This past week there are not enough words to describe the amazing performances by Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton. They were able to captivate us and pull us into one of the most heart-felt send offs I have ever witnessed. Again, I have to say it why are these two not up for Emmy nominations??? This week I was so over swept with emotion by this super pair I had to remind myself that is is just a TV show.
Every day this past week (besides Tuesday) Jason and Sam walked us down that sad but loving journey of how they said good bye to each other while he is in prison. While they will be apart for weeks or months to come, their love is the strongest it has ever been and growing stronger by the minutes that pass.
The classic 2004-2007 JaSam love affair was beautiful and poetic in it's own right but I think that the renewed JaSam love affair is infinitely stronger then it has ever been. At times this year I felt cheated here and there on scenes and air time for this couple, we have to be delighted in the time the couple got last week. Hopefully this is only one of many fabulous weeks to come of great writing, amazing acting and gripping story lines concerning our super couple .
Keep the faith our super couple will be amazing for a long time to come. Keep calling the comment lines to show our support
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Monday, May 24, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I love you for who you are...
The magic of JaSam was in full force in today's episode. Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco delivered another amazing performance today. Today was classic vintage JaSam the writing we all fell in love with back in 2004/2005. While we never got that love scene we all had hoped for on Tuesday's show nor did today's show start out with Jason and Sam holding each other in bed afterglow, we did get the sweet tenderness this couple has the ability to portray.
We started today's episode out with seeing Jason and Sam returning from a hike and realizing that their time together was quickly fleeting. Just as we were reaching for the kleenex box because as viewers we know we won't get any magical JaSam moments for at least another month, Sam makes BLT's. This was classically darling JaSam. I laughed so hard when Jason turns his head to look back at the kitchen to see if there is a trail smoke or flames coming from the door. It was even more darling when (of course) the sandwiches were terrible. That might be one of the only times Jason's laughed in the past few months. Sam can always manage to put a smile on his face. He even managed to crack a joke in the classic Jason dry humor "now prison food won't come as such a shock to my system". I found myself laughing and smiling. Jason can never be himself around anyone else like he can with Sam. When those two are alone together we get to see the another side of Jason we rarely see. The magic between the two was precious in that moment. Jason and Sam don't have to be in some elaborate love scene for us to see the true chemistry this couple brings to the screen.
But then we found ourselves reaching for that box of kleenex again when Jason looks across the table deep into Sam's beautiful brown eyes and delivers the best line of the day ( quite possibly the month), "Sam, I love for who you are and standing by me through all of this".... The flood of emotion washed over us the viewers just as much as it washed over Sam and Jason in that moment. When Sam sat on Jason's lap and he gently kisses her shoulder we all felt the pain and sadness those two must have been feeling. Kelly Monaco was absolutely incredible in allowing us to really see how Sam was feeling. Sam tried to hold on to their special place and time as long as she possibly could but their time together was ended. As the couple got on the bike and Sam wrapped her arms around Jason could hardly keep his composure and start the bike. He was flooded with the pain and heartbreak more then Sam was. Sam is Jason's one true love and to have to leave her like this clearly was tearing him to pieces.
Today's final scene at the police station was so touching. As they gazed into each others eyes their silence spoke volumes. Sam's face and the gentle tilt of Jason's head to reassure her everything would be alright even though they both know Jason may not survive prison was so tender and loving.
I am not generally a crier; I have said this before. I don't cry very often especially at movies and TV shows; I am kind of heartless that way. But today's show managed to even crack my tough exterior and I found myself not only re-watching the show but I also noticed tears rolling down my face in the second half of the show. It was truly a beautiful episode.
Please keep calling the comment lines and keep our voices heard. Keep the magic of JaSam alive.
We started today's episode out with seeing Jason and Sam returning from a hike and realizing that their time together was quickly fleeting. Just as we were reaching for the kleenex box because as viewers we know we won't get any magical JaSam moments for at least another month, Sam makes BLT's. This was classically darling JaSam. I laughed so hard when Jason turns his head to look back at the kitchen to see if there is a trail smoke or flames coming from the door. It was even more darling when (of course) the sandwiches were terrible. That might be one of the only times Jason's laughed in the past few months. Sam can always manage to put a smile on his face. He even managed to crack a joke in the classic Jason dry humor "now prison food won't come as such a shock to my system". I found myself laughing and smiling. Jason can never be himself around anyone else like he can with Sam. When those two are alone together we get to see the another side of Jason we rarely see. The magic between the two was precious in that moment. Jason and Sam don't have to be in some elaborate love scene for us to see the true chemistry this couple brings to the screen.
