Today's line up was all about couples for GH. There were no other conversations that took place today. I liked the setup. It was a good balance which is something we have been lacking on GH lately. Today, for a change we got to focus on relationships and we had a good mix of some of the good story lines. Today all fans of GH were able to find some common ground in this episode. Today I didn't FF a single scene. That is the first time I have been honestly able to say that for a while. While each couple spent time together, each couple tried to fight off their demons.
Lulu and Dante are not my favorite couples but today, thanks to the balance, I actually watched their scenes and chuckled at some of them. I used to like Lulu before Dante and sometimes when she is not whining or sniveling, I like her again. Today she was actually kind of funny with Dante when she told him she would spend all her time tailing him because she is unemployed now, there was some humor there. But just past the humor was Lulu's fears and demons below the surface. Lulu's convinced she can never find true happiness because love leaves - it doesn't last in her experience. She's making this a self fulfilling proficiency that she is chasing after at the bottom of a bottle.
Another couple I am not crazy into is Sonny and Kate but today I loved their scenes. I wasn't sure I was crazy about Kate to start with. I liked the old Kate and didn't really see the point of bringing back another Kate to me seemed rather stale to me at first. But this Kate is actually growing on me. She is sassy and I think it is hilarious. She is funny and she brings out the humorous side of Sonny. Generally Sonny is not my favorite character, but when he is with Kate they seem to have a spark. Kate is trying to help Sonny confront his demons but for him "It's like running through Hell! Why would I want anyone with me." Sonny has been battling these demons for a very long time, not sure going into that house will solve all of it.
Today was great for another reason we got Scrubs and JaSam all on the same day. Scrubs are battling a lot of demons lately but they are facing it together. I love this couple. I am so terribly sad that Kimberly McCullough is leaving GH. I have read the upcoming Scrubs storyline is that Robin will die which I find just devastating. Robin has been on GH for almost as many years as I have been watching to think of GH without Robin just isn't right to me. Why can't Robin go off to cure people of diseases in Africa again or something but not kill her off. Today the Scrubs scenes were so tender but the fact Robin's arm is still bothering her and she was so tired she could not stick around for dinner makes you realize there is something going on with her health and this story is coming up quicker then any of us want it to. Well I am going to watch and cherish all the scrub scenes we have left and just enjoy the ride, that is all any of us can do.
Jason and Sam have a lot of battles of demons going on right now. Jason completely lost it at the Q's but instead of taking off on his bike at least he went home to the PH. He sat in their bedroom almost waiting for Sam to find him. Jason is so lost, almost like a child because a child can't always be rational when they are upset. Right now Jason is like that child who can't be calm. Jason has so much rage and anger about what happened to Sam. He failed to protect Michael and he was sent to prison and raped, Michael is still haunted by Carter and even though Jason killed him the pain is still there. Jason raged about how he should have killed Franco and none of this would have happened but that is so unlike Jason. Jason always has said you can't change the past but all of a sudden he is spending a great deal of time second guessing and trying to change the past. The reality is Jason didn't kill Franco but he can't change that now. The pain Franco has unleashed on Sam and Michael to get to Jason have put Jason in the most vulnerable of positions of his life. Sam has so much to deal with, but her primary focus today was to try to help Jason. She was so worried about Jason and his health. She has seen Jason angry but this anger is so different then she has ever seen. What happened to Sam is cindged into their minds like a brand is on the skin they can't even think about anything else for 5 seconds. Jason's focusing on anger but it was good he stopped raging and screaming at Sam and realized he needs to be there for her too right now. He is a victim because he had to watch powerless, but it is important that he puts down his anger and is there for Sam.. Sam is by far the stronger of the two that is nothing new. She is strong but she needs him right now and he needs to do what he can to help her. The struggle is also how to help her. Today I think just having that conversation helped her a little. It was so touching when Jason walked in the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed next to Sam and melted our hearts with what he said next.
Jason to Sam: "I would give anything to take the pain away from you."
Sam to Jason: "I wish you could."
Jason to Sam: "I just got to say I'm sorry..I'm sorry I should have been there to protect you." Sam reached over to hold his hand. That was just so heart breaking to watch but amazing to see their love still fighting there. He was in so much pain because he feel he failed her but instead of screaming about how she should blame him, this time he got it right. He said it without anger and spoke from the heart. That is what she needed.
Keep watching. I know it is sad with two major character leaving GH right after each other but keep watching! Keep calling, writing and tweet. Keep fighting! Please join me to keep fighting for GH.
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Not My Intension
Most of you have probably heard the saying, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". The original person to say this quote is often a debate but you can't argue, no matter who said it first, the validity of the statement. Most people don't set up to screw up their lives, their kids or the lives of the person they care the most about. That is also true about the residents of Port Charles.
Luke never set out to screw up his life or his kids lives or the life of the two women he has loved with his whole heart. Luke really never planned on causing the detrimental pain with unending repercussions. But his actions did cause this severe pain that has caused even himself to bitter beyond hope. At least that is what he wants everyone to believe, is that he is beyond hope but within Aiden is his redemption. As for the rest of the Spencers I am still twitching from yesterday's episode, so I have decided to not discuss their clan in much detail today.
