For the past week our favorite couple has been running from Santos Lopez's men and today this chapter wrapped up. It was been a wonderful ride watching Jason and Sam work together as a team. First, they met up at Lopez compound to help clear Jason and flee from Lopez's men. Followed by the adventure in the van and the woods. While I really do wish we could have seen the campfire scenes, we still did get some great dialog and scenes over the past two weeks. Jason and Sam really proved over the last two weeks they are a team in life and in love. Ring or no ring they are committed to each other for life and will take care of each other for life. Every day every clip Jason so clearly wanted to protect Sam and keep her safe. She held her own and tried to do the same.
I have truly loved how the have wrapped up this story in the last two days with Lucky by their side. It was subtle but clear if you watched close enough that Lucky and Sam still care about each other and Jason and Lucky respect each other. All three trust each other with their own lives which is an interesting situation between a cop, a mob enforcer and a PI/former con-woman. But these three work so well together in saving themselves and getting out of a very sticky and potentially fatal situation.
Today as the story wrapped up I loved how Jason kissed Sam before heading into gun fire. So unlike Jason to kiss Sam in the presents of others but he loves her so much. All he worries about is her safety. They are so perfect for each other. I can't wait to see how the rest of the week turns out. We have been promised that Friday there will be some Jason and Sam once again on.
Playlist of the last two weeks of JaSam
Thanks to LuckiBelle for these clips and always posting the clips on YT.
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Never lose you again
Today was the one year anniversary of JaSam being together. For many of us this anniversary is even more then just our favorite couple reuniting but it is also about some of us (myself included) returning to watching GH again. One year today I can tell you I started DVR'ing GH every episode of the show. I must say it's been a great year for the show and our favorite couple.
Today's episode did not disappoint many of us. I will admit I was sorry to see they did cut some of the campfire romantic scenes we had seen photos of posted on ABC Medianet. But today's episode did make up for it. Seeing Jason and Sam waking up together was a perfect start to the day. No matter what the circumstances are they are both just so truly grateful to be together. It's so moving how you can almost feel it in the air and in their glances to one another. It was so sweet watching them today just enjoy being with each other even if it was less then ideal circumstances. They are both so much at ease with one another they can even poke fun at each other and laugh about her lack of talent in the kitchen and his lack of ability to fix things even given they are being hunted down. Both of them smile and just are so blissfully happy together it shines through. Those are the tender moments that has made this couple a super couple time and time again. Jason made his promise once again to take Sam away. I really hope this is a hint by the writers that they will actually let Jason and Sam go on a vacation together for once because they sure have mentioned it a few times.
The Best moment of today's show was when Jason told Sam "I am going to make sure I never lose you again." My heart just swooned and my eyes teared up just watching. Oh that made my day the only thing that could have made that scene even better was if Jason had proposed to Sam. Yes, I am still holding out for a JaSam wedding and marriage what can I say.
I must say, dang those Lopez henchmen are very good at tracking people down. Perhaps the US government should look into hiring them to track down recent escaped prisoners or terrorist rings. I mean it's pretty impressive they not only can find the van after it has been blown up to put them on the right trail but then they can comb the heavily wooded area to find the one and only cabin Jason and Sam are in only a few minutes after those two have arrived. It's a very impressive skill, I think they should look into marketing it. Tomorrow should prove to be another great JaSam day.
Now today was a great Jason and Sam day but lets not forget about Scrubs. Robin and Patrick delivered another moving performance today. I found myself almost standing and applauding Robin as she roasted Lisa at the hospital for everything she has done. Lisa does play crazy very well which really is helping this story line be so convincing and interesting. She's able to turn the crazy on and off at will which makes it even more interesting. Robin has been amazing the last couple of days. I know Robin did cheat on Patrick when she had PPD but that is a medical condition many of us new moms have suffered from which does cause you to do things you would never have done otherwise. Patrick really didn't have that excuse to fall back on. But with that being said, I truly believe he is so sorry for what he has done. I think this will actually help the Scrubs relationship in the long run and make it just that much stronger. Patrick needs to do a lot more groveling and begging though before Robin welcomes him back.
