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Monday, August 6, 2012

I admire the faithful

I admire the faithful fans who are still holding on and watching GH daily.  I appreciate your dedication to GH and am grateful to you.  Last year at this time we didn't know if GH was going to be on the air much long.  We rallied and wrote letters, we called daily we sent emails, we united against the EVIL ABC execs that looked to cancel GH.  We stood united and to much of our surprise and excitement, we won 1 more year of GH at least.  We did good! So if you were among those who fought congratulate yourself  for your efforts.  Be thankful to have been part of the front that saved GH for at least 1 more year.  Stand proud of that fact if nothing else. 
Sadly shortly after we learned GH was spared from the hatchet block we saw our amazing soap that had captivated us for all these years be blown apart and transformed into something we can hardly recognize.  So this is what we fought so hard to save?  Sure doesn't look the same as it used to.  Sure does seem like someone has taken everything we loved and set fire to it.  But we saved it none the less.  As I said before, be proud of that fact, we saved it.   Sometimes when you set up on a journey you don't know what the outcome is going to be but you do it anyway.   We didn't know what the future held for GH or our couple, but we set out to save GH and we did. 
I am mostly sad when I watch GH now (if I can watch it).  I feel a sadness that begins to take over.  It not only is a sadness but I am starting to accept that this is reality.  RC and FV appear to not be going on anywhere, nor do they appear to be listening to anything fans are saying.  They seem hell bent on changing GH so much no one can recognize it. 
It is with great sadness and regret I have to say, I am admire the faithful fans but I fear I am not one of them anymore.  I am not giving up completely but just taking a break for awhile from the show.  If GH gets back to 'normal' again I will return with gusto.  I will continue to watch when I can but I just don't have the passion I used to for the show.  I will continue to blog when I can as well and when there is something worth blogging about.  I want to hold on to rocky part of the ride until it smooths out but I have to be honest to say, it gets harder every day. 
But please don't let my negative perspective sway your opinion in anyway.  If you are faithful THANK YOU! PLEASE KEEP WATCHING KEEP THE FAITH AND KEEP FIGHTING.  Thank you!  I will continue to write my daily letters to RC and FV asking for change and will continue to write ABC reminding them GH is legend that needs to be spared.  I just can't watch the part where they will destroy JaSam before our eyes.  It will hurt too much to watch. 

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