Or was it? Today was Garin Wolf's official first day as Head Writer for GH. We have all read a lot about this and heard the actors are excited about this new direction. I too, for the most part, am very excited about a change for GH. This has been viewed as a possible solution to keep GH from being sucked off the air along with its fellow daytime dramas of AMC and OLTL. GH is ABC's daytime drama flagship so I hope this plan works. Today's show wasn't without a lot of hype which I think set a lot of our expectations a bit higher then they should have been. Just remember Rome wasn't built in a day, folks. Brick by brick my child, brick by brick. Even though there is a new Head Writer, there are a lot of story lines and characters that need tweaking and that might take a long while to tweak. I will admit my expectations were extremely high after reading the Garin Wolf interview out on abc.com before the show and the whole "It's a brand new day" slogans all over the place for today's show. In some areas I could feel the positive shift in the wind but in others I felt some of it fell short. But remember this is only day 1. The road is long and we are only on mile marker 1, there are a lot of repairs and improvement projects along this road. So take a deep breath, sit back and enjoy the drive. I have a feeling this will be the ride of GH's life.
Some areas I felt the positive improvement was with Scrubs today. Oh wow, they were so cute today. I don't think Guza knew what to do with married couples on GH. He wasn't very good at keeping folks married. But I love that Garin Wolf is showing married folks are fun too. They can be hot, sexy and absolutely in sync with each other like Patrick and Robin were today. Marriage isn't boring for all. It is not a reason to get in screaming matches 24x7 like Sonny & Brenda thought it was all about. Robin and Patrick show us marriage is fun and sexy. Not to mention they are showing that they have over come the worst and are stronger then ever. I am loving it!!!!
I like the tidbit about the possible mystery coming to the Davis girls. I love that style of a hint of a mysterious storyline approaching. So if Krissy is feeling odd when will Sam or Molly start to feel odd? I am excited about this new story, I just hope it also involves Sam.
We were promised to see JaSam after we have not seen them since the epic proposal. There is no way their scenes today could have lived up to the last time we saw them. I was hoping they would be in bed still celebrating but to my disappointment no. But it was cute how Sam and Jason had at least a couple of seconds to be happy before the interruptions started again. It was so darling to watch Jason and Sam on the balcony talking about the story of how Maxie lost Sam's engagement ring. Sam describe her current lug-nut hardware ring as unconventional and that is a wonderful way to describe Jason and Sam. They are unconventional but madly in love. Maybe that was Garin Wolf's point when he wrote so many interruptions for our super couple today. Most couples only get on occasional interruption like Epiphany barging into a hospital room where a couple is getting busy, but oh no Jason and Sam can't just have an occasional interruption. Oh no, no, no, that is far too few, they must have an entire clown car of interruptions unleashed at their door apparently. I know it is classic JaSam to be interrupted very 2 seconds but I hope this stops very soon. I was hoping Jason and Sam would at least get 1 kiss or one hug in before the frenzy started at their door but no such luck.
I know Monica is upset and rightfully so but this is not all Jason's fault. Jason wanted to tell Monica about Jake years ago but Elizabeth begged him not to. So he respected her wishes. He went along with her because she convinced him it was best. Jason knows now he was so absolutely wrong to go along with Elizabeth's plan. He knows now all the lies and secrets only cost him a chance to know his child and for his family to know that child. She didn't do him any favors by lying to everyone and saying the child was Lucky's because that didn't save child but only denied him a relationship with is father.
Just as Monica left and Jason was given a picture of his childhood that he has no memory of, who should come barging through their door but Elizabeth. She ran straight into Jason's arms like it was the 2006 blackout. Sweetheart Elizabeth, it ain't 2006 anymore where everyone thinks you are a delicate little flower and could never cheat on your husband, sleep with another woman's man, lie, manipulate, betray, concoct evil conniving schemes to decease all about all your children's paternity, sleep with your best friend's husband and fiance's brother, screw up in the OR almost killing someone and push someone off a roof (oh wait that happens later this week). :-) Elizabeth is no saint anymore and everyone knows it. But her loss of her child was real. She is haunted by it and is clearly needing some help dealing with it. But running to all her children's fathers for support probably isn't the best method to help her become strong again. Siobhan is annoying and can be kind of mean but she in the past she has been good at calling Liz out on her crap. However, I think Siobhan has gone a little too far now with telling Liz she is the reason Jake is dead. Siobhan has gone from preaching the truth to being down right evil herself. She clearly has never suffered a loss of any proportion like Liz has because otherwise she would never say those evil things. Every parent blames themselves in some way when a child is lost even if it is a little. Siobhan is far from the spicy girl Lucky picked up in a the bar now. But I think Elizabeth needs to hear those harsh words from Siobhan so she realizes how others see her now. She isn't this little delicate flower anymore that needs everyone to take care of her. She needs to learn to stand on her own two feet and build herself back up. I think Elizabeth will struggle with this for a long time which is only expected but she does at least realize she needs to do this for her.
Elizabeth needed to hear that Jason and Sam are engaged to clearly show her she can't just keep running to her children's fathers all the time for support. Sam was so kind to Elizabeth. Sam is so understanding of the connection Liz and Jason share. The connection isn't that there is some hidden old romantic feelings and it never was between Liz and Jason. The connection they shared was a child and even with the child gone they still are connected for that reason and only that reason. Sam reminded Elizabeth she respects their connection and is the bigger person. Sam is so kind and mature and offered Elizabeth words of wisdom and advice. Sam reminded Jason yet another reason why he loves her so much and wants to spend the rest of his life with her when he watched Sam talk to Elizabeth.
There is no other woman for Jason. He is all about Sam. Sam reminded Jason she accepts everything and everyone in his life including the clown car of crazy interruptions that come knocking on their door every single day. She loves him completely and he loves her. She knows just what to say to let him know how much she loves him. She cheered him up and talked him into going for a ride where they could be away from the interruptions and just be together.
Don't write GH and Garin Wolf's new approach to the show off yet. It's just the first day. Keep patient, keep watching and remember there is a bright new future ahead, let's watch it together. I am still hopeful and optimistic of what is coming. Keep the faith everyone! Call the comment line with positive comments. Fight to keep GH on the air.
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Believe It!!
Oh my goodness, can you believe today has finally arrived? Believe it! For the last 7 years we have been waiting for a planned JaSam proposal. Even though this is the 3rd proposal for JaSam, this one was planned and felt much more like this is the real deal. Our day has arrived. After so many years of watching this amazing couple build a stronger and stronger relationship, we finally got the proposal we have been waiting for all these times. If I were my 3 yr old daughter, I know what her reaction would be. She would be dancing around screaming from the top of her lungs, "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER." That is about what I felt like doing all day today. I hope I was this excited the day I got engaged. LOL - only kidding but I was pretty excited today.
I am not even going to discuss the other stories that took place today because to me they were just white noise. I did rejoice a little knowing this was the last day we would see Brenda for a while. But overall I didn't even notice the other issues in Port Charles today. My focus was only on the most important reason I watch the show.
Sam in no one's fool. She knew Jason was up to something. At first she might have not suspected a proposal but then after she added everything up it was clear what Jason's intentions were for the evening. She knew Jason was going to propose and she already had decided she was going to say yes. I remember when my husband proposed to me I clued in much like Sam but didn't want to steal his thunder in all that he had planned. So instead of blurting out in the car as he whisked me away on a romantic weekend get away (which was completely unlike him to do), "Are you going to propose?" I caught myself in mid-sentence and asked "Are you going to...to....to pass me the M&M's?" that were sitting in the bag of goodies he had bought for the trip. I knew what he was up to. I was jumping out of my skin with excitement the entire weekend and after the first night had pretty much convinced myself I must have been wrong. Then he finally proposed when we were on a hike by a stream. But much to his surprise I was so excited, I tackled him screaming "YES" about 100 times and knocked him into the rapidly passing freezing cold water. That's a moment I hope I never forget!
I don't think Sam will ever forget today either. Sam is her own person and Jason knows this. He never thought about asking Sam's mother's blessing because he knows Sam is her own person and what she decides is what really matters. However, Sam wanted to talk to her mother about it because she wanted to make sure Alexis was going to accept them engaged this time. Alexis was less then supportive the last time these two got engaged even before she knew she was Sam's mother. Sam didn't value Alexis' opinion last time around. However, this time their relationship has very much matured. Sam has shown Alexis she wants to be part of Jason's life and she can handle it. Alexis has matured all too. She no longer convinced Jason is a bad person. She isn't crazy about the risks he takes or the lifestyle he leads but she knows that he loves her daughter to no end. Alexis knows Sam's heart is safe with Jason and that there is no other man in this planet that could make Sam this happy. So Alexis finally gave Sam her blessing and even admitted that she was a little jealous that Sam had found the love Molly could only read about in books. Sam is living proof that love does exist. Maybe this will give her a little hope for her own personal life. Maybe there is hope for love after all for Alexis Davis...just maybe.
