Sam was careful to not let those desires of motherhood she has down deep inside bubble up when she told Jason she didn't want to have a baby. Their lives are not set up for kids, neither of them but that doesn't mean they won't ever stop wanting a child. Jason said all the right things today. He made sure Sam understood the decision to enter parenthood has to be her's but he can't live with the fact she is giving up something to be with him. He will support her if she decides this is something she wants but she knows deep down that he would push her away if she had a child for their protection. I am so glad they talked about the reason Sam can't have child. I am glad Jason still carries that guilt with him that he is the reason she can't have kids. Sam reassured him, their life is what she wants. She is happy with Jason and doesn't want anything else. Honestly the odds of 50% are pretty terrifying and I wouldn't be jumping at the chance either if I were her. I wanted their conversation to continue but in true JaSam fashion. Spinelli coming in actually wasn't terrible in some aspects. Spinelli is their biggest advocate for our couple and he is already racing off to pick out wallpaper patterns for the new nursery. I am certain once she tells Spinelli that she is not pregnant she is going to burn that flyer so no one else finds it. The sad thing is we know Sam does want a baby no matter how much she denies it to herself and Jason. We know Jason wants one too but they both feel they aren't set up for kids. I hope they start to warm to the idea. One thing we can't deny is Jason and Sam are incredible and today they showed that once again.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Power of a little piece of paper
Today was another very well balanced-Brenda free day on GH. I have to say I love Brenda-free days like these. I love the balance that exists when Brenda and Sonny aren't sucking up all the air time and not leaving any of the rest for anyone else.
Tracy, how I love her! Tracy has been on this show for decades but always manages to make me laugh and smile. She's one of the classics and I am so happy to see her still have such an active role on the show. Now Tracy can be demanding and mean to those she doesn't like but to those she loves, she is the most enduring. Maya and Tracy got off on the wrong foot when Maya came to town but I am glad to see those feelings are all in the past. Maya has come to be not only Tracy's daughter-in-law but a friend she respects. Tracy's respect isn't something easily earned. If I didn't know much better I would think Maya was not only going to miss Edward but also Tracy. Grandma Tracy was concerned about Brooklyn sweet and I am liking the new less-Bensonhurst more classy Brook these days. I think Nookie have a shot as long as he doesn't start seeing dead people again and Elizabeth stops trying to throw herself at him. Why does she always manage to use her kids to try to catch a man. You would think she would learn after getting herself knocked up 3 times in the pursuit of finding "Mr. Right" that there are really other ways to go about finding a man. You would think....but yet like a dim rat in a maze they can't figure out she keeps going down the same path to realize it's the wrong way again and again.
Dante really is a gem isn't he. Yes, I am being sarcastic here. His mother gets in a bus crash and he hardly visits her when she is there because he is too busy dealing with his feelings for Brenda and all the other Brenda related crap. He neglects his girlfriend so much she wises up and finds out he has been lying to her about Brenda. Yet, Dante chooses NOW to be the concerned and over-protective son?? Really?? I mean there are a lot worse men Olivia could be friends with then the upstanding citizen of Dr. Webber. Not to mention who better to be by Olivia's side during her recovery then the extremely talented ever attentive (not to mention HOT) Dr. Steven Webber. Really Dante, what the heck are you thinking getting on protective of Olivia now? Seriously Dante go wash some of your own laundry and let Olivia have her fun with the good Dr. Stevia have potential!
Johnny and Lulu together even for a few seconds reminded me of the good old JoLu days. Oh I wish Lulu would wise up to Dante's BS and send him packing for good. I wish she would get back together with Johnny some days. Though I think Maxie and Johnny would make a funnier pair no one can deny JoLu were amazing. I do miss them. Lulu was strong and was our old Lulu Spencer back then before she become this whinny sniveling brain washed girl we see today.
Oh Jason does not like Shawn. Diane is clearly hot for Shawn and I love how both Jason and Alexis pointed out to her MAX provides, security. One thing I did enjoy about Diane today was her pointing to Jason Brenda's little errands are getting in the way of everyone else's lives.
I don't know about you but I was gitty the whole episode because from the first scene of Sam on the phone with Dr. Lee we saw the fertility flier among her case files and we kept watching as everyone walked past it not noticing it. I know we had hoped Jason had heard Sam's message to Dr. Lee when she walked in so we could get this baby talk underway but I want to note something about her phrasing. Sam did not say in her phone message "I don't to have a baby" instead she said "I don't think I am ready to have a baby just yet." . That was a powerful statement that spoke volumes of Sam's real desire to someday have a child with Jason. This biological desire is weighing very heavy on her mind as well as her concern for Jason right now. Jason has a way of blaming himself for everything and I wish he could see sometimes how his own anguish weighs on Sam too. She seems to actually hurt more then he does because she wishes so much that Jason could see how amazing he is in her eyes.
Sam really is the greatest friend to Spinelli. She even defended Spinelli's silly hobby of writing a book to Jason. Spinelli has always symbolized their child and it was cute how they spoke about him in this way. Sam is always so easy on Spinelli and Jason always acts more angry then he ever is with Spinelli. It's kind of cute how they have always have Spinelli in their relationship and trust him completely. Sam's pep talk to Spinelli was also incredibly kind. She'll always be his true friend too bad he is obsessed with Brenda. We have always known Sam shoulders the majority of the work for the PI firm but we were reminded that today as we watch Sam work. I like that she has a profession and has so much more to her life then Jason. Though we could see Sam's thoughts of all that has been going on recently are very close to the surface.
Then finally when Jason and Sam were home alone without any distractions, the moment we had all been waiting for since the start of the show, Jason found the flier for the fertility procedure!! The color did wash out of his face for a moment in shock but at least his reaction wasn't as bad as I had expected. Sam seemed a little uncomfortable or maybe embarrassed that Jason found it but I thought she played it very cool. The excitement in that last segment had me on the edge of my seat. Of course we know how tomorrow will go, I am sorry to say. Sam will answer Jason's question about a baby that she doesn't want to have a baby and she likes their lives just the way that they are. She'll deny that desire she has inside because she won't want to upset Jason or have him go into the 18 billion reasons he thinks he doesn't deserve to be a father. Also Sam hasn't completely come to terms with the fact she wants to have a baby either, at least out loud anyway. She is wrestling with the fact that now she has a choice to not have a child. Before she never had a conscious choice to not have a baby it was made for her by Manny when he shot her. She was angry and upset but the decision to not be a parent wasn't her own. Now she is wrestling with the fact she has to make this choice and all the feelings that are cropping up because of it. In someways this is almost as difficult for her as it was to lose her first child all over again. I hope Jason listens to her but to more then what the words that come out of her mouth but to her heart. I want Jason to want this baby so much that he talks Sam into it. But that is probably a dream on my part. I look forward to more JaSam time tomorrow but I don't look forward to the conversation they will have. Sam will stuff those feelings of wanting a baby down deep inside and Jason will remind her of the reasons he thinks he is unworthy. I hope there is a nice twist but I know in my heart of hearts there won't be. But until tomorrow.
Tracy, how I love her! Tracy has been on this show for decades but always manages to make me laugh and smile. She's one of the classics and I am so happy to see her still have such an active role on the show. Now Tracy can be demanding and mean to those she doesn't like but to those she loves, she is the most enduring. Maya and Tracy got off on the wrong foot when Maya came to town but I am glad to see those feelings are all in the past. Maya has come to be not only Tracy's daughter-in-law but a friend she respects. Tracy's respect isn't something easily earned. If I didn't know much better I would think Maya was not only going to miss Edward but also Tracy. Grandma Tracy was concerned about Brooklyn sweet and I am liking the new less-Bensonhurst more classy Brook these days. I think Nookie have a shot as long as he doesn't start seeing dead people again and Elizabeth stops trying to throw herself at him. Why does she always manage to use her kids to try to catch a man. You would think she would learn after getting herself knocked up 3 times in the pursuit of finding "Mr. Right" that there are really other ways to go about finding a man. You would think....but yet like a dim rat in a maze they can't figure out she keeps going down the same path to realize it's the wrong way again and again.
Dante really is a gem isn't he. Yes, I am being sarcastic here. His mother gets in a bus crash and he hardly visits her when she is there because he is too busy dealing with his feelings for Brenda and all the other Brenda related crap. He neglects his girlfriend so much she wises up and finds out he has been lying to her about Brenda. Yet, Dante chooses NOW to be the concerned and over-protective son?? Really?? I mean there are a lot worse men Olivia could be friends with then the upstanding citizen of Dr. Webber. Not to mention who better to be by Olivia's side during her recovery then the extremely talented ever attentive (not to mention HOT) Dr. Steven Webber. Really Dante, what the heck are you thinking getting on protective of Olivia now? Seriously Dante go wash some of your own laundry and let Olivia have her fun with the good Dr. Stevia have potential!
Johnny and Lulu together even for a few seconds reminded me of the good old JoLu days. Oh I wish Lulu would wise up to Dante's BS and send him packing for good. I wish she would get back together with Johnny some days. Though I think Maxie and Johnny would make a funnier pair no one can deny JoLu were amazing. I do miss them. Lulu was strong and was our old Lulu Spencer back then before she become this whinny sniveling brain washed girl we see today.
Oh Jason does not like Shawn. Diane is clearly hot for Shawn and I love how both Jason and Alexis pointed out to her MAX provides, security. One thing I did enjoy about Diane today was her pointing to Jason Brenda's little errands are getting in the way of everyone else's lives.
I don't know about you but I was gitty the whole episode because from the first scene of Sam on the phone with Dr. Lee we saw the fertility flier among her case files and we kept watching as everyone walked past it not noticing it. I know we had hoped Jason had heard Sam's message to Dr. Lee when she walked in so we could get this baby talk underway but I want to note something about her phrasing. Sam did not say in her phone message "I don't to have a baby" instead she said "I don't think I am ready to have a baby just yet." . That was a powerful statement that spoke volumes of Sam's real desire to someday have a child with Jason. This biological desire is weighing very heavy on her mind as well as her concern for Jason right now. Jason has a way of blaming himself for everything and I wish he could see sometimes how his own anguish weighs on Sam too. She seems to actually hurt more then he does because she wishes so much that Jason could see how amazing he is in her eyes.
