Yesterday when Alexis went over to the PH to talk to Jason, I had a feeling there was more to the scene. Alexis has a valid concern. But on her first visit all she managed to do was deliver it in the wrong way. Alexis does tend to do this from time to time. She means well but her delivery isn't always well received. As this child's future grandmother she has a right to be concerned. She knows what it is like to have a child with a mobster. She has one, who, by the way, she might want to pay a little more attention to since apparently NOW on top of everything else she has a substance abuse issue. But Alexis has had to live through Krissy being kidnapped as a child and almost blown up as a teen because of her father. Alexis knows first hand what that is like. But she also knows the damage it has caused from trying to keep her child from her father. But Alexis did bring up a very good point! Jason doesn't have to talk to Alexis about this but he DOES need to start talking to Sam about it. Jason will do anything for Sam, I can see everyone's fear that Jason will go along with a baby idea even if he doesn't want it. I did like when Alexis left the first time Jason didn't get upset about her visit rather the opposite happened. He wanted to fuss over Sam. I think Jason wants a child more then anything with Sam but he doesn't want to open himself up for the potential of loss again. That is completely understandable but I think he needs to TELL Sam this exactly.
One thing I did notice. Jason's pent house DOES have a lock on the front door and he finally figured out how to use it! Wonders never cease to amaze! I honestly wish Jason and Sam had spent more time together today. I wish Jason would just lock out the world and sit holding Sam on the couch. I was hoping he would look deep into her eyes and tell her how much he loved her and just hold her.
Alexis did do right though, she came back to see Sam and clear up a few things. Sam isn't sure of how she feels but she knows she doesn't want Jason to completely shut down. She knows she doesn't want his grief to swallow him up whole. She knows a child will bring so much joy to their life. She knows despite the pain and the risk of loss, that Jason would overflow with happiness with a child of his own.
I think if Jason had to do it over again, he would not give up his child. He would realize that there is nothing you can do to keep a child 100% safe. Also he would realize he is NOT Sonny. He is a completely different person and would be a completely different parent. I think if he had to do it all over again, he would be totally different. I also hope that little talk with Sonny didn't give Jason any ideas about leaving Sam for her 'own' good. BUT Jason knows what life is like without Sam and he can't live with that.
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Now I am telling you!
Well lots of excitement over at GH lately. I am sure by now you have heard that Head Writer Robert Guza has been removed from his position effective immediately and replace by Garin Wolf has now been named new Head Writer. I am still undecided about how I feel about this. But one thing is for sure, day time soaps are dropping like flies and just like in sports when the team is losing the season sometimes a change with the coach can help fix the rest of the reason. Perhaps this change will help save General Hospital for many years to come. In the recent wake of AMC and OLTL being cancelled maybe this was the only thing that could be done so GH didn't join it ABC cancelled soaps. I hope this is a step in a good direction. I hope this ultimately saves GH from being cancelled. I also hope this mean Jason and Sam are going to have great story lines to come.
Now, lets talk about some of the story lines that are pretty good right now. Patrick once warned Johnny that Lisa was crazy. Johnny, full knowing that Lisa was a little crazy, decided she was fun and he could possibly save her. Until today he believed she wasn't completely without hope. But today he saw it. He saw that she is too far gone to save. I felt sorry for Johnny today. He sees parallels with everyone and every situation to Claudia. If he was able to save Lisa he would have felt a little less like a failure when it came to his sister. Sometimes the self destructive people like Claudia get the benefit of dying but they leave behind those that loved them but could not save them. That's Johnny's life everyday.
Speaking of Lisa - she is high octane crazy. Lisa has taken her obsession to a whole new level, hell hath no furry like a woman's scorn. That is so true now with Lisa. She's decided to take her insanity to a whole new level trying to convince Krissy she was giving her drugs all along. That's where she messed up though. Krissy is annoying and a bit coo coo in her own right, but she was able to see Lisa was up to something. I am glad she told someone. I am still not thrilled it was Ethan. I don't like these two together. But at least she called Lisa out which is good.
