Jason has been very uncharacteristically chatty lately about his feelings and his relationship with Sam. First, Friday he told Sonny how he believes in second changes because of Sam and today he decided to enlighten Dante about making bad mistakes and regretting them for the rest of his life. There is no doubt Jason worships Sam and is so incredibly grateful to have her back in his life. Make no excuse, Jason utterly regrets what he did almost 4 years ago that caused him to lose Sam and set in motion a series of events he can never erase. He mentioned on Friday, they realized there was STILL love between them even through all the things that went wrong with them. Today he still regrets being with Liz. Oh my goodness, Jizzers do you hear that?!!!
Lately Jason has made it so clear there has only ever been one woman for him and that is Sam and will always be. He never stopped loving her in 07 even though they were so hurt and angry with one another, there was still love there.
As, the year draws to a close we as JaSam fans have so much to be grateful for ourselves. This year we started out with our couple together and they are now stronger then ever. Jason is now telling anyone who will listen about San and his deep love for her. A lot of time we focus on Jason's devotion for Sam because it is so uncharacteristically Jason but Sam's devotion is something that deserves to be recognized because all she has ever done is love Jason with every fiber of her being. In the beginning of the year Sam was being held hostage by Franco and we watched as Jason went out of his mind to find her. He realized all the sacrifices Sam has made for him including putting her own life at risk time and time again. He also saw she did it willingly if it meant she was able to be with Jason. Jason was in awe of her devotion but also wanted her to know he was even more devoted to her.
As the year progressed Sam finally opened up about her abusive past a little but never did completely talk about it but that was a big step for her to talk about it and not let it own her. She also tried to show Kristina that abuse doesn't have to own you or identify you. Jason stood supportive the whole time and you could tell if he had more time he wanted to know more about Sam's abuse and hunt the bastard down who abused her.
This summer when Michael was sentenced to prison Sam did not demand Jason to the selfish thing and stay with her, she encouraged Jason to do whatever he had to do (including go to prison) to keep Michael safe. Sam was so selfless and loving to Jason and his choices he could not help but sit back and be blown away by her depth of love she has for him.
We watched as Franco came back into their lives wreaking havoc everywhere and as soon as he departed Brenda entered with all of her drama. One thing remained constant - their love for one another and their devotion to that love. Through out the entire year, Sam's devotion to Jason has been so beautiful. She has supported him time and time again even when he did not put her first or their relationship because he was being selfish. She faced all the times he broke promises to her and didn't do what he said with love. She accepted him, his life and his choices even when we weren't sure we could do the same in that situation. Sam is the greatest gift Jason will ever be giving and this time around he realizes it. He knows he made some huge mistakes in the past that tore them apart and he regrets those mistakes (aka Liz) everyday for the rest of his life. He is just so thankful Sam is able forgive him of those mistakes and allow him back in her life. We are grateful too. GH has give us a great year of JaSam! Here's to hoping 2011 is even better.
This year I started this blog because of how amazing this couple is on screen. I am so thankful to all of you who read this blog. Thank you so much for allowing me to express my point of view of things.
Take Care and Happy Holidays if I don't get another chance to post as the craziness of the next couple of weeks unfold.
Keep up the good fight and call the comment lines and most importantly keep watching!
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Sane and the Crazies
Today there was a combination of the Sane and amazing characters such as JaSam, Mabby and then there were the Crazies.
At the top of the Crazies list was our new character. Today was the introduction of the character Theo who will have a re-occurring role for the next few months. My first impression of his character was that this dude needs to dial down the drama a little. I hate when sometimes they introduce or reintroduce characters and the actors seem to feel the need, since this is daytime drama, they need to dial up the drama a little. This man was too much to take in today. They should never put an overly dramatic character on a Monday for one but this guy is way too much. I sincerely hope he does not have many scenes coming up and those he does I can avoid.
Today was the end of an era, Johnny and Olivia finally broke things off and from what it looks like for good. Now I don't think Oliva or Johnny are crazy but they sure aren't sane to have stayed together for so long. Thank the STARS! We are free of them finally. Lisa came in handy once again. I know, everyone is growing old of Lisa and her crazy ways but she can still came useful today. Olivia's time on the show is running out, maybe she should go back to Benson Hurst and take her shaggy-haired son with her.
Maya and Ethan being married is proving to be more amusing then I first thought. While their marriage is kind of crazy, they are both a little sane too. Their wedding was amusing but there is no denying they have feelings for each other but marriage might just been what the doctor ordered for this couple. Maya was jealous of Ethan dating Lisa rumor but even more she is still not so sure she can trust Ethan. The two did have a few funny lines today though, "I am not even into Lisa. She's not my type. She's way too crazy and way too clingy.." Isn't that the truth. Lisa should probably move out of town because everyone knows what she has done and she is never going to get a date in PC. Maya's come back was great,"I am not married to a cheater. I am married to a Pimp." Ethan you are never going to win Maya over while you are constantly covering up for Johnny. It's time Ethan (Ethel as Johnny calls him) stops playing around and tell Maya how he really feels for her.
Mabby and JaSam together in the same day and in the same scenes is a great combo. Monday is definitely looking up. I wish their scenes together had lasted longer. Jason does not like the idea of Michael being friends with a stripper but hopefully Sam can make Jason look past Abby's profession. Jason's message for Michael was predictable but he should take a few minutes to be relieved that Michael is finally able to talk to SOMEONE. The only reason Michael isn't perched on top of some building with a semi-automatic riffle ready to pick people off is because he has met Abby. Abby is so great to Michael and Sam can see that. Let's hope Sam can convince Jason of this. If anyone can convince Jason of anything, it is Sam. Maybe we'll get lucky and tomorrow we will have a continuation of the Mabby scene at the apartment and JaSam at the office. Maybe we'll get lucky but even if we don't. We can hope Jason starts seeing what good Abby has done for Michael.
On a side note, the guy that Michael hit was wearing a wedding ring - not sure if anyone noticed that. I am sure if he comes back, Sam can dig up something there to blackmail him on.
At the top of the Crazies list was our new character. Today was the introduction of the character Theo who will have a re-occurring role for the next few months. My first impression of his character was that this dude needs to dial down the drama a little. I hate when sometimes they introduce or reintroduce characters and the actors seem to feel the need, since this is daytime drama, they need to dial up the drama a little. This man was too much to take in today. They should never put an overly dramatic character on a Monday for one but this guy is way too much. I sincerely hope he does not have many scenes coming up and those he does I can avoid.
Today was the end of an era, Johnny and Olivia finally broke things off and from what it looks like for good. Now I don't think Oliva or Johnny are crazy but they sure aren't sane to have stayed together for so long. Thank the STARS! We are free of them finally. Lisa came in handy once again. I know, everyone is growing old of Lisa and her crazy ways but she can still came useful today. Olivia's time on the show is running out, maybe she should go back to Benson Hurst and take her shaggy-haired son with her.
Maya and Ethan being married is proving to be more amusing then I first thought. While their marriage is kind of crazy, they are both a little sane too. Their wedding was amusing but there is no denying they have feelings for each other but marriage might just been what the doctor ordered for this couple. Maya was jealous of Ethan dating Lisa rumor but even more she is still not so sure she can trust Ethan. The two did have a few funny lines today though, "I am not even into Lisa. She's not my type. She's way too crazy and way too clingy.." Isn't that the truth. Lisa should probably move out of town because everyone knows what she has done and she is never going to get a date in PC. Maya's come back was great,"I am not married to a cheater. I am married to a Pimp." Ethan you are never going to win Maya over while you are constantly covering up for Johnny. It's time Ethan (Ethel as Johnny calls him) stops playing around and tell Maya how he really feels for her.
Mabby and JaSam together in the same day and in the same scenes is a great combo. Monday is definitely looking up. I wish their scenes together had lasted longer. Jason does not like the idea of Michael being friends with a stripper but hopefully Sam can make Jason look past Abby's profession. Jason's message for Michael was predictable but he should take a few minutes to be relieved that Michael is finally able to talk to SOMEONE. The only reason Michael isn't perched on top of some building with a semi-automatic riffle ready to pick people off is because he has met Abby. Abby is so great to Michael and Sam can see that. Let's hope Sam can convince Jason of this. If anyone can convince Jason of anything, it is Sam. Maybe we'll get lucky and tomorrow we will have a continuation of the Mabby scene at the apartment and JaSam at the office. Maybe we'll get lucky but even if we don't. We can hope Jason starts seeing what good Abby has done for Michael.
On a side note, the guy that Michael hit was wearing a wedding ring - not sure if anyone noticed that. I am sure if he comes back, Sam can dig up something there to blackmail him on.
Friday, December 3, 2010
A Twist of Humor
The writing is really getting better on GH I don' t know if anyone has been playing close attention or not. But the lines are actually subtly funny which has been lacking in the show until recently. Maybe it's the return of Luke and the amusing Spencer nuptials or maybe it is something else but it is a welcomed change lately.
The quasi romantic dinner for\Sonny and Brenda had it's elements of of humor. Milo taking cooking classes so he could someday find a woman was amusing. Perhaps someday Milo will get a woman. The rest of the dinner was painful. Spinelli really has taken his annoying behavior to a whole new level. I loved Maxie and Spinelli together but unless they plan on matching those two back together very too soon, I say give Spinelli as the first sacrifice to the Balkan or Jerry Jax. I am not sure I can take much more of Spinelli. It is sad when Dante is less annoying then Spinelli.
Lady Jane even had a few funny lines today and she did bring up some very important points to Jasper to stop helping Brenda. "It is no longer your obligation to go chasing about Brenda if she gets a hang nail. Let someone else do the honors." Amen. Lady Jane also pointed out Jasper is putting her in an incredibly impossible position and has a father he should start to realize this. A parent never wants to be put into a position to chose between their children no matter what. Jasper needs to also remember Brenda has more then enough men chasing after her, we don't need one more in the mix. Though honestly I wish Jasper would step up more and let Jason walk away from the whole situation entirely.
Humor escaped Jason today much like usual. Jason clearly does not like the idea of ANYONE messing with his woman and that was clear when he was questioning the guy who was stalking Sam. The absolutely last thing Jason wanted today was anything to happen to Sam. But I love how they work as a team. Yesterday when Sam called Jason to her place she wasn't crying and terrified, she was strong but concerned. She knew she was a target for someone be it Jerry or someone else but didn't demand Jason protect her they faced the situation as a team. Their set up to catch the guy was brilliant. We know Jason absolutely hated putting Sam in any type of situation where she could get hurt but he recognizes she is strong and just as tough as he is. I'll admit when the sniper shot Jerry's man, I was kind of hoping Sam would be caught in the cross fire somehow and need to go to GH where they would find out she was pregnant. Okay I know just dreaming but gosh I really hope there is something big coming for Jason and Sam. Now I am more for Jason to propose then them to have a miracle baby yet but heck I'll take anything at this point.
Dante wasn't too terrible today but I still wish he would die. He had a pretty good line when Sam told him who the Jerry Jax's man was and he said "Well it looks like he won't be giving you anymore trouble.".
Interesting twist having the "sniper" shoot Jerry Jax's man, Jason fires at the sniper then the next scene is Johnny walking in with a gunshot. So either that was a very interesting twist of fate or Johnny is involved with Jerry Jax or the Balkan. Now poses the question we are are thinking, why is Johnny involved in this? We know he hates Sonny but why target Sam? Johnny is keeping some interesting company these days. Johnny had some classic lines as always but his best was "Here's the deal Florence!". Oh Lisa Niles you are in way over your head if you think driving Robin crazy was hard work just wait, you are in for it. Lisa, while crazy, is smart enough to realize she is now mixed up in the wrong kind of crowd and needs to find a way out. The good news is if Robin discovers this it could be good for everyone.
Maya and Ethan are about to encounter their first challenge. I loved Maya's line when she overheard Nicolas and Robin talking "Excuse me my husband is dating who?" No woman wants to utter those words, fake marriage or not.
Today's show was pretty good overall. I always wish for more JaSam but this week has been great they were on everyday. So in the coming weeks when we have no JaSam go back and watch these shows again. Also call the comment line and thank them for a great week.
The quasi romantic dinner for\Sonny and Brenda had it's elements of of humor. Milo taking cooking classes so he could someday find a woman was amusing. Perhaps someday Milo will get a woman. The rest of the dinner was painful. Spinelli really has taken his annoying behavior to a whole new level. I loved Maxie and Spinelli together but unless they plan on matching those two back together very too soon, I say give Spinelli as the first sacrifice to the Balkan or Jerry Jax. I am not sure I can take much more of Spinelli. It is sad when Dante is less annoying then Spinelli.
Lady Jane even had a few funny lines today and she did bring up some very important points to Jasper to stop helping Brenda. "It is no longer your obligation to go chasing about Brenda if she gets a hang nail. Let someone else do the honors." Amen. Lady Jane also pointed out Jasper is putting her in an incredibly impossible position and has a father he should start to realize this. A parent never wants to be put into a position to chose between their children no matter what. Jasper needs to also remember Brenda has more then enough men chasing after her, we don't need one more in the mix. Though honestly I wish Jasper would step up more and let Jason walk away from the whole situation entirely.
Humor escaped Jason today much like usual. Jason clearly does not like the idea of ANYONE messing with his woman and that was clear when he was questioning the guy who was stalking Sam. The absolutely last thing Jason wanted today was anything to happen to Sam. But I love how they work as a team. Yesterday when Sam called Jason to her place she wasn't crying and terrified, she was strong but concerned. She knew she was a target for someone be it Jerry or someone else but didn't demand Jason protect her they faced the situation as a team. Their set up to catch the guy was brilliant. We know Jason absolutely hated putting Sam in any type of situation where she could get hurt but he recognizes she is strong and just as tough as he is. I'll admit when the sniper shot Jerry's man, I was kind of hoping Sam would be caught in the cross fire somehow and need to go to GH where they would find out she was pregnant. Okay I know just dreaming but gosh I really hope there is something big coming for Jason and Sam. Now I am more for Jason to propose then them to have a miracle baby yet but heck I'll take anything at this point.
Dante wasn't too terrible today but I still wish he would die. He had a pretty good line when Sam told him who the Jerry Jax's man was and he said "Well it looks like he won't be giving you anymore trouble.".
Interesting twist having the "sniper" shoot Jerry Jax's man, Jason fires at the sniper then the next scene is Johnny walking in with a gunshot. So either that was a very interesting twist of fate or Johnny is involved with Jerry Jax or the Balkan. Now poses the question we are are thinking, why is Johnny involved in this? We know he hates Sonny but why target Sam? Johnny is keeping some interesting company these days. Johnny had some classic lines as always but his best was "Here's the deal Florence!". Oh Lisa Niles you are in way over your head if you think driving Robin crazy was hard work just wait, you are in for it. Lisa, while crazy, is smart enough to realize she is now mixed up in the wrong kind of crowd and needs to find a way out. The good news is if Robin discovers this it could be good for everyone.
Maya and Ethan are about to encounter their first challenge. I loved Maya's line when she overheard Nicolas and Robin talking "Excuse me my husband is dating who?" No woman wants to utter those words, fake marriage or not.
Today's show was pretty good overall. I always wish for more JaSam but this week has been great they were on everyday. So in the coming weeks when we have no JaSam go back and watch these shows again. Also call the comment line and thank them for a great week.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Perfect Balance
What a fabulous show today. For once they gave us a perfect balance of all the story lines without dwelling on one or the other too much. Today was the first time in a long time I did not fast forward any scenes of General Hospital as I watched.
Maya and Ethan really are a perfect balance for one another even if their just new to this marriage thing. Ethan brings out Maya's less conservative reserved side and Maya brings out Ethan's humor. These two are an entertaining couple. No couple is more entertaining at the Haunted Star then Luke and Tracy and today was not disappointing at all. We all know the rock Tracy is wearing is stolen but lets just hope she doesn't find that out until after the wedding. I have seen pictures on some sites the wedding does happen! Johnny hanging out with the Spencers was amusing today as well. Johnny and Tracy's loathing for Dante and Sonny lends perfectly to each other. I loved the line when Lulu walks in and Tracy calls Dante the "spawn of Sonny". Then Johnny turns to her and says "I think I love you". This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Johnny is a lot more fun without Olivia. I loved Lulu and Johnny when they were together but since Lulu had become DuDu I can't stand her. Tracy would be happier if Lulu was with Johnny and I think she would not be alone. However, I for one think Johnny could do better then Lulu. Johnny and Maxie would make a cute couple but I am still a Spixie fan. Johnny needs a shake up in his love life that is for sure.
As for balancing, Siobhan and Lucky are having a problem with balancing trust today. Lucky has one flaw when it comes to picking women, he wants to be with a strong woman but then want so treat them like delicate little flowers he has to take care of which doesn't work. He tried it with Sam and we saw how that ended and he is now trying to do it with Siobhan. Siobhan is a strong woman (not as strong a Sam) but strong enough to handle herself and Lucky need to start accepting her at face value or he will lose her. Not every woman needs to be taken care of like a defenseless little shrew like Elizabeth, Lucky it is time you wise up.
Carly has a lot of plates in the air to balance right now. First she has her revenge plan on Dante and Brenda and to uncover all she can to make this hit the fan with the greatest finesse. But Carly has bigger fish to fry at the present time. If Jerry is back then life for Carly and Jax's just got a lot more challenging and dangerous for their children and their life together. While Jax was more concerned about attempting to wreck Sonny and Brenda's date, Carly has reminded Jax he needs to get his focus back on much more important things such as his psychopath brother. It's a delicate balance for Jax to be loyal to his brother at the same time protect his family and loved ones.
