First off, I've been away and have to travel again this week so most of my viewing of the show has taken place via my phone on youtube. I am not entirely sure of all that is going on with the show out side of Jason, Sam, Krissy and Luke/Tracy. The bright side of having to view the show over a weak cell signal in the middle of no where is no DuDu. Focusing on the positives at this point.
Anyhow I digress - this summer so far I feel as if we have been in the dark with very little JaSam light to keep us going. However, things seems to be slightly improving. Last week I adored the conjugal visit episode. I just have watched that one at least 5 times. It was so sweet, while I was hoping to see a little bit more skin (not too much like DuDu are always willing to bear) just maybe a shirt off by Jason or some afterglow, I can't complain overall. I won't complain I should say because we have had such a bleak abyss of no JaSam I am elated to just see them together. While the week marched on I was glad to see Sam was on a few more days. I may have missed it, but I have yet to see Jason tell Sam Franco is back but maybe she already knows. Or maybe he just gets so distracted by seeing her no one else in the world exists. Bravo for Alexis to remind Jason this week, while he did make a huge sacrifice for Michael so has Sam. Everyone seems to forget how much Sam has ALWAYS sacrificed for that boy from the minute her and Jason got together over 5 years ago.
I think it is wonderful Jason is getting out of prison, that prison look is getting very old for him. Not to mention, I've never seen anyone get so many visitors there. Hopefully they can retire that piece of the set for a while now Jason is out. I am very dissappointed that Jason will be released into Dante's custody. So is Dante now the keeper of all the people that like Sonny? I can't stand Dante I am sorry to see the new Franco story line will involve him. I am with Jason - the minute Franco is caught grab Sam and run so fast and never look back. Let Dante get a taste of his own medicine by sitting in prison. If I have to see anymore Lulu and Dante scenes in this lifetime or the next it will be too soon. So now she wants Sonny to convince Jason not to run. She gets more annoying everyday. She has no life outside of Dante now. What happened to my feisty Lulu Spencer who would have a life of her own, stand up to anyone who wronged her family, not care about the law and made her father proud. Does she even know her Dad is in he middle of a crisis? Did she even notice he was kidnapped? She needs to stop dropping her clothes ever two seconds for Dante and get back in touch with her feuding brothers, he desperate father and her irately pissed off step mother.
So far in the past few months, Jason has promised three times now about taking Sam away from everything. He had better deliver and soon. I hope before the summer is out, they get quality alone time together be it in Mexico, the cabin or just somewhere with no interruptions I will be happy.
This week will be another long week of trying to find somewhere I can get an adequate signal to watch the show. I have high hopes for when Jason walks in the door Wednesday, he grabs Sam in his arms and not let her go.
Hang in there JaSam fans - things are looking up! Take care this week and I hope to catch the show soon. Be back full time after next week. Hopefully the show will have something worth writing about.
Jason & Samantha

Greatest Love Story Ever Told
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Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Please no more Lulu and Dante romping
Generally I always try to watch each episode of GH and try very hard to focus on the positives of the show. But lately, Heaven help us, there is little if anything positive to focus on. Are the writers on vacation? Is there some writers strike we don't know about because seriously the show is awful recently. How often can Lulu and Dante hop into bed together? Are they trying to set a new record for sickening boring love scenes? Even Oliva and Johnny are looking good right now. Everyday this week Lulu and Dante have been on and keep 'rutting like farm animals'. There is no chemistry between those two. They are as boring as watching paint dry. Actually today while they were doing their pillow talk I actually changed the channel to watch a PBS show on painting fruit bowls and found it far more riveting then GH these days. While I appreciate art as much as the next person, I also tune into GH to be entertained daily to escape my hectic life for an hour and watch how the world of Port Charles is doing. Lately they have been coming up VERY short in my expectations for the show. It is almost as if the writers are absent and they have left us with 5 hours a week of Lulu/Dante romping to fill the dead air. Personally if they can't give us anything better then Dudu and Krissy trying to piss off her father, just give us repeats of the good shows they have done this year.
Sam has been on so infrequently that I am beginning to forget what she looks like. We saw a medianet pic of her and Spinelli together but never got to seen the scene so far. It is becoming unacceptable how slow the story lines on the show are moving along. We need our voices to be heard. Please join me daily to make a quick call to the comments lines and say "thank you for the show but please give us more Sam and much more scenes with Jason and Sam. "
Sam has been on so infrequently that I am beginning to forget what she looks like. We saw a medianet pic of her and Spinelli together but never got to seen the scene so far. It is becoming unacceptable how slow the story lines on the show are moving along. We need our voices to be heard. Please join me daily to make a quick call to the comments lines and say "thank you for the show but please give us more Sam and much more scenes with Jason and Sam. "
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Waiting is the most painful game
Oh I am not sure how much more I can take of the lonely weeks of 3 minutes of JaSam. Yesterday's fleeting moments of JaSam were smoking hot as usual. It is impressive how those two can heat up the screen in just seconds. Those two really sizzle. When Jason kisses Sam's hands my heart aches for them to not be together.
