I as a fan of General Hospital am still holding on to hope that someday very soon the head writers will hear our voices and understand why we love GH. I am thankful GH has been allowed to stay on the air another year. I am very grateful ABC has realized it's fanbase is huge and loyal to it's soap. I am hopeful that GH has a long bright future ahead of it.
I won't lie though, I have been frustrated beyond belief lately with GH and it's current storylines. Not all are bad. I actually like crazy Connie and the plan she had. That was great finally someone stuck it to Sonny. I like the story lines of Luke and Tracy - I can not stop loving watching those two on screen and their flare for drama and comedy. I have so enjoyed the return of Anna and what she brings to the show. I generally ignore Lulu and Dante but even their story line has been interesting now that we know Ronnie is the bad guy.
But as a faithful JaSam fan I am beyond outraged sometimes when I watch GH. To be honest I haven't been watching GH everyday faithfully because of it. Sometimes I feel like it is 2006-2007 all over again and that is when I stopped watching GH for 2 years and would not have come back if I hadn't seen a promo about the JaSam reunion in the works. I really hope for GH's sake history is not repeating it's self. Last time GH lost a lot of fans this time I think GH would lose everything.
So I am trying to hold on to hope, as hard as that can be at times. Hope that Jason and Sam will weather all these latest set backs and rise above it. Hope that Jason will begin to understand Sam never kept the truth from him to hurt him but to try to make it easier for him. Hope that Jason will remember his wife was brutally raped and she never got a chance to deal with it before the crisis of everything else set it and she needs to find a way to deal with it. Hope that Sam gets help from someone she can trust and being to allow herself to open up to Jason again. I believe the reason Sam has been opening up to John so much (besides the fact she is his long lost sister) and not Jason right now is because she wants to spare Jason the pain she is feeling. She admitted it months ago to Michael she wanted to talk to Jason about the rape every time she did he just got so angry and then he started blacking out, having head aches etc. So she decided then and there she had to deal with all of this on her own. Even though Jason's health has improved she still isn't sure what she can tell him because he gets so angry. Therefore, Sam has to find someone else to talk to - queue long lost brother John McBain. John is not a threat to Jason and Sam's marriage (for th most part) Sam loves Jason with her whole heart and Jason loves Sam. The real threat to this marriage is Jason's angry and inability to just let Sam confide in him without getting angry. I thought Liz said it quite well yesterday (yes I actually agree with Liz and liked her comment for once). Liz said, just because Sam isn't being honest with Jason it didn't mean he didn't need to be honest with Sam. Jason needs to stop acting like the victim here and realize Sam is going through absolute hell right now and has no support (from him) and feels the whole thing is her fault (including the rape). John is the only one supporting Sam the only one telling her this isn't all her fault the only one telling her what she needs to hear right now. Of course she is going to continue to confide in John because Jason is too upset and angry to talk to now. Jason needs a good scare and realize Sam is not the enemy here. She has done nothing wrong besides try to figure out how to handle everything that has happened to her the best way she knows how. Sam is a survivor and always has been. Sam will survive if Jason decides he can not raise this child. She will love this child no matter what but can Jason survive without Sam? ......The answer -NO! I believe soon he will realize this soon he will realize Sam is his whole world and he needs to fight for her. Fight for this marriage and fight for this child. I hope he does it soon because they deserve to be happy and we have had so little happiness for them this year and last other then their actual wedding.
So please help me remember to be positive when I see HORRIBLE spoilers out there and help me to remember to keep faith in GH and JaSam. Help by writing letters and sending emails to GH to let them know we love JaSam and they are the reason we watch. Keep positive in those correspondences -remember you can catch a lot more flies with honey then vinegar.
But if you need to vent, I TRULY understand and I invite you to use the chat box here on this site for it. I won't kick anyone out for being honest, unless you are a liason fan and are being difficult. I know it is hard to look at things in a positive light right now. I understand and invite you to express your frustrations here if you need to and so you don't get kicked off other fan sites that are just so damn happy right now.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Pro Con Con Pro
When I was in college I was in a sorority, when ever addressing something we were told we need to do the 'Pro Con Con Pro' method. This meant bring up a good point with a bad and end on a good note. This is actually a very good life lesson for any situation. I use it all the time in my professional world and even with my parenting style.