But then we found ourselves reaching for that box of kleenex again when Jason looks across the table deep into Sam's beautiful brown eyes and delivers the best line of the day ( quite possibly the month), "Sam, I love for who you are and standing by me through all of this".... The flood of emotion washed over us the viewers just as much as it washed over Sam and Jason in that moment. When Sam sat on Jason's lap and he gently kisses her shoulder we all felt the pain and sadness those two must have been feeling. Kelly Monaco was absolutely incredible in allowing us to really see how Sam was feeling. Sam tried to hold on to their special place and time as long as she possibly could but their time together was ended. As the couple got on the bike and Sam wrapped her arms around Jason could hardly keep his composure and start the bike. He was flooded with the pain and heartbreak more then Sam was. Sam is Jason's one true love and to have to leave her like this clearly was tearing him to pieces.
Today's final scene at the police station was so touching. As they gazed into each others eyes their silence spoke volumes. Sam's face and the gentle tilt of Jason's head to reassure her everything would be alright even though they both know Jason may not survive prison was so tender and loving.
I am not generally a crier; I have said this before. I don't cry very often especially at movies and TV shows; I am kind of heartless that way. But today's show managed to even crack my tough exterior and I found myself not only re-watching the show but I also noticed tears rolling down my face in the second half of the show. It was truly a beautiful episode.
Please keep calling the comment lines and keep our voices heard. Keep the magic of JaSam alive.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
"To remind you I will find my way back to you"
Today's episode was truly amazing for all JaSam fans and extremely sad. Can't really say I am one to cry at movies, TV shows or even commercials, but today I found myself a little misty over the last few minutes of the episode. Today's episode reminds us why this couple is the amazing super couple we all fell in love with 6 years ago. The two can set the screen on fire and still be fully clothed.
There had been some indication that today there would be a hot love scene between Jason and Sam. Some sites were saying it would rival to recent carnal activity of Dante and Lulu's ( a.k.a DuDu) way too revealing love scene. But I for one am glad today wasn't about an elaborate love scene. It was far more meaningful to watch Jason and Sam just cherish one another. Kelly Monaco did an amazing job today. Why she hasn't received an Emmy yet is beyond me. Her ability to portray the pain Sam was feeling was absolutely incredible. We saw as Sam struggled not to lose it when Jason said he hated leaving her and then give her the necklace. Sam tried so hard to keep it together and not show Jason how much him leaving is absolutely killing her inside. Then we saw as the emotion caught up with her and she lost it, he was right there to comfort her. While I am not sure the mini-striptease was necessary for that scene, at least we can be sure those two will be going upstairs to tenderly cherish one another. We don't know what the rest of the week's shows will hold. We don't know if we will get that long awaiting JaSam love scene tomorrow, but personally I don't need to see a love scene between Jason and Sam. The two show us how much they love one another everyday without a love scene. They are still the sexiest and most amazing couple in daytime love scene or not. Their love is so strong it draws us in and keeps us watching. Most of us would not watch GH (myself included) if it wasn't for the overwhelming intensity of the most powerful love we have ever witnessed on screen of Jason and Sam.
Like many, I had hoped Jason would have proposed to Sam instead of giving her a necklace. But I suppose he knows that he has her love and she has his. Their commitment to one another doesn't need to be advertised with an engagement ring or public display of commitment. Their love for one another knows no boundaries and is truly ever lasting. However, as a dedicated fan I would like to note, I want a JaSam wedding this year darn it! But at least we can be happy in the fact that they are committed to one another be it formal or not. Jason does appreciate Sam more this time around and he recognizes his life without her would not be worth it.
Please let your voices be heard. Call the comment lines 323-671-4583 and let them know how grateful we are for such an amazing JaSam day. Also let them know we are so elated to have Jason and Sam together. Keep Jason and Sam the super couple they are!