Alexis was so excited for Sam she was very quick to spill the beans to Kristina just like a real mom should be. I think Sam was stunned that her mother was so excited about this news that she told Kristina. Sam still looked a bit terrified but she recovered in time to meet Jason on the roof.
Poor Jason. I was really surprised Maxie wasn't the next thing off that roof. Though Jason knew after going down 16 flights of stairs that Maxie would never do this on purpose. They are the perfect older brother/little bratty sister combination. I love their friendship. Maxie is so honest and explains it to Jason from a woman's perceptive. Maxie partially convinced herself this was might be an omen but Jason was quick to point out to her this was no omen, this was an accident. Maxie explained proposing without a ring is more of a "what if" and I think Jason took that to heart. He realized there was some truth to what Maxie was saying. He had absolutely no intention of giving Sam the impression this is just a "What If". He wanted to give her proof.
Jason's breath was taken away when Sam met him on the roof. She looked stunning. He knew in that second, this was so right to propose to Sam. He watched her walk over to him he was thinking, 'this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.' A sort of peace washed over him.
Sam: "Am I late?"
Jason: "You're perfect."
Sam: "Thank you - I didn't mean to keep you waiting. Jason, this... is beautiful."
Jason: "Maxie helped."
Sam: "Did she pick out your shirt too?"
Jason: "Yeah, how did you know?"
Sam: "Because you never wear blue and this is something Maxie would pick out it matches your eyes."
Jason: "Do you want me to wear more blue? I mean blacks for work but I can wear more blue."
Sam: "Absolutely not. I don't need you to change a thing to please me."
Sam said it all with that. She has never wanted Jason to change. She accepts everything about him. While so many other couples fell apart today in Port Charles because they could not accept each other and tried to change one another, our super couple remained rock solid. The reason is because they never tried to change one another. They accept one another completely and that is absolutely beautiful.
Sam: "Candles and roof tops and dinner have nothing to do with real love."
Jason: "Well tonight they do."
Jason has never been this romantic in his entire life. It works for him. I didn't think it was possible but he is even hotter and sexier when he is being romantic with his girl. Jason isn't afraid of telling Sam how he feels. He isn't afraid to show her either. Jason knows he has the love of a lifetime and he knows he needs to make sure she knows how much she means to him. Jason took Sam's hands and it sent electric energy through both of them.
The Proposal
Jason: "...I learned from what I lost and I will never take time or love for granted again. I love you so much. And I would be honored to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"
Sam: "First, I want you to know I love you. I didn't even understand the meaning of that word until I met you. You have changed everything for me."
Jason: "Is that a yes?"
In classic Sam fashion she rambled on in the most adorable way we all know it vintage Sam. Jason began to sweat. He was a little afraid she was going to say she did not want to marry him.
Sam: "If you are asking me because you think it will make me happy. I want you to know, I am already happy. Every morning that I wake up and you are next to me, every time you walk out a door and look back for just a second to notice me, all the little ways you let me know that I matter...That is what I want for the rest of my life. I don't care about a ceremony, or a ring or a dress. I don't care about being Mrs. Jason Morgan or Sam McCall. Jason, I just want you."
Jason: "You have me,"
Sam: "k"
Jason: "..Every day for the rest of my life. But if it is okay with you, I would still like us to get married."
Again in classic Sam fashion she was so excited and began to ramble just the way Jason loved to hear her go on. It was so cute when she told him a wedding was a lot of work and her sisters are already planning things. He was relieved for a second realizing she had already told her family. He began to even search for the answer. Teasing if he needed to ask her mother or her sister.
Jason: "Did you tell them the answer? Should I call your mom or your sister?"
Sam: "Yes, I mean no. You don't have to call Kristina. I mean I can answer for myself."
Sam: "Yes, Jason! Yes, I will marry you."
Jason: "Are you sure?"
Sam: "Absolutely yes. And truthfully now that I have said it out loud, I can't imagine anything more then on this planet then being your wife."
Sam: "I can't believe we are getting married!"
Jason: "Believe it!"
Believe me, I truly believe it this time and I think so does everyone watching. I hope this attracted even non-soap viewers.
That was the most incredible proposal in all of daytime! I cried right along with Sam. I was at a loss of words for the longest time after that proposal. Even people who may not be big Jason and Sam fans, can not deny, that was the greatest proposal ever!!!!!
Jason was so cute when he explained to Sam what happened to the ring. Sam looked like she might go knock Maxie upside the head for a second there. But when Jason pulled out the nut and gave it to her it was darling, funny, very memorable and extremely sweet. He could not wait another minute to ask Sam so he grabbed that nut and ran to the roof. That was the most epic episode of GH I have ever seen and I have been watching since Luke and Laura days!
Every person watching GH today can't deny, their hearts were in a flutter watching that incredible proposal. We know this was just acting but that was some of the best acting I have ever seen in all my life. Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco deserve emmy's for their work on GH. They have made this couple magical and have resurrected daytime drama. Make sure to vote for them on SOD everyday. Make sure to get them on top!
This is your official Save the date for 9/23/2011 announcement. According to GH facebook page the date has been set. Call in sick, take the day off, watch it live!! http://www.facebook.com/generalhospital . We will boost those rating so high ABC will never cancel GH!
If you haven't already watched this episode over 1000 times like me, watch it again on ABC.com for the ratings tomorrow. Watch it on hulu too. But also watch on YouTube if you get the chance.
Thank you Luckibelle for posting.
Call those comment lines, send those letters, emails and notes. Thank them for an incredible show. Let's channel all this positive energy into saving our show indefinitely.
I am not even going to discuss the other stories that took place today because to me they were just white noise. I did rejoice a little knowing this was the last day we would see Brenda for a while. But overall I didn't even notice the other issues in Port Charles today. My focus was only on the most important reason I watch the show.
Sam in no one's fool. She knew Jason was up to something. At first she might have not suspected a proposal but then after she added everything up it was clear what Jason's intentions were for the evening. She knew Jason was going to propose and she already had decided she was going to say yes. I remember when my husband proposed to me I clued in much like Sam but didn't want to steal his thunder in all that he had planned. So instead of blurting out in the car as he whisked me away on a romantic weekend get away (which was completely unlike him to do), "Are you going to propose?" I caught myself in mid-sentence and asked "Are you going to...to....to pass me the M&M's?" that were sitting in the bag of goodies he had bought for the trip. I knew what he was up to. I was jumping out of my skin with excitement the entire weekend and after the first night had pretty much convinced myself I must have been wrong. Then he finally proposed when we were on a hike by a stream. But much to his surprise I was so excited, I tackled him screaming "YES" about 100 times and knocked him into the rapidly passing freezing cold water. That's a moment I hope I never forget!
I don't think Sam will ever forget today either. Sam is her own person and Jason knows this. He never thought about asking Sam's mother's blessing because he knows Sam is her own person and what she decides is what really matters. However, Sam wanted to talk to her mother about it because she wanted to make sure Alexis was going to accept them engaged this time. Alexis was less then supportive the last time these two got engaged even before she knew she was Sam's mother. Sam didn't value Alexis' opinion last time around. However, this time their relationship has very much matured. Sam has shown Alexis she wants to be part of Jason's life and she can handle it. Alexis has matured all too. She no longer convinced Jason is a bad person. She isn't crazy about the risks he takes or the lifestyle he leads but she knows that he loves her daughter to no end. Alexis knows Sam's heart is safe with Jason and that there is no other man in this planet that could make Sam this happy. So Alexis finally gave Sam her blessing and even admitted that she was a little jealous that Sam had found the love Molly could only read about in books. Sam is living proof that love does exist. Maybe this will give her a little hope for her own personal life. Maybe there is hope for love after all for Alexis Davis...just maybe.
Alexis was so excited for Sam she was very quick to spill the beans to Kristina just like a real mom should be. I think Sam was stunned that her mother was so excited about this news that she told Kristina. Sam still looked a bit terrified but she recovered in time to meet Jason on the roof.
