As a devoted JaSam fan, I feel like Jason should be asking this same question of us that he asked of Sam. We know logically that in Soap land Jason will get out of prison soon but today as I watched Jason and Sam spend their last seconds together it brought tears to my eyes. Kelly Monaco and Steve Burton draw us in to those scenes and make them so real I have to remind myself this is a TV show not reality. They have a very special gift. The desperation in Sam's voice and eyes made us all want the same things she wanted. She knows that potentially these might be the last few minutes they are together for the rest of their lives. But she would not miss them for the world. We saw them both cherish every breath they took together. I really hoped deep in my heart that Jason and Sam would run off together to somewhere tropical and get married, have a baby and live happily ever after and get all they deserve.
However, we all know that isn't in the cards right now for Jason and Sam. But what we can find comfort in the fact Jason and Sam want a life together and are devoted to each other. That type of devotion is so beautiful and perfect you can feel it while you watch their scenes. That's what true beauty of love is made of and these two have it. There had been a bunch of spoiler sites that state today 'Jason and Sam make love' and it didn't happen. This is the second time in recent months a hinted love scene has been reported in the spoilers and never happened. But that is actually how I prefer it. Jason and Sam don't need raw carnal love scenes to pull in fans like Lulu and Dante, they have so much more. They have an amazing love that is so incredible we all watch their scenes 100 times just to live in that moment again.
Tears streamed down my face as Jason told Sam if she chose to move on with her life he would have to find a way to accept it. My heart ached as I watched Sam tell Jason she wanted him anyway she could get him. But I think my favorite part about today was watching Sam kick Jason's tail in dominoes. His face beamed as she set up the dominoes and then when she won with 'raw talent', it was perfect. I laughed after I had been crying mostly through their scenes today, I thought that was so incredibly cute. Their final looks to each other after their kiss said it all, the love in their eyes was truly beautiful.This new and improved JaSam is more devoted to one another then ever before.
So here is my only question that pertained to Franco today - if he isn't dead why are they sending Jason back to prison?
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sometimes Maybe we have too much technology
I am sure many of you read the recaps from this weekend's GHFCW. Maybe even of you lucky soles out there got to attend. It sounded amazing and I wish I could have been part of it. I was like so other fans out there checking the recaps and looking at the photos. It sounded so much fun and was nice to hear the actors be people. We often forget how these people, while famous stars, are people too. It's nice to hear how they were honest with the crowd and let their hair down so to speak.
I too, like many others I am sure, follow Kelly Monaco, Steve Burton, Laura Wright and other GH stars on Twitter. I think it is amazing how you get to see how truly down to earth these stars are. Laura Wright for instance is probably one of the funnier people out there and very family oriented. However, sometimes people feel the need to attack these stars and forget their lives are none of our business. What the stars share in their interviews, public appearances and even on twitter is their personal lives and we should just be grateful to read about them. We need to realize these people have personal lives too. Much like many things in our own life, some things should remain private.
Recently on Wendy Williams and at the GHFCW event with Kelly Monaco she mentioned some things about her personal life and the struggles of this last year. I applaud her for her honesty and willingness to share details about her life. We have never seen that side of her much and it really allowed me personally to see her as a real person. But it's her personal life and if she is nice enough to open up no one should attack her on twitter, facebook or anywhere else. Seriously fans and non-fans alike out there need to respect themselves enough to not act so disgusting to another human being. If you aren't a fan, don't watch her or listen to what she has to say. If you are a fan, then be respectful. It's very simple. It is sad that there are people out there in this world who think just because they can hide behind a computer it is okay to use those social networking sites to attack people's lives or personal character. To those people who are clearly not fans, please just leave her alone.
I too, like many others I am sure, follow Kelly Monaco, Steve Burton, Laura Wright and other GH stars on Twitter. I think it is amazing how you get to see how truly down to earth these stars are. Laura Wright for instance is probably one of the funnier people out there and very family oriented. However, sometimes people feel the need to attack these stars and forget their lives are none of our business. What the stars share in their interviews, public appearances and even on twitter is their personal lives and we should just be grateful to read about them. We need to realize these people have personal lives too. Much like many things in our own life, some things should remain private.