There had been some indication that today there would be a hot love scene between Jason and Sam. Some sites were saying it would rival to recent carnal activity of Dante and Lulu's ( a.k.a DuDu) way too revealing love scene. But I for one am glad today wasn't about an elaborate love scene. It was far more meaningful to watch Jason and Sam just cherish one another. Kelly Monaco did an amazing job today. Why she hasn't received an Emmy yet is beyond me. Her ability to portray the pain Sam was feeling was absolutely incredible. We saw as Sam struggled not to lose it when Jason said he hated leaving her and then give her the necklace. Sam tried so hard to keep it together and not show Jason how much him leaving is absolutely killing her inside. Then we saw as the emotion caught up with her and she lost it, he was right there to comfort her. While I am not sure the mini-striptease was necessary for that scene, at least we can be sure those two will be going upstairs to tenderly cherish one another. We don't know what the rest of the week's shows will hold. We don't know if we will get that long awaiting JaSam love scene tomorrow, but personally I don't need to see a love scene between Jason and Sam. The two show us how much they love one another everyday without a love scene. They are still the sexiest and most amazing couple in daytime love scene or not. Their love is so strong it draws us in and keeps us watching. Most of us would not watch GH (myself included) if it wasn't for the overwhelming intensity of the most powerful love we have ever witnessed on screen of Jason and Sam.
Like many, I had hoped Jason would have proposed to Sam instead of giving her a necklace. But I suppose he knows that he has her love and she has his. Their commitment to one another doesn't need to be advertised with an engagement ring or public display of commitment. Their love for one another knows no boundaries and is truly ever lasting. However, as a dedicated fan I would like to note, I want a JaSam wedding this year darn it! But at least we can be happy in the fact that they are committed to one another be it formal or not. Jason does appreciate Sam more this time around and he recognizes his life without her would not be worth it.
Please let your voices be heard. Call the comment lines 323-671-4583 and let them know how grateful we are for such an amazing JaSam day. Also let them know we are so elated to have Jason and Sam together. Keep Jason and Sam the super couple they are!
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Sins of a Father
I must admit I am a spoiler junky when it comes to JaSam. I buy the magazines and read on the web all the spoiler sites I can find. While no site can predict the future, many of them have great spoilers and for the most part are accurate.
I have read that in the upcoming months will be pivotal for our great couple. While part of my cringes when I read those words because I know this might mean there will be some anguish for our great couple, I have faith in their strength. This summer sounds like our great couple will be faced with a lot of obstacles. The first major obstacle comes this month when Jason decides to go to prison to protect Michael. Check out that latest promo courtesy of soapoperanetwork.
I don't enjoy that yet another challenge for Jason and Sam that has to do with Michael, it does demonstrate that Jason is willing to save Michael at all costs. Also it shows the depth of love that Jason has for a child. I, like many I am sure, am a bit tired of Port Charles revolving around Michael but we all knew back when Michael was little that someday he would end up in prison. Sadly the child was destine for prison but that is not because he had Sonny as a father and AJ as his biological father. Michael has never been able to make mistakes in his life without the "Unholy three" (that name is credited to our future head writer, TheBlackRose) rushing to save Michael and fix the situation. Jason blames himself for all of Michael's mistakes even when Jason should not at times. I hope that Jason comes to terms with the fact Michael is an adult and needs to grow up. He needs to make his own mistakes and needs to stop having his family clean up his messes. While I understand the need to fix everything for a child being a parent myself but I also see that sometimes you have to let kids fail so they learn. Carly, Sonny and Jason need to realize their lifestyle didn't damage Michael but it was their actions to never let him see the consequences of his actions that damaged Michael.
While all of these events are very unsettling, I hope that the impact it has on Jason and Sam is that he realizes he can't live without her. I hope after he escapes from prison (or is let out some spoilers conflict), he realizes to never put anyone before Sam no matter what. Jason needs to beg Sam for ever hurting her the way he will in the coming months and finally propose and marry her. He will never find anyone else in this world who will so selflessly love him as she does. He also needs to realize that Michael is an adult and needs to let him live his life. Either way, I am looking forward to the upcoming summer of all of the events. I have a feeling some of us will grow very frustrated with some events this summer, I have faith our couple will prevail stronger then ever.
