Oh Sam you put it so eloquently that even Carly couldn't deny it. Carly's face when Sam delivers the line "Carly you are the one who has her panties in the twist over this" was absolutely classic. I am not sure if Laura Wright was trying to not laugh at how hilarious that line was or not but it looked that way. I admire how strong Sam appeared to Carly even if deep down she may have had some of those same thoughts she wasn't about to vocalize them to Carly so she could prey upon them to get a bigger reaction. Sam's been dealing with Jason's "weird bonds" with other women since she met him and seems to understand them which is why I find Carly trying to create doubt in Sam's mind kind of funny. I was slightly sadden to see the frienemship of Carly and Sam strained today but it was entertaining to watch. Those two are old hat at fighting with each other and they were about due for an argument. You can tell Kelly Monaco and Laura Wright love working together and love their characters being irritated with one another.
This whole Brenda thing is absolutely driving Carly crazy and she is trying anyone to be her ally and chase Brenda out of their lives forever. Those of us fans are cheering Carly on because most of us are so tired of Brenda and her horrible laugh we want to help Carly with her cause. I don't know why Carly is still after Dante unless she can find someway to tie Brenda and Dante together to get them both ran out of town, I think it is a waist of time.
I was relieved the scenes between Molly and Sam were not about Jason at all actually. It was refreshing for Molly and Sam to have another topic of conversation even if it was Kristina. Oddly Molly is so worried about her Uncle Sonny banging the Federal Prosecutor when really is that any of her business. Not to mention, who's Rick banging these days, Molly dear? Might want to worry about your own father's transgressions a lot more then Sonny's. While Sonny is a bit of a womanizer he is not a psychotic kidnapper who is evil and always has a plan to take over the world with his power and charm. While I don't want to shatter Molly's pristine image of her father , she should probably stop worrying about Krissy so much and focus more on hoping she takes after her slightly narcotic but overall well intentioned mother then per daddy dear.
Stone and Robin were great today. I miss Stone and Robin but like Robin I have romanticized their old love. They were together when I was in high school and about the same age so I like many girls my age dreamed of having a great love like that.
Today was the 1 year anniversary of the last JaSam love scene. Go out and watch we won't get getting a love scene from JaSam probably for another few years at this rate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z-NtKsAvIU . I wish JaSam could have been together today.
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hell Hath No Furry
In the absences of Jason and Sam being together, we are at least able to enjoy one interesting story line on General Hospital lately. Lisa is UNBELIEVABLY good at being crazy. She has you fooled trying to drive Robin crazy. If we didn't know that she had drugged Robin we would all be convinced Robin was losing it again. Not only is she good at playing the bitter scorned ex-girlfriend with a broken heart, she is some very twisted and creative methods of taking out her anger. I know I am always one of the first people to point out issues with the GH writers but for this story line they are doing an unbelievable job. The actress that portrays Lisa, Brianna Brown, really does deserves some of the credit for making this an amazing story line as well. She has done extremely well. Today when she wakes up Robin in the cabin (still not entirely clear how Lisa got Robin there but won't ask questions like that) to talk to Robin about how she was just naive it gave me chills. She is good! The other thing that gave me chills about the story line was Lisa KILLED the nurse who had been helping her. Wow, I didn't see that coming. So not only is Lisa crazy in the Fatal Attraction sort of way towards Patrick but now she is offing her innocent surgical nurse who helped her get the tranquilizer? This is getting good. Now I hear Lisa will be departing us soon, but I hope they make her death a mystery of who actually did it.
Another thing to note about this Scrubs story line, I don't think Patrick will ever cheat again in his ENTIRE natural lifetime. I think he is pretty much terrified for the rest of his life to even look at another woman. For anyone who's husband has ever cheated on them the pain must be absolutely horrible, I can only imagine what Robin is going through. But needless to say when Patrick tells her he will never cheat on her again, I think I believe him. This has taught him a VERY valuable lesson in life.
One note about Jason and Sam. I can't wait until Rome wraps up I am so tired of poor pathetic Murphy (who I am hoping is a little evil because that would make he MUCH more interesting), inappropriately-dressed-for-her-age Suzanne and that ugly set of Rome that appears to be taking a beating. Go back and watch today's show, watch the door when Jason comes back through to talk to Suzanne. I guess we can be happy that Jason did at least call Sam from Rome to tell her he was looking forward to seeing her. For Jason that is equivalent to a sexy steamy phone message. I would like to point out that Brenda didn't recover "in Jason's arms" he sat on the couch next to her. These rumors and spoilers trying to imply a love affair between Jason and Brenda is getting almost comical.