It feels like the writing on GH has really improved this week. Almost like the lights are all back on at the house after a long summer break. I, for one, am so excited about the up coming story lines for JaSam, Scrubs and maybe even others.
Today's episode did not disappoint many of us. I will admit I was sorry to see they did cut some of the campfire romantic scenes we had seen photos of posted on ABC Medianet. But today's episode did make up for it. Seeing Jason and Sam waking up together was a perfect start to the day. No matter what the circumstances are they are both just so truly grateful to be together. It's so moving how you can almost feel it in the air and in their glances to one another. It was so sweet watching them today just enjoy being with each other even if it was less then ideal circumstances. They are both so much at ease with one another they can even poke fun at each other and laugh about her lack of talent in the kitchen and his lack of ability to fix things even given they are being hunted down. Both of them smile and just are so blissfully happy together it shines through. Those are the tender moments that has made this couple a super couple time and time again. Jason made his promise once again to take Sam away. I really hope this is a hint by the writers that they will actually let Jason and Sam go on a vacation together for once because they sure have mentioned it a few times.
The Best moment of today's show was when Jason told Sam "I am going to make sure I never lose you again." My heart just swooned and my eyes teared up just watching. Oh that made my day the only thing that could have made that scene even better was if Jason had proposed to Sam. Yes, I am still holding out for a JaSam wedding and marriage what can I say.
I must say, dang those Lopez henchmen are very good at tracking people down. Perhaps the US government should look into hiring them to track down recent escaped prisoners or terrorist rings. I mean it's pretty impressive they not only can find the van after it has been blown up to put them on the right trail but then they can comb the heavily wooded area to find the one and only cabin Jason and Sam are in only a few minutes after those two have arrived. It's a very impressive skill, I think they should look into marketing it. Tomorrow should prove to be another great JaSam day.
Now today was a great Jason and Sam day but lets not forget about Scrubs. Robin and Patrick delivered another moving performance today. I found myself almost standing and applauding Robin as she roasted Lisa at the hospital for everything she has done. Lisa does play crazy very well which really is helping this story line be so convincing and interesting. She's able to turn the crazy on and off at will which makes it even more interesting. Robin has been amazing the last couple of days. I know Robin did cheat on Patrick when she had PPD but that is a medical condition many of us new moms have suffered from which does cause you to do things you would never have done otherwise. Patrick really didn't have that excuse to fall back on. But with that being said, I truly believe he is so sorry for what he has done. I think this will actually help the Scrubs relationship in the long run and make it just that much stronger. Patrick needs to do a lot more groveling and begging though before Robin welcomes him back.
It feels like the writing on GH has really improved this week. Almost like the lights are all back on at the house after a long summer break. I, for one, am so excited about the up coming story lines for JaSam, Scrubs and maybe even others.
Truly Powerful Tuesday
Historically Tuesdays are the least watched days on soaps and they generally are known to be the least eventful days in story lines. However, today's episode was absolutely hands down one of the best episodes that has been on in ages. The writers are finally hearing us.
First Jason and Sam were perfect today. I loved how they pretended to be a bickering couple to con the cop into going away. Then Jason carrying Sam to a campground and trying to take care of her was so sweet. Although I have watched today's clip over a few times and it really did look like Jason might have been the cause of her twisted ankle because she turns one direction and his pulls her arm in the other. But no matter what it was so sweet how he carried her off and took care of her. I am so excited for the rest of the week coming up.
Now those of us with semi-good memories recall that one year ago on 8/24 Jason kissed Sam which lead to them finally giving into their resistance and on 8/25 making love. Who know what 8/25/10 will hold for us this year. Love that it's been a whole year since they've been back together and they are more in love then ever.
