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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Still Holding On

I as a fan of General Hospital am still holding on to hope that someday very soon the head writers will hear our voices and understand why we love GH.  I am thankful GH has been allowed to stay on the air another year.  I am very grateful ABC has realized it's fanbase is huge and loyal to it's soap.  I am hopeful that GH has a long bright future ahead of it. 
I won't lie though, I have been frustrated beyond belief lately with GH and it's current storylines.  Not all are bad.  I actually like crazy Connie and the plan she had.  That was great finally someone stuck it to Sonny.  I like the story lines of Luke and Tracy - I can not stop loving watching those two on screen and their flare for drama and comedy.  I have so enjoyed the return of Anna and what she brings to the show.  I generally ignore Lulu and Dante but even their story line has been interesting now that we know Ronnie is the bad guy.
But as a faithful JaSam fan I am beyond outraged sometimes when I watch GH.  To be honest I haven't been watching GH everyday faithfully because of it.  Sometimes I feel like it is 2006-2007 all over again and that is when I stopped watching GH for 2 years and would not have come back if I hadn't seen a promo about the JaSam reunion in the works.  I really hope for GH's sake history is not repeating it's self.  Last time GH lost a  lot of fans this time I think GH would lose everything.
So I am trying to hold on to hope, as hard as that can be at times.   Hope that Jason and Sam will weather all these latest set backs and rise above it.  Hope that Jason will begin to understand Sam never kept the truth from him to hurt him but to try to make it easier for him.  Hope that Jason will remember his wife was brutally raped and she never got a chance to deal with it before the crisis of everything else set it and she needs to find a way to deal with it.  Hope that Sam gets help from someone she can trust and being to allow herself to open up to Jason again.  I believe the reason Sam has been opening up to John so much (besides the fact she is his long lost sister) and not Jason right now is because she wants to spare Jason the pain she is feeling.  She admitted it  months ago to Michael she wanted to talk to Jason about the rape every time she did he just got so angry and then he started blacking out, having head aches etc.  So she decided then and there she had to deal with all of this on her own.  Even though Jason's health has improved she still isn't sure what she can tell him because he gets so angry.  Therefore, Sam has to find someone else to talk to - queue long lost brother John McBain.  John is not a threat to Jason and Sam's marriage (for th most part) Sam loves Jason with her whole heart and Jason loves Sam.  The real threat to this marriage is Jason's angry and inability to just let Sam confide in him without getting angry.  I thought Liz said it quite well yesterday (yes I actually agree with Liz and liked her comment for once).  Liz said, just because Sam isn't being honest with Jason it didn't mean he didn't need to be honest with Sam.  Jason needs to stop acting like the victim here and realize Sam is going through absolute hell right now and has no support (from him) and feels the whole thing is her fault (including the rape).  John is the only one supporting Sam the only one telling her this isn't all her fault the only one telling her what she needs to hear right now. Of course she is going to continue to confide in John because Jason is too upset and angry to talk to now.  Jason needs a good scare and realize Sam is not the enemy here.  She has done nothing wrong besides try to figure out how to handle everything that has happened to her the best way she knows how.  Sam is a survivor and always has been.  Sam will survive if Jason decides he can not raise this child.  She will love this child no matter what but can Jason survive without Sam? ......The answer -NO! I believe soon he will realize this soon he will realize Sam is his whole world and he needs to fight for her.  Fight for this marriage and fight for this child.  I hope he does it soon because they deserve to be happy and we have had so little happiness for them this year and last other then their actual wedding. 
So please help me remember to be positive when I see HORRIBLE spoilers out there and help me to remember to keep faith in GH and JaSam.  Help by writing letters and sending emails to GH to let them know we love JaSam and they are the reason we watch.  Keep positive in those correspondences -remember you can catch a lot more flies with honey then vinegar.
But if you need to vent, I TRULY understand and I invite you to use the chat box here on this site for it.  I won't kick anyone out for being honest, unless you are a liason fan and are being difficult.   I know it is hard to look at things in a positive light right now.  I understand and invite you to express your frustrations here if you need to and so you don't get kicked off other fan sites that are just so damn happy right now. 


  1. Wow..I feel like you wrote that just for me, Karen.(LOL) I know say ITA a lot, but I really do. Especially about JaSam. I have been furious lately and know I vent on your chat too often, so first let me say thanks. It is great to have a place to speak freely,without fear of being scolded or corrected. I disagree with how they have been writing our couple, but will keep writing(nicely)& supporting them and the loving pair we have loved all these years. I don't want to leave again either. Have quit reading spoilers, and pretty soon yours will be the only site I read at all! LOL! Have no problem with Sam being strong, just not clueless or deceitful. Jason,he's being obtuse,& really self-involved right now. McB? Hope he is just what they say, a plot point, and we move on..soon..brother or not. Thanks, Karen, appreciate you.

    1. Whats going on between John and Sam??They both admitted today that there is something. Hope JaSam work it out. If anyone knows(supposively) is that one run into another person,he did with Liz.I glad she stood up to Jason who cannot handle his woman talking to another man. I can understand why she talked to John. Jason has his groupie and Sonny. i think KM and SB are doing a great job, but I sure hope the baby is the LuvBug, I have waited to damn long. I just pray they move the Franco s/l faster. Connie/Kate I am liking also. There is no telling what Sonny and Carly might do. Loved Luke today talking to John, that was funny.

  2. Thanks for great post