Instead I am going to focus on the reason I watch, Jason and Sam. Today was a hard day for our super couple. I have a feeling they are going to have a few more of these hard days before they can get past what has happened. Jason really has the best of intentions to try to help Sam but he is really failing at the execution of helping her miserably. Jason wants to help Sam by having her talk about it and trying to talk about how to deal with it. But Sam isn't there yet. Jason is trying to push Sam to a point she is not at yet. Sam is still teetering back and forth between denial and anger and trying to ignore it ever happened. She's isn't to the point where talking about it is something she wants to do. Sam is desperate to cling to the way things were before. She wants Spinelli to stay for so many reasons. While Jason is very ready to start a new life with Sam. Sam's readiness has been a bit derailed by Franco. Don't doubt what I am saying here though. Sam loves Jason more then anything and she is committed to him and their life together and she is happy they are married. However, she wants Spinelli to stay because he can give her something Jason can not right now. Spinelli has no idea what has happened to Sam and so when she talks to him she doesn't see pain in his face or pitty for her. She can pretend that nothing has happened to her with Spinelli around. She can avoid dealing with the reality of the situation or at the very least have a small distraction from it.
Jason is so lost right now. He's rage and anger is all over the place. He is more toward the anger stage of the healing process. Jason didn't spend much time in the denial stage like Sam seems to be hanging out in. Jason is trying to help Sam. He had no intention today to make her angry or upset or do anything other then just be there for her. But Jason is also a victim in this and he needs to recognize that. Right now he is focusing on making Franco pay, finding Franco, figuring out the game. He is also so worried about Sam and her pain that he is trying to tell her how she needs to deal with this, indirectly. This is not helping the situation. He had every intention to try to help Sam today but his intentions only made Sam more frustrated and made her pull away even more.
Sam said it clearly today and I think Jason finally got it at the end of their conversation. She wants to push her pain aside, avoid dealing with what has happened to her just to help Jason. She hates looking into Jason's eyes and seeing the pain. He doesn't look at her the same and that is killing her. She wants to fix this for him but she needs to fix herself first. But "fixing" doesn't happen overnight. Eventually she'll see "fixing" herself doesn't mean she has to push Jason away. She will also learn that she can't fix this but instead just accept it.
As heart breaking as the Jason and Sam scenes were today, there is no reason to doubt their love for one another and that they can't come through this even stronger. Jason and Sam still love one another more then anything. Right now they are scared and fearful Franco has destroyed their dreams but he has not. Their love is stronger then anything. Something important to note, Sam didn't walk out the door she went upstairs. That was huge. She is not walking out on Jason or their marriage, she just needs a little time to be alone and try to get herself in check so she can be strong again for their relationship. Don't be discouraged by today's show. If anything be excited about what is coming up. While things might get more tense between these two, you can't doubt their love for one another. You also need to realize what Jason said. When Sam said , "what has changed" and his response was "everything". For Jason EVERYTHING has changed when he married Sam. He is not about to go looking around Lizzy Webber's door to talk to feel needed. Sam is it for him. There is no one else Jason will ever try to even talk to. Sam is IT for Jason. Remember that, SB said it and so did KeMo. While these two will have so much anger and might deal with it by attacking the Q's Thanksgiving table, they will work past this. They are everything for each other and very soon they are going to start really showing this, I have faith.
Luke never set out to screw up his life or his kids lives or the life of the two women he has loved with his whole heart. Luke really never planned on causing the detrimental pain with unending repercussions. But his actions did cause this severe pain that has caused even himself to bitter beyond hope. At least that is what he wants everyone to believe, is that he is beyond hope but within Aiden is his redemption. As for the rest of the Spencers I am still twitching from yesterday's episode, so I have decided to not discuss their clan in much detail today.
Instead I am going to focus on the reason I watch, Jason and Sam. Today was a hard day for our super couple. I have a feeling they are going to have a few more of these hard days before they can get past what has happened. Jason really has the best of intentions to try to help Sam but he is really failing at the execution of helping her miserably. Jason wants to help Sam by having her talk about it and trying to talk about how to deal with it. But Sam isn't there yet. Jason is trying to push Sam to a point she is not at yet. Sam is still teetering back and forth between denial and anger and trying to ignore it ever happened. She's isn't to the point where talking about it is something she wants to do. Sam is desperate to cling to the way things were before. She wants Spinelli to stay for so many reasons. While Jason is very ready to start a new life with Sam. Sam's readiness has been a bit derailed by Franco. Don't doubt what I am saying here though. Sam loves Jason more then anything and she is committed to him and their life together and she is happy they are married. However, she wants Spinelli to stay because he can give her something Jason can not right now. Spinelli has no idea what has happened to Sam and so when she talks to him she doesn't see pain in his face or pitty for her. She can pretend that nothing has happened to her with Spinelli around. She can avoid dealing with the reality of the situation or at the very least have a small distraction from it.
Jason is so lost right now. He's rage and anger is all over the place. He is more toward the anger stage of the healing process. Jason didn't spend much time in the denial stage like Sam seems to be hanging out in. Jason is trying to help Sam. He had no intention today to make her angry or upset or do anything other then just be there for her. But Jason is also a victim in this and he needs to recognize that. Right now he is focusing on making Franco pay, finding Franco, figuring out the game. He is also so worried about Sam and her pain that he is trying to tell her how she needs to deal with this, indirectly. This is not helping the situation. He had every intention to try to help Sam today but his intentions only made Sam more frustrated and made her pull away even more.
Sam said it clearly today and I think Jason finally got it at the end of their conversation. She wants to push her pain aside, avoid dealing with what has happened to her just to help Jason. She hates looking into Jason's eyes and seeing the pain. He doesn't look at her the same and that is killing her. She wants to fix this for him but she needs to fix herself first. But "fixing" doesn't happen overnight. Eventually she'll see "fixing" herself doesn't mean she has to push Jason away. She will also learn that she can't fix this but instead just accept it.
