Today on GH there seemed to be some wise folks around serving out the cold hard truth. Sam, Ethan, Olivia, Johnny and Epiphany were all on the serving end of this cold hard truth today. However, sadly most the recipients of the truth didn't really listen. But never the less, the truth was good to hear at least for us fans.
I don't know about you but I wanted to grab a pair of pom poms and
start cheering in the background by some of those remarks handed out
Johnny had probably one of the bigger shocks of his life today. He walks in to find the girl he tried to save from herself awake and walking around in her underwear. Lisa intrigued Johnny but the truth is he cares and has always cared for her. He knows Lisa is crazy and always cooking up a plan but all the same he cares for her. But together they served up the truth to each other. Johnny to Lisa: "Yeah, fine I want to save you. So freaking what."
Lisa to Johnny: "Why? Because you can't save yourself." We all thought that Lisa was going to fall into Johnny's arms and forget her new even crazier then ever disposition. WRONG! Lisa shoving the syringe into Johnny's neck telling him she didn't want to be saved was the real truth. Poor Johnny though! He was the only guy in all of PC that actually wanted to help Lisa. Hopefully she didn't inject him with anything lethal!
Ethan served up some amazingly brilliant and extremely honest truths to Elizabeth. Elizabeth did everything she could to speak ill of the late Mrs. Lucky Spencer today. She was down right vile, rude, and all together acting like a selfish Veruca Salt demanding a golden egg Easter. I honestly thought for a few seconds there she was going to start stamping her feet on the floor and holding her breath until she turned blue. I thought to myself, wow Elizabeth hasn't changed or learned ANYTHING from the last 5 years of her life. She has turned into such a mean spirited person she can't even respect the fact Lucky is grieving for his late wife. She has sunk to yet another level for me. I used to want to see an LL2 reunion but the way she acted today just shows she does not deserve Lucky. Elizabeth is so bitter and evil now she is so far from that girl that Lucky saved so many years ago. It is sad to watch. I am sad because she has really become so self involved, I don't know how they can get an LL2 reunion to work now. Ethan handed out the best truth to Liz today, "Lucky loves you like he loves those little pills. It is not real or healthy!"
Elizabeth said the truth we all know, "So now I am a bitch and a whore?!". She said it so we didn't have to but sometimes the truth hurts. I don't know about you but I am really liking Ethan these days. Finally he is getting away from storylines that aren't really going anywhere and they are developing his character. He is my favorite Spencer these days.
Olivia was a real friend today to Spinelli. Olivia has always had a way with words and quite often her served up truth can be quite funny. Today I think Spinelli needed to hear what Olivia had to say. I would be the first in line for a Spixie reunion if Kirsten Storms was portraying Maxie. Let's face it, without Kirsten no matter how hard Jen tries she is no Maxie. I really hope Kirsten recovers from her medical condition very soon and returns to GH because Maxie is just not Maxie without her. It makes the scenes with Maxie and anyone painful to watch. Kirsten has put the breath of life into Maxie's character and there is no replacement for her. And that is the cold hard truth.
Epiphany did have one funny line thought to TempMaxie though.
Epiphany to TempMaxie: "Honey there is no help for you!"
I like Carly, ordinarily. But recently I must say, she is nothing winning any contests of mine. My guess is the new head writer at GH doesn't much care for the Carly character and quite possibly the actress that portrays the role. The present writing is trying like hell to show us Carly is really a very self-centered spoiled brat that needs a serious reality check. I am not a fan of the Carly and Jason friendship because Jason is blind to Carly's conniving and manipulative ways. I think GW is trying to show everyone that friendship is beyond dysfunctional. I will admit I was less then thrilled Carly decided to show up on the JaSam honeymoon. Honestly, I had to take a few minutes after watching today's episode to find a positive way to write about today's situation. Both Shawn and Jason doubt Carly received that note from Franco. Carly's credibility is questionable in their eyes which I hope means Jason is going to pull Carly aside at some point in the very near future and ask her what the hell she is thinking. He needs to do that anyway because she is putting her child at risk by taking her to where she thinks Franco may be. What kind of mother is she? Sam was the only one to point this out and hopefully Jason will call Carly on it soon. Sam was none too thrilled about today's situation. I, for one, am so glad she didn't just quietly sleek off to the background and let Carly railroad their entire honeymoon. Sam served up some amazing truths today to Carly. I loved how she said things:
Sam to Carly: "haha I am sorry I think everyone needs a little reality check here. ON. OUR. HONEYMOON. HERE.! Do you really think Jason would find time to send YOU a present?"
Sam to Carly: "Hey, why don't you go back to Port Charles."
Sam to Carly: "Yet you find yourself in the middle of my honeymoon."
Sam to Carly: "Find your own man, Carly!!!"
