We all know the saying spoken so many times. "Be careful what you wish for because it might just come true." Sometimes in live, things happen exactly the way they are supposed to happen. Even though when some things happen sometimes that change the course of history forever, we wish they would not have happened that way at all. We can't see why this is a good thing at all. But unfortunately that is life. Sometimes life alter tragic things happen that knock your whole world off kilter and you never understand why but sometimes they have to happen for something wonderful to happen down the road. No matter if you have a deep religious faith or not, this is still true.
Now, I'll be the first to admit I wasn't super excited about these 'dreams' today because I tend to like to stay in the 'reality' of GH not the dream land of it. I don't know why some of the particular characters got dreams and others did not. Why did Edward get a dream instead of Monica? Well lets take a look at that one.
In the wise words of Edward Quartermaine, 'Be careful what you wish for.' No one knows better then regret. Edward's whole life he tried to swindle and manipulate those closest to him to make the model heir to his legacy but even Edward realizes that sometimes you need to be careful what you wish for. He has had a chance to reflect back on his life in the empty big house. I think even Edward sees that sometimes things happen for a reason. Maybe they would have lost Jason in another way if it hadn't been that car accident so many years ago.
Monica wished today that what is Jason hadn't been in that car with AJ all those years ago. What would life had been like. Jason was the perfect son devoted to his mother. An absolute mother's dream of success or was he? By the end of the episode we saw that they would have lost Jason anyways but not to a car accident or the mob but to something much more powerful, drugs. Jason Q the perfect Dr, the perfect son and the perfect Quartermaine was also the perfect cocaine addict. Clearly the high expectations they had placed on Jason since a small child had a lasting effect on him. Though he was so perfect in Monica's eye, he had his own vice. So similar to the reality of what actually happened to AJ. AJ was the only son after Jason became Jason Morgan. AJ had so much pressure to be perfect that he turned to alcohol. We saw today that Jason would have turned to a vice too to cope with all the pressure. The Quartermaine's expectations and pressures were too much for anyone to bare no matter how perfect they appeared. I think this dream will actually allow Monica to look deeper and just needs to accept Jason Morgan. This will also remind her that maybe things happened for a reason and Jason was never going to live up to their unrealistic expectations, accident or not. Nevertheless, it was nice to see Alan back on GH.
There is no denying that Carly has always been a huge part of Jason Morgan's life. So it is no surprise that Carly had a dream. Jason is the one man that Carly has not managed to drive away with all of her insanity. Her dream was just flat out funny. It was kind of warped and so vintage Carly. Kind of amusing to see into her head and how even more self centered she is in her head as well as 'reality'. It was a riot. I thought it was great. Carly can wish all she wants but Jason clearly knows in reality he wants Sam. Of course, I never want to see Carly and Jason back together. But I still thought it was funny but even Carly's dream you saw this would not ever work in reality.
Okay why did Liz ( aka Slutty Sneak) got a dream and other women of Jason's past did not? I mean what about Robin? She was he first love as Jason Morgan. She taught him everything about love. They were as close as two people can be in the day. Now I get Robin has moved on with her life and is married now. So therefore, she doesn't dream of other men. BUT Liz is all hot for Lucky and I thought there was an LL2 reunion coming. SO what was up with her dreaming of Jason? Isn't Lucky supposed to be her true love? I didn't feel this did the LL2 fanbase any favors by having Liz dreaming of another man. What was interesting about her dream was Jason was kind of sleazy with her and she even tried to trap him with a baby in her dream. Maybe she has always known the only way she could attempt to hold on to Jason was to trap him with a kid. Be careful what you wish for Liz, because even in your dreams you know Jason (no matter if it was Jason M or Jason Q) really isn't that into you and never wanted to spend his life with you. I still felt this dream did a great disservice to the LL2 reunion and kind of ticked me off because I want to see an LL2 reunion. Not to mention, where are her kids? Does she spend ANYTIME with them at all lately?
Now, of course for the reason we watch. Today I was in tears over the Jason and Sam scenes. Together Jason and Sam decided he would get the surgery. I loved how he explained to Sam they are one unit now so he wanted her to be part of this decision. He wanted her to be able to say how she felt about this whole thing. Sam made it crystal clear that losing Jason will never be okay. She will never be okay with that and doesn't want that to happen. Jason wants a life with Sam more then anything so much so he is willing to do something he has never wanted to do in the past, fight for himself. He wants to have this surgery because he knows this is the best chance he has of getting the life he has always dreamed of with Sam. I love that Jason also brought up wanting to have a child with Sam and wanted to try for a baby. The topic of baby hasn't been really discussed much since Sam recovered from the surgery and had the negative pregnancy test. But Jason wanted Sam to know he wants to have a child with her. Jason knows he will never find anyone that accepts him like Sam does and he wants a chance to live that life he is planning with her. Therefore, he is willing to undergo brain surgery to help him get that chance at that life. Now that speaks volumes about how much Jason wants this future with Sam. Jason hates doctors, hospitals and most of all surgery but he'll do it all without hesitation if it means he can spend his life with Sam.
Jason reminded Sam how much he loved her and before he went into surgery even in their silence their glances of love spoke volumes. Just amazing scenes today between Jason and Sam in his hospital room today. I got just gitty with excitement when Sam mentioned the date of the wedding today as Sept. 23rd. I am excited they have set the date. That must have been the date the lug nut fell on that Sam circled on the calendar.
Poor Sam. She has been so strong during all of this but she is so terrified. She is so afraid if they don't have the surgery Jason will die without warning. She remembers this fear when they thought Jason was going to die before. Sam was the one that saved Jason then by convincing him their love was worth fighting for. This time Jason already knows that their love is worth fighting for. Sam was by Jason's side until the surgery and even during the surgery she went to his hospital room to lay in his bed. Sam let herself dream about how life would be married to Jason. She saw them happily married in Hawaii in their little cottage on the beach. They were so cute and in love. I loved seeing them sporting their wedding rings. He teased her about her treasure hunting and she teased him about becoming a beach bum. They were so happy and in love. But even by the end of the episode danger came to their perfect little heaven. Danger if the form of a gun man at the door. Sam's fears are not at bay. She knows she could lose Jason. Even in her dreams, her fears can't hide. Sam has always wished they could just go away together and never be bothered by anyone else, but the truth of that is danger will always be around the corner in some form be it a gun man, a car wreck, a man made virus or even the outcome of a risky surgery. But what remains true in all of those is their love will always carry them through.
This has been a rough week. We hardly saw our super couple. I was beginning to wonder what they looked like again. But alas today's episode did not disappoint. I am glad most of it was about Jason and Sam together and their love. I hope we don't have to stomach much more of the other ladies fantasies about Jason on Monday. Hopefully we'll get to see more of Sam and Jason though. I read Jason doesn't wake up until like the week of 9/6. So next week will be a lot of other people on I am sure and just Sam by his bed side. Keep the faith. I know, I get annoyed too with all these other storylines on everyday but not JaSam. But September is going to be a good month for us JaSam fans. Keep the faith, the 23rd is only around the corner.
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Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Friday, August 26, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I haven't been able to write much lately. Things have been a bit crazy. But I have been able to catch up on all the shows today. It has really been one heck of a long day in Port Charles. I am adjusting to GW's new style. For the most part I like it, but that was one incredibly long day. Hopefully the rest of the days move a little faster because otherwise I have a feeling the cast will still be in tank tops and flip flops while we are shoveling snow, drinking eggnog and hanging up Christmas lights.