As heart breaking as the Jason and Sam scenes were today, there is no reason to doubt their love for one another and that they can't come through this even stronger. Jason and Sam still love one another more then anything. Right now they are scared and fearful Franco has destroyed their dreams but he has not. Their love is stronger then anything. Something important to note, Sam didn't walk out the door she went upstairs. That was huge. She is not walking out on Jason or their marriage, she just needs a little time to be alone and try to get herself in check so she can be strong again for their relationship. Don't be discouraged by today's show. If anything be excited about what is coming up. While things might get more tense between these two, you can't doubt their love for one another. You also need to realize what Jason said. When Sam said , "what has changed" and his response was "everything". For Jason EVERYTHING has changed when he married Sam. He is not about to go looking around Lizzy Webber's door to talk to feel needed. Sam is it for him. There is no one else Jason will ever try to even talk to. Sam is IT for Jason. Remember that, SB said it and so did KeMo. While these two will have so much anger and might deal with it by attacking the Q's Thanksgiving table, they will work past this. They are everything for each other and very soon they are going to start really showing this, I have faith.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
All I Want Is You
Sometimes in the aftermath of the horrific event, the only thing you want is to return to normal. But that is the hardest part of it all, "normal" no longer exists. You can't go back to what normal was before the horrific event because that event has changed you and everything else. You long for something that is unattainable and yet your mind just can't make sense of all it. Time can move very slowly as this new reality resonates through every second. Every breath is almost physically painful, you could tell this is how Sam and Jason are feeling as a new day swept across the canvass in Hawaii.
Sam and Jason clearly spent the night out under the stars, though we know it wasn't romantic or even the slightest bit peaceful for them. We know they both just laid there in each others arms in absolute shock and horror, trying desperately to wrap their minds around what has happened. Their perfect magical cottage that has always been their own special place, now Sam can not even set foot into the place. It is so devastating how Franco was able to destroy their safe haven. Not even creeper then creepy Manny was ever that successful but Franco was.
The only thing Sam wanted from the cottage now was the necklace Jason made her. To her that was all she needed because to her it reminded her of their happiness. Everything else has now been tarnished by the evil acts of Franco. Yet, Sam is holding up relatively well all things considered. Sam has clearly found her strength in the love she shares with Jason. She is horrified beyond complete repair but she is still fighting. She didn't want to be sent alone on a plane back to PC. She wanted to go with Jason to hunt Franco down. For the first time with Franco, Sam isn't just going along with Jason to support him. This time she wants revenge. She wants him to pay. True to Sam's character, she is not some shy little violet who is going to break down and let Franco win. Not Sam!
Jason feels so responsible for what has happened to Sam. It is evident that even with the start of the new day, Jason still feels completely powerless. It was so clear when Jason said, "This happened because I didn't finish it." He let Franco live before and because of that he let Franco run free and he was able to hurt someone again except this time Franco went too far. This time it wasn't Michael who was raped, but Sam. This time Jason feels so responsible he can't shake it. Jason just wants to do anything he can to help Sam. But in the midst of all of this angst and tragedy their shining love is still so apparently and tangible. I felt myself tear up when, Jason vowed to Sam he would not take his eyes off Sam. He meant every word of it. Jason said it so clear and simple, "I just want to erase it, you know. I just want to give you back the smile you had everyday on our honeymoon. I don't want Franco to take that away from you." My heart just broken into a thousand pieces when Jason told Sam this. He wants so badly to just do whatever he can do to help and fix this. But sadly there is no way to fix this. There is no way to just erase what has happened. There is no breakthrough surgery that will mend Sam this time. There is no miracle surgeon or special antidote that will instantly heal her. This time it is different for them. This time they will have to dig deeper then ever before and rely on their love like they have never relied on it before to bring them through this horrible storm. This time there are going to be some Grand Canyon sized obstacles to overcome, but they will make it. They will remind everyone (even the haters) why they are the super couple that they are. They will show Franco he didn't ruin anything, the horror he unleashed on them will only make them stronger. There will be a silver lining to this horrible tragedy.
Today was also the first time Sam saw with her own eyes, Hulk Jason. His eye thing seemed there when he looked at the TV and heard Franco's voice but this time Jason didn't just tense up. This time he took action by leaping at the TV on the wall and ripping it off. Sam took a step back when Jason ignited in anger for a second. She saw for those brief moments Jason lose it and did her best to try to calm him. To remind him, he is not an animal and he should not lose it because that is what Franco wanted. Franco wants Jason to completely lose his mind. But Sam is the reason Jason will not go completely off the edge. Sam is stronger then most and she can handle every side of Jason, even the sides that would scare most everyone else. I know this is not the end of Jason's outbursts and explosions. But through them all, Sam's love for him is what will pull him through. Jason is going to have the hardest time with coming to terms with what has happened and finally moving past it. I have a feeling Jason will seem as distant as the moon, wrapped up in his anger and need to do something to fix this. He will be wrapped up in revenge for while trying to make Franco pay. But he won't lose it completely, even though it might seem like he will. Their amazing, complete and pure love will bring him back from the brink of destruction. Love will always win out.
After watching today's show, I think if anyone ever actually kills Franco it is going to be Sam. Jason lets Franco push his buttons and plays the game. Sam has never been very inclined to play his games. We know, based on a medianet pic, that Jason shoots Franco. But we also know he won't be dead. Based on GW interviews and hints, we know Franco will be returning sometime next year. If Franco is ever to die at the hands of someone else, I think eventually in the future it will be Sam who blows Franco's head off and I think she is completely justified to do so.
Remember to support GH and their amazing cast. Call the comment lines, tweet, FB, email - do it all at least once today !