Recently on Wendy Williams and at the GHFCW event with Kelly Monaco she mentioned some things about her personal life and the struggles of this last year. I applaud her for her honesty and willingness to share details about her life. We have never seen that side of her much and it really allowed me personally to see her as a real person. But it's her personal life and if she is nice enough to open up no one should attack her on twitter, facebook or anywhere else. Seriously fans and non-fans alike out there need to respect themselves enough to not act so disgusting to another human being. If you aren't a fan, don't watch her or listen to what she has to say. If you are a fan, then be respectful. It's very simple. It is sad that there are people out there in this world who think just because they can hide behind a computer it is okay to use those social networking sites to attack people's lives or personal character. To those people who are clearly not fans, please just leave her alone.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Major Flaw in Franco's Plan
I know I have said before, but I really really really really HATE that Franco is in anyway involved with Liz's baby's disappearance. But some large flaws in Franco's plan aka the GH writing of this stupid twist to the story. Liz went into labor 4 weeks early. They even tried to stop the labor so how did Franco plan this whole abductions so carefully when he basically had maybe a 10 hour window? Her labor seemed to go pretty quick and the fact this was her 3rd child 10 hours is generous.
Let's look at this realistically for once (I know logic and GH are two different worlds but let's just try it):
#1 - Liz's labor was 4 weeks early. No matter how convincing Franco is he isn't a doctor or able to induce labor with telepathy. Labor is something I know for a fact is not something you can just will someone to go in. Believe me, I have two children and there were many days when I was close to my due date I tried to will myself into labor and it didn't happen. Franco is clever and crafting but even he can't induce labor if he could there are many many many waddling pregnant women who would be chasing after him.
#2 - Franco has left Liz alone and doesn't really see much connection between her and Jason so why target her and her newborn baby? It doesn't make sense. Why not target someone Jason actually has present in his life such as go after the Quartermaines or even Robin. He has more contact with them then he has with Liz. Why target her? If he knows about Jake why not target Jake directly?
#3 - I am not a Liz fan - I actually loath her character but I do feel kind of sorry for her in this particular situation. Her son gets kidnapped and the only woman willing to listen to her craziness and try to be nice to her dies all within a few short hours. Don't worry this won't change how I feel about her character but it seems kind of cruel of the writers to hit her with so many punches all at once. She wasn't all that sane to start out now she has to deal with her baby being kidnapped (though she should be old hat at this Jake's been kidnapped twice now), and the death of Shirley. She's going to be living in Shady Brook for sure now. I guess that is how they could figure out RH's maternity leave.
#4 - Why is Warren all of a sudden crazy?? I get his son died and he is lost in grief so his crazy rampage seems not completely off base but a few things. Where did he get his gun, the hospital is on lock down and I don't know most hospitals to have a gun department available as part of the gift shop. Why go on a crazy rampage today? It seems much more logical to have Warren and his wife grieving over the loss of their son and to abduct a child then for Franco to do it. I read a spoiler that said Franco takes the baby to his mom so she can raise it. RETARDED!!!! Why do they have to have Franco involved in this particular element of the story line??? It seems completely off base.
Let me hear your theories. I hope the writers wrap this all up in a nice little package for us because right now I feel as if this show's writing is completely disjointed. They are trying to cram too much into the show's existing story lines and not doing a very good job. If this is their method to improve ratings it is not working. It is just irritating the fans. Oh and don't even get me started on the whole Brenda return.
Let's look at this realistically for once (I know logic and GH are two different worlds but let's just try it):
#1 - Liz's labor was 4 weeks early. No matter how convincing Franco is he isn't a doctor or able to induce labor with telepathy. Labor is something I know for a fact is not something you can just will someone to go in. Believe me, I have two children and there were many days when I was close to my due date I tried to will myself into labor and it didn't happen. Franco is clever and crafting but even he can't induce labor if he could there are many many many waddling pregnant women who would be chasing after him.
#2 - Franco has left Liz alone and doesn't really see much connection between her and Jason so why target her and her newborn baby? It doesn't make sense. Why not target someone Jason actually has present in his life such as go after the Quartermaines or even Robin. He has more contact with them then he has with Liz. Why target her? If he knows about Jake why not target Jake directly?
#3 - I am not a Liz fan - I actually loath her character but I do feel kind of sorry for her in this particular situation. Her son gets kidnapped and the only woman willing to listen to her craziness and try to be nice to her dies all within a few short hours. Don't worry this won't change how I feel about her character but it seems kind of cruel of the writers to hit her with so many punches all at once. She wasn't all that sane to start out now she has to deal with her baby being kidnapped (though she should be old hat at this Jake's been kidnapped twice now), and the death of Shirley. She's going to be living in Shady Brook for sure now. I guess that is how they could figure out RH's maternity leave.