Keep calling the comment lines, checking out the spoilers, buying the great magazines and vote for our favorite couple.
Some highly recommended Spoiler sites:
I have read that in the upcoming months will be pivotal for our great couple. While part of my cringes when I read those words because I know this might mean there will be some anguish for our great couple, I have faith in their strength. This summer sounds like our great couple will be faced with a lot of obstacles. The first major obstacle comes this month when Jason decides to go to prison to protect Michael. Check out that latest promo courtesy of soapoperanetwork.
I don't enjoy that yet another challenge for Jason and Sam that has to do with Michael, it does demonstrate that Jason is willing to save Michael at all costs. Also it shows the depth of love that Jason has for a child. I, like many I am sure, am a bit tired of Port Charles revolving around Michael but we all knew back when Michael was little that someday he would end up in prison. Sadly the child was destine for prison but that is not because he had Sonny as a father and AJ as his biological father. Michael has never been able to make mistakes in his life without the "Unholy three" (that name is credited to our future head writer, TheBlackRose) rushing to save Michael and fix the situation. Jason blames himself for all of Michael's mistakes even when Jason should not at times. I hope that Jason comes to terms with the fact Michael is an adult and needs to grow up. He needs to make his own mistakes and needs to stop having his family clean up his messes. While I understand the need to fix everything for a child being a parent myself but I also see that sometimes you have to let kids fail so they learn. Carly, Sonny and Jason need to realize their lifestyle didn't damage Michael but it was their actions to never let him see the consequences of his actions that damaged Michael.
While all of these events are very unsettling, I hope that the impact it has on Jason and Sam is that he realizes he can't live without her. I hope after he escapes from prison (or is let out some spoilers conflict), he realizes to never put anyone before Sam no matter what. Jason needs to beg Sam for ever hurting her the way he will in the coming months and finally propose and marry her. He will never find anyone else in this world who will so selflessly love him as she does. He also needs to realize that Michael is an adult and needs to let him live his life. Either way, I am looking forward to the upcoming summer of all of the events. I have a feeling some of us will grow very frustrated with some events this summer, I have faith our couple will prevail stronger then ever.
Keep calling the comment lines, checking out the spoilers, buying the great magazines and vote for our favorite couple.
Some highly recommended Spoiler sites:
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Beauty That is JaSam
Jason and Sam have always had a way of setting the screen on fire in their scenes in a way no one else can. It is a true gift and the reason I think why this couple has captivated such an audience and following. In 2004 even when the two didn't like each other you could see the chemistry and passion building. Through Sam's whole pregnancy you saw how much Jason already loved her but wasn't ready to tell her. When her baby died you saw how he hung on her every breath while she recovered. This amazing couple went on to fight against kidnappers, Federal prosecutors, an assorted amount of mob enemies, a shrink with revenge on his mind, memory loss, train wrecks, man made viruses and of course even Manny Ruiz. Manny was quite possible the scariest villain GH ever crafted. There have always been villains but most are almost comical but not Manny. Manny Ruiz terrorized Sam and brought up terror in the rest of us. The actor who portrayed Manny, Robert LaSardo, was so believable it was disturbing. Yet through it all this couple had us hooked. Their scenes were intense and passionate. The way Jason would look at Sam with such intensity made any person (even those who weren't believers) just get weak in the knees. Even through their "rough patch" (this is what I call 2007- late 2008), Jason still looked at Sam with such intensity. He never has stopped loving her. Even when it didn't seem like it and he threatened to kill her, he still loved her but was so deeply hurt and let that pain show through.
I would like to point out in 2007 while Sam was wrong in her actions, Jason was wrong too. He was so wrong to neglect and lie to Sam. He had hurt her so much and destroyed all of her trust in him that her actions, while extreme and wrong, spoke to this betrayal. While I hate those years they were apart, in some ways it made them even stronger.