Sam and Jason clearly spent the night out under the stars, though we know it wasn't romantic or even the slightest bit peaceful for them. We know they both just laid there in each others arms in absolute shock and horror, trying desperately to wrap their minds around what has happened. Their perfect magical cottage that has always been their own special place, now Sam can not even set foot into the place. It is so devastating how Franco was able to destroy their safe haven. Not even creeper then creepy Manny was ever that successful but Franco was.
The only thing Sam wanted from the cottage now was the necklace Jason made her. To her that was all she needed because to her it reminded her of their happiness. Everything else has now been tarnished by the evil acts of Franco. Yet, Sam is holding up relatively well all things considered. Sam has clearly found her strength in the love she shares with Jason. She is horrified beyond complete repair but she is still fighting. She didn't want to be sent alone on a plane back to PC. She wanted to go with Jason to hunt Franco down. For the first time with Franco, Sam isn't just going along with Jason to support him. This time she wants revenge. She wants him to pay. True to Sam's character, she is not some shy little violet who is going to break down and let Franco win. Not Sam!
Jason feels so responsible for what has happened to Sam. It is evident that even with the start of the new day, Jason still feels completely powerless. It was so clear when Jason said, "This happened because I didn't finish it." He let Franco live before and because of that he let Franco run free and he was able to hurt someone again except this time Franco went too far. This time it wasn't Michael who was raped, but Sam. This time Jason feels so responsible he can't shake it. Jason just wants to do anything he can to help Sam. But in the midst of all of this angst and tragedy their shining love is still so apparently and tangible. I felt myself tear up when, Jason vowed to Sam he would not take his eyes off Sam. He meant every word of it. Jason said it so clear and simple, "I just want to erase it, you know. I just want to give you back the smile you had everyday on our honeymoon. I don't want Franco to take that away from you." My heart just broken into a thousand pieces when Jason told Sam this. He wants so badly to just do whatever he can do to help and fix this. But sadly there is no way to fix this. There is no way to just erase what has happened. There is no breakthrough surgery that will mend Sam this time. There is no miracle surgeon or special antidote that will instantly heal her. This time it is different for them. This time they will have to dig deeper then ever before and rely on their love like they have never relied on it before to bring them through this horrible storm. This time there are going to be some Grand Canyon sized obstacles to overcome, but they will make it. They will remind everyone (even the haters) why they are the super couple that they are. They will show Franco he didn't ruin anything, the horror he unleashed on them will only make them stronger. There will be a silver lining to this horrible tragedy.
Today was also the first time Sam saw with her own eyes, Hulk Jason. His eye thing seemed there when he looked at the TV and heard Franco's voice but this time Jason didn't just tense up. This time he took action by leaping at the TV on the wall and ripping it off. Sam took a step back when Jason ignited in anger for a second. She saw for those brief moments Jason lose it and did her best to try to calm him. To remind him, he is not an animal and he should not lose it because that is what Franco wanted. Franco wants Jason to completely lose his mind. But Sam is the reason Jason will not go completely off the edge. Sam is stronger then most and she can handle every side of Jason, even the sides that would scare most everyone else. I know this is not the end of Jason's outbursts and explosions. But through them all, Sam's love for him is what will pull him through. Jason is going to have the hardest time with coming to terms with what has happened and finally moving past it. I have a feeling Jason will seem as distant as the moon, wrapped up in his anger and need to do something to fix this. He will be wrapped up in revenge for while trying to make Franco pay. But he won't lose it completely, even though it might seem like he will. Their amazing, complete and pure love will bring him back from the brink of destruction. Love will always win out.
After watching today's show, I think if anyone ever actually kills Franco it is going to be Sam. Jason lets Franco push his buttons and plays the game. Sam has never been very inclined to play his games. We know, based on a medianet pic, that Jason shoots Franco. But we also know he won't be dead. Based on GW interviews and hints, we know Franco will be returning sometime next year. If Franco is ever to die at the hands of someone else, I think eventually in the future it will be Sam who blows Franco's head off and I think she is completely justified to do so.
Remember to support GH and their amazing cast. Call the comment lines, tweet, FB, email - do it all at least once today !
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I am almost at a loss for words today about Jason and Sam's scenes today. I have had some times to reflect back on those scenes and try to absorb all of their meaning. While Jason and Sam's scenes today were not the longest when it comes to air time vs the other characters on today, they did by far have the most impact. It was tough to watch those scenes but at the same time those heart breaking scenes did make for good drama for GH. GH has been lacking in some good old fashion drama and honestly recently the story lines have been dragging but today was one of the reasons we watch. There was drama but there was also love. Another thing you can not dispute about today's episode of GH, Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton absolutely had Emmy worthy performances. After watching today's show I think everyone will agree, Kelly's portrayal was the most moving thing they have watched in a very long time. She is an incredible actress who needs to be recognized for her talent.
It was gut wrenching watching Jason begin to explain to Sam what had happened to her. "What did Franco do to me?" Sam asked Jason with her hands shaking and absolute horror in her eyes. She tried to cling to the hope that maybe this was just all a trick. Jason tried to be as patient as he could be he was in so much pain having to tell Sam what happened to her. Sam was suffering from a bit of denial today but what woman would not if this is what they were being told. "Maybe it didn't really happen." Sam said with the saddest expression on her face. She clung to the hope that maybe something wasn't real that maybe just maybe this wasn't their new reality. No woman ever wants to have to live through what Sam has just had to realize. She was raped (or at least that is what we think has happened to her) by a psychotic serial killer on her honeymoon. When her guard was down and she has been the most happy in her life, Franco came in and destroyed that. She had to hear that Franco has been watching them this whole time. Franco has been there for the last month of their entire honeymoon watching every time they made love, every time they laughed and were just so happy to be able to shut out the whole world, he was watching. They were never truly alone. That in its self is reason enough to feel violated to the point to break down in the shower.