God Bless her for hanging in there and being so patient as things keep getting worse. She is truly he constant that will never sway no matter how much more crap is thrown at her.
However, I am not as patient as Sam. If Jason has to go in isolation and denied visitors I am taking my own break from the show for a while. I can't take many more weeks of Pentonville. The show really isn't very exciting right now and I am losing faith in the summer story lines. I try to stay interested but it is a challenge right now.
One of the only story lines I like to follow besides JaSam are Luke and Tracy. Those two are a hoot and I do love them. No one can do comedy like those two. I am not sure if I am thrilled with the fact they are going to say those two aren't legally married though. I hope before too long Tracy and Luke are back on screen together making us all laugh and smile. While I was a little young to remember the days of Luke and Laura, I still have to say Luke and Tracy are one of my favorite couples in daytime (of course besides Jason and Sam).
I used to really like Lulu - the day she told off Liz was one for the record books. I stood up and applauded her in my living room. I even liked her back when she was causing troubles for Dylan and Georgie. She was funny and made a very convincing Spencer. But now I feel not only has she strayed from the Spencer clan but she seems to have completely lost her own identity with Dante. I hope she finds herself again and is back to her spunky funny self because if she doesn't she has lost this fan for good. She needs to ditch Dante and join her brother in looking for their father. Speaking of Dante and Lulu, I am no prude but seriously those two need to put some clothes on and get out of the bedroom. I have seen more of them then I ever want to. What happened to just implying the love scene instead of having to see the graphic details of their love life every darn day. This whole new twist with Brook Lynn too is equally as boring. Who cares if they grew up together and she needs money. The only entertaining part in this recent story line is to see how evil and conniving Carly can get with her plot to take them down. All I can say about that is 'Go Carly Go'. Laura Wright plays evil conniving Carly better then any of the actresses who ever had that role.
I want Carly and Jax to get back together. I miss them. They still love each other but I fear the only reason she is still talking to him is to get him to get Sonny put in prison to get Michael out. There is still so much love between the two. I hope this isn't the end of them.
Some of the story lines for the summer really are beginning to feel like enough to cure insomnia for even the worst cases. I am never a Sonny fan but his story lines are really dragging lately. Yes, he has a temper but I have to agree with him in the fact he was never physically abusive. The fact they are spending so much air time on this same dribble makes me search for a pillow each time it is on. The whole story line with Lisa and Steve is equally as boring. We all know Liz will do something to get in trouble with this whole drug study that they are discussing.
Maybe soon things will get better because for the last couple of weeks I feel the need to have a cup of coffee just to make it through the show somedays.
Please call the comment line 1-323-671-4583 voice your opinions. Let it be heard we need more JaSam and about 90% less Lante.
God Bless her for hanging in there and being so patient as things keep getting worse. She is truly he constant that will never sway no matter how much more crap is thrown at her.
However, I am not as patient as Sam. If Jason has to go in isolation and denied visitors I am taking my own break from the show for a while. I can't take many more weeks of Pentonville. The show really isn't very exciting right now and I am losing faith in the summer story lines. I try to stay interested but it is a challenge right now.
One of the only story lines I like to follow besides JaSam are Luke and Tracy. Those two are a hoot and I do love them. No one can do comedy like those two. I am not sure if I am thrilled with the fact they are going to say those two aren't legally married though. I hope before too long Tracy and Luke are back on screen together making us all laugh and smile. While I was a little young to remember the days of Luke and Laura, I still have to say Luke and Tracy are one of my favorite couples in daytime (of course besides Jason and Sam).
I used to really like Lulu - the day she told off Liz was one for the record books. I stood up and applauded her in my living room. I even liked her back when she was causing troubles for Dylan and Georgie. She was funny and made a very convincing Spencer. But now I feel not only has she strayed from the Spencer clan but she seems to have completely lost her own identity with Dante. I hope she finds herself again and is back to her spunky funny self because if she doesn't she has lost this fan for good. She needs to ditch Dante and join her brother in looking for their father. Speaking of Dante and Lulu, I am no prude but seriously those two need to put some clothes on and get out of the bedroom. I have seen more of them then I ever want to. What happened to just implying the love scene instead of having to see the graphic details of their love life every darn day. This whole new twist with Brook Lynn too is equally as boring. Who cares if they grew up together and she needs money. The only entertaining part in this recent story line is to see how evil and conniving Carly can get with her plot to take them down. All I can say about that is 'Go Carly Go'. Laura Wright plays evil conniving Carly better then any of the actresses who ever had that role.
I want Carly and Jax to get back together. I miss them. They still love each other but I fear the only reason she is still talking to him is to get him to get Sonny put in prison to get Michael out. There is still so much love between the two. I hope this isn't the end of them.
Some of the story lines for the summer really are beginning to feel like enough to cure insomnia for even the worst cases. I am never a Sonny fan but his story lines are really dragging lately. Yes, he has a temper but I have to agree with him in the fact he was never physically abusive. The fact they are spending so much air time on this same dribble makes me search for a pillow each time it is on. The whole story line with Lisa and Steve is equally as boring. We all know Liz will do something to get in trouble with this whole drug study that they are discussing.
