There is very little happiness these days on General Hospital. A show starved of joy and happiness but it does make for good drama sadly enough. The citizens of Port Charles are battling their own personal hells as of late.
Kate is in her own personal hell trying to figure out what the hell she is doing wearing old bloody wedding dress. I think Kate is as coocoo as they come but the fact she is wearing her old wedding dress from 2008 she is clearly in need of some help. Clearly she is living in a hell that she hasn't moved on from in the past 4 years. The only person who can see how loony Kate has become is Olivia. However, I don't think any of us know how freaking nutz Kate really is yet. She is one crazy chick. So what if it wasn't Sonny who shot Anthony's car up my money is on Kate. I think she is also the one who shot Sonny in the parking garage. Maybe in the past 4 years while Kate's been wearing her old bloody wedding dress she has also been going to the firing range? Think about it. It would make sense.
Speaking of crazy chicks, good old Helena is unleashing her latest fresh slice of hell on her most recent victims out on Spoon Island. Holly rushing in just as Luke or Ethan were to get shot was convenient and very calculate. Almost too convenient was her latest news of Ethan's paternity. Is Ethan a Scorpio or a Spencer? My money is on Scorpio because Nathan's contract is up and he isn't renewing it. But who knows what this story has in it's future. I did enjoy seeing Holly, Helena and Luke on the same screen together again though. I know Helena's a crazy old witch but gosh she is good and I love seeing her.
I have very little interest in these OLTL characters and their presents on GH. However, Starr will have to deal with her own hell when it comes to finding out about Cole (her boyfriend) and Hope (her child). I never watched OLTL very much. I didn't follow the story of the Mannings at all. I watched Natalie and John here and there other then that I had no interest in the show. I just know that poor girl will have a horrible hell to deal with when she wakes up and finds out. For Michael this reminds him of his own personal hell he has already been living of losing Abby. Michael's hell has been upon him for months now. Perhaps this will help him deal with his own hell.
No one can be going through more of their own personal hell then Anna, Robert and Patrick right now. Anna had to do the unthinkable today. She had to tell Robert their daughter was killed in an explosion. Robert wanted to poke holes in this story but there was little room for error in this situation. Robin was in the lab where Maxie, Matt and even Patrick all knocked things over in the lab. There was very little room for this to be a calculated mistake and Robin is really alive. Watching Anna having to tell Robert and his reaction was an amazing scene but the most tragic one of the day.
For Patrick he did the thing he had to do. He injected the medicine into Jason's brain. He saved Jason's life. While Patrick truly struggled with saving Jason's life but he saw Robin's ghost and knew he had to do the right thing. Robin would never forgive him is he had let Jason die at his hands. He knew that. But once Patrick saved Jason and fought with Sam for the 40th time in that day, Patrick didn't know what to else to do. Fighting with Sam at least kept him talking but once that was over, once he realized Sam was never trying to be insensitive or evil for asking him to do the surgery, he was washed over with the reality of everything. Patrick finally heard Sam when she said she was truly sorry Robin was gone and that Jason was truly grateful. But after all of that Patrick could not even stand when he realized it was all over. He has nothing left to do but try to live in this hell and try to go on. Who should find Patrick in this extremely tragic state but the no nonsense head nurse that challenges Patrick on EVERYTHING, Epiphany. Today this scene had me in tears between these two. Epiphany wasn't there to tell Patrick he was a rich spoiled arrogant doctor that needed to do something. Today she was there to give him the only advice he could hear. Epiphany knows loss far too well. She explained to Patrick how he was going to go on. Epiphany told Patrick what he needed to hear, 'You'll find the strength'. 'Do whatever it takes to keep her {Emma} going because that will keep you going too'. 'Patrick, you are a good man with a lot of good left to do in this world. You can't let anything stop you, not even this.' I have watched that scene about 5 times now. It was the most touching scene I have seen in a very long time.