Jason is completely destroyed by this. Sam is taking it better then Jason but that doesn't come as a shock. He has done everything he could to protect her and vowed he would always protect her but now he knows he failed. He didn't protect her from Franco or from harm. It came when they least suspected it, when they were so happy. Their paradise has just become a nightmare. Jason felt completely powerless today. It was flashbacks of how he felt when her baby died. He could not fix things then and he can't fix them now. He doesn't know what to do. He begged Sam to go to the hospital because he felt so powerless. "They can take better care of you then I can." But Sam didn't want to go to the hospital to be touched by strangers, she just wanted Jason to help her to the shower and help her. It is normal or natural for most rape victims to not want to go the hospital or to call the police right away, they just want to scrub themselves clean. They want to try to get the feeling off their skin. It was natural for Sam to want to do this. While this scene was hard to watch, what was so touching is she wanted Jason to help her to the shower and to just be there. Jason asked if there was anything he could do for her, Sam looked up at him and said, "Just knowing you are here. Look everything is going to be okay." Sam wanted to reassure Jason which is so true to Sam's character. She never wants Jason to ever blame himself for anything that has happened to her because someone has targeted her to get to him. She also wanted him to know she isn't afraid of him. She didn't cower from his touch, she didn't cringe or pull away even though she just learned she was raped. She wanted Jason there because she loves him more then anything and he is the only thing she needs. She tried to help him see that even now, she doesn't hold him accountable for Franco or his actions. She wanted him to know this is not his fault, though Jason feels this is all his fault.
The most painful scene to follow was the shower scene. I don't know if there was a dry eye out there among fans as we watched. Jason walking Sam to the shower and her trying to be extremely brave but asking for a minute alone. That is when the real reality washed over Sam. Sam began to scrub her skin so hard to try to get that feeling off her, trying to feel clean. She began to breakdown and it was absolutely heart breaking to watch Sam let down her brave wall she had put up for Jason and just breakdown completely. That is when it became very real to the both of them. Jason sat outside in the bedroom on the floor just horrified of what Franco had done to Sam. His worst fears have finally happened. Franco was very successful at not only getting to Jason but hurting him more then he could have ever done if he had just targeted Jason alone. Franco went after the one person Jason cares more about then anyone. Jason listened as Sam began to break down in the shower. He sat there for what seemed like forever but it was only seconds listening to her cry. I think the reason he waited the seconds he did was because she had asked him to give her a few minutes alone. He didn't want to do anything that would make her feel even more violated. But finally he could not stay away any longer. He had to go help her. He could not bare to listen to her breakdown without being there. He wanted her to know she isn't alone and doesn't always have be brave to spare his feelings. Sam didn't push him away, instead she just fell into his arms. She fell into the one place she felt safe, with Jason.
Jason and Sam sat out under the stars. The last place they will be tonight will be in the bed where the horrible act was committed so it seemed natural to me they would go outside to look at the stars. The stars have always been such an important symbol for this couple. When Sam's baby died the stars were the only things that made her feel safe and feel closer to her daughter. For Sam the stars have always guided her through life, so it was natural Jason just wanted Sam to feel as safe as she could by watching the stars. Jason didn't feel like he could keep Sam safe but he did his best to try to think of anything that would help her feel a little more at peace but sitting under the stars. Watching them sitting there it was clear, Jason feels like he has completely failed Sam. I think Sam felt Jason felt he failed her too. She tried to help him feel less helpless and assured him, "I feel safe with you." Again so true to Sam's character, she has been a horrific ordeal but she'll do anything to make sure Jason doesn't feel responsible.
Everything about today's episode was heart breaking and devastating to watch. But like I said before, it made for good drama and good TV and I hope ratings increased because of it. I also have a feeling that this most recent dose of reality will actually make our couple stronger in the long run. I think at first there will be a lot of Jason blaming himself and turning into Hulk Jason in his quest to make Franco pay. While Jason is out trying to get revenge, I think Jason will fail to be there for Sam. I think it will cause some strain on the relationship at first but I think their love will win out. I think they will become even closer and stronger after this horrible storm and will come out the other side with a family and happier then ever. Keep the faith.
So there are a lot of theories flying out around there. I don't have too many of mine own i just have some questions so I figure lets be objective and look at this like PI Sam would:
The facts that we know about what happened to Sam:
She drank the beer that was drugged
she went to the bathroom to get a shower and passed out
Franco carried her to the bed, took off his shirt and covered the camera.
Maybe Franco didn't actually commit the physical act of rape, maybe he is just toying with them. Even if that is the case, they both feel so incredibly violated I am not sure it would make much of a difference because they both already believe it happened. Of course where this is important is if the writers decide to do a Who's The Daddy (WTD) storyline when Sam finds out she is pregnant. We all know Sam is pregnant already. The fact they have been on their honeymoon for over a month would be a big clue that she is already pregnant. I predict she got pregnant on their wedding night or the night after at the cabin. Medical fact - ultra sounds can pinpoint a pregnancy date of conception within a 3 to 4 day period. I hope if they do decide to do a WTD storyline it is extremely brief and as soon as her first ultra sound they realize she is much farther along then first thought.
Just a theory but I guess we will just have to tune in to find out! Call the comment lines GUSH about JaSam.