Over the last few days, I have just wanted to hug Sam. Kelly Monaco has done an amazing job over the past few days with her performances. It really puzzles me why she doesn't have an emmy yet. Maybe after this, they will sit up and pay attention to the fact Kelly is outstanding and needs to be recognized for it.
Sam is completely terrified of what is going on. She wanted to be the one to make the medical decisions for Jason but was overruled by Monica. She feels so powerless in this whole thing. She is angry that Jason was even out that night in the storm instead of staying home with her planning their wedding. She truly does care about Josslyn but knew Jax would never intentionally harm his daughter. Carly should have called the police instead of running straight to Jason. Sam is still incredibly angry with Carly but she also knows that Jason is just as much at fault here. Jason does not ever do something he doesn't want to do. Carly pushed his buttons but he did make the choice to go out that night. Carly is getting the brunt of Sam's angry but lets face it, it is well deserved. Carly and Jason do have a bizarre relationship which is mostly full of Carly taking and Jason giving. Their friendship isn't the healthiest and I think Jason is beginning to see this. He loves Carly as a sister, but she has really taken advantage of him so many times and this time it almost cost him his life. Sam is not about to let there be another time in the future. She and Jason just decided to spend their lives together, finally commit to a future together and before they can even start planning Carly ripped it out from under Sam with busting down their door with her latest drama.
I have especially loved how Sam is putting down her foot lately. I think it is about time she tells Max he needs to stop running to Jason to clean up Sonny's messes all the time. Sonny is an adult. Granted he is a crazy adult, but never the less he is an adult. Sonny needs to spend some serious time at Shady Brook. I hope that happens sooner rather then later. The best part about Sam putting down her foot is she is reminding Jason he needs to take care of himself. On Monday Sam told Jason under no uncertain terms if he left that hospital, he would lose her and she was extremely serious. The second she said that, Jason instantly laid back down in his bed. He could tell she was terrified and he needed to take care of himself. He can understand a little bit about the fear Sam is feeling because when he saw Sam on the gurney after the car explosion he was completely terrified. He is terrified every time Sam gets a hang nail so he can understand a little of how scared Sam is feeling. This time he didn't get a hang nail, he was in a serious car accident. Sam is as strong and as tough as they come. But he can look in Sam's eyes and see that she is absolutely terrified. When Jason collapsed that just pushed Sam to an even more terrified state.
Today we saw Sam's fear work in a slightly different way. Sam has had to spend the entire night waiting to hear what is going on with Jason. Now, she was forced to deal with the completely unprofessional Drake brothers. Sam is scared and their little playground fight didn't do her any favors in helping relieve these fears. Patrick and Sam are friends, I think Patrick would be the best one to talk to Sam. He was trying to help Sam with her questions before Matt came in. Matt did have some valid points but they really should not have done that in front of Sam. After that Sam got to deal with Carly. Carly did good today though. Sam is absolutely terrified and she took it out on Carly (again it was well deserved). Carly tried to get Sam to go for a walk knowing she is absolutely terrified. For once, I was glad Carly listened to Sam when she asked her to leave. At least Carly was trying to respect what Sam was asking for once. Sam really does need someone to talk to though. She is trying to keep herself busy by working from his hospital room. Nothing can distract Sam of the fear she is feeling. The last scene when Sam goes into his hospital room with a stack of travel books of all the places she probably has hoped the two of them would travel some day. Sam is terrified of thinking about what the tests might reveal. She has been convincing herself he will get thru this but even she is so terrified he won't for the first time fear is gobbling her up whole too. Sam doesn't want anyone to see how scared she really is but in that last scene when she curled up in his hospital bed she could not hide it any longer.
Stay tuned! Call the comment lines and show GH your love!
Over the last few days, I have just wanted to hug Sam. Kelly Monaco has done an amazing job over the past few days with her performances. It really puzzles me why she doesn't have an emmy yet. Maybe after this, they will sit up and pay attention to the fact Kelly is outstanding and needs to be recognized for it.
Sam is completely terrified of what is going on. She wanted to be the one to make the medical decisions for Jason but was overruled by Monica. She feels so powerless in this whole thing. She is angry that Jason was even out that night in the storm instead of staying home with her planning their wedding. She truly does care about Josslyn but knew Jax would never intentionally harm his daughter. Carly should have called the police instead of running straight to Jason. Sam is still incredibly angry with Carly but she also knows that Jason is just as much at fault here. Jason does not ever do something he doesn't want to do. Carly pushed his buttons but he did make the choice to go out that night. Carly is getting the brunt of Sam's angry but lets face it, it is well deserved. Carly and Jason do have a bizarre relationship which is mostly full of Carly taking and Jason giving. Their friendship isn't the healthiest and I think Jason is beginning to see this. He loves Carly as a sister, but she has really taken advantage of him so many times and this time it almost cost him his life. Sam is not about to let there be another time in the future. She and Jason just decided to spend their lives together, finally commit to a future together and before they can even start planning Carly ripped it out from under Sam with busting down their door with her latest drama.
I have especially loved how Sam is putting down her foot lately. I think it is about time she tells Max he needs to stop running to Jason to clean up Sonny's messes all the time. Sonny is an adult. Granted he is a crazy adult, but never the less he is an adult. Sonny needs to spend some serious time at Shady Brook. I hope that happens sooner rather then later. The best part about Sam putting down her foot is she is reminding Jason he needs to take care of himself. On Monday Sam told Jason under no uncertain terms if he left that hospital, he would lose her and she was extremely serious. The second she said that, Jason instantly laid back down in his bed. He could tell she was terrified and he needed to take care of himself. He can understand a little bit about the fear Sam is feeling because when he saw Sam on the gurney after the car explosion he was completely terrified. He is terrified every time Sam gets a hang nail so he can understand a little of how scared Sam is feeling. This time he didn't get a hang nail, he was in a serious car accident. Sam is as strong and as tough as they come. But he can look in Sam's eyes and see that she is absolutely terrified. When Jason collapsed that just pushed Sam to an even more terrified state.
Today we saw Sam's fear work in a slightly different way. Sam has had to spend the entire night waiting to hear what is going on with Jason. Now, she was forced to deal with the completely unprofessional Drake brothers. Sam is scared and their little playground fight didn't do her any favors in helping relieve these fears. Patrick and Sam are friends, I think Patrick would be the best one to talk to Sam. He was trying to help Sam with her questions before Matt came in. Matt did have some valid points but they really should not have done that in front of Sam. After that Sam got to deal with Carly. Carly did good today though. Sam is absolutely terrified and she took it out on Carly (again it was well deserved). Carly tried to get Sam to go for a walk knowing she is absolutely terrified. For once, I was glad Carly listened to Sam when she asked her to leave. At least Carly was trying to respect what Sam was asking for once. Sam really does need someone to talk to though. She is trying to keep herself busy by working from his hospital room. Nothing can distract Sam of the fear she is feeling. The last scene when Sam goes into his hospital room with a stack of travel books of all the places she probably has hoped the two of them would travel some day. Sam is terrified of thinking about what the tests might reveal. She has been convincing herself he will get thru this but even she is so terrified he won't for the first time fear is gobbling her up whole too. Sam doesn't want anyone to see how scared she really is but in that last scene when she curled up in his hospital bed she could not hide it any longer.
Stay tuned! Call the comment lines and show GH your love!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Simple and Strong
Today's show was a perfect balance of entertaining and dramatic. The underlying theme was about being strong and enduring.