Poor Jason. I was really surprised Maxie wasn't the next thing off that roof. Though Jason knew after going down 16 flights of stairs that Maxie would never do this on purpose. They are the perfect older brother/little bratty sister combination. I love their friendship. Maxie is so honest and explains it to Jason from a woman's perceptive. Maxie partially convinced herself this was might be an omen but Jason was quick to point out to her this was no omen, this was an accident. Maxie explained proposing without a ring is more of a "what if" and I think Jason took that to heart. He realized there was some truth to what Maxie was saying. He had absolutely no intention of giving Sam the impression this is just a "What If". He wanted to give her proof.
Jason's breath was taken away when Sam met him on the roof. She looked stunning. He knew in that second, this was so right to propose to Sam. He watched her walk over to him he was thinking, 'this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.' A sort of peace washed over him.
Sam: "Am I late?"
Jason: "You're perfect."
Sam: "Thank you - I didn't mean to keep you waiting. Jason, this... is beautiful."
Jason: "Maxie helped."
Sam: "Did she pick out your shirt too?"
Jason: "Yeah, how did you know?"
Sam: "Because you never wear blue and this is something Maxie would pick out it matches your eyes."
Jason: "Do you want me to wear more blue? I mean blacks for work but I can wear more blue."
Sam: "Absolutely not. I don't need you to change a thing to please me."
Sam said it all with that. She has never wanted Jason to change. She accepts everything about him. While so many other couples fell apart today in Port Charles because they could not accept each other and tried to change one another, our super couple remained rock solid. The reason is because they never tried to change one another. They accept one another completely and that is absolutely beautiful.
Sam: "Candles and roof tops and dinner have nothing to do with real love."
Jason: "Well tonight they do."
Jason has never been this romantic in his entire life. It works for him. I didn't think it was possible but he is even hotter and sexier when he is being romantic with his girl. Jason isn't afraid of telling Sam how he feels. He isn't afraid to show her either. Jason knows he has the love of a lifetime and he knows he needs to make sure she knows how much she means to him. Jason took Sam's hands and it sent electric energy through both of them.
The Proposal
Jason: "...I learned from what I lost and I will never take time or love for granted again. I love you so much. And I would be honored to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"
Sam: "First, I want you to know I love you. I didn't even understand the meaning of that word until I met you. You have changed everything for me."
Jason: "Is that a yes?"
In classic Sam fashion she rambled on in the most adorable way we all know it vintage Sam. Jason began to sweat. He was a little afraid she was going to say she did not want to marry him.
Sam: "If you are asking me because you think it will make me happy. I want you to know, I am already happy. Every morning that I wake up and you are next to me, every time you walk out a door and look back for just a second to notice me, all the little ways you let me know that I matter...That is what I want for the rest of my life. I don't care about a ceremony, or a ring or a dress. I don't care about being Mrs. Jason Morgan or Sam McCall. Jason, I just want you."
Jason: "You have me,"
Sam: "k"
Jason: "..Every day for the rest of my life. But if it is okay with you, I would still like us to get married."
Again in classic Sam fashion she was so excited and began to ramble just the way Jason loved to hear her go on. It was so cute when she told him a wedding was a lot of work and her sisters are already planning things. He was relieved for a second realizing she had already told her family. He began to even search for the answer. Teasing if he needed to ask her mother or her sister.
Jason: "Did you tell them the answer? Should I call your mom or your sister?"
Sam: "Yes, I mean no. You don't have to call Kristina. I mean I can answer for myself."
Sam: "Yes, Jason! Yes, I will marry you."
Jason: "Are you sure?"
Sam: "Absolutely yes. And truthfully now that I have said it out loud, I can't imagine anything more then on this planet then being your wife."
Sam: "I can't believe we are getting married!"
Jason: "Believe it!"
Believe me, I truly believe it this time and I think so does everyone watching. I hope this attracted even non-soap viewers.
That was the most incredible proposal in all of daytime! I cried right along with Sam. I was at a loss of words for the longest time after that proposal. Even people who may not be big Jason and Sam fans, can not deny, that was the greatest proposal ever!!!!!
Jason was so cute when he explained to Sam what happened to the ring. Sam looked like she might go knock Maxie upside the head for a second there. But when Jason pulled out the nut and gave it to her it was darling, funny, very memorable and extremely sweet. He could not wait another minute to ask Sam so he grabbed that nut and ran to the roof. That was the most epic episode of GH I have ever seen and I have been watching since Luke and Laura days!
Every person watching GH today can't deny, their hearts were in a flutter watching that incredible proposal. We know this was just acting but that was some of the best acting I have ever seen in all my life. Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco deserve emmy's for their work on GH. They have made this couple magical and have resurrected daytime drama. Make sure to vote for them on SOD everyday. Make sure to get them on top!
This is your official Save the date for 9/23/2011 announcement. According to GH facebook page the date has been set. Call in sick, take the day off, watch it live!! http://www.facebook.com/generalhospital . We will boost those rating so high ABC will never cancel GH!
If you haven't already watched this episode over 1000 times like me, watch it again on ABC.com for the ratings tomorrow. Watch it on hulu too. But also watch on YouTube if you get the chance.
Thank you Luckibelle for posting.
Call those comment lines, send those letters, emails and notes. Thank them for an incredible show. Let's channel all this positive energy into saving our show indefinitely.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
How incredibly special was today's episode of GH? Sometimes we want to break out of the ordinary and do something special.
I know some were focused on the absolute fall out of Carly and Jax and Brenda and Sonny. Nothing felt special about the drama going on between those once amazing couples except how quickly they have fallen apart. You could almost clock it with an egg timer how fast Sonny and Brenda fell apart. It was hard to focus on the silver lining of all of the screaming going on between these couples recently. I think the actors must go home at night with soar throats from having to yell at their on-screen spouses so much in the past weeks. It is hard to see past all the anger and bitterness. However, if you looked very close you could see what was special was to see how special of a relationship Carly and Sonny still have. Jax and Brenda are each other's back up plans and always have been. But Carly and Sonny still love each other enough to want to see each other happy. They have a special bond NO ONE, not even their current (soon to be ex's) spouses, can understand.
Jason wanted to take Sam to a special dinner and do something special just the two of them. Sam was instantly inquisitive since the man usually would jump at a chance to stay home with Sam but instead he wants to go out to dinner. Jason was so cute when he was describing dinner on the roof to Sam. She noticed instantly he was nervous and he tried to cover. Jason didn't want just an ordinary dinner with Sam of chinese food and beer. He wanted something special because he knows she deserves something special for their proposal. Sam's no dumbie, she knows something is up. She knows Jason has something planned but she isn't sure it is a proposal because she thinks Jason had talked himself out of that idea. So she isn't completely sure what he is up to. Jason is so much more romantic this time around with Sam then he ever has been. There is nothing sexier then watching Jason plan something for Sam and teasing her about it in the process. This couple is so smoking hot it is insane. Jason's little smile like a child that is up to something was unmistakeably the cutest hottest thing we have seen in a while. Just when these two could not get any cuter, Jason tells Sam "Maybe it is a ride I want to take you on." awwwwww flutter and melt.
We are in JaSam haven. We have wanted this for so many years that now it is here we can hardly contain ourselves. I have been in the best mood all week because this is our week. The week we have waited over 7 years for. This time it will be right. Our couple is more in love then ever and we are more in love with them then ever.
How incredibly cute was our super couple sitting on the couch together. Then Jason basically leading Sam out the door to go back to her place to get ready was darling. I have been wondering if they officially live together or not. I think she still has her place because otherwise why would he kick her out to go get ready. Thier dialog was so adorable while Jason pushed Sam out the door.
Sam: "Wait hold on a second. Should I wear something tactful or trendy?"
She was so incredibly cute when she put up her hands for tactful. This is why we love Sam because she can be so crazy cute sometimes.
Jason: "I think you should wear what ever makes you feel beautiful. I mean, not that you need much help with that.."
I loved how that kiss left Sam dizzy and she bumped into the door. This is why this couple is so smoking hot special. Not only are they the most amazing love story they are also really cute and funny. They are magic!
Sam went to see her mother to talk about her mother's least favorite subject: LOVE. Alexis isn't good at relationships. I will never forget Alexis and Ned's wedding as she sprinted away. Alexis has never really been overly lucky in love. Alexis has never been able to show love can last forever to her youngest daughter. Love is a touchy topic for her but I think Alexis knows this day is coming. The day that Jason and Sam get married. I think while we are all sure she'll tell Sam how dangerous Jason is blah blah blah, we'll all be very surprised to hear her response tomorrow. I think Alexis will surprise us all and see that her oldest daughter has something special with Jason and that you only find that once in a life time. She'll actually be supportive of this union - I hope.
The following scenes would not have been nearly as funny if Jason had asked anyone else for help with getting things prepared. I love Maxie and Jason scenes because while she drives him crazy, they have actually become pretty good friends through the years.
