Today's episode was truly amazing for all JaSam fans and extremely sad. Can't really say I am one to cry at movies, TV shows or even commercials, but today I found myself a little misty over the last few minutes of the episode. Today's episode reminds us why this couple is the amazing super couple we all fell in love with 6 years ago. The two can set the screen on fire and still be fully clothed.
There had been some indication that today there would be a hot love scene between Jason and Sam. Some sites were saying it would rival to recent carnal activity of Dante and Lulu's ( a.k.a DuDu) way too revealing love scene. But I for one am glad today wasn't about an elaborate love scene. It was far more meaningful to watch Jason and Sam just cherish one another. Kelly Monaco did an amazing job today. Why she hasn't received an Emmy yet is beyond me. Her ability to portray the pain Sam was feeling was absolutely incredible. We saw as Sam struggled not to lose it when Jason said he hated leaving her and then give her the necklace. Sam tried so hard to keep it together and not show Jason how much him leaving is absolutely killing her inside. Then we saw as the emotion caught up with her and she lost it, he was right there to comfort her. While I am not sure the mini-striptease was necessary for that scene, at least we can be sure those two will be going upstairs to tenderly cherish one another. We don't know what the rest of the week's shows will hold. We don't know if we will get that long awaiting JaSam love scene tomorrow, but personally I don't need to see a love scene between Jason and Sam. The two show us how much they love one another everyday without a love scene. They are still the sexiest and most amazing couple in daytime love scene or not. Their love is so strong it draws us in and keeps us watching. Most of us would not watch GH (myself included) if it wasn't for the overwhelming intensity of the most powerful love we have ever witnessed on screen of Jason and Sam.
Like many, I had hoped Jason would have proposed to Sam instead of giving her a necklace. But I suppose he knows that he has her love and she has his. Their commitment to one another doesn't need to be advertised with an engagement ring or public display of commitment. Their love for one another knows no boundaries and is truly ever lasting. However, as a dedicated fan I would like to note, I want a JaSam wedding this year darn it! But at least we can be happy in the fact that they are committed to one another be it formal or not. Jason does appreciate Sam more this time around and he recognizes his life without her would not be worth it.
Please let your voices be heard. Call the comment lines 323-671-4583 and let them know how grateful we are for such an amazing JaSam day. Also let them know we are so elated to have Jason and Sam together. Keep Jason and Sam the super couple they are!
I agree. I absolutely love Jasam. They are the best and I want them together forever