#4 - Why is Warren all of a sudden crazy?? I get his son died and he is lost in grief so his crazy rampage seems not completely off base but a few things. Where did he get his gun, the hospital is on lock down and I don't know most hospitals to have a gun department available as part of the gift shop. Why go on a crazy rampage today? It seems much more logical to have Warren and his wife grieving over the loss of their son and to abduct a child then for Franco to do it. I read a spoiler that said Franco takes the baby to his mom so she can raise it. RETARDED!!!! Why do they have to have Franco involved in this particular element of the story line??? It seems completely off base.
Let me hear your theories. I hope the writers wrap this all up in a nice little package for us because right now I feel as if this show's writing is completely disjointed. They are trying to cram too much into the show's existing story lines and not doing a very good job. If this is their method to improve ratings it is not working. It is just irritating the fans. Oh and don't even get me started on the whole Brenda return.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Franco's master plan
This past week we saw Franco visit just about everyone he tormented the last time in Port Charles. Everyone but Lulu seemed to leave the confrontations without Franco making any threats to them. Lulu, on the other hand, well she for some reason seems to be a very easy target for him. She scares easily which given her up bringing and her past is kind of surprising. Franco really does seem to thrive on this weakness of her's. I guess we could only hope that Franco makes Lulu snap again like she did a few years ago and she is off back to shady brook and perhaps Dante can visit her there and stop annoying us. Seriously, is there any other soap couple who have had that many carnal love scenes this year? I am so tired of watching those two tear each others clothes I just change the channel. Seriously Guza enough is enough we get it these two like to get naked - we got it. Maybe Franco can at least put an end to that for us. That would work for me. I also do love Jason's idea of that maybe just maybe Franco can take Dante out. Then maybe Lulu would snap out of her brainwashed state and back to the sassy spunky girl we actually liked who put Elizabeth in her place when she had her affair with Nicolas.
Speaking of the floor whore, she seems actually somewhat pleasant lately to Nicolas and actually realizes she did something wrong. Well we all know that won't last. As soon as that baby comes out she'll be back to playing the victim and judging EVERYONE else and putting back on that tarnished halo of her's.
I read on that Franco will unleash a dastardly plan that is centered at GH and that Lucky's baby goes missing. First off, DAMN IT!!! WHY DOES FRANCO HAVE TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE WHORE??? This whole part of the plot really has me angry. This means Jason is going to go running to Liz's side and work to find the baby and remember when Jake was born and kidnapped, blah, blah, blah blah......I hope I am wrong but I sincerely hope Jason and the whore don't have any interaction during this whole mess. (A small side note about Liz- here she was always saying Carly put her kids in danger by being with Sonny and Carly was a bad mom. Liz's kids have all been kidnapped more then Carly's children. For someone who claims to be so "perfect" - she sure does attract the drama.)
I also saw on that there is a look-a-like to Sam at the MOCA. This would explain all the rumors a few months ago that they were looking for a Sam or Brenda look-a-like. I have also heard rumors once Jason goes back to jail and Franco is presumed missing, that Sam will go missing and Franco sends Jason a picture of Sam in a chalk outline. Jason later finds Sam alive. Let's hope the truth of the plot goes a little more like Jason gets out of jail, takes Sam to Hawaii where they get married and have a wonderful honeymoon. Then they both take on finding Franco - working together they find him and take him out. Afterwords, the build that strong foundation by having a baby.
Ahh I know I am dreaming. Oh well, keep the faith things will be interesting in the next few weeks. Keep calling the comment lines daily. We need more Sam and Jason scenes. Sam needs her own storyline where Jason is supporting her. Kelly Monaco is an exceptional actress and needs to be able to use her talent.
And so until next week my fellow GH fans, keep watching and calling.
Speaking of the floor whore, she seems actually somewhat pleasant lately to Nicolas and actually realizes she did something wrong. Well we all know that won't last. As soon as that baby comes out she'll be back to playing the victim and judging EVERYONE else and putting back on that tarnished halo of her's.