Sam to Carly: "You can stop the grieving widow act anyway, Carly. It's not like you are going to be alone for more then 5 minutes, anyway."
Sam to Carly: "Look this is my deal if you would stop coming to Jason with every one of your little freaking problems."
Sam to Carly: "Wow I think that it is so desperate and pathetic the way you try to demand Jason's attention. Not to mention a real turn off for guys, Carly."
Sam told it like it was today and I was so happy to see that. It almost made the rest of it tolerable. The truth is, I was disappointed in Jason today. I wanted him pull Sam aside and
talk to her about things. I wanted him to tell Carly to stay at the
bungalow and take SAM with him to go check the grounds NOT SHAWN. But
the minute Shawn and Carly showed up he ran off with Shawn. Is this the
starting of another bromance? Instead of the Jason and Sonny bromance
is it now the JaShawn bromance? I also wanted Jason to agree with Sam
and request they stay somewhere else for the night then INSTEAD with
THEM! I wanted to grab Jason and shake him - WHAT PART ABOUT ON YOUR
HONEYMOON DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!!! I think Jason feels sorry for Carly
because clearly she is acting so pathetic he is worried she is maybe
back on her way to another breakdown. I actually love that Jason and
Shawn have a shred of doubt Carly's story for today. That is the
positive lining to this whole mess!
Until tomorrow. This week will not disappoint because with Lisa and Franco you can't help but have some fun watching! Most importantly KEEP WATCHING! Write, call, FB, tweet. Let them know, SOAP FANS MATTER AND WE AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE!
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Monday, October 17, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
We know the storm of crazy obsessed stalkers is coming but today we got to see the blissful happiness of two super couples on GH. While these two couples will be targeted by crazy loons soon, today we got to see why they are super couples. Today was a reminder to all of us that these two couples are so strong that even with the most insane obsessed crazy psychos are after then, they will weather these storms. So even though there will be angst and drama and we will all probably shed a few tears during these storms, take a deep breath, sit back, watch and KEEP THE FAITH IN OUR SUPER COUPLES.
Another couple deserves to be mentioned today. While Luke and Tracy don't have crazy psycho Lisa after them, they do have crazy Anthony chasing after Tracy. These two may not qualify to some as a super couple because they have not weathered storms like some other couples. Keep in mind these two have weathered their own share of storms all together. However, they tend to weather their storms with a bit more humor then most characters on the show. The scenes today between Luke, Tracy and Anthony were so priceless. Those three actors have so much talent that watching them together was just classic beauty unfolding on our screens. I am excited about this developing story but I fear this might be the end of Luke and Tracy for at least a while given the fact Luke did serve Tracy with divorce papers today. But then I remember, they too may weather their very own storm of crazy. Maybe this is just another bump in the road in their journey to happiness and survival.
Robin and Patrick were blissfully happy today. They reminded us why they are a super couple. It is not because they are both excellent doctors who run around GH taking their turns to talk to Matt about his latest Juvenal moment. They are crazy in love. They have survived so incredible storms, overcome more then most and finally are happy again. Patrick kidnapping Robin to give her all of her birthday presents today was so priceless and cute. I love that Patrick bought 3 different trips for them to be together. They are strong and ready for any storm. Keep the faith no matter how crazy Lisa will get and come at them, they will be stronger. I for one can't wait to watch!
Jason and Sam are just loving every blissful moment of their honeymoon. We have been able to watch them be so happy on their honeymoon. This time they have been in their own bliss (and we have been in bliss watching them) is another reminder of how strong their love is and will remain through it all. Today they were so much in love and so amazing to watch. I have to often remind myself this is TV because they are so realistic and amazing. When they talked about Sam being "Mrs. Samantha Morgan" I got so excited because they are so happy. Today I could not help but notice that maybe Jason saving some from drowning was some foreshadowing for the story to come. Sam will be drowning in the pain of the experience of what ever Franco will do to her and Jason will be drowning in guilt from not preventing it. But while this is clearly a preview of the story yet to come, pay close attention to today's show. Because after Jason saved Sam in the water, they were blissfully happy again. Theses times together will help them make it through any hell Franco unleashes on them. We know the story yet to come maybe hard to watch at times, we will see our incredibly happy couple go through some really hard times and angst remember these times right now when they are so happy. They will carry us through too. KEEP THE FAITH!!!!!!!!!
Keep watching! These stories yet to unfold will make for some very good TV and drama. This has been what we have been asking for. These stories will hopefully show everyone daytime TV is alive and well. We don't need some stupid cooking show to entertain us during the day, WE NEED GH!! KEEP GH ON THE AIR! ABC - SOAP VIEWERS MATTER AND WE ARE HERE TO STAY! Call, tweet, FB, write! KEEP GH ALIVE!