One of the things I have always loved about GH is it wasn't your classic soap. It had semi-realistic story lines, it veered away from the supernatural like people being posed by the devil (DOOL) or vampires (that was PC not GH). GH veered away from the split personalities and other cliche story lines that have given soaps a less then favorable name in TV history.
However, now that we have a new writing regime, all bets are off and we often tune into our beloved show trying to find traces of what the show used to be. Let's see since this new arrival of the HW we have:
- a split personality
- a dead Robin (who isn't really dead but she'll be hanging out in that bed probably for the next 14 months at least)
- we are stuck with "Maxie" and no chance of Kirsten Storms return
- a complete invasion of OLTL characters taking over the canvas
- a new show format and opening unrecognizable from what it used to be
- lets not forget - a vampire walking around saying he is a cop but give it time folks and McBain is going to be sprouting fangs and flying around at night checking out the catacombs
- a promise to shake things up between our favorite couple which is turning out to meaning rehashing stupid storylines and not doing anything we enjoy much
-a pregnancy that is only going to last 5 months instead of 9
-Sonny is on trail AGAIN
Sometimes when I watch I feel like GH is turning into a show we can't even recognize let along watch and entire episode of. I really don't enjoy many of the current story lines and struggle with the logic in a lot of it. I keep trying to hold on to what we love so much and has entertained us for years. GH has been through many writers and many changes over the years and we have watched ever faithful and hopeful for the future. So why change now? Why stop watching and hoping? What is stopping us?
I know what you are thinking, GH is turning into OLTL 2.0 and the HW is determined to fuse the two shows. I also was never a fan of OLTL because I could not get into the story lines. They drug on for years and got boring and dry and I would turn it off laughing at how hokey some of the story lines were. Some days I wonder if RC is determined to get GH canceled but why would anyone want to kill the last remaining soap on ABC? Why would anyone want to be known as the killer of not 1 but 2 shows. It would be extremely hard for him to find work knowing he is the guy that can get a show canceled in no time flat. So maybe he is not trying to get GH cancelled after all. Maybe he is trying to save it and has been told he needs to shake things up and see if it pulls in new viewers. Maybe he has good intentions and we should tune in and support our show. He is doing somethings good. Things are moving faster with him as HW then in the past. I loved GW but he did have an issue with timing. Things moved slowly and days went on for weeks with GW. Story lines are eventful right now. He did bring back some classic characters like Anna, Holly, Heather, Robert and Drake Senior and have plans for others to make return visits. Even if it was brief they came back it was wonderful to see them. Maybe this is what it will take to keep GH on the air.
So here is my advice, keep watching and find out what happens next. I know many of us are on boards, have facebook accounts and twitter and sometimes want to vent our frustrations. I encourage you do to so especially if it helps you feel better about the show. But remember what you write and say is out there is for everyone to see so I encourage you to make sure you say something positive about GH as much as you say something negative. Use the pro con con pro method - just try it. You can get your frustrations out without playing into the haters hands out there.
Now to talk about GH lately. Why is everyone listening to crazy people around Port Charles lately? Also why is everyone a bit crazy these days on GH?
Kate/Connie get crazier by the minute. Connie has a purpose but does Kate? I mean I think I like Connie better then Kate. Connie is a hoot and she's apparently the person to have around when you need to shoot someone. Maybe Sonny should hire Connie as his next enforcer instead of Jason. Jason needs to get out of the business and Connie sure is a clear shot with a hand gun but not the best at disposing of the weapon. She'll need to work on that to be a mob enforcer but I see this in her future.