It was gut wrenching watching Jason begin to explain to Sam what had happened to her. "What did Franco do to me?" Sam asked Jason with her hands shaking and absolute horror in her eyes. She tried to cling to the hope that maybe this was just all a trick. Jason tried to be as patient as he could be he was in so much pain having to tell Sam what happened to her. Sam was suffering from a bit of denial today but what woman would not if this is what they were being told. "Maybe it didn't really happen." Sam said with the saddest expression on her face. She clung to the hope that maybe something wasn't real that maybe just maybe this wasn't their new reality. No woman ever wants to have to live through what Sam has just had to realize. She was raped (or at least that is what we think has happened to her) by a psychotic serial killer on her honeymoon. When her guard was down and she has been the most happy in her life, Franco came in and destroyed that. She had to hear that Franco has been watching them this whole time. Franco has been there for the last month of their entire honeymoon watching every time they made love, every time they laughed and were just so happy to be able to shut out the whole world, he was watching. They were never truly alone. That in its self is reason enough to feel violated to the point to break down in the shower.
Jason is completely destroyed by this. Sam is taking it better then Jason but that doesn't come as a shock. He has done everything he could to protect her and vowed he would always protect her but now he knows he failed. He didn't protect her from Franco or from harm. It came when they least suspected it, when they were so happy. Their paradise has just become a nightmare. Jason felt completely powerless today. It was flashbacks of how he felt when her baby died. He could not fix things then and he can't fix them now. He doesn't know what to do. He begged Sam to go to the hospital because he felt so powerless. "They can take better care of you then I can." But Sam didn't want to go to the hospital to be touched by strangers, she just wanted Jason to help her to the shower and help her. It is normal or natural for most rape victims to not want to go the hospital or to call the police right away, they just want to scrub themselves clean. They want to try to get the feeling off their skin. It was natural for Sam to want to do this. While this scene was hard to watch, what was so touching is she wanted Jason to help her to the shower and to just be there. Jason asked if there was anything he could do for her, Sam looked up at him and said, "Just knowing you are here. Look everything is going to be okay." Sam wanted to reassure Jason which is so true to Sam's character. She never wants Jason to ever blame himself for anything that has happened to her because someone has targeted her to get to him. She also wanted him to know she isn't afraid of him. She didn't cower from his touch, she didn't cringe or pull away even though she just learned she was raped. She wanted Jason there because she loves him more then anything and he is the only thing she needs. She tried to help him see that even now, she doesn't hold him accountable for Franco or his actions. She wanted him to know this is not his fault, though Jason feels this is all his fault.
The most painful scene to follow was the shower scene. I don't know if there was a dry eye out there among fans as we watched. Jason walking Sam to the shower and her trying to be extremely brave but asking for a minute alone. That is when the real reality washed over Sam. Sam began to scrub her skin so hard to try to get that feeling off her, trying to feel clean. She began to breakdown and it was absolutely heart breaking to watch Sam let down her brave wall she had put up for Jason and just breakdown completely. That is when it became very real to the both of them. Jason sat outside in the bedroom on the floor just horrified of what Franco had done to Sam. His worst fears have finally happened. Franco was very successful at not only getting to Jason but hurting him more then he could have ever done if he had just targeted Jason alone. Franco went after the one person Jason cares more about then anyone. Jason listened as Sam began to break down in the shower. He sat there for what seemed like forever but it was only seconds listening to her cry. I think the reason he waited the seconds he did was because she had asked him to give her a few minutes alone. He didn't want to do anything that would make her feel even more violated. But finally he could not stay away any longer. He had to go help her. He could not bare to listen to her breakdown without being there. He wanted her to know she isn't alone and doesn't always have be brave to spare his feelings. Sam didn't push him away, instead she just fell into his arms. She fell into the one place she felt safe, with Jason.
Jason and Sam sat out under the stars. The last place they will be tonight will be in the bed where the horrible act was committed so it seemed natural to me they would go outside to look at the stars. The stars have always been such an important symbol for this couple. When Sam's baby died the stars were the only things that made her feel safe and feel closer to her daughter. For Sam the stars have always guided her through life, so it was natural Jason just wanted Sam to feel as safe as she could by watching the stars. Jason didn't feel like he could keep Sam safe but he did his best to try to think of anything that would help her feel a little more at peace but sitting under the stars. Watching them sitting there it was clear, Jason feels like he has completely failed Sam. I think Sam felt Jason felt he failed her too. She tried to help him feel less helpless and assured him, "I feel safe with you." Again so true to Sam's character, she has been a horrific ordeal but she'll do anything to make sure Jason doesn't feel responsible.
Everything about today's episode was heart breaking and devastating to watch. But like I said before, it made for good drama and good TV and I hope ratings increased because of it. I also have a feeling that this most recent dose of reality will actually make our couple stronger in the long run. I think at first there will be a lot of Jason blaming himself and turning into Hulk Jason in his quest to make Franco pay. While Jason is out trying to get revenge, I think Jason will fail to be there for Sam. I think it will cause some strain on the relationship at first but I think their love will win out. I think they will become even closer and stronger after this horrible storm and will come out the other side with a family and happier then ever. Keep the faith.
So there are a lot of theories flying out around there. I don't have too many of mine own i just have some questions so I figure lets be objective and look at this like PI Sam would:
The facts that we know about what happened to Sam:
She drank the beer that was drugged
she went to the bathroom to get a shower and passed out
Franco carried her to the bed, took off his shirt and covered the camera.