They overcame it all, taking stock in realizing never to keep the truth from one another no matter the cost. Through all of the pain, lies, betrayals and unfaithfulness the two rise again now stronger then ever. Now, I would be lying if I was to say I our super couple are together and we can watch with intensity once more. However, I do wish the two would talk about the "rough patch" years and at least explain to one another that even while with other people their love never died for one another. I think it's important as fans we hear this. And yes, I do believe you can have many loves in your life and love more then one person at a time. But in the end it's the love that is the most intense and most deep in which the one you always come back to. This is the case with Jason and Sam.
Lately we have had a slight dry spell when it comes to scenes with Jason and Sam. In the midst of Sonny's trial and everything in Port Charles revolving around Michael, Jason and Sam haven't had much time to be the sensational couple we know them to be. The show is also trying to develop another super couple (without much success) between Dante and Lulu. While the cute witty banter between Lulu and Dante was charming at first, I don't find this couple any match for Jason and Sam. Nor is the couple one of my top picks anymore. Their self righteousness through Sonny's trail has only soured my view of them and reminded me once again that they are no match for our JaSam. I ask the writers please to give us more air time with Jason and Sam. Give us that passion and intensity we all crave and tune in for. We are tired of watching Carly and Sonny worry about Michael, Olivia and Johnny talk about Sonny all the time and Helena scheming. Please give us good quality JaSam air time, please.
Thanks for those who have commented. So glad to see there are so many JaSam fans out there. Please keep the comments coming. Also don't forget to call the GH comment line 323-671-4583.
I would like to point out in 2007 while Sam was wrong in her actions, Jason was wrong too. He was so wrong to neglect and lie to Sam. He had hurt her so much and destroyed all of her trust in him that her actions, while extreme and wrong, spoke to this betrayal. While I hate those years they were apart, in some ways it made them even stronger.
They overcame it all, taking stock in realizing never to keep the truth from one another no matter the cost. Through all of the pain, lies, betrayals and unfaithfulness the two rise again now stronger then ever. Now, I would be lying if I was to say I our super couple are together and we can watch with intensity once more. However, I do wish the two would talk about the "rough patch" years and at least explain to one another that even while with other people their love never died for one another. I think it's important as fans we hear this. And yes, I do believe you can have many loves in your life and love more then one person at a time. But in the end it's the love that is the most intense and most deep in which the one you always come back to. This is the case with Jason and Sam.
Lately we have had a slight dry spell when it comes to scenes with Jason and Sam. In the midst of Sonny's trial and everything in Port Charles revolving around Michael, Jason and Sam haven't had much time to be the sensational couple we know them to be. The show is also trying to develop another super couple (without much success) between Dante and Lulu. While the cute witty banter between Lulu and Dante was charming at first, I don't find this couple any match for Jason and Sam. Nor is the couple one of my top picks anymore. Their self righteousness through Sonny's trail has only soured my view of them and reminded me once again that they are no match for our JaSam. I ask the writers please to give us more air time with Jason and Sam. Give us that passion and intensity we all crave and tune in for. We are tired of watching Carly and Sonny worry about Michael, Olivia and Johnny talk about Sonny all the time and Helena scheming. Please give us good quality JaSam air time, please.
Thanks for those who have commented. So glad to see there are so many JaSam fans out there. Please keep the comments coming. Also don't forget to call the GH comment line 323-671-4583.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Grandmother would be proud
This is my first blog about General Hospital's best couple, Jason and Sam.
I have been a fan of the show for years. When I was a preteen and teenager I would spend time during the summer breaks from school with my Grandmother who loved the show. This was back in the Luke/Laura days. For my Grandmother this show was more to her then just something to watch on TV. She was enveloped by the show and it's characters. When the show came on she would turn off the phone and stay transfixed to the television for that hour. It was really the only time you knew never to talk to Grandmother because she would not pay attention to you. The house could be on fire - she would not care or even notice. I smile as I write this description of my wonderful Grandmother. She and I didn't see eye-to-eye about much during her life, but this is one area we could agree on. When she died I was about 15 years old. I stopped watching the show until I got to college mostly because I no longer had anyone to watch the show with. I followed the show through those years but not very closely. I knew Robin had contracted HIV and Carly was around, but overall I just watched every once in a while. It wasn't until after college and I was working I really started watching again. I discovered Soap net which was great because even though I worked full time I could watch the show at night. The invention of the DVR was a wonderful aid to keep up my addiction to GH as well.