Sam really is the greatest friend to Spinelli. She even defended Spinelli's silly hobby of writing a book to Jason. Spinelli has always symbolized their child and it was cute how they spoke about him in this way. Sam is always so easy on Spinelli and Jason always acts more angry then he ever is with Spinelli. It's kind of cute how they have always have Spinelli in their relationship and trust him completely. Sam's pep talk to Spinelli was also incredibly kind. She'll always be his true friend too bad he is obsessed with Brenda. We have always known Sam shoulders the majority of the work for the PI firm but we were reminded that today as we watch Sam work. I like that she has a profession and has so much more to her life then Jason. Though we could see Sam's thoughts of all that has been going on recently are very close to the surface.
Then finally when Jason and Sam were home alone without any distractions, the moment we had all been waiting for since the start of the show, Jason found the flier for the fertility procedure!! The color did wash out of his face for a moment in shock but at least his reaction wasn't as bad as I had expected. Sam seemed a little uncomfortable or maybe embarrassed that Jason found it but I thought she played it very cool. The excitement in that last segment had me on the edge of my seat. Of course we know how tomorrow will go, I am sorry to say. Sam will answer Jason's question about a baby that she doesn't want to have a baby and she likes their lives just the way that they are. She'll deny that desire she has inside because she won't want to upset Jason or have him go into the 18 billion reasons he thinks he doesn't deserve to be a father. Also Sam hasn't completely come to terms with the fact she wants to have a baby either, at least out loud anyway. She is wrestling with the fact that now she has a choice to not have a child. Before she never had a conscious choice to not have a baby it was made for her by Manny when he shot her. She was angry and upset but the decision to not be a parent wasn't her own. Now she is wrestling with the fact she has to make this choice and all the feelings that are cropping up because of it. In someways this is almost as difficult for her as it was to lose her first child all over again. I hope Jason listens to her but to more then what the words that come out of her mouth but to her heart. I want Jason to want this baby so much that he talks Sam into it. But that is probably a dream on my part. I look forward to more JaSam time tomorrow but I don't look forward to the conversation they will have. Sam will stuff those feelings of wanting a baby down deep inside and Jason will remind her of the reasons he thinks he is unworthy. I hope there is a nice twist but I know in my heart of hearts there won't be. But until tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Living with the consequences
Tuesdays are quickly becoming my favorite days on GH. It seems like Tuesdays have become the old Mondays. Tuesday's shows used to be the most uneventful episodes of the week. However, in 2011 Tuesdays are turning out to be the day of the week that I look forward to. Today's show was wonderful because it seems like who ever does the writing and editing on the GH staff for Tuesdays knows how to do the perfect balance of story lines. Today's story lines seems to all have a common theme about living with consequences of choices.
The Spencer clan can never seem to be on the lucky side in love and all of them seem to be living with the consequences of their bad luck in love. Let's face it if there was one family who's seen relationships call apart again and again it's the Spencers. Lucky and Lulu are products of a broken family and while they love their family the scares are very visible. Lucky has gone to great measures to try to have the perfect family image but he learned that no matter how hard you try sometimes it doesn't work out. Lulu is too scared to let herself try too hard. Dante's case was convincing enough and for 2 minutes today I was honestly rooting for Dante to win her over. However, I don't want to see Lulu be struck down again by this next big whopper of a lie when it hits the fan. Lulu is stronger without Dante. I hope secretly we would get a Johnny and Lulu reunion but alas we'll have to settle for just hoping she moves on from Dante. Now Ethan is a new player in this Spencer clan relatively. His situation isn't the same because unlike his brother and sister, he has everything that he could want. That scares Ethan more then anything. The three Spencer clan seem to want to believe that they are destine to fail at love because they can at least count on that comfort of failure.
Maxie is now Luke's new pawn in his more recent scheme. The funny part of this whole situation is both Ethan and Lucky knew Luke was going to use Maxie to smuggle jewels. It's no secret I can't stand Siobhan and today was no exception. I think Lucky really does need a new woman in his life. I love Maxie and Lucky together. Matt is way too boring for Maxie, Siobhan is way too dramatic and annoying for Lucky. Lucky and Maxie though have undeniable chemistry. The two of them flirt with each other each time they see each other. Lucky always has a little sparkle in his eyes when he sees her. I hope the future we get those two together.
Dante is still living with the consequences of his actions that put Michael in prison. Unfortunately Michael suffered the most from Dante's choices at the hands of Carter. Michael has to live with the horror of what happened to him in prison everyday. Abby is the only one who he has invested his feelings and she is the only one for him. Today's scenes between Michael and Abby were so amazing. Chad Duelle and Andrea Bogart are doing an amazing job in this storyline. Abby is the only person Michael wants to be with and he proved that by telling her today that no matter what she does for a living even if she was a hooker. Abby continued to push Michael away because she doesn't want him to suffer from the consequences of her own life choices from the past and the present. Abby is afraid Brandon or anyone else from her past will go after Michael and she could not handle that. She wants to keep him safe from the dangers of her life but what she is overlooking is without her he will turn inside himself again. He will go back into that internal prison he has created himself and never left. He needs her and no matter how much she wants to protect him from herself she will soon see she is good for Michael.
No one struggles more with living with the consequences of their own life then Jason. Finally Jason noticed Sam was going through something and actually asked her what was going on. Jason saw that Sam was clearly hurting. I was happy Sam was honest (or at least half honest) about what has been going on with her. Sam knows the topic of family and children is a very delicate situation with Jason. She knows she has to chose her words very carefully because there is so much past history between them in this regard. Jason still carries so much guilt with him about Sam not being able to have a baby, having a child with Liz and hurting Sam so much in the process, not being a present father in Jake's life and then of course being a present figure in Michael's life and seeing how that has turned out. Jason struggles with this pain daily of the consequences of his actions have caused. I don't think Jason has ever fully forgiven himself for Sam getting shot and not being able to have the one thing she wanted more in this world which was his child. You can see it in his face that he still carries so much regret for all he has done to Sam through the years. But yet she still loves him and he realizes that is so amazing. Sam is everything to Jason and in the past he didn't always treat her that way but this time around he wants her to know how incredibly grateful he is. He wanted to talk to her about his time in prison and the hell it was but knowing she was on the outside waiting for him, loving him that kept him going and kept him from being as damaged as Michael. Sam is Jason's rock and savior and that is just so beautiful. That is the reason we keep watching through the rest of all the other story lines is that beauty right there. The amazing love they share is so tangible it is almost like a drug that keeps us craving more.
Today's scenes for both Mabby and JaSam almost brought me to tears which was a great credit to the writing and editing of today's show. I keep looking forward to Tuesdays for the weeks that are coming up.
Call the comment line and let them know we are loving these newly renovated Tuesdays episodes! Also keep the faith for our amazing couple and their upcoming story lines.
The Spencer clan can never seem to be on the lucky side in love and all of them seem to be living with the consequences of their bad luck in love. Let's face it if there was one family who's seen relationships call apart again and again it's the Spencers. Lucky and Lulu are products of a broken family and while they love their family the scares are very visible. Lucky has gone to great measures to try to have the perfect family image but he learned that no matter how hard you try sometimes it doesn't work out. Lulu is too scared to let herself try too hard. Dante's case was convincing enough and for 2 minutes today I was honestly rooting for Dante to win her over. However, I don't want to see Lulu be struck down again by this next big whopper of a lie when it hits the fan. Lulu is stronger without Dante. I hope secretly we would get a Johnny and Lulu reunion but alas we'll have to settle for just hoping she moves on from Dante. Now Ethan is a new player in this Spencer clan relatively. His situation isn't the same because unlike his brother and sister, he has everything that he could want. That scares Ethan more then anything. The three Spencer clan seem to want to believe that they are destine to fail at love because they can at least count on that comfort of failure.
Maxie is now Luke's new pawn in his more recent scheme. The funny part of this whole situation is both Ethan and Lucky knew Luke was going to use Maxie to smuggle jewels. It's no secret I can't stand Siobhan and today was no exception. I think Lucky really does need a new woman in his life. I love Maxie and Lucky together. Matt is way too boring for Maxie, Siobhan is way too dramatic and annoying for Lucky. Lucky and Maxie though have undeniable chemistry. The two of them flirt with each other each time they see each other. Lucky always has a little sparkle in his eyes when he sees her. I hope the future we get those two together.
Dante is still living with the consequences of his actions that put Michael in prison. Unfortunately Michael suffered the most from Dante's choices at the hands of Carter. Michael has to live with the horror of what happened to him in prison everyday. Abby is the only one who he has invested his feelings and she is the only one for him. Today's scenes between Michael and Abby were so amazing. Chad Duelle and Andrea Bogart are doing an amazing job in this storyline. Abby is the only person Michael wants to be with and he proved that by telling her today that no matter what she does for a living even if she was a hooker. Abby continued to push Michael away because she doesn't want him to suffer from the consequences of her own life choices from the past and the present. Abby is afraid Brandon or anyone else from her past will go after Michael and she could not handle that. She wants to keep him safe from the dangers of her life but what she is overlooking is without her he will turn inside himself again. He will go back into that internal prison he has created himself and never left. He needs her and no matter how much she wants to protect him from herself she will soon see she is good for Michael.
No one struggles more with living with the consequences of their own life then Jason. Finally Jason noticed Sam was going through something and actually asked her what was going on. Jason saw that Sam was clearly hurting. I was happy Sam was honest (or at least half honest) about what has been going on with her. Sam knows the topic of family and children is a very delicate situation with Jason. She knows she has to chose her words very carefully because there is so much past history between them in this regard. Jason still carries so much guilt with him about Sam not being able to have a baby, having a child with Liz and hurting Sam so much in the process, not being a present father in Jake's life and then of course being a present figure in Michael's life and seeing how that has turned out. Jason struggles with this pain daily of the consequences of his actions have caused. I don't think Jason has ever fully forgiven himself for Sam getting shot and not being able to have the one thing she wanted more in this world which was his child. You can see it in his face that he still carries so much regret for all he has done to Sam through the years. But yet she still loves him and he realizes that is so amazing. Sam is everything to Jason and in the past he didn't always treat her that way but this time around he wants her to know how incredibly grateful he is. He wanted to talk to her about his time in prison and the hell it was but knowing she was on the outside waiting for him, loving him that kept him going and kept him from being as damaged as Michael. Sam is Jason's rock and savior and that is just so beautiful. That is the reason we keep watching through the rest of all the other story lines is that beauty right there. The amazing love they share is so tangible it is almost like a drug that keeps us craving more.
Today's scenes for both Mabby and JaSam almost brought me to tears which was a great credit to the writing and editing of today's show. I keep looking forward to Tuesdays for the weeks that are coming up.