I have still seen the Sam bashing out there over all of this. Sam is doing the exact thing Patrick would have done if Robin was sick. Sam is doing the exact thing Robin would have done if Patrick was sick and she is also doing the exact thing Jason would have done if Sam was sick. Sam is fighting to keep Jason alive. Sam loves Jason more then anything and she will do anything to keep him alive. That is not wrong that is just a testament to her love for him and their amazing love. Sam never wanted Robin to die. Robin and Sam were friends. Sam respected Robin greatly and honored her past with Jason. Sam honored Jason and Robin's friendship. She did not throw Robin into the lab, she is not responsible for this. She only asked Patrick to save Jason which is what Robin died trying to do. She only asked a husband to honor his dead wife's last wishes.
Keep watching! Call, comment, do it all. Try to remain positive! Remember Grandmother's advice, you catch a lot more flies with honey then you do vinegar. Try it!
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
I Couldn't Save Her
Today's episode of GH was so sad, it took me a long time to actually write about it. If you watched today's episode of GH without crying you are one tough cookie. Today was a tough episode to watch but I watched it. Everyone should watch though because the acting talent has been Emmy award material.
Today I was devastated as I watch Patrick tell Anna that Robin was gone. Anna's reaction to hear her child (her only child) has been killed in an explosion was gut wrenching. In those scenes I kept hearing Patrick say, "I couldn't save her. I am so sorry, I couldn't save her. I'm sorry." A parent should never have to deal with their child dying before them. It is not the law of nature. Parents are ready to go first it is in genetics. It is how it should be. For a parent to lose their child young or old is never right. Anna's had years of training of how to act cool in a crisis, a skill she past on to her daughter too. A skill little Emma will probably never get to learn from her own mother. Anna tried today to keep it together to not completely fall apart but how can she not. I have a feeling tomorrow when Anna has to tell Mac that is when it will really hit her. Mac - oh poor Mac. He has already had to lose Georgie and now Robin. This will kill Mac and he is in perfect health. This is so sad because Mac was finally starting to live again.
Patrick is so devastated and he could not understand why Robin went back into the lab to get Jason's protocol. Patrick can not comprehend what has happened. Robin ran back into the lab to save Jason's protocol because Robin could not imagine a world without Jason in it. Robin vowed to always save lives as a doctor and she had to go back in that lab. She would not be able to live with herself if she had not tried to save that protocol. Patrick will never understand that. There will be a lot of things Patrick will never understand about all of this. I was half expecting Patrick to throw the vile with Jason's protocol across the room when he found it. He is so angry I just hope he doesn't throw the medicine at Sam. He looked like he was going to kill her today when she asked if that was Jason's medicine.
Sam has so much pressure and stress to be dealing with this whole pregnancy. Sam is tough but I fear this will result in something down the road for Sam's own health. Today when Monica told Sam Jason was not going to recover she was shattered. So when she saw Patrick standing with the vile of Jason's medicine in his hand, of course she was going to ask. if the roles were reversed and Sam had just lost Jason but was holding in her hands the key to saving Robin's life - Patrick would do anything he could to save her.
There has been a lot of judgement thrown around today on message boards and social networks about GH today. Mostly focused on Sam not telling Jason about Robin. So here is my two cents about it, take it or leave it. I believe Sam thought about telling Jason as she staggered into the room but Sam made a split decision to not tell Jason about Robin because the second he started to ask about Robin he had head pain. She realized in that second, she could not tell Jason that Robin had died in the blast. Sam is aware of how close Robin and Jason are and knows what the two of them have meant to each other. Sam has always respected that friendship but how could she tell him that Robin was killed in an explosion trying to save his life. Sam knows this is the news that would kill Jason. How could she do that right now? If you were in this situation would you tell your husband something when he is on his possible death bed something that would kill him? Answer: NO! no one would. It tore Sam to pieces to tell Jason that lie but she didn't know what else to do.
Not sure if everyone has heard but the next few weeks are critical for GH and ratings. So please call, write, comment, tweet, facebook. Do it all and then do it again. KEEP IT ALL POSITIVE!!! Even if you can't stand a story line or two - KEEP YOUR FEEDBACK POSITIVE. STOP THE NEGATIVITY! It will only poison others and impact the show!