Another couple deserves to be mentioned today. While Luke and Tracy don't have crazy psycho Lisa after them, they do have crazy Anthony chasing after Tracy. These two may not qualify to some as a super couple because they have not weathered storms like some other couples. Keep in mind these two have weathered their own share of storms all together. However, they tend to weather their storms with a bit more humor then most characters on the show. The scenes today between Luke, Tracy and Anthony were so priceless. Those three actors have so much talent that watching them together was just classic beauty unfolding on our screens. I am excited about this developing story but I fear this might be the end of Luke and Tracy for at least a while given the fact Luke did serve Tracy with divorce papers today. But then I remember, they too may weather their very own storm of crazy. Maybe this is just another bump in the road in their journey to happiness and survival.
Robin and Patrick were blissfully happy today. They reminded us why they are a super couple. It is not because they are both excellent doctors who run around GH taking their turns to talk to Matt about his latest Juvenal moment. They are crazy in love. They have survived so incredible storms, overcome more then most and finally are happy again. Patrick kidnapping Robin to give her all of her birthday presents today was so priceless and cute. I love that Patrick bought 3 different trips for them to be together. They are strong and ready for any storm. Keep the faith no matter how crazy Lisa will get and come at them, they will be stronger. I for one can't wait to watch!
Jason and Sam are just loving every blissful moment of their honeymoon. We have been able to watch them be so happy on their honeymoon. This time they have been in their own bliss (and we have been in bliss watching them) is another reminder of how strong their love is and will remain through it all. Today they were so much in love and so amazing to watch. I have to often remind myself this is TV because they are so realistic and amazing. When they talked about Sam being "Mrs. Samantha Morgan" I got so excited because they are so happy. Today I could not help but notice that maybe Jason saving some from drowning was some foreshadowing for the story to come. Sam will be drowning in the pain of the experience of what ever Franco will do to her and Jason will be drowning in guilt from not preventing it. But while this is clearly a preview of the story yet to come, pay close attention to today's show. Because after Jason saved Sam in the water, they were blissfully happy again. Theses times together will help them make it through any hell Franco unleashes on them. We know the story yet to come maybe hard to watch at times, we will see our incredibly happy couple go through some really hard times and angst remember these times right now when they are so happy. They will carry us through too. KEEP THE FAITH!!!!!!!!!
Keep watching! These stories yet to unfold will make for some very good TV and drama. This has been what we have been asking for. These stories will hopefully show everyone daytime TV is alive and well. We don't need some stupid cooking show to entertain us during the day, WE NEED GH!! KEEP GH ON THE AIR! ABC - SOAP VIEWERS MATTER AND WE ARE HERE TO STAY! Call, tweet, FB, write! KEEP GH ALIVE!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Most of us have seen the promo for this week. If you haven't check it out . What is worse then having one crazy villain target one of Port Charles happy couples, try two. Both villains are beyond twisted but both in very different ways. One common denominator between the two of them is obsession. Lisa's obsession is Patrick and her whole "hell hath no fury" rampage. Then we have Franco who is kind of creepy, kind of weird and all together way too obsessed with Jason Morgan. However, there are more then just these two villains focused on obsessions this week though. Obsession is lingering in the air all around in Port Charles.
Matt and Patrick seem obsessed on their sibling rivalry so much so they are tossing patients up for the taking like children pass toys back and forth. While these two are wonderful doctors they sure are lacking in the whole compassion side of things lately when it actually comes to patient care. All I have to say is if I was admitted to GH I would think twice about having one of these two for my doctors. I think they might want to take their obsession with trying to out do one another a little more seriously and start putting some patient care first. Not to mention, it seems like the two actors never have to learn new lines since this scene seems to replay itself over and over again, I even know their lines. No need for either Jason Thompson or Jason Cook to even have to study their lines before they show up to work at this rate. We understand they have a feud - it's boring lets all move on!
Speaking of wishing things would move on is Michael and Sonny. Michael wants to prove himself, Sonny wants Michael to stay out of trouble. Michael insists on putting himself in situations that could land him back in prison. Michael always trying to be insanely stubborn and idiotic about wanting to be part of the business. Around and around we go until we get sick. I really hope these two stop doing this dance someday because it has been going on for so long it makes me tired to think about it. However, today Sonny and Michael at least got lucky when Kate arrived. I have had my doubts about Kate's new return but she did come through today and made those scenes enjoyable and something different then the same old same old.