Today's show started and I blurted out, "Oh look it's Lucky!" We forgot all about him running around town strung out. It's been almost a month for him wandering around, or at least it seems. It has been one long day in PC hasn't it. Luckily, Lucky didn't torch the chapel he just simple lit a candle and drifted off. I am so glad the Spencers rein of arson took the night off for a change. By the end, Elizabeth finally found him so there is hope. But one question, how did she get there? Her car was in an accident and it didn't look very drivable the last we saw it. Is she now into hot wiring?
An entertaining part of today's show was of course the most comical lawyers in town. Alexis and Diane together is always classic comedy but add Coleman into the twist and those 3 might need to go on the road with their routine. I love how Alexis told Diane about Jason and Sam. Diane is so happy for them and that makes me like her more. There are no two funnier ladies on GH then Diane and Alexis. The whole discussion on Alexis' lack of a male suitor was priceless. I could not stop laughing during these scenes. I loved the balance with their scenes today.
The dramatic and tender mix for today took place mostly at GH. There were so many tender moments today at Jason's bedside today. Jason's love ones are there for support even if they can't stand each other they realize they need to be there for Jason...well most of them do at least.
Carly would be one of those. I think while Carly won't admit it, she is realizing that she might be more at fault for the events of the evening then she claimed she was at first. Sam to Carly: "It's not all about you right now Carly. " I think that started to resonate with Carly when she sat in Jason's hospitial room. Carly admitted to Jason this accident was her fault. She also admitted to Jason Sam is right about the fact she relies on Jason too much which is absolute truth.
Carly to Jason: "I know you love Sam, Jason. and I am happy you are going to marry her. Well I am happy you are happy."
I am glad we got to see some of this side of Carly that she actually felt remorse for everything that went on recently. I was starting to wonder what was wrong with Carly if she had completely become unhinged and had become a total bitch. I am glad there is really some humanness deep down. Of course then her bitch switch got flipped again and she was back at Sam and fighting dirty with every relative of Jason's. But maybe now she is leaving GH for tomorrow's show things might get better for the Q's and Sam.
Jason and Sam's love was best described by Sam today as, simple and strong. There is no better way to describe their love for one another. When Sam was in Jason's hospital room, she moved me to tears. Sam is terrified to death but she is staying strong for Jason. It was cute that she joked about if this was his way of getting out of planning the wedding, it was not going to work. Sam has never needed a ring to ever tell her what she knows and what she feels, that Jason is her soul mate. They both know it. I can't help but to think while he is lying there all he is thinking about is waking up to be with her and get married like they had planned. Their symbol of their love maybe a lug nut but today Sam explained that means so much to her. To her it means the joining two parts together forever and their bond will not be broken by anyone or anything, not even Carly or a car accident will stand in their love's way.
While Sam didn't knock Carly into the next zip code today, I am glad she was calm and logical when she talked to Carly. Jason would be the same way with Carly. He would point out the her that Carly needs to step back and not aggrivate the situation. Sam respects Carly but today Carly doesn't deserve too much respect.
Edward came rushing to GH. It was sweet how he ordered around the staff. I am so glad the Q's are back on screen. Monica rushing to Edward to calm him down was so cute too. I love how Edward and Monica band together in time of crisis. These two will go toe to toe over most things, but right now they are each others rock. Emily would be proud of those two today. While Edward sat by Jason's bedside, I think Sam gave him the best news he'd heard in ages.
Sam to Edward: "He'll come back, to all of us because he has to. He has finally promised to make an honest woman out of me."
This news made Edward smile. I love how he treats Sam. He is completely supportive of their relationship. He always has been for the most part. True he wasn't real thrilled with her when Jason and Sam were running around town saying Jason was the father of her baby. But Edward was quick to come around to Sam. He has always seen how much Jason loves Sam. When Sam was in the explosion Edward was beside himself because he knew if anything ever happened to Sam, Jason would be lost forever.
The news of Jason's condition seem very grim. Patrick did not give much hope as to what the mass is at the base of his spine. Monica being a doctor knows how to cut through Patrick's medical BS and was quick to jump on the surgery bandwagon. While she had decided in her mind that Jason needs this surgery and right away, I am glad someone challenged her on this. Monica is not Jason's medical decision maker anymore. I am glad Sam blurted out: "I'M HIS FIANCE!!!!"
I think it was good for Monica to know the news. She would have probably preferred to find out another way but the news is out now. I loved Edwards reaction to it.
Edward to Monica: "Oh yes, their engaged. I just found out it myself. It is wonderful, isn't it?."
I love Edward!
Tomorrow should be interesting to see how this plays out. Couple of things though about the medical decision maker- Matt should know Sam is Jason's finance. He knows Maxie was busy planning their engagement and then hunting down her ring. Also I am sure Maxie has told Robin and Patrick by now that they are engaged. Maxie isn't known to keep her mouth shut.
I read all these spoilers for a few weeks now about things upcoming and so far they have not be accurate. I was discouraged and a little frustrated by some of them. But today's show was awesome. I wasn't sure if Jason or Sam would be on. I was so delighted to see them. I think I am going to take a few weeks off on spoilers. They all seem to be a little off. Join me :)
Call the comment lines, voice your opinion of the show! Let your voice be heard!!
Today's show started and I blurted out, "Oh look it's Lucky!" We forgot all about him running around town strung out. It's been almost a month for him wandering around, or at least it seems. It has been one long day in PC hasn't it. Luckily, Lucky didn't torch the chapel he just simple lit a candle and drifted off. I am so glad the Spencers rein of arson took the night off for a change. By the end, Elizabeth finally found him so there is hope. But one question, how did she get there? Her car was in an accident and it didn't look very drivable the last we saw it. Is she now into hot wiring?
An entertaining part of today's show was of course the most comical lawyers in town. Alexis and Diane together is always classic comedy but add Coleman into the twist and those 3 might need to go on the road with their routine. I love how Alexis told Diane about Jason and Sam. Diane is so happy for them and that makes me like her more. There are no two funnier ladies on GH then Diane and Alexis. The whole discussion on Alexis' lack of a male suitor was priceless. I could not stop laughing during these scenes. I loved the balance with their scenes today.
The dramatic and tender mix for today took place mostly at GH. There were so many tender moments today at Jason's bedside today. Jason's love ones are there for support even if they can't stand each other they realize they need to be there for Jason...well most of them do at least.
Carly would be one of those. I think while Carly won't admit it, she is realizing that she might be more at fault for the events of the evening then she claimed she was at first. Sam to Carly: "It's not all about you right now Carly. " I think that started to resonate with Carly when she sat in Jason's hospitial room. Carly admitted to Jason this accident was her fault. She also admitted to Jason Sam is right about the fact she relies on Jason too much which is absolute truth.
Carly to Jason: "I know you love Sam, Jason. and I am happy you are going to marry her. Well I am happy you are happy."
I am glad we got to see some of this side of Carly that she actually felt remorse for everything that went on recently. I was starting to wonder what was wrong with Carly if she had completely become unhinged and had become a total bitch. I am glad there is really some humanness deep down. Of course then her bitch switch got flipped again and she was back at Sam and fighting dirty with every relative of Jason's. But maybe now she is leaving GH for tomorrow's show things might get better for the Q's and Sam.
Jason and Sam's love was best described by Sam today as, simple and strong. There is no better way to describe their love for one another. When Sam was in Jason's hospital room, she moved me to tears. Sam is terrified to death but she is staying strong for Jason. It was cute that she joked about if this was his way of getting out of planning the wedding, it was not going to work. Sam has never needed a ring to ever tell her what she knows and what she feels, that Jason is her soul mate. They both know it. I can't help but to think while he is lying there all he is thinking about is waking up to be with her and get married like they had planned. Their symbol of their love maybe a lug nut but today Sam explained that means so much to her. To her it means the joining two parts together forever and their bond will not be broken by anyone or anything, not even Carly or a car accident will stand in their love's way.
