I've been out of town and out of touch with technology for the last week for the Thanksgiving holiday. I have just been catching up on all that I have missed. This year we can all be thankful for the fact that even though sometimes we have no clue what TPTB are doing at least they have kept our amazing couple together and allowed their relationship to grow so strong this year.
Thanksgiving week proved to be amazing with our surprise romantic dinner for our super couple. Molly and Spinelli did a fine job at getting Jason and Sam some much needed time together. I am glad Molly pointed out to Jason exactly what we all wish he would have realized a while ago. Though I got the impression neither Jason nor Sam needed the formality of the evening to include the change in entire but we all enjoyed seeing them in something other then black leather jackets. I also loved that when Sam gave Jason a chance to back out of their night together he was not having any of it. He wanted nothing more then to spend the night with Sam. The humor that this couple has always been able to express on screen was a live and well. If you looked closely to Molly's list, it had over a dozen items on it. Oh Molly, I hope she gets to plan a wedding someday but I hope they get to escape all of her wildly romantic (slightly delusional) plans and elope. When Jason made his toast the look they exchanged was brilliant and made me melt. The best part was the final dance which was better then a love scene any day because it was ever bit as hot but also showed their level of devotion for one another.
Today's episode was a great day, I know it was short but it was still great. Today Sam had her own scenes, which I love. She and Lucky discussed Siobhan and his heart. It was sweet that LuSam don't completely gloss over the fact they were once an item. Yes, the Greg Vhaun was a much sexier Lucky but Johnathan Jackson brings a level of vulnerability and gentleness to the Lucky character that was lacking with GV. I loved GV as Lucky but he was a different Lucky then the one JJ created as the character and has rediscovered since his return. Now I can't really imagine JJ and KeMo doing the hot tub scene that LuSam shared but at least the writers are not forgetting these two were in a relationship for over a year not that long ago which is nice because it shows a little more depth to their characters.
Was it just me or was Jason more smitten then usual with Sam? This couple has come a long way since even a year ago at this time because they are willing to show the world they are a couple. Jason is so committed and in love with Sam he could hardly keep his hands off of her. He was so distracted by her he didn't really care much about the Balkan or whoever "Jack" is. You could tell if Dante and Lucky were not there what Jason wanted to be doing with Sam in her office. I also loved when Sam ran out to go to work a case Jason could not take his eyes off her.
Today we also got to see Sam working. Yes Lizzard fan lovers, Sam is a very successful PI who can take care of business any day of the week. Sam's busy work schedule seemed to catch Dante's attention as well. He, being the only one in that PI office today who has not been in a relationship with Sam, knows very little about her overall. She, on the flip side, knows a lot about him including the sister they share hates him.
This should be a good week for Jason and Sam fans. I can't wait to watch!
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