This morning most of us woke up to the news that Steve Burton has quit GH after 21 years. The end of an era in so many ways came crashing down on our computer screens before most of us had our second cups of coffee. Stunned we all read the articles, tweets and comments to the story. For most of us Steve has been the icon of GH for so many years we can't even comprehend the thought of a GH without Jason Morgan. But that is our new reality. This year has been a lot about new realities and acceptance and I think this news coming now, almost for some of us, seems like the final nail in the JaSam coffin... so to speak. For the most part, yes, it is the end of JaSam as we know it. We love the Stelly Magic that has electrified our TV screens for all these years. The intensity of Jason's stares at Sam. The amazing acting both Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco have done for so many years flashed before our eyes as we read that article today. With a few deep breaths I realized the end is upon us. But just because it is the end it doesn't mean we should not watch at least how it is ended. We should watch to see how they do Steve's departure. We owe JaSam that much. We have been on this journey for the last 8 years, we should see it through to the end, even if it is a bitter end that we didn't want to come.
I know it has been difficult this year to watch all of the changes occur for JaSam and GH. My enjoyment to watch has wavered much like most, I am sure. I kept hoping against hope, if we just just rode this storm out things would get better, there would be a silver lining to this all. Sam and Jason would have their happy ending. We, as completely loyal and dedicated fans, would also have that happy ending we had hoped for. If GH was to get canceled, we hoped that Jason and Sam and their child would ride off into the sunset together and we would feel complete. We would get our story the way we wanted it.
Well............. I am here to tell you, sometimes in life we don't always get what we want. Life changes plans on us sometimes without warning. Chapters of our life are slammed shut before we feel they are complete. As fans that is what we kind of feel like today, like out book has been slammed shut without getting to read the middle part just with a "The End" right at the point we thought things would be improving. It's a bit sour to accept just yet but accept is what we must do. We have our absolute answer now and now we don't need to hope against hope things will come out differently. The finality of today's news resonated for many of us that our hoped for JaSam happy ending has been cut short. We must accept this now and for me I felt a small weight was lifted. Let me clarify that last statement with more detail. I have mixed feeling for quite some time now about GH. I have been struggling to watch and to be passionate about the show I once loved. I have been struggling to find what I once loved in it as I watched this new regime destroy the greatest show bit by bit. I struggled to find what Grandmother and I used to talk about and share such love for. But now, I feel like I don't have to try to keep digging deeper and deeper to find something that makes me happy about GH anymore. I don't have to keep digging to find some pieces of Grandmother's love for the show anymore either. Grandmother has been gone a long time, and though I still talk to her in my prayers at night, I think this helps me to accept she is really not here anymore. She lives on in my heart and that is where she should live on, not in a TV show we both once loved. I know the Chapter of JaSam is coming to an end and now I can move on without regret. Yes, honestly, once this story wraps up it will probably been the end of GH for me. But I can do it knowing I did my best writing to keep GH alive for many years and I enjoyed every second of Jason and Sam's love story and that is how I would like to end it for me. I would like to end my viewership of 26 years on a happy fulfilled note. I think in some small way today's news gives me the closure I have been searching for. Please don't be angry with me for ending my viewership with Steve's departure. I will continue to blog all the way up until the end of JaSam's era.
We have all watched and loved JaSam so much that sometimes we have forgotten they are fictional characters and the people that play them have their own lives going on in the background. Steve's decision did not come easily to him. But he is doing what he feels is best for his family and his career and you can't discount him for that. Often times in life we have to make decisions that don't make complete sense while we make them but in the end - it is the best thing you did. I have no doubt that Steve will be successful in all of his future endeavors and that hopefully his family is happy and enjoy living in a quiet remote area of TN instead of LA. Raising a family has a lot of challenges and tough decisions and I am sure the didn't make this one on a whim. I too think about moving to a more remote place to raise my kids as well away from the hustle and bustle that seems to influence young minds. So do not be angry at Steve for leaving. He gave us 21 amazing years with those dreamy eyes and longing stares. Steve is doing what is right for him. Do not bash Steve on Twitter or FB or on chats or other messages boards. Please let Steve know you are thankful for the memories! After all, there would have never been a JaSam or a reason to watch GH if it hadn't been for Steve.
On that regard, also don't be angry at Kelly for staying either. They are two different people with different priorities in their real lives. Steve's current priority is his family. Kelly's priority is her career. She is staying on GH because it is her career and we should honor that. She is not leaving. Sam is staying in PC for the next chapter of her life no matter what happens. It is important to remember to show Kelly some love. Support her on DWTS this fall too. Do not be angry with Kelly for what ever direction they take Sam's character. It is her job to take Sam on where TPTB direct her to go. She will do an outstanding job - I have complete faith in her. Kelly is an outstanding actress who will succeed in what ever comes her way.
