Jason & Samantha

Jason & Samantha
Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Knowing Your Limits

Hi Everyone,
Yes, I am back among the living and the post Christmas fizzle.  Before the holidays happens to be probably the worst time of year for my work.  During this time, for some insane reason, I decided to also hire painters to pain the entire interior of my house plus try to decorate for Christmas for my children and of course pack for traveling to see the relatives for the holidays and lets not forget Christmas shop for the most unique gifts for all of my relatives and friends.  Needless to say I knew I was burning the candle at both ends but I still charged ahead and all the stress caught up with me and  I was diagnosed with pneumonia 5 days before I was scheduled to take the whole family on our yearly Christmas travels to see every relative we have in the 4 neighboring states.  Clearly I wasn't listening to my body so it found a way to remind me to know my limits.  Yes, I believe in a higher power and I think God too was trying to remind me I can not do it all. My body and God finally got through to me even if I didn't like it.  Finally when the dishwasher broke that I had just bought 2 weeks before and I Christmas tree angle broke, as well as the top of the tree, because the cat we were watching for a friend decided 4am was a perfect time to climb the tree and attack the angle -  I realized it was time to stop taking life too seriously.  I just took a deep breath and let everything just fall out the best it could. As a result, not every room in the house got painted - January is a lovely month to resume that project,  I did not get fired but was late on a few deadlines, the kids got their Christmas with a angle-less tree but they made a star out of glitter and glue instead, Mr. Whiskers spent the remainder of his visit in the garage,  all the relatives got gift cards - they can buy themselves something unique and whimsical if they choose, we left 4 days later then planned for our trip and most importantly - I just took a nap.  Life went on and I am okay with that.  I realized the message,  I needed to be reminded of my limits.

While resting a lot in bed before my travels, I did catch up on a little GH. I mostly watched JaSam and Scrub scenes and just ignored the rest.  I was working on trying to avoid things that elevated my irritation level so Lante, Minnie Mouse Maxie and boring Liz is trying to trap herself another man crap was out. (BTW, that made my viewing much more pleasant I must confess.)

   Sam is also learning her limits.  She can not hold everything inside, she is not super woman.  She, too, is human.  I was glad to see Sam finally told someone about the rape.  Michael was a prefect choice.  Jason overhearing them talking too was perfect.  Jason really needs to find a way to push aside all that angry.  Yes, it is neurological but he needs to get help so he can be there for Sam.  He is the person she needs the most.  He needs to listen to Robin and seek help.  Killing Franco will not erase what he has done to Sam.  Revenge will not fix this.  But Jason listening to Sam and not exploding every 2 seconds will help them get past this.  I have not read a spoiler in about a month but I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceburg when it come to Jason's rage.  I am not thrilled about that.  He needs to get help  and know his limits.
I did love that they spent Christmas together, though.  They seemed happy for a brief second.  I remember seeing some media shots floating around of them sitting on the coach talking.  I wish they would not have cut those scenes.  But of course I would have been happy if they entire episode was just about JaSam and Scrubs. We have had a wonderful year for those two couples, lets not forget.  We have been given a great gift.  Let's be grateful.

This year has been a long but beautiful year for JaSam fans.  We need to celebrate.  While there have been some ups and downs, their love has remained stronger then ever.  Next year is just beginning to start, I am sure it will bring great drama with it for our couple and in the end they will come out stronger then ever.  I have not read one single spoiler or latest rumors on 2012.  I know there is a chance GH might get canceled or that the new HW and EP might change it so drastically we don't recognize it. But instead of giving into the haters and rumors, I am going to remain hopefully for JaSam and GH to be a strong lasting tradition for years to come. 

While  I drove through Santa Fe on my travels, I could not help to think about Garin Wolf's contributions over the last year.  (If you are wondering why the connection - he lives there and flies to LA 1/2 the week for the show).  While some of his storylines seemed to not captivate every fan,  I truly adored what he did for JaSam this year.  He showed everyone JaSam belong together.  He brought back the amazing history of GH in each scene and reminded us it wasn't all about the mob.  It wasn't all about Sonny and there were other characters on the show.  He reminded us why we have been watching this show for all of these years and he brought back the history Grandmother would have been proud of.   I wish he could know how grateful we are as fans for his work in 2011.  I know he'll never read this, but I want to say, THANK YOU GARIN WOLF FOR WHAT YOU DID!!!!!.  I will truly miss his incredible talent as HW of GH.  Thank you!

Happy New Year everyone!.  May this new year bring good health and happiness to all of you.  May sadness and sorrow be something of the past and only good fortune be in your future.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Call to Action

Over the past week there have been a lot of changes in ABC and GH.  There are those that are concerned this shake up is the death of GH.  Others worry this new shake up means the entire canvass of GH will change.  I don't have a crystal ball, nor are my other methods to see into the future are a little rusty but what I do know is it is time to call to action.  General Hospital is an iconic piece of all daytime history, now is not the time to quit on the show.  We, as fans, have helped establish GH as an iconic piece of the daytime line up.  Why quit now?  Why let fears and widely inaccurate and mostly insane rumors suck you in?  We are better then this! We are fans of the most amazing couple in TV.  We rallied when times seemed bleak and kept the faith.  We fought so hard to get them back together, now they are married and Sam is expecting a baby.  This is proof someone is listening to us.  This is proof our fanbase matters to TPTB.  So don't freak out now.  I know this is harder to do then just say.  But now it is time to rally once again and show this new renege  at GH that we matter and we are excited about what the future will hold.  We need to support JaSam and make sure we show them all the love we can. 

So this is our formal call to action as fans - it is our duty as fans! Lets get out there and make sure we are heard! 
GH comment line 323-671-4583 or 323-671-5566- GH Writers VoiceMail 323-671-4429 -Continuity Dept.
Tweet! Facebook! email!!! Write old fashion letters!! Do it all twice a day! Join the fight!

BTW - that LIW looks freakishly a lot like Lisa Niles