Have a good weekend all! Call the comment lines and lets hope Sam's scenes didn't all get cut between her, Molly and Carly.
Another thing to note about this Scrubs story line, I don't think Patrick will ever cheat again in his ENTIRE natural lifetime. I think he is pretty much terrified for the rest of his life to even look at another woman. For anyone who's husband has ever cheated on them the pain must be absolutely horrible, I can only imagine what Robin is going through. But needless to say when Patrick tells her he will never cheat on her again, I think I believe him. This has taught him a VERY valuable lesson in life.
One note about Jason and Sam. I can't wait until Rome wraps up I am so tired of poor pathetic Murphy (who I am hoping is a little evil because that would make he MUCH more interesting), inappropriately-dressed-for-her-age Suzanne and that ugly set of Rome that appears to be taking a beating. Go back and watch today's show, watch the door when Jason comes back through to talk to Suzanne. I guess we can be happy that Jason did at least call Sam from Rome to tell her he was looking forward to seeing her. For Jason that is equivalent to a sexy steamy phone message. I would like to point out that Brenda didn't recover "in Jason's arms" he sat on the couch next to her. These rumors and spoilers trying to imply a love affair between Jason and Brenda is getting almost comical.
Have a good weekend all! Call the comment lines and lets hope Sam's scenes didn't all get cut between her, Molly and Carly.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Just tolerating the situation
I for one want to be one of the first people to say, I liked today's show. It put all those stupid Brenda kissing Jason photo to rest and just showed us how strong Jason and Sam's relationship is. I think the "other fan-base" has been sniffing the same glue Spinelli has been sniffing because there was no huge jealousy on Sam's part nor did Jason seemed at all thrilled about his current mission. This once, again just agrees with my earlier posts that those spoilers and rumors out there are just mean spirited and negative just to get a reaction out of fans. We true fans know it will take more then Brenda Barrett's whining and drama to ever breakup our couple.
Spinelli clearly is one of the few infatuated with Brenda enough to not only be a less then true friend to Sam but Jason too. Jason would CLEARLY not appreciate Spinelli fantasizing and romanticizing his current situation. I for one loved Sam's reaction to the photo. She saw right through it and saw the love of her life being paraded to some event he was not happy to be at. Honestly that photo speaks volumes, it shows Jason pissed off and unhappy wearing a tux and hating every minute of it. Sam saw that right away and felt sorry for her dear love and wished he'd be home sooner rather then later. Carly busting in and announcing she wondered what self-made drama Brenda has got herself into this time, I wanted to laugh. Carly is the queen of self-made drama, historically speaking, and lets face it she holds that title out-right. It must be hard for Carly to share that throne. We all know what Sam was thinking but Sam has decided to play nice with Carly so she didn't say it. Asking Carly to use her imaginations when it comes to Brenda is a rather lethal and comical suggestion all together. I am sure Carly's imagination would run wild if it was given the chance with troubles Brenda has gotten herself into. But I do love Carly's honestly about Brenda to try to level-set Spinelli and his dilusions.
Murphy and Jason's scenes today were rather comical. Oh poor, sweet, misinformed and misled Murphy clearly Brenda has pulled to wool over your eyes enough to think Brenda is worth fighting for. When Jason was questioned about if he would care if Brenda died it was amusing to read his reaction on his face even if he didn't verbalize it. You can tell his first thought was, 'thank God, less drama now for me to deal with' if she were to die. Funny how Suzanne worries about leaving Jason and Murphy in the same room together. "I play an assassin in movies, I am not one in real life." Oh naive Murphy, how you didn't realize you are in the room with a real assassin that, thank goodness, has a heart of gold and is trying to help the situation. I loved when Jason informed Murphy that he and Brenda don't tell each other much. It was clear Jason was thinking the less he knows about Brenda's life, and vise versa, the better. He just wants to get her latest drama solves so he can go home to his true love, SAM. I can't wait to see the conclusion of these scenes tomorrow to see Jason tell Murphy he is not that guy and it wouldn't hurt if he threw in a comment like "I have the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with back home. I don't want Brenda". That would be beautiful .