Today I was devastated as I watch Patrick tell Anna that Robin was gone. Anna's reaction to hear her child (her only child) has been killed in an explosion was gut wrenching. In those scenes I kept hearing Patrick say, "I couldn't save her. I am so sorry, I couldn't save her. I'm sorry." A parent should never have to deal with their child dying before them. It is not the law of nature. Parents are ready to go first it is in genetics. It is how it should be. For a parent to lose their child young or old is never right. Anna's had years of training of how to act cool in a crisis, a skill she past on to her daughter too. A skill little Emma will probably never get to learn from her own mother. Anna tried today to keep it together to not completely fall apart but how can she not. I have a feeling tomorrow when Anna has to tell Mac that is when it will really hit her. Mac - oh poor Mac. He has already had to lose Georgie and now Robin. This will kill Mac and he is in perfect health. This is so sad because Mac was finally starting to live again.
Patrick is so devastated and he could not understand why Robin went back into the lab to get Jason's protocol. Patrick can not comprehend what has happened. Robin ran back into the lab to save Jason's protocol because Robin could not imagine a world without Jason in it. Robin vowed to always save lives as a doctor and she had to go back in that lab. She would not be able to live with herself if she had not tried to save that protocol. Patrick will never understand that. There will be a lot of things Patrick will never understand about all of this. I was half expecting Patrick to throw the vile with Jason's protocol across the room when he found it. He is so angry I just hope he doesn't throw the medicine at Sam. He looked like he was going to kill her today when she asked if that was Jason's medicine.
Sam has so much pressure and stress to be dealing with this whole pregnancy. Sam is tough but I fear this will result in something down the road for Sam's own health. Today when Monica told Sam Jason was not going to recover she was shattered. So when she saw Patrick standing with the vile of Jason's medicine in his hand, of course she was going to ask. if the roles were reversed and Sam had just lost Jason but was holding in her hands the key to saving Robin's life - Patrick would do anything he could to save her.
There has been a lot of judgement thrown around today on message boards and social networks about GH today. Mostly focused on Sam not telling Jason about Robin. So here is my two cents about it, take it or leave it. I believe Sam thought about telling Jason as she staggered into the room but Sam made a split decision to not tell Jason about Robin because the second he started to ask about Robin he had head pain. She realized in that second, she could not tell Jason that Robin had died in the blast. Sam is aware of how close Robin and Jason are and knows what the two of them have meant to each other. Sam has always respected that friendship but how could she tell him that Robin was killed in an explosion trying to save his life. Sam knows this is the news that would kill Jason. How could she do that right now? If you were in this situation would you tell your husband something when he is on his possible death bed something that would kill him? Answer: NO! no one would. It tore Sam to pieces to tell Jason that lie but she didn't know what else to do.
Not sure if everyone has heard but the next few weeks are critical for GH and ratings. So please call, write, comment, tweet, facebook. Do it all and then do it again. KEEP IT ALL POSITIVE!!! Even if you can't stand a story line or two - KEEP YOUR FEEDBACK POSITIVE. STOP THE NEGATIVITY! It will only poison others and impact the show!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Good-bye Old Friend
Today was the day I have been dreading for quite some time. I almost didn't watch GH today just because I knew today was the day Robin dies. I kept hoping today would not come. That Robin would not die. Robin is part of GH like Luke is part of GH so to have her die is just so unsettling to me. I realize Kimberly McCullough is ready to branch out and soar to new career opportunities but why did they have to make her death so concert. She blew up! There is little to no chance of coming back from that. Why did she have to die THAT way?! I feel so cheated and robbed!
I wanted her death to be mysterious, not a series of events caused by her relatives that lead to her death. I wanted Robin to disappear one night and not come back. Something to do with her parents but not this way. I wanted some level of mystery some potential that is we are lucky enough to be viewing GH in 5 years her to return. But this was pretty clear. Robin's dead. She isn't coming back. We have lost a great and magnificent character and there is no going back it appears. But if you take a few minutes to look back on it you can see there was purpose to the way Robin died.
