Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Am I the Only One?

Am I the only one who recently has busied themselves with other actives in the afternoon other then tune into GH?  When I was in college several years ago I would try to plan my class and work schedule around GH just so I could watch it everyday.  Even now that I have a career and a family and plenty of other things to take my time up, I would still find time to watch GH.  Even if it meant watching it on my phone at the gym.  I used to look so forward to GH every day.  I used to record it on BOTH tivos so I could either watch it upstairs or down stairs depending on what was going on that day.  I used to sometimes watch it on the live feed first an hour earlier then it aired here just to see what was happening.  Oh my love for GH has been a long time love. 
But recently my love has been falling a bit short.  It seems like a year ago when JaSam got engaged that GH was really on top.  We were all watching and so excited about what would come next.  We were in bliss over the engagement.  Every board was a flurry of activity, everyone was watching.  I think about those days a lot lately.
Honestly it has been several weeks since I have even turned on GH and sat down to watch.  RC and FV have really changed our canvass as they had promised to do when they took over but I have to sometimes wonder if that change is for the better?  I miss my old GH.  The GH that was funny and clever and so addictive.  My addiction is clearly subsiding these days.
 We do have some amazing memories to hold on to though.  I know we have heard spoilers and rumors of even more sadness and wreckage headed Jason and Sam's way.    I just hope we all can hold on to watch before we completely lose our need for the addiction we have with GH.  I guess in the coming months we just need to hold tight to the memories.  Watch those shows in these coming months and remember how good GH was and how amazing our couple is and will be in the future.  They have a rough road to go down but I hope they come out stronger on the other side.  I am still hopeful.  I just hope everyone can hang on for this to play out. 
Right now I have to admit my faith fluctuates and my ability to sit through a whole show without either falling asleep or changing the channel is become a true reality these days.  But am I the only one?  Is anyone loving the writing and plot twists right now?  Maybe I am.  Maybe I need to look at things different but I just wonder if I am or not. 


  1. I haven't watched in weeks. I can't bear to watch Jasam apart. I too long for humor and laughter. I will continue to follow the show online. And watch when it sounds more interesting. I will not watch if it involves Sam with john or Jason with Liz . Sorry ...can't do it

  2. Thank you Jean for commenting. I too agree I refuse to watch if we don't get some JaSam soon. Is anyone watching? I honestly can't watch a full episode without just turning it off. This is sad I can't believe RC and FV have managed to run GH into the ground in less then 6 months.