While Sam didn't knock Carly into the next zip code today, I am glad she was calm and logical when she talked to Carly. Jason would be the same way with Carly. He would point out the her that Carly needs to step back and not aggrivate the situation. Sam respects Carly but today Carly doesn't deserve too much respect.
Edward came rushing to GH. It was sweet how he ordered around the staff. I am so glad the Q's are back on screen. Monica rushing to Edward to calm him down was so cute too. I love how Edward and Monica band together in time of crisis. These two will go toe to toe over most things, but right now they are each others rock. Emily would be proud of those two today. While Edward sat by Jason's bedside, I think Sam gave him the best news he'd heard in ages.
Sam to Edward: "He'll come back, to all of us because he has to. He has finally promised to make an honest woman out of me."
This news made Edward smile. I love how he treats Sam. He is completely supportive of their relationship. He always has been for the most part. True he wasn't real thrilled with her when Jason and Sam were running around town saying Jason was the father of her baby. But Edward was quick to come around to Sam. He has always seen how much Jason loves Sam. When Sam was in the explosion Edward was beside himself because he knew if anything ever happened to Sam, Jason would be lost forever.
The news of Jason's condition seem very grim. Patrick did not give much hope as to what the mass is at the base of his spine. Monica being a doctor knows how to cut through Patrick's medical BS and was quick to jump on the surgery bandwagon. While she had decided in her mind that Jason needs this surgery and right away, I am glad someone challenged her on this. Monica is not Jason's medical decision maker anymore. I am glad Sam blurted out: "I'M HIS FIANCE!!!!"
I think it was good for Monica to know the news. She would have probably preferred to find out another way but the news is out now. I loved Edwards reaction to it.
Edward to Monica: "Oh yes, their engaged. I just found out it myself. It is wonderful, isn't it?."
I love Edward!
Tomorrow should be interesting to see how this plays out. Couple of things though about the medical decision maker- Matt should know Sam is Jason's finance. He knows Maxie was busy planning their engagement and then hunting down her ring. Also I am sure Maxie has told Robin and Patrick by now that they are engaged. Maxie isn't known to keep her mouth shut.
I read all these spoilers for a few weeks now about things upcoming and so far they have not be accurate. I was discouraged and a little frustrated by some of them. But today's show was awesome. I wasn't sure if Jason or Sam would be on. I was so delighted to see them. I think I am going to take a few weeks off on spoilers. They all seem to be a little off. Join me :)
Call the comment lines, voice your opinion of the show! Let your voice be heard!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Okay I might be dating myself a little bit here with today's blog but I could not think of another song that would fit today's GH better then Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot. This song came out when I was a baby, but I had a few older sisters who sang that song well into the mid 80's with great enthusiasm. Today's GH had all the elements of this song to fit the episode.
Abby and Michael exchanged emotional blows today when they fought about Michael's desire to be just like his father. Abby doesn't want Michael to be Sonny. But Abby needs to accept that Michael needs to find his own way in life. He needs to struggle with what he wants to do with his life like EVERY 19 yr old does. I don't know anyone who at 19 knew exactly what they wanted to do with their life and actually did it. Abby is past those years which makes it hard for her to relate and realize that this is just yet another phase of Michael's extremely long journey to maternity. Abby didn't hold back - she fired away her reasons and Michael fired right back. At the end of the day though, they both realized they still want to be together and they need to accept each other. I liked Mabby at first. Loved them actually. Then they were on all the time Guza burned us out on them. But I think in small doses they are good again. It's good Michael has his own life away from family and Abby gives that to him.
Olivia needed to hit both Carly and Sonny with something today. Dear Lord, what was wrong with the two of them? Olivia would not have been my first choice of people for Carly to call the GH. Here's an idea TELL THE COPS. DANTE IS A COP - TELL HIM! Olivia is the only person in all of PC that can prove Sonny framed Jax. She can also prove Jax paid off the mediator so she is rather key person in this situation. However, she isn't known for her abilities to strong arm Sonny and Jax in a rough situation. I could not get over the fact Sonny didn't seem hardly at all bother that Jason might be DYING. All he could think about was Jax. Really? really Sonny? Are you so full of yourself and so focused on revenge you are going to let your most loyal and oldest friend DIE without even going to GH to check on him? Wow, I hope Olivia has a lot of smart sassy things to say about this to Sonny and we haven't heard the last of them. That made me kind of sick to my stomach. He is more concerned about revenge then to actually go see Jason. Today, Sonny's behavior disgusted me. I hope Olivia hits Sonny with her best shot and I am pretty sure that Bensonhurst girl can knock Sonny across the room on his ass if she put her mind to it. I hope that is coming up next.
Another person that needed to be knocked around a little was Elizabeth. Siobhan is in very critical condition, stop telling everyone 'I didn't do it', 'I didn't do it','I didn't do it'. Stick to the facts. Siobhan fell down the stairs after having an argument with Liz, then Liz puts her in car, hits another car head-on and Siobhan is thrown from the car. Okay I am not legal expert here but should someone be issuing Liz with at least a traffic ticket right now???? I am sorry but she is guilty as sin of at least causing the accident, driving with a passenger who isn't wearing a seatbelt and stealing drugs. Those are the facts. I keep hoping Liz has changed back to the Liz we all once liked in 1998 but then she is like she was today and I remember that Liz is gone.
Okay so in center stage today we had the SMACK DOWN of all smack downs. We had been counting down on D&T for days to "Slapsgiving" - SmoothCriminal's name for the event all the credit goes to her for the name. Well named if I do say so myself. I had heard many spoilers saying Sam just slapped Carly without any provoking on Carly's part at all. So glad that wasn't the case.
Poor Sam gets the worst phone call of her life. She races down to GH terrified of the worst. She is told very little hopeful words by Monica. She is terrified and she is forced to just sit and wait for the tests to be over so she can get some news. Monica was so kind to Sam. I have always loved the relationship between these two. Monica knows how much Jason loves Sam. She respects Sam because she is the one woman Jason trusts his completely heart with. I loved how Monica calmed down Sam. I also love how Monica quickly saw Sam's side of things when it came to telling her what Jason was doing out on the roads in the first place. Monica to Sam: "Carly's life is an emergency." SING IT SISTER!!!! That describes Carly's life in a nutshell.
Carly has needed a smack for a long time. I was hoping someone was going to smack her yesterday when Carly was trying to get Jason to wake up from his nearly dead state to help her find Josslyn. As a parent I get how vitally important your child is. I don't discount Carly that. However, call the FREAKING COPS! As a good parent, if your child's life is really in danger and they might be getting kidnapped, you CALL THE COPS! You don't try to get your best friend who looks pretty much dead to wake up after a car accident to run off to look for them. You call the cops, get out an APB and an Amber Alert. That is what they are for. Fine she wanted to protect Jax. It is a little late for that now that Jason might die. Here's the deal, if Jason dies Carly, there is no where you can hide that Sam, Monica, Edward, Spinelli, Michael and even maybe Sonny will not find you. Be responsible and call the cops. Not to mention Jax will be a lot safer in police custody then he will be if Sonny finds him. Carly's logic and behavior disgusted me today too. I am a Carly fan but today I didn't like her one bit. I kind of hate what they are doing to Carly. They are making her such a bitch. I loved that Sam and Carly had learned to accept one another and be almost friends. I get that GW wants to reset things, but I don't like this reset one bit!