Jason's pick of ring for Sam was perfect. That was the simplistic beauty Sam would appreciate. Of course it is too bad Maxie knocked it off the roof so she'll never see it. I had seen that scene about 20 times already since it was the sneak peek for the week. But it still did not make that scene any less entertaining. Maxie's face and the way she looks over the edge when she drops the ring was classic. I love how neither of them looked at each other. She was too scared she was the next thing over the ledge on the balcony. Oh I laughed so hard my sides ached watching those scenes. Jason looks like he is going to kill her and she looks like she just swallowed an canary.
Note to self Maxie: One should never throw the extremely expensive engagement ring of a mob enforcer's over the edge of a balcony 15 stories up if you want to live very long there after.
The acting and writing today was absolutely top notch by everyone on the show today. Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton were flawless and absolutely incredible both in their own unique special ways. Always make sure to vote for them as top actor/actress in SOD daily. Make sure they know we love them.
Laura Wright was also incredible today. She has make Carly such a wonder character that I truly love now. Who ever thought anyone could make Carly a likeable character after Sarah Joy Brown left that role years ago.
Show your love for GH. Call the comment lines, write, email and post comments on the GH page on FB. GUSH about the show and our couple. Comment Line # 323-671-4583. ABC contact us site http://abc.go.com/site/contact-us And GH Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/generalhospital
I know some were focused on the absolute fall out of Carly and Jax and Brenda and Sonny. Nothing felt special about the drama going on between those once amazing couples except how quickly they have fallen apart. You could almost clock it with an egg timer how fast Sonny and Brenda fell apart. It was hard to focus on the silver lining of all of the screaming going on between these couples recently. I think the actors must go home at night with soar throats from having to yell at their on-screen spouses so much in the past weeks. It is hard to see past all the anger and bitterness. However, if you looked very close you could see what was special was to see how special of a relationship Carly and Sonny still have. Jax and Brenda are each other's back up plans and always have been. But Carly and Sonny still love each other enough to want to see each other happy. They have a special bond NO ONE, not even their current (soon to be ex's) spouses, can understand.
Jason wanted to take Sam to a special dinner and do something special just the two of them. Sam was instantly inquisitive since the man usually would jump at a chance to stay home with Sam but instead he wants to go out to dinner. Jason was so cute when he was describing dinner on the roof to Sam. She noticed instantly he was nervous and he tried to cover. Jason didn't want just an ordinary dinner with Sam of chinese food and beer. He wanted something special because he knows she deserves something special for their proposal. Sam's no dumbie, she knows something is up. She knows Jason has something planned but she isn't sure it is a proposal because she thinks Jason had talked himself out of that idea. So she isn't completely sure what he is up to. Jason is so much more romantic this time around with Sam then he ever has been. There is nothing sexier then watching Jason plan something for Sam and teasing her about it in the process. This couple is so smoking hot it is insane. Jason's little smile like a child that is up to something was unmistakeably the cutest hottest thing we have seen in a while. Just when these two could not get any cuter, Jason tells Sam "Maybe it is a ride I want to take you on." awwwwww flutter and melt.
We are in JaSam haven. We have wanted this for so many years that now it is here we can hardly contain ourselves. I have been in the best mood all week because this is our week. The week we have waited over 7 years for. This time it will be right. Our couple is more in love then ever and we are more in love with them then ever.
How incredibly cute was our super couple sitting on the couch together. Then Jason basically leading Sam out the door to go back to her place to get ready was darling. I have been wondering if they officially live together or not. I think she still has her place because otherwise why would he kick her out to go get ready. Thier dialog was so adorable while Jason pushed Sam out the door.
Sam: "Wait hold on a second. Should I wear something tactful or trendy?"
She was so incredibly cute when she put up her hands for tactful. This is why we love Sam because she can be so crazy cute sometimes.
Jason: "I think you should wear what ever makes you feel beautiful. I mean, not that you need much help with that.."
I loved how that kiss left Sam dizzy and she bumped into the door. This is why this couple is so smoking hot special. Not only are they the most amazing love story they are also really cute and funny. They are magic!
Sam went to see her mother to talk about her mother's least favorite subject: LOVE. Alexis isn't good at relationships. I will never forget Alexis and Ned's wedding as she sprinted away. Alexis has never really been overly lucky in love. Alexis has never been able to show love can last forever to her youngest daughter. Love is a touchy topic for her but I think Alexis knows this day is coming. The day that Jason and Sam get married. I think while we are all sure she'll tell Sam how dangerous Jason is blah blah blah, we'll all be very surprised to hear her response tomorrow. I think Alexis will surprise us all and see that her oldest daughter has something special with Jason and that you only find that once in a life time. She'll actually be supportive of this union - I hope.
The following scenes would not have been nearly as funny if Jason had asked anyone else for help with getting things prepared. I love Maxie and Jason scenes because while she drives him crazy, they have actually become pretty good friends through the years.
Jason's pick of ring for Sam was perfect. That was the simplistic beauty Sam would appreciate. Of course it is too bad Maxie knocked it off the roof so she'll never see it. I had seen that scene about 20 times already since it was the sneak peek for the week. But it still did not make that scene any less entertaining. Maxie's face and the way she looks over the edge when she drops the ring was classic. I love how neither of them looked at each other. She was too scared she was the next thing over the ledge on the balcony. Oh I laughed so hard my sides ached watching those scenes. Jason looks like he is going to kill her and she looks like she just swallowed an canary.
Note to self Maxie: One should never throw the extremely expensive engagement ring of a mob enforcer's over the edge of a balcony 15 stories up if you want to live very long there after.
The acting and writing today was absolutely top notch by everyone on the show today. Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton were flawless and absolutely incredible both in their own unique special ways. Always make sure to vote for them as top actor/actress in SOD daily. Make sure they know we love them.
Laura Wright was also incredible today. She has make Carly such a wonder character that I truly love now. Who ever thought anyone could make Carly a likeable character after Sarah Joy Brown left that role years ago.
Show your love for GH. Call the comment lines, write, email and post comments on the GH page on FB. GUSH about the show and our couple. Comment Line # 323-671-4583. ABC contact us site http://abc.go.com/site/contact-us And GH Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/generalhospital
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
There were several definite battles brewing around Port Charles this morning. Some battles where for a child, some battles for love, and some battles just because they like battles. I guess the saying, though, can be true: "Battles by morning. Love by the afternoon."
No one can be more sad then myself about the battle for a child between two very loving and responsible parents. Both Carly and Jax are so extremely stubborn they are not willing to compromise. We all had hoped Jax had buried the hatchet for Sonny when he married Carly. We quickly learned that Jax was lying. Even after the Dante/Dominique mess we thought Jax had accepted Sonny as part of Carly's life. Carly and Jax seemed more in love then ever and Jax finally appeared to have gotten over his history with Sonny. For that moment everything was perfect. Everything was how it should have been. But then that moment was gone, as soon as Brenda arrived in Port Charles everything changed. Jax changed back to being more concerned about getting revenge on Sonny then to being with his wife and child. He fought before so hard to get Carly back and prove to her he loved her but once Brenda showed up in town he just pushed all that aside in a rapid fashion. He stopped wanted to give his daughter a family and wanted to just take her away from her existing one. He used Josslyn as a bargaining chip and stop seeing her as an innocent child. He wanted Sonny, Carly and Jason to suffer because he had screwed up and lost Carly. While Jax is innocent of the drug charges and all the other charges, he is not innocent of much else. He is not innocent of using his child as a pawn in his long-standing battle with Sonny. He is not innocent of bending and breaking the law by paying the mediator to say Carly's home wasn't a safe environment for a child. He also wasn't innocent in destroying another relationship between Sonny and Brenda. So if you think Jax is an innocent bi-standard in all of this - think again. He entered this war over 14 years ago with Sonny and he has hurt countless amounts of people in countless battles and sadly Josslyn is just another causality along the way. So I accept the courts ruling that Carly get custody of Josslyn because she is not a danger to this child as much as Jax is a danger to himself anymore.