Today I was proud of Alexis. She told Jax it was high time he realized Carly is not an unfit mother and there is no way he will get Josslyn away from her mother. I am glad she was honest with Jax. Gosh, Jax is being a TOTAL jerk!!!!!!! I really hope he and Brenda run away together now because he is so freaking mean to Carly. Alexis and Jason's talk actually was not as upsetting as I thought it would be. She knows Sam would be an amazing mother. She's worried about the safety of her future grandchild. She doesn't think Jason is a bad person but she had a legitimate concern. With that being said - Jason also had a valid point. All Jason did was miss out on Jake's life. Sam knows all you can do is love and cherish the time which you are given with anyone. She knows having a child with Jason might have risks but I think deep down it is what she wants. So while I see Alexis' concerns as valid. I hope she doesn't completely de-rail Jason's desire to be a father. Now if we could just get Sam to be onscreen that would be fantastic!
Call the Comment Line. Make it clear you want to keep Jason and Sam together for a long time to come.
Now, lets talk about some of the story lines that are pretty good right now. Patrick once warned Johnny that Lisa was crazy. Johnny, full knowing that Lisa was a little crazy, decided she was fun and he could possibly save her. Until today he believed she wasn't completely without hope. But today he saw it. He saw that she is too far gone to save. I felt sorry for Johnny today. He sees parallels with everyone and every situation to Claudia. If he was able to save Lisa he would have felt a little less like a failure when it came to his sister. Sometimes the self destructive people like Claudia get the benefit of dying but they leave behind those that loved them but could not save them. That's Johnny's life everyday.
Speaking of Lisa - she is high octane crazy. Lisa has taken her obsession to a whole new level, hell hath no furry like a woman's scorn. That is so true now with Lisa. She's decided to take her insanity to a whole new level trying to convince Krissy she was giving her drugs all along. That's where she messed up though. Krissy is annoying and a bit coo coo in her own right, but she was able to see Lisa was up to something. I am glad she told someone. I am still not thrilled it was Ethan. I don't like these two together. But at least she called Lisa out which is good.
Today I was proud of Alexis. She told Jax it was high time he realized Carly is not an unfit mother and there is no way he will get Josslyn away from her mother. I am glad she was honest with Jax. Gosh, Jax is being a TOTAL jerk!!!!!!! I really hope he and Brenda run away together now because he is so freaking mean to Carly. Alexis and Jason's talk actually was not as upsetting as I thought it would be. She knows Sam would be an amazing mother. She's worried about the safety of her future grandchild. She doesn't think Jason is a bad person but she had a legitimate concern. With that being said - Jason also had a valid point. All Jason did was miss out on Jake's life. Sam knows all you can do is love and cherish the time which you are given with anyone. She knows having a child with Jason might have risks but I think deep down it is what she wants. So while I see Alexis' concerns as valid. I hope she doesn't completely de-rail Jason's desire to be a father. Now if we could just get Sam to be onscreen that would be fantastic!
Call the Comment Line. Make it clear you want to keep Jason and Sam together for a long time to come.
Friday, May 13, 2011
First, I must apologize for not posting recently. Even thought I didn't sit down and write about the show, I have been watching. All the news lately of cancellations, ratings systems and rumors of other cancellations had me a little disenchanted. But I am back now to remind myself and everyone else all to love what we have and be grateful for it no matter how long it lasts!
So, according the Webster dictionary reflection means a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration. If I were to pick one word to summarize the recent episodes of General Hospital it would have to be reflection.
Recently, Sonny has had to reflect on his treatment of Brenda's son so far. He has not welcomed this child into his heart with open arms. He has kept his distance because he biggest fear is that something will happen to yet another child in his life if he begins to truly care about the child. I will reserve to discuss Brenda's handling of all of this in a minute....trying to focus on the positive first. While Sonny realizes he hasn't just jumped into fatherhood with a 5th child with both feet, he knows this child needs to be saved from it's insane Granny and brought back to his mother. Sonny is afraid to get close to this child but he is still doing everything he can to help find the child. I love that he recognized Brenda would not be the best asset when going to get this child away from Suzanne and that Carly would be. Carly and Sonny have a bond deeper then anyone else can. Sonny and Carly do always turn to one another when they are in a crisis. I loved CarSon in their day but when they ended it was ugly but they still love one another and do the best for each other most of the time. I love how they both spent time on the jet today not to tear each other down but to remind one another why they both are great parents regardless. Also it reminded Sonny no matter what Carly is always in his corner. There is no woman out there as deeply bonded with him other then Carly. Brenda maybe his dream girl but eventually you wake up from those dreams. Carly is the love of his life. Sonny is Carly's great love too. But they both know together they were toxic so they have chosen to move on with their lives and put their kids first. I think if they ever were to try it again, Carly and Sonny would have a very different relationship now - they have both matured.