Oh but I think my favorite scenes today by far where those shared between Jax and Sam. Some don't realize the history those two have especially on the Brenda topic. Jax brought Sam to Port Charles and his first reasons for wanting to be with Sam was because she looked like Brenda and distracted him from his broken heart. I loved Sam's line, "Brenda's really not a topic of conversation I want to discuss with you." So true even though these two have resolved the past and evolved in to somewhat civil friends, Sam is probably one of the last people on earth that wants to sit in Jax's office and discuss the very reason they got together in the first place. I thought it was sweet and thoughtful how Sam thought of Carly (when so often no one ever thinks about Sam or her feelings in these situations) when she was talking to Jax about Brenda. Carly does have a right to know about their conversation if Jax is really being as honest and invested as he says he is about their future. They need to put all their cards on the table, including the Brenda card. Sam acted as a true friend would act today in regards to Carly to Jax. Too bad Carly won't see it that way but maybe she will...but probably not. This is Carly we are talking about here. I didn't particularly care for Jax's phrasing of his line "You seem fairly calm about the man who claims loves you escorting famous models to a parties in Rome." Ouch are you trying to get her to be jealous? Apparently Jax is hoping to get a reaction out of Sam and team up in their jealousy but it didn't really work as planned. I absolutely loved Sam's line to Jax, "Well Jax, if this is keeping you up at night, maybe you should give her a call. You wish you were in Rome saving Brenda. " Sam is absolutely correct here and it is driving Jax crazy to not be the one Brenda wanted to be there or to fight those feelings to keep his current love happy. I also want to see how these scenes play-out tomorrow. I have a feeling Sam will cover for Jax in efforts to not cause friction for anyone involved. Carly will probably go to Sam's apartment and accuse Sam of trying to cause trouble for her and Jax. Poor Sam will try to do her best to neutralize the situation all the while missing Jason and hoping he comes home soon so this latest fiasco will end.
We are all just tolerating the situation right now with Brenda in Rome. Hopefully soon the rumors will stop and settle down about Jason and Brenda.
I, for one, look forward to tomorrow's show, which I can't say I have said recently. I hope you all agree, tomorrow should be an interesting day.
Oh, one side note, Robin takes the same pills everyday of her life for the last 15 years, wouldn't she notice a new pill in her pillbox? Love the story line of absolutely crazy Lisa but I just had to point out some reality. As a person who takes various medication daily, I know EXACTLY what my pills look like and would definitely notice if something else was new in there.
Spinelli clearly is one of the few infatuated with Brenda enough to not only be a less then true friend to Sam but Jason too. Jason would CLEARLY not appreciate Spinelli fantasizing and romanticizing his current situation. I for one loved Sam's reaction to the photo. She saw right through it and saw the love of her life being paraded to some event he was not happy to be at. Honestly that photo speaks volumes, it shows Jason pissed off and unhappy wearing a tux and hating every minute of it. Sam saw that right away and felt sorry for her dear love and wished he'd be home sooner rather then later. Carly busting in and announcing she wondered what self-made drama Brenda has got herself into this time, I wanted to laugh. Carly is the queen of self-made drama, historically speaking, and lets face it she holds that title out-right. It must be hard for Carly to share that throne. We all know what Sam was thinking but Sam has decided to play nice with Carly so she didn't say it. Asking Carly to use her imaginations when it comes to Brenda is a rather lethal and comical suggestion all together. I am sure Carly's imagination would run wild if it was given the chance with troubles Brenda has gotten herself into. But I do love Carly's honestly about Brenda to try to level-set Spinelli and his dilusions.
Murphy and Jason's scenes today were rather comical. Oh poor, sweet, misinformed and misled Murphy clearly Brenda has pulled to wool over your eyes enough to think Brenda is worth fighting for. When Jason was questioned about if he would care if Brenda died it was amusing to read his reaction on his face even if he didn't verbalize it. You can tell his first thought was, 'thank God, less drama now for me to deal with' if she were to die. Funny how Suzanne worries about leaving Jason and Murphy in the same room together. "I play an assassin in movies, I am not one in real life." Oh naive Murphy, how you didn't realize you are in the room with a real assassin that, thank goodness, has a heart of gold and is trying to help the situation. I loved when Jason informed Murphy that he and Brenda don't tell each other much. It was clear Jason was thinking the less he knows about Brenda's life, and vise versa, the better. He just wants to get her latest drama solves so he can go home to his true love, SAM. I can't wait to see the conclusion of these scenes tomorrow to see Jason tell Murphy he is not that guy and it wouldn't hurt if he threw in a comment like "I have the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with back home. I don't want Brenda". That would be beautiful .
