Today's line up was all about couples for GH. There were no other conversations that took place today. I liked the setup. It was a good balance which is something we have been lacking on GH lately. Today, for a change we got to focus on relationships and we had a good mix of some of the good story lines. Today all fans of GH were able to find some common ground in this episode. Today I didn't FF a single scene. That is the first time I have been honestly able to say that for a while. While each couple spent time together, each couple tried to fight off their demons.
Lulu and Dante are not my favorite couples but today, thanks to the balance, I actually watched their scenes and chuckled at some of them. I used to like Lulu before Dante and sometimes when she is not whining or sniveling, I like her again. Today she was actually kind of funny with Dante when she told him she would spend all her time tailing him because she is unemployed now, there was some humor there. But just past the humor was Lulu's fears and demons below the surface. Lulu's convinced she can never find true happiness because love leaves - it doesn't last in her experience. She's making this a self fulfilling proficiency that she is chasing after at the bottom of a bottle.
Another couple I am not crazy into is Sonny and Kate but today I loved their scenes. I wasn't sure I was crazy about Kate to start with. I liked the old Kate and didn't really see the point of bringing back another Kate to me seemed rather stale to me at first. But this Kate is actually growing on me. She is sassy and I think it is hilarious. She is funny and she brings out the humorous side of Sonny. Generally Sonny is not my favorite character, but when he is with Kate they seem to have a spark. Kate is trying to help Sonny confront his demons but for him "It's like running through Hell! Why would I want anyone with me." Sonny has been battling these demons for a very long time, not sure going into that house will solve all of it.
Today was great for another reason we got Scrubs and JaSam all on the same day. Scrubs are battling a lot of demons lately but they are facing it together. I love this couple. I am so terribly sad that Kimberly McCullough is leaving GH. I have read the upcoming Scrubs storyline is that Robin will die which I find just devastating. Robin has been on GH for almost as many years as I have been watching to think of GH without Robin just isn't right to me. Why can't Robin go off to cure people of diseases in Africa again or something but not kill her off. Today the Scrubs scenes were so tender but the fact Robin's arm is still bothering her and she was so tired she could not stick around for dinner makes you realize there is something going on with her health and this story is coming up quicker then any of us want it to. Well I am going to watch and cherish all the scrub scenes we have left and just enjoy the ride, that is all any of us can do.
Jason and Sam have a lot of battles of demons going on right now. Jason completely lost it at the Q's but instead of taking off on his bike at least he went home to the PH. He sat in their bedroom almost waiting for Sam to find him. Jason is so lost, almost like a child because a child can't always be rational when they are upset. Right now Jason is like that child who can't be calm. Jason has so much rage and anger about what happened to Sam. He failed to protect Michael and he was sent to prison and raped, Michael is still haunted by Carter and even though Jason killed him the pain is still there. Jason raged about how he should have killed Franco and none of this would have happened but that is so unlike Jason. Jason always has said you can't change the past but all of a sudden he is spending a great deal of time second guessing and trying to change the past. The reality is Jason didn't kill Franco but he can't change that now. The pain Franco has unleashed on Sam and Michael to get to Jason have put Jason in the most vulnerable of positions of his life. Sam has so much to deal with, but her primary focus today was to try to help Jason. She was so worried about Jason and his health. She has seen Jason angry but this anger is so different then she has ever seen. What happened to Sam is cindged into their minds like a brand is on the skin they can't even think about anything else for 5 seconds. Jason's focusing on anger but it was good he stopped raging and screaming at Sam and realized he needs to be there for her too right now. He is a victim because he had to watch powerless, but it is important that he puts down his anger and is there for Sam.. Sam is by far the stronger of the two that is nothing new. She is strong but she needs him right now and he needs to do what he can to help her. The struggle is also how to help her. Today I think just having that conversation helped her a little. It was so touching when Jason walked in the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed next to Sam and melted our hearts with what he said next.
Jason to Sam: "I would give anything to take the pain away from you."
Sam to Jason: "I wish you could."
Jason to Sam: "I just got to say I'm sorry..I'm sorry I should have been there to protect you." Sam reached over to hold his hand. That was just so heart breaking to watch but amazing to see their love still fighting there. He was in so much pain because he feel he failed her but instead of screaming about how she should blame him, this time he got it right. He said it without anger and spoke from the heart. That is what she needed.
Keep watching. I know it is sad with two major character leaving GH right after each other but keep watching! Keep calling, writing and tweet. Keep fighting! Please join me to keep fighting for GH.
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