(For more details of Steve's departure and decision )
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Hold On - This is going to hurt like Hell
And so they ended. And so the day came we all dreaded. I watched because I felt I owed that to JaSam. I cried and now I am trying to accept it. For the last 9 months we have watch since Sam's rape at our couple start to be pulled apart. No one liked the story line, we had all hoped for a re-write that would reunite Jason and Sam before the baby was born. But that didn't happen, we all watched as they uncharacteristically turned to others to talk to instead of each other. We watched as they were torn apart more and more each episode. We all hoped and hoped again but alas in the end our hopes didn't come true. So they are over and now headed for divorce. I guess the worst is upon us and now we must learn to accept it. None of us wanted this to happen ever and especially happen this way. But we can't go back in time and fix it.
I am reminded about something Frodo Baggins once said to Gandalf :
Fordo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. "
So what are we sad and hurt JaSam fans going to do with the time that is given to us?
-Do we move forward turn off our TV sets and never watch GH again? Well that that is a viable option and right now seems logical. Because once something hurts you why would you go back for more pain, right? Sounds completely rational on some levels. After all, why would we want to watch a show that is no longer entertaining us or making us happy. Why would we want to watch something that only depresses us because they tore apart our perfect couple? But why do that when we fought so hard to save this show? Is that why we rallied last year and wrote letter after letter and called and did all we could to save GH? Was that why we did all this to stop watching entirely less then a year later? Seems like a waste of our efforts if you ask me. Are we really going to give up that quickly?
-Or do we rally once more? Do we show RC and FV that GH is not OLTL and we want our GH back? More importantly, we WANT OUR JASAM BACK!!! Do we write twice as many letters now and make twice as many phone calls (remember to always be positive) to prove to them you don't mess with JaSam fans. We are a large majority of their viewers and we want to see JaSam on our screens. Do we keep the faith because this is has kept us going for this long? There is still a baby out there and Heather's scheme will be figured out soon enough, right (Hopefully)?
So what would you do? Honestly, after watching today's episode again I have some hope for JaSam. Granted, that hope isn't brimming to the top like it was say last year at this time but I still have some hope. I know how ironic that last statement sounds but it is true. Why break up this super couple when clearly they have such a great history? Are they really headed for divorce or will Jason Junior be found soon and they reunite? I am not sure the answer there. Knowing how depressing this year has been I am guess NO. But it is never a bad idea to hope - to hold on to hope. Hope for a miracle and maybe just once it will work out. Today if you take away the sadness here is where I saw hope.
- Jason and Sam mentioned numerous times they still loves each other
- Sam could not bring herself to say the word divorce - Then maybe they should not be getting one
- Sam flip flopped hoping something would work like marriage counseling etc
- Sam never took off her ring and gave it back to Jason- she is still wearing her ring
- Sam told Jason he wasn't just her husband but her best friend.
-That hug was no normal hug
- There was so much passion in that good-bye kiss -they can't be over for good
- The montage wasn't a farewell send off to all JaSam fans (though honestly felt a little like it at first) it was a message to not give up hope. To keep fighting.
To watch it again and see what I am talking out here is today's JaSam clip
Thank you SimplyGH for the clip
So make up your own mind on what you will do next. But for me I will watch when Jason and Sam are on - holding on hope. I will keep fighting and I will keep hopeful. I will keep my chin up, maybe someday things will go our way. I am not setting myself up for disappointment either, though. I am realistic. I realize this new regime has their whole new plan and ideas but for now I am going to hold on. Hold On to the hope that someday there will be happiness again for JaSam and JaSam fans.
I am reminded about something Frodo Baggins once said to Gandalf :
Fordo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. "
So what are we sad and hurt JaSam fans going to do with the time that is given to us?
-Do we move forward turn off our TV sets and never watch GH again? Well that that is a viable option and right now seems logical. Because once something hurts you why would you go back for more pain, right? Sounds completely rational on some levels. After all, why would we want to watch a show that is no longer entertaining us or making us happy. Why would we want to watch something that only depresses us because they tore apart our perfect couple? But why do that when we fought so hard to save this show? Is that why we rallied last year and wrote letter after letter and called and did all we could to save GH? Was that why we did all this to stop watching entirely less then a year later? Seems like a waste of our efforts if you ask me. Are we really going to give up that quickly?
-Or do we rally once more? Do we show RC and FV that GH is not OLTL and we want our GH back? More importantly, we WANT OUR JASAM BACK!!! Do we write twice as many letters now and make twice as many phone calls (remember to always be positive) to prove to them you don't mess with JaSam fans. We are a large majority of their viewers and we want to see JaSam on our screens. Do we keep the faith because this is has kept us going for this long? There is still a baby out there and Heather's scheme will be figured out soon enough, right (Hopefully)?
So what would you do? Honestly, after watching today's episode again I have some hope for JaSam. Granted, that hope isn't brimming to the top like it was say last year at this time but I still have some hope. I know how ironic that last statement sounds but it is true. Why break up this super couple when clearly they have such a great history? Are they really headed for divorce or will Jason Junior be found soon and they reunite? I am not sure the answer there. Knowing how depressing this year has been I am guess NO. But it is never a bad idea to hope - to hold on to hope. Hope for a miracle and maybe just once it will work out. Today if you take away the sadness here is where I saw hope.