Oh but I think my favorite scenes today by far where those shared between Jax and Sam. Some don't realize the history those two have especially on the Brenda topic. Jax brought Sam to Port Charles and his first reasons for wanting to be with Sam was because she looked like Brenda and distracted him from his broken heart. I loved Sam's line, "Brenda's really not a topic of conversation I want to discuss with you." So true even though these two have resolved the past and evolved in to somewhat civil friends, Sam is probably one of the last people on earth that wants to sit in Jax's office and discuss the very reason they got together in the first place. I thought it was sweet and thoughtful how Sam thought of Carly (when so often no one ever thinks about Sam or her feelings in these situations) when she was talking to Jax about Brenda. Carly does have a right to know about their conversation if Jax is really being as honest and invested as he says he is about their future. They need to put all their cards on the table, including the Brenda card. Sam acted as a true friend would act today in regards to Carly to Jax. Too bad Carly won't see it that way but maybe she will...but probably not. This is Carly we are talking about here. I didn't particularly care for Jax's phrasing of his line "You seem fairly calm about the man who claims loves you escorting famous models to a parties in Rome." Ouch are you trying to get her to be jealous? Apparently Jax is hoping to get a reaction out of Sam and team up in their jealousy but it didn't really work as planned. I absolutely loved Sam's line to Jax, "Well Jax
We are all just tolerating the situation right now with Brenda in Rome. Hopefully soon the rumors will stop and settle down about Jason and Brenda.
I, for one, look forward to tomorrow's show, which I can't say I have said recently. I hope you all agree, tomorrow should be an interesting day.
Oh, one side note, Robin takes the same pills everyday of her life for the last 15 years, wouldn't she notice a new pill in her pillbox? Love the story line of absolutely crazy Lisa but I just had to point out some reality. As a person who takes various medication daily, I know EXACTLY what my pills look like and would definitely notice if something else was new in there.
Keeping the faith and look at the facts
Recently I have become frustrated with Jason character and actions towards Sam and I have vocalized my frustration here and on other sites. But I think most of my frustration lies with spoilers, rumors, false information out on sites and in magazines that only make us worry for absolutely no reason except to scare us. Since we have seen very little of Jason and Sam on screen recently, naturally we all begin to seek out some reassurance in spoilers and other sites to help ease our fears. The only reason we have slight repressed fears is because the writers occasionally have pulled the rug out from under us with Jason and Sam in the past. Sometimes I feel like I am constantly waiting in fear for the 'other shoe' to drop, metaphorically speaking of course, when it comes to the story lines for Jason and Sam. It's kind of irronic really if you think about it, Sam has been used and abused most of her life and has a very hard time trusting love. We feel like Sam sometimes having a hard time trusting the GH writers will actually allow us a happy ending.
If you are a few of the special few who haven't heard of the vicious rumors, spoilers or picked up a magazine lately going around out there about Jason and Brenda, consider yourself lucky. It seems of all the couples Brenda would be able to shake up, Jason and Sam are apparently another fan-bases favorite to spread vicious rumors about. But I want to remind everyone to take a deep breath, count to 10 if you need to, but relax and lets just take a look at the facts.
1. Jason is so immensely grateful to have Sam back in his life that when you looks at her you can just see the love in his eyes.
2. Sam is extremely understanding, patient and "gets Jason" on a level like no one else ever has. Jason realizes this and isn't about to blow this for a woman he can not stand.
3. Jason and Brenda have known each other since high school and have never had romantic feelings about one another before, why now?
4. Yes, Jason will help Brenda if she needs help because he is sort of her friend and Sonny has asked him on the past to protect Brenda. Jason is a man of his word, (one of the things Sam loves most about Jason) so Jason will honor his promise to keep Brenda safe.
5. All of those sites that said there was a picture of Brenda kissing Jason were DEAD WRONG!!!!! Just another example of how there are a lot of sites out there who are trying to spread vicious false rumors to feed into our fears.
6. Jason just finished telling Sam how much he loves her and he is never going to lose her again, he is a man of his word. The real Jason doesn't know how to lie to Sam and won't because he respects her so much.
7. Sam will love Jason for the rest of her life and she has told him he is not going to lose her again either. While I am sure like any normal person, Sam will be none too thrilled to have Brenda living under Jason's roof her logical side will kick in and remind her how much she loves and trusts Jason.
I could go on for days about the facts, but like the rest of us, GH is on now so I have to tune in.
So everyone, lets just sit back and relax everything is going to be okay. Have faith, keep calling the comment lines tell them how happy you are to see Jason and Sam together and how beautiful it is to see how strong their love is for one another. Try to keep in mind, spoilers and rumors are over 50% of the time false or are embellished for more reactions.
If you are a few of the special few who haven't heard of the vicious rumors, spoilers or picked up a magazine lately going around out there about Jason and Brenda, consider yourself lucky. It seems of all the couples Brenda would be able to shake up, Jason and Sam are apparently another fan-bases favorite to spread vicious rumors about. But I want to remind everyone to take a deep breath, count to 10 if you need to, but relax and lets just take a look at the facts.
1. Jason is so immensely grateful to have Sam back in his life that when you looks at her you can just see the love in his eyes.