Call the comment line and let them know we are loving these newly renovated Tuesdays episodes! Also keep the faith for our amazing couple and their upcoming story lines.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Just Another Monday
Today's show was a bit of teaser show. Mondays are becoming teaser shows more and more on GH. I think that is how they are trying to get us ready for the story lines developing. Let's face it, not much ground was covered today. However, there were a few things I would like to mention.
Why is Molly allowed to wonder around the streets of Port Charles by herself at night? I mean really she is only 12 years old and should not be allowed to wondering around the streets of PC after dark. Really haven't we established that the streets of Port Charles are not safe. NO ONE should be wondering those streets unless your are packing heat. I have a 12 yr old niece and there is NO WAY she would be allowed to wonder the streets of even her safe suburban town alone. Molly's new diagnoses of being bi-polar now PSD are amusing and pointless. We all know that Molly is being over dramatic and luckily this new friend Shawn seems harmless enough. However, thank goodness for Aunt Carly. Does Alexis have any idea what her children are up to? At least Carly checked to see how Molly was doing.
Alexis middle daughter is too busy trying to fix up Michael with a random girl of her choosing. She did make one valid point to Michael though, 'You never left [prison] because you are keeping everything locked up inside of you.' Abby is the only person Michael can feel like he can be himself. He needs Abby and it was wise and perceptive of Jason to see this and try to talk to Abby about it. Jason can be so perceptive to everyone in his life except Sam. I guess we can't have everything.
Siobhan is really on my last nerve. But I did enjoy the brother/sister time this prompted between Lucky and Lulu. Lucky really needed to remember he is Lulu's brother first and foremost. They are also Spencers and you never sell out a family member for anyone else. Lucky needs to remember Dante might be his partner and friend but Lulu is his sister.
Matt trying to play match maker was kind of sweet and cute. Matt doesn't get why Patrick slept with Lisa but he does get that Patrick is very sorry. He'll do anything to help Robin see how much Patrick needs another chance. When things happened with Scrubs originally I was on Robin's side but now I am leaning more and more on Team Patrick. Dear Gravy, Robin take him back already!!!
Today made me sad to see Sam's face when she was told there was only a 50% the medical procedure would allow her to carry to term. You could see in her face, she knew that is too great of a risk to ever entertain. I was also disappointed because yet again I read spoilers and was under the impression Sam would have flashbacks of when she lost her baby. I was excited to see the story line starting to develop. Instead we got 31 seconds of Jason and Sam discussing his issues right now. Never did he ask her how she was doing or why she looked like she was about to cry when he walked in. He never even noticed how hard she hugged him when he walked in. At some point this week (if those misleading spoilers are correct) Jason might take a minute to notice that Sam might want to talk about what is going on with her. Let's hope he listens completely to what she says.
I have heard recently that there are rumors that ABC is going to bring back RH. I have also heard rumors that RH fans are lashing out and attacking KeMo on the comment lines, SID comment pages and other sites. Here is what I am know, I am not an insider at ABC and not a decision maker whatsoever for them. I am, however, in a position at the corporation I work for that is often faced with tough decisions when budget cuts come rolling down. Many times, my hands are tied and I have to make very unpopular choices including letting people go who have given the company many great years of service. I lose sleep over some of the decisions I have had to make in the past and I am sure I will in the future. But the bottom line is the bottom line and if I don't meet those numbers it's my job that would be on the line. ABC is a corporation just any other, who are being hit with budget constraints and challenges they never dreamed they would have to entertain. Therefore, I don't see ABC bringing back any of the actors they let go in the last few weeks (story line depicting) because the bottom line is they need to meet their bottom line. Now for the scorned fans that are attacking Kelly Monaco. First, Kelly Monaco did not fire RH personally. Kelly was not a decision maker in this whole situation. She even made a statement on her twitter account that she was devastated by the news. Kelly Monaco is a person and those people need to realize by attacking her it will not bring RH back to GH. There is nothing to gain by attacking Kelly Monaco or any other actor on GH. These attacks are petty, childish and completely uncalled for. We have always known some fans can be completely inappropriate but the attacks need to stop. So as faithful fans, what do we do? Make sure to leave positive comments on the comment lines, SID comment pages and others about the show and Kelly Monaco. Also sending some love to Kelly on twitter can never hurt.
Why is Molly allowed to wonder around the streets of Port Charles by herself at night? I mean really she is only 12 years old and should not be allowed to wondering around the streets of PC after dark. Really haven't we established that the streets of Port Charles are not safe. NO ONE should be wondering those streets unless your are packing heat. I have a 12 yr old niece and there is NO WAY she would be allowed to wonder the streets of even her safe suburban town alone. Molly's new diagnoses of being bi-polar now PSD are amusing and pointless. We all know that Molly is being over dramatic and luckily this new friend Shawn seems harmless enough. However, thank goodness for Aunt Carly. Does Alexis have any idea what her children are up to? At least Carly checked to see how Molly was doing.
Alexis middle daughter is too busy trying to fix up Michael with a random girl of her choosing. She did make one valid point to Michael though, 'You never left [prison] because you are keeping everything locked up inside of you.' Abby is the only person Michael can feel like he can be himself. He needs Abby and it was wise and perceptive of Jason to see this and try to talk to Abby about it. Jason can be so perceptive to everyone in his life except Sam. I guess we can't have everything.
Siobhan is really on my last nerve. But I did enjoy the brother/sister time this prompted between Lucky and Lulu. Lucky really needed to remember he is Lulu's brother first and foremost. They are also Spencers and you never sell out a family member for anyone else. Lucky needs to remember Dante might be his partner and friend but Lulu is his sister.
Matt trying to play match maker was kind of sweet and cute. Matt doesn't get why Patrick slept with Lisa but he does get that Patrick is very sorry. He'll do anything to help Robin see how much Patrick needs another chance. When things happened with Scrubs originally I was on Robin's side but now I am leaning more and more on Team Patrick. Dear Gravy, Robin take him back already!!!
Today made me sad to see Sam's face when she was told there was only a 50% the medical procedure would allow her to carry to term. You could see in her face, she knew that is too great of a risk to ever entertain. I was also disappointed because yet again I read spoilers and was under the impression Sam would have flashbacks of when she lost her baby. I was excited to see the story line starting to develop. Instead we got 31 seconds of Jason and Sam discussing his issues right now. Never did he ask her how she was doing or why she looked like she was about to cry when he walked in. He never even noticed how hard she hugged him when he walked in. At some point this week (if those misleading spoilers are correct) Jason might take a minute to notice that Sam might want to talk about what is going on with her. Let's hope he listens completely to what she says.
I have heard recently that there are rumors that ABC is going to bring back RH. I have also heard rumors that RH fans are lashing out and attacking KeMo on the comment lines, SID comment pages and other sites. Here is what I am know, I am not an insider at ABC and not a decision maker whatsoever for them. I am, however, in a position at the corporation I work for that is often faced with tough decisions when budget cuts come rolling down. Many times, my hands are tied and I have to make very unpopular choices including letting people go who have given the company many great years of service. I lose sleep over some of the decisions I have had to make in the past and I am sure I will in the future. But the bottom line is the bottom line and if I don't meet those numbers it's my job that would be on the line. ABC is a corporation just any other, who are being hit with budget constraints and challenges they never dreamed they would have to entertain. Therefore, I don't see ABC bringing back any of the actors they let go in the last few weeks (story line depicting) because the bottom line is they need to meet their bottom line. Now for the scorned fans that are attacking Kelly Monaco. First, Kelly Monaco did not fire RH personally. Kelly was not a decision maker in this whole situation. She even made a statement on her twitter account that she was devastated by the news. Kelly Monaco is a person and those people need to realize by attacking her it will not bring RH back to GH. There is nothing to gain by attacking Kelly Monaco or any other actor on GH. These attacks are petty, childish and completely uncalled for. We have always known some fans can be completely inappropriate but the attacks need to stop. So as faithful fans, what do we do? Make sure to leave positive comments on the comment lines, SID comment pages and others about the show and Kelly Monaco. Also sending some love to Kelly on twitter can never hurt.
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Road Ahead
Besides a few good JaSam and Mabby scenes this week, the rest of the week felt like it was just beginning to build some of the upcoming storylines for the sweeps. I have some theories and questions on the upcoming storylines and would love to hear you chime in too.
On the tail end of hearing the news that Rebecca Herbst has been let go, we start to see her character Elizabeth grow more and more desperate and out-right witchy. So how will Liz depart Port Charles? There are so many loose ends to her character that I can't imagine they will have her depart without at least tying up some of them. Will she see all the men in her life have moved on and now she is left with 3 kids to raise alone with no money to support them? Will this cause her lose her mind and take up permanent residence at Shaddy Brook? What will happen to her kids? Cameron's Daddy past away ages ago so will Lucky take full custody of him and possibly Jake? Will Liz take a paternity test and find out Aiden is Lucky's and will Lucky ever find out? Will she be killed off by the Balkan's men or some other villain in Port Charles to prove they are ruthless? What about Jake's paternity? Will he also turn out to be Lucky's and Jason be devastated over learning this news? If Liz's character is killed off, I think it is right she have a funeral where the whole town turns out because, while I think that Liz has been a judgmental shrew for the last 4 years, her character has fans they deserve a right to say good-bye.
We learn that in the weeks proceeding the sweeps Michael finally tells Jason what happened in prison. This will allow Michael to start to heal. How will this impact Jason's life? Jason already blames himself for every hangnail and scrape Michael has gotten since birth. Will this spend Jason in a tail-spin? Will this reveal allow Michael and Abby to finally overcome their current roadblocks and become a couple? Will there be a special Valentine's Day episode and Mabby be key players and finally go out on a date?
Other story lines - Will Carly really drop the bomb at Sonny's wedding? Will Sonny ever forgive her? What happened to the child? I think we'll learn the baby died in Africa when Brenda was so sick. Will Lulu take Dante back after she finds out about the baby too? Will Johnny and Lulu get back together once she realizes Dante is a lying jerk. Will Saghag Suzanne turn out to be the Balkan's wife (and mother of the dude Brenda/Dante killed in 07) who has been befriending Brenda all these years to get information? Will Robin begin to finally forgive Patrick? What other crazy scheme will Lisa cook up and will she ever get caught?