Oh the most perfect balance today was the beautiful scenes between Jason and Sam. Jason was afraid that the sheer thought of Jerry and the danger it could potentially bring to Sam. But as our heroine reminded Jason and us again, she can handle herself and she can handle Jerry just as well as Jason can. Jerry has come a lot closer to killing Jason then killing Sam. When Jason suggested Sam go stay with him, I loved her reaction. Jason's penthouse is way too crowded right now for them to be taking that next step in their relationship. I am more then ready for them to take the next step and I think Jason is but Sam is still being cautious and logical. I think Jason should move in with Sam or at least start staying there it would be a welcomed break from all the drama that unfolds at his place. Jason and Sam had some amazing moments today. Jason's constant physical contact with Sam spoke volumes. He wanted to be close to her every second even when they were in a serious discussion of Jerry. Jason said to Sam what we have been waiting to hear in a while, "I couldn't take it if something happened to you."
I was happy to see they didn't let Jerry ruin their night and actually were able to fit in some much needed lovin'.That's the first time we know for sure this couple has actually been together since he got out of prison so the chances for a baby do increase. The best lines today between Jason and Sam were after they had made love. Sam says to Jason: "Are you checking my locks?"
Jason to Sam: "Yeah, i am checking your locks"
Sam reaches into the desk drawer and pulls out a gun "Baby, that is what this is for."
They are the perfect balance of romantic and self sufficient.
Their scenes today were amazing and I can't wait for the rest of the week. Jason and Sam are so amazing. Keep supporting them and calling the comment line.
Maya and Ethan really are a perfect balance for one another even if their just new to this marriage thing. Ethan brings out Maya's less conservative reserved side and Maya brings out Ethan's humor. These two are an entertaining couple. No couple is more entertaining at the Haunted Star then Luke and Tracy and today was not disappointing at all. We all know the rock Tracy is wearing is stolen but lets just hope she doesn't find that out until after the wedding. I have seen pictures on some sites the wedding does happen! Johnny hanging out with the Spencers was amusing today as well. Johnny and Tracy's loathing for Dante and Sonny lends perfectly to each other. I loved the line when Lulu walks in and Tracy calls Dante the "spawn of Sonny". Then Johnny turns to her and says "I think I love you". This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Johnny is a lot more fun without Olivia. I loved Lulu and Johnny when they were together but since Lulu had become DuDu I can't stand her. Tracy would be happier if Lulu was with Johnny and I think she would not be alone. However, I for one think Johnny could do better then Lulu. Johnny and Maxie would make a cute couple but I am still a Spixie fan. Johnny needs a shake up in his love life that is for sure.
As for balancing, Siobhan and Lucky are having a problem with balancing trust today. Lucky has one flaw when it comes to picking women, he wants to be with a strong woman but then want so treat them like delicate little flowers he has to take care of which doesn't work. He tried it with Sam and we saw how that ended and he is now trying to do it with Siobhan. Siobhan is a strong woman (not as strong a Sam) but strong enough to handle herself and Lucky need to start accepting her at face value or he will lose her. Not every woman needs to be taken care of like a defenseless little shrew like Elizabeth, Lucky it is time you wise up.
Carly has a lot of plates in the air to balance right now. First she has her revenge plan on Dante and Brenda and to uncover all she can to make this hit the fan with the greatest finesse. But Carly has bigger fish to fry at the present time. If Jerry is back then life for Carly and Jax's just got a lot more challenging and dangerous for their children and their life together. While Jax was more concerned about attempting to wreck Sonny and Brenda's date, Carly has reminded Jax he needs to get his focus back on much more important things such as his psychopath brother. It's a delicate balance for Jax to be loyal to his brother at the same time protect his family and loved ones.
Oh the most perfect balance today was the beautiful scenes between Jason and Sam. Jason was afraid that the sheer thought of Jerry and the danger it could potentially bring to Sam. But as our heroine reminded Jason and us again, she can handle herself and she can handle Jerry just as well as Jason can. Jerry has come a lot closer to killing Jason then killing Sam. When Jason suggested Sam go stay with him, I loved her reaction. Jason's penthouse is way too crowded right now for them to be taking that next step in their relationship. I am more then ready for them to take the next step and I think Jason is but Sam is still being cautious and logical. I think Jason should move in with Sam or at least start staying there it would be a welcomed break from all the drama that unfolds at his place. Jason and Sam had some amazing moments today. Jason's constant physical contact with Sam spoke volumes. He wanted to be close to her every second even when they were in a serious discussion of Jerry. Jason said to Sam what we have been waiting to hear in a while, "I couldn't take it if something happened to you."
I was happy to see they didn't let Jerry ruin their night and actually were able to fit in some much needed lovin'.That's the first time we know for sure this couple has actually been together since he got out of prison so the chances for a baby do increase. The best lines today between Jason and Sam were after they had made love. Sam says to Jason: "Are you checking my locks?"
Jason to Sam: "Yeah, i am checking your locks"
Sam reaches into the desk drawer and pulls out a gun "Baby, that is what this is for."
They are the perfect balance of romantic and self sufficient.
Their scenes today were amazing and I can't wait for the rest of the week. Jason and Sam are so amazing. Keep supporting them and calling the comment line.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Snap Back into Reality
I survived a week with no spoilers and it wasn't so hard in someways but hard in others. As much as I hate those spoilers, I do tend to seek them out. Much like when you diet then when you fall off the wagon you fall hard and woof down an entire box of cheezits followed by a chocolate cake. I feel like I have woofed down that box of spoiler cheezits and now am laying on the couch groaning in regret. I am sad to see that it looks like after this week there are very few spoilers about Jason and Sam for the next few weeks. We can hope they spend Christmas together and Sam bows out of Project Resurrect Alexis' Love Life take 15. I just hope we can all make it through those weeks if JaSam are really in fact not on. I guess this only thing we can look forward to that we know for sure is this week. We have Jason and Sam on everyday (or so the spoilers say). Oh there I go again relying on spoilers. I've been trying to remind myself spoilers are usually only 1/2 true and are really just out there for entertainment not reality. False spoilers always help me snap back into reality.
Speaking of snapping back into reality, Jason had a reality check today of an alarming magnitude. Just the mention of Jerry's name sent Jason's blood pressure on the rise. Jason could not think straight as soon as our new Port Charles detective team thought of Jerry being involved. All Jason was thinking about was the danger Jerry's presence will bring to Sam. Yes, for once he actually remembered his girlfriend first. He is terrified Jerry will do something to Sam because they all know Jerry likes to torment Sam. Sam is Jerry's favorite victim but lets not forget Sam has gotten away from Jerry more then once. Jerry is twisted and calculated in his every move but I can't wait for Jerry to be back on screen and in Port Charles. He is just the villain the show has been missing. I think I also like he likes to go after Sam because that makes Jason go out of his mind. Even when Jason and Sam weren't even close to being back together Jason was willing to risk his life for Sam when Jerry took her. Jerry might just be what we all have been waiting for to help our super couple take things to the next level. We have read the spoilers Jason asks Sam to move in and I have also see that one spoiler that says Sam turns him down again. But just maybe there is something more to this and there is another renewed promise and commitment. Maybe Jerry's presence will remind Jason how precious his life with Sam is and he needs to put her first for good this time.
Another dose of reality was the Michael and Abby scenes today but this was a refreshing dose for them both. Their scenes together were so honest and real that it really sums up exactly why I think we all are falling in love with this match. Michael has needed someone like Abby who will be honest with him and he can be honest back. They aren't trying to hide how they feel about each other or how much they are helping each other cope with their past. Abby is perfect for Michael because she isn't focused on typical teenage drama and neither is he.
Maxie is doing her best to snap Robin back to reality but that poor girl has her work cut out for her on that quest. She has really been the words of wisdom for Robin. Robin needs to try to see past her pain and listen to Maxie because Maxie is right the clock is running out on the window of opportunity here. I get Robin is hurt and I think she has EVERY right to feel that way but Robin is being a bit narrow minded and selfish too. She needs to think about her daughter and how she will benefit from her parents being together. Because that is the reality of the situation.
While I didn't loath Elizabeth today, she really should realize gossip, especially hospital gossip, isn't really a good thing to get into given her past transgressions. But at least she is being Robin's friend right now. I am also glad Liz didn't use her time productively at work and found Lisa's confession while she was surfing sites.
Oh Olivia, while I am not your biggest fan, sometimes you are have some hilarious lines. I loved her line when she was sitting in Jax's office "WHOA WHOA WHOA NELLY! Friends go out for a hamburger at Kelly's or perhaps a cold beverage at Jake's."
"I don't think Brenda is having a problem with reality here."
Her sass comes in handy sometimes and thank goodness she has it. She seems to be the only one able to tell Jax exactly how it will work and he really should have paid attention to her advice. I loved her message of reality today.
The two clearly farthest from reality today were Sonny and Brenda. They were reliving old times and while I am a big fan on getting these two back together, I think it is going to be a little hard listening to Brenda laugh again. I like when she is worried and threatened because she doesn't laugh. Otherwise I was happy to see the two out on a date. Carly even handled it better then expected. Speaking of Carly, I love how she twists reality to manipulate poor Spinelli. She'll send him off to find out the truth of all the scandal once and for all. This will chose to be interesting.
Call the comment lines, let our voices be heard. Thank them so much for a week of Jason and Sam! We are so lucky!
Speaking of snapping back into reality, Jason had a reality check today of an alarming magnitude. Just the mention of Jerry's name sent Jason's blood pressure on the rise. Jason could not think straight as soon as our new Port Charles detective team thought of Jerry being involved. All Jason was thinking about was the danger Jerry's presence will bring to Sam. Yes, for once he actually remembered his girlfriend first. He is terrified Jerry will do something to Sam because they all know Jerry likes to torment Sam. Sam is Jerry's favorite victim but lets not forget Sam has gotten away from Jerry more then once. Jerry is twisted and calculated in his every move but I can't wait for Jerry to be back on screen and in Port Charles. He is just the villain the show has been missing. I think I also like he likes to go after Sam because that makes Jason go out of his mind. Even when Jason and Sam weren't even close to being back together Jason was willing to risk his life for Sam when Jerry took her. Jerry might just be what we all have been waiting for to help our super couple take things to the next level. We have read the spoilers Jason asks Sam to move in and I have also see that one spoiler that says Sam turns him down again. But just maybe there is something more to this and there is another renewed promise and commitment. Maybe Jerry's presence will remind Jason how precious his life with Sam is and he needs to put her first for good this time.
Another dose of reality was the Michael and Abby scenes today but this was a refreshing dose for them both. Their scenes together were so honest and real that it really sums up exactly why I think we all are falling in love with this match. Michael has needed someone like Abby who will be honest with him and he can be honest back. They aren't trying to hide how they feel about each other or how much they are helping each other cope with their past. Abby is perfect for Michael because she isn't focused on typical teenage drama and neither is he.
Maxie is doing her best to snap Robin back to reality but that poor girl has her work cut out for her on that quest. She has really been the words of wisdom for Robin. Robin needs to try to see past her pain and listen to Maxie because Maxie is right the clock is running out on the window of opportunity here. I get Robin is hurt and I think she has EVERY right to feel that way but Robin is being a bit narrow minded and selfish too. She needs to think about her daughter and how she will benefit from her parents being together. Because that is the reality of the situation.
While I didn't loath Elizabeth today, she really should realize gossip, especially hospital gossip, isn't really a good thing to get into given her past transgressions. But at least she is being Robin's friend right now. I am also glad Liz didn't use her time productively at work and found Lisa's confession while she was surfing sites.
Oh Olivia, while I am not your biggest fan, sometimes you are have some hilarious lines. I loved her line when she was sitting in Jax's office "WHOA WHOA WHOA NELLY! Friends go out for a hamburger at Kelly's or perhaps a cold beverage at Jake's."
"I don't think Brenda is having a problem with reality here."
Her sass comes in handy sometimes and thank goodness she has it. She seems to be the only one able to tell Jax exactly how it will work and he really should have paid attention to her advice. I loved her message of reality today.
The two clearly farthest from reality today were Sonny and Brenda. They were reliving old times and while I am a big fan on getting these two back together, I think it is going to be a little hard listening to Brenda laugh again. I like when she is worried and threatened because she doesn't laugh. Otherwise I was happy to see the two out on a date. Carly even handled it better then expected. Speaking of Carly, I love how she twists reality to manipulate poor Spinelli. She'll send him off to find out the truth of all the scandal once and for all. This will chose to be interesting.
Call the comment lines, let our voices be heard. Thank them so much for a week of Jason and Sam! We are so lucky!
Monday, November 29, 2010
It's Been Awhile
I've been out of town and out of touch with technology for the last week for the Thanksgiving holiday. I have just been catching up on all that I have missed. This year we can all be thankful for the fact that even though sometimes we have no clue what TPTB are doing at least they have kept our amazing couple together and allowed their relationship to grow so strong this year.
Thanksgiving week proved to be amazing with our surprise romantic dinner for our super couple. Molly and Spinelli did a fine job at getting Jason and Sam some much needed time together. I am glad Molly pointed out to Jason exactly what we all wish he would have realized a while ago. Though I got the impression neither Jason nor Sam needed the formality of the evening to include the change in entire but we all enjoyed seeing them in something other then black leather jackets. I also loved that when Sam gave Jason a chance to back out of their night together he was not having any of it. He wanted nothing more then to spend the night with Sam. The humor that this couple has always been able to express on screen was a live and well. If you looked closely to Molly's list, it had over a dozen items on it. Oh Molly, I hope she gets to plan a wedding someday but I hope they get to escape all of her wildly romantic (slightly delusional) plans and elope. When Jason made his toast the look they exchanged was brilliant and made me melt. The best part was the final dance which was better then a love scene any day because it was ever bit as hot but also showed their level of devotion for one another.
Today's episode was a great day, I know it was short but it was still great. Today Sam had her own scenes, which I love. She and Lucky discussed Siobhan and his heart. It was sweet that LuSam don't completely gloss over the fact they were once an item. Yes, the Greg Vhaun was a much sexier Lucky but Johnathan Jackson brings a level of vulnerability and gentleness to the Lucky character that was lacking with GV. I loved GV as Lucky but he was a different Lucky then the one JJ created as the character and has rediscovered since his return. Now I can't really imagine JJ and KeMo doing the hot tub scene that LuSam shared but at least the writers are not forgetting these two were in a relationship for over a year not that long ago which is nice because it shows a little more depth to their characters.
Was it just me or was Jason more smitten then usual with Sam? This couple has come a long way since even a year ago at this time because they are willing to show the world they are a couple. Jason is so committed and in love with Sam he could hardly keep his hands off of her. He was so distracted by her he didn't really care much about the Balkan or whoever "Jack" is. You could tell if Dante and Lucky were not there what Jason wanted to be doing with Sam in her office. I also loved when Sam ran out to go to work a case Jason could not take his eyes off her.
Today we also got to see Sam working. Yes Lizzard fan lovers, Sam is a very successful PI who can take care of business any day of the week. Sam's busy work schedule seemed to catch Dante's attention as well. He, being the only one in that PI office today who has not been in a relationship with Sam, knows very little about her overall. She, on the flip side, knows a lot about him including the sister they share hates him.
This should be a good week for Jason and Sam fans. I can't wait to watch!
Thanksgiving week proved to be amazing with our surprise romantic dinner for our super couple. Molly and Spinelli did a fine job at getting Jason and Sam some much needed time together. I am glad Molly pointed out to Jason exactly what we all wish he would have realized a while ago. Though I got the impression neither Jason nor Sam needed the formality of the evening to include the change in entire but we all enjoyed seeing them in something other then black leather jackets. I also loved that when Sam gave Jason a chance to back out of their night together he was not having any of it. He wanted nothing more then to spend the night with Sam. The humor that this couple has always been able to express on screen was a live and well. If you looked closely to Molly's list, it had over a dozen items on it. Oh Molly, I hope she gets to plan a wedding someday but I hope they get to escape all of her wildly romantic (slightly delusional) plans and elope. When Jason made his toast the look they exchanged was brilliant and made me melt. The best part was the final dance which was better then a love scene any day because it was ever bit as hot but also showed their level of devotion for one another.
Today's episode was a great day, I know it was short but it was still great. Today Sam had her own scenes, which I love. She and Lucky discussed Siobhan and his heart. It was sweet that LuSam don't completely gloss over the fact they were once an item. Yes, the Greg Vhaun was a much sexier Lucky but Johnathan Jackson brings a level of vulnerability and gentleness to the Lucky character that was lacking with GV. I loved GV as Lucky but he was a different Lucky then the one JJ created as the character and has rediscovered since his return. Now I can't really imagine JJ and KeMo doing the hot tub scene that LuSam shared but at least the writers are not forgetting these two were in a relationship for over a year not that long ago which is nice because it shows a little more depth to their characters.
Was it just me or was Jason more smitten then usual with Sam? This couple has come a long way since even a year ago at this time because they are willing to show the world they are a couple. Jason is so committed and in love with Sam he could hardly keep his hands off of her. He was so distracted by her he didn't really care much about the Balkan or whoever "Jack" is. You could tell if Dante and Lucky were not there what Jason wanted to be doing with Sam in her office. I also loved when Sam ran out to go to work a case Jason could not take his eyes off her.
Today we also got to see Sam working. Yes Lizzard fan lovers, Sam is a very successful PI who can take care of business any day of the week. Sam's busy work schedule seemed to catch Dante's attention as well. He, being the only one in that PI office today who has not been in a relationship with Sam, knows very little about her overall. She, on the flip side, knows a lot about him including the sister they share hates him.