2. Sam is extremely understanding, patient and "gets Jason" on a level like no one else ever has. Jason realizes this and isn't about to blow this for a woman he can not stand.
3. Jason and Brenda have known each other since high school and have never had romantic feelings about one another before, why now?
4. Yes, Jason will help Brenda if she needs help because he is sort of her friend and Sonny has asked him on the past to protect Brenda. Jason is a man of his word, (one of the things Sam loves most about Jason) so Jason will honor his promise to keep Brenda safe.
5. All of those sites that said there was a picture of Brenda kissing Jason were DEAD WRONG!!!!! Just another example of how there are a lot of sites out there who are trying to spread vicious false rumors to feed into our fears.
6. Jason just finished telling Sam how much he loves her and he is never going to lose her again, he is a man of his word. The real Jason doesn't know how to lie to Sam and won't because he respects her so much.
7. Sam will love Jason for the rest of her life and she has told him he is not going to lose her again either. While I am sure like any normal person, Sam will be none too thrilled to have Brenda living under Jason's roof her logical side will kick in and remind her how much she loves and trusts Jason.
I could go on for days about the facts, but like the rest of us, GH is on now so I have to tune in.
So everyone, lets just sit back and relax everything is going to be okay. Have faith, keep calling the comment lines tell them how happy you are to see Jason and Sam together and how beautiful it is to see how strong their love is for one another. Try to keep in mind, spoilers and rumors are over 50% of the time false or are embellished for more reactions.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Different Perspectives
It is human nature when you are hurt once by something you are more cautious the next time when doing that action or you don't take that action again at all. Much like the saying goes, 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me'. While those of us who have been hurt by someone sometimes trudge through those waters again very cautiously to reunite with them, we still hold back a little. When you are hurt you remember the pain even if you forgive. There is very little truth to the saying 'forgive and forget'. I find that saying only helpful for my 3 year old when she is working something out with a playmate over a toy. But even a small child knows this saying to be not entirely true because when that playmate shoves them down out of the blue while they might forgive they still remember and approach the situation differently next time. Even animals know this. Pain is a great and yet horrible teacher all at the same time. When you are hurt you remember and it is etched in your brain seldom forgotten.
Of course we all know I am talking about Jason and Sam here. Jason hurt Sam years ago and she hurt him. But I will have you know that in the break ups, I have always sided with Sam all the way and really didn't care for Jason during those periods. Honestly I am much more of a Sam fan always then a Jason fan. Sam brings out Jason's softer side. When Jason broke up with Sam for her own good in 06, I wanted to jump through my TV screen and beat him up. Seriously, Dude your timing could not have been any worse if you had tried. But that was classic Jason, just like it is classic Jason to want to be everyone's hero. The guy has a major hero complex he really should focus on shaking.
While Sam admitted she was a little insecure about him running off to rescue Brenda that insecurity didn't really come from where it appeared at first glance. I think she was totally justified with having feelings of insecurity not because Jason has feelings for Brenda but because he is always running off to rescue someone. I think Sam was afraid to tell him she wanted him to say with her and held back her feelings. Sam is so happy to have Jason out of prison and back home she is not very willing right now to rock the boat. She is afraid and needs a little more special handling right now. While her words said she was okay with it her actions spoke volumes. She practically ran out of the penthouse just to get a way from him. She was hurt and did not know of a way to tell Jason this without possibly upsetting him so she kept quiet. Sam told Jason when he went off to prison she would be strong up until he got release and then she was going to probably lose it a little when she was back in his arms. Well right now that is what is happening with Sam. She is still our ever-so-strong Sam but she is still desperate to just keep Jason with her because it hurt so bad for him to leave to prison. She remembers the pain and doesn't want him to leave her again. That is at least what her less logical, emotional side is saying to her. Jason needs to remember that.
At initially viewing of yesterday's show I did find Carly's comments very frustrating. But actually it was very sweet in a Carly flip-side of the coin way of looking at it. While Carly went on about her and her kids being Jason's first priority and my blood pressure rose, look at it from Carly's perspective. Carly has accepted Sam as Jason's true love that she felt comfortable with talking to Sam and treating her more like a friend. Friend might be too much here at least they are "frienemies" for now. Carly is selfish and self-centered but Sam has known this for ages. But Carly used to attack Sam every chance she got and even cause trouble for Jason and Sam. Carly felt no need to cause trouble for them because she knows Jason loves Sam and she wants him to be happy. Just like Sam could have very well told Carly Jason was gone on business but she decided to tell Carly he was in Rome because she knew Carly would be honest with her about Brenda. I didn't think Carly fed Sam's insecurity if anything she relieved some of it. Sam is going to be insecure right now because she can't forget the pain of them being apart while he was in prison or the pain of their past. So it is natural for her to be a little afraid and it is natural of Jason to be clueless of this.