Now for the most important storyline heading into the sweeps: Baby McMorgan! We know Jason and Sam have a talk about babies next week and decide to not have one. We also know they both want a baby more then anything together but don't know how to get to a place where bringing a child into this world would be safe and responsible. Will Sam find out she is pregnant without the procedure on 2/8? Or will she find out she is not pregnant and will this devastate her and Jason so much the decide they want to try? I think Liz will die in a car accident that will injure Cameron and Jake. Cameron will die along with Elizabeth. Jake will be hurt and they will find out Jake is actually Lucky's son. This will devastate Jason right after he finds out Sam is not pregnant. Jason will then start changing his life to be less dangerous so he can have a child with Sam because that is what he truly wants. OR Will Sam find out she is pregnant on 2/8 and be so high risk that Jason goes into overprotective mode. Does Franco find out Sam is pregnant and decide to torment Jason with the fact he wants to kill Sam and take the child?
Okay so those are my theories - let me hear yours!
On the tail end of hearing the news that Rebecca Herbst has been let go, we start to see her character Elizabeth grow more and more desperate and out-right witchy. So how will Liz depart Port Charles? There are so many loose ends to her character that I can't imagine they will have her depart without at least tying up some of them. Will she see all the men in her life have moved on and now she is left with 3 kids to raise alone with no money to support them? Will this cause her lose her mind and take up permanent residence at Shaddy Brook? What will happen to her kids? Cameron's Daddy past away ages ago so will Lucky take full custody of him and possibly Jake? Will Liz take a paternity test and find out Aiden is Lucky's and will Lucky ever find out? Will she be killed off by the Balkan's men or some other villain in Port Charles to prove they are ruthless? What about Jake's paternity? Will he also turn out to be Lucky's and Jason be devastated over learning this news? If Liz's character is killed off, I think it is right she have a funeral where the whole town turns out because, while I think that Liz has been a judgmental shrew for the last 4 years, her character has fans they deserve a right to say good-bye.
We learn that in the weeks proceeding the sweeps Michael finally tells Jason what happened in prison. This will allow Michael to start to heal. How will this impact Jason's life? Jason already blames himself for every hangnail and scrape Michael has gotten since birth. Will this spend Jason in a tail-spin? Will this reveal allow Michael and Abby to finally overcome their current roadblocks and become a couple? Will there be a special Valentine's Day episode and Mabby be key players and finally go out on a date?
Other story lines - Will Carly really drop the bomb at Sonny's wedding? Will Sonny ever forgive her? What happened to the child? I think we'll learn the baby died in Africa when Brenda was so sick. Will Lulu take Dante back after she finds out about the baby too? Will Johnny and Lulu get back together once she realizes Dante is a lying jerk. Will Saghag Suzanne turn out to be the Balkan's wife (and mother of the dude Brenda/Dante killed in 07) who has been befriending Brenda all these years to get information? Will Robin begin to finally forgive Patrick? What other crazy scheme will Lisa cook up and will she ever get caught?
Now for the most important storyline heading into the sweeps: Baby McMorgan! We know Jason and Sam have a talk about babies next week and decide to not have one. We also know they both want a baby more then anything together but don't know how to get to a place where bringing a child into this world would be safe and responsible. Will Sam find out she is pregnant without the procedure on 2/8? Or will she find out she is not pregnant and will this devastate her and Jason so much the decide they want to try? I think Liz will die in a car accident that will injure Cameron and Jake. Cameron will die along with Elizabeth. Jake will be hurt and they will find out Jake is actually Lucky's son. This will devastate Jason right after he finds out Sam is not pregnant. Jason will then start changing his life to be less dangerous so he can have a child with Sam because that is what he truly wants. OR Will Sam find out she is pregnant on 2/8 and be so high risk that Jason goes into overprotective mode. Does Franco find out Sam is pregnant and decide to torment Jason with the fact he wants to kill Sam and take the child?
Okay so those are my theories - let me hear yours!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
There is nothing worse then people making decisions for you....
Oh it took Jason a very long time to realize this but his line today gave me hope for the future of Jason and Sam, "There is nothing worse then people making decisions for you for your own good." I loved the look Sam gave him when he said this to Abby. Finally Jason gets this no matter what and that gives me hope that IF Sam does get pregnant that he will maybe not shut her out of his life once again "for her own good". Of course for Sam and Jason to actually have a child, they need to be alone long enough without all the drama to actually make a baby. The chances of that happening, at least in the foreseeable future, are very slim.
But let's back up and talk about the rest of the show today because this message of people deciding what is best for others seemed to be the theme for the day if you look at it closely. First, lets talk about Lulu. Lulu hasn't kept secrets from Dante and has dove into that relationship with both feet and some serious blinders on. Tracy and others tried to wake her up but oh no she would not listen. She kept defending Dante to everyone who would listen. Dante decided to make a decision for Lulu, possibly for her "own good", to not tell Lulu that first he knew Brenda back in 07 and then that he covered up a murder for Brenda. Finally the truth about that is out but oh Dante is still lying to Lulu about the rest of it. I think this is just what Lulu needed to wake up and see Dante for the lying excuse for a boyfriend he is. I have read that these two work out their issues in the coming weeks but that she won't know about the baby until the wedding. Well that should be interesting to see how she reacts with that bit of news. Will she just finally cut off all ties with him or will she just be accepting of it because she has lost all sense of reality again?
Next, let's talk about Sonny. Sonny has decided that for Mike's own good, he needs to go to rehab. While I don't disagree with Sonny's decision to get Mike the help he needs to overcome his gambling issues, Mike needs to come to terms with it once and for all before anyone can fix him.
Let's talk about Michael now since he was the main focus of today's show. Carly has decided for Michael's own good she will fight tooth and nail to keep him from seeing Abby. Carly knows her mistakes have made Michael's life what it is and her's alone. Sonny had his part but Carly is the one who caused him to not have a safe stable childhood and she feels like she will be paying for this for the rest of her life. Carly attacking Sam was uncalled for but Carly spins out of control when she gets scared. Thankfully Sam didn't leap for Carly's jugular like we all wanted to when she started saying horrible things to Sam, "Here's something you don't know about, Sam. I am a mother." Ooh that was mean Carly, even for you, on a bad day. You could see the pain on Sam's face but she let it go. She knows Carly is just acting out because she is trying to fix something she can't fix. Jason didn't leap to Sam's defense as much as I had wanted him to but he did keep Carly in line as much as he could. Carly is about to spew molten crazy all over the city of Port Charles. Let's just hope she starts channeling this energy in to her original goal of taking down Dante and Brenda.
Jason will blame himself his entire life for every bump in the road Michael hits. Jason is Michael's father in all sense of the word. He will do what ever it takes for that kid and has proven that. Jason blames himself so much for what has happened to Michael but he has really been the most stable person in Michael's life. Sam pointed this out to Jason and hopefully will continue. Jason is so fortunate to have her in his life. I just hope something happens so Jason starts finally seeing it too. I am tired of Jason blaming himself for everything and feeling unworthy. Sam's faith in Jason is so beautiful. I just hope that Jason decides if they do get pregnant that her faith in him is worth more then anything else. The fact she will want him in the child's life will help Jason see he is worthy of being a parent and so is she.
On a sad note, I have learned that Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth) has been let go from her contract with General Hospital. I hope this was a mutual decision and she has chosen she wanted to spend more time with her growing family. I have nothing against Rebecca Herbst as a person or an actress and think everyone should be treated fairly. I actually admired that she worked full time with 3 young children. As a mother of 2 young children I empathized with the challenges and struggles she must have daily with having a career and being a mom. While I did not like the Liz character and didn't want her anywhere near JaSam, I have been hoping for an LL2 reunion. I was under the impression the reason they brought back Johnathan Jackson as Lucky was for a reunion. But now that will not be the case. They were a super couple of the 90's and am saddened we won't get their reunion. How will they leave this story line? Will Elizabeth decide Jason and Lucky should be parents to their children and die of some illness? Or will she just fade off the show with no one noticing like Kate, Monica and so many others have.
But let's back up and talk about the rest of the show today because this message of people deciding what is best for others seemed to be the theme for the day if you look at it closely. First, lets talk about Lulu. Lulu hasn't kept secrets from Dante and has dove into that relationship with both feet and some serious blinders on. Tracy and others tried to wake her up but oh no she would not listen. She kept defending Dante to everyone who would listen. Dante decided to make a decision for Lulu, possibly for her "own good", to not tell Lulu that first he knew Brenda back in 07 and then that he covered up a murder for Brenda. Finally the truth about that is out but oh Dante is still lying to Lulu about the rest of it. I think this is just what Lulu needed to wake up and see Dante for the lying excuse for a boyfriend he is. I have read that these two work out their issues in the coming weeks but that she won't know about the baby until the wedding. Well that should be interesting to see how she reacts with that bit of news. Will she just finally cut off all ties with him or will she just be accepting of it because she has lost all sense of reality again?
Next, let's talk about Sonny. Sonny has decided that for Mike's own good, he needs to go to rehab. While I don't disagree with Sonny's decision to get Mike the help he needs to overcome his gambling issues, Mike needs to come to terms with it once and for all before anyone can fix him.
Let's talk about Michael now since he was the main focus of today's show. Carly has decided for Michael's own good she will fight tooth and nail to keep him from seeing Abby. Carly knows her mistakes have made Michael's life what it is and her's alone. Sonny had his part but Carly is the one who caused him to not have a safe stable childhood and she feels like she will be paying for this for the rest of her life. Carly attacking Sam was uncalled for but Carly spins out of control when she gets scared. Thankfully Sam didn't leap for Carly's jugular like we all wanted to when she started saying horrible things to Sam, "Here's something you don't know about, Sam. I am a mother." Ooh that was mean Carly, even for you, on a bad day. You could see the pain on Sam's face but she let it go. She knows Carly is just acting out because she is trying to fix something she can't fix. Jason didn't leap to Sam's defense as much as I had wanted him to but he did keep Carly in line as much as he could. Carly is about to spew molten crazy all over the city of Port Charles. Let's just hope she starts channeling this energy in to her original goal of taking down Dante and Brenda.
Jason will blame himself his entire life for every bump in the road Michael hits. Jason is Michael's father in all sense of the word. He will do what ever it takes for that kid and has proven that. Jason blames himself so much for what has happened to Michael but he has really been the most stable person in Michael's life. Sam pointed this out to Jason and hopefully will continue. Jason is so fortunate to have her in his life. I just hope something happens so Jason starts finally seeing it too. I am tired of Jason blaming himself for everything and feeling unworthy. Sam's faith in Jason is so beautiful. I just hope that Jason decides if they do get pregnant that her faith in him is worth more then anything else. The fact she will want him in the child's life will help Jason see he is worthy of being a parent and so is she.