This should be a good week for Jason and Sam fans. I can't wait to watch!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
True to Form
Today was a classic example of everyone being very true to their character to the most frustrating level for some.
The constant disappointment of the lack of long Jason/Sam scenes is taking it's toll on us and our patience. But lets look at the finer points of today's show because focusing on the constant disappointment only makes us more angry and frustrated. We will feed off of it and not accomplish any productive with our TV viewing. Lets face it we all watch GH to escape into a world where beautiful people are the norm and their problems are far more entertaining then ours. Today was another classic case of falling victim to spoilers. When we will ever learn? It seems like every time we read spoilers on some sites that say 'Jason and Sam make love' or something to that effect we actually think they are true. I warn you now, if there is ever a spoiler that says 'Jason and Sam have a love scene' rest assure it is probably false. The actors have publicly stated they do not do love scenes together. Do not expect that to change any time soon. Also remember spoilers are not true over half of the time. Don't fall victim to them. I offer everyone a challenge. Try to go just one week without reading spoilers. I promise you the show will be less of a disappointment if you accept this challenge.
I actually loved Sam and Jason scenes today contrary to everyone. I had a huge advantage because I didn't get to see the show live so I had read the tweets and comments before I watched which helped me look at the show from an entirely (slightly deflated) different view. The reason I loved it is it spoke volumes to how far our couple has come. In their first scene Jason knew he needed to apologize to Sam and she was none to thrilled to see him which is good that he knows he needs to be true to her. I loved her line "What is there something wrong?" when she answered the door. Jason went to her because he knew he had screwed up and hurt her. He doesn't like guarding Brenda but he is obligated to do it (or so he feels he is) and he hates what it is doing to his relationship with Sam. They both hate the walls this is putting up between them and instead of doing what they did 3 years ago of pulling back from one another, this time they are communicating about it. They have come a long way of being afraid to hurt each other so much they stopped communicating. Sam did something I am not sure I could have done. She show such maturity to this situation she accepted Jason and all that comes along with him. That took incredible strength on her part to accept Jason and all of his baggage (Carly, Sonny and even Brenda). Sam really is absolutely incredible and it is hard to see why Jason deserves her at times. Sam meant what she said when she told Jason back on July 29th this year "I want you Jason. However I can get you." Jason sees how wonderful Sam is everyday but sometimes she even amazes him with her patience and understanding. Sam is all that is keeping Jason from absolutely losing his mind he needs her more now then ever. He counts on her more then ever. Jason has never delivered on about 78,890 promises he has made to Sam but she still loves him. She accepts him for all of his flaws and all. That is the most amazing beautiful love I have ever seen. Most of us would get fed up in these minor details and yes Brenda is a minor detail contrary to what other fan-bases want everyone to think. We would walk away from Jason if we were Sam because lets face it she does deserve to be treated much better. But she loves him so much and accepts him just the way he is which is why she stays. She meant what she said long ago, she will never ask Jason to change for her. She has to honor that promise she made to him long ago and accept even Brenda and all the insanity that is going on right now. While we the fans wish Jason would change and wake up that isn't who he is and it would go against everything Sam loves about him to change. So as frustrating as General Hospital can be lately we have to remember Sam and Jason are being true to their characters and that is all we have ever asked.
Speaking of being true to character, I love Carly and I love how much she hates Brenda because I kind of hate Brenda too. I love how Carly busts Dante's chops and then barges into the penthouse to bust Brenda's little image. All I have to say is Carly take her down, please and do it fast! I love Carly I really do! Brenda needs someone to take her down and Carly you are just the girl to do it. Laura Wright plays this part so incredibly well. Brenda's line to Jason I found comical "That girl deeply wants to hurt me for some unknown reason!" Really Botox does it take that much to remember all the CRAP you put Carly through for all those years. Perhaps all those botox injections are going to your brain! Hell yeah she wants to hurt you crazy Brenda and more power to her I say. I want Carly to take Dante and Brenda down and relish in every minute of it. Dante did the worst thing to Carly by getting Michael put in prison where he will never forget the hell. Let's not forget dear sweet Brenda caused countless issues for Carly and Sonny's numerous marriages. Brenda, really is your memory really that short? You have wronged Carly more then once so no wonder she wants to hurt you. Carly is a force to be reckoned with on a good day but Brenda is just the disaster Carly has been waiting for.
Lucky and Siobhan were cute and I loved Johnathan Jackson's song at the end. Siobhan made one major mistake today calling Jason Brenda's boyfriend at least Lucky quickly squashed that though.
Luke and Tracy were of course one of the only reasons to keep watching today. True to Luke's character he can't wait until he gets his hands on Tracy's money. It's entertaining to watch these two do their little dance everyday. Speaking of doing a little dance, Ethan and Maya are clearly enjoying to take things to the next level. I am just loving the Vegas comedy especially because it seems they have not been infected with the Brenda/Dante virus that everyone else has.
Scrubs were true to character as well today. Lisa was her crazy but calculating self even at Jakes. Patrick was true to his character of being truly sorry for every cheating. I melted when Patrick told Robin, "You are my hero, Robin. You are the only woman I love. I adore you." Oh Patrick if you could only figure out why you cheated in the first place this whole situation would be over. Robin is so incredibly set in her ways which again is so true to character. She might never give in on freezing out of Patrick. But I still have hope for them. Maxie is so mature and wise it surprises me sometimes. She recognized that Matt was the word of wisdom today and called him on it. However, if Maxie can find a way to take Lisa down for good I think it would be most entertaining. Scheming is Maxie's middle name. They should have thought about pulling Maxie in long ago to get Lisa caught in the act.
While I may have lost a few followers today with saying the JaSam scenes were good today, I invite you to comment and let me know how you feel.
Please call the comment line, they need to hear us. Let our voices be heard that we would appreciate a lot less Brenda and a lot more Jason and Sam scenes. Honestly, I wonder if anyone listens to the comment line but I still call. I am committed to the cause and please join me in our fight for our super couple. Call twice a day and thank them for keeping Jason and Sam together and ask for more air time for them. Make it clear that Jason and Sam are the reason we watch.
Something to keep in mind over the next month, Kelly Monaco commented during her PA last weekend that she has not worked much at all lately. So do not expect to see Sam much at all until mid-December. She also said something big is coming up for Jason and Sam and it does not involve Brenda. So just try to be patient and keep telling them we want more JaSam!
The constant disappointment of the lack of long Jason/Sam scenes is taking it's toll on us and our patience. But lets look at the finer points of today's show because focusing on the constant disappointment only makes us more angry and frustrated. We will feed off of it and not accomplish any productive with our TV viewing. Lets face it we all watch GH to escape into a world where beautiful people are the norm and their problems are far more entertaining then ours. Today was another classic case of falling victim to spoilers. When we will ever learn? It seems like every time we read spoilers on some sites that say 'Jason and Sam make love' or something to that effect we actually think they are true. I warn you now, if there is ever a spoiler that says 'Jason and Sam have a love scene' rest assure it is probably false. The actors have publicly stated they do not do love scenes together. Do not expect that to change any time soon. Also remember spoilers are not true over half of the time. Don't fall victim to them. I offer everyone a challenge. Try to go just one week without reading spoilers. I promise you the show will be less of a disappointment if you accept this challenge.
I actually loved Sam and Jason scenes today contrary to everyone. I had a huge advantage because I didn't get to see the show live so I had read the tweets and comments before I watched which helped me look at the show from an entirely (slightly deflated) different view. The reason I loved it is it spoke volumes to how far our couple has come. In their first scene Jason knew he needed to apologize to Sam and she was none to thrilled to see him which is good that he knows he needs to be true to her. I loved her line "What is there something wrong?" when she answered the door. Jason went to her because he knew he had screwed up and hurt her. He doesn't like guarding Brenda but he is obligated to do it (or so he feels he is) and he hates what it is doing to his relationship with Sam. They both hate the walls this is putting up between them and instead of doing what they did 3 years ago of pulling back from one another, this time they are communicating about it. They have come a long way of being afraid to hurt each other so much they stopped communicating. Sam did something I am not sure I could have done. She show such maturity to this situation she accepted Jason and all that comes along with him. That took incredible strength on her part to accept Jason and all of his baggage (Carly, Sonny and even Brenda). Sam really is absolutely incredible and it is hard to see why Jason deserves her at times. Sam meant what she said when she told Jason back on July 29th this year "I want you Jason. However I can get you." Jason sees how wonderful Sam is everyday but sometimes she even amazes him with her patience and understanding. Sam is all that is keeping Jason from absolutely losing his mind he needs her more now then ever. He counts on her more then ever. Jason has never delivered on about 78,890 promises he has made to Sam but she still loves him. She accepts him for all of his flaws and all. That is the most amazing beautiful love I have ever seen. Most of us would get fed up in these minor details and yes Brenda is a minor detail contrary to what other fan-bases want everyone to think. We would walk away from Jason if we were Sam because lets face it she does deserve to be treated much better. But she loves him so much and accepts him just the way he is which is why she stays. She meant what she said long ago, she will never ask Jason to change for her. She has to honor that promise she made to him long ago and accept even Brenda and all the insanity that is going on right now. While we the fans wish Jason would change and wake up that isn't who he is and it would go against everything Sam loves about him to change. So as frustrating as General Hospital can be lately we have to remember Sam and Jason are being true to their characters and that is all we have ever asked.
Speaking of being true to character, I love Carly and I love how much she hates Brenda because I kind of hate Brenda too. I love how Carly busts Dante's chops and then barges into the penthouse to bust Brenda's little image. All I have to say is Carly take her down, please and do it fast! I love Carly I really do! Brenda needs someone to take her down and Carly you are just the girl to do it. Laura Wright plays this part so incredibly well. Brenda's line to Jason I found comical "That girl deeply wants to hurt me for some unknown reason!" Really Botox does it take that much to remember all the CRAP you put Carly through for all those years. Perhaps all those botox injections are going to your brain! Hell yeah she wants to hurt you crazy Brenda and more power to her I say. I want Carly to take Dante and Brenda down and relish in every minute of it. Dante did the worst thing to Carly by getting Michael put in prison where he will never forget the hell. Let's not forget dear sweet Brenda caused countless issues for Carly and Sonny's numerous marriages. Brenda, really is your memory really that short? You have wronged Carly more then once so no wonder she wants to hurt you. Carly is a force to be reckoned with on a good day but Brenda is just the disaster Carly has been waiting for.
Lucky and Siobhan were cute and I loved Johnathan Jackson's song at the end. Siobhan made one major mistake today calling Jason Brenda's boyfriend at least Lucky quickly squashed that though.
Luke and Tracy were of course one of the only reasons to keep watching today. True to Luke's character he can't wait until he gets his hands on Tracy's money. It's entertaining to watch these two do their little dance everyday. Speaking of doing a little dance, Ethan and Maya are clearly enjoying to take things to the next level. I am just loving the Vegas comedy especially because it seems they have not been infected with the Brenda/Dante virus that everyone else has.
Scrubs were true to character as well today. Lisa was her crazy but calculating self even at Jakes. Patrick was true to his character of being truly sorry for every cheating. I melted when Patrick told Robin, "You are my hero, Robin. You are the only woman I love. I adore you." Oh Patrick if you could only figure out why you cheated in the first place this whole situation would be over. Robin is so incredibly set in her ways which again is so true to character. She might never give in on freezing out of Patrick. But I still have hope for them. Maxie is so mature and wise it surprises me sometimes. She recognized that Matt was the word of wisdom today and called him on it. However, if Maxie can find a way to take Lisa down for good I think it would be most entertaining. Scheming is Maxie's middle name. They should have thought about pulling Maxie in long ago to get Lisa caught in the act.
While I may have lost a few followers today with saying the JaSam scenes were good today, I invite you to comment and let me know how you feel.
Please call the comment line, they need to hear us. Let our voices be heard that we would appreciate a lot less Brenda and a lot more Jason and Sam scenes. Honestly, I wonder if anyone listens to the comment line but I still call. I am committed to the cause and please join me in our fight for our super couple. Call twice a day and thank them for keeping Jason and Sam together and ask for more air time for them. Make it clear that Jason and Sam are the reason we watch.
Something to keep in mind over the next month, Kelly Monaco commented during her PA last weekend that she has not worked much at all lately. So do not expect to see Sam much at all until mid-December. She also said something big is coming up for Jason and Sam and it does not involve Brenda. So just try to be patient and keep telling them we want more JaSam!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Looking for a new banner
Anyone good at making JaSam banners? I am looking for a new banner to the page. I'll give you credit on my page for it if you make it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Finally Sam has had enough of Brenda and her snarky attitude towards Jason and their lives together. Brenda is doing everything in her power to be so difficult in the situation and finally Sam has had enough. Brenda's first mistake today was being rude to Sam and Jason by saying Jason isn't much of a talker to begin with. I think that struck a nerve for Sam and she decided she has finally had enough of this entire Brenda mess. I was cheering as Sam finally explained it to Brenda that she can risk her life all she wants but when she decided to involve Jason in all of this Brenda made it personal to Sam. Sam is just not going to fall in line anymore and sit quietly. When Brenda asked Sam if she had ever made a choice that haunt her forever, we all knew the answer to that. Sam looked directly at Jason and they both spoke silent volumes about the choices they both made in the past that have haunted them and their relationship. While our super couple has gotten past ramifications of all those bad choices they are still very painful etched in their memories. Even when Sam is so frustrated with Jason and the situation, Jason still looks at her with so much love in his eyes. I am tired of people saying that Sam was being insecure about Brenda and Jason's special bond. She is not being insecure. She knows Jason loves her but what she is finally being is fed up with the situation of Jason risking his life for Brenda who is not nice or appreciative of Jason. Of course with all this said, Jason has made the choice to help Brenda, Brenda has made the choice to tell him her secret and Sam has made the choice to build a life with Jason. So like it or not, Sam is going to have to put up with this whole situation which has to be the most frustrating choice and revelation of the day for her and us the fans. One thing I would like to point out, Jason was on the docks and I can only hope he called Sam and is meeting her there but we'll have to see how it plays out tomorrow.
Brenda said something today that I actually did agree with though. Brenda's advice to Jason to go after Sam and talk to her was a very valid and good idea. Spinelli and Brenda are right about the fact Jason needs to go talk to Sam. The way Jason and Sam left things today wasn't helpful to anyone. Spinelli learned the hard way even if that person knows you love them, sometimes they could use a little reminder and attention. Maxie was high maintenance but her love for Spinelli was true. I wish they would get those two back together.
Choices were all around especially for our crew in Vegas. As the recounted their wild and insane nuptials from the night I laughed out loud several times. Tracy found the whole situation so amusing. She has escaped marriage to Luke so far and is rather entertained that Maya and Ethan are the ones that are in fact married. Ethan and Maya married is funny and can't wait to see how this all plays out.
Maxie realized a choice she made by playing with the candles had horrifying results. Poor Maxie she was handling the fire so much better when she thought crazy Lisa had set the fire. But now she knows that it was her actions that burned down her family home and all of their memories. I hope Spinelli and Maxie have scenes coming up because while Matt seems to be keeping Maxie company right now, I find him as exciting as dry toast. Matt is too boring for Maxie. She needs someone with a spark. I know Kristen Storm and Jason Cook have worked together in the past and were a super couple but on GH Matt's character is just not compatible with Maxie's for a long term thing.
Sonny is realizing the result of the choices both Claire and Dante have made. Those choices could cost Claire her career as a Federal Prosecutor but I have a feeling she can find a job with Diane and Alexis. Both those two are impressed with Claire enough to hire her on. Sonny has decided that his is hurting Claire and needs to do the noble thing and move on. I am not a huge fan of SoClaire so I am fine with them breaking things off. Sonny belongs with Brenda and the sooner she gets out of the PH the better.
Brenda said something today that I actually did agree with though. Brenda's advice to Jason to go after Sam and talk to her was a very valid and good idea. Spinelli and Brenda are right about the fact Jason needs to go talk to Sam. The way Jason and Sam left things today wasn't helpful to anyone. Spinelli learned the hard way even if that person knows you love them, sometimes they could use a little reminder and attention. Maxie was high maintenance but her love for Spinelli was true. I wish they would get those two back together.
Choices were all around especially for our crew in Vegas. As the recounted their wild and insane nuptials from the night I laughed out loud several times. Tracy found the whole situation so amusing. She has escaped marriage to Luke so far and is rather entertained that Maya and Ethan are the ones that are in fact married. Ethan and Maya married is funny and can't wait to see how this all plays out.
Maxie realized a choice she made by playing with the candles had horrifying results. Poor Maxie she was handling the fire so much better when she thought crazy Lisa had set the fire. But now she knows that it was her actions that burned down her family home and all of their memories. I hope Spinelli and Maxie have scenes coming up because while Matt seems to be keeping Maxie company right now, I find him as exciting as dry toast. Matt is too boring for Maxie. She needs someone with a spark. I know Kristen Storm and Jason Cook have worked together in the past and were a super couple but on GH Matt's character is just not compatible with Maxie's for a long term thing.