Another member of Port Charles focused on obsession is Carly. But Carly's obsession is far more selfish in nature then others. Carly is obsessed with keeping her hold over Jason. Jason has moved on with his life. Carly is still in his life because she is like a sister to him but I think Carly is taking things beyond too far. Seriously what is she thinking about? Did Jason crash ANY of her honeymoons for her 4,000 failed marriages? It's not cool no matter what on any level. She is really so self absorbed she has justified in her insane little mind that Jason WANTS her to come to Hawaii to crash his honeymoon. Now that is obsession. Who should Jason be more afraid of Carly or Franco? It's really a toss up on which one is more obsessed these days.
However, the only thing Jason and Sam seem obsessed with lately is just being together on they honeymoon. They want to just be together and enjoy every minute they have together completely uninterrupted. That is the greatest kind of obsession of all. They have been so incredibly cute during their honeymoon. Both of them are so in love and just want to stay in the moment of their honeymoon and enjoy every second. That is the JaSam we love to see. Jason has been so relaxed it's almost unbelievable at some moments this is really Jason. It's amazing to watch Sam's love wash over Jason with those looks he gives Sam over the last couple of days. Today when Jason and Sam danced around the topic of baby it was so sweet to watch it play out. Of course, given all the practicing they have been doing while being on this honeymoon it would be anyone's guess Sam is already pregnant. Baby Morgan is on it's way. We all know danger is lingering around the corner for our super couple with Franco and of course insane Carly headed to Hawaii. But one thing we can be sure, no matter what Jason and Sam will weather this storm. They will make it through all of this stronger then ever. Just watch and see. There will be rough parts but they are stronger then any storm bearing down on them - they will beat this!
Call the comment line, flood the comment line! Tweet, FB and do all that you can to keep ABC very aware SOAPS STILL HAVE TONS OF VIEWERS AND WE MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep watching even if you don't love every story. That is okay - just keep watching! Show GH your support!
Matt and Patrick seem obsessed on their sibling rivalry so much so they are tossing patients up for the taking like children pass toys back and forth. While these two are wonderful doctors they sure are lacking in the whole compassion side of things lately when it actually comes to patient care. All I have to say is if I was admitted to GH I would think twice about having one of these two for my doctors. I think they might want to take their obsession with trying to out do one another a little more seriously and start putting some patient care first. Not to mention, it seems like the two actors never have to learn new lines since this scene seems to replay itself over and over again, I even know their lines. No need for either Jason Thompson or Jason Cook to even have to study their lines before they show up to work at this rate. We understand they have a feud - it's boring lets all move on!
Speaking of wishing things would move on is Michael and Sonny. Michael wants to prove himself, Sonny wants Michael to stay out of trouble. Michael insists on putting himself in situations that could land him back in prison. Michael always trying to be insanely stubborn and idiotic about wanting to be part of the business. Around and around we go until we get sick. I really hope these two stop doing this dance someday because it has been going on for so long it makes me tired to think about it. However, today Sonny and Michael at least got lucky when Kate arrived. I have had my doubts about Kate's new return but she did come through today and made those scenes enjoyable and something different then the same old same old.
Another member of Port Charles focused on obsession is Carly. But Carly's obsession is far more selfish in nature then others. Carly is obsessed with keeping her hold over Jason. Jason has moved on with his life. Carly is still in his life because she is like a sister to him but I think Carly is taking things beyond too far. Seriously what is she thinking about? Did Jason crash ANY of her honeymoons for her 4,000 failed marriages? It's not cool no matter what on any level. She is really so self absorbed she has justified in her insane little mind that Jason WANTS her to come to Hawaii to crash his honeymoon. Now that is obsession. Who should Jason be more afraid of Carly or Franco? It's really a toss up on which one is more obsessed these days.
However, the only thing Jason and Sam seem obsessed with lately is just being together on they honeymoon. They want to just be together and enjoy every minute they have together completely uninterrupted. That is the greatest kind of obsession of all. They have been so incredibly cute during their honeymoon. Both of them are so in love and just want to stay in the moment of their honeymoon and enjoy every second. That is the JaSam we love to see. Jason has been so relaxed it's almost unbelievable at some moments this is really Jason. It's amazing to watch Sam's love wash over Jason with those looks he gives Sam over the last couple of days. Today when Jason and Sam danced around the topic of baby it was so sweet to watch it play out. Of course, given all the practicing they have been doing while being on this honeymoon it would be anyone's guess Sam is already pregnant. Baby Morgan is on it's way. We all know danger is lingering around the corner for our super couple with Franco and of course insane Carly headed to Hawaii. But one thing we can be sure, no matter what Jason and Sam will weather this storm. They will make it through all of this stronger then ever. Just watch and see. There will be rough parts but they are stronger then any storm bearing down on them - they will beat this!
Call the comment line, flood the comment line! Tweet, FB and do all that you can to keep ABC very aware SOAPS STILL HAVE TONS OF VIEWERS AND WE MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep watching even if you don't love every story. That is okay - just keep watching! Show GH your support!
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