Carly really did have it coming. I think if Sam hadn't smacked her Monica would have. Sam continued to point out to Carly the logical steps she should have taken. Sam was 100% right that Carly used Jake as emotional blackmail just to state her claim on Jason because she felt she was losing ground with Jason. Carly doesn't respect Jason's life or his choices. She treats him like his sole purpose in life is to cater to her every need. I get Carly is freaking out, but she went to far. She hit way below the belt with her comment to Sam that she did not know what it was like to lose a kid. AND SMACK!!! The smack heard around the world. This SMACK was so popular the phrases 'Go Sam' and 'Sam Mcall' started trending on twitter not only in the US but GLOBALLY!!!! Everyone heard that smack. Did you notice how many doctors, nurses and other people in that waiting area just started staring at these two. It was classic. Another classic reaction was Monica's. I don't think she thought Sam had that in her at that moment. I think she was a bit proud of Sam all the same though. I love that Monica was quick to point out to Carly that she knows a hell of a lot more about loss and Jason's injuries then Carly will ever comprehend.
Sam and Monica stood united today as they got the news from Patrick. I love that Monica put her arm around Sam's shoulder and then the hugged in the last scene. I am so glad Monica is back. I am excited for tomorrow.
Call the Comment lines, tweet, post on the GH page on Facebook, let them know how many fans GH has. Show your support.
For those of you who have never heard the song I referenced today, have a listen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JRgHol94Xc
Abby and Michael exchanged emotional blows today when they fought about Michael's desire to be just like his father. Abby doesn't want Michael to be Sonny. But Abby needs to accept that Michael needs to find his own way in life. He needs to struggle with what he wants to do with his life like EVERY 19 yr old does. I don't know anyone who at 19 knew exactly what they wanted to do with their life and actually did it. Abby is past those years which makes it hard for her to relate and realize that this is just yet another phase of Michael's extremely long journey to maternity. Abby didn't hold back - she fired away her reasons and Michael fired right back. At the end of the day though, they both realized they still want to be together and they need to accept each other. I liked Mabby at first. Loved them actually. Then they were on all the time Guza burned us out on them. But I think in small doses they are good again. It's good Michael has his own life away from family and Abby gives that to him.
Olivia needed to hit both Carly and Sonny with something today. Dear Lord, what was wrong with the two of them? Olivia would not have been my first choice of people for Carly to call the GH. Here's an idea TELL THE COPS. DANTE IS A COP - TELL HIM! Olivia is the only person in all of PC that can prove Sonny framed Jax. She can also prove Jax paid off the mediator so she is rather key person in this situation. However, she isn't known for her abilities to strong arm Sonny and Jax in a rough situation. I could not get over the fact Sonny didn't seem hardly at all bother that Jason might be DYING. All he could think about was Jax. Really? really Sonny? Are you so full of yourself and so focused on revenge you are going to let your most loyal and oldest friend DIE without even going to GH to check on him? Wow, I hope Olivia has a lot of smart sassy things to say about this to Sonny and we haven't heard the last of them. That made me kind of sick to my stomach. He is more concerned about revenge then to actually go see Jason. Today, Sonny's behavior disgusted me. I hope Olivia hits Sonny with her best shot and I am pretty sure that Bensonhurst girl can knock Sonny across the room on his ass if she put her mind to it. I hope that is coming up next.
Another person that needed to be knocked around a little was Elizabeth. Siobhan is in very critical condition, stop telling everyone 'I didn't do it', 'I didn't do it','I didn't do it'. Stick to the facts. Siobhan fell down the stairs after having an argument with Liz, then Liz puts her in car, hits another car head-on and Siobhan is thrown from the car. Okay I am not legal expert here but should someone be issuing Liz with at least a traffic ticket right now???? I am sorry but she is guilty as sin of at least causing the accident, driving with a passenger who isn't wearing a seatbelt and stealing drugs. Those are the facts. I keep hoping Liz has changed back to the Liz we all once liked in 1998 but then she is like she was today and I remember that Liz is gone.
Okay so in center stage today we had the SMACK DOWN of all smack downs. We had been counting down on D&T for days to "Slapsgiving" - SmoothCriminal's name for the event all the credit goes to her for the name. Well named if I do say so myself. I had heard many spoilers saying Sam just slapped Carly without any provoking on Carly's part at all. So glad that wasn't the case.
Poor Sam gets the worst phone call of her life. She races down to GH terrified of the worst. She is told very little hopeful words by Monica. She is terrified and she is forced to just sit and wait for the tests to be over so she can get some news. Monica was so kind to Sam. I have always loved the relationship between these two. Monica knows how much Jason loves Sam. She respects Sam because she is the one woman Jason trusts his completely heart with. I loved how Monica calmed down Sam. I also love how Monica quickly saw Sam's side of things when it came to telling her what Jason was doing out on the roads in the first place. Monica to Sam: "Carly's life is an emergency." SING IT SISTER!!!! That describes Carly's life in a nutshell.
Carly has needed a smack for a long time. I was hoping someone was going to smack her yesterday when Carly was trying to get Jason to wake up from his nearly dead state to help her find Josslyn. As a parent I get how vitally important your child is. I don't discount Carly that. However, call the FREAKING COPS! As a good parent, if your child's life is really in danger and they might be getting kidnapped, you CALL THE COPS! You don't try to get your best friend who looks pretty much dead to wake up after a car accident to run off to look for them. You call the cops, get out an APB and an Amber Alert. That is what they are for. Fine she wanted to protect Jax. It is a little late for that now that Jason might die. Here's the deal, if Jason dies Carly, there is no where you can hide that Sam, Monica, Edward, Spinelli, Michael and even maybe Sonny will not find you. Be responsible and call the cops. Not to mention Jax will be a lot safer in police custody then he will be if Sonny finds him. Carly's logic and behavior disgusted me today too. I am a Carly fan but today I didn't like her one bit. I kind of hate what they are doing to Carly. They are making her such a bitch. I loved that Sam and Carly had learned to accept one another and be almost friends. I get that GW wants to reset things, but I don't like this reset one bit!
Carly really did have it coming. I think if Sam hadn't smacked her Monica would have. Sam continued to point out to Carly the logical steps she should have taken. Sam was 100% right that Carly used Jake as emotional blackmail just to state her claim on Jason because she felt she was losing ground with Jason. Carly doesn't respect Jason's life or his choices. She treats him like his sole purpose in life is to cater to her every need. I get Carly is freaking out, but she went to far. She hit way below the belt with her comment to Sam that she did not know what it was like to lose a kid. AND SMACK!!! The smack heard around the world. This SMACK was so popular the phrases 'Go Sam' and 'Sam Mcall' started trending on twitter not only in the US but GLOBALLY!!!! Everyone heard that smack. Did you notice how many doctors, nurses and other people in that waiting area just started staring at these two. It was classic. Another classic reaction was Monica's. I don't think she thought Sam had that in her at that moment. I think she was a bit proud of Sam all the same though. I love that Monica was quick to point out to Carly that she knows a hell of a lot more about loss and Jason's injuries then Carly will ever comprehend.
Sam and Monica stood united today as they got the news from Patrick. I love that Monica put her arm around Sam's shoulder and then the hugged in the last scene. I am so glad Monica is back. I am excited for tomorrow.
Call the Comment lines, tweet, post on the GH page on Facebook, let them know how many fans GH has. Show your support.
For those of you who have never heard the song I referenced today, have a listen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JRgHol94Xc
Friday, August 5, 2011
Staying True
Well I don't know about anyone else, but I am just not digging this whole Jason and Sam only being on twice a week thing. As crazy as this sounds, I am excited a little about the accident because it will mean we see more of our super couple even if one of them is clinging to life and laying in a bed the whole time. I just want to see more of them.