If you are blessed to have DVR'd today's episode you were able to fast forward through the rest of the show. However, if you did you might have missed some other amazing performances today. Robin and Patrick were so powerful in their scenes today. Patrick was truly sorry but Robin was in every right to be so hurt. I was always a scrubs fan but my goodness they have been so boring the last year or so. But now can I just say WOW that was amazing acting by Kimberly McCullough and Jason Thompson today. I was blown away. I can't wait to have this story line unfold as well.
But in all fairness for the rest of today's show, I did fast forward the Sonny/Dante/Claire scenes for the most part and I only watched a few of the Brenda scenes. I am still willing to give Brenda a fair shot but it does seem like she or the writers are trying to hard with her. She doesn't appear genuine like Brenda used to be.
On another note I never saw the series Port Charles but had a few people mention it on boards recently due to the KeMo and ME reunion on the "what if" webisodes coming up on 8/30. So I decided to see what that show was all about on youtube. I love YT, you can find any old show out there. For the last 3 nights after everyone in my house has gone to been including the cat, I have put on my headphones and sat in the dark watching all of the episodes until the wee hours in the morning. I just finished watching the entire series of Caleb and Livvie and I am still not sure how to put how I feel into words. I loved how much they loved each other but something was always off with their love. But their love was so truly passionate and, in it's own right, very enduring. However, it was also flawed and rather sad; almost a tragedy of sorts. By the end of the show during the last few episodes he kind of freaked me out. But I think the thing I feel the most about their story is sadness on how the writers ended the series. I was hoping for a happier final episode. I felt sorry for Livvie the entire series she was so sweet and innocent in the beginning and even in the end all she wanted was to be loved and have Caleb love her with all he could. Out of all the characters her's was the most tragic and lost. Kelly Monaco did a wonder job with that character like she does with all of her roles. I think Sam is much stronger then Livvie but I liked Livvie all the same. If you haven't seen the show, I recommend you stay up some late nights while everyone else in your house has gone to bed and watch it. It's worth while seeing.
First Jason and Sam were perfect today. I loved how they pretended to be a bickering couple to con the cop into going away. Then Jason carrying Sam to a campground and trying to take care of her was so sweet. Although I have watched today's clip over a few times and it really did look like Jason might have been the cause of her twisted ankle because she turns one direction and his pulls her arm in the other. But no matter what it was so sweet how he carried her off and took care of her. I am so excited for the rest of the week coming up.
Now those of us with semi-good memories recall that one year ago on 8/24 Jason kissed Sam which lead to them finally giving into their resistance and on 8/25 making love. Who know what 8/25/10 will hold for us this year. Love that it's been a whole year since they've been back together and they are more in love then ever.
If you are blessed to have DVR'd today's episode you were able to fast forward through the rest of the show. However, if you did you might have missed some other amazing performances today. Robin and Patrick were so powerful in their scenes today. Patrick was truly sorry but Robin was in every right to be so hurt. I was always a scrubs fan but my goodness they have been so boring the last year or so. But now can I just say WOW that was amazing acting by Kimberly McCullough and Jason Thompson today. I was blown away. I can't wait to have this story line unfold as well.
But in all fairness for the rest of today's show, I did fast forward the Sonny/Dante/Claire scenes for the most part and I only watched a few of the Brenda scenes. I am still willing to give Brenda a fair shot but it does seem like she or the writers are trying to hard with her. She doesn't appear genuine like Brenda used to be.