Sonny is no saint in all of this. He can be evil and hash and calculating too. Not to mention Sonny loves a battle any day and any time. But for Sonny his biggest battle will be with Brenda. Sonny and Brenda had so much potential, I am sad to see that not even 6 months after they finally got back together and we finally got a Brenda and Sonny wedding after so many years that their great love is dissipating like ashes in the wind. Brenda, who can't even seem to say the name Carly, is so bitter and hung up on realities of the past she can't just love and accept Sonny the way he is. Sonny accepted Brenda completely at their wedding no matter what, even the secrets and he said he would never walk out on her again. But for Brenda those vows were only superficial. She didn't really mean them because if she would have she would have accepted Sonny's life, his ex-wives, his children, his children's mothers, his business, his attorney being at beckon call and everything that comes with it. But she couldn't or rather she wouldn't. She knew what type of person Sonny was and what he does for a living. She could not focus passed her own insecurities to ever be a good wife to Sonny. For that matter, Brenda can't focus passed her own insecurities to be a good mother to Alec. Brenda has her own battles with her insecurities that will be her own ruin far before anyone else can even try.
Battles in love down always have to be a bitter end like they have been for Carly and Jax and Sonny and Brenda. Love can survive. It is possible that love will triumph through many battles and come out the other side stronger and more complete then ever. That is true for Jason and Sam. In 2007, their love was put to the ultimate test, a test they didn't think it would survive or did survive, but to their surprise, it did. Jason and Sam had their hands full today when broken-hearted Molly came to their door. Molly is only 13 yrs old. She has never experienced love but has read about it so much in books she has romanticized every aspect of love to the point the love she goes on and on about never has a chance of existing. However, Jason and Sam were quick to show her real love does exist and is the greatest power on earth.
Jason to Molly: "Things don't always workout the way we want. People do make mistakes that doesn't mean they weren't in love. It does exist and you will know it when you find it." Jason looking at Sam with his hungry eyes the whole time he told Molly this.
Aawwwww! And everyone watching just melted in that instant. In that instance we knew Jason was not only talking to Molly, he was talking to Sam. He was telling her in 2006 and 2007 he made catastrophic mistakes that hurt Sam so much, but he didn't do them because he wasn't in love. He has never stopped loving her and never will. You could read that on his face.
Molly is wise beyond her years. After talking to Jason and Sam she could clearly see, she doesn't need books to tell her all about love. She can see the real thing right in front of her with Jason and Sam. Their love has withstood gigantic battles from psycho tattooed stalkers, man-made super viruses, memory loss, a multitude bullets and gun shot wounds, high-maintenance well meaning friends, hostile mob take-overs, and yes, even Elizabeth's vagina who tries to conquer all. This couple has survived it all.
In the moment while Jason listened to Sam talk to Molly, he no longer battled in his head when he was going to ask Sam to marry him. He knew while he watched her explain love to Molly that he loved Sam so much he could not wait another night without asking her. He wants to spend the rest of his life with her, he wants to prove to her she is the one person he will do anything for. In that instant it all became crystal clear for Jason. It is now time to prove to Sam how much he loves her. After Molly left Jason was so cute asking Sam to dinner. Sam, while mildly skeptical was as darling as ever too. She knows he is up to something but she doesn't know what exactly. The last thing she suspects is a proposal. I can't wait for this love in the afternoon after all the battles.
Make sure to tune in EVERYDAY this week for the proposal week. Try to get JaSam trending during GH on twitter if you have an account. Check all the latest GH spoiler sites and other GH fan sites. Remember ALL JaSam fan sites are wonderful. Keep the JaSam love in the air. Call the comment lines and tell them how happy you are with GH. Also write, email and do what you can to SAVE OUR SOAPS!
Today's show:
thank you LuckiBelle for posting!
No one can be more sad then myself about the battle for a child between two very loving and responsible parents. Both Carly and Jax are so extremely stubborn they are not willing to compromise. We all had hoped Jax had buried the hatchet for Sonny when he married Carly. We quickly learned that Jax was lying. Even after the Dante/Dominique mess we thought Jax had accepted Sonny as part of Carly's life. Carly and Jax seemed more in love then ever and Jax finally appeared to have gotten over his history with Sonny. For that moment everything was perfect. Everything was how it should have been. But then that moment was gone, as soon as Brenda arrived in Port Charles everything changed. Jax changed back to being more concerned about getting revenge on Sonny then to being with his wife and child. He fought before so hard to get Carly back and prove to her he loved her but once Brenda showed up in town he just pushed all that aside in a rapid fashion. He stopped wanted to give his daughter a family and wanted to just take her away from her existing one. He used Josslyn as a bargaining chip and stop seeing her as an innocent child. He wanted Sonny, Carly and Jason to suffer because he had screwed up and lost Carly. While Jax is innocent of the drug charges and all the other charges, he is not innocent of much else. He is not innocent of using his child as a pawn in his long-standing battle with Sonny. He is not innocent of bending and breaking the law by paying the mediator to say Carly's home wasn't a safe environment for a child. He also wasn't innocent in destroying another relationship between Sonny and Brenda. So if you think Jax is an innocent bi-standard in all of this - think again. He entered this war over 14 years ago with Sonny and he has hurt countless amounts of people in countless battles and sadly Josslyn is just another causality along the way. So I accept the courts ruling that Carly get custody of Josslyn because she is not a danger to this child as much as Jax is a danger to himself anymore.
Sonny is no saint in all of this. He can be evil and hash and calculating too. Not to mention Sonny loves a battle any day and any time. But for Sonny his biggest battle will be with Brenda. Sonny and Brenda had so much potential, I am sad to see that not even 6 months after they finally got back together and we finally got a Brenda and Sonny wedding after so many years that their great love is dissipating like ashes in the wind. Brenda, who can't even seem to say the name Carly, is so bitter and hung up on realities of the past she can't just love and accept Sonny the way he is. Sonny accepted Brenda completely at their wedding no matter what, even the secrets and he said he would never walk out on her again. But for Brenda those vows were only superficial. She didn't really mean them because if she would have she would have accepted Sonny's life, his ex-wives, his children, his children's mothers, his business, his attorney being at beckon call and everything that comes with it. But she couldn't or rather she wouldn't. She knew what type of person Sonny was and what he does for a living. She could not focus passed her own insecurities to ever be a good wife to Sonny. For that matter, Brenda can't focus passed her own insecurities to be a good mother to Alec. Brenda has her own battles with her insecurities that will be her own ruin far before anyone else can even try.
Battles in love down always have to be a bitter end like they have been for Carly and Jax and Sonny and Brenda. Love can survive. It is possible that love will triumph through many battles and come out the other side stronger and more complete then ever. That is true for Jason and Sam. In 2007, their love was put to the ultimate test, a test they didn't think it would survive or did survive, but to their surprise, it did. Jason and Sam had their hands full today when broken-hearted Molly came to their door. Molly is only 13 yrs old. She has never experienced love but has read about it so much in books she has romanticized every aspect of love to the point the love she goes on and on about never has a chance of existing. However, Jason and Sam were quick to show her real love does exist and is the greatest power on earth.
Jason to Molly: "Things don't always workout the way we want. People do make mistakes that doesn't mean they weren't in love. It does exist and you will know it when you find it." Jason looking at Sam with his hungry eyes the whole time he told Molly this.
Aawwwww! And everyone watching just melted in that instant. In that instance we knew Jason was not only talking to Molly, he was talking to Sam. He was telling her in 2006 and 2007 he made catastrophic mistakes that hurt Sam so much, but he didn't do them because he wasn't in love. He has never stopped loving her and never will. You could read that on his face.
Molly is wise beyond her years. After talking to Jason and Sam she could clearly see, she doesn't need books to tell her all about love. She can see the real thing right in front of her with Jason and Sam. Their love has withstood gigantic battles from psycho tattooed stalkers, man-made super viruses, memory loss, a multitude bullets and gun shot wounds, high-maintenance well meaning friends, hostile mob take-overs, and yes, even Elizabeth's vagina who tries to conquer all. This couple has survived it all.
In the moment while Jason listened to Sam talk to Molly, he no longer battled in his head when he was going to ask Sam to marry him. He knew while he watched her explain love to Molly that he loved Sam so much he could not wait another night without asking her. He wants to spend the rest of his life with her, he wants to prove to her she is the one person he will do anything for. In that instant it all became crystal clear for Jason. It is now time to prove to Sam how much he loves her. After Molly left Jason was so cute asking Sam to dinner. Sam, while mildly skeptical was as darling as ever too. She knows he is up to something but she doesn't know what exactly. The last thing she suspects is a proposal. I can't wait for this love in the afternoon after all the battles.
Make sure to tune in EVERYDAY this week for the proposal week. Try to get JaSam trending during GH on twitter if you have an account. Check all the latest GH spoiler sites and other GH fan sites. Remember ALL JaSam fan sites are wonderful. Keep the JaSam love in the air. Call the comment lines and tell them how happy you are with GH. Also write, email and do what you can to SAVE OUR SOAPS!