Now this leads us to Brenda. Well I won't talk too much about her because I don't believe she is worth the time. But I was a little annoyed she was so freaking rude about Carly to Jax. Okay here's the deal, I get her and Jax have history. But until the divorce papers are signed, Carly is Jax's WIFE. Do you got that Brenda, WIFE. Jax loves Carly - Carly loves Jax. It is not polite to talk the way she does about Carly to Jax. Brenda is a nutcase with no reason to pass judgement on ANYONE and needs to be shipped off to Shadybrook. Honestly Luke is WAY more sane skunk drunk then Brenda is sober.
Okay now I know those Jizzers are hooting and dancing around today because there were Liason time. Well lets just talk about that time shall we? Okay first off it was NOTHING romantic. It was REFLECTION on choices they both made about their child's life. REFLECTION on the way they would have done things differently. There was nothing romantic about any of their time together. It was about healing and closure over Jake's death. Jason and Liz were not madly in love but if they had been honest with Sam and Lucky to start with about the paternity, I believe, life would have been very different for these four. Regardless of how things might have gone, I think LOVE would have won out in the end. I think Jason would still love Sam and they would find their way back to one another like they have. Their love is so strong that nothing can stand in its way. I think Lucky and Elizabeth will at some point reunite too because they too share a very deep love. I think Lucky is starting to see Elizabeth again they way they used to be. I hope Liz can be the woman Lucky once loved as kids. I hope she can stop being a mean, manipulative, extremely easy, brother loving witch and live her life to be grateful for what she has.
Jason loves Sam more then anyone in this world. Sam has undergone surgery and Jason has been there every step of the way. Jason's devotion to her was so amazing. Jason looks at Sam every time with such grateful and loving eyes. Jason and Sam have a lot to deal with right now. Sam has had the procedure which is the first step in the decision if they will have a family or not. I think it will take a long time before this 'decision' is finally reached for our super couple, but I look forward to them spending time together and speaking about their future together. Parenthood is something no one should ever enter into on a whim. Sam is afraid she will not be a good mother, but I was grateful to her good friend Spinelli today who reminded her she would be an excellent mother. Spinelli is the biggest advocate for a JaSam McMorgan baby. I think it is always sweet he how he reminds Jason and Sam of how good those two really are. Spinelli is their first child in so many ways. He's life has been so much richer and fulfilling because of Jason and Sam. Jason and Sam have an amazing love and I hope they will be able to be parents. But if for some reason they decide parenthood isn't for them, I will be happy they are together and love one another more then anything.
Keep GH Alive. Call the comment lines tell them how amazing Jason and Sam are. Help get ratings up - watch GH live or on soapnet every day! Also watch GH within 3 days of DVR'ing the episode so your ratings count. Watch online on too.
So, according the Webster dictionary reflection means a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration. If I were to pick one word to summarize the recent episodes of General Hospital it would have to be reflection.
Recently, Sonny has had to reflect on his treatment of Brenda's son so far. He has not welcomed this child into his heart with open arms. He has kept his distance because he biggest fear is that something will happen to yet another child in his life if he begins to truly care about the child. I will reserve to discuss Brenda's handling of all of this in a minute....trying to focus on the positive first. While Sonny realizes he hasn't just jumped into fatherhood with a 5th child with both feet, he knows this child needs to be saved from it's insane Granny and brought back to his mother. Sonny is afraid to get close to this child but he is still doing everything he can to help find the child. I love that he recognized Brenda would not be the best asset when going to get this child away from Suzanne and that Carly would be. Carly and Sonny have a bond deeper then anyone else can. Sonny and Carly do always turn to one another when they are in a crisis. I loved CarSon in their day but when they ended it was ugly but they still love one another and do the best for each other most of the time. I love how they both spent time on the jet today not to tear each other down but to remind one another why they both are great parents regardless. Also it reminded Sonny no matter what Carly is always in his corner. There is no woman out there as deeply bonded with him other then Carly. Brenda maybe his dream girl but eventually you wake up from those dreams. Carly is the love of his life. Sonny is Carly's great love too. But they both know together they were toxic so they have chosen to move on with their lives and put their kids first. I think if they ever were to try it again, Carly and Sonny would have a very different relationship now - they have both matured.