Maybe soon things will get better because for the last couple of weeks I feel the need to have a cup of coffee just to make it through the show somedays.
Please call the comment line 1-323-671-4583 voice your opinions. Let it be heard we need more JaSam and about 90% less Lante.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Keeping the faith for a Jasam Wedding .....Someday
I have re-watched yesterday's Jasam scenes a few times to try to replace my disappointment with possible hope for the future and maybe someday a Jasam wedding. I, like many others I am sure, were hoping for much more of an open declaration and renewed hope for a soon Jasam wedding. However, we didn't get an engagement or a long deep proposal. I was fine with Sam proposing because I get Jason doesn't want to tie her to someone who might be spending at least the next 5 years in prison if not longer. But I wanted Jason to talk about the fact he has been ready to ask Sam to marry him since last year but was trying to respect her wishes on the topic of marriage since both at Spin/Maxie wedding and Josselyn's christening she very clearly was against the institution of marriage.
The first two times I watched those scenes I felt not only disappointment but frustration with the writing. But after I had some time to think about it more I actually love the way the discussion of marriage played out. I invite you to re-watch the combined scenes from Friday and Tuesday ( ) with a different perspective.
I think it is beautiful how Sam has over come her absolute fear of being in a relationship with Jason again to the point she is even willing to bring the topic up of marriage. She's come a long way from the girl who told Spinelli last summer that "sometimes true and sincere love isn't enough". She has finally let down those walls in her heart and let herself fall completely back in love again. Many of us can identify with Sam's past hurt and betrayal. It takes a lot to get back out there and let yourself be vulnerable again. She not only has allowed herself to feel true love again she's allowed herself to take that chance on the very person who shattered her heart in the first place.
So we didn't get an official engagement but we did get another confirmation of our favorite couples commitment to one another. She will wait for him no matter how long he is in prison because as she said she 'signed on for whatever comes next'. He loves her so completely it is written all over his face. He wants her to have a full and happy life and is so grateful that will include himself. And that my friends is truly beautiful and even if we never get that wedding, we can hold on to the fact this couple is absolutely committed to each other for the long haul. Of course I want a real wedding but this will have to do for now.
Now, lets just hope we can all survive these extremely long episodes without any JaSam scenes. Sonny is on everyday and I have reached an absolute new irritation level with him and his story lines. On days Jason or Sam aren't on I just record the show and watch it on fast forward mostly. I do, however, enjoy Luke and Tracy to no end. Those two are a hoot. Tracy is probably the only woman in daytime is that funny and not know it. Luke is his ever charming self. While those two's love is no Jasam love, their love is sweet and amusing to watch. I wish we would have more Luke and Tracy scenes during our JaSam dry patch instead of being forced to watch the very boring affairs of the hospital staff or watch DuDu and Brook Lynn. I love Carly but this latest plan of hers is going to blow up in her face we can all see that. I would rather her not bring down Spinelli with her plan either. And speaking of poor Spinelli he needs to get out of his funk before Maxie decides she really does want out of their non-marriage for sure.
The first two times I watched those scenes I felt not only disappointment but frustration with the writing. But after I had some time to think about it more I actually love the way the discussion of marriage played out. I invite you to re-watch the combined scenes from Friday and Tuesday ( ) with a different perspective.
I think it is beautiful how Sam has over come her absolute fear of being in a relationship with Jason again to the point she is even willing to bring the topic up of marriage. She's come a long way from the girl who told Spinelli last summer that "sometimes true and sincere love isn't enough". She has finally let down those walls in her heart and let herself fall completely back in love again. Many of us can identify with Sam's past hurt and betrayal. It takes a lot to get back out there and let yourself be vulnerable again. She not only has allowed herself to feel true love again she's allowed herself to take that chance on the very person who shattered her heart in the first place.
So we didn't get an official engagement but we did get another confirmation of our favorite couples commitment to one another. She will wait for him no matter how long he is in prison because as she said she 'signed on for whatever comes next'. He loves her so completely it is written all over his face. He wants her to have a full and happy life and is so grateful that will include himself. And that my friends is truly beautiful and even if we never get that wedding, we can hold on to the fact this couple is absolutely committed to each other for the long haul. Of course I want a real wedding but this will have to do for now.
Now, lets just hope we can all survive these extremely long episodes without any JaSam scenes. Sonny is on everyday and I have reached an absolute new irritation level with him and his story lines. On days Jason or Sam aren't on I just record the show and watch it on fast forward mostly. I do, however, enjoy Luke and Tracy to no end. Those two are a hoot. Tracy is probably the only woman in daytime is that funny and not know it. Luke is his ever charming self. While those two's love is no Jasam love, their love is sweet and amusing to watch. I wish we would have more Luke and Tracy scenes during our JaSam dry patch instead of being forced to watch the very boring affairs of the hospital staff or watch DuDu and Brook Lynn. I love Carly but this latest plan of hers is going to blow up in her face we can all see that. I would rather her not bring down Spinelli with her plan either. And speaking of poor Spinelli he needs to get out of his funk before Maxie decides she really does want out of their non-marriage for sure.
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