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Friday, December 3, 2010

A Twist of Humor

The writing is really getting better on GH I don' t know if anyone has been playing close attention or not.  But the lines are actually subtly funny which has been lacking in the show until recently.  Maybe it's the return of Luke and the amusing Spencer nuptials or maybe it is something else but it is a welcomed change lately.

The quasi romantic dinner for\Sonny and Brenda had it's elements of of humor.  Milo taking cooking classes so he could someday find a woman was amusing.  Perhaps someday Milo will get a woman.  The rest of the dinner was painful.  Spinelli really has taken his annoying behavior to a whole new level.  I loved Maxie and Spinelli together but unless they plan on matching those two back together very too soon, I say give Spinelli as the first sacrifice  to the Balkan or Jerry Jax.  I am not sure I can take much more of Spinelli.  It is sad when Dante is less annoying then Spinelli. 
Lady Jane even had a few funny lines today and she did bring up some very important points to Jasper to stop helping Brenda. "It is no longer your obligation to go chasing about Brenda if she gets a hang nail. Let  someone else do the honors." Amen.  Lady Jane also pointed out Jasper is putting her in an incredibly impossible position and has a father he should start to realize this.  A parent never wants to be put into a position to chose between their children no matter what. Jasper needs to also remember Brenda has more then enough men chasing after her, we don't need one more in the mix.  Though honestly I wish Jasper would step up more and let Jason walk away from the whole situation entirely. 

Humor escaped Jason today much like usual.  Jason clearly does not like the idea of ANYONE messing with his woman and that was clear when he was questioning the guy who was stalking Sam.  The absolutely last thing Jason wanted today was anything to happen to Sam.  But I love how they work as a team.  Yesterday when Sam called Jason to her place she wasn't crying and terrified, she was strong but concerned.  She knew she was a target for someone be it Jerry or someone else but didn't demand Jason protect her they faced the situation as a team.  Their set up to catch the guy was brilliant.  We know Jason absolutely hated putting Sam in any type of situation where she could get hurt  but he recognizes she is strong and just as tough as he is. I'll admit when the sniper shot Jerry's man, I was kind of hoping Sam would be caught in the cross fire somehow and need to go to GH where they would find out she was pregnant.  Okay I know just dreaming but gosh I really hope there is something big coming for Jason and Sam.  Now I am more for Jason to propose then them to have a miracle baby yet but heck I'll take anything at this point. 

Dante wasn't too terrible today but I still wish he would die.  He had a pretty good line when Sam told him who the Jerry Jax's man was and he said "Well it looks like he won't be giving you anymore trouble.".
Interesting twist having the "sniper" shoot Jerry Jax's man,  Jason fires at the sniper then the next scene is Johnny walking in with a gunshot.  So either that was a very interesting twist of fate or Johnny is involved with Jerry Jax or the Balkan.  Now poses the question we are are thinking, why is Johnny involved in this?  We know he hates Sonny but why target Sam?  Johnny is keeping some interesting company these days.  Johnny had some classic lines as always but his best was "Here's the deal Florence!".  Oh Lisa Niles you are in way over your head if you think driving Robin crazy was hard work just wait, you are in for it.  Lisa, while crazy, is smart enough to realize she is now mixed up in the wrong kind of crowd and needs to find a way out.  The good news is if Robin discovers this it could be good for everyone. 

Maya and Ethan are about to encounter their first challenge.  I loved Maya's line when she overheard Nicolas and Robin talking "Excuse me my husband is dating who?" No woman wants to utter those words, fake marriage or not. 

Today's show was pretty good overall.  I always wish for more JaSam but this week has been great they were on everyday.  So in the coming weeks when we have no JaSam go back and watch these shows again.  Also call the comment line and thank them for a great week. 

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