Now this leads us to Brenda. Well I won't talk too much about her because I don't believe she is worth the time. But I was a little annoyed she was so freaking rude about Carly to Jax. Okay here's the deal, I get her and Jax have history. But until the divorce papers are signed, Carly is Jax's WIFE. Do you got that Brenda, WIFE. Jax loves Carly - Carly loves Jax. It is not polite to talk the way she does about Carly to Jax. Brenda is a nutcase with no reason to pass judgement on ANYONE and needs to be shipped off to Shadybrook. Honestly Luke is WAY more sane skunk drunk then Brenda is sober.
Okay now I know those Jizzers are hooting and dancing around today because there were Liason time. Well lets just talk about that time shall we? Okay first off it was NOTHING romantic. It was REFLECTION on choices they both made about their child's life. REFLECTION on the way they would have done things differently. There was nothing romantic about any of their time together. It was about healing and closure over Jake's death. Jason and Liz were not madly in love but if they had been honest with Sam and Lucky to start with about the paternity, I believe, life would have been very different for these four. Regardless of how things might have gone, I think LOVE would have won out in the end. I think Jason would still love Sam and they would find their way back to one another like they have. Their love is so strong that nothing can stand in its way. I think Lucky and Elizabeth will at some point reunite too because they too share a very deep love. I think Lucky is starting to see Elizabeth again they way they used to be. I hope Liz can be the woman Lucky once loved as kids. I hope she can stop being a mean, manipulative, extremely easy, brother loving witch and live her life to be grateful for what she has.
Jason loves Sam more then anyone in this world. Sam has undergone surgery and Jason has been there every step of the way. Jason's devotion to her was so amazing. Jason looks at Sam every time with such grateful and loving eyes. Jason and Sam have a lot to deal with right now. Sam has had the procedure which is the first step in the decision if they will have a family or not. I think it will take a long time before this 'decision' is finally reached for our super couple, but I look forward to them spending time together and speaking about their future together. Parenthood is something no one should ever enter into on a whim. Sam is afraid she will not be a good mother, but I was grateful to her good friend Spinelli today who reminded her she would be an excellent mother. Spinelli is the biggest advocate for a JaSam McMorgan baby. I think it is always sweet he how he reminds Jason and Sam of how good those two really are. Spinelli is their first child in so many ways. He's life has been so much richer and fulfilling because of Jason and Sam. Jason and Sam have an amazing love and I hope they will be able to be parents. But if for some reason they decide parenthood isn't for them, I will be happy they are together and love one another more then anything.
Keep GH Alive. Call the comment lines tell them how amazing Jason and Sam are. Help get ratings up - watch GH live or on soapnet every day! Also watch GH within 3 days of DVR'ing the episode so your ratings count. Watch online on too.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Managing Expectations!
Before today's show aired, I had told myself to not expect more then 10 seconds of Jason and Sam to be on today. I thoroughly expected Michael is come in and interrupt their discussion on having a child. I expected Jason to go off and talk to Michael and Sam to drive herself to GH. I expected Sam to walk into the hospital room by herself and realize that she was going to have to do this on her own. I also expected Jason to be so caught up in Michael's crap that he would only show up to the front desk to see Liz and ask which room Sam was in. I expected them to have a short conversation where Liz was mostly bitchy to Jason for even thinking of having another child. I expected her to squash his hopes of parenthood like she is so good at doing. Then I expected him to walk into Sam's room and be sad and preoccupied not focusing on Sam at all. That is how I expected things to go.