I have read the recent spoilers that say JaSam talk about ending their relationship. While that thought makes my stomach turn in knots I don't entirely believe it. It seems rather out of the blue and I think if anything the only thing that will come out of this pending 'discussion' is that they will be stronger and maybe Jason will remember to be a little bit more appreciative of Sam.
Absolutely one of the best GH blog out there. I always read it! She has a great view and perspective on JaSam and GH! Take a look at her perspective for JaSam
Keep calling the comment lines! Have a great weekend!
Of course we all know I am talking about Jason and Sam here. Jason hurt Sam years ago and she hurt him. But I will have you know that in the break ups, I have always sided with Sam all the way and really didn't care for Jason during those periods. Honestly I am much more of a Sam fan always then a Jason fan. Sam brings out Jason's softer side. When Jason broke up with Sam for her own good in 06, I wanted to jump through my TV screen and beat him up. Seriously, Dude your timing could not have been any worse if you had tried. But that was classic Jason, just like it is classic Jason to want to be everyone's hero. The guy has a major hero complex he really should focus on shaking.
While Sam admitted she was a little insecure about him running off to rescue Brenda that insecurity didn't really come from where it appeared at first glance. I think she was totally justified with having feelings of insecurity not because Jason has feelings for Brenda but because he is always running off to rescue someone. I think Sam was afraid to tell him she wanted him to say with her and held back her feelings. Sam is so happy to have Jason out of prison and back home she is not very willing right now to rock the boat. She is afraid and needs a little more special handling right now. While her words said she was okay with it her actions spoke volumes. She practically ran out of the penthouse just to get a way from him. She was hurt and did not know of a way to tell Jason this without possibly upsetting him so she kept quiet. Sam told Jason when he went off to prison she would be strong up until he got release and then she was going to probably lose it a little when she was back in his arms. Well right now that is what is happening with Sam. She is still our ever-so-strong Sam but she is still desperate to just keep Jason with her because it hurt so bad for him to leave to prison. She remembers the pain and doesn't want him to leave her again. That is at least what her less logical, emotional side is saying to her. Jason needs to remember that.
At initially viewing of yesterday's show I did find Carly's comments very frustrating. But actually it was very sweet in a Carly flip-side of the coin way of looking at it. While Carly went on about her and her kids being Jason's first priority and my blood pressure rose, look at it from Carly's perspective. Carly has accepted Sam as Jason's true love that she felt comfortable with talking to Sam and treating her more like a friend. Friend might be too much here at least they are "frienemies" for now. Carly is selfish and self-centered but Sam has known this for ages. But Carly used to attack Sam every chance she got and even cause trouble for Jason and Sam. Carly felt no need to cause trouble for them because she knows Jason loves Sam and she wants him to be happy. Just like Sam could have very well told Carly Jason was gone on business but she decided to tell Carly he was in Rome because she knew Carly would be honest with her about Brenda. I didn't think Carly fed Sam's insecurity if anything she relieved some of it. Sam is going to be insecure right now because she can't forget the pain of them being apart while he was in prison or the pain of their past. So it is natural for her to be a little afraid and it is natural of Jason to be clueless of this.
I have read the recent spoilers that say JaSam talk about ending their relationship. While that thought makes my stomach turn in knots I don't entirely believe it. It seems rather out of the blue and I think if anything the only thing that will come out of this pending 'discussion' is that they will be stronger and maybe Jason will remember to be a little bit more appreciative of Sam.
Absolutely one of the best GH blog out there. I always read it! She has a great view and perspective on JaSam and GH! Take a look at her perspective for JaSam
Keep calling the comment lines! Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Betrayal or Delusional?
There has been no greater cheerleader for Jason and Sam and their love then their dear friend, Spinelli. Spinelli had dreamed and even encouraged both Jason and Sam to reunite and once they did he was so immensely happy it showed with his every word. Why it was just last week when Jason told Spinelli how much better Sam was then Brenda and how she was perfect for Jason that Spinelli beamed that Jason was getting in touch with his feelings for Fair Samantha. Well that was all until today. Spinelli apparently has forgotten all of the countless times Sam has been a dear friend to him, provided him with a shoulder to cry on, kept him out of federal prison, became his business partner and for some delusional reason tried to encourage Jason to "rekindle" a romance with Brenda. What was he thinking? I mean seriously what were the writers thinking? I get Spinelli was supposed to be gaga over Brenda but seriously for him to do that to Sam today that was just horrible and completely out of character. Sam has never done anything to him and has always done everything to help him and to be his friend. How would he feel if he and Maxie were still happy and in love and all of a sudden Sam started encouraging Maxie to start chasing after someone like Johnny or Matt again? I am sorry but while I realize Spinelli lives in a fantasy world most of the time, his friendships and morals are generally hovering in reality. This act of his today was unforgivable and Sam is really much too nice to just let that slide.