Losing Robin was a tough show to watch today even though we knew it was coming. I being a scrubs fan had an extremely difficult time watching. Scrubs were probably the only other super couple GH has so to lose them it gut wrenching but we can't change it. What is done is done. You just have to deal with it and move forward. So we must accept that Robin is dead and she isn't coming back. In part of acceptance we should also think about what we did get. Today we got a beautiful tribute to Robin's true character. Robin was true to her character today in so many ways and we got to see it. She not only saved Patrick's life but she also ran back in the lab to save the protocol to save Jason's life. Robin died a hero and a true doctor. Robin and Patrick were finally happy and in love. Their family was finally complete with Grandma Anna in town and Emma by their sides. They were going to build their dream home. Life was finally good! So at least she went out on a high note. Her life was complete but cut way too short. But at least we got that. Also we old Jason and Robin fans got to see over the past few years that friendship mature and become one both Jason and Robin cherished. They were very close friends and he did help save her life this past go around and she was trying to do the same. Ironically Jason told her to get out of the hospital and go life her life instead of worrying about him...but Robin was too stubborn to give up on Jason...Just like she was too stubborn to give up on him years ago. Monica said it the other day, Robin will end up to be the one to save Jason..medically speaking this time around. Robin did save Jason's protocol which will save Jason's life so he can go live his life. What a great tribute to her character as a hero and doctor. Robin's whole life she wanted to save lives and make a difference and she got her wish.
I am so sad that Robin is gone but Robin died doing what she wanted to do - she died to save a life, Jason's life. She always promised she would save him, she was true to that promise today.
So with a heavy heart and a tear in my eye, I say Thank you Robin Scorpio Drake for the memories and the years of making us smile. More importantly, thank you Kimberly McCullough for all of your years you have given us by coming into our homes and our hearts. I have grown up watching you grow up on GH. Thank you for making us part of your life as fans. We wish you well with what ever your future hold and remember you will always have a place in our hearts as GH fans. Thank you for so many wonderful memories.
I wanted her death to be mysterious, not a series of events caused by her relatives that lead to her death. I wanted Robin to disappear one night and not come back. Something to do with her parents but not this way. I wanted some level of mystery some potential that is we are lucky enough to be viewing GH in 5 years her to return. But this was pretty clear. Robin's dead. She isn't coming back. We have lost a great and magnificent character and there is no going back it appears. But if you take a few minutes to look back on it you can see there was purpose to the way Robin died.
Losing Robin was a tough show to watch today even though we knew it was coming. I being a scrubs fan had an extremely difficult time watching. Scrubs were probably the only other super couple GH has so to lose them it gut wrenching but we can't change it. What is done is done. You just have to deal with it and move forward. So we must accept that Robin is dead and she isn't coming back. In part of acceptance we should also think about what we did get. Today we got a beautiful tribute to Robin's true character. Robin was true to her character today in so many ways and we got to see it. She not only saved Patrick's life but she also ran back in the lab to save the protocol to save Jason's life. Robin died a hero and a true doctor. Robin and Patrick were finally happy and in love. Their family was finally complete with Grandma Anna in town and Emma by their sides. They were going to build their dream home. Life was finally good! So at least she went out on a high note. Her life was complete but cut way too short. But at least we got that. Also we old Jason and Robin fans got to see over the past few years that friendship mature and become one both Jason and Robin cherished. They were very close friends and he did help save her life this past go around and she was trying to do the same. Ironically Jason told her to get out of the hospital and go life her life instead of worrying about him...but Robin was too stubborn to give up on Jason...Just like she was too stubborn to give up on him years ago. Monica said it the other day, Robin will end up to be the one to save Jason..medically speaking this time around. Robin did save Jason's protocol which will save Jason's life so he can go live his life. What a great tribute to her character as a hero and doctor. Robin's whole life she wanted to save lives and make a difference and she got her wish.
I am so sad that Robin is gone but Robin died doing what she wanted to do - she died to save a life, Jason's life. She always promised she would save him, she was true to that promise today.