Sonny is realizing the result of the choices both Claire and Dante have made. Those choices could cost Claire her career as a Federal Prosecutor but I have a feeling she can find a job with Diane and Alexis. Both those two are impressed with Claire enough to hire her on. Sonny has decided that his is hurting Claire and needs to do the noble thing and move on. I am not a huge fan of SoClaire so I am fine with them breaking things off. Sonny belongs with Brenda and the sooner she gets out of the PH the better.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Getting the Wrong Answers
Today was a series of getting the wrong answers. I just knew today would be a clever and amusing day for General Hospital when our opening scene is of our talented and wild crew of Luke, Maya, Tracy and Ethan in a Las Vegas hotel room waking up to a night they can't remember. The comedy element with this foursome is unstoppable. Maya may play the straight sane person among this group of jokers but she is just as funny in her own right as the rest of them. Not to mention, she isn't half bad at a con either. With this group it's always hard to tell how many cons are going on at once. This group got the wrong answer, when they asked who actually got married and found out it was not Luke and Tracy but rather Ethan and Maya. Oh this is going to be fun seeing how this turns out.
Lucky wasn't getting any answers he was happy with this morning. First Siobhan put him in his place by telling him even if she stayed she wasn't going to be just sitting around his apartment waiting for him. I like her already. Nicolas didn't offer Lucky any answers he wanted to hear today either when commenting on Siobhan. Lucky and Siobhan are cute but I ask you this, what will be their couple name? Luckhan? Siobhan delightfully put Colman in his place which was always amusing. I especially liked when Siobhan and Maxie met. Maxie's little ego was a bit crushed when she heard Lucky is seeing her. Lucky Maxie the wrong answer (or rather the answer she didn't want to hear) when he wanted to talk about Siobhan.
Speaking of answers, Dante was not looking for what Jason had for answers for him this morning. Jason felt the need to call Dante a hypocrite and was very justified in doing so. Dante walks around making out like he is some perfect saint but we all know he is no saint. Sam went to the wrong person to question the events of last night when going to Dante. Sam brought some very justified questions to Dante about why he and the police can't handle Brenda but she didn't get the answers from him she wanted either. I don't like Dante but he was kind of rude to Sam when she went over to his place. He grabbed two beers and didn't offer one to her. Oh Dante Falconari you are such a gem. We know your mother raised you better then that this must be habits you are picking up from Lulu.
Jason and Sam's scenes were very brief but so much emotion in them today. Jason makes millions of promises to Sam and never delivers. Our girl should be much more frustrated then she is but she loves Jason so completely that she understands he doesn't always come through on some promises. Sam knows Jason loves her but this situation is wearing on her nerves. Sam is tired of Jason putting his life at risk for Brenda and her drama. I feel Sam is completely justified for these feelings. All Sam has ever asked Jason for is to be honest with her but today he would not tell her Brenda's secret. It killed him to hurt her that way, you could see it on his face. But it was even harder on Sam to hear Jason openly admit he is keeping something from her. When Michael went to Sam when he wanted to know who shot him, she could not keep it from Jason. Sam tells Jason everything no matter what. So for Jason to keep a secret from Sam it feels like betrayal. Jason is keeping Brenda's secret but he doesn't like doing it. Secrets are very touchy topic for our super couple since Jason's big secret with Liz is what destroyed their trust once. But the difference between these two secrets are Jason does not have a personal involvement in Brenda's secret and that secret can not destroy Sam. But no matter what secrets are secrets and Sam is terrified something will come between her and Jason be it prison walls or another person. I hope they are on tomorrow too so we can see how this turns out.
On another note, the dialog was so clever today if you paid close attention. Classic lines of the day:
Johnny and Carly's first scene, his back comment if you were paying attention 'Little early to be visiting the blender don't ya think?'
Tracy to Maya "You should have told me you were a black-out drinker?"
Maya to Tracy "You should not have black mailed me into coming."
Tracy to Maya "You were supposed to keep me sober -FAIL!"
Maxie to Lucky "I am not that easy to get over"
Lucky wasn't getting any answers he was happy with this morning. First Siobhan put him in his place by telling him even if she stayed she wasn't going to be just sitting around his apartment waiting for him. I like her already. Nicolas didn't offer Lucky any answers he wanted to hear today either when commenting on Siobhan. Lucky and Siobhan are cute but I ask you this, what will be their couple name? Luckhan? Siobhan delightfully put Colman in his place which was always amusing. I especially liked when Siobhan and Maxie met. Maxie's little ego was a bit crushed when she heard Lucky is seeing her. Lucky Maxie the wrong answer (or rather the answer she didn't want to hear) when he wanted to talk about Siobhan.
Speaking of answers, Dante was not looking for what Jason had for answers for him this morning. Jason felt the need to call Dante a hypocrite and was very justified in doing so. Dante walks around making out like he is some perfect saint but we all know he is no saint. Sam went to the wrong person to question the events of last night when going to Dante. Sam brought some very justified questions to Dante about why he and the police can't handle Brenda but she didn't get the answers from him she wanted either. I don't like Dante but he was kind of rude to Sam when she went over to his place. He grabbed two beers and didn't offer one to her. Oh Dante Falconari you are such a gem. We know your mother raised you better then that this must be habits you are picking up from Lulu.
Jason and Sam's scenes were very brief but so much emotion in them today. Jason makes millions of promises to Sam and never delivers. Our girl should be much more frustrated then she is but she loves Jason so completely that she understands he doesn't always come through on some promises. Sam knows Jason loves her but this situation is wearing on her nerves. Sam is tired of Jason putting his life at risk for Brenda and her drama. I feel Sam is completely justified for these feelings. All Sam has ever asked Jason for is to be honest with her but today he would not tell her Brenda's secret. It killed him to hurt her that way, you could see it on his face. But it was even harder on Sam to hear Jason openly admit he is keeping something from her. When Michael went to Sam when he wanted to know who shot him, she could not keep it from Jason. Sam tells Jason everything no matter what. So for Jason to keep a secret from Sam it feels like betrayal. Jason is keeping Brenda's secret but he doesn't like doing it. Secrets are very touchy topic for our super couple since Jason's big secret with Liz is what destroyed their trust once. But the difference between these two secrets are Jason does not have a personal involvement in Brenda's secret and that secret can not destroy Sam. But no matter what secrets are secrets and Sam is terrified something will come between her and Jason be it prison walls or another person. I hope they are on tomorrow too so we can see how this turns out.
On another note, the dialog was so clever today if you paid close attention. Classic lines of the day:
Johnny and Carly's first scene, his back comment if you were paying attention 'Little early to be visiting the blender don't ya think?'
Tracy to Maya "You should have told me you were a black-out drinker?"
Maya to Tracy "You should not have black mailed me into coming."
Tracy to Maya "You were supposed to keep me sober -FAIL!"
Maxie to Lucky "I am not that easy to get over"
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Nobody's Fool
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. We can only hope that saying is true for Sam with Jason. Jason is tolerating his current assignment of having to guard less-then-forthcoming Brenda and work with Dante who he loathes. We can only hope that in the back of his mind he is thinking about Sam and wishing they were in Hawaii in each others arms. In the absence of Sam we are forced to try to find a reason to keep watching these days.
Thank goodness for Luke and Tracy. During the summers when they are not on, I find GH far less entertaining. No one is as amusing as Luke trying to swindle Tracy again and again. Tracy is nobody's fool. My suspicions were correct, I believe Tracy knew all along that Luke was faking it and just wanted to see how far he would go. All her time with ELQ and Luke have taught her a thing or two on how to run a con herself. When you are married to Luke for 5 years you pick up a thing or two. Ethan did a great job at 'coming clean' at the perfect moment too. The only one not a professional con in that group is Maya. She has to be asking herself what she did to get mixed up with this set of jokers some days. I can't wait for the flashbacks of what happened in Vegas. I am glad to see a Ethan and Maya storyline. This one should be good. I hope even though we know Ethan and Maya get hitched they make it amusing. I also hope Luke and Tracy also get married. We need more married couples on GH. Marriage is the kiss of death around Port Charles one would think. The only married couples are Scrubs and CarJax. Now that Carly and Jax are back together Scrubs are on the rocks.
Speaking of Scrubs, I loved the flashback scenes today. Reminded us all what Scrubs is made of. They have developed over years and being an amazing couple. They are strong and rest assure they will make it through this. Every soap couple needs a little angst and Scrubs has had a lot of that recently. I am pretty certain that Patrick will NEVER NEVER EVER cheat again on Robin or anyone ever again for the rest of his life. But that doesn't cure all the pain he has caused. He had begged and apologized but until he can figure out why he cheated, Robin should not go back to him. I've said it before Robin is very literal person. She can not look past the pain of being wronged. Robin has always been rather set in her ways and never willing to admit when she could be wrong. So the fact Patrick has begged and pleaded still doesn't erase what he did in her mind. If Robin does not take Patrick back I think he might start wearing a Chastity Belt and join a convent because he is never going to touch another woman again. I feel sorry for Patrick because he doesn't know what else to do to prove to Robin that he loves her completely and won't ever cheat again. However, this type of dance is classic Scrubs for those Scrubs fans who have forgotten. Let's not forget when Robin was pregnant there was a lot of angst and struggles over if they should even be together. I think all this angst will only help make them stronger. I just hope they move this story along a little because I am getting tired of the dance being stuck on this phrase of the music so long.
It was sweet how Siobhan and Lucky had their quick reunion. If Brenda had not been in the scenes they would have been more enjoyable. Brenda telling Jason he big secret just made me want to turn the TV off. I really didn't care to listen to this whole saga but at least tomorrow is another day in Port Charles. Maybe by a miracle tomorrow Sam will be on.
Keep the faith. Our couple will be on again someday.
Thank goodness for Luke and Tracy. During the summers when they are not on, I find GH far less entertaining. No one is as amusing as Luke trying to swindle Tracy again and again. Tracy is nobody's fool. My suspicions were correct, I believe Tracy knew all along that Luke was faking it and just wanted to see how far he would go. All her time with ELQ and Luke have taught her a thing or two on how to run a con herself. When you are married to Luke for 5 years you pick up a thing or two. Ethan did a great job at 'coming clean' at the perfect moment too. The only one not a professional con in that group is Maya. She has to be asking herself what she did to get mixed up with this set of jokers some days. I can't wait for the flashbacks of what happened in Vegas. I am glad to see a Ethan and Maya storyline. This one should be good. I hope even though we know Ethan and Maya get hitched they make it amusing. I also hope Luke and Tracy also get married. We need more married couples on GH. Marriage is the kiss of death around Port Charles one would think. The only married couples are Scrubs and CarJax. Now that Carly and Jax are back together Scrubs are on the rocks.
Speaking of Scrubs, I loved the flashback scenes today. Reminded us all what Scrubs is made of. They have developed over years and being an amazing couple. They are strong and rest assure they will make it through this. Every soap couple needs a little angst and Scrubs has had a lot of that recently. I am pretty certain that Patrick will NEVER NEVER EVER cheat again on Robin or anyone ever again for the rest of his life. But that doesn't cure all the pain he has caused. He had begged and apologized but until he can figure out why he cheated, Robin should not go back to him. I've said it before Robin is very literal person. She can not look past the pain of being wronged. Robin has always been rather set in her ways and never willing to admit when she could be wrong. So the fact Patrick has begged and pleaded still doesn't erase what he did in her mind. If Robin does not take Patrick back I think he might start wearing a Chastity Belt and join a convent because he is never going to touch another woman again. I feel sorry for Patrick because he doesn't know what else to do to prove to Robin that he loves her completely and won't ever cheat again. However, this type of dance is classic Scrubs for those Scrubs fans who have forgotten. Let's not forget when Robin was pregnant there was a lot of angst and struggles over if they should even be together. I think all this angst will only help make them stronger. I just hope they move this story along a little because I am getting tired of the dance being stuck on this phrase of the music so long.
It was sweet how Siobhan and Lucky had their quick reunion. If Brenda had not been in the scenes they would have been more enjoyable. Brenda telling Jason he big secret just made me want to turn the TV off. I really didn't care to listen to this whole saga but at least tomorrow is another day in Port Charles. Maybe by a miracle tomorrow Sam will be on.
Keep the faith. Our couple will be on again someday.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Remebering Baby Lila McCall Morgan
With all that is happening in Port Charles this week I am somewhat concerned they will not take time out on Monday (the 6 year anniversary) to remember Baby Lila who brought our super couple together. So I decided I would to my own remembering.
The subject of a stillbirth hits extremely close to home for me. I know the real life pain of such an experience and I also know that type of loss will never leave you. You will never forget and that pain never lessens over time. What is true is you do learn how to move on and live your life. For myself I personally identified with the story since the pain of my loss was very recent at the time. I think that for me it actually helped me deal with my own loss. Everyone deals with loss in their own way. For some the pain of the loss is too great and we turn bitter and angry. For some you realize how fragile life is and cherish every moment. And for many it's a combination of both.
One of the reasons I fell in love with Jason and Sam to start with was the story of baby Lila's birth and death. The way they wrote that story line was absolutely amazing. For so many of us that is when we fell in love with this couple. The writers did such a great job of making it so true it was hard to remember you were watching a fictional character on the screen. I have to wonder if someone on that writing team had not experience a personal loss like that because it was so believable. The pain was so raw and convincing I can't think of a better story line in all the 20 years I have watched the show. I really hope that Jason and Sam take a minute (or even 5 seconds) next week to stop and to think about the reason they got together in the first place. If the writers decide that it is not important to touch on baby Lila next week, I think many of us will be hurt. Hopefully they can take a second away from the whole Brenda/Dante mess and focus on someone else and pay tribute to baby Lila.
I invite everyone to call the comment line and express how much we are happy our super couple is together. Jason may do some clueless things, but we are so grateful they are together again. Keep writing, calling and emailing. Remind them we are thankful and want to see more of Jason and Sam.
Monday marks a very important day in JaSam history - go back and watch the old clips of 2004 and remember baby Lila too!
On a personal note. For those of you who may have dealt with loss and are interested here is something I wrote about my own loss when it happened. You never forget and I hope the writers realize that.
How do you say good-bye to a child who never took a breath
How are you supposed to move on when the child you loved never got to live
For 38 weeks we dreamed of your arrival
We wondered who you would look like more, your daddy or your mommy
Ten tiny fingers ten tiny toes
Every detail of your face was so perfect
You were so still and beautiful
We'll never know why we didn't get to love you here on Earth
You were called home before you even got to breathe
You are our guardian angel
We will miss you and think of you all the days we will be apart
The subject of a stillbirth hits extremely close to home for me. I know the real life pain of such an experience and I also know that type of loss will never leave you. You will never forget and that pain never lessens over time. What is true is you do learn how to move on and live your life. For myself I personally identified with the story since the pain of my loss was very recent at the time. I think that for me it actually helped me deal with my own loss. Everyone deals with loss in their own way. For some the pain of the loss is too great and we turn bitter and angry. For some you realize how fragile life is and cherish every moment. And for many it's a combination of both.
One of the reasons I fell in love with Jason and Sam to start with was the story of baby Lila's birth and death. The way they wrote that story line was absolutely amazing. For so many of us that is when we fell in love with this couple. The writers did such a great job of making it so true it was hard to remember you were watching a fictional character on the screen. I have to wonder if someone on that writing team had not experience a personal loss like that because it was so believable. The pain was so raw and convincing I can't think of a better story line in all the 20 years I have watched the show. I really hope that Jason and Sam take a minute (or even 5 seconds) next week to stop and to think about the reason they got together in the first place. If the writers decide that it is not important to touch on baby Lila next week, I think many of us will be hurt. Hopefully they can take a second away from the whole Brenda/Dante mess and focus on someone else and pay tribute to baby Lila.
I invite everyone to call the comment line and express how much we are happy our super couple is together. Jason may do some clueless things, but we are so grateful they are together again. Keep writing, calling and emailing. Remind them we are thankful and want to see more of Jason and Sam.
Monday marks a very important day in JaSam history - go back and watch the old clips of 2004 and remember baby Lila too!
On a personal note. For those of you who may have dealt with loss and are interested here is something I wrote about my own loss when it happened. You never forget and I hope the writers realize that.
How do you say good-bye to a child who never took a breath
How are you supposed to move on when the child you loved never got to live
For 38 weeks we dreamed of your arrival
We wondered who you would look like more, your daddy or your mommy
Ten tiny fingers ten tiny toes
Every detail of your face was so perfect
You were so still and beautiful
We'll never know why we didn't get to love you here on Earth
You were called home before you even got to breathe
You are our guardian angel
We will miss you and think of you all the days we will be apart
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A Past Connection
Jason truly is the most clueless guy sometimes. While sometimes Jason can say all the right things to Sam, today wasn't one of those days. I don't care how solid your relationship is you NEVER tell the woman you love you could not leave ANOTHER woman's side all night long unless that other woman is an ill relative. Brenda and Jason have a past connection which is the only reason she seems to be comfortable with him around during her night terrors. While this is all and good, Jason still does have a lot to learn about relationships and how to treat people especially Sam. Maybe someday Jason will learn. I was glad Jason was angry with Spinelli for messing up and telling Brenda. Spinelli is naive and really does need to stop trusting persuasive women. It was sweet of Sam to speak up for Spinelli (not that he deserved it) but she is always willing to stand up for him.
One of the things I love about Jason and Sam is even no matter how ticked I maybe at Jason's behavior, they are still an amazing team together. Even though it struck a nerve for Sam to have Jason say he didn't feel right leaving Brenda when she was so freaked out. Sam looked past that and started presenting Jason with the facts of the details that things didn't add up with Brenda's story. Jason and Sam are an incredible investigation team.
Oh Diane was classic today. I love when Diane reminds Sonny he needs to be more careful who he sleeps with. Diane's been
I love days with McAbby on. Abby may just be exactly what Michael needs to recover from all of his traumas. She's the only one who makes him smile and their scenes are refreshing to screen.
