Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


There were several definite battles brewing around Port Charles this morning.  Some battles where for a child, some battles for love, and some battles just because they like battles. I guess the saying, though, can be true: "Battles by morning. Love by the afternoon."

No one can be more sad then myself about the battle for a child between two very loving and responsible parents.  Both Carly and Jax are so extremely stubborn they are not willing to compromise.  We all had hoped Jax had buried the hatchet for Sonny when he married Carly.  We quickly learned that Jax was lying.  Even after the Dante/Dominique mess we thought Jax had accepted Sonny as part of Carly's life.  Carly and Jax seemed more in love then ever and Jax finally appeared to have gotten over his history with Sonny.  For that moment everything was perfect.  Everything was how it should have been.  But then that moment was gone, as soon as Brenda arrived in Port Charles everything changed.  Jax changed back to being more concerned about getting revenge on Sonny then to being with his wife and child.  He fought before so hard to get Carly back and prove to her he loved her but once Brenda showed up in town he just pushed all that aside in a rapid fashion.  He stopped wanted to give his daughter a family and wanted to just take her away from her existing one.  He used Josslyn as a bargaining chip and stop seeing her as an innocent child.  He wanted Sonny, Carly and Jason to suffer because he had screwed up and lost Carly.  While Jax is innocent of the drug charges and all the other charges, he is not innocent of much else.  He is not innocent of using his child as a pawn in his long-standing battle with Sonny. He is not innocent of bending and breaking the law by paying the mediator to say Carly's home wasn't a safe environment for a child.  He also wasn't innocent in destroying another relationship between Sonny and Brenda.  So if you think Jax is an innocent bi-standard in all of this - think again.  He entered this war over 14 years ago with Sonny and he has hurt countless amounts of people in countless battles and sadly Josslyn is just another causality along the way.  So I accept the courts ruling that Carly get custody of Josslyn because she is not a danger to this child as much as Jax is a danger to himself anymore. 

Sonny is no saint in all of this.  He can be evil and hash and calculating too. Not to mention Sonny loves a battle any day and any time.   But for Sonny his biggest battle will be with Brenda.  Sonny and Brenda had so much potential, I am sad to see that not even 6 months after they finally got back together and we finally got a Brenda and Sonny wedding after so many years  that their great love is dissipating like ashes in the wind.  Brenda, who can't even seem to say the name Carly, is so bitter and hung up on realities of the past she can't just love and accept Sonny the way he is.  Sonny accepted Brenda completely at their wedding no matter what, even the secrets and he said he would never walk out on her again.  But for Brenda those vows were only superficial.  She didn't really mean them because if she would have she would have accepted Sonny's life, his ex-wives, his children, his children's mothers, his business, his attorney being at beckon call and everything that comes with it.  But she couldn't or rather she wouldn't.  She knew what type of person Sonny was and what he does for a living.  She could not focus passed her own insecurities to ever be a good wife to Sonny.  For that matter, Brenda can't focus passed her own insecurities to be a good mother to Alec.  Brenda has her own battles with her insecurities that will be her own ruin far before anyone else can even try.

Battles in love down always have to be a bitter end like they have been for Carly and Jax and Sonny and Brenda.  Love can survive.  It is possible that love will triumph through many battles and come out the other side stronger and more complete then ever.  That is true for Jason and Sam.  In 2007, their love was put to the ultimate test, a test they didn't think it would survive or did survive, but to their surprise, it did.  Jason and Sam had their hands full today when broken-hearted Molly came to their door.  Molly is only 13 yrs old.  She has never experienced love but has read about it so much in books she has romanticized every aspect of love to the point the love she goes on and on about never has a chance of existing.  However, Jason and Sam were quick to show her real love does exist and is the greatest power on earth.
Jason to Molly: "Things don't always workout the way we want. People do make mistakes that doesn't mean they weren't in love.  It does exist and you will know it when you find it." Jason looking at Sam with his hungry eyes the whole time he told Molly this.
Aawwwww! And everyone watching just melted in that instant.  In that instance we knew Jason was not only talking to Molly, he was talking to Sam.  He was telling her in 2006 and 2007 he made catastrophic mistakes that hurt Sam so much, but he didn't do them because he wasn't in love.  He has never stopped loving her and never will.  You could read that on his face.
Molly is wise beyond her years.  After talking to Jason and Sam she could clearly see, she doesn't need books to tell her all about love.  She can see the real thing right in front of her with Jason and Sam.  Their love has withstood gigantic battles from psycho tattooed stalkers, man-made super viruses, memory loss, a multitude bullets and gun shot wounds, high-maintenance well meaning friends, hostile mob take-overs, and yes, even Elizabeth's vagina who tries to conquer all.  This couple has survived it all.   
In the moment while Jason listened to Sam talk to Molly, he no longer battled in his head when he was going to ask Sam to marry him.  He knew while he watched her explain love to Molly that he loved Sam so much he could not wait another night without asking her.  He wants to spend the rest of his life with her, he wants to prove to her she is the one person he will do anything for.  In that instant it all became crystal clear for Jason. It is now time to prove to Sam how much he loves her.  After Molly left Jason was so cute asking Sam to dinner.  Sam, while mildly skeptical was as darling as ever too.  She knows he is up to something but she doesn't know what exactly.  The last thing she suspects is a proposal. I can't wait for this love in the afternoon after all the battles.

Make sure to tune in EVERYDAY this week for the proposal week.  Try to get JaSam trending during GH on twitter if you have an account.  Check all the latest GH spoiler sites and other GH fan sites.  Remember ALL JaSam fan sites are wonderful.  Keep the JaSam love in the air.  Call the comment lines and tell them how happy you are with GH.  Also write, email and do what you can to SAVE OUR SOAPS! 

Today's show:
thank you LuckiBelle for posting!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, today's JaSam scenes were just so much love. The looks they gave each other and the words that were spoken. *flutter* I was in JaSam heaven. And it´s only going to get better. EEEEEEE!