So with a heavy heart and a tear in my eye, I say Thank you Robin Scorpio Drake for the memories and the years of making us smile. More importantly, thank you Kimberly McCullough for all of your years you have given us by coming into our homes and our hearts. I have grown up watching you grow up on GH. Thank you for making us part of your life as fans. We wish you well with what ever your future hold and remember you will always have a place in our hearts as GH fans. Thank you for so many wonderful memories.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valetines Day
While in the most recent past, Valentines day has been a big event for the citizens of PC. The last two years has been just amazing with the couples showing their happiness for each other. All of those past Valentine's Day episodes were very memorable, but it is time to move forward. While we didn't get that typically Valentine's Day episode, we did get some sweetness mixed in with the movement of the story lines. We got an amazing Tuesday - Scrubs and JaSam together makes for a wonderful Valentine's Day gift.
Time is moving quickly towards the exit of Kimberly McCollough and I watch each scene cherishing the very few moments we have left. Today was an event, Anna has returned. I loved the Scrub scenes today. Grandma Anna, as Emma called her being in PC is such a good nod to the rich GH tradition. Anna wasn't very good at accepting Robin calling her "Mom" now she has to get used to "Grandma Anna". That was a funny scene to see little sweet Emma call her Grandma Anna. It is sad Emma has changed actresses and ages over a dozen times since Anna last saw her only grandchild. Of course, I am sure most will agree, this latest Emma is the most darling little princess yet. I don't know why but watching Anna and Emma today brought tears to my eyes. Emma asking if they could pray for Jason was so sweet and darling.
Spixie scenes are always a delight. Spinelli will never believe Maxie to be anything but the perfect little flower he adores. Maxie: "You always chose to see the best of me."
Spinelli: "Because I know the best to be true."
Maxie was always a better person with Spinelli. It is true, he made her a better person. Without Spinelli Maxie's claws come out here and there. Matt is not good for Maxie and never was. I honestly think Matt is dry as toast. I think he killed Lisa and that will come out in months to come. Matt is no catch and Maxie should see that soon.
On a more personal note about the current casting of Maxie. While the new Maxie took a long time to grow on me, I must admit while I will always be a Kirsten Storm fan, Jen Lilley is doing a fine job keeping Maxie alive and well. The poor actress has been attacked on countless accounts via twitter and fan mail. Jen Lilley has recently spoken out about the attacks and she is right. Jen is in an impossible position. She loves Kirsten Storm, she did not make her sick. She is doing her best to just keep the part a live of Maxie now that Kirsten is not returning. Please stop attacking Jen Lilley, she is a human being and she deserves everyone's respect.
Today was not a happy day for Jason and Sam. Today was a day of reality, their new reality. The reality that they must now accept. Jason's condition is inoperable and deteriorating. So similar to 2005 when Jason was again in very bad shape, Jason is now in a life threatening situation. Sam is terrified much like she was back in 2005. But this time Sam is his wife and carrying their child. Also instead of Sam being passive and accepting what ever Jason decides she is fighting for him to realize the seriousness of his condition. This time Sam is not just taking this as it comes. I didn't expect her to be so feisty today with Jason but I love how Sam stands up to him and just tell him like it is going to be. No one else can do that with Jason except Sam. Sam knew it was something to do with Franco and Jason tried to keep it from her but he could not do it. He can't keep things from Sam anymore. I love that. He can't keep the truth from Sam anymore. Jason's trigger is Franco, that much is clear. He completely snapped when Franco raped Sam. Jason can't get over the anger. Even after he killed him but he still can't move past it. But honestly could anyone?
Robin to Jason, "It is not time to jump yet."
Jason's brain is a walking time bomb so to add this on top, Robin's new drug protocol better include some sort of tranquilizer for Jason. He is very much in need of a serious sedative. I can only imagine what this latest DVD has on it. I honestly wonder if Sam will hide the DVD or watch it.
Something important to note. Jason didn't call Carly or Sonny all he wants to do is keep his life with Sam that is the only person he wants to share it with. I love it!
I was hoping Robin and Patrick to notice baby bump Morgan but tomorrow should be interesting with Jason telling Carly.
Speaking of Carly I am not feeling these catty scenes between Carly and Kate. I hope they don't invest into them too much.
Keep watching! Keep writing about GH. Show ABC GH has fans and we are LOUD! Keep it up. Don't stop! Keep fighting!