On another note I never saw the series Port Charles but had a few people mention it on boards recently due to the KeMo and ME reunion on the "what if" webisodes coming up on 8/30. So I decided to see what that show was all about on youtube. I love YT, you can find any old show out there. For the last 3 nights after everyone in my house has gone to been including the cat, I have put on my headphones and sat in the dark watching all of the episodes until the wee hours in the morning. I just finished watching the entire series of Caleb and Livvie and I am still not sure how to put how I feel into words. I loved how much they loved each other but something was always off with their love. But their love was so truly passionate and, in it's own right, very enduring. However, it was also flawed and rather sad; almost a tragedy of sorts. By the end of the show during the last few episodes he kind of freaked me out. But I think the thing I feel the most about their story is sadness on how the writers ended the series. I was hoping for a happier final episode. I felt sorry for Livvie the entire series she was so sweet and innocent in the beginning and even in the end all she wanted was to be loved and have Caleb love her with all he could. Out of all the characters her's was the most tragic and lost. Kelly Monaco did a wonder job with that character like she does with all of her roles. I think Sam is much stronger then Livvie but I liked Livvie all the same. If you haven't seen the show, I recommend you stay up some late nights while everyone else in your house has gone to bed and watch it. It's worth while seeing.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
As natural to me as breathing
Oh thank goodness the wait is over, Jason is finally out of Pentonville. Good-bye Pentonville, ugly gray prison set and ugly clothes. While I had hoped for a long passionate reunion between Jason and Sam at least we got a few great scenes. I loved when Jason walked in the door and Sam jumped into his arms. Finally they are able to be together and not have to worry about someone coming to take him away to Pentonville. Sam nearly lost it for a second as the happiness washed over her. Their devotion to one another is so beautiful and peaceful. They both are so happy and at peace just looking into each others eyes. These two being together is as natural as breathing and as perfect as it too. I have to give a nod to the writers for digging into JaSam history and using the line that only us JaSam fans would remember. I do love those references. Sam and Jason are finally happy and together. Now would seem like a great time for a wedding don't you think?
Today's show was rather funny when Michael apologize saying he feels like he is always interrupting people about to have sex and Jason almost blurts out that he and Sam have already had sex. So unlike Jason to kiss and tell but he is so blissfully happy it is written all over his face. It is nice seeing Jason so in love it he doesn't care who knows it. Jason is so grateful for Sam and in love with her he wants her to know how much she means to him and doesn't care who knows how happy he is. I hope we get a few more scenes with them this week though. I am so tired of Jason talking to Carly, Sonny, Lucky, Michael, Spinelli and the list goes on and on. Jason needs to lock his door, turn off his phone and go spend time with Sam. Or better yet they need to go to the cabin and shut out the world for a while.
While Jason and Sam are the reason I watch GH still, I am liking some of the other things the writers are doing on the show these days. Maya and Ethan were actually rather cute together. I like how they are keeping them light but not too serious but fun to watch. Maxie and Lucky are really kind of funny together. I like their friendship. I think maybe Maxie should be single for a while and do some scheming that blows up in her face and provide comedic relief for us. Maxie is funnier when she is single.
Keep watching and keep calling the comment line. Thank you all for your comments on my posts. They keep this fun and interactive. I agree with you guys. Our couple needs more screen time.
Today's show was rather funny when Michael apologize saying he feels like he is always interrupting people about to have sex and Jason almost blurts out that he and Sam have already had sex. So unlike Jason to kiss and tell but he is so blissfully happy it is written all over his face. It is nice seeing Jason so in love it he doesn't care who knows it. Jason is so grateful for Sam and in love with her he wants her to know how much she means to him and doesn't care who knows how happy he is. I hope we get a few more scenes with them this week though. I am so tired of Jason talking to Carly, Sonny, Lucky, Michael, Spinelli and the list goes on and on. Jason needs to lock his door, turn off his phone and go spend time with Sam. Or better yet they need to go to the cabin and shut out the world for a while.
While Jason and Sam are the reason I watch GH still, I am liking some of the other things the writers are doing on the show these days. Maya and Ethan were actually rather cute together. I like how they are keeping them light but not too serious but fun to watch. Maxie and Lucky are really kind of funny together. I like their friendship. I think maybe Maxie should be single for a while and do some scheming that blows up in her face and provide comedic relief for us. Maxie is funnier when she is single.