Oh Luke is up to his tricks and just can't wait until this group heads to Vegas. I've seen a picture of them in Vegas with Maya and Ethan holding them up. It looks truly hilarious.
I am glad Carly is around. Someone needs to call Brenda and Dante on their bull. Oh Carly is going to relishing in this. I can't wait until this happens.
I can't believe Patrick did not go to Emma's birthday party. I don't care how sensitive he is trying to be to Robin, it is not Robin's day. He came by to wish Robin a happy birthday on her birthday. He needs to do the same for Emma. Even if she is only 2 years old, he needs to keep his place in her life. It is wrong that he missed her birthday party. For years to come Emma will see pictures of her birthday party and ask 'where is daddy?'. Patrick you are a terrible father if you think it is okay to miss your own daughter's birthday party.
One of the things I love about Jason and Sam is even no matter how ticked I maybe at Jason's behavior, they are still an amazing team together. Even though it struck a nerve for Sam to have Jason say he didn't feel right leaving Brenda when she was so freaked out. Sam looked past that and started presenting Jason with the facts of the details that things didn't add up with Brenda's story. Jason and Sam are an incredible investigation team.
Oh Diane was classic today. I love when Diane reminds Sonny he needs to be more careful who he sleeps with. Diane's been
I love days with McAbby on. Abby may just be exactly what Michael needs to recover from all of his traumas. She's the only one who makes him smile and their scenes are refreshing to screen.
Oh Luke is up to his tricks and just can't wait until this group heads to Vegas. I've seen a picture of them in Vegas with Maya and Ethan holding them up. It looks truly hilarious.
I am glad Carly is around. Someone needs to call Brenda and Dante on their bull. Oh Carly is going to relishing in this. I can't wait until this happens.
I can't believe Patrick did not go to Emma's birthday party. I don't care how sensitive he is trying to be to Robin, it is not Robin's day. He came by to wish Robin a happy birthday on her birthday. He needs to do the same for Emma. Even if she is only 2 years old, he needs to keep his place in her life. It is wrong that he missed her birthday party. For years to come Emma will see pictures of her birthday party and ask 'where is daddy?'. Patrick you are a terrible father if you think it is okay to miss your own daughter's birthday party.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Huge Undertaking of Protecting Brenda
Sam said it best, 'No one realized what a huge undertaking this was going to be (to protect Brenda)'. Sing it sister! Even as fans we didn't realize how far they stretch Brenda's drama and who it would infect. Apparently no where in the western hemisphere is safe from the Brenda virus at this point and it is going global fast. Women, keep your men under lock and key because this virus apparently sucks out their brains and leaves them zombies running to Brenda Barrett's aid. Apparently she is so helpless and dramatic she needs a whole army of them too!
I said it yesterday and still feel Brenda would greatly benefit from some time at Shady Brook. She's a loon on a good day but clearly she needs some help. The chick has very traumatic dreams and has for ages not to mention she was pretty crazy today. I get being traumatized by something and not being able to think about it right away but she was a little more then traumatized. She was in her own little world not knowing what was the past or the present. Her mother was insane perhaps the apple didn't fall that far from the tree. Time to check her in and throw away the key.
Sam is the only one that seems to be looking at anything objectively when it comes to this whole situation. Finally someone who is not falling under the Brenda virus. I feel Sam was completely justified for feeling the way she was feeling. She's strong and knows Jason loves her but it's still unsettling to watch the love of your life talking some crazy chick down and then later he is the only one who can comfort her. So as true Sam fans we also need to look at things objectively too. Brenda is clearly mentally not playing with a full deck. The fact Jason is the only one that can talk her down is actually true to the character, he has never bought into her bull but he has always been the one that can get her to be somewhat sane when she is generally not. Jason loves Sam so completely. Jason isn't being considerate of Sam but he is trying to protect Brenda.
Let's just hope Sam doesn't kick him to the curb for neglecting her too much.
Sam is everything to Jason let's not forget this simple fact. While I hated the scene to follow I loved the scene where Jason walked into his room to see Sam asleep. Jason was in deep thought for a minute but then looked over to Sam and his whole world was at peace again just by having her with him. The last scene was awkward for everyone. How would any of us handle that scene in real life? I know that tomorrow's show will be a new day in Port Charles and I am not even sure Jason and Sam will be on tomorrow. I think Sam should talk to Jason about what she saw not to be concerned just to say 'do you think Brenda is okay? I walked in seeing her hugging you last night after she woke us up screaming' would be a good way to start the conversation so Jason would be aware of the fact Sam is still alive and not a piece of furniture. Jason should realize he needs to wake up and actually notice the woman in his life.
Completely on a side note, Why is Jason's bedroom smaller then the gigantic pink room? Also how many freaking pillows does Brenda have on her bed? It took her 5 minutes to get them all off.
How long is it going to take to get Sonny and Brenda back together? I vote the sooner the better for some many reasons. That gets crazy Brenda out of the penthouse and get SoClaire over! Of course I kind of can't wait for Sonny to find out she banged his son. Oh I really hope that blows sky high just because it is kind of funny for Sonny to be the who didn't sleep with someone else for once. Generally it's Sonny's transgressions that cause issues but for once he is the innocent party here. Who knew Brenda apparently has the same problem Sonny does, any time they are in close proximity with someone of the opposite sex they sleep with them. Hopefully Brenda has learned her lesson and doesn't seduce Spinelli next being the cougar that she is now. Don't worry Jason is too old for her these days. She likes them young apparently. Of course Spinelli might not be her type, maybe she is just hot for Sonny's sons...better watch out Michael and Morgan!
I said it yesterday and still feel Brenda would greatly benefit from some time at Shady Brook. She's a loon on a good day but clearly she needs some help. The chick has very traumatic dreams and has for ages not to mention she was pretty crazy today. I get being traumatized by something and not being able to think about it right away but she was a little more then traumatized. She was in her own little world not knowing what was the past or the present. Her mother was insane perhaps the apple didn't fall that far from the tree. Time to check her in and throw away the key.
Sam is the only one that seems to be looking at anything objectively when it comes to this whole situation. Finally someone who is not falling under the Brenda virus. I feel Sam was completely justified for feeling the way she was feeling. She's strong and knows Jason loves her but it's still unsettling to watch the love of your life talking some crazy chick down and then later he is the only one who can comfort her. So as true Sam fans we also need to look at things objectively too. Brenda is clearly mentally not playing with a full deck. The fact Jason is the only one that can talk her down is actually true to the character, he has never bought into her bull but he has always been the one that can get her to be somewhat sane when she is generally not. Jason loves Sam so completely. Jason isn't being considerate of Sam but he is trying to protect Brenda.
Let's just hope Sam doesn't kick him to the curb for neglecting her too much.
Sam is everything to Jason let's not forget this simple fact. While I hated the scene to follow I loved the scene where Jason walked into his room to see Sam asleep. Jason was in deep thought for a minute but then looked over to Sam and his whole world was at peace again just by having her with him. The last scene was awkward for everyone. How would any of us handle that scene in real life? I know that tomorrow's show will be a new day in Port Charles and I am not even sure Jason and Sam will be on tomorrow. I think Sam should talk to Jason about what she saw not to be concerned just to say 'do you think Brenda is okay? I walked in seeing her hugging you last night after she woke us up screaming' would be a good way to start the conversation so Jason would be aware of the fact Sam is still alive and not a piece of furniture. Jason should realize he needs to wake up and actually notice the woman in his life.
Completely on a side note, Why is Jason's bedroom smaller then the gigantic pink room? Also how many freaking pillows does Brenda have on her bed? It took her 5 minutes to get them all off.
How long is it going to take to get Sonny and Brenda back together? I vote the sooner the better for some many reasons. That gets crazy Brenda out of the penthouse and get SoClaire over! Of course I kind of can't wait for Sonny to find out she banged his son. Oh I really hope that blows sky high just because it is kind of funny for Sonny to be the who didn't sleep with someone else for once. Generally it's Sonny's transgressions that cause issues but for once he is the innocent party here. Who knew Brenda apparently has the same problem Sonny does, any time they are in close proximity with someone of the opposite sex they sleep with them. Hopefully Brenda has learned her lesson and doesn't seduce Spinelli next being the cougar that she is now. Don't worry Jason is too old for her these days. She likes them young apparently. Of course Spinelli might not be her type, maybe she is just hot for Sonny's sons...better watch out Michael and Morgan!
Brenda is exploding crazy all around
The first time I saw today's show I was fuming about how the writers made Sam jealous of Brenda and Jason's bond. It took me more then a few hours to go back and re-watch today's episode and take it for as it is. It's important you know I am always a much bigger Sam fan then a Jason fan. As a true Sam fan, I could not fully understand why they would let our powerful kick ass heroine show weakness and jealous like this. But lets try to look at today's show a little more objectively.
First, Brenda is a huge drama queen and the way she was freaking out when she had shot the Balkan's henchman and in the configuration of the people standing around her Jason was the one standing closest to her. So naturally he was going to try to calm her down. Lucky and Sam were sadly outsiders in that crowd and were overall pretty pissed that Brenda was so selfish and had ruined the entire plan. Not to mention she may have completely compromised Lucky's cover and potentially made everyone a target that was standing there. Dante was just a tool and think we all agree with that. Jason has a way of talking people down in general in an intense situation. But I think the hug was probably a little over the top. Jason and Brenda do have a bond that is true but the bond is not romantic and is NOT anything for Sam to get so worked up about. Jason loves Sam with his whole heart and he loves how independent, strong and confident she is. In this particular situation he was trying to defuse the crazy in which we all call Brenda. Speaking of the crazy we call Brenda, I am thinking she might benefit greatly from some time at Shady Brook. For a person who's life with Sonny was surrounded by violence she should be a little more used to seeing violence. Actually it does appear now that the body count is increasing for Brenda, she has broken the law and been in more danger since she left her life with Sonny then when she was with him.
Now to think about WHY they made Sam jealous. This was harder for me to come up with because it strikes a nerve for me. But it is important we remember Sam knows Jason loves her. However, ever since Jason was released from prison he has been spending more and more time solving everyone else problems. It has to be frustrating to watch the only woman Jason has ever legally married to be back in his life (even if it is temporary) insisting his whole world revolve around her and explode all her drama on him. It's less jealousy in the aspect Sam thinks Jason is going to fall in love with Brenda. It is more anger that Brenda is involving Jason in something that had nothing to do with him. Another thing to think about is Sam has been trying to fight the little urges inside of herself that keep telling her she could lose Jason at any moment to prison mostly but that doesn't rule out other factors. Usually she keeps this pretty under control and her logical side kicks in and says everything is okay. Today her logical side didn't kick in right away. Lastly, I really hope the writers don't make Sam too jealous of Brenda because it is pointless. They always need to have some sort of drama for Jason and Sam and this is all they could come up with was a little jealousy. Just another example about how the writing really needs to improve like it was back in 2004/2005.
First, Brenda is a huge drama queen and the way she was freaking out when she had shot the Balkan's henchman and in the configuration of the people standing around her Jason was the one standing closest to her. So naturally he was going to try to calm her down. Lucky and Sam were sadly outsiders in that crowd and were overall pretty pissed that Brenda was so selfish and had ruined the entire plan. Not to mention she may have completely compromised Lucky's cover and potentially made everyone a target that was standing there. Dante was just a tool and think we all agree with that. Jason has a way of talking people down in general in an intense situation. But I think the hug was probably a little over the top. Jason and Brenda do have a bond that is true but the bond is not romantic and is NOT anything for Sam to get so worked up about. Jason loves Sam with his whole heart and he loves how independent, strong and confident she is. In this particular situation he was trying to defuse the crazy in which we all call Brenda. Speaking of the crazy we call Brenda, I am thinking she might benefit greatly from some time at Shady Brook. For a person who's life with Sonny was surrounded by violence she should be a little more used to seeing violence. Actually it does appear now that the body count is increasing for Brenda, she has broken the law and been in more danger since she left her life with Sonny then when she was with him.
Now to think about WHY they made Sam jealous. This was harder for me to come up with because it strikes a nerve for me. But it is important we remember Sam knows Jason loves her. However, ever since Jason was released from prison he has been spending more and more time solving everyone else problems. It has to be frustrating to watch the only woman Jason has ever legally married to be back in his life (even if it is temporary) insisting his whole world revolve around her and explode all her drama on him. It's less jealousy in the aspect Sam thinks Jason is going to fall in love with Brenda. It is more anger that Brenda is involving Jason in something that had nothing to do with him. Another thing to think about is Sam has been trying to fight the little urges inside of herself that keep telling her she could lose Jason at any moment to prison mostly but that doesn't rule out other factors. Usually she keeps this pretty under control and her logical side kicks in and says everything is okay. Today her logical side didn't kick in right away. Lastly, I really hope the writers don't make Sam too jealous of Brenda because it is pointless. They always need to have some sort of drama for Jason and Sam and this is all they could come up with was a little jealousy. Just another example about how the writing really needs to improve like it was back in 2004/2005.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Bait and Switch
Finally this is the General Hospital I have been waiting to watch. The writing and story lines are the ones I tune in for. October was a painful month and the ratings have reflected it but things appear to be looking up. I was not shocked to see the latest ratings showed that the Dante/Brenda droning story line lost a lot of fans and the lack of Jason and Sam was clearly noticed. The only story line that kept the show from completely going to the bottom was the Scrubs and wacky Lisa story line. Today's show did not disappoint. The sweeps are here and thank goodness because the show needed this.
Today was a game of bait and switch in more ways then one. The plan is set Lucky would carry out his plan of 'kidnapping' 'Brenda' (the bait) and set the trap for the Balkan. However, I think we all know the road to Hell is paved with some of the even the best laid plans which is probably going to be the case here. It was almost touching how Nikolas did a switch in his recently character and was concerned about his brother. Finally Nikolas is back to being his normal self it appears then a fiance stealing lair. Glad to see it because I have a feeling Nikolas might become more involved with this story line then he wants to be. Lets not all forget his family ties, his money and he did mention his dear old Granny has dealt with the Balkan in the past. If the Balkan does snatch Sam a second time you can bet even though Nikolas and Sam aren't super close he isn't going to let someone mess with his family. Lucky and Siobhan's good-bye to one another was rather sweet and reminds us all about this tender budding romance is delicate but has some serious potential.
Speaking of tender budding romances, I am loving McAbby (Michael and Abby). Abby seems to be the only person who can get Michael to smile and be more relaxed then he has been since he woke up from his coma. Michael has had so much rage and anger since he woke up over a year ago but now with Abby he seems to be able to be almost at peace. Abby has given Michael such a gift and all she has done is accept him for who he is. That is what he needed. Abby is mature and understanding which is what he needs. She doesn't judge him or expect him to be like a normal 18 year old boy. I think we will learn more about Abby as the weeks progress and find out why she is so understanding. They are so refreshing to watch I can't get enough of them. I hope this budding romance or even friendship continues.
Speaking of switch, Dante switched up the original plan on Lucky by having Max and Milo be Sam's guards which hopefully has not lasting effects. Max and Milo provided a comedic relief to a very intense and serious set of scenes today. They play perfect brothers and I guess that is because they are actually brothers in real life. Max the older caution brother and Milo the willing and able participate in any plan. Milo made me laugh 'We are just happy to help'. Those two are always amusing and clearly have a great time working together on the show.
Now for the big story of the day. The real bait, the kidnapping of "Brenda". Sam's resemblance to Brenda is close but Sam makes a much more striking Brenda then Brenda herself does on a good day. Jason's concern was written all over his face when Sam came down the stairs dressed as Brenda. He is living with abject fear that something is going to go wrong and she might potentially get hurt. It is weighing heavy on his mind and you can see it today especially. He has no doubt about Sam's abilities to hold her own but is scared that something will not go as planned. He is also concerned (and rightfully so) that Brenda will do something to mess up this plan. She's been known for this in the past. I love the line by Jason 'Dante, good luck'. In other words, have fun with this drama queen the love of my life is putting her life on the line and I am not about to stay here with this pain in the ass and listen her to anymore. While Lucky's grabbing Sam was somewhat believable we all know Sam would have kicked his tail into next Tuesday had she been really been grabbed by someone. But Sam is not Brenda (Thank God on so many levels) so she had to act like a helpless super model would and put up as little fight as she could.
When the pair arrived at the warehouse and met Jason they were all relieved to see one another and impressed their plan had worked so far. I love how Sam and Lucky interact together in situations like this. Lucky and Sam being old flames still have complete respect for one another and also have each others back. He was worried he might have hurt her and showed special care as he freed her hands. Jason hated seeing Sam blindfolded and you could tell even if it was trusted Lucky who put her there and it was a fake. Jason's concern was tangible. He just wanted to hold Sam in his arms and keep her as close and safe as he could. He absolutely hates the fact that he has been involved with this whole situation but hates it more it involves Sam. While he hates it, he trusts that she will do anything to keep herself and him safe. They are a team in life and in love. That's the magic that we all love to see on screen. The final scene was my most favorite of the day. Lucky carefully bound Sam's hands so she can slip her hands out, Jason walking up to Sam asking her about having her gun and knife ready and to give some last minute suggestions. He tells her he loves her, tells her to be careful and kisses her. The look they exchanged at that moment was pure unconditional love. This scene made my heart skip a beat. They are both so afraid but incredibly brave and know that just having each others love will keep them safe in this situation.
The final switch of the day was the bait (Brenda) knocking Dante out and running out the door to head to the warehouse. We can only hope someone catches up with her before she gets there because otherwise she could potentially get them all killed. We would only be so lucky to have Dante and Brenda killed but I doubt that will happen.