Today's show:
thank you LuckiBelle for posting!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Very Classic
Today there was something in the air in Port Charles. It was the hope of a new future. It was attention to past history and just overall class that made today's show so good. I am so hopeful for the future of GH watching the show this week.
Oh those crazy Quatermines so glad to see them on screen. Today was a great day to see the classic yet priceless Quartmaines in action. Oh how I have missed them. We rarely get to see Tracy interact with her family at ELQ and at work. She is usually chasing Luke down at her other place of business. But not today. I. Tracy is protective of her family business. She has always wanted to run ELQ but her father has always decided that a man should run the business. Tracy should run ELQ because she is money wise and sharp and basically has been running it for a long time. But Tracy isn't perfect and can't see her golden boy Asher is working for Anthony Z. Anthony is extremely crafty and only appears crazy. Hopefully Tracy will be wise to this soon or Michael at least. One of these Quartermaines have to see this before it is too late.
Today it was excited because Monica showed up at ELQ. It was great to see Monica back on screen. She and Tracy deep down love each other. I love watching them on screen together. Who can ask for more classy actresses then Leslie Charleson and Jane Elliot. I truly loved their scenes today. I think it was good Tracy was the one to tell Monica about Jake. It felt right that Tracy would be the only one that felt Monica should know. Everyone else decided she shouldn't know but at least Tracy had enough respect for Monica to tell her. Poor Monica never got to know her grandson. Maybe this will lead to some really good Jason and Monica scenes. Monica does need to be more involved in her son's life. Maybe now they will both accept each other more and Monica will be able to be a part of Jason and Sam's child's life in the future. Sam would never want to cut Monica out like Liz did. Sam has always respected Monica even after she mowed her down in the street.
Maxie could have had better timing today. Jason and Sam getting interrupted is classic JaSam and classic GH. Maxie could not have interrupted Jason and Sam at a worst moment in Jason's eyes. He wanted so badly to propose to Sam right there on the couch to prove to her how much he loved her then to rush her upstairs to prove in another way. But poor Jason didn't get to do that either. Nope, he is going to have to put a lot more thought into this marriage and proposal adventure then he first realized. The first two proposals were more impulsive but this one has to be incredibly thought out because Sam isn't so up on the idea of marriage even if it is to the love of her life, Jason. They have been down this road of engagement before twice and she is still haunted of all the painful memories and broken promises. She isn't about to risk what they have right now to go down that road again without a lot of assurances.
But Maxie did interrupt Jason and Sam's moment but she did have a good reason. Crazy Jackel PI was going after a much crazier Anthony Z. While Maxie thinks Jackel PI is crazy but she does seem to enjoy some aspects of this new personality but will only admit to Jason and Sam. Jason and Sam were a little concerned about the description she provided about the budge in his pocket -both of them were about to scream TMI and cover their ears when she finally spit out it was a gun and Jackel's real plan. I think the longer Jackel PI is around (please Soap Gods don't let it be much longer because he is annoying), Maxie is going to fall more and more for Spinelli again. While the Jackel PI is annoying, his face off with Anthony today made for some amusing scenes. Anthony was so entertained by Jackel PI which is why he isn't sleeping with the fishes right now. Anthony did summarize how most of us feel about this Jackel PI story line: "Frankly Spinelli I don't give a damn!"
While Jason did get through to Sam today and she started to want the same thing he wants but won't admit it to Jason at least yet. Sam admitted it to Maxie why she is so afraid of marriage. I love scenes that show the friendship of Maxie and Sam. Another classic moment for GH to show the years of friendship between these two characters. I think Sam's talk with Maxie only made her realize that she really does want to marry Jason. This is what she wants. She was almost even hoping, as you could see in her eyes, that they would pick up their conversation where they were interrupted but Jason was too afraid this time. Jason knows he only gets one last shot at this marriage proposal idea with Sam. He has to do it right so it can't be spur of the moment. He knows it has to be planned and magical to win over Sam's humongous doubts of the formality of marriage. I think if Jason would have brought up marriage again right then with Sam she might have said yes but she might also said no. Jason didn't want to risk that. Though she looked so sad when she went back to the office you could tell she wanted him to ask her. Just when Sam has abandoned all hope that Jason was serious about wanting to get married or ask her to marry him, Jason told Maxie the greatest thing we have heard all day.
Jason to Maxie: "Maxie, you can stop trying to convince me. I am going to propose to Sam. Just don't know when and I have to make sure I am going to do it the right way."
Oh my goodness - even though I knew this was coming based on the promo I jumped out of my seat let out a squeal like my 3 yr old and have not stopped smiling since. Classic JaSam! Jason wants to marry Sam like he always has wanted to. He has never stopped wanting her to be his wife. He has always pushed to make sure she knows how much he loves her and wants her in his life. He is showing us once again ever since they met in 2003 at the PCPD his life has never been the same. She is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to him and he will not forget it or let it go unnoticed.
GH has been so great lately I can't stop watching. I watch the episodes over and over on my DVR and if I have a chance I watch it on abc.com to help ratings and then after that I watch it on YT. The whole show is good lately...well except DuDu story line but I just ignore them because the rest is amazing!
Call the comment lines, go to abc.com and give them feedback on how amazing GH is right now. Tell them we are so happy that GH is moving in the direction it is right now and we will not stop watching. We want GH to remain on TV forever!
The last two days have been amazing for Jason and Sam fans. Over 11 minutes each day of air time! It has been amazing and I hope ratings are spiking right now. GW will see JaSam are the reason we all watch.
Oh those crazy Quatermines so glad to see them on screen. Today was a great day to see the classic yet priceless Quartmaines in action. Oh how I have missed them. We rarely get to see Tracy interact with her family at ELQ and at work. She is usually chasing Luke down at her other place of business. But not today. I. Tracy is protective of her family business. She has always wanted to run ELQ but her father has always decided that a man should run the business. Tracy should run ELQ because she is money wise and sharp and basically has been running it for a long time. But Tracy isn't perfect and can't see her golden boy Asher is working for Anthony Z. Anthony is extremely crafty and only appears crazy. Hopefully Tracy will be wise to this soon or Michael at least. One of these Quartermaines have to see this before it is too late.
Today it was excited because Monica showed up at ELQ. It was great to see Monica back on screen. She and Tracy deep down love each other. I love watching them on screen together. Who can ask for more classy actresses then Leslie Charleson and Jane Elliot. I truly loved their scenes today. I think it was good Tracy was the one to tell Monica about Jake. It felt right that Tracy would be the only one that felt Monica should know. Everyone else decided she shouldn't know but at least Tracy had enough respect for Monica to tell her. Poor Monica never got to know her grandson. Maybe this will lead to some really good Jason and Monica scenes. Monica does need to be more involved in her son's life. Maybe now they will both accept each other more and Monica will be able to be a part of Jason and Sam's child's life in the future. Sam would never want to cut Monica out like Liz did. Sam has always respected Monica even after she mowed her down in the street.
Maxie could have had better timing today. Jason and Sam getting interrupted is classic JaSam and classic GH. Maxie could not have interrupted Jason and Sam at a worst moment in Jason's eyes. He wanted so badly to propose to Sam right there on the couch to prove to her how much he loved her then to rush her upstairs to prove in another way. But poor Jason didn't get to do that either. Nope, he is going to have to put a lot more thought into this marriage and proposal adventure then he first realized. The first two proposals were more impulsive but this one has to be incredibly thought out because Sam isn't so up on the idea of marriage even if it is to the love of her life, Jason. They have been down this road of engagement before twice and she is still haunted of all the painful memories and broken promises. She isn't about to risk what they have right now to go down that road again without a lot of assurances.
But Maxie did interrupt Jason and Sam's moment but she did have a good reason. Crazy Jackel PI was going after a much crazier Anthony Z. While Maxie thinks Jackel PI is crazy but she does seem to enjoy some aspects of this new personality but will only admit to Jason and Sam. Jason and Sam were a little concerned about the description she provided about the budge in his pocket -both of them were about to scream TMI and cover their ears when she finally spit out it was a gun and Jackel's real plan. I think the longer Jackel PI is around (please Soap Gods don't let it be much longer because he is annoying), Maxie is going to fall more and more for Spinelli again. While the Jackel PI is annoying, his face off with Anthony today made for some amusing scenes. Anthony was so entertained by Jackel PI which is why he isn't sleeping with the fishes right now. Anthony did summarize how most of us feel about this Jackel PI story line: "Frankly Spinelli I don't give a damn!"