Keep watching and keep calling the comment line. Thank you all for your comments on my posts. They keep this fun and interactive. I agree with you guys. Our couple needs more screen time.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Too Little to Say Much
This was a rough week team JaSam, but we made it through. We all knew going into this week there would be very little Jason and Sam due to the Brendamaina. But Brenda has arrived on our screens now, lets hope they tone down the over-blown hype and just let the true Brenda shine through. I don't want to give the impression I hate Brenda. On the contrary, she was a hoot back in her day and I was a fan. But I am having a hard time getting back into the Brenda groove just yet. I had hoped the writers would ease us back into Brenda kind of how the eased us back into Robin's return in 05 but I am starting to doubt there will be any easing with Brenda's return.
But enough about Brenda, let's focus on the positive and reason we keep watching, JaSam. Though our time with our favorite couple was brief it was still magical this week. I was a little disappointed Jason didn't rush into the visiting room and grab Sam's hands passionately like he has before. But he did look at her with that hunger in his eyes so all was not lost. Then Sam began to explain her plan, his reaction was classic. He wasn't about to let Sam compromise herself for him no matter what. Sam is very self sufficient and probably better at running a con then anyone around but Jason would not have her let some possibly morally corrupt judge lay a hand on her ever. Not to mention the whole legal issue, he wasn't having it. It was sweet, he would rather waste his days in prison then ever let anyone touch Sam. While I see Jason's side completely, I see Sam's too. She feels powerless in this situation and this plan is a way to try to get some control and possibly get Jason out of prison. She is afraid that they will never let Jason out of prison so she wants to do anything she can for them to be together. But it was also incredibly sweet how Jason called Spinelli to try to help him get through to Sam to protect her from herself. But Sam is just about as stubborn as Jason, when she gets her mind made up she generally doesn't back down. Of course, for once I have to say thank goodness for Sonny and his overactive sperm. I think Claire is playing Sonny just as much as he is playing her but who cares if it gets Jason out of prison then I am happy for once. This is probably the first selfless thing Sonny has done in a long time. Score one for Sonny!
I am so glad Monday Jason and Sam will be reunited and no more prison for a while. I can't wait until Monday and the weeks to follow as the Jason and Sam story line heats up.
On a side note, please take some time to go out to SID instant vote and vote for our super couple. You can vote as many times as possible.
But enough about Brenda, let's focus on the positive and reason we keep watching, JaSam. Though our time with our favorite couple was brief it was still magical this week. I was a little disappointed Jason didn't rush into the visiting room and grab Sam's hands passionately like he has before. But he did look at her with that hunger in his eyes so all was not lost. Then Sam began to explain her plan, his reaction was classic. He wasn't about to let Sam compromise herself for him no matter what. Sam is very self sufficient and probably better at running a con then anyone around but Jason would not have her let some possibly morally corrupt judge lay a hand on her ever. Not to mention the whole legal issue, he wasn't having it. It was sweet, he would rather waste his days in prison then ever let anyone touch Sam. While I see Jason's side completely, I see Sam's too. She feels powerless in this situation and this plan is a way to try to get some control and possibly get Jason out of prison. She is afraid that they will never let Jason out of prison so she wants to do anything she can for them to be together. But it was also incredibly sweet how Jason called Spinelli to try to help him get through to Sam to protect her from herself. But Sam is just about as stubborn as Jason, when she gets her mind made up she generally doesn't back down. Of course, for once I have to say thank goodness for Sonny and his overactive sperm. I think Claire is playing Sonny just as much as he is playing her but who cares if it gets Jason out of prison then I am happy for once. This is probably the first selfless thing Sonny has done in a long time. Score one for Sonny!
I am so glad Monday Jason and Sam will be reunited and no more prison for a while. I can't wait until Monday and the weeks to follow as the Jason and Sam story line heats up.