HOWEVER! Much to my delight my expectations were completely inaccurate. Thank goodness for once! I gushed at the opening scene that aired yesterday during the sneak peek of Jason setting up a fancy tea set for Sam. The fact he took time to read through her paper work, set up a rather fancy tea set (didn't know he even owned one like that), and place a rose in a vase spoke volumes to how much he cares for Sam. It kind of reminded me of their first official date back in December 2004 when he fused over the set up of the table before Sam arrived. ( ) . As Sam walked down the stairs to see Jason fusing over the set up of the rose and the tea it made her smile. Right in that moment I was hooked and sure today was going to be a good day. Sam was trying to convince herself there was no pressure to have a baby but we all know that is all she has ever wanted. I love when Sam tells Jason that Maxie was right and Jason's response to that was "That's a lot scary."
Our super couple didn't escape the pressure though. Molly bursting in about caused both of them to run for the hills. Sam's best line when talking to Molly was, "Oh my, there is something you don't know. Shocking!" when discussing the procedure. She was a bit over excited but I think her visit helped in a small way. While she laid it on too heavy too quick, she herself is a true testament to the fact Jason and Sam would make excellent parents. After all, if it wasn't for the two of them she would have been kidnapped by her crazy father as a baby and in to so many other pickles then she has been. Heaven knows Alexis doesn't keep a close eye on Molly. Good thing Sam and Jason are there in the background to catch her when she falls.
Today Jason looked at Sam with such incredible love and you could see the twinkle in his eye. That is what I have been missing. I get Jason has been consumed with his grief but I worried he was taking Sam for granted. Today he was back to the Jason she fell in love with. Today it was all about the two of them. He wanted to take care of Sam. He wanted to be there for her and he was. He was 100% there for her. His devotion was amazing and so clear. Even when he ran into Liz, I was worried that would derail his whole focus. But instead of being derailed he was actually just as devoted to Sam if not more when she apologized for making him come with her. He proved today, Sam is absolutely the love of his life. She is everything to him and his devotion showed that today. Sam has taken incredible care of Jason through EVERYTHING through the years, it was nice to see him take care of her for a change.
The end was incredible and almost made me a little misty. I loved how Jason took Sam's anxious nervous fear of the surgery and just told her he liked to wait and kissed her. He made her forget for a second all of her fears and just be with him for a second. The last lines of the day just melted what was left of my heart.
Jason to Sam: "I want you to know, no matter what happens, nothing is going to change how I feel about you. I love you."
Sam to Jason: "I love you too, no matter what."
So many incredible lines between our super couple today but these were the ones that just made me melt:
Sam to Jason: "Thanks for the save."
Jason to Sam: "That's what I am here for."
Sam to Jason: "..feels like I am spending way too much time in hospitals."
Jason to Sam: "This time it is for a good cause." (oh does this mean Jason wants a child just as much as Sam perhaps!!!!)
Sam to Jason: "If this whole baby or no baby thing has you running for the hills, you can do that right now."
Jason to Sam: "Does it look like I am running?"
Sam to Jason: "No. You look pretty solid."
Jason to Sam: "You've taken care of me. So now this is my chance to take care of you."
Call the comment lines! Thank them for a FABULOUS day!
HOWEVER! Much to my delight my expectations were completely inaccurate. Thank goodness for once! I gushed at the opening scene that aired yesterday during the sneak peek of Jason setting up a fancy tea set for Sam. The fact he took time to read through her paper work, set up a rather fancy tea set (didn't know he even owned one like that), and place a rose in a vase spoke volumes to how much he cares for Sam. It kind of reminded me of their first official date back in December 2004 when he fused over the set up of the table before Sam arrived. ( ) . As Sam walked down the stairs to see Jason fusing over the set up of the rose and the tea it made her smile. Right in that moment I was hooked and sure today was going to be a good day. Sam was trying to convince herself there was no pressure to have a baby but we all know that is all she has ever wanted. I love when Sam tells Jason that Maxie was right and Jason's response to that was "That's a lot scary."