- Jason and Sam mentioned numerous times they still loves each other
- Sam could not bring herself to say the word divorce - Then maybe they should not be getting one
- Sam flip flopped hoping something would work like marriage counseling etc
- Sam never took off her ring and gave it back to Jason- she is still wearing her ring
- Sam told Jason he wasn't just her husband but her best friend.
-That hug was no normal hug
- There was so much passion in that good-bye kiss -they can't be over for good
- The montage wasn't a farewell send off to all JaSam fans (though honestly felt a little like it at first) it was a message to not give up hope. To keep fighting.
To watch it again and see what I am talking out here is today's JaSam clip
Thank you SimplyGH for the clip
So make up your own mind on what you will do next. But for me I will watch when Jason and Sam are on - holding on hope. I will keep fighting and I will keep hopeful. I will keep my chin up, maybe someday things will go our way. I am not setting myself up for disappointment either, though. I am realistic. I realize this new regime has their whole new plan and ideas but for now I am going to hold on. Hold On to the hope that someday there will be happiness again for JaSam and JaSam fans.
Monday, August 6, 2012
I admire the faithful
I admire the faithful fans who are still holding on and watching GH daily. I appreciate your dedication to GH and am grateful to you. Last year at this time we didn't know if GH was going to be on the air much long. We rallied and wrote letters, we called daily we sent emails, we united against the EVIL ABC execs that looked to cancel GH. We stood united and to much of our surprise and excitement, we won 1 more year of GH at least. We did good! So if you were among those who fought congratulate yourself for your efforts. Be thankful to have been part of the front that saved GH for at least 1 more year. Stand proud of that fact if nothing else.
Sadly shortly after we learned GH was spared from the hatchet block we saw our amazing soap that had captivated us for all these years be blown apart and transformed into something we can hardly recognize. So this is what we fought so hard to save? Sure doesn't look the same as it used to. Sure does seem like someone has taken everything we loved and set fire to it. But we saved it none the less. As I said before, be proud of that fact, we saved it. Sometimes when you set up on a journey you don't know what the outcome is going to be but you do it anyway. We didn't know what the future held for GH or our couple, but we set out to save GH and we did.
I am mostly sad when I watch GH now (if I can watch it). I feel a sadness that begins to take over. It not only is a sadness but I am starting to accept that this is reality. RC and FV appear to not be going on anywhere, nor do they appear to be listening to anything fans are saying. They seem hell bent on changing GH so much no one can recognize it.
It is with great sadness and regret I have to say, I am admire the faithful fans but I fear I am not one of them anymore. I am not giving up completely but just taking a break for awhile from the show. If GH gets back to 'normal' again I will return with gusto. I will continue to watch when I can but I just don't have the passion I used to for the show. I will continue to blog when I can as well and when there is something worth blogging about. I want to hold on to rocky part of the ride until it smooths out but I have to be honest to say, it gets harder every day.
But please don't let my negative perspective sway your opinion in anyway. If you are faithful THANK YOU! PLEASE KEEP WATCHING KEEP THE FAITH AND KEEP FIGHTING. Thank you! I will continue to write my daily letters to RC and FV asking for change and will continue to write ABC reminding them GH is legend that needs to be spared. I just can't watch the part where they will destroy JaSam before our eyes. It will hurt too much to watch.
Sadly shortly after we learned GH was spared from the hatchet block we saw our amazing soap that had captivated us for all these years be blown apart and transformed into something we can hardly recognize. So this is what we fought so hard to save? Sure doesn't look the same as it used to. Sure does seem like someone has taken everything we loved and set fire to it. But we saved it none the less. As I said before, be proud of that fact, we saved it. Sometimes when you set up on a journey you don't know what the outcome is going to be but you do it anyway. We didn't know what the future held for GH or our couple, but we set out to save GH and we did.
I am mostly sad when I watch GH now (if I can watch it). I feel a sadness that begins to take over. It not only is a sadness but I am starting to accept that this is reality. RC and FV appear to not be going on anywhere, nor do they appear to be listening to anything fans are saying. They seem hell bent on changing GH so much no one can recognize it.
It is with great sadness and regret I have to say, I am admire the faithful fans but I fear I am not one of them anymore. I am not giving up completely but just taking a break for awhile from the show. If GH gets back to 'normal' again I will return with gusto. I will continue to watch when I can but I just don't have the passion I used to for the show. I will continue to blog when I can as well and when there is something worth blogging about. I want to hold on to rocky part of the ride until it smooths out but I have to be honest to say, it gets harder every day.
But please don't let my negative perspective sway your opinion in anyway. If you are faithful THANK YOU! PLEASE KEEP WATCHING KEEP THE FAITH AND KEEP FIGHTING. Thank you! I will continue to write my daily letters to RC and FV asking for change and will continue to write ABC reminding them GH is legend that needs to be spared. I just can't watch the part where they will destroy JaSam before our eyes. It will hurt too much to watch.
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