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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Week of Cliffhangers

This week seems to be the week for cliff hangers.  Thank God for them because otherwise today's show would have yet another painful day in the saga of the Sonny and Brenda wedding.  I am so ready for this wedding to end.  I really think ABC and GH expected more fans to be excited about this wedding then it really has been.  Sonny and Brenda are NOT Luke and Laura.  Oh can we take anymore of this wedding and that enormous pink bow?  At least the wedding had some of it's entertaining parts to save us all from a complete coma.

I loved Carly today.  I am always team Carly but today she made me proud.  She held to her convictions and was graceful about the outcome.  This is the class Laura Wright has brought to this character.  Before Laura Wright, Carly's character was a lot of things for classy wasn't one of them.  I would absolutely LOVE to see Carly and Luke team up together, Helena wouldn't have a prayer.  If they could only combine that with Lulu's knock out punch they might really be an unstoppable team.  The best part of today's show was Lulu punching Dante.  I only wish she had done that the wedding for everyone to see.  Even though we only got about 30 seconds of Michael and Abby it was sweet to watch. 

Thank goodness for Maxie.  She spent 5 minutes at Jake's assessing Lisa and Johnny and figured the whole thing out.  Maxie really should work for McCall and Jackle, she could have probably realized that Theo was the Balkan months ago. 

Jason really should have listened to Sam about sticking together.  Sam was very uneasy about Jason going with Shawn alone into a potential ambush, with the words "Jason, see you soon."  really meant, "I love you and I hate this but I am doing it."  Jason really should have looked at the big picture.  He really should have just stayed with his Sam so she would not be vulnerable to The Balkan.  Today's cliffhanger did not disappoint.   I think I just figured out how Theo grabs Sam. Tomorrow should be good and HOPEFULLY will be the end of the ATTACK OF THE GIANT PINK BOW, I mean the Sonny Brenda wedding. 

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