I personally can not wait until next week and it has been a long time since I have said that where GH is concerned. Please call the comment line 1-323-671-4583 and keep the positive feedback flooding into them.
Happy Halloween everyone and until next week!
Some questions the week has left us with:
Is Siobhan working with the Balkan?
Who knew Brenda was a cougar and banged Dante when he was a rookie cop? I can't wait for Carly to spill that if it is true.
Will Brenda screw up the meeting with the Balkan and get Sam or Jason hurt in the process?
Will Sam get grabbed a second time but this time it be for real?
Will Jason go out of his mind if Sam is really in danger?
Is Saghag working with the Balkan? (I think so)
Will Spinelli every grow a pair and get over his fantasy of Brenda?
Who took Emma? Was it Lisa or was it someone else?
Why did Emma get taken the instant Abby left? Did Abby witness it?
What happened to the pregnancy story line? Was it just a ruse? (I think so)
Today was a game of bait and switch in more ways then one. The plan is set Lucky would carry out his plan of 'kidnapping' 'Brenda' (the bait) and set the trap for the Balkan. However, I think we all know the road to Hell is paved with some of the even the best laid plans which is probably going to be the case here. It was almost touching how Nikolas did a switch in his recently character and was concerned about his brother. Finally Nikolas is back to being his normal self it appears then a fiance stealing lair. Glad to see it because I have a feeling Nikolas might become more involved with this story line then he wants to be. Lets not all forget his family ties, his money and he did mention his dear old Granny has dealt with the Balkan in the past. If the Balkan does snatch Sam a second time you can bet even though Nikolas and Sam aren't super close he isn't going to let someone mess with his family. Lucky and Siobhan's good-bye to one another was rather sweet and reminds us all about this tender budding romance is delicate but has some serious potential.
Speaking of tender budding romances, I am loving McAbby (Michael and Abby). Abby seems to be the only person who can get Michael to smile and be more relaxed then he has been since he woke up from his coma. Michael has had so much rage and anger since he woke up over a year ago but now with Abby he seems to be able to be almost at peace. Abby has given Michael such a gift and all she has done is accept him for who he is. That is what he needed. Abby is mature and understanding which is what he needs. She doesn't judge him or expect him to be like a normal 18 year old boy. I think we will learn more about Abby as the weeks progress and find out why she is so understanding. They are so refreshing to watch I can't get enough of them. I hope this budding romance or even friendship continues.
Speaking of switch, Dante switched up the original plan on Lucky by having Max and Milo be Sam's guards which hopefully has not lasting effects. Max and Milo provided a comedic relief to a very intense and serious set of scenes today. They play perfect brothers and I guess that is because they are actually brothers in real life. Max the older caution brother and Milo the willing and able participate in any plan. Milo made me laugh 'We are just happy to help'. Those two are always amusing and clearly have a great time working together on the show.
Now for the big story of the day. The real bait, the kidnapping of "Brenda". Sam's resemblance to Brenda is close but Sam makes a much more striking Brenda then Brenda herself does on a good day. Jason's concern was written all over his face when Sam came down the stairs dressed as Brenda. He is living with abject fear that something is going to go wrong and she might potentially get hurt. It is weighing heavy on his mind and you can see it today especially. He has no doubt about Sam's abilities to hold her own but is scared that something will not go as planned. He is also concerned (and rightfully so) that Brenda will do something to mess up this plan. She's been known for this in the past. I love the line by Jason 'Dante, good luck'. In other words, have fun with this drama queen the love of my life is putting her life on the line and I am not about to stay here with this pain in the ass and listen her to anymore. While Lucky's grabbing Sam was somewhat believable we all know Sam would have kicked his tail into next Tuesday had she been really been grabbed by someone. But Sam is not Brenda (Thank God on so many levels) so she had to act like a helpless super model would and put up as little fight as she could.
When the pair arrived at the warehouse and met Jason they were all relieved to see one another and impressed their plan had worked so far. I love how Sam and Lucky interact together in situations like this. Lucky and Sam being old flames still have complete respect for one another and also have each others back. He was worried he might have hurt her and showed special care as he freed her hands. Jason hated seeing Sam blindfolded and you could tell even if it was trusted Lucky who put her there and it was a fake. Jason's concern was tangible. He just wanted to hold Sam in his arms and keep her as close and safe as he could. He absolutely hates the fact that he has been involved with this whole situation but hates it more it involves Sam. While he hates it, he trusts that she will do anything to keep herself and him safe. They are a team in life and in love. That's the magic that we all love to see on screen. The final scene was my most favorite of the day. Lucky carefully bound Sam's hands so she can slip her hands out, Jason walking up to Sam asking her about having her gun and knife ready and to give some last minute suggestions. He tells her he loves her, tells her to be careful and kisses her. The look they exchanged at that moment was pure unconditional love. This scene made my heart skip a beat. They are both so afraid but incredibly brave and know that just having each others love will keep them safe in this situation.
The final switch of the day was the bait (Brenda) knocking Dante out and running out the door to head to the warehouse. We can only hope someone catches up with her before she gets there because otherwise she could potentially get them all killed. We would only be so lucky to have Dante and Brenda killed but I doubt that will happen.
I personally can not wait until next week and it has been a long time since I have said that where GH is concerned. Please call the comment line 1-323-671-4583 and keep the positive feedback flooding into them.
Happy Halloween everyone and until next week!
Some questions the week has left us with:
Is Siobhan working with the Balkan?
Who knew Brenda was a cougar and banged Dante when he was a rookie cop? I can't wait for Carly to spill that if it is true.
Will Brenda screw up the meeting with the Balkan and get Sam or Jason hurt in the process?
Will Sam get grabbed a second time but this time it be for real?
Will Jason go out of his mind if Sam is really in danger?
Is Saghag working with the Balkan? (I think so)
Will Spinelli every grow a pair and get over his fantasy of Brenda?
Who took Emma? Was it Lisa or was it someone else?
Why did Emma get taken the instant Abby left? Did Abby witness it?
What happened to the pregnancy story line? Was it just a ruse? (I think so)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I'm Not Leaving You
Christmas has come early for us JaSam fans! Yesterday was classic JaSam that was amazing! Reminded us all why we love this couple. While I have seen that episode more then a dozen time I was still sucked in like it was the first time. Then today we got 9 full minutes of Jason and Sam. It was the first time in ages we have seen those two on our screen so much. Also NO BRENDA! While we had to tolerate a little Dante he wasn't the dominate story today. Today was a great way to start sweeps! All the first string actors we on our screen today.
I just loved how Jason and Sam interacted today. The opening scene of the two of them at the Pent House was so sweet. You can tell Sam likes Brenda enough not to hate her but sees that she is beyond high maintenance and I don't think Sam appreciates how Brenda treats Jason. You could see Jason just wanted to kiss Sam instead of deal with all of this crap. Brenda is the classic drama queen as so clearly illustrated today. I loved Sam's suggestion to lock Brenda in her room. Can we leave her there forever and throw away the key, please? She could have made this whole situation disappear ages ago but she has to keep the stupid secrete of banging Dante and covering up some murder and who knows what else (and who cares about what else) if it means she goes on and on. Sam and Jason's special moment was disrupted by Saghag, who seriously needs to wear something more age appropriate. Saghag had to throw cold water on the specially crafted plan that Jason and Sam have been working on. While I am not Saghag's biggest fan, I liked how she asked "is this some kind of code" when Spinelli was rambling on about Brenda and her yoga. I have a suspicion that Saghag Suzanne is actually working with the Balkan. She is just too self righteous and pushy to be legitimate. Maybe we can hope that if Saghag and the Balkan are working together they can take Spinelli in her place. I miss Spinelli and Maxie together. She gave him purpose and Maxie is always entertaining. I am so extremely tired of him drooling all over the penthouse like a lost puppy dog. They really need to do something else with his character before the whole city of Port Charles is ready to gift wrap him and ship him to the Balkan.
The best part of today's show was the time Jason and Sam spent time ALONE together at the warehouse. It was incredibly sweet and so true to Sam character that her primary concern is not the fact that she is risking her life in this situation but that Jason could be potentially walking into a trap that could get him arrested. Sam and Jason most precious gift to one another is just time together. As they walked through possible escape routes for Sam to follow their playfulness was the magic we tune into this show for. Jason's primary concern is that Sam gets out of there safe. The best line of the day was by Jason to Sam "I'm not leaving you". Jason's simple declaration spoke volumes to Sam and to their commitment to one another. Sam is the perfect woman for Jason. She is strong, resilient and confident and is the perfect match for Jason in every way. He knows this and is smart enough to realize this go around he would never do anything risk this. Much like the intro to yesterday's encore episode said, "it took a long time for Jason and Sam to get it right" which is true but Jason and Sam both are so grateful.
On another note, I am loving Michael and Abby. They are so sweet and refreshing together. Finally someone Michael can open up to. Sam knew what she was doing when she introduced these two. I like the fact Sam and Abby are friends. It shows Sam is an excellent judge of character.
While I don't usually enjoy Claire's scenes, I did enjoy her scenes with Alexis today. It was so good to see Alexis on screen and she looked stunning. Clearly this time away from GH is doing Nancy Lee Grann well. She looked amazing!
Please call the comment lines and thank them for two absolutely amazing days. We have been very fortunate and we need to thank them this great gift!
I just loved how Jason and Sam interacted today. The opening scene of the two of them at the Pent House was so sweet. You can tell Sam likes Brenda enough not to hate her but sees that she is beyond high maintenance and I don't think Sam appreciates how Brenda treats Jason. You could see Jason just wanted to kiss Sam instead of deal with all of this crap. Brenda is the classic drama queen as so clearly illustrated today. I loved Sam's suggestion to lock Brenda in her room. Can we leave her there forever and throw away the key, please? She could have made this whole situation disappear ages ago but she has to keep the stupid secrete of banging Dante and covering up some murder and who knows what else (and who cares about what else) if it means she goes on and on. Sam and Jason's special moment was disrupted by Saghag, who seriously needs to wear something more age appropriate. Saghag had to throw cold water on the specially crafted plan that Jason and Sam have been working on. While I am not Saghag's biggest fan, I liked how she asked "is this some kind of code" when Spinelli was rambling on about Brenda and her yoga. I have a suspicion that Saghag Suzanne is actually working with the Balkan. She is just too self righteous and pushy to be legitimate. Maybe we can hope that if Saghag and the Balkan are working together they can take Spinelli in her place. I miss Spinelli and Maxie together. She gave him purpose and Maxie is always entertaining. I am so extremely tired of him drooling all over the penthouse like a lost puppy dog. They really need to do something else with his character before the whole city of Port Charles is ready to gift wrap him and ship him to the Balkan.
The best part of today's show was the time Jason and Sam spent time ALONE together at the warehouse. It was incredibly sweet and so true to Sam character that her primary concern is not the fact that she is risking her life in this situation but that Jason could be potentially walking into a trap that could get him arrested. Sam and Jason most precious gift to one another is just time together. As they walked through possible escape routes for Sam to follow their playfulness was the magic we tune into this show for. Jason's primary concern is that Sam gets out of there safe. The best line of the day was by Jason to Sam "I'm not leaving you". Jason's simple declaration spoke volumes to Sam and to their commitment to one another. Sam is the perfect woman for Jason. She is strong, resilient and confident and is the perfect match for Jason in every way. He knows this and is smart enough to realize this go around he would never do anything risk this. Much like the intro to yesterday's encore episode said, "it took a long time for Jason and Sam to get it right" which is true but Jason and Sam both are so grateful.
On another note, I am loving Michael and Abby. They are so sweet and refreshing together. Finally someone Michael can open up to. Sam knew what she was doing when she introduced these two. I like the fact Sam and Abby are friends. It shows Sam is an excellent judge of character.
While I don't usually enjoy Claire's scenes, I did enjoy her scenes with Alexis today. It was so good to see Alexis on screen and she looked stunning. Clearly this time away from GH is doing Nancy Lee Grann well. She looked amazing!
Please call the comment lines and thank them for two absolutely amazing days. We have been very fortunate and we need to thank them this great gift!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Best Laid Plans
Finally Sam McCall has been sighted, we can all start watching General Hospital again. I love the Jason and Sam scenes today. While there was no hugging or kissing there was genuine love between them today. I actually expected Jason to object more to Sam's suggestion of posing as Brenda. But she did remind him she is completely capable of taking care of herself and handling situations like this. Neither one of them want to think of the worst case scenario but Sam sees it as basically the chances for this plan to go bad increase exponentially with Brenda as bait. Not to mention if Jason is walking into a potentially life and death situation, she wants to be with him. That is the beauty of JaSam on our screens. They are a team in life and in love. Both Jason and Sam communicate well with Lucky so they are much better off having the three of them together then having Brenda potentially screwing this up. I think Jason saw Sam's point rather quickly and realized he could not argue with her points.
Of course we know Brenda and Dante will find a way to screw up the plan but I'll be excited to see how this all plays out. We can only hope that the Balkan kills both Brenda and Dante then leaves town. Oh wishful thinking again.
Am I the only one that wanted Sam to smack Brenda when she started laying into Jason about being nice to Jax? Oh please! Where does Brenda have the right to ask Jason to be nice to his best friend's husband. Jason didn't seem overly unfriendly to Jax. That is how he and Jax interact. What business is it of her's anyway? I found it kind of funny how Sam didn't even want to get in the middle of the bickering of Jason and Brenda today. She sat quietly on the stairs and just watched it play out.
I loved Molly calling Michael about Sam. FINALLY someone is worried about Sam or at least noticed she hasn't been around much. I often feel like Molly is overly nosy except today I enjoyed her scene with Michael discussing Jason and Sam. We all felt Molly was saying what we were thinking, 'I don't want Sam to feel neglected', how could she not with Spinelli running after Brenda and Jason putting their life on hold for Brenda. I also loved the line 'I don't want Sam to feel ordinary or unappreciated' . That is how we all feel Sam should be feeling right now with Brenda running Jason's life right now. I agree with Molly 100% Jason does need to do something romantic soon for Sam. Michael can clearly see the love between Jason and Sam and want that for his own. Jason and Sam are probably the most solid relationship (even with their long breakup) that Michael has ever been able to witness. Michael and Abby are cute together. I am not sure who is a better fit for Michael at this point, Abby or Alley. I am leaning towards Abby just because she's sweet and not naive. Michael I think needs someone who knows he's been through hell and doesn't expect him to be normal. On a side note, the song that was playing in the background when Abby and Michael were talking, was that a Steven Clay (aka Caleb) song Newborn Hearts from Port Charles playing? Those of you who are old Port Charles fans might have recognized that song as I did.
Lulu really does get the stupidest person award again and again these days. Not only does she try to convince Carly to ask Brenda to be on the cover of her stupid little magazine but then she goes and blows Lucky's cover AGAIN!. Really? How much more stupid can she get before we can get her killed off or sent back to Shadybrook I have to ask? Why didn't Lulu just go to Wyndamere to talk to Lucky? That would have been a much more logical choice.
I don't think Tracy is anyone's fool. I honestly think she is conning Luke, Maya, Monica and the rest of the Spencers to thinking she believes Luke's heart attack. Tracy loves Luke that has never been the question, but she's a smart woman and I think she'll surprise us soon. I love Luke and Tracy together so I hope even though she doesn't really have the wool pulled over eyes, she and Luke really do reconcile. I love their pet names for one another 'popcycle' is my favorite. It's true Tracy is as cold as ice to some but her and Luke have something quiet entertaining together.
Tomorrow will be great, no Dante, no Brenda just Jason and Sam encore episode. Tune in apparently there will be a preview of things to come. We'll maybe see if those pregnancy rumors are just rumors or something else. Keep calling the comment line and keep the faith! Our couple is amazing!
Of course we know Brenda and Dante will find a way to screw up the plan but I'll be excited to see how this all plays out. We can only hope that the Balkan kills both Brenda and Dante then leaves town. Oh wishful thinking again.
Am I the only one that wanted Sam to smack Brenda when she started laying into Jason about being nice to Jax? Oh please! Where does Brenda have the right to ask Jason to be nice to his best friend's husband. Jason didn't seem overly unfriendly to Jax. That is how he and Jax interact. What business is it of her's anyway? I found it kind of funny how Sam didn't even want to get in the middle of the bickering of Jason and Brenda today. She sat quietly on the stairs and just watched it play out.
I loved Molly calling Michael about Sam. FINALLY someone is worried about Sam or at least noticed she hasn't been around much. I often feel like Molly is overly nosy except today I enjoyed her scene with Michael discussing Jason and Sam. We all felt Molly was saying what we were thinking, 'I don't want Sam to feel neglected', how could she not with Spinelli running after Brenda and Jason putting their life on hold for Brenda. I also loved the line 'I don't want Sam to feel ordinary or unappreciated' . That is how we all feel Sam should be feeling right now with Brenda running Jason's life right now. I agree with Molly 100% Jason does need to do something romantic soon for Sam. Michael can clearly see the love between Jason and Sam and want that for his own. Jason and Sam are probably the most solid relationship (even with their long breakup) that Michael has ever been able to witness. Michael and Abby are cute together. I am not sure who is a better fit for Michael at this point, Abby or Alley. I am leaning towards Abby just because she's sweet and not naive. Michael I think needs someone who knows he's been through hell and doesn't expect him to be normal. On a side note, the song that was playing in the background when Abby and Michael were talking, was that a Steven Clay (aka Caleb) song Newborn Hearts from Port Charles playing? Those of you who are old Port Charles fans might have recognized that song as I did.