On a sad note, John Ingle's wife passed away over the weekend. (Thanks to Soaps In Depth for posting the story)
Time is moving quickly towards the exit of Kimberly McCollough and I watch each scene cherishing the very few moments we have left. Today was an event, Anna has returned. I loved the Scrub scenes today. Grandma Anna, as Emma called her being in PC is such a good nod to the rich GH tradition. Anna wasn't very good at accepting Robin calling her "Mom" now she has to get used to "Grandma Anna". That was a funny scene to see little sweet Emma call her Grandma Anna. It is sad Emma has changed actresses and ages over a dozen times since Anna last saw her only grandchild. Of course, I am sure most will agree, this latest Emma is the most darling little princess yet. I don't know why but watching Anna and Emma today brought tears to my eyes. Emma asking if they could pray for Jason was so sweet and darling.
Spixie scenes are always a delight. Spinelli will never believe Maxie to be anything but the perfect little flower he adores. Maxie: "You always chose to see the best of me."
Spinelli: "Because I know the best to be true."
Maxie was always a better person with Spinelli. It is true, he made her a better person. Without Spinelli Maxie's claws come out here and there. Matt is not good for Maxie and never was. I honestly think Matt is dry as toast. I think he killed Lisa and that will come out in months to come. Matt is no catch and Maxie should see that soon.
On a more personal note about the current casting of Maxie. While the new Maxie took a long time to grow on me, I must admit while I will always be a Kirsten Storm fan, Jen Lilley is doing a fine job keeping Maxie alive and well. The poor actress has been attacked on countless accounts via twitter and fan mail. Jen Lilley has recently spoken out about the attacks and she is right. Jen is in an impossible position. She loves Kirsten Storm, she did not make her sick. She is doing her best to just keep the part a live of Maxie now that Kirsten is not returning. Please stop attacking Jen Lilley, she is a human being and she deserves everyone's respect.
Today was not a happy day for Jason and Sam. Today was a day of reality, their new reality. The reality that they must now accept. Jason's condition is inoperable and deteriorating. So similar to 2005 when Jason was again in very bad shape, Jason is now in a life threatening situation. Sam is terrified much like she was back in 2005. But this time Sam is his wife and carrying their child. Also instead of Sam being passive and accepting what ever Jason decides she is fighting for him to realize the seriousness of his condition. This time Sam is not just taking this as it comes. I didn't expect her to be so feisty today with Jason but I love how Sam stands up to him and just tell him like it is going to be. No one else can do that with Jason except Sam. Sam knew it was something to do with Franco and Jason tried to keep it from her but he could not do it. He can't keep things from Sam anymore. I love that. He can't keep the truth from Sam anymore. Jason's trigger is Franco, that much is clear. He completely snapped when Franco raped Sam. Jason can't get over the anger. Even after he killed him but he still can't move past it. But honestly could anyone?
Robin to Jason, "It is not time to jump yet."
Jason's brain is a walking time bomb so to add this on top, Robin's new drug protocol better include some sort of tranquilizer for Jason. He is very much in need of a serious sedative. I can only imagine what this latest DVD has on it. I honestly wonder if Sam will hide the DVD or watch it.
Something important to note. Jason didn't call Carly or Sonny all he wants to do is keep his life with Sam that is the only person he wants to share it with. I love it!
I was hoping Robin and Patrick to notice baby bump Morgan but tomorrow should be interesting with Jason telling Carly.
Speaking of Carly I am not feeling these catty scenes between Carly and Kate. I hope they don't invest into them too much.
Keep watching! Keep writing about GH. Show ABC GH has fans and we are LOUD! Keep it up. Don't stop! Keep fighting!
On a sad note, John Ingle's wife passed away over the weekend. (Thanks to Soaps In Depth for posting the story)
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Enjoy it!
Today was another amazing day for JaSam fans. The promo has told us, "enjoy it while it lasts.." so I am going to enjoy Jason and Sam happiness. Well if happiness is the key to good health then all of us JaSam fans are in all feeling a bit better and happier these day. I am loving all the belly rubs and baby talk. We have waiting a very long time for this so just take it all in. Watch the scenes as many times as you can possibly watch. Just enjoy it and block out the haters. They will always focus on the negative just ignore them.