There were a few other things that actually made me sad about today's show and questioning the writers motives as well. Sam decides to start planning a great vacation for her and Jason but he tells her he has to wait to see how things with Sonny play out. She was very understanding but then the minute his phone rings for Brenda he drops everything? WTF? I mean seriously I get her life was threatened, or at least the ASEC lady made it sound that way, but what about Sonny? Does Jason still need to stick around and see how things are going to play out for Sonny? Another question I had was Jason has been hovering around Sam during her recovery and now he is just leaves?
I absolutely hated how much Jason and Spinelli hurt Sam's feelings today. Sam has never asked Jason for anything except to love her for who she is. She has never asked for more commitment or anything else but I feel like he continues to take that for granted at times. Sam's comment to Jason Brenda was really smart to marry Jason because he really is the best protector had so much more meaning to it then it first sounded like. While Sam's logical side realizes Jason is telling the truth and he really can't stand Brenda, Sam still requires some special handling from time to time. It wasn't very long ago that she thought Jason would be spending at least the next 5 years, if not their entire lives, in prison. She was so incredibly strong and stood by Jason through it all but now that it is over she is terrified deep down she will lose him again. I think Jason needs to give Sam some tangible evidence of his love for Sam though she would never ask for it. Perhaps a ring?! hint hint Jason!
I was proud of Jason for one thing though, he did ask Sam to go with him and make it a trip for them too. But Sam was already kind of hurt and didn't want Jason to know it so she turned him down. But at least he asked her and didn't hide what he was doing from Sam. I am proud of that.
Keep calling the comment lines - let your voice be heard! I call at least once a day to thank them for Jason and Sam . I also do call every time Brenda laughs to tell them how much I hate her laugh .
There were a few other things that actually made me sad about today's show and questioning the writers motives as well. Sam decides to start planning a great vacation for her and Jason but he tells her he has to wait to see how things with Sonny play out. She was very understanding but then the minute his phone rings for Brenda he drops everything? WTF? I mean seriously I get her life was threatened, or at least the ASEC lady made it sound that way, but what about Sonny? Does Jason still need to stick around and see how things are going to play out for Sonny? Another question I had was Jason has been hovering around Sam during her recovery and now he is just leaves?
I absolutely hated how much Jason and Spinelli hurt Sam's feelings today. Sam has never asked Jason for anything except to love her for who she is. She has never asked for more commitment or anything else but I feel like he continues to take that for granted at times. Sam's comment to Jason Brenda was really smart to marry Jason because he really is the best protector had so much more meaning to it then it first sounded like. While Sam's logical side realizes Jason is telling the truth and he really can't stand Brenda, Sam still requires some special handling from time to time. It wasn't very long ago that she thought Jason would be spending at least the next 5 years, if not their entire lives, in prison. She was so incredibly strong and stood by Jason through it all but now that it is over she is terrified deep down she will lose him again. I think Jason needs to give Sam some tangible evidence of his love for Sam though she would never ask for it. Perhaps a ring?! hint hint Jason!
I was proud of Jason for one thing though, he did ask Sam to go with him and make it a trip for them too. But Sam was already kind of hurt and didn't want Jason to know it so she turned him down. But at least he asked her and didn't hide what he was doing from Sam. I am proud of that.
Keep calling the comment lines - let your voice be heard! I call at least once a day to thank them for Jason and Sam . I also do call every time Brenda laughs to tell them how much I hate her laugh .
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Reunions and reconnections
Today's episode tugged at my heart strings. While I have not been a huge Brenda fan since her return, today we saw why she and Sonny were legends in their day. Maybe for me it stirred up old feelings I had about the couple but I actually watched the Brenda and Sonny scenes today for the first time. Brenda was almost old Brenda until she laughed and then I remembered you can never fully go back in time. But even with the annoying laugh and it being some what obvious at times she was trying too hard to be Brenda again, the scenes were touching for us old Brenda and Sonny fans. Regardless I watched and even got a little nostalgic as they talked about their past. Those two still have some chemistry between the two of them which is touching. There are only three woman in this whole world that get Sonny and his insanity Brenda, Carly (who is mad at him) and Diane (who is paid to get him thank goodness for her). Maybe it was because so many of us have past loves that wonder what it would be like if we ever ran into them again. We all wonder what we would say and if we would get that chance to be that candid with them as Brenda and Sonny were with each other today.