While Jason did get through to Sam today and she started to want the same thing he wants but won't admit it to Jason at least yet. Sam admitted it to Maxie why she is so afraid of marriage. I love scenes that show the friendship of Maxie and Sam. Another classic moment for GH to show the years of friendship between these two characters. I think Sam's talk with Maxie only made her realize that she really does want to marry Jason. This is what she wants. She was almost even hoping, as you could see in her eyes, that they would pick up their conversation where they were interrupted but Jason was too afraid this time. Jason knows he only gets one last shot at this marriage proposal idea with Sam. He has to do it right so it can't be spur of the moment. He knows it has to be planned and magical to win over Sam's humongous doubts of the formality of marriage. I think if Jason would have brought up marriage again right then with Sam she might have said yes but she might also said no. Jason didn't want to risk that. Though she looked so sad when she went back to the office you could tell she wanted him to ask her. Just when Sam has abandoned all hope that Jason was serious about wanting to get married or ask her to marry him, Jason told Maxie the greatest thing we have heard all day.
Jason to Maxie: "Maxie, you can stop trying to convince me. I am going to propose to Sam. Just don't know when and I have to make sure I am going to do it the right way."
Oh my goodness - even though I knew this was coming based on the promo I jumped out of my seat let out a squeal like my 3 yr old and have not stopped smiling since. Classic JaSam! Jason wants to marry Sam like he always has wanted to. He has never stopped wanting her to be his wife. He has always pushed to make sure she knows how much he loves her and wants her in his life. He is showing us once again ever since they met in 2003 at the PCPD his life has never been the same. She is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to him and he will not forget it or let it go unnoticed.
GH has been so great lately I can't stop watching. I watch the episodes over and over on my DVR and if I have a chance I watch it on abc.com to help ratings and then after that I watch it on YT. The whole show is good lately...well except DuDu story line but I just ignore them because the rest is amazing!
Call the comment lines, go to abc.com and give them feedback on how amazing GH is right now. Tell them we are so happy that GH is moving in the direction it is right now and we will not stop watching. We want GH to remain on TV forever!
The last two days have been amazing for Jason and Sam fans. Over 11 minutes each day of air time! It has been amazing and I hope ratings are spiking right now. GW will see JaSam are the reason we all watch.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Cloud 9
I am just soaring on cloud 9 this week and it is thanks to GH. I know it is only Tuesday but this has been some incredible stuff happening for us JaSam fans. Even if you weren't a fan of the couple you probably are starting to be by now.
Yesterday we started our week out with the most amazing promo of all freaking time. Even on a dreary Monday it put the spring back into our steps and made us all have a beautiful moment to usually the most dreaded day of the week.
If you somehow have missed this promo here is the link.
GH promo : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5ltvGEmqsU&feature=feedu_more
I personally have watched this clip about 800 times. EEK!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!
Today's GH was amazing. We had over 11 minutes of Jason and Sam scenes. When in the past have we had 11 minutes of airtime for our super couple recently? It was amazing too because they weren't talking about Michael, or Sonny or Carly. They were talking about marriage to each other to Maxie and Spinelli. While the discussion of marriage was brought on by Maxie -it is something both Jason and Sam want but were a little too afraid to bring it up. Jason wants to marry Sam so badly. Have you noticed his eyes have sparkled even more then usual when he talks about marriage and Sam lately? He is so in love with her and wants to be married to her. Even though he knows marriage isn't always perfect, he wants to take that leap of faith with Sam.
Sam on the other hand is petrified of the topic of marriage or taking the next step. She is so afraid they will lose what they have. She has been dodging the topic with Jason as best as she knows how. But Jason knows Sam better then she even knows herself. Today he proved that when he called her on how she has been avoiding the topic of marriage. He pointed out to her that they have talked around the topic of marriage but have not had a sincere conversation about it. Finally she opened up about why she is so afraid. It didn't really have to do with the past shame marriages of her's. It had to do with the fact when they were engaged it all fell apparent. They never did actually get married. The thing she wanted the most fell appart.
Sam to Jason: "Remember when we got engaged. We both thought you might die and we got engaged so I would have something to hold on to."
Jason corrected Sam: "I asked you to marry me because I love you."
Noticed what he said - he said 'because I love you.' not loved you at the time then fell out of love with you and back in love with you. No, he never stopped loving Sam ever!
Jason is pushing marriage because he knows Sam wants it and he wants it more then anything too. Jason pointed out to Sam how brave she is. We almost got our proposal today but we had an interruption but that is okay because just look how amazing that conversation between Jason and Sam was.
Jason: "I am asking you to trust me and to just tell me what you want."
Sam: "I want us to spend the rest of our lives together."
Jason: "ok"
Sam: "ok"
Jason: "like this? That is all."
Sam: "That is everything, yes."
Jason: "But we could have more then that. I love you. It is just not enough to say the words anymore. I want to prove it to you. I know that you are scared."
While Jason didn't get to propose today thanks to Maxie, it just makes the fact he is going to and plan a big magical evening for them so much more amazing. I can't stop watching the clips. What an amazing week so far. Even if it takes the course of the next 2 weeks to get the proposal, it is going to be amazing watching the story lead up to it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q61rrY4x63s&feature=feedu thanks to ashleycrami for the clips!!!
Don't forget to call the comment lines and show ABC how much we love GH and how many fans it really does have.
Yesterday we started our week out with the most amazing promo of all freaking time. Even on a dreary Monday it put the spring back into our steps and made us all have a beautiful moment to usually the most dreaded day of the week.
If you somehow have missed this promo here is the link.
GH promo : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5ltvGEmqsU&feature=feedu_more
I personally have watched this clip about 800 times. EEK!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!
Today's GH was amazing. We had over 11 minutes of Jason and Sam scenes. When in the past have we had 11 minutes of airtime for our super couple recently? It was amazing too because they weren't talking about Michael, or Sonny or Carly. They were talking about marriage to each other to Maxie and Spinelli. While the discussion of marriage was brought on by Maxie -it is something both Jason and Sam want but were a little too afraid to bring it up. Jason wants to marry Sam so badly. Have you noticed his eyes have sparkled even more then usual when he talks about marriage and Sam lately? He is so in love with her and wants to be married to her. Even though he knows marriage isn't always perfect, he wants to take that leap of faith with Sam.
Sam on the other hand is petrified of the topic of marriage or taking the next step. She is so afraid they will lose what they have. She has been dodging the topic with Jason as best as she knows how. But Jason knows Sam better then she even knows herself. Today he proved that when he called her on how she has been avoiding the topic of marriage. He pointed out to her that they have talked around the topic of marriage but have not had a sincere conversation about it. Finally she opened up about why she is so afraid. It didn't really have to do with the past shame marriages of her's. It had to do with the fact when they were engaged it all fell apparent. They never did actually get married. The thing she wanted the most fell appart.
Sam to Jason: "Remember when we got engaged. We both thought you might die and we got engaged so I would have something to hold on to."
Jason corrected Sam: "I asked you to marry me because I love you."
Noticed what he said - he said 'because I love you.' not loved you at the time then fell out of love with you and back in love with you. No, he never stopped loving Sam ever!
Jason is pushing marriage because he knows Sam wants it and he wants it more then anything too. Jason pointed out to Sam how brave she is. We almost got our proposal today but we had an interruption but that is okay because just look how amazing that conversation between Jason and Sam was.
Jason: "I am asking you to trust me and to just tell me what you want."
Sam: "I want us to spend the rest of our lives together."
Jason: "ok"
Sam: "ok"
Jason: "like this? That is all."
Sam: "That is everything, yes."
Jason: "But we could have more then that. I love you. It is just not enough to say the words anymore. I want to prove it to you. I know that you are scared."
While Jason didn't get to propose today thanks to Maxie, it just makes the fact he is going to and plan a big magical evening for them so much more amazing. I can't stop watching the clips. What an amazing week so far. Even if it takes the course of the next 2 weeks to get the proposal, it is going to be amazing watching the story lead up to it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q61rrY4x63s&feature=feedu thanks to ashleycrami for the clips!!!
Don't forget to call the comment lines and show ABC how much we love GH and how many fans it really does have.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Commitment is one term that was tossed about a lot today by the residents of Port Charles. In some cases it was referring to personal relationships and in other cases it was not.
The Zaccahrras have some commitments all their own. Johnny is committed to try to keep the peace while Anthony is committed to proving he should be committed to Shady Brook. I love Johnny and his father together. While you can tell Johnny doesn't enjoy spending time with dear old dad and try to make him see reality. But oh it is fun to watch. Anthony is beyond off his rocker but with just a small dose of sanity scattered around the edge. Johnny had a perfectly successful business and life without dear old dad stirring up trouble all over town. How Johnny has to constantly keep an eye on his very unstable father.
