Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Can't See The Rest of My Life Without Him

It is a tough couple of weeks to be a JaSam fan lately hasn't it been? We get a little glimmer of hope and then the wind gets knocked out of our sails once again.  We really have to dig down deep for that courage and faith to keep on watching and fighting but I encourage you to do so.
I know most of you are selectively watching GH right now and trust me so am I.  I could not take the Jizzer kiss yesterday.  I had to FF thru it.  I wasn't crazy about the McBam kiss though either.  But to me it just looked like Calivia all over again.  I was really waiting for one of them to sprout fangs and go at each other like they used to.  The only chemistry McBam has is old left over vampire lust.  Don't get too upset.  RC is just screwing with us and also trying to maybe bring a few PC's fan back to GH.  That is all.  He is not stupid enough (I hope) to really make McBam a real item.  I am still not abandoning the connection they feel for each other to be one that they are siblings.   Or at least cousins.  I mean look back, Ethan and Lulu were kind of hot before they found out they were siblings too and I did love them chemistry.  So don't get too caught up in the idea of McBam.
Now for the idea of Jizzer 2.0 - Liz is  terrible with relationships.  She knows this, everyone knows this.  She also can't be "friends" with Jason.  She wants Jason that is true.  Jason only turns to her when he sees Sam with another man. So what does that make her? Sloppy Seconds? Possibly but Liz has worked very hard to keep her inner husband stealing, whore self under control in the past year.  So lets hope she has learned a few things like #1 - Jason only wants her as a stand in. #2 - Jason LOVES Sam no matter how much he tells her it is over.  #3 - RC is just trying to get some spikes in ratings from the Jizzer lovers he isn't stupid enough to try to re-invent Jizzer 2.0. 

Don't lose faith completely JaSam are not over.  Jason and Sam still love each other more then anything.  Though a lot has happened here is the truth:
#1 - RC really isn't stupid enough (and if he is Hell hath no furry like pissed off JaSam fans) to break Jason and Sam up for good.
#2 - Sam said it herself, 'I can't see Jason and I getting back together again.  But I also can't see the rest of my life without him'.  That is a big step today for Sam to admit this.  She loves Jason we all know that but she also is starting to take small steps back towards Jason.  Even though tomorrow she finds out Jason kissed Liz and might crush her even more.  The fact still remains she is starting to take small (okay extremely small but they are still there) steps back towards him.  
#3 - Heather is crazy and someone is going to figure her out very soon and that will mean JJ comes back and everything else will change.
#4 JJ is still alive.  There is still hope.

Don't give up.  I know it is hard! This is a really hard week.  But just try to grit your teeth and keep watching and keep speaking out for JaSam.  KEEP FIGHTING.  CALL, WRITE, EMAIL, FB, Tweet - DON'T GIVE UP! It would be so easy right now to give up.  Decide GH isn't worth your time  because let's face it RC has done a number to our couple and show.  But we have fought so hard for so long to keep GH on the air, do not give up now. Go to the root of the problem.  RC is writing all over the board.  He enjoys screwing with people and their characters.  Let your voice be heard.  Be positive and try to make it clear why you love GH.  Don't let the current mess of the story lines take away all those years you have faithfully watched.  Don't let him destroy your love for the show and your love for JaSam.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, they're not over! Their baby is alive and it's Jason's. It means that eventually they'll get back together. They're just teasing us. BUT it may take a bit.
    Did you hear that Natalie and Liam will die as their plane goes down coming home from London?
