Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Monday, June 4, 2012

It is what it is

I have to admit I have started and deleted this post several times.  Friday Sam gave birth to her baby.  I viewed this with my own level of frustration.  This is not how I wanted this to happen but it is what it is.  I was frustrated because this is not how I wanted to whole thing to play out.  I never wanted the baby's paternity to be in question nor did I want this pregnancy to be so absent of any happiness.  I wanted Jason to be there and help Sam deliver her baby.  I wanted Jason to confess he loved this baby no matter what months ago.  But it is what it is.  So in order of what Jason and Sam are always saying, we too need to stop looking back, we can not change the past.  We can not change what has happened, what is important is what we do now going forward.

So let's move forward - even if it is painful and hard at times.  So lets focus on the good as hard as it might be.  Friday Sam gave birth to a darling baby boy on Friday.  He was prefect in every way.  His entrance was dramatic but all the same this is a soap opera what are the chances of a normal delivery.  Of course we know he is Jason's biological son and Heather messed with the DNA test, we were reminded by the fact the baby looks exactly like Jason.  This is the child we have all wanted for the last 8 years so lets just enjoy the fact he is here.  Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes, big blue eyes and the trace of blonde hair he is the baby we have waited for.  Here he is.  Much like most of real life fantasies about our future children, this didn't happen the way we planned exactly.

Today Jason finally came around, Jason finally realized what we have all realized for so long.  He finally realized that he loves Sam and this baby is part of her so he loves this child already.  Jason also finally called this child 'my son'.  Too bad this all came at a price that Jason was the root cause of.  If Jason had never pushed Sam away, should would have never moved out, she would have never go into labor with John being the only person there, John would not have been her only ride the hospitial and she would never had wondered off and collapsed.  However, it is what it is.  Today's show was horrifying to me.  First, Tea's baby is really not alive which I really find upsetting that we have yet another dead baby storyline.  I just find this type of storyline over done.  Secondly, Sam collapses trying to find the baby help and evil Heather is right there to trade off Sam's baby to anyone who is passing by.  It was horrifying that this are the twists in the plot line.  But it is what it is.  The good part is Jason is ready to be part of this family and is ready to fight for them.  Though today I was glad John kind of made it clear to Jason his lack of interest in Sam until now might be part of the reason she has been having such a hard time so far.     I hope this baby doesn't stay with Tea long.  I do feel for Tea and her loss but Sam should get to a mother to her own child's mother.  I really hope that part wraps up soon and Jason and Sam can be happy soon.  I am ready for Jasam happiness it has been a really long time since we got it.  Keep the faith even if it is HELL at a times.  Jason and Sam will be happy again I really hope.


  1. Dear Karen, I know how very hard and how personal it was for you to do this blog. Thank you for sharing it. I did not want this storyline either. No part of it, the way it has been played, even though SB and KM have been outstanding in their roles. The long wait to have them married and with a child of their own was something we all wanted to see, andwaited for. Now, as you said we must move forward. More torment of course, but our happy ending with them reunited is coming. Have faith, and wait, and we will all be waiting with you.

  2. Dear Karen, I was so happy that Sam and Jason married before she got pregnant. I was hopeful that they would find out that the nightmare that happen during their wedding was just that a nightmare, no rape. The current storyline sucks. One baby is dead and the other with someone who is not its mother. The dead baby will miracuously come back to life and be reunited with its mother. This type of storytelling is an insult to the intelligence of the viewers. I hope you get the ending that you want because I don't intend to watch this mess any longer.