One set of characters we have definitely being seeing more then our share of have been Lucky, Elizabeth and Siobhan. Lucky is still strung out and has spent the better part of the week wondering around without shoes from place to place and yet no one has noticed him yet. I find that a little hard to believe that one one has noticed a crazy strung out shoeless detective wander around town when Jax can't make a single phone call without getting noticed? Siobhan is determined to hold on to her man and fight Elizabeth every step of the way. Siobhan's really only fault in all of this (yes, other then that horrible phoney accent we have just learned to ignore) is that she didn't show Lucky she was supportive of his investigation and instead went on the defensive. I don't think Siobhan was wrong is the lawsuit because let face it, Liz might have been up to something on some level. When Siobhan went tumbling down the stairs I was thinking, this poor girl has had nothing but horrible luck since she married Lucky. She never asked for any of this that day she met Lucky in the pub back in Ireland. But Siobhan stayed true to her character and her convictions when she was fading in and out of consciousness in the car. I loved the line:
"It is always an accident to you." -Oh Honey, you and Sam should talk. Sam 2007 and you could write a book on this one. Elizabeth has a freaking PHD at turning EVERYTHING into either an accident or making it someone else fault. She is the master of spin.
Why didn't Elizabeth just call an ambulance when Siobhan fell? Was moving her really a good idea given her condition? Poor Siobhan and now she get to be the victim of Elizabeth's horrible driving skills.
Of course all of this drama is taking place while Lucky is wandering around the church he and Elizabeth said their vows to one another and all the while he is not thinking about his current wife at all. But that is something that is very true to the Lucky and Liz romance was that church so he is staying true to himself and his obvious growing feelings for Liz. However, sit tight Lucky, it is going to be awhile before anyone finds you, my friend.
But across town, there was another couple staying true to who they are. Our newly engaged super couple, of course!. All these wedding plans seem a bit overwhelming but I am excited that Jason and Sam are doing it together. While Jason could not tell you what the purpose is of 97% of the information in those binders Sam was flipping through, one this is sure. He is loving being engaged to Sam. If Jason had his way, they would be on a beach in Hawaii right now saying their "I do's" and pledging their lives to each other. Jason never struck me as an impatient person, but he is now. He is so ready to get married. He want to set the date to be tomorrow and get married. But he also knows that Sam isn't alone anymore. She has a family and that is something she has always wanted. That family is going to be part of the wedding, so it is going to have to be an event. But even if that church looks like it has been hosed down in Pepto-Bismal, the bridesmaids are wearing the most hideous Southern bell dresses ever created and he is wearing pink himself from head to toe, he is ready to pledge his life to Sam forever. That is such a beautiful love.
My heart just was soaring watching these two talk about weddings and spending the rest of their lives together. Jason promising he will step on her toes at the reception while they dance at their wedding is a well placed nod to their history when Sam did that toe stepping the first time they danced together after Emily's wedding. Later they stood on the balcony and talked again about dancing in the rain. I love that they are talking about the past so much and looking back on it all. They know that their love has withstood bigger then life hurdles and along the way things happened and they went wrong but the also went right too. They their way back to each other and love each other more then ever. They have stayed true to themselves and true to their amazing love.
Oh and Carly, yes she has stayed true to herself too. Jason and Sam really need to re-key the Penthouse. Carly, in her true to self fashion, barged into the Penthouse without even considering anyone else. I found these few scenes rather annoying personally. Yes, she interrupted their special moment, which really ticked me off but when have Jason and Sam ever had a private moment. I liked that Sam decided instead of leaving the room like she has in the recent future she would point out to Carly she should really call the cops instead of feeling the need to involved Jason in every crisis she has big or small. Carly didn't check to see if Josslyn was home, she ran to Jason's in her classic true to the character fashion. Then if that wasn't enough Carly had to go and use Jake to emotionally blackmail Jason because she knew that would make him go with her. I didn't feel there was a lot of cohesion between this scene and then Carly and Jason in the car. I feel Jason should have said to Carly he would help her but she needs to respect Sam enough to listen to her side. I wanted him to tell Sam he loved her at least before he left. I felt like Jason was siding with Carly a little in this situation. Jason, staying true to his character, let Carly push is buttons so he would jump to her aid. I think I am starting to get why Sam slaps Carly next week. Can she slap Elizabeth too for causing the whole accident?
I did love that Sam, instead of being beyond pissed Carly ruined a perfectly good night with her drama, Sam just picked up the calendar and circled the date of their wedding. It is not that Sam wants Carly to not come to Jason at all ever for help and I think she did understand that Carly felt she had no other options. Sam has grown a lot as a character and does accept Carly and her crazy drama as part of the package. But I am not sure after Jason is in the accident, Sam will be so accepting of Carly's drama since it nearly got Jason killed. We will have to see.
Call the comment lines, show your support. Keep our soaps on network television where they belong! SCREW THE CHEW and the Katie Couric Show and all the other stupid shows that want to take their spots. KEEP GH ALIVE! Have a great weekend!~
One set of characters we have definitely being seeing more then our share of have been Lucky, Elizabeth and Siobhan. Lucky is still strung out and has spent the better part of the week wondering around without shoes from place to place and yet no one has noticed him yet. I find that a little hard to believe that one one has noticed a crazy strung out shoeless detective wander around town when Jax can't make a single phone call without getting noticed? Siobhan is determined to hold on to her man and fight Elizabeth every step of the way. Siobhan's really only fault in all of this (yes, other then that horrible phoney accent we have just learned to ignore) is that she didn't show Lucky she was supportive of his investigation and instead went on the defensive. I don't think Siobhan was wrong is the lawsuit because let face it, Liz might have been up to something on some level. When Siobhan went tumbling down the stairs I was thinking, this poor girl has had nothing but horrible luck since she married Lucky. She never asked for any of this that day she met Lucky in the pub back in Ireland. But Siobhan stayed true to her character and her convictions when she was fading in and out of consciousness in the car. I loved the line:
"It is always an accident to you." -Oh Honey, you and Sam should talk. Sam 2007 and you could write a book on this one. Elizabeth has a freaking PHD at turning EVERYTHING into either an accident or making it someone else fault. She is the master of spin.
Why didn't Elizabeth just call an ambulance when Siobhan fell? Was moving her really a good idea given her condition? Poor Siobhan and now she get to be the victim of Elizabeth's horrible driving skills.
Of course all of this drama is taking place while Lucky is wandering around the church he and Elizabeth said their vows to one another and all the while he is not thinking about his current wife at all. But that is something that is very true to the Lucky and Liz romance was that church so he is staying true to himself and his obvious growing feelings for Liz. However, sit tight Lucky, it is going to be awhile before anyone finds you, my friend.
But across town, there was another couple staying true to who they are. Our newly engaged super couple, of course!. All these wedding plans seem a bit overwhelming but I am excited that Jason and Sam are doing it together. While Jason could not tell you what the purpose is of 97% of the information in those binders Sam was flipping through, one this is sure. He is loving being engaged to Sam. If Jason had his way, they would be on a beach in Hawaii right now saying their "I do's" and pledging their lives to each other. Jason never struck me as an impatient person, but he is now. He is so ready to get married. He want to set the date to be tomorrow and get married. But he also knows that Sam isn't alone anymore. She has a family and that is something she has always wanted. That family is going to be part of the wedding, so it is going to have to be an event. But even if that church looks like it has been hosed down in Pepto-Bismal, the bridesmaids are wearing the most hideous Southern bell dresses ever created and he is wearing pink himself from head to toe, he is ready to pledge his life to Sam forever. That is such a beautiful love.