Maybe Franco didn't actually commit the physical act of rape, maybe he is just toying with them. Even if that is the case, they both feel so incredibly violated I am not sure it would make much of a difference because they both already believe it happened. Of course where this is important is if the writers decide to do a Who's The Daddy (WTD) storyline when Sam finds out she is pregnant. We all know Sam is pregnant already. The fact they have been on their honeymoon for over a month would be a big clue that she is already pregnant. I predict she got pregnant on their wedding night or the night after at the cabin. Medical fact - ultra sounds can pinpoint a pregnancy date of conception within a 3 to 4 day period. I hope if they do decide to do a WTD storyline it is extremely brief and as soon as her first ultra sound they realize she is much farther along then first thought.
Just a theory but I guess we will just have to tune in to find out! Call the comment lines GUSH about JaSam.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Making it Count
Today marks a very important date for JaSam fans. Absolutely most every fan knows what today is and what it means to our super couple. No one will ever forget what this day means for Jason and Sam.
As some of you who have read my blog know is that I too have an extremely personal story that is another reason I can relate to the loss of Baby Lila's death. So as a person who has experienced this real loss, I can confess you never forget, the pain never goes away but if you are lucky your life can move forward slowly. Sometimes, if you are fortunate enough to move forward, you realize you need to make everyday count.
Jason and Sam suffered the loss of her child and that was such a profound moment in their relationship. Jason and Sam did get lucky, though, they got to move forward. They fell in love and their lives have never been the same since. They have never stopped loving one another since that day. There has been pain and sometimes very horrible battles to over come, at times it looked like all hope was lost but it wasn't. Their love has won out. Every time it has won. They have overcome it all: deadly viruses, crazy Dr Thomas and AJ, Carly, memory loss, several brain surgeries, Manny, numerous times being shot, the latest mob threats, Sonny, Elizabeth and her incredible fertility, Jerry Jax, Theo Hoffman, hearing loss, car accidents and all the other crazy things that have happened to them. They have triumphant and they will overcome this latest tragedy because that is what makes their love story a classic.
In 2004 we had to watch Jason's terrified expression when he told Sam her baby died. Then today his face looked so similar to that day. Jason had to tell Sam he was not the one in the shower with her or in the bed, it was Franco. He had to tell his wife she was raped because the psychopath that has fixated on Jason finally figured out the most effective way to get to him. Sure he has targeted Sam before but this time Franco knew how to bring Jason completely to his knees. There is no one else in this world Jason cares more about then Sam. Jason would die for Sam and would do anything for her. Of course, Franco would target her. This makes Jason feels even more responsible for the fact his wife was raped by Franco. Jason's pain was so clearly spelled out on his face. When he finally told Sam she was so clearly horrified it was heart breaking to watch.
For the past 7 years JaSam fans have watched this amazing couple take on everything that came their way. We have been there for all of the joy and all of the pain, as faithful fans. There are no two characters that can captivate us like these two can and that is partly because of the two incredibly talented people who play these characters. Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco really do deserve great recognition for incredible talent and ability to keep us so in love with this couple. So let's make today count. Write,call, tweet, FB do it all at least 7 times today to make sure ABC knows fans count! Let your voice be heard. In addition to remembering why we tune in everyday, remember to make everyday of your own life count. No matter if you are religious or not, one thing is very true -death will catch up to all of us. So spend your time here on Earth the best way you know how. Try to make this world a little kinder.
As some of you who have read my blog know is that I too have an extremely personal story that is another reason I can relate to the loss of Baby Lila's death. So as a person who has experienced this real loss, I can confess you never forget, the pain never goes away but if you are lucky your life can move forward slowly. Sometimes, if you are fortunate enough to move forward, you realize you need to make everyday count.
Jason and Sam suffered the loss of her child and that was such a profound moment in their relationship. Jason and Sam did get lucky, though, they got to move forward. They fell in love and their lives have never been the same since. They have never stopped loving one another since that day. There has been pain and sometimes very horrible battles to over come, at times it looked like all hope was lost but it wasn't. Their love has won out. Every time it has won. They have overcome it all: deadly viruses, crazy Dr Thomas and AJ, Carly, memory loss, several brain surgeries, Manny, numerous times being shot, the latest mob threats, Sonny, Elizabeth and her incredible fertility, Jerry Jax, Theo Hoffman, hearing loss, car accidents and all the other crazy things that have happened to them. They have triumphant and they will overcome this latest tragedy because that is what makes their love story a classic.
In 2004 we had to watch Jason's terrified expression when he told Sam her baby died. Then today his face looked so similar to that day. Jason had to tell Sam he was not the one in the shower with her or in the bed, it was Franco. He had to tell his wife she was raped because the psychopath that has fixated on Jason finally figured out the most effective way to get to him. Sure he has targeted Sam before but this time Franco knew how to bring Jason completely to his knees. There is no one else in this world Jason cares more about then Sam. Jason would die for Sam and would do anything for her. Of course, Franco would target her. This makes Jason feels even more responsible for the fact his wife was raped by Franco. Jason's pain was so clearly spelled out on his face. When he finally told Sam she was so clearly horrified it was heart breaking to watch.