"Our world is about to change, do you think we are ready?" When Sam said this to Jason, I felt like she was saying it to us too. Sam and Jason have been dreaming of this time in their lives for so long. For so many years Sam was told she could not have a child and now her whole world is changing and it is beautiful to watch. Jason has always wanted a child with Sam even back when he was afraid Liz's baby was his he kept saying this is not how it is supposed to happen. He wanted a child with SAM not anyone else. Then to learn Sam could no longer have a child he felt responsible for that even years later. Now they have been given a gift they never thought was even possible a year ago. Now they are expecting a child of their very own.
These scenes we have been watching for the last week on GH between Jason and Sam have been so believable I often have to keep reminding myself this is a TV show. They are not real people. That is incredible acting and that is what we are seeing. This is why we want to see both Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton both win emmy's this year. Sit back and enjoy it these amazing scenes. Enjoy all the smiles and happiness. Enjoy watching Jason and Sam happy and talking about baby. It sounds like Jason's health will quickly be deteriorating in coming weeks. I hope that doesn't last too long. However, during those hard times re-watch these clips and remember the happiness. Remember the smiles and the belly rubs. Keep the faith and hope things will all work out.
On another note, I am extremely sad to know that Robin's going to "die" soon on GH. I just can't believe this is how it will happen. I hope it is done well and will be respectful to all the fans.
Keep watching, calling, tweeting and FB.
"Our world is about to change, do you think we are ready?" When Sam said this to Jason, I felt like she was saying it to us too. Sam and Jason have been dreaming of this time in their lives for so long. For so many years Sam was told she could not have a child and now her whole world is changing and it is beautiful to watch. Jason has always wanted a child with Sam even back when he was afraid Liz's baby was his he kept saying this is not how it is supposed to happen. He wanted a child with SAM not anyone else. Then to learn Sam could no longer have a child he felt responsible for that even years later. Now they have been given a gift they never thought was even possible a year ago. Now they are expecting a child of their very own.
These scenes we have been watching for the last week on GH between Jason and Sam have been so believable I often have to keep reminding myself this is a TV show. They are not real people. That is incredible acting and that is what we are seeing. This is why we want to see both Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton both win emmy's this year. Sit back and enjoy it these amazing scenes. Enjoy all the smiles and happiness. Enjoy watching Jason and Sam happy and talking about baby. It sounds like Jason's health will quickly be deteriorating in coming weeks. I hope that doesn't last too long. However, during those hard times re-watch these clips and remember the happiness. Remember the smiles and the belly rubs. Keep the faith and hope things will all work out.
On another note, I am extremely sad to know that Robin's going to "die" soon on GH. I just can't believe this is how it will happen. I hope it is done well and will be respectful to all the fans.
Keep watching, calling, tweeting and FB.
Monday, February 6, 2012
It's Ours
Today has been 8 years in the making. Today is the day we have dreamed of as JaSam fans since Sam found out she was pregnant in 2004 and Jason rushed into the abortion clinic to make sure she was okay. Today we got to finally hear the words that Sam is carrying Jason's baby. "I am carrying Jason's baby. I mean he is the father?!". A dream come true. Today was the first time we have seen Sam and Jason smile those smiles they had during their honeymoon. Jason has already known deep down that baby was his. He has been fusing over Sam and this pregnancy so much that he knew deep down that baby was his. Today Jason got confirmation.
Jason has been so completely wrecked with emotion since the night Sam was raped. He could not protect her and that tore his whole heart out. Then to find out Sam was pregnant but only to fear the baby was Franco's was also torturing Jason. But this time it was a different torture. This time he did not know what to do. Because even if Sam had been pregnant with Franco's baby, Jason loves Sam with his whole heart. He would have loved that child all the same because that baby was also Sam's baby. The paternity to him wasn't as critical because he knew Sam was the mother of the child. All of her goodness would have come through to that child. He knew that deep down. But today all of those fears were washed away. Today Jason got the greatest news of his life. The woman he loves more then life is carrying HIS baby. That is a feeling Jason has never experienced before. Jason didn't love Elizabeth (Liason fans move on, sorry, but it is true). Their child wasn't a child that was created out of a deep felt passionate love. The reality of it is, their child (while loved deeply by all 3 of his parents) was not planned nor a product of a long lasting love. Jason has never known this feeling and emotion today. It washed over him. His face beamed, tears welled up in his eyes. He was so blissfully happy. That was beautiful to watch. Jason was also so amazed by the beauty of seeing his beautiful wife smile again.