Our super couple didn't escape the pressure though. Molly bursting in about caused both of them to run for the hills. Sam's best line when talking to Molly was, "Oh my, there is something you don't know. Shocking!" when discussing the procedure. She was a bit over excited but I think her visit helped in a small way. While she laid it on too heavy too quick, she herself is a true testament to the fact Jason and Sam would make excellent parents. After all, if it wasn't for the two of them she would have been kidnapped by her crazy father as a baby and in to so many other pickles then she has been. Heaven knows Alexis doesn't keep a close eye on Molly. Good thing Sam and Jason are there in the background to catch her when she falls.
Today Jason looked at Sam with such incredible love and you could see the twinkle in his eye. That is what I have been missing. I get Jason has been consumed with his grief but I worried he was taking Sam for granted. Today he was back to the Jason she fell in love with. Today it was all about the two of them. He wanted to take care of Sam. He wanted to be there for her and he was. He was 100% there for her. His devotion was amazing and so clear. Even when he ran into Liz, I was worried that would derail his whole focus. But instead of being derailed he was actually just as devoted to Sam if not more when she apologized for making him come with her. He proved today, Sam is absolutely the love of his life. She is everything to him and his devotion showed that today. Sam has taken incredible care of Jason through EVERYTHING through the years, it was nice to see him take care of her for a change.
The end was incredible and almost made me a little misty. I loved how Jason took Sam's anxious nervous fear of the surgery and just told her he liked to wait and kissed her. He made her forget for a second all of her fears and just be with him for a second. The last lines of the day just melted what was left of my heart.
Jason to Sam: "I want you to know, no matter what happens, nothing is going to change how I feel about you. I love you."
Sam to Jason: "I love you too, no matter what."
So many incredible lines between our super couple today but these were the ones that just made me melt:
Sam to Jason: "Thanks for the save."
Jason to Sam: "That's what I am here for."
Sam to Jason: "..feels like I am spending way too much time in hospitals."
Jason to Sam: "This time it is for a good cause." (oh does this mean Jason wants a child just as much as Sam perhaps!!!!)
Sam to Jason: "If this whole baby or no baby thing has you running for the hills, you can do that right now."
Jason to Sam: "Does it look like I am running?"
Sam to Jason: "No. You look pretty solid."
Jason to Sam: "You've taken care of me. So now this is my chance to take care of you."
Call the comment lines! Thank them for a FABULOUS day!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Just what the Doctor ordered
Some people around Port Charles today are getting just what the doctor ordered even if they don't realize it yet.
Robin and Patrick are realizing how lucky they are to be back together and that crazy Dr Lisa was just a symptom that they had problems. They are working on their marriage and that is just what the doctor ordered for them.
Brenda is realizing that no matter what you do as a parent you don't always have all the answers. She is desperate to find Lucian but lashing out at Sonny who had NOTHING to do with this isn't the way to do it. I think she is realizing this is a test run of how life will be like being married to a Kingpin. She will always need to have her guard up. Of course I think what the doctor ordered for Brenda is a bunch of drugs to make her stop screeching and for us who had to watch those scenes some cotton for our ears.
When Anthony Zacarra made his debut on GH - I was on my GH break so I never got to see him much. I knew he was crazy and strapped a bomb to Claudia on a roof top once...father of the year there...but other then that I didn't watch him much. He was pretty much off the canvass by the time I returned to GH in mid 2009. I know I missed out on some of GH's characters during my break but I have to say, I am enjoying Anthony's return so far. Oh he is a crazy one but at leas the is also funny too. I mean him and his plants - it's hilarious. The scenes today between Johnny and Anthony were classic. Their squabble about the house plant having root rout and Johnny saying that house plant isn't going to whack them in the middle of the night but Cronenthos might was well put. Johnny hates his father and loves him a little too. It's complicated for sure but what is entertaining is that I think Anothony just might remind Johnny that being in the business isn't where he wants to be. I know Johnny is trying to save Lisa from herself but I think Johnny needs a little saving too and this might just be what the dr ordered.