Lulu really does get the stupidest person award again and again these days. Not only does she try to convince Carly to ask Brenda to be on the cover of her stupid little magazine but then she goes and blows Lucky's cover AGAIN!. Really? How much more stupid can she get before we can get her killed off or sent back to Shadybrook I have to ask? Why didn't Lulu just go to Wyndamere to talk to Lucky? That would have been a much more logical choice.
I don't think Tracy is anyone's fool. I honestly think she is conning Luke, Maya, Monica and the rest of the Spencers to thinking she believes Luke's heart attack. Tracy loves Luke that has never been the question, but she's a smart woman and I think she'll surprise us soon. I love Luke and Tracy together so I hope even though she doesn't really have the wool pulled over eyes, she and Luke really do reconcile. I love their pet names for one another 'popcycle' is my favorite. It's true Tracy is as cold as ice to some but her and Luke have something quiet entertaining together.
Tomorrow will be great, no Dante, no Brenda just Jason and Sam encore episode. Tune in apparently there will be a preview of things to come. We'll maybe see if those pregnancy rumors are just rumors or something else. Keep calling the comment line and keep the faith! Our couple is amazing!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Missing One Woman Need PI Assistance
We need to hire McCall and Jackal to find a missing woman. She is very resourceful but we have worried that the Balkan or someone else has abducted her and her "devoted" boyfriend hasn't even noticed. We are going through Sam McCall withdrawals on GH lately. I have called the comment line constantly to let them know we have had WAY TOO MUCH Dante and Brenda and way too little Sam. I don't even really care if Jason and Sam are in a scene together at this point. I just want to see Sam. This was a long and painful week without our favorite female character. I really hope Sam is on next week.
There were a few entertaining moments this week amongst all the painfully boring Dante and Brenda. Lisa being released out the of loony bin (probably prematurely) and walking back in the hospital was by far my favorite. Oh the look on Robin and Patrick's faces was classic. They both looked like they had seen a ghost. Oh have no fear Lisa is so good at convincing all that she is not crazy she even snowed the staff at Shadybrook. Shadybrook doctors have been incorrect about other people in the past and their mental well being. We all know they were wrong to release Lisa but darn it makes for a good story. Oh DAMN is Brianna Brown good at playing high octane psycho crazy. Lisa is so damn good at making Robin looking crazy. I am such a fan of this whole story line. I keep watching whenever this story is on. They have really done an outstanding job on this.
I like the sweet romance that is developing between Siobhan and Lucky. She's got a firey temper and charm about her that I think is good for Lucky. I missed some of the shows this week because I could not stand watching Brenda and Dante so much. But I missed the part where Lucky was hurt but it appeared Siobhan's nursing skills were more then impressive for our undercover Lucky. Best part of Siobhan is she could probably take on Elizabeth and win.
Brook Lynn and Nicolas are cute together too. I think these budding romances developing this year are sweet. We probably would not be as taken by them if it wasn't for the fact we search the show for something to not have to do with Brenda and Dante.
Please call the comment lines, send emails and write letters. Flood the writers letting them know we love Jason and Sam together and would love to actually see them on the screen together.
There were a few entertaining moments this week amongst all the painfully boring Dante and Brenda. Lisa being released out the of loony bin (probably prematurely) and walking back in the hospital was by far my favorite. Oh the look on Robin and Patrick's faces was classic. They both looked like they had seen a ghost. Oh have no fear Lisa is so good at convincing all that she is not crazy she even snowed the staff at Shadybrook. Shadybrook doctors have been incorrect about other people in the past and their mental well being. We all know they were wrong to release Lisa but darn it makes for a good story. Oh DAMN is Brianna Brown good at playing high octane psycho crazy. Lisa is so damn good at making Robin looking crazy. I am such a fan of this whole story line. I keep watching whenever this story is on. They have really done an outstanding job on this.
I like the sweet romance that is developing between Siobhan and Lucky. She's got a firey temper and charm about her that I think is good for Lucky. I missed some of the shows this week because I could not stand watching Brenda and Dante so much. But I missed the part where Lucky was hurt but it appeared Siobhan's nursing skills were more then impressive for our undercover Lucky. Best part of Siobhan is she could probably take on Elizabeth and win.
Brook Lynn and Nicolas are cute together too. I think these budding romances developing this year are sweet. We probably would not be as taken by them if it wasn't for the fact we search the show for something to not have to do with Brenda and Dante.
Please call the comment lines, send emails and write letters. Flood the writers letting them know we love Jason and Sam together and would love to actually see them on the screen together.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Can we take much more?
I've been trying to figure out what to write about the last few days episodes and have been coming up rather empty handed. I don't have many positive things to say about what the GH writers have been doing with the show lately. It seems like Dante and Brenda are taking over our TV screens. I am so tired of hearing about Brenda, Brenda, Brenda and now she had a thing with Dante? Oh My Goodness!!! Why do Brenda and Dante need to be part of EVERY story line? It is bad enough to endure Brenda's whining about how she wants to leave Port Charles but now we have to watch fake flashbacks of Dante and Brenda. Oh My, just when we thought we couldn't get anymore of them they have found a way to ram more Brenda and Dante into that hour a day. I really think they should rename the show "The Brenda and Dante hour". I got a little fired up during today's show and called the comment line about a few times to tell them how tired I was of Dante and Brenda. Probably a little overkill on my part but I am just so tired of it.
I found Luke and Lucky funny until the Balkan ordered Lucky to go after Brenda. The only silver lining in this is Lucky finally has a girl that seems nice he can spend some time with. I don't think Siobhan has slept with Nicolas so I think she's safe. I have to say if we are forced to watch much more Brenda taking over our TV screens, I am going to be excited for Liz's return as long as she stays out of Jason and Sam's life. It is possible that maybe Liz/Nookie's story line won't have to have anything to do with Brenda or Dante.
I think I could take the Brenda and Dante invasion, if Jason and Sam were given some air time too. Is Sam going to be on for more then 15 seconds this month? Kelly Monaco is so incredibly talented why do the head GH writers take her for granted? She has so much talent why do they continue to over look her for story lines. I do hope this fall we get some quality Jason and Sam air time. I also hope Sam gets her own story line.
Please call GH comment line 323-671-4583
I found Luke and Lucky funny until the Balkan ordered Lucky to go after Brenda. The only silver lining in this is Lucky finally has a girl that seems nice he can spend some time with. I don't think Siobhan has slept with Nicolas so I think she's safe. I have to say if we are forced to watch much more Brenda taking over our TV screens, I am going to be excited for Liz's return as long as she stays out of Jason and Sam's life. It is possible that maybe Liz/Nookie's story line won't have to have anything to do with Brenda or Dante.
I think I could take the Brenda and Dante invasion, if Jason and Sam were given some air time too. Is Sam going to be on for more then 15 seconds this month? Kelly Monaco is so incredibly talented why do the head GH writers take her for granted? She has so much talent why do they continue to over look her for story lines. I do hope this fall we get some quality Jason and Sam air time. I also hope Sam gets her own story line.
Please call GH comment line 323-671-4583
Friday, October 8, 2010
The End to a Long Week
This week started out amazing for JaSam fans. I have probably re-watched Monday's episode over a dozen times. Thank goodness we had Monday's episode too because the rest of this week has not lived up to my expectations for the week. Seriously how many days in a row does Dante, Lulu and Brenda have to be on the screen. Out of the three of them, Brenda is by far my favorite. While Brenda is shaking things up around Port Charles a little I have a lot more respect for Brenda and her history with the show then Dudu. Brenda can be annoying and if she laughs much more I might pray someone smothers her with one of those fluffy pillows in her giant pink room. But at least there is something somewhat interesting about Brenda's story line. The history with Sonny and the chemistry between the two actors is interesting to watch. I really loathed Jax in the past year and many times while he has been on GH but now he and Carly seem happy so I don't think I want them to break up over Brenda. I love that Carly and Brenda hate each other. It's fun to watch. I loved how Carly asked Jason of all the places in the world, why did he bring Brenda back to Port Charles. Carly has the most to lose with Brenda's return and Jason really wasn't thinking about his dear best friend when he made this decision. Jason isn't a real forward thinker sometimes. Brenda will cause some problems and shake some things up and get in story lines and way too much air time in the coming months I am sure. But if I have to watch Brenda or Dudu - I pick Brenda as long as she doesn't come between Jason and Sam.
The whole story line of Lulu and Dante traveling to Ireland to help Lucky was completely stupid. What or who did Dominic Z do to be getting himself inserted into absolutely every story line available on the show? It is really stupid and making me sour towards the show some days. Lulu has completely lost her brain and really needs a very harsh wake up call soon. I am really finding it hard pressed to actually find Lante fans. I will admit, at first I thought they were cute with his cheesy pick-up lines and her 'oh hell no I am not falling for that crap' attitude but that is gone. They are the most boring and nauseating couple around. I think I would not hate Dudu so much if we didn't have to see them EVERY FREAKING DAY!!!!
The Lucky story line in Ireland is now looking up with Luke there. Luke and Lucky are so funny together. I love watching them. I am so happy Luke is back on screen and I can't wait for he and Tracy to start interacting again. I love Luke and Tracy. They are my second favorite couple. They make me laugh and are sweet in their own special way. I can't wait to see what Luke has up his sleeve this time.
So just when Jason and Sam squashed all the doubt out there about how they feel about each other. There are so many speculations and rumors flying around out there and I find it hard to believe there is much truth to any of them. One thing we do know is there will be an encore airing of the 12/1/2005 episode airing 10/27 and there is supposed to be a preview that airs at the end of the show we need to pay close attention to. This has many of us spinning about what this could mean for our super couple. Is a baby on the way? Does Jason develop another terminal illness? Does this mean Jason and Sam might ACTUALLY get a vacation together? Is there marriage in the future for our favorite couple? Or is it all just a rouse put on by Guza trying to mess with our heads. Honestly I tend to lead towards the rouse theory just because Guza likes to tease in the past. So, I , for one, am going to try very hard to not read anything into it.
But my mind has wondered a little on this Friday afternoon so I have conjured up some absolutely theories that have no truth to them what-so-ever but are ideas just the same.
Theory 1:If Sam is in fact pregnant, Jason will flip out. In true soap opera fashion, Sam will be extremely a high risk pregnancy since she can't get pregnant as far as we know. Jason will think about leaving her for the baby's sake but realize his life isn't worth living without her. He will stay through the pregnancy at least because he will be so worried about Sam and the health of their baby he will do absolutely everything to prevent anything from happening to them.
I have a feeling Sam will develop some rare disease during the pregnancy and she and the baby will be at risk of dying if they don't find a cure for this. The cure will have to do something with her DNA and will have to find her father. Jason will press Alexis to tell them what can save Sam and baby fair stone cold but she won't because she will be too afraid of what Sam will think of her is she knew who her real father is. It will be revealed in true soap opera fashion drama, that Sam's father is the Balkan just as Jason is about to kill him. Sam will be minutes away from dying when they finally save her. Jason will be so grateful to the Balkan for saving Sam and their child he will not kill him, though he will want to. Jason will realize he wants a family with Sam more then anything. So he will do what ever he can to leave the business so they can be safer.
Theory 2: A little like Theory 1 but Sam develops some sever illness (no baby, no pregnancy) and her father will be the key to saving her life. Sam will chose not to fight against the illness but Jason will be the one begging her to fight because his life isn't worth living without her. Meanwhile the Balkan will come to Port Charles and terrorize the city killing several people in the process: Oldivia, SagHag Suzane, Dante, Ronnie, maybe Lisa and maybe someone else like Maya. (Disclaimer I like Maya a lot but they had to have someone killed off we actually like otherwise we will just keep cheering the Balkan on). This Jason will almost kill Sam's father (aka the Balkan) without knowing it is her father before he is able to save Sam. Alexis or Carly will rush in revealing that this is Sam's father and can saver him.
Theory 3: November sweeps will mostly consist of the story line of how the hell does Brenda know Dante and reveal Dante is not a very good guy. We will find out he is living a separate life and only using Lulu as a front. He will be exposed for being part of the Balkan's henchmen posing as a cop. Lulu will go off to Shadybrook and Dante will be killed by Lucky. Yay!
Okay so some of my theories are off the wall and none of them will come true. But it sometimes is fun to just let your mind wonder.
Have a great weekend! FLOOD the comment lines on how great our couple is and how we hope for a bright future together.
The whole story line of Lulu and Dante traveling to Ireland to help Lucky was completely stupid. What or who did Dominic Z do to be getting himself inserted into absolutely every story line available on the show? It is really stupid and making me sour towards the show some days. Lulu has completely lost her brain and really needs a very harsh wake up call soon. I am really finding it hard pressed to actually find Lante fans. I will admit, at first I thought they were cute with his cheesy pick-up lines and her 'oh hell no I am not falling for that crap' attitude but that is gone. They are the most boring and nauseating couple around. I think I would not hate Dudu so much if we didn't have to see them EVERY FREAKING DAY!!!!
The Lucky story line in Ireland is now looking up with Luke there. Luke and Lucky are so funny together. I love watching them. I am so happy Luke is back on screen and I can't wait for he and Tracy to start interacting again. I love Luke and Tracy. They are my second favorite couple. They make me laugh and are sweet in their own special way. I can't wait to see what Luke has up his sleeve this time.
So just when Jason and Sam squashed all the doubt out there about how they feel about each other. There are so many speculations and rumors flying around out there and I find it hard to believe there is much truth to any of them. One thing we do know is there will be an encore airing of the 12/1/2005 episode airing 10/27 and there is supposed to be a preview that airs at the end of the show we need to pay close attention to. This has many of us spinning about what this could mean for our super couple. Is a baby on the way? Does Jason develop another terminal illness? Does this mean Jason and Sam might ACTUALLY get a vacation together? Is there marriage in the future for our favorite couple? Or is it all just a rouse put on by Guza trying to mess with our heads. Honestly I tend to lead towards the rouse theory just because Guza likes to tease in the past. So, I , for one, am going to try very hard to not read anything into it.
But my mind has wondered a little on this Friday afternoon so I have conjured up some absolutely theories that have no truth to them what-so-ever but are ideas just the same.
Theory 1:If Sam is in fact pregnant, Jason will flip out. In true soap opera fashion, Sam will be extremely a high risk pregnancy since she can't get pregnant as far as we know. Jason will think about leaving her for the baby's sake but realize his life isn't worth living without her. He will stay through the pregnancy at least because he will be so worried about Sam and the health of their baby he will do absolutely everything to prevent anything from happening to them.
I have a feeling Sam will develop some rare disease during the pregnancy and she and the baby will be at risk of dying if they don't find a cure for this. The cure will have to do something with her DNA and will have to find her father. Jason will press Alexis to tell them what can save Sam and baby fair stone cold but she won't because she will be too afraid of what Sam will think of her is she knew who her real father is. It will be revealed in true soap opera fashion drama, that Sam's father is the Balkan just as Jason is about to kill him. Sam will be minutes away from dying when they finally save her. Jason will be so grateful to the Balkan for saving Sam and their child he will not kill him, though he will want to. Jason will realize he wants a family with Sam more then anything. So he will do what ever he can to leave the business so they can be safer.
Theory 2: A little like Theory 1 but Sam develops some sever illness (no baby, no pregnancy) and her father will be the key to saving her life. Sam will chose not to fight against the illness but Jason will be the one begging her to fight because his life isn't worth living without her. Meanwhile the Balkan will come to Port Charles and terrorize the city killing several people in the process: Oldivia, SagHag Suzane, Dante, Ronnie, maybe Lisa and maybe someone else like Maya. (Disclaimer I like Maya a lot but they had to have someone killed off we actually like otherwise we will just keep cheering the Balkan on). This Jason will almost kill Sam's father (aka the Balkan) without knowing it is her father before he is able to save Sam. Alexis or Carly will rush in revealing that this is Sam's father and can saver him.
Theory 3: November sweeps will mostly consist of the story line of how the hell does Brenda know Dante and reveal Dante is not a very good guy. We will find out he is living a separate life and only using Lulu as a front. He will be exposed for being part of the Balkan's henchmen posing as a cop. Lulu will go off to Shadybrook and Dante will be killed by Lucky. Yay!
Okay so some of my theories are off the wall and none of them will come true. But it sometimes is fun to just let your mind wonder.
Have a great weekend! FLOOD the comment lines on how great our couple is and how we hope for a bright future together.
Monday, October 4, 2010
There is no competition!
Today was a very pretty good Monday episode for General Hospital. It was a much anticipated episode since on Friday we had three cliff hangers. First, the Scrubs cliff hanger when I was sure Friday Lisa was going to shoot Robin or Patrick. Followed by Jason and Sam. That scene made my eyes water. Then Brenda and Sonny reunited in his living room both just looking at each other.
Scrubs were sweet underneath it all. Patrick knows he has done wrong but he feels incredibly guilty for all parties involved. He feels so responsible for all of this trouble he might never forgive himself. Robin's eyes did sparkle still when Patrick entered her hospital room. There is so much love between the two of them. Robin didn't have any problem telling Patrick about Stone. She is being so honest with Patrick which is what she needed to do before they started having trouble. Patrick stated he didn't know why he broke his vows to Robin but that he loved her. I have to agree with Robin on this one. Until he can figure out why he broke those vows to her she can not trust him or be with him. Robin is a very absolute person, everything is black and white to her. She tries to live her life honestly and wants everyone else to be honest to her. What he did, in her eyes, is unforgivable. Robin, when not suffering from PPD, can not fathom the concept of infidelity and then staying together because she has seen what it has done to her life growing up.