Let's take Heather Webber for instance now. Heather is certifiable - literally yet we are going to take what she has to say as the truth about Jason and Franco being twins?? Even if they are twins, the fact that Sam's baby could be Franco's is still not possible. The DNA test showed the baby shares genetic marks with Jason. Jason and Franco were fraternal twins so they don't share the same DNA the way identical twins do. Not to mention Heather is CRAZY in every sense of the word. She is locked up for life in a mental institute of course she is going to screw with people just for pure entertainment value alone. Here is my theory either Heather is Franco's mother (would explain the whole crazy thing). OR Franco knew raping Sam would send Jason over the edge. He knew Jason would kill him for this. So Franco found out where Jason was born. He took that page of the birth record. He then went to Heather Moore offering her money or something she wanted she gave him the footage of that baby he then told her the story to tell Sam or Jason when they came looking. He knew by then it would be dead. He even made it easy for Jason to find him to kill him because by then he had his affairs in order and had the whole game set to play out. He also knew Sam was pregnant and he is the one who planted the seed he could be the father. Eventually it will come out that Franco wasn't Jason's twin. Heather will tell the true story eventually once she gets what she wants.
Sam is far to sharp and logical to fall for this once she sees the reality of this. Sam is the strongest character on GH and the smartest, she needs to be written true to character. Sam's true character will see this is some crazy old bitty trying to screw with everyone who has been paid off by Franco. Sam is a PI for God's sake she is trained to look at things logically. She needs to take her emotion out of the picture here and look at the facts. Also Jason needs to stop yelling at his pregnant wife and realize this poor woman has been through absolute hell in the past 5 months. She is going to be clingy a bit because no sooner did she get raped then found out she was pregnant possibly with the devil's baby then Jason nearly dies. Then Robin does die trying to save Jason. YES she is going to be a bit delicate right now. Not to mention she is pregnant and the last time she lost her baby so she is naturally going to need additional support. It is about time Jason starts giving it to her and stop worrying about Sonny. Let the sucker fry I say. Sonny didn't do this crime but he has done enough in the past to make up for this. I want Jason and Sam to be focused on the baby. We have waited 8 years for this, I want to see the doctor visits, Jason listening to the baby's heart beat, watching the ultra sound. I want him to FUSS over Sam like never before. I WANT THAT JASON!
One of the things I have always loved about GH is it wasn't your classic soap. It had semi-realistic story lines, it veered away from the supernatural like people being posed by the devil (DOOL) or vampires (that was PC not GH). GH veered away from the split personalities and other cliche story lines that have given soaps a less then favorable name in TV history.
However, now that we have a new writing regime, all bets are off and we often tune into our beloved show trying to find traces of what the show used to be. Let's see since this new arrival of the HW we have:
- a split personality
- a dead Robin (who isn't really dead but she'll be hanging out in that bed probably for the next 14 months at least)
- we are stuck with "Maxie" and no chance of Kirsten Storms return
- a complete invasion of OLTL characters taking over the canvas
- a new show format and opening unrecognizable from what it used to be
- lets not forget - a vampire walking around saying he is a cop but give it time folks and McBain is going to be sprouting fangs and flying around at night checking out the catacombs
- a promise to shake things up between our favorite couple which is turning out to meaning rehashing stupid storylines and not doing anything we enjoy much
-a pregnancy that is only going to last 5 months instead of 9
-Sonny is on trail AGAIN
Sometimes when I watch I feel like GH is turning into a show we can't even recognize let along watch and entire episode of. I really don't enjoy many of the current story lines and struggle with the logic in a lot of it. I keep trying to hold on to what we love so much and has entertained us for years. GH has been through many writers and many changes over the years and we have watched ever faithful and hopeful for the future. So why change now? Why stop watching and hoping? What is stopping us?