On a side note, please take some time to go out to SID instant vote and vote for our super couple. You can vote as many times as possible.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Brendamania
Well today it finally happened, Brenda took over daytime TV for 3 solid hours. It was actually kind of fun watching old episodes of GH. It was almost comical to see how the characters have changed so much, aged like the rest of us. Sometimes we forget, just as we age so do these characters even though we sometimes perserve them in our memories classic in their youth.
The first classic scenes of Jax and Brenda's wedding was especially nostalgic for me but not because I was a giant Jax/Brenda fan. It was because I remember Grandmother was still alive during that time. I actually remember watching that episode and the few to proceed and follow it from the nursing home that Grandmother spent her final days in. I still remember how loud we had to turn up the TV for her to hear and how several rooms around her were watching the same show at the same volume. Grandmother never approved of Sonny for Brenda. I remember when Sonny and Brenda began to date she kept saying he was going to get her killed. It was no surprise to Grandmother that Lily was the one who died for being with Sonny. Grandmother was more of a Jax/Brenda fan. She felt he was better suited for her. I still can hear her talking about them. Isn't it sweet how sometimes you hear a song or see a show that takes you back nearly two decades to a totally different time in your life and memories of someone you haven't seen for many years who had such a profound impact on your life. Her insight on GH was not the profound impact on my life but nevertheless, it's always nice to see something that reminds me of her.
Something else that was entertaining was how crisp the writing used to be for GH. GH had very classic crisp writing during the 90's and early this century. Also the comedy of the Jason and Brenda wedding was so brilliantly done. Some days I wonder if the writing now is going to give us whip lash as it jerks us around scenes and though some times jagged story lines with loose ends all around. I know some of the reason for bringing back Brenda was to try to bring back some classic GH fans but I just hope the writers now are up for the challenge to tighten up plot lines and stop recycling old story lines (who's the daddy of Liz's 15 children).
Only time will tell if anything will change now that Brenda is back. However, Brenda or no Brenda, Sam needs her own story line . Keep calling the comment lines and keep faith. According to the medianet pics there will be lots of JaSam in the coming weeks. I am already anticipating the great scenes that will be in store.
The first classic scenes of Jax and Brenda's wedding was especially nostalgic for me but not because I was a giant Jax/Brenda fan. It was because I remember Grandmother was still alive during that time. I actually remember watching that episode and the few to proceed and follow it from the nursing home that Grandmother spent her final days in. I still remember how loud we had to turn up the TV for her to hear and how several rooms around her were watching the same show at the same volume. Grandmother never approved of Sonny for Brenda. I remember when Sonny and Brenda began to date she kept saying he was going to get her killed. It was no surprise to Grandmother that Lily was the one who died for being with Sonny. Grandmother was more of a Jax/Brenda fan. She felt he was better suited for her. I still can hear her talking about them. Isn't it sweet how sometimes you hear a song or see a show that takes you back nearly two decades to a totally different time in your life and memories of someone you haven't seen for many years who had such a profound impact on your life. Her insight on GH was not the profound impact on my life but nevertheless, it's always nice to see something that reminds me of her.
Something else that was entertaining was how crisp the writing used to be for GH. GH had very classic crisp writing during the 90's and early this century. Also the comedy of the Jason and Brenda wedding was so brilliantly done. Some days I wonder if the writing now is going to give us whip lash as it jerks us around scenes and though some times jagged story lines with loose ends all around. I know some of the reason for bringing back Brenda was to try to bring back some classic GH fans but I just hope the writers now are up for the challenge to tighten up plot lines and stop recycling old story lines (who's the daddy of Liz's 15 children).