I read on that Franco will unleash a dastardly plan that is centered at GH and that Lucky's baby goes missing. First off, DAMN IT!!! WHY DOES FRANCO HAVE TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE WHORE??? This whole part of the plot really has me angry. This means Jason is going to go running to Liz's side and work to find the baby and remember when Jake was born and kidnapped, blah, blah, blah blah......I hope I am wrong but I sincerely hope Jason and the whore don't have any interaction during this whole mess. (A small side note about Liz- here she was always saying Carly put her kids in danger by being with Sonny and Carly was a bad mom. Liz's kids have all been kidnapped more then Carly's children. For someone who claims to be so "perfect" - she sure does attract the drama.)
I also saw on that there is a look-a-like to Sam at the MOCA. This would explain all the rumors a few months ago that they were looking for a Sam or Brenda look-a-like. I have also heard rumors once Jason goes back to jail and Franco is presumed missing, that Sam will go missing and Franco sends Jason a picture of Sam in a chalk outline. Jason later finds Sam alive. Let's hope the truth of the plot goes a little more like Jason gets out of jail, takes Sam to Hawaii where they get married and have a wonderful honeymoon. Then they both take on finding Franco - working together they find him and take him out. Afterwords, the build that strong foundation by having a baby.
Ahh I know I am dreaming. Oh well, keep the faith things will be interesting in the next few weeks. Keep calling the comment lines daily. We need more Sam and Jason scenes. Sam needs her own storyline where Jason is supporting her. Kelly Monaco is an exceptional actress and needs to be able to use her talent.
And so until next week my fellow GH fans, keep watching and calling.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Following some of Grandmother's advice
When my Grandmother was still alive, I was a teenager. I had many boys ask me out but I would not stay with them long. I would always tell Grandmother that they didn't live up to my standards. Most of these boys were perfectly nice boys but for some reason or another I would find flaws in them very quickly and end things. I used this same fickle approach to most things in my life back them from books I started to read to interests in colleges and various sports. One day during the summer before my Grandmother got sick, she told me some great advice that I didn't truly listen to until much later in life. Grandmother said "Sweetie Pie, you need to lower your standards in life or you will spend the rest of your life being disappointed." At the time I thought that was incredibly bitter advice from an old woman who had survived The Great Depression, two world wars and had very little but great stories to show for her life. However, Grandmother wasn't only trying to tell me this advice about relationships but also about life. If you don't build things up to be something and they fall short you won't spend time regretting the outcome. As I got older and realized what she was trying to tell me was, don't put everyone and every experience on a pedestal otherwise you will spend your life being disappointed.
Someday I wonder if we don't hold other things in life to impossible standards. Recently I've been reminded in so many facets of my life that I need to listen to Grandmother's advice and just let things happen the way they were intended. So tonight I am trying to look at all things in a new light. I am also applying this new (or rather very old and wise) logic to GH right now. Let's be honest, lately GH's plot and story lines have left a lot to be desired. But maybe this is just the calm before the storm. Maybe there is something wonderful coming and we just need to keep our minds open to be ready to take it all in. Franco is back and so far that story line could have potential if they only will focus it more around Jason and Sam and MUCH less around DuDu there is hope there. Sonny is out of control right now and it is at least somewhat interesting to see him unravel. Soon Brenda will be there to help him put the pieces back together. But GH really needs to get more focus back on their super couple. So maybe if we keep the faith, keep calling the comments lines and do what we can to get some focus back on Jason and Sam, just maybe this will work in our favor.
Keep the faith something wonderful is headed our way and the show will be back on top and have the huge declarations it used to have back in 2005 and 2006.
Someday I wonder if we don't hold other things in life to impossible standards. Recently I've been reminded in so many facets of my life that I need to listen to Grandmother's advice and just let things happen the way they were intended. So tonight I am trying to look at all things in a new light. I am also applying this new (or rather very old and wise) logic to GH right now. Let's be honest, lately GH's plot and story lines have left a lot to be desired. But maybe this is just the calm before the storm. Maybe there is something wonderful coming and we just need to keep our minds open to be ready to take it all in. Franco is back and so far that story line could have potential if they only will focus it more around Jason and Sam and MUCH less around DuDu there is hope there. Sonny is out of control right now and it is at least somewhat interesting to see him unravel. Soon Brenda will be there to help him put the pieces back together. But GH really needs to get more focus back on their super couple. So maybe if we keep the faith, keep calling the comments lines and do what we can to get some focus back on Jason and Sam, just maybe this will work in our favor.
Keep the faith something wonderful is headed our way and the show will be back on top and have the huge declarations it used to have back in 2005 and 2006.
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