On a sad note, I have learned that Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth) has been let go from her contract with General Hospital. I hope this was a mutual decision and she has chosen she wanted to spend more time with her growing family. I have nothing against Rebecca Herbst as a person or an actress and think everyone should be treated fairly. I actually admired that she worked full time with 3 young children. As a mother of 2 young children I empathized with the challenges and struggles she must have daily with having a career and being a mom. While I did not like the Liz character and didn't want her anywhere near JaSam, I have been hoping for an LL2 reunion. I was under the impression the reason they brought back Johnathan Jackson as Lucky was for a reunion. But now that will not be the case. They were a super couple of the 90's and am saddened we won't get their reunion. How will they leave this story line? Will Elizabeth decide Jason and Lucky should be parents to their children and die of some illness? Or will she just fade off the show with no one noticing like Kate, Monica and so many others have.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Are we on a diet?
The new year always comes around and everyone takes stock in their lives. Some of us decide we want to lose weight, others of us decide we need to organize our lives. But I never really thought the idea of a diet would apply to GH. Today's show had me asking this exact question. Is Guza trying to put us on a JaSam diet? I feel like Guza is trying to stuff the show with carbs (Dante, Brenda, Sonny, Krissy, Siobhan, Crazy Carly) and cut back on the healthy (Michael, Abby, Sam, Jason). We need TPTB at General Hospital know that we aren't embracing this new "diet" and we want more JaSam and Mabby!!
Let's talk about those GH carbs. I've said it before, Sonny and Brenda have a potential to be good. Sometimes when they are on and I watch them I get excited. I see the old Sonny and Brenda there (I should probably note I always like Brenda and Jax together more but Jax is a perfect match now for Carly). Sonny and Brenda do seem to be racing to the alter with great speed just at the time everything is falling down around them but this is classic SnB style. I mean why take time to make sure things will actually work or that a mad man isn't trying to kill you. For these two, they are happiest when they don't think about things. See thinking about things too much leads them back to wear they have always had problems. Sonny is too dangerous for Brenda, Brenda is (for the most part) selfish and a little mentally off her rocker. Together the insanity gets a bit to intense when they think things through and someone ends up breaking. Hopefully they have plenty of Zoloft on tap for this upcoming wedding because I have a feeling at least one of them will be spending some time at Shaddy Brook.
Another high on the Carb list, Lucky and Siobhan, gosh where to begin. I know I have said it before. I don't like her and my feelings have not changed. I hate that she is hurting Lucky and that he is investing his feeling in her. I wish Lucky would find a woman who is actually deserving of his heart instead of Liz and Siobhan. I was exhausted watching Siobhan try to break things off with Lucky today. I couldn't take it anymore I felt over-stuffed with carbs and filler with these two today. Can't Lucky ever find a girl that isn't lying to him?
One part of today's show I don't feel really fall into the carb category where the scenes with Lisa and Johnny. Oh Terrell is wondering what the hell he has walked into for good reason. Holy smokes Lisa is a busy girl. I do hope what ever Lisa has on Terrell, he decides enough is enough of High-Octane-Crazy Lisa and finally tells Robin and Patrick all. But I'll give Johnny this, he does know how to work with the insane. After all, 98% of Johnny's family has been crazy so he is the one who would know how to work them. I do love Johnny and I find Lisa pretty damn calculating and entertaining so I can't wait to see how this friendship plays out.
Now for the healthy reasons we watch GH, Jason and Sam. I never heard Dr. Lee actually confirm Sam's inquiry about actually carrying to full-term, but you get the idea she said yes. She raced back to the PH to research this without trying to get her hopes up or say a word to Jason. I actually like that Sam is keeping this information from Jason. Yes, you read that correctly. I am glad Sam is deciding for herself if this is something she is even ready to entertain before telling Jason. I like this because the old Sam would never do this. The old Sam would have raced home the first day and started charting her temperature to get pregnant. But Sam now is strong and complete. Her life is complete so she doesn't feel the need to fill something missing in her life with a baby. "Having a baby changed me" (her words not mine), when she told Jason about wanting another child in 2004 and 2005. Sam never felt she was enough or complete before and she longed for that completeness. She thought she found it when she got pregnant but when the baby died she was reeling. Then she thought she found that in Jason but when they fell apart her whole world came crashing down around her. But now Sam has a family, a career and a life completely with or without Jason. Sam is independent, self sufficient and strong all on her own. I love how strong her character has become. I also love the fact Jason needs Sam like he needs air. She is the one that puts him at peace and he is so incredibly grateful because he knows life without her isn't worth living. For Sam she loves Jason more then anything, but I think she is not sure about this latest news and how to proceed with it. I love that she is taking time to figure this out before talking to Jason about so she knows all about it before approaching the topic. I think there will eventually be a baby. We don't know if they decide against the procedure or not, but I think that a baby is in the cards for 2011 at some point. I have mixed feelings about a baby for them and hold on, Jizzer spies that read this blog, don't get too excited with what I just wrote. I have mixed feeling is not because I think their lives are too dangerous, I just wonder how Jason will react. I want Jason to want to be a father and want this baby and realize he is a good father already to Michael. Of course if a baby doesn't happen, then I accept that too. I just want them to be together and happy. That is more important to me then anything else as a fan.
Call the comment line and let them know, we need more JaSam and Mabby! Until tomorrow everyone!
Let's talk about those GH carbs. I've said it before, Sonny and Brenda have a potential to be good. Sometimes when they are on and I watch them I get excited. I see the old Sonny and Brenda there (I should probably note I always like Brenda and Jax together more but Jax is a perfect match now for Carly). Sonny and Brenda do seem to be racing to the alter with great speed just at the time everything is falling down around them but this is classic SnB style. I mean why take time to make sure things will actually work or that a mad man isn't trying to kill you. For these two, they are happiest when they don't think about things. See thinking about things too much leads them back to wear they have always had problems. Sonny is too dangerous for Brenda, Brenda is (for the most part) selfish and a little mentally off her rocker. Together the insanity gets a bit to intense when they think things through and someone ends up breaking. Hopefully they have plenty of Zoloft on tap for this upcoming wedding because I have a feeling at least one of them will be spending some time at Shaddy Brook.
Another high on the Carb list, Lucky and Siobhan, gosh where to begin. I know I have said it before. I don't like her and my feelings have not changed. I hate that she is hurting Lucky and that he is investing his feeling in her. I wish Lucky would find a woman who is actually deserving of his heart instead of Liz and Siobhan. I was exhausted watching Siobhan try to break things off with Lucky today. I couldn't take it anymore I felt over-stuffed with carbs and filler with these two today. Can't Lucky ever find a girl that isn't lying to him?
One part of today's show I don't feel really fall into the carb category where the scenes with Lisa and Johnny. Oh Terrell is wondering what the hell he has walked into for good reason. Holy smokes Lisa is a busy girl. I do hope what ever Lisa has on Terrell, he decides enough is enough of High-Octane-Crazy Lisa and finally tells Robin and Patrick all. But I'll give Johnny this, he does know how to work with the insane. After all, 98% of Johnny's family has been crazy so he is the one who would know how to work them. I do love Johnny and I find Lisa pretty damn calculating and entertaining so I can't wait to see how this friendship plays out.
Now for the healthy reasons we watch GH, Jason and Sam. I never heard Dr. Lee actually confirm Sam's inquiry about actually carrying to full-term, but you get the idea she said yes. She raced back to the PH to research this without trying to get her hopes up or say a word to Jason. I actually like that Sam is keeping this information from Jason. Yes, you read that correctly. I am glad Sam is deciding for herself if this is something she is even ready to entertain before telling Jason. I like this because the old Sam would never do this. The old Sam would have raced home the first day and started charting her temperature to get pregnant. But Sam now is strong and complete. Her life is complete so she doesn't feel the need to fill something missing in her life with a baby. "Having a baby changed me" (her words not mine), when she told Jason about wanting another child in 2004 and 2005. Sam never felt she was enough or complete before and she longed for that completeness. She thought she found it when she got pregnant but when the baby died she was reeling. Then she thought she found that in Jason but when they fell apart her whole world came crashing down around her. But now Sam has a family, a career and a life completely with or without Jason. Sam is independent, self sufficient and strong all on her own. I love how strong her character has become. I also love the fact Jason needs Sam like he needs air. She is the one that puts him at peace and he is so incredibly grateful because he knows life without her isn't worth living. For Sam she loves Jason more then anything, but I think she is not sure about this latest news and how to proceed with it. I love that she is taking time to figure this out before talking to Jason about so she knows all about it before approaching the topic. I think there will eventually be a baby. We don't know if they decide against the procedure or not, but I think that a baby is in the cards for 2011 at some point. I have mixed feelings about a baby for them and hold on, Jizzer spies that read this blog, don't get too excited with what I just wrote. I have mixed feeling is not because I think their lives are too dangerous, I just wonder how Jason will react. I want Jason to want to be a father and want this baby and realize he is a good father already to Michael. Of course if a baby doesn't happen, then I accept that too. I just want them to be together and happy. That is more important to me then anything else as a fan.
Call the comment line and let them know, we need more JaSam and Mabby! Until tomorrow everyone!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Perfectly Balanced Tuesday
2011 is really starting off to be a great year for GH! I am so happy it seems like sometimes the writers listen to us on the comment line and give us perfect harmony of story lines. Today there wasn't too much of any one character. It made the show worth watching even with Brenda and Dante on.
I really did like Siobhan at first but I have fallen out of love with her. Lucky needs a good, honest woman not another lair. Siobhan might have her reasons for working for the Balkan but no matter what they are she is still using Lucky for information and I am not okay with that.
So is GH's solution to all immigration issue marriage? First Maya and Ethan and now Siobhan and Lucky? I mean is become a Spencer thing to do? Are we going to find some green card seeking guy for Lulu next for her to marry? Of course I'd be all for that if it meant Dante and Lulu were over for good. Please Lulu seek out someone who needs a green card so you can marry them and drop Dante! Did anyone notice that all the Spencer children were at Jake's around the same time but did none of them appeared to notice?
Ethan and Maya house hunting was cute. They really do care about each other but won't let the other one see it. It's all about the not showing you are falling for your mark which is getting more difficult for these two because they are developing true feelings.