For the past 7 years JaSam fans have watched this amazing couple take on everything that came their way. We have been there for all of the joy and all of the pain, as faithful fans. There are no two characters that can captivate us like these two can and that is partly because of the two incredibly talented people who play these characters. Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco really do deserve great recognition for incredible talent and ability to keep us so in love with this couple. So let's make today count. Write,call, tweet, FB do it all at least 7 times today to make sure ABC knows fans count! Let your voice be heard. In addition to remembering why we tune in everyday, remember to make everyday of your own life count. No matter if you are religious or not, one thing is very true -death will catch up to all of us. So spend your time here on Earth the best way you know how. Try to make this world a little kinder.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Standing By
I have been absent for a while. My schedule has been a bit insane but honestly, I also have been struggling with what to write recently about GH. Negativity is like a infections virus and I don't want to play any part in it when it comes to GH. So I am going to look at the brighter side of things that we have seen recently. Please join me too. I have to confess I didn't come around to this positive way of thinking all on my own. A very faithful reader reminded me today, sometimes you need to just look at the bright side of things. If all we do is point out the bad in GH it will blind us to all of the good.
Well the November sweeps are upon us and maybe it is just the spooky season or something but there is definitely a lot of mystery building on GH as of recently. Lets take a look at Dr. Steve Webber. Overall, that character has been as transparent as glass so far and as squeaky clean as a mirror in a refection pool. That is until recently. I like the Dr Jeckle /Mr. Hyde thing they are doing with him. That character was as boring as toast for a while but now they are finally giving Scott Reeves something to work with and I am loving it. Scott Reeves is probably one of the most accomplished and talented actors in Daytime and I am so excited we are finally getting to see his talent come alive on our screens. I think there is a lot of mystery behind Steven and Scott will bring it out. I am so excited they are finally realizing Scott's talent and not just focusing on the 'chosen few' male characters.
As for that mystery clown that has been following everyone at GH around for the last couple of days, we all know it isn't Lisa because that would take out the mystery of what actually happened to her. I don't think we'll know what really happened to Lisa for many months to come. I like the suspense honestly. Did someone kill her? Did Johnny get to her in time? Did Anthony circumvent Johnny's rescue attempt and dispose of Lisa? I personally hope Johnny got to her in time and saved her. I know Lisa is crazy and dangerous and didn't deserve Johnny's rescue but all the same, I love how Lisa embraced her crazy. She made the halls of GH a little more interesting. So if the mystery clown isn't Lisa who is it? It is the doctor Steve has been calling about the job. It makes perfect sense.
Speaking of mystery, something else we have been getting is the build up for the mystery of Franco's plan for JaSam. While we haven't seen much of our super couple as of late, we do know by the teaser promo that they will in fact be on soon and their mystery will start to unfold. We don't know exactly what will happen, I am sure Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton will be emmy worthy performances. We must tune it for that.
Some of you may have read ratings have been down with GH. This is very discouraging for all of us I am sure. We have tweeted faithfully and wrote letters, watched as much as possible but we feel like no matter what we do it doesn't make a difference. Well I am here to say, don't stop, keep trying. Keep fighting because GH is worth fighting for. The show deserves it's fans to fight for it because it has brought us so many years of wondering viewing. This is a show my grandmother watched faithfully for her many amazing years on earth. This is a show I watch even now 15 years after her death and still feel close to her. I for one am not ready to give up on GH, please don't be either. Sometimes when it seems like all hope is lost, something wonderful happens and fate changes course. Let's help ABC's executives change their mind about ending all of daytime series by flooding them with positive feedback about GH.
Thank you, Sarah for bringing me back for where I was headed.
Well the November sweeps are upon us and maybe it is just the spooky season or something but there is definitely a lot of mystery building on GH as of recently. Lets take a look at Dr. Steve Webber. Overall, that character has been as transparent as glass so far and as squeaky clean as a mirror in a refection pool. That is until recently. I like the Dr Jeckle /Mr. Hyde thing they are doing with him. That character was as boring as toast for a while but now they are finally giving Scott Reeves something to work with and I am loving it. Scott Reeves is probably one of the most accomplished and talented actors in Daytime and I am so excited we are finally getting to see his talent come alive on our screens. I think there is a lot of mystery behind Steven and Scott will bring it out. I am so excited they are finally realizing Scott's talent and not just focusing on the 'chosen few' male characters.
As for that mystery clown that has been following everyone at GH around for the last couple of days, we all know it isn't Lisa because that would take out the mystery of what actually happened to her. I don't think we'll know what really happened to Lisa for many months to come. I like the suspense honestly. Did someone kill her? Did Johnny get to her in time? Did Anthony circumvent Johnny's rescue attempt and dispose of Lisa? I personally hope Johnny got to her in time and saved her. I know Lisa is crazy and dangerous and didn't deserve Johnny's rescue but all the same, I love how Lisa embraced her crazy. She made the halls of GH a little more interesting. So if the mystery clown isn't Lisa who is it? It is the doctor Steve has been calling about the job. It makes perfect sense.
Speaking of mystery, something else we have been getting is the build up for the mystery of Franco's plan for JaSam. While we haven't seen much of our super couple as of late, we do know by the teaser promo that they will in fact be on soon and their mystery will start to unfold. We don't know exactly what will happen, I am sure Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton will be emmy worthy performances. We must tune it for that.
Some of you may have read ratings have been down with GH. This is very discouraging for all of us I am sure. We have tweeted faithfully and wrote letters, watched as much as possible but we feel like no matter what we do it doesn't make a difference. Well I am here to say, don't stop, keep trying. Keep fighting because GH is worth fighting for. The show deserves it's fans to fight for it because it has brought us so many years of wondering viewing. This is a show my grandmother watched faithfully for her many amazing years on earth. This is a show I watch even now 15 years after her death and still feel close to her. I for one am not ready to give up on GH, please don't be either. Sometimes when it seems like all hope is lost, something wonderful happens and fate changes course. Let's help ABC's executives change their mind about ending all of daytime series by flooding them with positive feedback about GH.
Thank you, Sarah for bringing me back for where I was headed.
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