Johnny to Anthony: "Do I join you in a toast or go out and do damage control?"
Anthony is a lose cannon that no one can deny. But it does make for some great TV. Not to mention I love how this new struggle to keep dear old pops under control, has brought out the more entertaining side of Johnny as well.
Ethan is committed to the fact he is sure he doesn't want to be with Kristina and she is pretty committed to proving him wrong. I loved what Ethan told Kristina today. Okay I know I am not a supporter of Ethina but I thought they had some good scenes today. Ethan pointed out to Krissy why it was dangerous she be wondering about acting like the damsel in distress when there are real threats out there she needs to wake up from her little teen world and realize. Her age doesn't matter as much as her maturity level in this case. Kristina is far too emotionally immature to be with Ethan right now. I am not saying they might be sizzling in a couple of years but she needs to grow up a bit before then. She needs to stop being this whiney, emotional, needy spoiled brat and prove she can be mature. She needs to find herself first and be her own person first. She needs to make that commitment to herself.
Now for the real commitment we all want to talk about - Jason and Sam. Oh I was hoping they would be on again today since the marriage conversation got cut short from Friday. Yesterday you could tell the conversation wasn't over on the topic of marriage. They discussed the challenges with marriage Carly and Jax had and their failure at marriage. Sam's fear of marriage was so clear yesterday. Marriage is a huge step and Sam is clearly afraid of marriage. Sam has never needed marriage or a legal binding piece of paper to tell her Jason loves her. She knows Jason loves her. She is committed to Jason and he is committed to her so why marriage? Why get married? The answer is pretty clear, because they both want to get married even though they aren't admitting it yet to one another. Jason wants to get married. I believe he wanted to get married bay in Feb. 2010 when Molly cornered the two of them in the church after the christening for Josslyn and brought up the topic. Jason was ready to propose then but saw that dear in the headlights look in Sam's eyes and decided it was clearly not something she wanted. They talked about marriage shortly while he was in prison but agreed maybe there was another way around conjugal visits. Then Botox came back and Jason remembered the hell she brought with her has his last wife and he was pretty much done with marriage thoughts after that.
But after Brenda left, Sam hasn't spent a night at her place since. Jason and Sam have survived a lot and grown so much closer this year. First, Sam was nearly killed in the car explosion which shook Jason's whole world. He knew he could not live without Sam but seeing her on the gurney just reminded him life is short. Life was cut short for Jake and Sam helped Jason survive that whole horrible loss. Sam and he grew even closer through that whole painful experience. Then Sam decided she wanted a chance to have a child and through the procedure it gave them both hope for a future and a family together. So why not get married?
Jason is ready to get married and is ready to ask Sam. Jason heard Sam when she said she didn't want a big grand gesture of a wedding. He heard her clearly she is afraid of marriage but not because it would be marrying Jason but because of her past. She rarely talks about the past but today Jason saw she still carries it with her. Jason pointed out to Sam today how much he loved her and he also made it clear that the topic of marriage is not something he wants to push aside. Jason is so ready to get married to Sam. He made it clear he does not want to marry Sam because he feels guilty or obligated- he wants to marry her because he loves her and he will never hold anyone else in his heart. He is committed to Sam McCall completely.
Maxie Jones is really the voice of the JaSam fans. Maxie brought up the topic of marriage with Jason. I love it. Maxie read our minds when talking to Sam. Maxie and Sam's friendship is perfect. I love how Sam points out to Maxie that Jason won't stop talking about marriage now. Maxie who is allergic to marriage herself sure is pushing this agenda for JaSam. Thank God for Maxie Jones!!!! I think Sam's talk with Maxie only reminded her more of why she wants to marry Jason which is a good thing! I am so excited about this potential up-coming wedding and marriage. Spoilers out there are a flutter but I am trying not to read them. Keep the faith! Our JaSam wedding is coming!
Today's guest writer was Garin Wolf - I think we are in good hands in the future. Keep the faith GH stays on the air for many years to come! Call the comment lines! Show your support for the show. Flood ABC with letters, emails etc. Make sure they know we want GH to be around for a long time.
The Zaccahrras have some commitments all their own. Johnny is committed to try to keep the peace while Anthony is committed to proving he should be committed to Shady Brook. I love Johnny and his father together. While you can tell Johnny doesn't enjoy spending time with dear old dad and try to make him see reality. But oh it is fun to watch. Anthony is beyond off his rocker but with just a small dose of sanity scattered around the edge. Johnny had a perfectly successful business and life without dear old dad stirring up trouble all over town. How Johnny has to constantly keep an eye on his very unstable father.
Johnny to Anthony: "Do I join you in a toast or go out and do damage control?"
Anthony is a lose cannon that no one can deny. But it does make for some great TV. Not to mention I love how this new struggle to keep dear old pops under control, has brought out the more entertaining side of Johnny as well.
Ethan is committed to the fact he is sure he doesn't want to be with Kristina and she is pretty committed to proving him wrong. I loved what Ethan told Kristina today. Okay I know I am not a supporter of Ethina but I thought they had some good scenes today. Ethan pointed out to Krissy why it was dangerous she be wondering about acting like the damsel in distress when there are real threats out there she needs to wake up from her little teen world and realize. Her age doesn't matter as much as her maturity level in this case. Kristina is far too emotionally immature to be with Ethan right now. I am not saying they might be sizzling in a couple of years but she needs to grow up a bit before then. She needs to stop being this whiney, emotional, needy spoiled brat and prove she can be mature. She needs to find herself first and be her own person first. She needs to make that commitment to herself.
Now for the real commitment we all want to talk about - Jason and Sam. Oh I was hoping they would be on again today since the marriage conversation got cut short from Friday. Yesterday you could tell the conversation wasn't over on the topic of marriage. They discussed the challenges with marriage Carly and Jax had and their failure at marriage. Sam's fear of marriage was so clear yesterday. Marriage is a huge step and Sam is clearly afraid of marriage. Sam has never needed marriage or a legal binding piece of paper to tell her Jason loves her. She knows Jason loves her. She is committed to Jason and he is committed to her so why marriage? Why get married? The answer is pretty clear, because they both want to get married even though they aren't admitting it yet to one another. Jason wants to get married. I believe he wanted to get married bay in Feb. 2010 when Molly cornered the two of them in the church after the christening for Josslyn and brought up the topic. Jason was ready to propose then but saw that dear in the headlights look in Sam's eyes and decided it was clearly not something she wanted. They talked about marriage shortly while he was in prison but agreed maybe there was another way around conjugal visits. Then Botox came back and Jason remembered the hell she brought with her has his last wife and he was pretty much done with marriage thoughts after that.
But after Brenda left, Sam hasn't spent a night at her place since. Jason and Sam have survived a lot and grown so much closer this year. First, Sam was nearly killed in the car explosion which shook Jason's whole world. He knew he could not live without Sam but seeing her on the gurney just reminded him life is short. Life was cut short for Jake and Sam helped Jason survive that whole horrible loss. Sam and he grew even closer through that whole painful experience. Then Sam decided she wanted a chance to have a child and through the procedure it gave them both hope for a future and a family together. So why not get married?
Jason is ready to get married and is ready to ask Sam. Jason heard Sam when she said she didn't want a big grand gesture of a wedding. He heard her clearly she is afraid of marriage but not because it would be marrying Jason but because of her past. She rarely talks about the past but today Jason saw she still carries it with her. Jason pointed out to Sam today how much he loved her and he also made it clear that the topic of marriage is not something he wants to push aside. Jason is so ready to get married to Sam. He made it clear he does not want to marry Sam because he feels guilty or obligated- he wants to marry her because he loves her and he will never hold anyone else in his heart. He is committed to Sam McCall completely.
Maxie Jones is really the voice of the JaSam fans. Maxie brought up the topic of marriage with Jason. I love it. Maxie read our minds when talking to Sam. Maxie and Sam's friendship is perfect. I love how Sam points out to Maxie that Jason won't stop talking about marriage now. Maxie who is allergic to marriage herself sure is pushing this agenda for JaSam. Thank God for Maxie Jones!!!! I think Sam's talk with Maxie only reminded her more of why she wants to marry Jason which is a good thing! I am so excited about this potential up-coming wedding and marriage. Spoilers out there are a flutter but I am trying not to read them. Keep the faith! Our JaSam wedding is coming!
Today's guest writer was Garin Wolf - I think we are in good hands in the future. Keep the faith GH stays on the air for many years to come! Call the comment lines! Show your support for the show. Flood ABC with letters, emails etc. Make sure they know we want GH to be around for a long time.
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