In 2004, I started to follow the story of Samantha McCall and Sonny. I found I loved how the show put Jason and Sam together all the time. I loved the chemistry between the two actors. I found myself tuning in each day and watching every time they were on. When the story line of Sam's baby dying came along I was so impressed how real they made this story line. I also had the unfortunate experience with a lost of that nature just two years prior and found myself deeply identifying with Sam's character. I fell in love (so to speak) with the Jason & Sam love story. I watched ever faithful for 3 years until in 2007 the ripped the best couple in daytime apart for what seemed like forever. The day the show's writers did that I stopped watching the show completely. I remember thinking how upset my Grandmother would have been had she still been alive. She was a master of the poison pen letters. I knew if she were still alive she would find a way to send the writers as many letters as she could possibly write.
My life went on as normal without the show for a couple of years. One day during the summer of 2009 I happened to be home with a sick kiddo and noticed the show was on. I turned on just to see if anything had changed, to my surprise it had. Jason and Sam were friends and the show was building the chemistry between the two again. I was hooked once again. Since that day in July, I have tuned in everyday just like Grandmother did in her day watching with hope and excitement for what will happen next. Now I even find myself writing a blog about the show. Oh how proud Grandmother would be of me now.
Please I welcome any fans of GH who are also fans of JaSam to leave comments on this site. I know there are a lot of sites out there about this couple. I loved all of the fan sites and frequent them all the time. I even am known by another name on some of the chats (JasamRULE). Those sites are great and I have no intentions of competing, all I want to do is give my blog about the show and the greatest couple in daytime TV.
I have been a fan of the show for years. When I was a preteen and teenager I would spend time during the summer breaks from school with my Grandmother who loved the show. This was back in the Luke/Laura days. For my Grandmother this show was more to her then just something to watch on TV. She was enveloped by the show and it's characters. When the show came on she would turn off the phone and stay transfixed to the television for that hour. It was really the only time you knew never to talk to Grandmother because she would not pay attention to you. The house could be on fire - she would not care or even notice. I smile as I write this description of my wonderful Grandmother. She and I didn't see eye-to-eye about much during her life, but this is one area we could agree on. When she died I was about 15 years old. I stopped watching the show until I got to college mostly because I no longer had anyone to watch the show with. I followed the show through those years but not very closely. I knew Robin had contracted HIV and Carly was around, but overall I just watched every once in a while. It wasn't until after college and I was working I really started watching again. I discovered Soap net which was great because even though I worked full time I could watch the show at night. The invention of the DVR was a wonderful aid to keep up my addiction to GH as well.
In 2004, I started to follow the story of Samantha McCall and Sonny. I found I loved how the show put Jason and Sam together all the time. I loved the chemistry between the two actors. I found myself tuning in each day and watching every time they were on. When the story line of Sam's baby dying came along I was so impressed how real they made this story line. I also had the unfortunate experience with a lost of that nature just two years prior and found myself deeply identifying with Sam's character. I fell in love (so to speak) with the Jason & Sam love story. I watched ever faithful for 3 years until in 2007 the ripped the best couple in daytime apart for what seemed like forever. The day the show's writers did that I stopped watching the show completely. I remember thinking how upset my Grandmother would have been had she still been alive. She was a master of the poison pen letters. I knew if she were still alive she would find a way to send the writers as many letters as she could possibly write.
My life went on as normal without the show for a couple of years. One day during the summer of 2009 I happened to be home with a sick kiddo and noticed the show was on. I turned on just to see if anything had changed, to my surprise it had. Jason and Sam were friends and the show was building the chemistry between the two again. I was hooked once again. Since that day in July, I have tuned in everyday just like Grandmother did in her day watching with hope and excitement for what will happen next. Now I even find myself writing a blog about the show. Oh how proud Grandmother would be of me now.
Please I welcome any fans of GH who are also fans of JaSam to leave comments on this site. I know there are a lot of sites out there about this couple. I loved all of the fan sites and frequent them all the time. I even am known by another name on some of the chats (JasamRULE). Those sites are great and I have no intentions of competing, all I want to do is give my blog about the show and the greatest couple in daytime TV.
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