While Brenda and Sonny were the focus of each segment lets not overlook some of the other reunions and reconnections today. Jax and Carly - thank goodness they are finally moving in the right direction. We have been waiting since spring to get these two back together. I am pretty sure they won't go back to being their picture perfect family right away but at least they are both moving that directions. I was happy to see their reunion and hope that they will one day be as strong as ever. On another note, I do find it rather funny Carly becomes super motivated to get Jax back once she hears about Sonny going to see Brenda and then partially shoving Jax into Brenda's arms. Nevertheless, what ever it takes I am just delighted to see they are heading down the right direction and I hope they stay on this course.
Another reconnection, subtle but was there was the reconnection between Robin and Patrick. While both of them are not sure how to fix their marriage they are willing to do anything to keep their daughter safe from high-octane crazy Lisa. Lisa is a little too good at being crazy. It is kind of scary. For those scrubs fans rest assure you can even see today scrubs are going to be okay in time. I am also pleased to see Mac willing and able to help. Maybe he can ask Alexis over to help baby sit or something and we can finally get Mac a woman because ever since Felicia stomped his heart he has never gotten back out in the game since. I say Mac needs a little adventure in romance these days instead of only being there for Robin and Maxie. He needs to be happy too.
I saved the best for last. Most importantly today was Jason and Sam. Their air time was extremely brief today but very touching. Jason's eyes actually sparkled when he told Spinelli how different Sam was then Brenda and how much Sam means to him. Even after Spinelli left you could see on Jason's face he wanted to go upstairs and tell Sam again how much she meant to him. But to his surprise she was sitting on the stairs with tears and sparkles in her own eyes listening to what he had said. Jason has never talks about his feelings but his feelings are so strong for Sam even less-than-expressive Jason can put into words some of how he is feeling. Sam is the prefect woman for him and this time he knows it. He isn't about to mess this up this time and it is so clearly written in his eyes. Every look he gives Sam my heart just melts watching them. Even when it's a scene that isn't overly romantic they make their love shine through. They have it all. There are some cute moments too even when he takes care of her and subtly sneaks in a tickle of her leg as he puts her foot up or even just talking to her. It's so sweet.
Call the comment line we need more JaSam airtime and less Nik/Brooklyn, DuDu time.
While Brenda and Sonny were the focus of each segment lets not overlook some of the other reunions and reconnections today. Jax and Carly - thank goodness they are finally moving in the right direction. We have been waiting since spring to get these two back together. I am pretty sure they won't go back to being their picture perfect family right away but at least they are both moving that directions. I was happy to see their reunion and hope that they will one day be as strong as ever. On another note, I do find it rather funny Carly becomes super motivated to get Jax back once she hears about Sonny going to see Brenda and then partially shoving Jax into Brenda's arms. Nevertheless, what ever it takes I am just delighted to see they are heading down the right direction and I hope they stay on this course.
Another reconnection, subtle but was there was the reconnection between Robin and Patrick. While both of them are not sure how to fix their marriage they are willing to do anything to keep their daughter safe from high-octane crazy Lisa. Lisa is a little too good at being crazy. It is kind of scary. For those scrubs fans rest assure you can even see today scrubs are going to be okay in time. I am also pleased to see Mac willing and able to help. Maybe he can ask Alexis over to help baby sit or something and we can finally get Mac a woman because ever since Felicia stomped his heart he has never gotten back out in the game since. I say Mac needs a little adventure in romance these days instead of only being there for Robin and Maxie. He needs to be happy too.
I saved the best for last. Most importantly today was Jason and Sam. Their air time was extremely brief today but very touching. Jason's eyes actually sparkled when he told Spinelli how different Sam was then Brenda and how much Sam means to him. Even after Spinelli left you could see on Jason's face he wanted to go upstairs and tell Sam again how much she meant to him. But to his surprise she was sitting on the stairs with tears and sparkles in her own eyes listening to what he had said. Jason has never talks about his feelings but his feelings are so strong for Sam even less-than-expressive Jason can put into words some of how he is feeling. Sam is the prefect woman for him and this time he knows it. He isn't about to mess this up this time and it is so clearly written in his eyes. Every look he gives Sam my heart just melts watching them. Even when it's a scene that isn't overly romantic they make their love shine through. They have it all. There are some cute moments too even when he takes care of her and subtly sneaks in a tickle of her leg as he puts her foot up or even just talking to her. It's so sweet.
Call the comment line we need more JaSam airtime and less Nik/Brooklyn, DuDu time.
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