My heart just was soaring watching these two talk about weddings and spending the rest of their lives together. Jason promising he will step on her toes at the reception while they dance at their wedding is a well placed nod to their history when Sam did that toe stepping the first time they danced together after Emily's wedding. Later they stood on the balcony and talked again about dancing in the rain. I love that they are talking about the past so much and looking back on it all. They know that their love has withstood bigger then life hurdles and along the way things happened and they went wrong but the also went right too. They their way back to each other and love each other more then ever. They have stayed true to themselves and true to their amazing love.
Oh and Carly, yes she has stayed true to herself too. Jason and Sam really need to re-key the Penthouse. Carly, in her true to self fashion, barged into the Penthouse without even considering anyone else. I found these few scenes rather annoying personally. Yes, she interrupted their special moment, which really ticked me off but when have Jason and Sam ever had a private moment. I liked that Sam decided instead of leaving the room like she has in the recent future she would point out to Carly she should really call the cops instead of feeling the need to involved Jason in every crisis she has big or small. Carly didn't check to see if Josslyn was home, she ran to Jason's in her classic true to the character fashion. Then if that wasn't enough Carly had to go and use Jake to emotionally blackmail Jason because she knew that would make him go with her. I didn't feel there was a lot of cohesion between this scene and then Carly and Jason in the car. I feel Jason should have said to Carly he would help her but she needs to respect Sam enough to listen to her side. I wanted him to tell Sam he loved her at least before he left. I felt like Jason was siding with Carly a little in this situation. Jason, staying true to his character, let Carly push is buttons so he would jump to her aid. I think I am starting to get why Sam slaps Carly next week. Can she slap Elizabeth too for causing the whole accident?
I did love that Sam, instead of being beyond pissed Carly ruined a perfectly good night with her drama, Sam just picked up the calendar and circled the date of their wedding. It is not that Sam wants Carly to not come to Jason at all ever for help and I think she did understand that Carly felt she had no other options. Sam has grown a lot as a character and does accept Carly and her crazy drama as part of the package. But I am not sure after Jason is in the accident, Sam will be so accepting of Carly's drama since it nearly got Jason killed. We will have to see.
Call the comment lines, show your support. Keep our soaps on network television where they belong! SCREW THE CHEW and the Katie Couric Show and all the other stupid shows that want to take their spots. KEEP GH ALIVE! Have a great weekend!~
Monday, August 1, 2011
Teaching someone boundaries can be a very hard concept for some. I know as a parent, I already try to teach my children you need to respect people's boundaries. This is a lesson, I think, some citizens of Port Charles could use to hear too. The Golden Rule I have always tried to teach is: Respect people boundaries and privacy because you would like them to do the same for you.
Elizabeth had less then respect for boundaries today as she sat down at Kelly's and was less then pleasant about Maxie to Maxie's boyfriend. While we all know Maxie is no saint she doesn't make out like she is. Maxie will be the first person to tell you, she is not perfect. She broke up a marriage and she isn't proud of that. But let's not forget while Liz was quick to point out today to Matt that Maxie was busy rolling around in her bed, Saint Elizabeth was rolling around Sam and Jason's bed. Those that live in glass houses really should cast the first stone. Also lets not forget in the fairly recent past when Elizabeth was engaged to Lucky she was having an affair with Nikolas. She really should have respected the boundaries of Matt and Maxie's relationship enough not to bring up those thing about Maxie to Matt. However, Matt didn't sleek away in shock and horror of Maxie's past. He knows no one is perfect especially Maxie and more especially Elizabeth. It was Matt who pointed out in recent history Maxie could have made Liz's life a lot worse if she had blown the paternity secrete sky high. Also Matt he is a catch because he decided to point out to Elizabeth that right now she is the other woman with Lucky and it is no different then what she was saying about Maxie when it came down to it. So, therefore, maybe Elizabeth should respect the fact Lucky is married and that she is not his wife right now.
Now before everyone gets upset, this does not mean I don't want an LL2 reunion, but I don't like the way they are going about it right now. Siobhian isn't my favorite, but she doesn't deserve to be have a husband that treats her like he has been nor does she deserve to be killed in a car accident by his ex-wife which is what is coming up. I feel Siobhan has gotten the bad end of the deal. I just wanted them to have it so she decided to go back to Ireland and leave Lucky. He would be broken-hearted then he and Liz would grow closer slowly. I wanted the LL2 reunion to come on slowly and planned but not rushed and over night. I also didn't want Siobhan's departure to be so abrupt. I didn't want for him to almost kill his current wife in a fire, then to treat her like an old shoe then to get her killed by Liz's horrible driving. I wanted her exit to be different. Also I didn't want Lucky to forgive Liz so easily for all the horrible (and lets face it there is no other way to describe all that she has done to him) things she has done to him over the years with the fact he is Aiden's father. That doesn't erase it. I wanted them to build a friendship slowly and for her to earn his forgiveness completely.
Well no one learned more today about boundaries then Carly. Carly wasn't the first person Jason went to telling her he was going to propose to Sam. Carly wasn't the first person they told or even the 4th person they told. Carly has always considered herself in charge of Jason's life and today she just got knocked off that pedestal and that fall from status hurt quite a bit for her. Let's look at it from Carly's perspective for a minute (only a minute) don't worry I am not siding with her.
Carly did find out from Elizabeth of all freaking people. I mean I think it would have been much easier to take if it came from Maxie or even reading it in the paper. But that right there didn't help the situation at all. Carly has had many many failed relationships in her life. She is does not have any friends to really turn to except one. She isn't close with her family. Her only family member she was remotely close to was Uncle Luke but then he self-destructed and blew town. She is a Spencer so she is doomed to failed relationships. She's been married so many times it is hard to keep count. She is mean as hell to anyone who stands in her way. She is extremely needy but there is some reason for that. She has 2 children with a mobster and has spent most of her time trying to keep her kids safe. She is an excellent mother and would do absolutely anything for her children. She is a very good mother and over the years has earned some titles she didn't deserve by other residence in town. Overall I like Carly we see in Port Charles today. However, she has become far too dependent on Jason thinking his sole purpose in life is to be at her beckon call. She has no respect for Jason's life or anyone in Jason's life. Carly was okay with him being with Sam because she wanted him to be happy but she was pretty sure Jason and Sam would never get married. She was sure Sam would do something to screw up their relationship. She was also pretty sure since Jason and Sam were, from appearances sake, allergic to marriage so he would never consider getting married and she would never have to loose he crawls she has in him. But Carly underestimated something, Jason isn't Peter Pan, all kids do grow up. All people do realize eventually they have priorities and need to put that one person they love more then anything first.
Okay now back to Jason and Sam's perceptive and side of things. Sam accepts Carly is part of Jason's life. She respects Carly completely when it comes to Jason. She has had to over the years. Carly came with the package. She walks out of the room every time Carly would come over. This time around, she has never fought Carly on anything. She knows what Carly means to Jason and respects it. She knows that Carly needs someone (Jason) to be consistent in her life because her life is always in crisis. Sam accepts this fully. She may not like it but she has just accepted it. But Sam is asking that Carly respect the fact she will be Jason's wife. She will be living in the same place with Jason and they will be each others other half.
