First, I must apologize for not posting recently. Even thought I didn't sit down and write about the show, I have been watching. All the news lately of cancellations, ratings systems and rumors of other cancellations had me a little disenchanted. But I am back now to remind myself and everyone else all to love what we have and be grateful for it no matter how long it lasts!
So, according the Webster dictionary reflection means a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration. If I were to pick one word to summarize the recent episodes of General Hospital it would have to be reflection.
Recently, Sonny has had to reflect on his treatment of Brenda's son so far. He has not welcomed this child into his heart with open arms. He has kept his distance because he biggest fear is that something will happen to yet another child in his life if he begins to truly care about the child. I will reserve to discuss Brenda's handling of all of this in a minute....trying to focus on the positive first. While Sonny realizes he hasn't just jumped into fatherhood with a 5th child with both feet, he knows this child needs to be saved from it's insane Granny and brought back to his mother. Sonny is afraid to get close to this child but he is still doing everything he can to help find the child. I love that he recognized Brenda would not be the best asset when going to get this child away from Suzanne and that Carly would be. Carly and Sonny have a bond deeper then anyone else can. Sonny and Carly do always turn to one another when they are in a crisis. I loved CarSon in their day but when they ended it was ugly but they still love one another and do the best for each other most of the time. I love how they both spent time on the jet today not to tear each other down but to remind one another why they both are great parents regardless. Also it reminded Sonny no matter what Carly is always in his corner. There is no woman out there as deeply bonded with him other then Carly. Brenda maybe his dream girl but eventually you wake up from those dreams. Carly is the love of his life. Sonny is Carly's great love too. But they both know together they were toxic so they have chosen to move on with their lives and put their kids first. I think if they ever were to try it again, Carly and Sonny would have a very different relationship now - they have both matured.
Now this leads us to Brenda. Well I won't talk too much about her because I don't believe she is worth the time. But I was a little annoyed she was so freaking rude about Carly to Jax. Okay here's the deal, I get her and Jax have history. But until the divorce papers are signed, Carly is Jax's WIFE. Do you got that Brenda, WIFE. Jax loves Carly - Carly loves Jax. It is not polite to talk the way she does about Carly to Jax. Brenda is a nutcase with no reason to pass judgement on ANYONE and needs to be shipped off to Shadybrook. Honestly Luke is WAY more sane skunk drunk then Brenda is sober.
Okay now I know those Jizzers are hooting and dancing around today because there were Liason time. Well lets just talk about that time shall we? Okay first off it was NOTHING romantic. It was REFLECTION on choices they both made about their child's life. REFLECTION on the way they would have done things differently. There was nothing romantic about any of their time together. It was about healing and closure over Jake's death. Jason and Liz were not madly in love but if they had been honest with Sam and Lucky to start with about the paternity, I believe, life would have been very different for these four. Regardless of how things might have gone, I think LOVE would have won out in the end. I think Jason would still love Sam and they would find their way back to one another like they have. Their love is so strong that nothing can stand in its way. I think Lucky and Elizabeth will at some point reunite too because they too share a very deep love. I think Lucky is starting to see Elizabeth again they way they used to be. I hope Liz can be the woman Lucky once loved as kids. I hope she can stop being a mean, manipulative, extremely easy, brother loving witch and live her life to be grateful for what she has.
Jason loves Sam more then anyone in this world. Sam has undergone surgery and Jason has been there every step of the way. Jason's devotion to her was so amazing. Jason looks at Sam every time with such grateful and loving eyes. Jason and Sam have a lot to deal with right now. Sam has had the procedure which is the first step in the decision if they will have a family or not. I think it will take a long time before this 'decision' is finally reached for our super couple, but I look forward to them spending time together and speaking about their future together. Parenthood is something no one should ever enter into on a whim. Sam is afraid she will not be a good mother, but I was grateful to her good friend Spinelli today who reminded her she would be an excellent mother. Spinelli is the biggest advocate for a JaSam McMorgan baby. I think it is always sweet he how he reminds Jason and Sam of how good those two really are. Spinelli is their first child in so many ways. He's life has been so much richer and fulfilling because of Jason and Sam. Jason and Sam have an amazing love and I hope they will be able to be parents. But if for some reason they decide parenthood isn't for them, I will be happy they are together and love one another more then anything.
Keep GH Alive. Call the comment lines tell them how amazing Jason and Sam are. Help get ratings up - watch GH live or on soapnet every day! Also watch GH within 3 days of DVR'ing the episode so your ratings count. Watch online on too.
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