Sonny and Brenda's wedding planner seems to be more concerned about meeting Murphy St.Clair then anything that will have to do about their wedding. Perhaps the wedding planner should have an ice sculpture of Murphy in the background so she can ogle over it during the wedding. Feb 18th sucks as a wedding date! This will mean they will overshadow Valentines day. Well that should be delightful.
I loved Sonny's line about the wedding planner, "Oh good she reads the papers."
Sometimes when I watch Sonny and Brenda I think they can not resurrect the old Brenda and Sonny of days past. When the romance started up again I saw the potential but I also saw something else not as favorable. I saw how self-absorbed and annoying Brenda has become and Sonny does have a tendency to drone on and on about his bad choices. But today when Sonny gave Brenda her rings they writing was pretty good and the potential moment was there again. They do have the potential to be a great couple if they keep Brenda's selfish ways under control.
Now for today's main attractions, JaSam and Mabby. Oh my goodness, I watched these scenes over and over and over. I honestly can't get enough of these two couples today. They were just amazing. I love how these two couples are connected and worry about each other. Michael wanted more then anything to protect and help Abby. Abby was so upset he saw her working that she called Sam to help find Michael. Abby and Sam can relate to the calculating controlling side of Carly. Abby's ex-boyfriend showing up was kind of random and perhaps there will be more information there we will learn later. But the best part was we learned both Michael and Abby have real feelings for each other. They don't want to hide that anymore. Their first kiss was perfect, intense but so much caring behind it. Well done Chad Duell and Andrea Bogart.
Jason and Sam have come so far. They are strong and supportive for their friends and family but they get their strength from their loves for one another. I love that Jason told Carly he doesn't even want to talk about what happened in prison and that the only person he has talked to about is Sam. This is another beautiful example of how Jason needs Sam. Jason needs Sam like he needs air to breathe. Carly is beginning to see that she can't fix this in Michael and as a parent that is a horrible reality to accept. Sam and Jason are doing their best to help Carly see this for Michael's sake. They really have the potential to be amazing parents.
Jason was concerned Sam was at the hospital and could tell Sam wasn't telling him everything but didn't want to pry. He could tell she was very worried about Michael and Abby. Now was not the time to tell Jason about the procedure, Sam could see that. I am not sure Sam wants to talk about it at all yet because talking about it opens up a road she isn't sure she wants to go down. As Jason began to talk about his night with Jake and how Michael was once that age, it began to hurt and you could see that in Sam's face. She was thinking about the procedure and for a split second she wanted to give Jason another chance to prove he is a good father. But just as quickly as those thoughts rushed into her head, Jason reminded himself and her why he does not think he deserves to be a father. Sam will tell Jason eventually because she knows she has to be honest with him but this is huge and she has to wrap her head around it first.
Show your support and call the comment line.
I really did like Siobhan at first but I have fallen out of love with her. Lucky needs a good, honest woman not another lair. Siobhan might have her reasons for working for the Balkan but no matter what they are she is still using Lucky for information and I am not okay with that.
So is GH's solution to all immigration issue marriage? First Maya and Ethan and now Siobhan and Lucky? I mean is become a Spencer thing to do? Are we going to find some green card seeking guy for Lulu next for her to marry? Of course I'd be all for that if it meant Dante and Lulu were over for good. Please Lulu seek out someone who needs a green card so you can marry them and drop Dante! Did anyone notice that all the Spencer children were at Jake's around the same time but did none of them appeared to notice?
Ethan and Maya house hunting was cute. They really do care about each other but won't let the other one see it. It's all about the not showing you are falling for your mark which is getting more difficult for these two because they are developing true feelings.
Sonny and Brenda's wedding planner seems to be more concerned about meeting Murphy St.Clair then anything that will have to do about their wedding. Perhaps the wedding planner should have an ice sculpture of Murphy in the background so she can ogle over it during the wedding. Feb 18th sucks as a wedding date! This will mean they will overshadow Valentines day. Well that should be delightful.
I loved Sonny's line about the wedding planner, "Oh good she reads the papers."
Sometimes when I watch Sonny and Brenda I think they can not resurrect the old Brenda and Sonny of days past. When the romance started up again I saw the potential but I also saw something else not as favorable. I saw how self-absorbed and annoying Brenda has become and Sonny does have a tendency to drone on and on about his bad choices. But today when Sonny gave Brenda her rings they writing was pretty good and the potential moment was there again. They do have the potential to be a great couple if they keep Brenda's selfish ways under control.
Now for today's main attractions, JaSam and Mabby. Oh my goodness, I watched these scenes over and over and over. I honestly can't get enough of these two couples today. They were just amazing. I love how these two couples are connected and worry about each other. Michael wanted more then anything to protect and help Abby. Abby was so upset he saw her working that she called Sam to help find Michael. Abby and Sam can relate to the calculating controlling side of Carly. Abby's ex-boyfriend showing up was kind of random and perhaps there will be more information there we will learn later. But the best part was we learned both Michael and Abby have real feelings for each other. They don't want to hide that anymore. Their first kiss was perfect, intense but so much caring behind it. Well done Chad Duell and Andrea Bogart.
Jason and Sam have come so far. They are strong and supportive for their friends and family but they get their strength from their loves for one another. I love that Jason told Carly he doesn't even want to talk about what happened in prison and that the only person he has talked to about is Sam. This is another beautiful example of how Jason needs Sam. Jason needs Sam like he needs air to breathe. Carly is beginning to see that she can't fix this in Michael and as a parent that is a horrible reality to accept. Sam and Jason are doing their best to help Carly see this for Michael's sake. They really have the potential to be amazing parents.
Jason was concerned Sam was at the hospital and could tell Sam wasn't telling him everything but didn't want to pry. He could tell she was very worried about Michael and Abby. Now was not the time to tell Jason about the procedure, Sam could see that. I am not sure Sam wants to talk about it at all yet because talking about it opens up a road she isn't sure she wants to go down. As Jason began to talk about his night with Jake and how Michael was once that age, it began to hurt and you could see that in Sam's face. She was thinking about the procedure and for a split second she wanted to give Jason another chance to prove he is a good father. But just as quickly as those thoughts rushed into her head, Jason reminded himself and her why he does not think he deserves to be a father. Sam will tell Jason eventually because she knows she has to be honest with him but this is huge and she has to wrap her head around it first.
Show your support and call the comment line.
Monday, January 10, 2011
"That's not how Brenda operations. She just gets crazier!"
Today was a continuation of Friday's scenes with Abby and Carly and Sonny and Michael. Sonny did a very good job at explaining to Michael why Carly was going off the rails over this current situation. I don't think Carly is completely in the wrong either but she does need to ease up and let Michael navigate his life a little bit. I am sure she'll find a way to blame this whole situation on Sam for a very long time. Carly needs to relax but she can't do it. Abby held her own very nicely against Carly. Abby did point out some facts to Carly that she should realize. "No healthy 19 year old kid is going to talk to his mother." and "Michael is an adult."
I am so glad Michael walked in and saw Carly and Abby at Kelly's. Michael is entitled to his own choices and their consequences. Carly needed to hear it but I don't think it made enough impact on her. Carly is a fixates on things and can't let them go. Carly is not going to let this one go. Michael put it best when he said, "I know you love me Mom but you can not run my life!" Carly is going up against a force she is not going to win. Jason even pointed out she will not win this fight.
Many of us have been waiting for today hoping for a miracle when Sam went to the hospital to see Dr. Lee. But I had to re-watch those scenes a few time to get the full meaning of them. Does this mean Sam already had her complete exam? It sounded like it based on their dialog. So that means Sam isn't already pregnant doesn't it? I was hoping for a miracle McMorgan baby this month. Sam's reaction wasn't what I expected when Dr. Lee told her she could be a candidate for the procedure but I think that reaction steams from the fact Sam has closed the Mommy door in her life. To re-open that door for her will be incredibly painful and she isn't sure she wants to go down that road. If you listen to her words exactly, she hangs on the fact the procedure is experimental which means that she could very well end up not having a baby. She knows Jason is against the idea of being a father. I think more then anything Sam was surprised and stunned by the news and decided to not pursue the discussion farther. Sam has accepted that everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that happened in the past between her and Jason happened and you can not change it. She has accepted not being able to have children, she has accepted Jason and his lifestyle completely and she accepted they will never be parents. I don't think she wants to allow herself to hope or go back on her decisions without some serious thought. This will be interesting to see how this plays out. What I really hope happens is Dr. Lee calls Sam with her test results and finds out she is already pregnant. But I am not sure they are going to set this story up that way. But no matter what happens, keep the faith. Our couple needs your support.
Classic line of the day from Jason,
"That's not how Brenda operations. She just gets crazier!"
I am so glad Michael walked in and saw Carly and Abby at Kelly's. Michael is entitled to his own choices and their consequences. Carly needed to hear it but I don't think it made enough impact on her. Carly is a fixates on things and can't let them go. Carly is not going to let this one go. Michael put it best when he said, "I know you love me Mom but you can not run my life!" Carly is going up against a force she is not going to win. Jason even pointed out she will not win this fight.
Many of us have been waiting for today hoping for a miracle when Sam went to the hospital to see Dr. Lee. But I had to re-watch those scenes a few time to get the full meaning of them. Does this mean Sam already had her complete exam? It sounded like it based on their dialog. So that means Sam isn't already pregnant doesn't it? I was hoping for a miracle McMorgan baby this month. Sam's reaction wasn't what I expected when Dr. Lee told her she could be a candidate for the procedure but I think that reaction steams from the fact Sam has closed the Mommy door in her life. To re-open that door for her will be incredibly painful and she isn't sure she wants to go down that road. If you listen to her words exactly, she hangs on the fact the procedure is experimental which means that she could very well end up not having a baby. She knows Jason is against the idea of being a father. I think more then anything Sam was surprised and stunned by the news and decided to not pursue the discussion farther. Sam has accepted that everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that happened in the past between her and Jason happened and you can not change it. She has accepted not being able to have children, she has accepted Jason and his lifestyle completely and she accepted they will never be parents. I don't think she wants to allow herself to hope or go back on her decisions without some serious thought. This will be interesting to see how this plays out. What I really hope happens is Dr. Lee calls Sam with her test results and finds out she is already pregnant. But I am not sure they are going to set this story up that way. But no matter what happens, keep the faith. Our couple needs your support.
Classic line of the day from Jason,
"That's not how Brenda operations. She just gets crazier!"