Clearly Patrick needs a little help picking friends and staying in touch with old friends from medical school. Let's recap, first there was Ian Devlin who turned out to be clearly a bit off upstairs that shot Michael and wasn't what he seemed. Then now Lisa, who is by all measures the craziest chick to walk the halls of GH in quite some time. Honestly if I were Patrick I would stop keeping in touch with all of my friends from medical school. And that also leads me to ask, is Patrick insane too we just don't know it yet?
Jason and Sam were amazing. There are no other words to describe it. It hurt Jason so much to asked Sam if she wanted to break up and then hear her say yes. You could see for that brief second of time before she said no, his heart stopped beating. His heart didn't start beating again until she confirmed that of course she loved him. In Jason's world those were probably the longest few seconds in his life. He loves Sam so much and when he heard the words he, not only realized he has been neglecting her, but he snapped out of it very quickly. Jason finally said all the right things to show Sam that he loves her and help ease her insecurities about the whole situation. Jason said it clear and simple "there is no competition". I hope that other fan-base that has been trying to create so much doubt were listening. I really did want Sam to move in but I think Sam feels that if she keeps her own place she keeps her own identity and life outside of Jason. Sam loves Jason so much but she is still deep down a little terrified to lose herself in him again like she did in the past. Keeping her own place helps her stay independent in her eyes. Jason doesn't see it this way, he just wants Sam with him all the time. The luckiest day for Sam was when they found their way back to one another but the luckiest day for Jason was long before that. He realized he still loved Sam long before Mexico. The chemistry between the two of them is so incredible, I think my favorite part of this segment was when Sam tells Jason she doesn't want them to live together so they aren't always on top of each other. Jason laughed at the way she phrased it. Jason never has ever been so happy as he is with Sam and it radiates across his face. The flirtation tickling was very unrehearsed and perfect for the moment - prefect Stelly Magic alive and well. Jason and Sam were so grateful to just sit and be with one another. That is the love we tune in daily to watch. They were without a doubt perfect together today. I did completely mind the interruption since it was Michael. There was no stretch of the imagination for Michael not to figure out what those two were doing when he knocked on the door. If you listen carefully when Sam tells Michael he didn't interrupt Jason says HA! But all the same Michael looked so sad, it is good he has Jason to count on.
I am starting to like Chad Duelle as Michael more and more. Since Chad took over the role he had brought a level of maturity to the character that was much needed. I am starting to really like him and he isn't as much of a hot headed kid anymore you want to thump on the forehead to get them to be quiet. He is actually so tormented you want to rush out and hug him. Michael's life is a living hell and Chad does an excellent job of portraying that. Michael does need a girlfriend. Allie is sweet and clearly likes Michael. This girl is clearly smitten and I think it is cute how she trips over every word she said to Michael. It is sad that Michael's life has been riddled with violence and tragedy so much he has never been able to experience normal kid things. Jason's face when Michael begins to talk about his girl problems to him was classic. You can tell Jason was thinking that girl troubles and first times aren't exactly a comfortable area for him to talk about with. This has been a very stressful day for Jason. First, Sam tells him she wants to break up and his whole world went dark for a few moments. Now Michael wants him to get him a hooker. Oh boy, it's a good thing Jason has a strong heart and is in excellent health. Between these two shocks the average person would wonder if they need their vitals checked. It will be amusing to see how Jason handles this situation tomorrow.
Alexis was great. Oh I do love her tone and trying to slap some sense into Claire. I especially loved her review of Sonny 101 to Claire. It did make me laugh. We need more Nancy on screen. I really hope she gets a story line soon along with Kelly Monaco. Diane and Alexis were hysterical together. I really wish we could see those two on the screen more often. They always do make me laugh. Those two women are so brilliant at what they do.
This brings us to Friday's final cliffhanger, Brenda and Sonny. Brenda and Sonny scenes today were sad. Those two can read each other so well it scares themselves. I like watching Brenda when she is with Sonny for a few reasons. There is so much history there together it makes my heart ache when I watch them. I loved those two together in their day, even now the pain is so tangible between the two of them it just hangs in the air of the space they occupy. Sonny is a drug Brenda can't get enough of and the same for him about her. But like most drugs, their relationship was too intense and often self destructive. Another reason is because when Brenda is around Sonny she never laughs.
The only bad part of today's show were Dante and Lulu. I am so glad they got deported. Can we deport them off show completely? One can only dream!
Call the comment lines, thank them for keeping our power couple together!
Scrubs were sweet underneath it all. Patrick knows he has done wrong but he feels incredibly guilty for all parties involved. He feels so responsible for all of this trouble he might never forgive himself. Robin's eyes did sparkle still when Patrick entered her hospital room. There is so much love between the two of them. Robin didn't have any problem telling Patrick about Stone. She is being so honest with Patrick which is what she needed to do before they started having trouble. Patrick stated he didn't know why he broke his vows to Robin but that he loved her. I have to agree with Robin on this one. Until he can figure out why he broke those vows to her she can not trust him or be with him. Robin is a very absolute person, everything is black and white to her. She tries to live her life honestly and wants everyone else to be honest to her. What he did, in her eyes, is unforgivable. Robin, when not suffering from PPD, can not fathom the concept of infidelity and then staying together because she has seen what it has done to her life growing up.
Clearly Patrick needs a little help picking friends and staying in touch with old friends from medical school. Let's recap, first there was Ian Devlin who turned out to be clearly a bit off upstairs that shot Michael and wasn't what he seemed. Then now Lisa, who is by all measures the craziest chick to walk the halls of GH in quite some time. Honestly if I were Patrick I would stop keeping in touch with all of my friends from medical school. And that also leads me to ask, is Patrick insane too we just don't know it yet?
Jason and Sam were amazing. There are no other words to describe it. It hurt Jason so much to asked Sam if she wanted to break up and then hear her say yes. You could see for that brief second of time before she said no, his heart stopped beating. His heart didn't start beating again until she confirmed that of course she loved him. In Jason's world those were probably the longest few seconds in his life. He loves Sam so much and when he heard the words he, not only realized he has been neglecting her, but he snapped out of it very quickly. Jason finally said all the right things to show Sam that he loves her and help ease her insecurities about the whole situation. Jason said it clear and simple "there is no competition". I hope that other fan-base that has been trying to create so much doubt were listening. I really did want Sam to move in but I think Sam feels that if she keeps her own place she keeps her own identity and life outside of Jason. Sam loves Jason so much but she is still deep down a little terrified to lose herself in him again like she did in the past. Keeping her own place helps her stay independent in her eyes. Jason doesn't see it this way, he just wants Sam with him all the time. The luckiest day for Sam was when they found their way back to one another but the luckiest day for Jason was long before that. He realized he still loved Sam long before Mexico. The chemistry between the two of them is so incredible, I think my favorite part of this segment was when Sam tells Jason she doesn't want them to live together so they aren't always on top of each other. Jason laughed at the way she phrased it. Jason never has ever been so happy as he is with Sam and it radiates across his face. The flirtation tickling was very unrehearsed and perfect for the moment - prefect Stelly Magic alive and well. Jason and Sam were so grateful to just sit and be with one another. That is the love we tune in daily to watch. They were without a doubt perfect together today. I did completely mind the interruption since it was Michael. There was no stretch of the imagination for Michael not to figure out what those two were doing when he knocked on the door. If you listen carefully when Sam tells Michael he didn't interrupt Jason says HA! But all the same Michael looked so sad, it is good he has Jason to count on.
I am starting to like Chad Duelle as Michael more and more. Since Chad took over the role he had brought a level of maturity to the character that was much needed. I am starting to really like him and he isn't as much of a hot headed kid anymore you want to thump on the forehead to get them to be quiet. He is actually so tormented you want to rush out and hug him. Michael's life is a living hell and Chad does an excellent job of portraying that. Michael does need a girlfriend. Allie is sweet and clearly likes Michael. This girl is clearly smitten and I think it is cute how she trips over every word she said to Michael. It is sad that Michael's life has been riddled with violence and tragedy so much he has never been able to experience normal kid things. Jason's face when Michael begins to talk about his girl problems to him was classic. You can tell Jason was thinking that girl troubles and first times aren't exactly a comfortable area for him to talk about with. This has been a very stressful day for Jason. First, Sam tells him she wants to break up and his whole world went dark for a few moments. Now Michael wants him to get him a hooker. Oh boy, it's a good thing Jason has a strong heart and is in excellent health. Between these two shocks the average person would wonder if they need their vitals checked. It will be amusing to see how Jason handles this situation tomorrow.
Alexis was great. Oh I do love her tone and trying to slap some sense into Claire. I especially loved her review of Sonny 101 to Claire. It did make me laugh. We need more Nancy on screen. I really hope she gets a story line soon along with Kelly Monaco. Diane and Alexis were hysterical together. I really wish we could see those two on the screen more often. They always do make me laugh. Those two women are so brilliant at what they do.
This brings us to Friday's final cliffhanger, Brenda and Sonny. Brenda and Sonny scenes today were sad. Those two can read each other so well it scares themselves. I like watching Brenda when she is with Sonny for a few reasons. There is so much history there together it makes my heart ache when I watch them. I loved those two together in their day, even now the pain is so tangible between the two of them it just hangs in the air of the space they occupy. Sonny is a drug Brenda can't get enough of and the same for him about her. But like most drugs, their relationship was too intense and often self destructive. Another reason is because when Brenda is around Sonny she never laughs.
The only bad part of today's show were Dante and Lulu. I am so glad they got deported. Can we deport them off show completely? One can only dream!
Call the comment lines, thank them for keeping our power couple together!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Will you marry her?
Leave it to Brenda to finally ask the question we are all wanting to know the answer to Jason. I know I am one of the first to offer up Brenda's flaws since her return but today I actually really saw a very small shred of the old Brenda that I liked. She was almost sincere to Sam. Notice I said "almost". For Brenda to be really sincere she wouldn't be Brenda. I felt sorry for Sam as she entered and Jason clearly hadn't mentioned anything about her. To Sam this was a betrayal you could see it in her face. The man she would literally walk through fire for (and has) didn't mention her to his ex-wife who is going to be staying with him. No wonder Sam felt there was some odd chemistry between Jason and Brenda. They did bicker like Sam and Jason once did when they first met and you could tell that threw Sam off guard. With that being said Jason has a side in this too. To Jason, he was trying to keep Brenda out of his life as much as possible and didn't feel she was on the 'privileged list of people' in his life that get to know about his personal life. Also Jason probably felt he would only be feeding Sam's insecurities if he did talk about Sam at all because Brenda would bring up questions like she did today. I think in Jason's mind he wanted to protect Sam from having to talk about any of her past. He respects Sam's privacy and is also very private so he didn't want Brenda butting her nose in where he felt it didn't belong. Jason didn't want Sam to have to re-live the pain of talking about her daughter at all or anything else about how they fell in love. Jason was trying to protect her but not doing a very good job.
Oh, poor dear Sam, she couldn't stop babbling which she does when she is uncomfortable and just let it all come out. I kept saying to myself, stop now she doesn't need to know everything. Sam apparently mistook Brenda for a person of the cloth and felt now was as good of a time as any for confession. Honestly, Brenda handled Sam's flood of information quite gracefully, I thought. If I had been in Brenda's shoes, I am not sure I would have been able to just sit there and smile while all of this information came blasting at me. Brenda has a big ego and it was probably a little uncomfortable to hear this beautiful ambition woman tell her in a couple quick sentences how she had been with both men from her past. Sam wanted to go over there and not like Brenda but she actually did like Brenda. Who knows maybe they will become friends. I kind of hope not because Brenda is annoying most of the time and the less screen time she has the better. But maybe that would help Sam's insecurities. One of the best part of all the scenes with Brenda today, was she didn't laugh! I think they need to keep it that way.
Jason loves Sam so much, his eyes twinkled when he told Brenda he loved her. This is huge for Jason and I am not sure everyone realizes how huge. Jason NEVER EVER talks about his personal life to hardly anyone besides Carly and Spinelli. So for him to tell Brenda, who he can hardly stand to be around very long was huge. Jason and Brenda do not have a romantic chemistry but they are funny together. Funny like a brother and sister are funny that is all. That is the obligation Jason feels towards Brenda too. More of a sibling then anything else.
I love Maxie, even though she can be shallow I think she is always funny and often times a true friend. Always offering her gal pal, Sam, she would be happy to hate Brenda if she wants her to was a sweet offer on Maxie's part. While I have not been very excited about Brenda's return thus far, now that she is in Port Charles she seems to be getting better. With that being said, if she were to ever have romantic feelings towards Jason and pursue them, Maxie would be the first in line with a pitch fork chasing her out of town. Maxie has come a long way from the pill-steeling, pillow-stuffing girl we saw a few years ago.
While we all knew it was coming, I still twitched a little when Sam came over to Jason's and told him she thought they should break up. I am hoping Monday Jason will reassure Sam that is the farthest thing from his mind. I hope when he asks her to move in he is sincere even though I am glad she will turn him down. I want them to move in together, don't get me wrong. However, I don't want it to be his solution, or at least attempt, to solve Sam's insecurities. He needs to put Sam first, he needs to start showing her there is no one else and he needs to stop trying to be everyone's hero. Sam understands he has other commitments and she understands him and gets his loyalties better then anyone else. He needs to realize she is the best thing that has ever happened to him and needs to start showing her. Jason needs to get his head on straight before he loses Sam and this time for good. I look forward to Monday to see how this all plays out and I hope it is all resolved. I do hope Jason puts all of Sam's insecurities to rest. I am confident our super couple will weather this storm.
I also thought Sam looked so beautiful today. I do wish they would let her character dress in more then black all the time.
I am so happy Robin is okay and out of the well but how did Patrick get her out? Did he have an invisible rope to get her out of the well that none of us saw? Robin's years of being around the mob and various crises have allowed her to react cool and calm in a situation when needed. Patrick may not have spotted the gun Lisa was waving around right away but Robin did and was careful not to react. Monday should be interesting to see how this turns out. I am looking forward to it. I loved the crazy Lisa story line and have been watching each day to watch how well those three have played it.
Happy weekend everyone and hopefully Monday's episode will be worth watching! Keep the faith, call the comment lines! Thank them for JaSam.
Oh, poor dear Sam, she couldn't stop babbling which she does when she is uncomfortable and just let it all come out. I kept saying to myself, stop now she doesn't need to know everything. Sam apparently mistook Brenda for a person of the cloth and felt now was as good of a time as any for confession. Honestly, Brenda handled Sam's flood of information quite gracefully, I thought. If I had been in Brenda's shoes, I am not sure I would have been able to just sit there and smile while all of this information came blasting at me. Brenda has a big ego and it was probably a little uncomfortable to hear this beautiful ambition woman tell her in a couple quick sentences how she had been with both men from her past. Sam wanted to go over there and not like Brenda but she actually did like Brenda. Who knows maybe they will become friends. I kind of hope not because Brenda is annoying most of the time and the less screen time she has the better. But maybe that would help Sam's insecurities. One of the best part of all the scenes with Brenda today, was she didn't laugh! I think they need to keep it that way.
Jason loves Sam so much, his eyes twinkled when he told Brenda he loved her. This is huge for Jason and I am not sure everyone realizes how huge. Jason NEVER EVER talks about his personal life to hardly anyone besides Carly and Spinelli. So for him to tell Brenda, who he can hardly stand to be around very long was huge. Jason and Brenda do not have a romantic chemistry but they are funny together. Funny like a brother and sister are funny that is all. That is the obligation Jason feels towards Brenda too. More of a sibling then anything else.
I love Maxie, even though she can be shallow I think she is always funny and often times a true friend. Always offering her gal pal, Sam, she would be happy to hate Brenda if she wants her to was a sweet offer on Maxie's part. While I have not been very excited about Brenda's return thus far, now that she is in Port Charles she seems to be getting better. With that being said, if she were to ever have romantic feelings towards Jason and pursue them, Maxie would be the first in line with a pitch fork chasing her out of town. Maxie has come a long way from the pill-steeling, pillow-stuffing girl we saw a few years ago.
While we all knew it was coming, I still twitched a little when Sam came over to Jason's and told him she thought they should break up. I am hoping Monday Jason will reassure Sam that is the farthest thing from his mind. I hope when he asks her to move in he is sincere even though I am glad she will turn him down. I want them to move in together, don't get me wrong. However, I don't want it to be his solution, or at least attempt, to solve Sam's insecurities. He needs to put Sam first, he needs to start showing her there is no one else and he needs to stop trying to be everyone's hero. Sam understands he has other commitments and she understands him and gets his loyalties better then anyone else. He needs to realize she is the best thing that has ever happened to him and needs to start showing her. Jason needs to get his head on straight before he loses Sam and this time for good. I look forward to Monday to see how this all plays out and I hope it is all resolved. I do hope Jason puts all of Sam's insecurities to rest. I am confident our super couple will weather this storm.
I also thought Sam looked so beautiful today. I do wish they would let her character dress in more then black all the time.
I am so happy Robin is okay and out of the well but how did Patrick get her out? Did he have an invisible rope to get her out of the well that none of us saw? Robin's years of being around the mob and various crises have allowed her to react cool and calm in a situation when needed. Patrick may not have spotted the gun Lisa was waving around right away but Robin did and was careful not to react. Monday should be interesting to see how this turns out. I am looking forward to it. I loved the crazy Lisa story line and have been watching each day to watch how well those three have played it.
Happy weekend everyone and hopefully Monday's episode will be worth watching! Keep the faith, call the comment lines! Thank them for JaSam.
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