Jason knows Carly's life has been a huge crisis since the day he met her. She has always counted on him and he loves her (as a sister) very much. He wants to be there for her if she needs someone to count on and he plans to be there for her. However, he is asking that she acknowledge he isn't her sole pet to be kept in her clutches for her entire life. Jason is entitled to do what he wants with his life. Jason is entitled to have a life. Sam is part of that life. He wants Sam to be first in his life because that is how it should be. He loves Sam with his whole heart. He wants to be with her and only her. He didn't race out to tell Carly because he told the one person that matters completely to him (Sam) and beyond that doesn't really care how or who finds out when. Carly isn't first in his life. Even though he has treated Sam that she matters over the years he wants to fully commit himself to Sam and part of that is showing Carly her place in his life. She isn't first, SAM IS! Today was a long time coming for Carly and Jason's relationship. Jason has always respected Carly's relationships with other men and 15 million marriages, it is time Carly has to do that.
Finally Maxie found the ring. While I was really hoping Jason would pull a gun on Maxie to get the ring back, given Maxie lost it in the first place. I thought it was cute that she decided he needed to give it to Sam in a romantic way. I hope this romantic ring giving event takes place before Carly barges into the Penthouse on Friday demanding Jason's help once again and he nearly dies. I hope Jason and Sam get at least one more romantic moment before everything changes and Jason fights for his life. One more memory to hold on to that will help him pull through those dark few weeks we wait for him to wake up and survive all the surgeries.
Today was a good GH day. I didn't watch a full episode last week. I was getting worried but things are looking up. I am hopeful again and we all should be. Call the comment lines. Write the letters, send the emails. FIGHT FOR OUR SOAP.
Elizabeth had less then respect for boundaries today as she sat down at Kelly's and was less then pleasant about Maxie to Maxie's boyfriend. While we all know Maxie is no saint she doesn't make out like she is. Maxie will be the first person to tell you, she is not perfect. She broke up a marriage and she isn't proud of that. But let's not forget while Liz was quick to point out today to Matt that Maxie was busy rolling around in her bed, Saint Elizabeth was rolling around Sam and Jason's bed. Those that live in glass houses really should cast the first stone. Also lets not forget in the fairly recent past when Elizabeth was engaged to Lucky she was having an affair with Nikolas. She really should have respected the boundaries of Matt and Maxie's relationship enough not to bring up those thing about Maxie to Matt. However, Matt didn't sleek away in shock and horror of Maxie's past. He knows no one is perfect especially Maxie and more especially Elizabeth. It was Matt who pointed out in recent history Maxie could have made Liz's life a lot worse if she had blown the paternity secrete sky high. Also Matt he is a catch because he decided to point out to Elizabeth that right now she is the other woman with Lucky and it is no different then what she was saying about Maxie when it came down to it. So, therefore, maybe Elizabeth should respect the fact Lucky is married and that she is not his wife right now.
Now before everyone gets upset, this does not mean I don't want an LL2 reunion, but I don't like the way they are going about it right now. Siobhian isn't my favorite, but she doesn't deserve to be have a husband that treats her like he has been nor does she deserve to be killed in a car accident by his ex-wife which is what is coming up. I feel Siobhan has gotten the bad end of the deal. I just wanted them to have it so she decided to go back to Ireland and leave Lucky. He would be broken-hearted then he and Liz would grow closer slowly. I wanted the LL2 reunion to come on slowly and planned but not rushed and over night. I also didn't want Siobhan's departure to be so abrupt. I didn't want for him to almost kill his current wife in a fire, then to treat her like an old shoe then to get her killed by Liz's horrible driving. I wanted her exit to be different. Also I didn't want Lucky to forgive Liz so easily for all the horrible (and lets face it there is no other way to describe all that she has done to him) things she has done to him over the years with the fact he is Aiden's father. That doesn't erase it. I wanted them to build a friendship slowly and for her to earn his forgiveness completely.
Well no one learned more today about boundaries then Carly. Carly wasn't the first person Jason went to telling her he was going to propose to Sam. Carly wasn't the first person they told or even the 4th person they told. Carly has always considered herself in charge of Jason's life and today she just got knocked off that pedestal and that fall from status hurt quite a bit for her. Let's look at it from Carly's perspective for a minute (only a minute) don't worry I am not siding with her.
Carly did find out from Elizabeth of all freaking people. I mean I think it would have been much easier to take if it came from Maxie or even reading it in the paper. But that right there didn't help the situation at all. Carly has had many many failed relationships in her life. She is does not have any friends to really turn to except one. She isn't close with her family. Her only family member she was remotely close to was Uncle Luke but then he self-destructed and blew town. She is a Spencer so she is doomed to failed relationships. She's been married so many times it is hard to keep count. She is mean as hell to anyone who stands in her way. She is extremely needy but there is some reason for that. She has 2 children with a mobster and has spent most of her time trying to keep her kids safe. She is an excellent mother and would do absolutely anything for her children. She is a very good mother and over the years has earned some titles she didn't deserve by other residence in town. Overall I like Carly we see in Port Charles today. However, she has become far too dependent on Jason thinking his sole purpose in life is to be at her beckon call. She has no respect for Jason's life or anyone in Jason's life. Carly was okay with him being with Sam because she wanted him to be happy but she was pretty sure Jason and Sam would never get married. She was sure Sam would do something to screw up their relationship. She was also pretty sure since Jason and Sam were, from appearances sake, allergic to marriage so he would never consider getting married and she would never have to loose he crawls she has in him. But Carly underestimated something, Jason isn't Peter Pan, all kids do grow up. All people do realize eventually they have priorities and need to put that one person they love more then anything first.
Okay now back to Jason and Sam's perceptive and side of things. Sam accepts Carly is part of Jason's life. She respects Carly completely when it comes to Jason. She has had to over the years. Carly came with the package. She walks out of the room every time Carly would come over. This time around, she has never fought Carly on anything. She knows what Carly means to Jason and respects it. She knows that Carly needs someone (Jason) to be consistent in her life because her life is always in crisis. Sam accepts this fully. She may not like it but she has just accepted it. But Sam is asking that Carly respect the fact she will be Jason's wife. She will be living in the same place with Jason and they will be each others other half.
Jason knows Carly's life has been a huge crisis since the day he met her. She has always counted on him and he loves her (as a sister) very much. He wants to be there for her if she needs someone to count on and he plans to be there for her. However, he is asking that she acknowledge he isn't her sole pet to be kept in her clutches for her entire life. Jason is entitled to do what he wants with his life. Jason is entitled to have a life. Sam is part of that life. He wants Sam to be first in his life because that is how it should be. He loves Sam with his whole heart. He wants to be with her and only her. He didn't race out to tell Carly because he told the one person that matters completely to him (Sam) and beyond that doesn't really care how or who finds out when. Carly isn't first in his life. Even though he has treated Sam that she matters over the years he wants to fully commit himself to Sam and part of that is showing Carly her place in his life. She isn't first, SAM IS! Today was a long time coming for Carly and Jason's relationship. Jason has always respected Carly's relationships with other men and 15 million marriages, it is time Carly has to do that.
Finally Maxie found the ring. While I was really hoping Jason would pull a gun on Maxie to get the ring back, given Maxie lost it in the first place. I thought it was cute that she decided he needed to give it to Sam in a romantic way. I hope this romantic ring giving event takes place before Carly barges into the Penthouse on Friday demanding Jason's help once again and he nearly dies. I hope Jason and Sam get at least one more romantic moment before everything changes and Jason fights for his life. One more memory to hold on to that will help him pull through those dark few weeks we wait for him to wake up and survive all the surgeries.
Today was a good GH day. I didn't watch a full episode last week. I was getting worried but things are looking up. I am hopeful again and we all should be. Call the comment lines. Write the letters, send the emails. FIGHT FOR OUR SOAP.
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