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Carly's on a Warpath
Friday's episode of GH was another great and balanced episode and it makes me excited that perhaps 2011 will be a more balanced year for the show all together. Of course I would not mind 15 minutes of Jason and Sam and no Dante or Brenda but I know that might never happen so I need to stay positive about what we can. I know by now everyone has seen the promo for the week with Dr. Lee telling Sam there might be a way to address her fertility problems. In those few words, every JaSam fan jumped out of their seats and screamed in happiness. Are we really going to get a McMorgan miracle baby? Ever since Jason and Sam reunited they have skirted about the discussion of babies and her 'fertility problem'. Sam never blamed Jason when she was shot and could no longer have children. However, Jason did and rightfully so to some degree. If Sam had never been shot she would have been able to have a child. This is a topic of discussion, for the most part, these two have avoided having. There is so much pain associated with what happened after Sam got shot and how Jason handled it. The fact that now they are going to have to revisit some of it will be interesting to see how it will play out. I, for one, hope Sam is already pregnant so they don't need this procedure. Also it would make their whole story line more dramatic if she was high risk and Jason would need to, for once, actually put her first. It will be very interesting to see how this all come to shape over the next few months. I just hope Dante, Brenda and the Balkan don't overshadow it at all.
Speaking of the Balkan, am I the only one that finds this Theo Huffman as boring as watching paint dry? The actor is way too over dramatic and the whole story line is just so bland and pointless. I wanted Jerry to be around longer. I love Jerry and his witty lines. This Theo guy (a.k.a The Balkan) is falling flat when it comes to any short of a good villain and he is taking the whole story line of down with him.
Somethings that aren't falling flat are, of course, Jason and Sam but also the budding new romance of Michael and Abby. Michael and Abby are going to have their challenges and their first biggest one is going to be Momma bear Carly.
Carly was in rare form on Friday's episode of GH. Carly was reacting like any mother would who just found out their 19 yr old son is dating a older woman who is a stripper. Now, I like Abby and I love her with Michael but you have to see Carly does have a right to be upset here a little. I am a mother so I can relate to Carly better then some. Carly has always wanted to do right by her children but hasn't always done so. Carly's momma bear reaction is completely within her character and let's face it ANY mother would have that same reaction. Carly has made an honest effort over the last few years to try to keep her kids safe and give them a good life. Unfortunately Michael getting shot and going to prison were things out of her control but she did everything she could to support Michael during these times. Michael is a different kid then the kid that got shot (literally and emotionally). Carly is not only dealing with her first child possibly dating someone for the first time but she is trying to deal with (and not doing a very good job at it) the fact this woman is a stripper. All Carly wants for Michael is for him to have a normal undamaged life. Unfortunately that ship has sailed for this kid. Michael will never be like the other 19 yr old kids because he lost a year of his life in a coma and then spent time in prison. Michael really is far more mature in some ways then kids his age which is why he hit it off with Abby in the first place. If Carly is wise she is going to have to learn the art of accepting Michael and all that comes with that. Now, we know Carly isn't one to keep her feeling to herself or allow anything out of her control near her kids. So Carly will most likely NOT accept Abby for a very long time if ever. Oh but you have to had it to Laura Wright and the GH writers for making Carly so true to her character. Laura Wright plays Carly so well I have to remember I am watching a TV show sometimes. Some of her lines on Friday's show were truly classic.
Carly to Sonny, "So what you are saying is you are perfectly fine with Michael dating a stripper because I am telling you I AM NOT!!"
Carly to Abby, "That's smart thinkin'."
"....But it won't be on Michael's back, not as long as I am breathing."
Of course I think Carly in the end will be very sorry (even though she'll probably never admit it) that she treated Sam and Abby the way she has today because it will come back to bite her. I think Carly needs a reminder of her real project and goal which is getting Brenda and Dante to pay. I am all for her running Brenda and Dante out of town (and off of our television screens) for the foreseeable future.
As for the best part of the show on Friday, Jason and Sam. I loved their dialog on Friday back and forth. Sam leaving early to work I think was her way of avoiding not only Brenda, as she stated, but I think she was a little uneasy to see if Jason would mention the night before with Jake. Jake is such a painful topic for them both that I think the two of them are a little unsure about how to talk about him. Jason did the right thing by thanking Sam for helping him with Jake. Sam was great with Jake and I think in that moment when Jason, Sam and Jake all sat there sharing a moment that was infinitely more special to our couple then we could have imagined, Jason realized that things could have been so different. Jason also saw Sam does not resent Jake as the result of Jason's unfaithfulness but only loves him as her own if she was given the chance to be his step mother. You could tell this when Sam began talking about Jake. She has loved that child almost as much as Jason but this time around has chosen to allow Jason to navigate his relationship with Jake the way he has chosen. I have read in the latest issue of SID that Steve Burton is quoted in saying this year will stir up a lot of controversy. I also read Sam keeps the information about the medical procedure quiet at first and Jason keeps his recently surfacing feelings about wanting to be a father quiet for the moment as well. I hope this doesn't mean that Jason and Sam stop being honest with each other even if it is about this topic. I hope this only means that this will make them stronger not begin to chip away at the strong foundation they have established. I have this gut feeling Jason is going to do something stupid this year and I will spend a lot of energy angry with him. I hope I am wrong, I really do. I keep reminding myself of why would they bring our amazing couple back together if they are just going to tear them apart again? So I chose to keep the faith and remain positive. Hope for the best.
Our couple needs your support. Call the comment lines and show your support. Keep the faith! I will try to keep mine.
Speaking of the Balkan, am I the only one that finds this Theo Huffman as boring as watching paint dry? The actor is way too over dramatic and the whole story line is just so bland and pointless. I wanted Jerry to be around longer. I love Jerry and his witty lines. This Theo guy (a.k.a The Balkan) is falling flat when it comes to any short of a good villain and he is taking the whole story line of down with him.
Somethings that aren't falling flat are, of course, Jason and Sam but also the budding new romance of Michael and Abby. Michael and Abby are going to have their challenges and their first biggest one is going to be Momma bear Carly.
Carly was in rare form on Friday's episode of GH. Carly was reacting like any mother would who just found out their 19 yr old son is dating a older woman who is a stripper. Now, I like Abby and I love her with Michael but you have to see Carly does have a right to be upset here a little. I am a mother so I can relate to Carly better then some. Carly has always wanted to do right by her children but hasn't always done so. Carly's momma bear reaction is completely within her character and let's face it ANY mother would have that same reaction. Carly has made an honest effort over the last few years to try to keep her kids safe and give them a good life. Unfortunately Michael getting shot and going to prison were things out of her control but she did everything she could to support Michael during these times. Michael is a different kid then the kid that got shot (literally and emotionally). Carly is not only dealing with her first child possibly dating someone for the first time but she is trying to deal with (and not doing a very good job at it) the fact this woman is a stripper. All Carly wants for Michael is for him to have a normal undamaged life. Unfortunately that ship has sailed for this kid. Michael will never be like the other 19 yr old kids because he lost a year of his life in a coma and then spent time in prison. Michael really is far more mature in some ways then kids his age which is why he hit it off with Abby in the first place. If Carly is wise she is going to have to learn the art of accepting Michael and all that comes with that. Now, we know Carly isn't one to keep her feeling to herself or allow anything out of her control near her kids. So Carly will most likely NOT accept Abby for a very long time if ever. Oh but you have to had it to Laura Wright and the GH writers for making Carly so true to her character. Laura Wright plays Carly so well I have to remember I am watching a TV show sometimes. Some of her lines on Friday's show were truly classic.
Carly to Sonny, "So what you are saying is you are perfectly fine with Michael dating a stripper because I am telling you I AM NOT!!"
Carly to Abby, "That's smart thinkin'."
"....But it won't be on Michael's back, not as long as I am breathing."
Of course I think Carly in the end will be very sorry (even though she'll probably never admit it) that she treated Sam and Abby the way she has today because it will come back to bite her. I think Carly needs a reminder of her real project and goal which is getting Brenda and Dante to pay. I am all for her running Brenda and Dante out of town (and off of our television screens) for the foreseeable future.
As for the best part of the show on Friday, Jason and Sam. I loved their dialog on Friday back and forth. Sam leaving early to work I think was her way of avoiding not only Brenda, as she stated, but I think she was a little uneasy to see if Jason would mention the night before with Jake. Jake is such a painful topic for them both that I think the two of them are a little unsure about how to talk about him. Jason did the right thing by thanking Sam for helping him with Jake. Sam was great with Jake and I think in that moment when Jason, Sam and Jake all sat there sharing a moment that was infinitely more special to our couple then we could have imagined, Jason realized that things could have been so different. Jason also saw Sam does not resent Jake as the result of Jason's unfaithfulness but only loves him as her own if she was given the chance to be his step mother. You could tell this when Sam began talking about Jake. She has loved that child almost as much as Jason but this time around has chosen to allow Jason to navigate his relationship with Jake the way he has chosen. I have read in the latest issue of SID that Steve Burton is quoted in saying this year will stir up a lot of controversy. I also read Sam keeps the information about the medical procedure quiet at first and Jason keeps his recently surfacing feelings about wanting to be a father quiet for the moment as well. I hope this doesn't mean that Jason and Sam stop being honest with each other even if it is about this topic. I hope this only means that this will make them stronger not begin to chip away at the strong foundation they have established. I have this gut feeling Jason is going to do something stupid this year and I will spend a lot of energy angry with him. I hope I am wrong, I really do. I keep reminding myself of why would they bring our amazing couple back together if they are just going to tear them apart again? So I chose to keep the faith and remain positive. Hope for the best.
Our couple needs your support. Call the comment lines and show your support. Keep the faith! I will try to keep mine.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Foreshadowing to the Future?
Bravo GH! Today's show was amazing. I usually watch GH an hour after it airs on DVR so I can fast forward the boring parts. Lately I have been fast forwarding more then usual. But today's show was great. I watched the whole episode even the parts with Krissy, Brenda and Dante. This just goes to show you that this show does have what it takes to keep fans and they do get it right some of the time. All of the acting was top notch today and the writing was good too. Today's show had a very strong element of family to it. Everyone was focused on family. Also I couldn't help notice that perhaps today's show also had a few hints for the upcoming year story lines.