Only time will tell if anything will change now that Brenda is back. However, Brenda or no Brenda, Sam needs her own story line . Keep calling the comment lines and keep faith. According to the medianet pics there will be lots of JaSam in the coming weeks. I am already anticipating the great scenes that will be in store.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Looks that can speak volumes
With a heavy heart we watched on Friday as Jason dawned that fashionable orange jumpsuit and shackles and be carted off to Pentonville yet again. But before they hauled Jason off the clink, we were able to witness probably the most loving glaces between Jason and Sam. They didn't care who else was around they just stared so deeply into each others eyes it spoke volumes. With very little dialog on Friday we all witnessed once again why Sam and Jason are so perfect and have such a magical love. I think even Dante was amazed by their devotion to each other which is why he allowed them to have some time alone together at least. It was sweet and moving the way Jason realizes Sam is so amazing and strong. He often seems as if he feels like he doesn't deserve her because she is so strong and beautiful. But she reassures him that no matter what she loves him and is never going to leave. That type of devotion almost brings tears to your eyes. Even at the end when he was hauled off he told Sam with no reservation he loved her even in front of Dante and the PCPD which was a very un-Jason like moment.
The only part of Friday's episode JaSam scenes that wasn't entirely pleasant was Ronnie. When is someone going to kill him? Seriously GH is in desperate need of a virus, serial killer or explosion that takes out a few of these extremely irritating characters and at the top of the list should be Ronnie followed by (of course) Olivia, Dante, Liz, Lisa and maybe Brook Lynn is she doesn't stop annoying me soon. Lulu would be on my list but I couldn't do that to Luke and Laura. I am much too much of a classic Luke and Laura fan to make them suffer the loss of a child because I know that is the most heart breaking experience anyone can ever have. I could not inflict that on them no matter how much I wish she would find her brain. Maybe Lulu could just go crazy and go off to the mental ward until she realized she lost her gumption and finds it again.
This week we prepare for the return of Brenda and if you have been reading any of the articles the hype is a bit overwhelming. Brenda can't help cause some trouble when she returns but I just hope her return does not take over all of GH. The chances of us to see much JaSam this week are very low. So sit back and just watch the return of Brenda hype with the rest of us. Don't get me wrong Brenda in her day was entertaining but the hype is over the top. You would swear this is bigger then the second coming at this point. What I do hope is the GH writers realize that they have amazing talent already on the show and need to give Sam her own story line if Brenda is back or not. Sam is very much in need of a story line that is about her. We know about Sam's past for the most part and we know about her family but Sam is a very talented PI who needs to get involved with a mystery that is both suspenseful and action packed like her story line should be. Kelly Monaco is extremely talented and I would love to see a story line that really shows us that.
Keep calling the comments lines and keep positive because good JaSam is coming up!
The only part of Friday's episode JaSam scenes that wasn't entirely pleasant was Ronnie. When is someone going to kill him? Seriously GH is in desperate need of a virus, serial killer or explosion that takes out a few of these extremely irritating characters and at the top of the list should be Ronnie followed by (of course) Olivia, Dante, Liz, Lisa and maybe Brook Lynn is she doesn't stop annoying me soon. Lulu would be on my list but I couldn't do that to Luke and Laura. I am much too much of a classic Luke and Laura fan to make them suffer the loss of a child because I know that is the most heart breaking experience anyone can ever have. I could not inflict that on them no matter how much I wish she would find her brain. Maybe Lulu could just go crazy and go off to the mental ward until she realized she lost her gumption and finds it again.
This week we prepare for the return of Brenda and if you have been reading any of the articles the hype is a bit overwhelming. Brenda can't help cause some trouble when she returns but I just hope her return does not take over all of GH. The chances of us to see much JaSam this week are very low. So sit back and just watch the return of Brenda hype with the rest of us. Don't get me wrong Brenda in her day was entertaining but the hype is over the top. You would swear this is bigger then the second coming at this point. What I do hope is the GH writers realize that they have amazing talent already on the show and need to give Sam her own story line if Brenda is back or not. Sam is very much in need of a story line that is about her. We know about Sam's past for the most part and we know about her family but Sam is a very talented PI who needs to get involved with a mystery that is both suspenseful and action packed like her story line should be. Kelly Monaco is extremely talented and I would love to see a story line that really shows us that.
Keep calling the comments lines and keep positive because good JaSam is coming up!
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