I know what you are thinking, GH is turning into OLTL 2.0 and the HW is determined to fuse the two shows. I also was never a fan of OLTL because I could not get into the story lines. They drug on for years and got boring and dry and I would turn it off laughing at how hokey some of the story lines were. Some days I wonder if RC is determined to get GH canceled but why would anyone want to kill the last remaining soap on ABC? Why would anyone want to be known as the killer of not 1 but 2 shows. It would be extremely hard for him to find work knowing he is the guy that can get a show canceled in no time flat. So maybe he is not trying to get GH cancelled after all. Maybe he is trying to save it and has been told he needs to shake things up and see if it pulls in new viewers. Maybe he has good intentions and we should tune in and support our show. He is doing somethings good. Things are moving faster with him as HW then in the past. I loved GW but he did have an issue with timing. Things moved slowly and days went on for weeks with GW. Story lines are eventful right now. He did bring back some classic characters like Anna, Holly, Heather, Robert and Drake Senior and have plans for others to make return visits. Even if it was brief they came back it was wonderful to see them. Maybe this is what it will take to keep GH on the air.
So here is my advice, keep watching and find out what happens next. I know many of us are on boards, have facebook accounts and twitter and sometimes want to vent our frustrations. I encourage you do to so especially if it helps you feel better about the show. But remember what you write and say is out there is for everyone to see so I encourage you to make sure you say something positive about GH as much as you say something negative. Use the pro con con pro method - just try it. You can get your frustrations out without playing into the haters hands out there.
Now to talk about GH lately. Why is everyone listening to crazy people around Port Charles lately? Also why is everyone a bit crazy these days on GH?
Kate/Connie get crazier by the minute. Connie has a purpose but does Kate? I mean I think I like Connie better then Kate. Connie is a hoot and she's apparently the person to have around when you need to shoot someone. Maybe Sonny should hire Connie as his next enforcer instead of Jason. Jason needs to get out of the business and Connie sure is a clear shot with a hand gun but not the best at disposing of the weapon. She'll need to work on that to be a mob enforcer but I see this in her future.
Let's take Heather Webber for instance now. Heather is certifiable - literally yet we are going to take what she has to say as the truth about Jason and Franco being twins?? Even if they are twins, the fact that Sam's baby could be Franco's is still not possible. The DNA test showed the baby shares genetic marks with Jason. Jason and Franco were fraternal twins so they don't share the same DNA the way identical twins do. Not to mention Heather is CRAZY in every sense of the word. She is locked up for life in a mental institute of course she is going to screw with people just for pure entertainment value alone. Here is my theory either Heather is Franco's mother (would explain the whole crazy thing). OR Franco knew raping Sam would send Jason over the edge. He knew Jason would kill him for this. So Franco found out where Jason was born. He took that page of the birth record. He then went to Heather Moore offering her money or something she wanted she gave him the footage of that baby he then told her the story to tell Sam or Jason when they came looking. He knew by then it would be dead. He even made it easy for Jason to find him to kill him because by then he had his affairs in order and had the whole game set to play out. He also knew Sam was pregnant and he is the one who planted the seed he could be the father. Eventually it will come out that Franco wasn't Jason's twin. Heather will tell the true story eventually once she gets what she wants.
Sam is far to sharp and logical to fall for this once she sees the reality of this. Sam is the strongest character on GH and the smartest, she needs to be written true to character. Sam's true character will see this is some crazy old bitty trying to screw with everyone who has been paid off by Franco. Sam is a PI for God's sake she is trained to look at things logically. She needs to take her emotion out of the picture here and look at the facts. Also Jason needs to stop yelling at his pregnant wife and realize this poor woman has been through absolute hell in the past 5 months. She is going to be clingy a bit because no sooner did she get raped then found out she was pregnant possibly with the devil's baby then Jason nearly dies. Then Robin does die trying to save Jason. YES she is going to be a bit delicate right now. Not to mention she is pregnant and the last time she lost her baby so she is naturally going to need additional support. It is about time Jason starts giving it to her and stop worrying about Sonny. Let the sucker fry I say. Sonny didn't do this crime but he has done enough in the past to make up for this. I want Jason and Sam to be focused on the baby. We have waited 8 years for this, I want to see the doctor visits, Jason listening to the baby's heart beat, watching the ultra sound. I want him to FUSS over Sam like never before. I WANT THAT JASON!
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