Sam is struggling right now. I don't think Maxie had any right to come in and voice her opinion about the procedure and parenthood to Jason or Sam. Maxie a good friend most of the time but this time it wasn't her place. She was right about one thing though, Sam would do anything to help Jason through his grief. But right now Jason needs to step back and see Sam needs him. She's a bit terrified of this procedure, if Jason is having second thoughts and she needs his support. Today I was so glad to see they talked a little about this. The night after Jake died, Jason told Sam he wanted to leave and never come back, we saw then how much that hurt her. But what we saw today was that she is still hurt by that and the fact Jason has been pulling away from her. Instead of them both starting to hide the truth and not talk - today they talked which is good because that is something they didn't do in 2007 when things began to fall apart. Today Jason really actually listened to Sam. He listened to the fact she is very insecure about this procedure but that insecurity exists on many levels. She's afraid if it works - then they have to chose if they want to have a child together and all the risk that comes along with that. She's also afraid if it doesn't work of being so devastated it will be like losing her child all over again and she's worried about the affect that will have on Jason. She is also a little afraid that one day Jason's grief will get the best of him and he will just leave forever leaving her. Today Jason listened to all of this and so much that wasn't spoken. He finally took time to step away from his own grief, his constant stress about Michael and actually heard her and reassured her and THAT is just what the doctor ordered for Sam. I am so glad Jason did that for her. Finally he did something for her now lets just wait and see if he actually keeps this up and remembers her birthday.
Get out there and support your soaps. Watch them, call comment lines, email, blog do ANY and EVERYTHING to keep them alive.
Robin and Patrick are realizing how lucky they are to be back together and that crazy Dr Lisa was just a symptom that they had problems. They are working on their marriage and that is just what the doctor ordered for them.
Brenda is realizing that no matter what you do as a parent you don't always have all the answers. She is desperate to find Lucian but lashing out at Sonny who had NOTHING to do with this isn't the way to do it. I think she is realizing this is a test run of how life will be like being married to a Kingpin. She will always need to have her guard up. Of course I think what the doctor ordered for Brenda is a bunch of drugs to make her stop screeching and for us who had to watch those scenes some cotton for our ears.
When Anthony Zacarra made his debut on GH - I was on my GH break so I never got to see him much. I knew he was crazy and strapped a bomb to Claudia on a roof top once...father of the year there...but other then that I didn't watch him much. He was pretty much off the canvass by the time I returned to GH in mid 2009. I know I missed out on some of GH's characters during my break but I have to say, I am enjoying Anthony's return so far. Oh he is a crazy one but at leas the is also funny too. I mean him and his plants - it's hilarious. The scenes today between Johnny and Anthony were classic. Their squabble about the house plant having root rout and Johnny saying that house plant isn't going to whack them in the middle of the night but Cronenthos might was well put. Johnny hates his father and loves him a little too. It's complicated for sure but what is entertaining is that I think Anothony just might remind Johnny that being in the business isn't where he wants to be. I know Johnny is trying to save Lisa from herself but I think Johnny needs a little saving too and this might just be what the dr ordered.
Sam is struggling right now. I don't think Maxie had any right to come in and voice her opinion about the procedure and parenthood to Jason or Sam. Maxie a good friend most of the time but this time it wasn't her place. She was right about one thing though, Sam would do anything to help Jason through his grief. But right now Jason needs to step back and see Sam needs him. She's a bit terrified of this procedure, if Jason is having second thoughts and she needs his support. Today I was so glad to see they talked a little about this. The night after Jake died, Jason told Sam he wanted to leave and never come back, we saw then how much that hurt her. But what we saw today was that she is still hurt by that and the fact Jason has been pulling away from her. Instead of them both starting to hide the truth and not talk - today they talked which is good because that is something they didn't do in 2007 when things began to fall apart. Today Jason really actually listened to Sam. He listened to the fact she is very insecure about this procedure but that insecurity exists on many levels. She's afraid if it works - then they have to chose if they want to have a child together and all the risk that comes along with that. She's also afraid if it doesn't work of being so devastated it will be like losing her child all over again and she's worried about the affect that will have on Jason. She is also a little afraid that one day Jason's grief will get the best of him and he will just leave forever leaving her. Today Jason listened to all of this and so much that wasn't spoken. He finally took time to step away from his own grief, his constant stress about Michael and actually heard her and reassured her and THAT is just what the doctor ordered for Sam. I am so glad Jason did that for her. Finally he did something for her now lets just wait and see if he actually keeps this up and remembers her birthday.
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