Sam has been dreaming of this moment as long as we have as fans. Sam has longed to be able to hear the words that she is carrying Jason's baby. Even when she was pregnant with Sonny's baby she dreamed it was Jason. This was an incredible day for her as well. The rape of Franco has tarnished her entire first trimester, but today it can't tarnish it any longer. Sam will still have nightmares of the rape - this will not erase the rape or the trauma it inflicted. However, the pregnancy of carrying Jason's baby reminds her of the Phoenix. 'The Phoenix can turn bad luck into good.' Today we saw exactly that. Sam's horrible bad luck of tragedy and rape turned out to not affect her pregnancy. Sam's fears are completely relieved. She is pregnant with Jason's child. That is all she has ever wanted. She is married to Jason and is carrying his child. All of her dreams are coming true as so are ours as fans.
Sam to Jason: "How amazing is it to think that, in time, we are going to sitting out on that terrace staring up at the stars knowing that there is a whole world of possibilities staring back at us. "
On another note - Matt and Maxie really need to decide what to do and stick to it because there is no reason to hurt Spinelli in the process. We all know Maxie and Spinelli belong together. While I am sad Kirsten Storms is not returning to play Maxie, Jenn Lilly is growing on me. But either way, Spinelli does not deserve getting hurt in any of this.
Don't forget to keep watching and keep calling the comment lines!
Jason has been so completely wrecked with emotion since the night Sam was raped. He could not protect her and that tore his whole heart out. Then to find out Sam was pregnant but only to fear the baby was Franco's was also torturing Jason. But this time it was a different torture. This time he did not know what to do. Because even if Sam had been pregnant with Franco's baby, Jason loves Sam with his whole heart. He would have loved that child all the same because that baby was also Sam's baby. The paternity to him wasn't as critical because he knew Sam was the mother of the child. All of her goodness would have come through to that child. He knew that deep down. But today all of those fears were washed away. Today Jason got the greatest news of his life. The woman he loves more then life is carrying HIS baby. That is a feeling Jason has never experienced before. Jason didn't love Elizabeth (Liason fans move on, sorry, but it is true). Their child wasn't a child that was created out of a deep felt passionate love. The reality of it is, their child (while loved deeply by all 3 of his parents) was not planned nor a product of a long lasting love. Jason has never known this feeling and emotion today. It washed over him. His face beamed, tears welled up in his eyes. He was so blissfully happy. That was beautiful to watch. Jason was also so amazed by the beauty of seeing his beautiful wife smile again.
Sam has been dreaming of this moment as long as we have as fans. Sam has longed to be able to hear the words that she is carrying Jason's baby. Even when she was pregnant with Sonny's baby she dreamed it was Jason. This was an incredible day for her as well. The rape of Franco has tarnished her entire first trimester, but today it can't tarnish it any longer. Sam will still have nightmares of the rape - this will not erase the rape or the trauma it inflicted. However, the pregnancy of carrying Jason's baby reminds her of the Phoenix. 'The Phoenix can turn bad luck into good.' Today we saw exactly that. Sam's horrible bad luck of tragedy and rape turned out to not affect her pregnancy. Sam's fears are completely relieved. She is pregnant with Jason's child. That is all she has ever wanted. She is married to Jason and is carrying his child. All of her dreams are coming true as so are ours as fans.
Sam to Jason: "How amazing is it to think that, in time, we are going to sitting out on that terrace staring up at the stars knowing that there is a whole world of possibilities staring back at us. "
On another note - Matt and Maxie really need to decide what to do and stick to it because there is no reason to hurt Spinelli in the process. We all know Maxie and Spinelli belong together. While I am sad Kirsten Storms is not returning to play Maxie, Jenn Lilly is growing on me. But either way, Spinelli does not deserve getting hurt in any of this.
Don't forget to keep watching and keep calling the comment lines!
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