Well it is nice to see that Jax was the last to know about the crash. So Jason and Carly didn't call either of their significant but at least it was even. Jax for once appeared to be the odd one out when it came to family time between Morgan, Carly and Sonny. I have never agreed Morgan should be adopted by Jax and I hope this year we get to see Sonny take a more active role in Morgan's life. Sonny is Morgan's father and while Jax is an incredible stepfather, he should actually step back and let Sonny take a more active part in his life. I think Kristina would have greatly benefited from spending more time with her dad when she was younger then having now to repair their relationship. Maybe today was foreshadowing for the coming year for Sonny's potential to prove himself as a father again.
Poor Abby. Now she knows that neither of Michael's parents are thrilled with her being friends with Michael. Well at least she knows where she stand with them. Sonny, of course, could spot a stripper in one glance so he knew what she was before she even had to say. But I liked how Abby stood up to Sonny letting him know she respected his opinions but that Michael should be allowed to choose what he wants. He did turn 19 after all during the ski trip. He should be allowed to start taking responsibility for his life. Michael is all grown up and Abby is the only one who treats him that way. She is the only one who doesn't treat him like a damaged kid that needs protecting and pity. Whenever Carly, Sonny, Jason and Jax (to a degree) look at Michael they see the mistakes they made with him but they don't see that he is an adult now who wants to do adult things. Abby is what Michael wants but this year they are going to hit some bumps along the way. Momma bear Carly look not at all thrilled as she saw the two of them in a very tight embrace at the hospital. While Abby seems tough I am not sure she will win in a fight against Carly and I think we saw a glimpse of foreshadowing there in Carly's glare.
I felt sorry for Steve. He tried his best to get all the injured diagnosed and taken care of but his head was with Olivia. He blamed himself for Ali collapsing and dying. I liked Ali but her character had a shelf life and now this will give Krissy yet another thing to blame herself for and cry about. Krissy really does need to stop whining and crying so much or she is going to turn into her future step mommy, Brenda. No wonder they have something in common. Drama does tend to attracted other drama.
Oh Maxie Jones you still can make us laugh even in the midst of a crisis. Matt and Maxie are growing on me as a couple. I still think Matt's character is a bit dry and boring overall but Maxie does tend to keep him busy. Lisa was very understanding and helpful today which reminded me once again why I actually like Lisa's character. She's crazy but she can play it so cool in a crisis.
Now for the real reason we watch, Jason and Sam. I loved how he hurried to her when he arrived at the hospital and they embraced. Jason's face always says it all when he looks at Sam. His eyes light up and you can even almost see the weight of his world is lifted when he's near her. While he seems to not always be the most considerate or romantic you can tell Jason needs Sam like he needs air to breathe. She is his world and you can see that on his face every time they look at each other. I love how Jason and Sam stuck by each others side through out the show. Sam didn't unexpectedly disappear and Jason didn't get focused on Brenda or the Balkan for an entire episode. I loved the Stelly magic today. It physically hurt both Jason and Sam when Elizabeth walked out of the elevator with Jake. Liz took a few minutes off from being her normal judgmental witch today and decided to actually be human to Jason and Sam for once. The pain was so tangible in Jason's eyes when he saw Jake it made Sam's heartbreak. When Liz asked Jason and Sam if they could watch Jake I was glad to see Sam was the one who accepted the offer for Jason who was too stunned for words. I think Jason also saw again today that Sam would have been an incredible stepmother to Jake had she been given the chance. I loved that Sam was the one who picked Jake up and motioned Jason over to sit with Jake reminding Jason that he had nothing to be afraid of. Sam knew just what to say to Jake to get him talking and let Jason join in. I thought it was very fitting that Jake liked motorcycles and Jason telling him he should always wear a helmet. The smile on Jason's face when he played motorcycles with Jake was precious. Sam is the only other person in this world that makes Jason smile. Sam had tears in her eyes as she watched this happiness wash over Jason. In that moment those three were a family and we saw the foreshadowing of hopefully a future storyline of a JaSam family.
The ending montage today brought tears to my eyes. Well done GH. Many days I watch in frustration but today I just watched in awe of how good the show is sometimes.
Call the comment line and tell them how exceptional today's show was!
Well it is nice to see that Jax was the last to know about the crash. So Jason and Carly didn't call either of their significant but at least it was even. Jax for once appeared to be the odd one out when it came to family time between Morgan, Carly and Sonny. I have never agreed Morgan should be adopted by Jax and I hope this year we get to see Sonny take a more active role in Morgan's life. Sonny is Morgan's father and while Jax is an incredible stepfather, he should actually step back and let Sonny take a more active part in his life. I think Kristina would have greatly benefited from spending more time with her dad when she was younger then having now to repair their relationship. Maybe today was foreshadowing for the coming year for Sonny's potential to prove himself as a father again.
Poor Abby. Now she knows that neither of Michael's parents are thrilled with her being friends with Michael. Well at least she knows where she stand with them. Sonny, of course, could spot a stripper in one glance so he knew what she was before she even had to say. But I liked how Abby stood up to Sonny letting him know she respected his opinions but that Michael should be allowed to choose what he wants. He did turn 19 after all during the ski trip. He should be allowed to start taking responsibility for his life. Michael is all grown up and Abby is the only one who treats him that way. She is the only one who doesn't treat him like a damaged kid that needs protecting and pity. Whenever Carly, Sonny, Jason and Jax (to a degree) look at Michael they see the mistakes they made with him but they don't see that he is an adult now who wants to do adult things. Abby is what Michael wants but this year they are going to hit some bumps along the way. Momma bear Carly look not at all thrilled as she saw the two of them in a very tight embrace at the hospital. While Abby seems tough I am not sure she will win in a fight against Carly and I think we saw a glimpse of foreshadowing there in Carly's glare.
I felt sorry for Steve. He tried his best to get all the injured diagnosed and taken care of but his head was with Olivia. He blamed himself for Ali collapsing and dying. I liked Ali but her character had a shelf life and now this will give Krissy yet another thing to blame herself for and cry about. Krissy really does need to stop whining and crying so much or she is going to turn into her future step mommy, Brenda. No wonder they have something in common. Drama does tend to attracted other drama.
Oh Maxie Jones you still can make us laugh even in the midst of a crisis. Matt and Maxie are growing on me as a couple. I still think Matt's character is a bit dry and boring overall but Maxie does tend to keep him busy. Lisa was very understanding and helpful today which reminded me once again why I actually like Lisa's character. She's crazy but she can play it so cool in a crisis.
Now for the real reason we watch, Jason and Sam. I loved how he hurried to her when he arrived at the hospital and they embraced. Jason's face always says it all when he looks at Sam. His eyes light up and you can even almost see the weight of his world is lifted when he's near her. While he seems to not always be the most considerate or romantic you can tell Jason needs Sam like he needs air to breathe. She is his world and you can see that on his face every time they look at each other. I love how Jason and Sam stuck by each others side through out the show. Sam didn't unexpectedly disappear and Jason didn't get focused on Brenda or the Balkan for an entire episode. I loved the Stelly magic today. It physically hurt both Jason and Sam when Elizabeth walked out of the elevator with Jake. Liz took a few minutes off from being her normal judgmental witch today and decided to actually be human to Jason and Sam for once. The pain was so tangible in Jason's eyes when he saw Jake it made Sam's heartbreak. When Liz asked Jason and Sam if they could watch Jake I was glad to see Sam was the one who accepted the offer for Jason who was too stunned for words. I think Jason also saw again today that Sam would have been an incredible stepmother to Jake had she been given the chance. I loved that Sam was the one who picked Jake up and motioned Jason over to sit with Jake reminding Jason that he had nothing to be afraid of. Sam knew just what to say to Jake to get him talking and let Jason join in. I thought it was very fitting that Jake liked motorcycles and Jason telling him he should always wear a helmet. The smile on Jason's face when he played motorcycles with Jake was precious. Sam is the only other person in this world that makes Jason smile. Sam had tears in her eyes as she watched this happiness wash over Jason. In that moment those three were a family and we saw the foreshadowing of hopefully a future storyline of a JaSam family.
The ending montage today brought tears to my eyes. Well done GH. Many days I watch in frustration but today I just watched in awe of how good the show is sometimes.
Call the comment line and tell them how exceptional today's show was!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Bus Crash or Bus Bust?
I know normally I write positive glowing comments about our super couple but since they haven't been on much I have chosen to write about the current story line on GH. I will admit when I heard there was a bus crash storyline going on I was kind of excited and I decided to tune in. But I think once again GH should have and could have made this storyline much more exciting. First, why didn't Sam go on the trip with her sisters? That would have made it much more entertaining and given Jason a real reason to freak out. Not to mention she would have been the adult of the group to take charge. As it was Steve wasn't really all that impressive in a crisis and Matt/Maxie were too busy looking after each other to even notice anyone else around. If Sam had been on that bus, she would have made sure all of the kids were safe. She would have managed to find a way to get Spinelli to activate her phone GPS even without good reception and get rescue crews to them. If she had been hurt in anyway it would have been interesting to watch Michael and Steve take care of her but she would have remained strong. Jason would have gone out of his mind which is what he needs to do when it comes to Sam. He really does need to notice her more.
As for the actually crash, I would have been happy if Krissy had been hit over the head and gone mute for the entire experience. A mute Krissy would have improved things much more. Morgan is no gem when it comes to younger actors so his role was really boring and I did honestly have to fast forward most of his lines to stay interested. Michael was great and if he hadn't been in this story line I think I would have turned the TV off for the whole hour. I am excited Abby was worried about him and was waiting for him at GH but how did she know there was an accident to start with? She seemed to have known about it before most others? I'll be interested to see how Sonny reacts to Abby. I was wondering why Abby didn't wait with Sam. Aren't those two supposed to be pretty good friends?
Maybe tomorrow everyone will arrive at GH and we will actually get some JaSam time. Gosh I know I am asking for a lot but one can only hope.
As for the actually crash, I would have been happy if Krissy had been hit over the head and gone mute for the entire experience. A mute Krissy would have improved things much more. Morgan is no gem when it comes to younger actors so his role was really boring and I did honestly have to fast forward most of his lines to stay interested. Michael was great and if he hadn't been in this story line I think I would have turned the TV off for the whole hour. I am excited Abby was worried about him and was waiting for him at GH but how did she know there was an accident to start with? She seemed to have known about it before most others? I'll be interested to see how Sonny reacts to Abby. I was wondering why Abby didn't wait with Sam. Aren't those two supposed to be pretty good friends?
Maybe tomorrow everyone will arrive at GH and we will actually get some JaSam time. Gosh I know I am asking for a lot but one can only hope.
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